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STT 11: YẾN LINH (121-132)

To put these new procedures in place, we will have to X   Represe

temporarily suspend immigration from some of the most ntative
dangerous [imp: -aff: insecurity] and volatile regions of the Expressi
world, that have a history of exporting terrorism, nor for us! ve
Thank you [exp: +aff: satisfaction]   X Expressi
As soon as I take office, I will ask the State Department and the   X Represe
Department of Homeland Security to identify a list of regions ntative
where adequate screening cannot take place, there are many Commis
such regions sive
We will stop processing visas from those areas until such time as   X Represe
it is deemed safe [exp: +aff: security]  to resume, based on new ntative
circumstances or new procedures Commis
The size of current immigration flows are simply  [exp: +aff: X   Represe
satisfaction] too large to perform adequate screening ntative
We admit about 100,000 permanent immigrants from the   X Represe
Middle East every year ntative
Beyond that, we admit hundreds of thousands of temporary   X Represe
workers and visitors from the same regions--hundreds of ntative
If we don't control [ exp: -aff: disinclination] the numbers, we   X Represe
can't perform adequate screening ntative
There's no way it can take place X   Represe
By contrast, my opponent wants to increase--which is X   Represe
unbelievable, no matter who you are, where you come from-- ntative
wants to increase the flow of Syrian refugees by 550% over what
they are now.
The United States Senate Subcommittee on Immigration X   Represe
estimates that Hillary's plan would mean roughly 620,000 ntative
refugees from all current refugee-sending nations in her first Expressi
term , assuming no cuts to other refugee programs--so it could ve
get worse!
This would be additional to all other non-refugee immigration. X   Represe
Unbelievable numbers X   Expressi
The Subcommittee estimates her plan would impose a lifetime X   Represe
cost of roughly $400 billion when you include the cost of ntative
healthcare, welfare [exp: +aff: security], housing, schooling and
other entitlement benefits that are excluded from the State
Department's placement figures
Think of this: $400 billion.    X Directiv
In short, Hillary Clinton wants to be America's Angela Merke X   Represe
And you know what a disaster this massive immigration has been X   Represe
to Germany and the people of Germany ntative
Crime has risen to levels that no one thought they would ever, X   Represe
ever see ntative
It is a catastrophe X   Represe
We have enough problems in our country   X Represe
We don't need more   X Represe
Lastly, we will need to restore common sense to our security   X Represe
[exp: +aff: security] procedures ntative
Another common [exp: -app: valuation] feature of the past X   Represe
attacks that have occurred on our soil is that warning signs were ntative
totally ignored [imp: -aff: unhappiness]
The 9/11 hijackers had fraud all over their visa applications X   Represe
Almost every one of them X   Represe
It said practically in big bold letters "fraud" X   Represe
And nobody saw it X   Represe
The Russians warned us about the Boston bombers, here on X   Represe
political asylum, and the attackers were even twice interviewed ntative
by the FBI
Very sad   X Expressi
The female San Bernardino shooter, on her--on her statements, X   Represe
and everything that she said: she was here on a fiancée visa, ntative
which most people have not even heard of, from Saudi Arabia,
and she wanted to support [ exp: +aff: inclination] very openly
jihad online
These are the people we're taking in X   Represe
A neighbor saw suspicious behavior--bombs on the floor, and X   Represe
other things--but didn't warn authorities because they said they ntative
didn't want to be accused of racial profiling.
Now, many are dead and many more are gravely wounded. X   Represe
The shooter in Orlando reportedly celebrated in his classroom X   Represe
after 9/11 ntative
He, too, was interviewed by the FBI X   Represe
His father, a native of Afghanistan, supported the oppressive X   Represe
Taliban regime, and expressed anti-American views very strongly ntative
, and by the way, was just seen sitting behind Hillary Clinton with
a big fat smile on his face, all the way through her speech
He obviously liked what she had to say X   Represe
It's called: weakness, weakness.  X   Represe
It's called stupidity, and we've had it X   Represe
The Fort Hood shooter delivered a presentation to a room full of X   Represe
mental health experts before the attacks in which he threw out ntative
one red flag after another
He even proclaimed that we " love [ exp: +aff: inclination] death X   Represe
more than you love [ exp: +aff: inclination] life". ntative
Not good   X Expressi
These warning signs were ignored [imp: -aff: unhappiness] X   Represe
because political correctness has replaced common sense in our ntative
Thank you [exp: +aff: satisfaction]   X Expressi
That is why one of my first acts as president will be to establish a X   Commis
