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Red Angela O.

Dinson BSN 1-B

Nurse: Hi There! I am Red Angela O. Dinson from BSN 1-A. And today I am going to perform
obtaining of vital signs. Accurate measurement of vital signs is critical because it reflects the
body’s basic functioning, it serves as a baseline data which allows us to track changes in
patient’s condition, recognize early patient deterioration and prevent harm or errors that may
occur. Vital signs include temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate and blood pressure.
Paraphernalia needed are digital axillary thermometer for patient’s body temperature,
stethoscope and sphygmomanometer to measure patient’s blood pressure and a watch with a
sweep secondhand to measures patient’s pulse rate and respiration rate. For disinfection and to
avoid or prevent contamination we need alcohol.
Nurse: First I will obtain the patients body temperature. It is important to take the body
temperature of a person because it reflects the balance between the heat produced and heat
loss of the body.

I. Body Temperature
Nurse: Before we proceed Sir, I will first close the door to ensure your privacy. And may I ask?
Are you comfortable in this set up? Is the room temperature okay for you? Just tell me if its’ too
cold or too hot for you.
Patient: Yes, I am okay and comfortable with this room.
Nurse: Again, Good Day Sir, I am Red Angela your student nurse for today and may i see your
wristband sir? Can you state your name sir?
Patient: Humpbrey Alvarez
Nurse: Can you tell me, when is your birth of date and where were you born?
Patient: July 28, 2002 at Iloilo City.
Nurse: Before we proceed to the procedure, I will disinfect and to avoid contamination, I will
wash my hands and put some alcohol before we start.
Nurse: So, right now. I will be going to take your body temperature. I am going to put a digital
thermometer in your axillary site or under your armpits. I will pull up your sleeves Sir so, I can
put the thermometer, is that okay to you Sir?
*check or look if there any scars and pat dry if the area is wet or moist.
Nurse: Can you raise your hand Sir?
*Wait until the thermometer beeps which indicates that it has already obtained the body
temperature of the patient.
Nurse: Now we just have to wait for the temperature to beep. Okay your temperature Sir is at 37
degree Celsius. It is within the normal range.
II. Pulse Rate
Nurse: For the second vital sign, I will assess your pulse rate. Can you give me your hand Sir?
To locate your radial artery, I will use the two fingers of my hands and put in this area of your
wrist. Is that okay to your Sir?
*check for the strength and rhythm of the pulse.
Nurse: Sir your pulse rate is at 70 beats per minute it is graded two plus means it is normal and
has a regular rhythm.

III. Respiration Rate

Nurse: For the third vital sign let’s proceed to obtain the respiration rate.
*one rise and one fall of the chest would be equivalent to one respiration rate.
Nurse: Okay Sir, I am going to place my hand on your chest, just sit still and relax yourself.
Nurse: So okay Sir, you respiration rate is at 16 breaths per minute which within the normal
range, it has a regular rhythm and it is unlabored.

IV. Blood Pressure

Nurse: For the fourth vital sign, I’ll be taking your blood pressure.
* Ensure to inspect the patient if she has any injuries, cast or bandages which could hinder me
from taking her blood pressure.
* if the patient is sitting ensure that the two feet is on the ground since if the legs are crossed the
blood pressure will eventually increases.
* place the arm at a heart level.
* place about one to two centimeters above antecubital space.
* palpate for her brachial artery through the use of my two fingers.
Nurse: So okay, I have got your blood pressure and it is 115/70 millimeters per of mercury, it is
within the normal range.
Nurse: Thank you so much for your cooperation.

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