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being the plugging of the mouths of the sebaceous follicles

of the Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia (London, 1881);

Spanish army. Increasing numbers of Creoles came home for

of which every detail is minutely regulated, and ranks, as

D'Urban. Subsequently he conducted an exploring expedition into

ACCIDENTALISM, a term used (1) in philosophy for any system

private tutor to Mr Kincaid, afterwards Lord Provost of

belonging to each contains a bath and a kitchen. One of these

converted into anthraquinone-b-monosulphonic acid. The

opinions, and Akenside's conversion to Tory principles was

spinosus and A. spinosissimus have narrower, spiny toothed

agricultural district. Being on the high road from Massawa

crater of the Albanus Mons; it has the shape of a crater,

Sertig Pass (Davos to Scanfs), foot path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,062

camlet. It was not until the introduction of cotton warps

ETHNOLOGY (i1) The population of the empire is estimated

the difficulties of the abstract. The contemplation is,

boundary, and in the middle stretching 60 m. farther S., is

distance E.N.E. of the new, was completely destroyed by an

the Black Sea 17 m. N. of Sevastopol. It gives its name

high, with a Corinthian capital on which is the royal,unicorn

but it was not until the beginning of the 19th century

Rom (Berlin, 1867-1870), also a valuable book; M. Creighton's

under rotation). in rotation).

very well, and has been widely introduced both in Great Britain
during the last twenty years of his life he lost much of his

Congress.'' Seth Warner being elected colonel of the ``Green

viziers, who vied with one another for the control of the

long. Different Greek dialects, however, varied the syllables

of Federal Government in Greece and Italy (2nd ed., London

Epist. S. Petri. His "Replies" to Bishop Morton and Dr

things sensible should be kept distinct from the ``knowledge''

towards the coagulative effects of injected nucleo-proteids

discharged continously by o and p into the collecting-box

the evidence, is that the acolyte was an office only at

the territory bounded by a vague line running from the mouth

+ 2H2O = R.NH2 + H2CO2; by heating the mustard oils with

an anti-sacerdotal party in permanent opposition to the Roman

favoured regions, occasionally rewarded the labour of the

when the senior class for steers, viz. animals three to four

See W. J. Wilkins, Hindu Mythology (London, 1900);

AMAZONS, an ancient legendary nation of female warriors.

new symbols ff. for greater than and sec. for less than; he

of the remoter districts must in time cause a falling-off

of the university headed by Principal Robertson. In 1780 the

and embraced the faith of Pome. Alessio and a tract of

Railways, the chief means of affording easy access to the

Year. Horses. Mules. Cows. Cattle. Sheep. Swine.

a regular, systematic work of considerable merit, was published in 1707.

New World into existence to redress the balance of the Old.''

profession as an actor.1 On the other hand, the French Academy

Bible as ``Lucifer'' (or margin, ``day-star''), ``son of

Danes realized that they were out-manoeuvred. They struck

its possession after the determination of the lease. - See

success were all but unknown; whereas Lunardi's experiments

journey, and probably in the first instance with a view to

founder, in the 9th century, of the dynasty of the dukes of

of the galli, or priests, of Rhea Cybele. Another theory

product giving rise to a new individual; these are sexual and

he completely demolished its fortifications, although he

towards these refugees was banishment from the kingdom, and

1897 746,012 804,515 695,307 38,422

six Reports (1891 to 1904) to the Alloys Research Committee

hair and feathers have occasionally been represented among the

which persons about to enter the magazine change their clothes

acuteness of thought was relieved by simplicity and grace of

popular success, in England as well as in America, was won

hydrogen. Close by was a temple of the goddess Mephitis,

historicity of the corresponding altar in Solomon's temple,

cylinder one-half full of acetylene and one-half of air; on

xy=ax+by+c (since rediscovered by Leonhard Euler) and

cycle of any free-living naked amoeba, though that of some

(1717-1797). During the Shays' Rebellion Amherst was a centre

The existence of public land, first in Italy, and then

country. It has a well-equipped drawing room, carpenter shop,

non-nitrogenous or more specially respiratory and fat-forming

fold in front in the position of the Jura Mountains may be

broken down in 1213 and rebuilt in 1553; another was blown

opposition. Townshend was dismissed, and Walpole anticipated

a causa, a suit or trial at law), a legal term signifying

of a century earlier; but again there is no information as

to some authorities, discernible in the Septuagint (280

(367) and Philip of Macedon (338), recovered control of their

Fred. A. Eaton, Sec. R.A., ``The Royal Academy in the

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