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up in practice at Philadelphia and became a lecturer at the

``knowledge,'-itself a difference of opinion as to the nature of man.

and on the remaining brigades advancing in support, they were

Geographic Mag., May 1904, lor a map embodying all knowledge

Of the views of Plato on the subject, it is hardly less difficult

affairs, it remained essentially a religious convocation.

him, and got rid of them by smothering them in the hot room

workers, and has formed the subject of a huge literature.

long, irregular portion. In the higher Primates (fig. 9)

Monte della Disgrazia. . . . . 12,067 Piz Lischanna. . . . . . . . . . 10,204

considerable trade, is connected with the mainland by a pontoon

de l'Inquisition en France (Paris, 1893). Les Albigeois,

numbers. Of marine mammals, whales are hunted far to the N.

principle that a physical property, called temperature, can be

has grown as a seaside resort, with excellent golf-links.

inflamed area by direct infection, or may have been carried

supported by four black-veined marble columns. The roof of

1865-1895) showing much originality of thought and historical

with ``still-liquor,'' obtained in the old way from native

introduced improvements in the cultivation of potatoes and

(5) Spongin, &c.

umbrella-handles, paper-knives, seals, brooches and other trivial

water. On standing with concentrated potassium hydroxide solution

In Germany, the use of duty-free spirit is only allowed to state

6 The higher yield of wheat in the later years of the 19th

There are salines at Avlona and other places on the coast.

some measure of sovereign power in the New World, in Canada,

of the Bantu, though it is highly improbable that Semitic

Russia, which began in 1825, was attended with the same want of

remains of large baths ( Thermae Herculis) and a theatre.

(Vulpes Bengalensis) is found; also V. flavescens, common

off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein to the south of

Lord Granville, then at the British Foreign Office, had

father of Pericles. On several coins of Teos he is represented,

ability in the period now in question, it is not easy to

of the glacier of the Aar near the site of the old Hotel des

1566. Letters which he wrote to Lord Burghley, describing the

in favour of France and the Roman Catholic missionaries. After

the death of his elder brother in 1865, he began to study

became acquainted with Thomas Harriot, John Dee and other famous

means of preventing rising of cream, milk-cooler and cooling

numerous. The resorts most frequented are in the vicinity

of March 1891 an agreement between Italy and Great Britain

places a height of 7000 ft. In the west the zone of high

of the Rabbinic traditions which, using the Mishnah as text, led

On the summit of the mound were large phalli of stone.

value of such an object will be viewed as consisting in the

hiber Albus it was strictly observed in the days of Edward

Marine follows the lines of a Roman street. Roman cemeteries

1894 60,704 78,601 190,863 7,198 6229

been erroneously cited as the first among newspaper

1621, the Dutch invaded the Portuguese colony of Brazil,

Kinross-shire. He was gazetted an ensign at the age of

the ``Cereal Belt.'' In 1906, according to the Year-Book

AETHELFLAED (ETHELFLEDA), the ``Lady of the Mercians,''

Lango and ja-Luo tribes, all four being practically pure

Das Verhaltniss A. d. G. zu Moses Maimonides (Breslau, 1863).

of the aether, as the law of astronomical aberration suggests,

it clear to him that he was expected to play the part of a

obtaining the pashalik of Scutari from the Porte, succeeded

Acta Sanctorum, ii. pp. 264, 273, 276, 4-9, W. de G.

Kumaon, between the upper waters of the Ganges and the Gogra,

animals is that for a few months after birth they are complete

the moment the perception of all save that which pleases it

of Jewish theology with Greek speculation became the great

the very day of the battle of Chaeronea. During Alexander's

of June 1785, Pilatre de Rozier made an attempt to repeat the

alkali-waste. This was first done with a certain amount of

the aconite, and it is not tapering; its colour is yellowish,

a complex that can be resolved into two substances by a higher

Italy. On his return he learned that the countess of Albany

by a destructive raid. When Alphonso took Toledo in 1085,

planet. Elected fellow of his college in 1843, he at once

(London, 1898), by Sir Lambert Playfair, contain thousands

later secured the submission of Vincennes, which, however, was

an oracle of Ammon established for some centuries in Libya,

questions of preservatives and colouring matters and such

It is evident that both in the more confined and in the

yoke). Usually, however, only one of the fusing cells is a

in his mission he returned to Sicily in 1849, hoping to


consequences. In 1454 Pope Nicholas V. had given the

of which is entitled Rerum Hispanorum Romanorum imperatorum,

Basch. It maintains that the aim of all superior civilization

ALBAY, a city and the capital of the province of Albay,

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