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Pokhara Secondary School

Bagar-1, Pokhara

Submitted by

CLASS :11 (B)


Submitted To:


I Would like to express my Special thanks to Bikash Adhikari sir who gave a
golden opportunity to do the Wonderful project on the given topic of
global Warming.
Secondly,I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me
a lot in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

I hereby declare that this project work entitled “ Plastic Pollution ” has
been prepared by me during the year 2022 under the guidance of Mr.
Bikash Adhikari, Department of Chemistry, Pokhara Secondary School,
Pokhara-1-Bagar in the partial fulfillment of master degree prescribed by the
I also declare that this project is the outcome of my own effort, that it has
not been submitted to any other university for the award of any degree.

Date: , 2022
Raj Bhandari


This is to certify that Mr. Raj Bhandari, the student of class XIof
Pokhara Secondary School has been successfully completed the
research project on the topic “Plastic Pollution” under the guidance
and direct supervision of Mr. Bikash Adhikari This project is genuine
and does not indulge in plagiarism of any kind. This project work is
recommended for the evaluation procedure.

Pokhara Secondary School
Bagar, Pokhara, Nepal

COVER PAGE...........................................................................1
RECOMMENDATION LETTER...................................................3
ANALYSIS OF THE DATA..........................................................9
RESULT AND CONCLUSION.....................................................9


Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles. e.g. plastic bottles,
bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife,
wildlife habitat, and humans. Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro-,
meso, or macro debris, based on size. Plastics are inexpensive and durable, and as a
result levels of plastic production by humans are high. However, the chemical
structure of most. plastics renders them resistant to many natural processes of
degradation and as a result they are slow to degrade. Together, these two factors have
led to a high prominence of plastic pollution in the environment.
Plastic pollution can afflict land, waterways and oceans. It is estimated that 1.1 to 8.8
million tonnes of plastic waste enters the ocean from coastal communities each year.
It is estimated that there is a stock of 86 million tons of plastic marine debris in the
worldwide ocean as of the end of 2013, with an assumption that 1.4% of global
plastics produced from 1950 to 2013 has entered the ocean and has accumulated
there Some researchers suggest that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in
the oceans by weight Living organisms, particularly marine animals, can be harmed
either by mechanical effects, such as entanglement in plastic.objects. problems related
to ingestion of plastic waste, or through exposure to chemicals within plastics that
interfere with their physiology. Effects on humans include disruption of various
hormonal mechanisms.

This crucial process of waste disposal can help reduce costs and environmental
concerns all over the world. Plastic is a very importantrecyclable because it can
negatively affect the environment and living beings in many ways. Recycling and
responsible waste management. can help beautify Chicagoland and the world.
importance of plastic.
1.They are used to make bicycle helmets child safety seats and airbags in automobiles
2.They are used in all modern equipments such as cell phones televisions and
computers as well as many other electrical devices
3.It is used as an insulator on electrical wires 4. It is used to make bags which are
necessary for carrying daily needed things
Role of plastic in environment pollution
1.Pollutes water bodies where it is dumped pollutes land and decrease its fertility 3.Due to plastic water does not seep into the
ground and decreases the ground water level

The overall objective of the project is to reduce plastic in waste streams saving non-
renewable resources and enabling carbon neutral energy production from waste.
More specifically, the project aims at:
Identifying the main challenges and barriers for reducing plastic waste in mixed waste
and residual waste streams. hereby stimulating prevention.and recycling of plastic
waste Promoting recycling of plastic polymers as a substitute for virgin plastic
Diverting waste plastic from the residual waste going to incineration [creating a
carbon neutral energy source) and landfill

An important feature of the Plastic Zero project is to set up cooperative forums
involving public and private stakeholders, by bringing stakeholders. together with
shared responsibility. The forums and networks will identify and analyse relevant
interfaces between the partners in the value chain, and provide the necessary
production technology, infrastructure, physical planning, information, waste services,
and technologies for reprocessing. By involving all stakeholders in the value chain
there will be an opportunity to rethink product design through cradle-to-cradle