commission on radical Islam, which will include reformers voices sive
in the Muslim community, who will hopefully work with us
We want to build bridges and erase divisions   X Represe
The goal of the commission will be to identify and explain to the X   Represe
American public the core convictions and beliefs of radical Islam, ntative
to identify the warning signs of radicalization, and to expose the
networks in our society that support [ exp: +aff: inclination]
This commission will be used to develop new protocols for local X   Represe
police officers, federal investigators and immigration screeners ntative
And while I'm at it, we should give [ exp: +aff: inclination] a   X Represe
hand to our great [exp: +aff: satisfaction] police officers and law ntative
enforcement officials
We will also keep [ exp: +aff: inclination]  open Guantanamo Bay   X Commis
and place a renewed emphasis on human intelligence sive
Drone strikes will remain part of our strategy, but we will also X   Represe
seek to capture high-value targets to gain needed information to ntative
dismantle their organizations
Foreign combatants will be tried in military commissions X   Represe
Finally, we will pursue aggressive criminal or immigration   X Commis
charges against anyone who lends materiel support [ exp: +aff: sive
inclination] to terrorism
There will be consequences for those people.  X   Commis
There will be very serious consequences X   Commis
Similar to the effort to take down the mafia, this will be the X   Represe
understood mission of every federal investigator and prosecutor ntative
in the country
To accomplish [exp: +aff: satisfaction]  a goal, you must state a X   Represe
mission ntative
The support [ exp: +aff: inclination] networks for radical Islam in X   Represe
this country will be stripped out and removed, one-by-one, ntative
viciously if necessary--viciously if necessary
Immigration offices will also have their powers [ exp: +aff: X   Represe
inclination] restored ntative
Those have been taken away X   Represe
Those who are guests in our country that are preaching hate  will X   Represe
be asked to return home immediately and if they don't ntative
immediately, we will return them home Commis
To make America safe [exp: +aff: security]  again, we must work   X Declara
together [imp: +judg: capacity]  again tion
Our victory in the Cold War relied on a bipartisan and X   Represe
international consensus ntative
That is what we must have to defeat radical Islamic terrorism   X Represe
But just like we couldn't defeat communism without   X Represe
acknowledging that communism exists, or explaining its horrible ntative
evils, we can't defeat radical Islamic terrorism unless we do the
exact same thing
We have to explain that it exists, and explain the difficulties   X Represe
We have to have a leader that can do that, and we do not have   X Represe
that now ntative
But this also means that we have to promote the exceptional   X Represe
virtues of our own way of life ntative
We have an exceptional country, an exceptional way of life.   X Represe
But it's being tread on by sick, sick [imp: -judg: capacity]   people X   Expressi
And expecting that as newcomers come into our society, they X   Represe
will likewise have respect [ exp: +aff: inclination] and do the ntative
Pride in our institutions, our history and our values [ exp: +aff: X   Represe
inclination] should be taught by parents and teachers and ntative
impressed upon all of those that come into our society and want  
to join our society.
Assimilation is not an act of hostility, but an expression of X   Represe
compassion ntative
Our system of government and our American culture is the best      
[exp: +aff:happiness] in the world, and we'll produce the best
[exp: +aff:happiness] outcomes for all who adopt it
This approach will not only make us safer, but bring us closer X   Represe
together [imp: +judg: capacity]  as a country ntative
Renewing the spirit of Americanism will help [ exp: +aff: X   Represe
inclination] heal the divisions in our country, of which there are ntative
so many
We have a divider as president   X Represe
We call him the Great [exp: +aff: satisfaction] Divider   X Represe
It's the thing he best X   Represe
It will do so by emphasizing what we have in common, not what X   Represe
pulls us apart. ntative
This is my pledge to the American People: as your president, I   X Commis
will be your single greatest [exp: +aff: satisfaction] champion sive
I will fight to ensure that every American is treated equally,   X Commis
protected equally and honored [ exp: +aff: inclination]equally sive
We will reject bigotry and hatred, and oppression, in all of its   X Commis
ugly [imp: -app: quality] forms, and seek a new future built on sive
our common culture and values [ exp: +aff: inclination] as one
American People.
Only this way will we make America great [exp: +aff:   X Commis
satisfaction] again, and safe [exp: +aff: security] again--for sive
Thank you [exp: +aff: satisfaction] very much, God bless  [exp:   X Expressi
+aff: satisfaction] you ve
Total sentences 304      

