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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Waktu : 2 X 30 Menit
Hari/ Tanggal :

1. What is the correct plural noun form of watch?

A. Watchs
B. Watches
C. Watchess
D. Watch
E. Watch’s

2. Michael is looking at the mirror.

What is the pronoun for Michael?
A. She
B. I
C. He
D. We
E. You

3. You………..beautiful.
Put the appropriate to be on the blank!
A. Are
B. Is
C. Am
D. They
E. She

4. Peter………..the book in the living room. (read)

Fill in the blanks with the verbs in parentheses in present tense form!
A. Read
B. Reads
C. Reades
D. Reader
E. Readess

5. The correct form of simple present tense in action sentence is?

A. Subject + adverb
B. Subject + to be
C. Subject + verb(+s/es)
D. Subject + object
E. Subject + adjective
What number is this?
6. 37 This is number……
A. Third
B. Thirteen
C. Twenty three
D. Thirty seven
E. Fourty seven
What number is this?
95 This is number……

A. Ninety two
B. Fifty nine
C. Sixty five
D. Eighty five
E. Ninety five

8. Risa sleep in her bedroom. ……… is dreaming.

A. She
B. He
C. Her
D. His
E. I

9. My mother and my brother buy a new motorcycle. They really like……….

A. It
B. To
C. Me
D. Its
E. Mine

10. Lina………… a teacher of SMK PERCOBAAN 2 in Buntoi village

A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
E. Been.

1. Mention 3 cases when do you use a capital letter?
2. +) Chris and Pat go to school at 6.30 AM
-) ………………………………………..
?) ………………………………………..

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

1. B 6. D
2. C 7. E
3. A 8. A
4. B 9. A
5. C 10. A
1. a. Use a capital letter for the first letter in a sentence
b. Use a capital letter for the word I
c. Use a capital letter for the names of people
d. Use a capital letter for the names of places
e. Use a capital letter for festivals, holidays, days of the week, and months of the year
2. -) Chris and Pat do not go to school at 6.30 AM
?) Do Chris and Pat go to school at 6.30 AM?

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