On 27 August 2019 at the World Water Week in Sweden, IUCN launched a report that
identified numerous gaps and opportunities for developing a standard methodology to
measure the extent of the plastic pollution crisis. The urgently needed methodology
will provide decision makers with improved data collection and analysis on plastic
waste management at the global. regional and national levels.
As recognised during the Third United Nations
Environment Assembly (UNEA-3, Nairobi, 2017), there is currently no standard
methodology to measure the extent of the plastic problem. Current methodologies
do not allow us to better understand the impact of plastic leakage along the value
chain, ultimately preventing us from measuring the extent of the plastic pollution
problem. Apart from providing a comprehensive overview of all 19 existing and
emerging plastic footprint methodologies for the first time. ever, the publication,
Review of plastic footprint methodologies: Laying the foundation for the
development of a standardised plastic footprint measurement tool also includes a
glossary of key terms related to plastics and environmental footprints. This enables
the modelling, field and business communities to speak a common language.

The methodologies reviewed in the report identify the abundance and distribution,
types and sources, as well as pathways and sinks of plastic pollution at different scales.
There are two types of methodologies: the first comprises methodologies that identify
plastic waste streams and recycling rates at the national or business level; the second
comprises methodologies that focus on pathway modelling to measure plastic leakage
into waterways and oceans, from either. mismanaged waste or in the form of
An analysis of the review concludes that plastic footprint methodologies are lacking in
several ways.

Plastic pollution is the accumulation of plastic objects and particles (e.g. plastic bottles,
bags and microbeads) in the Earth's environment that adversely affects wildlife,
wildlife habitat, and humans Plastics that act as pollutants are categorized into micro
meso-, or macro debris, based on size.Plastics are inexpensive and durable, and as a
result levels of plastic production by humans are high. However, the chemical
structure of most plastics renders them resistant to many natural processes of
degradation and as a result they are slow to degrade. Together, these two factors have
led to a high prominence of plastic pollution in the environment.
Plastic pollution can afflict land, waterways and oceans. It is estimated that 1.1 to 8.8
million tonnes of plastic waste enters the ocean from coastal communities each
year.Living organisms, particularly marine animals, can be harmed either by
mechanical effects, such as entanglement in plastic objects, problems related to
ingestion of plastic waste, or through exposure to chemicals. within plastics that
interfere with their physiology. Effects on bumans include disruption of various
hormonal mechanisms, As of 2018, about 380 million tonnes of plastic is produced
worldwide each year. From the 1950s up to 2018, an estimated 6.3 billion tonnes of

plastic has been produced worldwide, of which an estimated 9% has been recycled
and another 12% has been incinerated. This large amount of plastic waste enters the
environment, with studies suggesting that the bodies of 90% of seabirds contain
plastic debris.In some areas there have been significant efforts to reduce the
prominence of free range plastic pollution, through reducing plastic consumption,
litter cleanup, and promoting plastic recycling. Education mah youtube channel
Some researchers suggest that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the
oceans by weight.


1. Plastics are a non biodegradable waste so if we throw in water then it leads to water
pollution resulting in death of aquatic animals 2.If we throw on land then resulting in
soil pollution
3.If we throw here and there then some animals eat them and it is very harmful for
their life 4.Resulting in chokeage of drains
5. It also stops the seepage of ground water activities


Though plastic is very useful in modern civilisation and provides us with various useful
articles, it serves as a serious threat to our environment. So, we should try our level
best to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic whenever possible to reduce the level of
environment pollution caused by plastics.
Burning of plastic in the open air, leads to environmental pollution due to the release
of poisonous chemicals. The polluted air when inhaled by humans and animals affect
their health and can cause respiratory problems, plastics are not bio- degradble,
thinking that plastic is food, eat it and choke to death.

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