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17/09/2019 CODE-A1

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456

MM : 60 TERM TEST 01 Time : 2.30 Hrs.


Q1.A Choose the correct alternative and write the complete statement.
1. The National Archives of India is situated at ______
(1) Pune (2) New Delhi
(2) Kolkata (4) Hyderabad
2. The Scientist who developed PARAM-8000 Super Computer is
(1) Dr. Vijay Bhatkar (2) Dr. R H Dave
(2) P. Parthasarathy (4) None of these
3. On the 19 July 1969, ______ major bank, in India were nationalised.

(1) 12 (2) 14
(2) 16 (4) 18
4. ______ is the father of Green Revolution in India
(1) Dr. Verghese kurien
(2) Homi Bhabha
(3) M.S Swaminathan
(4) Dr. Indra Kumar Gujaral

Q1.B Identify the incorrect pair in every set and rewrite the correct ones

1. Column A Column B
(1) Operation Black Thunder - Action against terrorists
(2) Fanaticism - Communalism
(3) Balance in development - Regionalism
(4) Assam - Region of rising sun
(5) Siliguri - Naxalite movement

2. Column A Column B
(1) Jal Cooper - Philatelist
(2) Kusumagraj - Poet

Term Test History Class IX

(3) Anna Bhau Sathe - A people’s bard

(4) Amar Shaikh - Art Collector

3. Column A Column B

(1) Kavasji Dawar - Iron & Steel Factory

(2) Dr. Datta Samant - Leadership of mill workers

(3) N. M. Lokhande - Holiday for mill workers

(4) Narayan Surve - Depiction of line of workers through


4. Column A C(1) Indira Gandhi

- Emergency hello hello Mike to se move

(2) Rajiv Gandhi - Development in Science

(3) P.V Narasimha Rao - Economic improvements

(4) Chandrashekhar - Mandal commission

Q.2 A Complete the given concept maps (any 2)


1. Complete the list of challenger before India and Strengths of India

(1) India – Pakistan war ________

(2) Separatism __________

(3) __________ Establishment of National Planning

commission emphasis on industrialization

(4) __________ Nuclear preparedness.

2. Complete the time line

Term Test History Class IX


Q2.B Write short Notes (any 2) 4

(1) Kothari Commission

(2) 20. Point programme
(3) Press trust of India

Q3.A Explain the statements with reason (any 2)


(1) Audio visual media are an important source for writing the history of modern
(2) The NCERT was established.
(3) Banks were nationalised in 1969
(4) It became necessary to carry out the “Operation Blue Star”
(5) The Morarji Desai government lasted for short while

Term Test History Class IX

Q3.B Answer in brief (any 2)


(1) Which projects were started in the 2nd and 5yr plan ?
(2) Describe the progress that India has made in the field of medicine with examples.
(3) How was 1991 a year of important changes in the history of world and of India ?

Q4. Answer in one sentence (any 4) 4

(1) What was the major contribution of Prime Minister Vishwanath Pratap Singh ?
(2) What were the demands of Akale Dal When they came to power in Panjab ?
(3) Which policies were launched by Dr. Manmohan Singh after singing the
agreement with the World trade organisation?
(4) What do you mean by primary education?
(5) Which Society did Jal Cooper establish?

Q5. Answer in details (any 2) 8

(1) Why does the Postal Department try to preserve the heritage of Indian culture
through postage stamps?
(2) Which demands were put forward through the Anandpur sahib Resolution by the
Akali Dal?
(3) Write in detail about ‘Mixed Economy’

Political Science
Q6. Choose the correct alternative and write the correct statement

1 A System of independent and Sovereign states

(1) Political System

(2) International System
(3) Social System
(4) None of these.

2 India Conducted Nuclear tests in 1974 at

(1) Shriharikota
(2) Thumba
(3) Pokharan
(4) Jaitapur
3 The ______ has the responsibility of protecting the coastline.

(1) Army

Term Test History Class IX

(2) Coast guard

(3) Border Security force
(4) Rapid action force

4 The ______ is an important aspect of India’s foreign policy.

(1) Free economic policy

(2) Interdependence
(3) Non-alignment
(4) Nuclear development
Q7. State, with reasons, whether the statements are true or false. (any 2)

(1) The league of Nations was established after the First Cold War
(2) Pandit Nehru contributed towards improving Sine-Indian relations
(3) There are no issues of dispute between India and Pakistan.1

Q8 A. Write Short notes on (any 2)


(1) the functions of the Rapid Action force.

(2) Interdependence
(3) National Interest.

B. Do as instructed (any 2)

(1) complete the chart

2 Compare the first world war and second world war with the help of following

First World War:

Term Test History Class IX

(1) Period ____________________________

(2) Involved Nations _____________________

Second World War:

(3) Period ____________________________

(4) Involved Nations _____________________

Q9. Answer the following in brief (any 2 )


1. What are the treats to national security?

2. What are the objectives of India’s foreign policy?
3. What were the factors responsible for the end of cold war?
4. Explain ‘Non-Alignment’

Term Test History Class IX

Term Test History Class IX


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