Speech Consta Performa Frequency of speech acts in speech

code tive tive
Representa Directi Commis Express Declara Questi
tive ve sive ive tion on

T5.Speec 206 98 252 7 25 27 3 5

h Donald
wn State
y in
wn, Ohio
15, 2016

T6. Speech Donald Trump Remarks at the Washington County

Fair Park in West Bend, Wisconsin on August 16, 2016
Sentence/ Phrase Consta Performativ Speech
tive e Acts
It's so great [exp: +aff: satisfaction] to be here tonight   X Expressi
I am honored [ exp: +aff: inclination]to also be joined this   X Expressi
evening by Governor Scott Walker, Chairman Reince Priebus, and ve
Mayor Rudy Giuliani
We are at a decisive moment in this election   X Expressi
Yesterday, I laid out my plan to defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism   X Represe
Tonight, I am going to talk about how to make our communities   X Commis
safe [exp: +aff: security] again from crime and lawlessness sive
Let me begin by thanking the law enforcement officers here in   X Represe
this city, and across this country, for their service and sacrifice in ntative
difficult times  
The violence, riots and destruction that have taken place in X   Represe
Milwaukee is an assault  [imp: -aff: insecurity] on the right of all ntative
citizens to live in security [exp: +aff: security]and peace [exp:  
+aff: security]  
Law and order must be restored X   Represe
It must be restored for the sake of all, but most especially the X   Represe
sake of those living in the affected [ exp: +aff: inclination] ntative
The main victims of these riots are law-abiding African-American X   Represe
citizens living in these neighborhoods. ntative
It is their jobs, their homes, their schools and communities which X   Represe
will suffer as a result ntative
There is no compassion in tolerating lawless conduct X   Represe
Crime and violence is an attack on the poor, and will never be X   Represe
accepted in a Trump Administration ntative
The narrative that has been pushed aggressively for years now X   Represe
by our current Administration, and pushed by my opponent ntative
Hillary Clinton, is a false one
The problem in our poorest communities is not that there are X   Represe
too many police, the problem is that there are not enough police ntative
More law enforcement, more community engagement, more X   Represe
effective policing is what our country needs ntative
Just like Hillary Clinton is against the miners, she is against the X   Represe
police ntative
You know it, and I know it.   X Represe
Those peddling the narrative of cops as a racist force in our X   Represe
society – a narrative supported with a nod by my opponent – ntative
share directly in the responsibility for the unrest in Milwaukee,  
and many other places within our country
They have fostered the dangerous [imp: -aff: insecurity] anti- X   Represe
police atmosphere in America. ntative
Everytime we rush to judgment with false facts and narratives –   X Represe
whether in Ferguson or in Baltimore – and foment further ntative
unrest, we do a direct [exp: +judg: veracity] disservice to poor  
African-American residents who are hurt by the high crime in
their communities
During the last 72 hours, while protestors have raged against the X   Represe
police here in Milwaukee, another 9 were killed in Chicago and ntative
another 46 were wounded  
More than 2,600 people have been shot in Chicago since the X   Represe
beginning of the year, and almost 4,000 killed in President ntative
Obama's hometown area since his presidency began  
How are we serving these American victims by attacking law X   Questio
enforcement officers? n
The war on our police must end X   Declara
It must end now X   Declara
The war on our police is a war on all peaceful citizens who want X   Represe
to be able to work and live and send their kids to school in safety ntative
[imp: +aff: security]  
Our job is not to make life more comfortable for the rioter, the X   Represe
looter, the violent [imp: -aff: insecurity] disruptor ntative
Our job is to make life more comfortable for the African- X   Represe
American parent who wants their kids to be able to safely walk ntative
the streets
Or the senior citizen waiting for a bus.  X   Represe
