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Biological Hazard in Food Processing

Agent that is cause illness or injury in the ab-
sence of its control
Giardia lamblia This protozoa causes diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fatigue,
BioIogical nausea
Chemical Entamoeba histolytica this protozoa causes dysentery(severe bloody diar-
Ascaris lumbricoides this roundworm causes intestinal and lungs infection.

Biological hazards refer to organisms or organic matters produced by these are:

organisms that are harmful to human health
-Animal guts: faecal contamination
These include parasites, viruses, bacteria, fungi and protein
-soil and water contaminated by non-treated manure
These hazards can come from raw materials of during food processing.
Cross contamination:
Human contamination due to poor personal hygiene, faecal contamination,
failure in infection control
Bacteria Cross contamination of food products spread from processing environment
due to poor sanitation.
• May cause illness in humans, either
• caused by swallowing live p

The implementation of GMPs and HACCP will help prevent biological hazards.

-GMPs ensure hazards associated wit

Clostridium botulinum Causes an intoxication that affects the (spore former) food production.
central nervous vision, loss of mo- -HACCP controls hazards that may be present
tor capabilities and death.
Listeria monocytogenes Causes an infection
of listeriosis are possible in people wit weakened immune systems.
Salmonella spp. Causes an infection with the following- HACCP Principle
(Non spore formers) symptoms : Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps , diarrhea
and fever. The food industry uses the system HACCP which
involves seven steps to reduce or eliminate such
Viruses can also be present in people who show no outward signs of illness
(carriers) 2.Determine critical control points
Transmission of viruses to foods is 3.Set critical limits

5. Corrective action procedures

6. Verification procedures
7. Keeping records and documentation

There are two types of parasites that can infect people through food or water:
discomfort and affect the health and
Protozoa; performance of employees at the very least. Infection can be prevented by
Role of fecal material in parasites properly

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