Or the young child walking home from school X   Represe
For every one violent [imp: -aff: insecurity] protestor, there are X   Represe
a hundred moms and dads and kids on that same city block who ntative
just want to be able to sleep safely at night
My opponent would rather protect [exp: +aff: security] the   X Commis
offender than the victim. sive
Hillary Clinton-backed policies are responsible for the problems X   Represe
in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another ntative
generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities.
I care too much about my country to let that happen   X Represe
We all care too much about our country to let that happen.   X Represe
Good policing saves lives. My dear friend, Rudy Giuliani, knows a X   Represe
thing or two about this ntative
The policies put into place by Rudy ultimately brought down X   Represe
crime by 76 percent and murder by 84 percent ntative
Think of how many families were saved, how much heartache X   Represe
was prevented, when police were put into communities and ntative
criminals were removed. Directiv
Imagine how many lives could have been saved, all across this X   Represe
country, if Democratic politicians hadn't blocked in their cities ntative
what Rudy did in New York City? Questio
I'll make sure we deliver safe [exp: +aff: security]    X Commis
neighborhoods here in Milwaukee, and all across this country sive
It's easy for Hillary Clinton to turn a blind eye to crime when she X   Represe
has her own private security [exp: +aff: security] force.  ntative
I believe all Americans, not just the powerful[ exp: +aff:   X Represe
inclination], are entitled to security ntative
Hillary Clinton has had her chance X   Represe
She failed X   Represe
Now it's time for new leadership X   Represe
The Hillary Clinton agenda hurts poor people the most X   Represe
There is no compassion in allowing [imp: -aff: insecurity] drug X   Represe
dealers, gang members, and felons to prey on innocent  [imp: ntative
+aff: happiness] people  
It is the first duty of government to keep [ exp: +aff: inclination]   X Commis
the innocent  [exp: +aff: happiness] safe, and when I am sive
President I will fight for the safety [exp: +aff: security] of every
American – and especially those Americans who have not known
safety [exp: +aff: security] for a very, very long time
I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen   X Represe
struggling in our country today who wants a different future ntative
It is time for our society to address some honest  [exp: +aff: X   Represe
satisfaction] and very difficult truths [ exp: +aff: inclination] ntative
The Democratic Party has failed and betrayed the African- X   Represe
American community ntative
Democratic crime policies, education policies, and economic X   Represe
policies have produced only more crime, more broken homes, ntative
and more poverty
Let us look at the situation right here in Milwaukee, a city run by X   Represe
Democrats for decade after decade ntative
Last year, killings in this city increased by 69 percent, plus X   Represe
another 634 victims of non-fatal shootings ntative
18-29-year-olds accounted for nearly half of the homicide X   Represe
victims ntative
The poverty rate here is nearly double the national average X   Represe
Almost 4 in 10 African-American men in Milwaukee between the X   Represe
ages of 25-54 do not have a job ntative
Nearly four in 10 single mother households are living in poverty X   Represe
55 public schools in this city have been rated as failing to meet X   Represe
expectations, despite ten thousand dollars in funding per-pupil ntative
There is only a 60% graduation rate, and it's one of the worst X   Represe
public school systems in the country ntative
1 in 5 manufacturing jobs has disappeared in Milwaukee since X   Represe
we fully opened our markets to China, and many African- ntative
American neighborhoods have borne the brunt of this hit.
To every voter in Milwaukee, to every voter living in every inner   X Represe
city, or every forgotten stretch of our society, I am running to ntative
offer you a better [exp: +aff:happiness] future Commis
The Democratic Party has taken the votes of African-Americans X   Represe
for granted ntative
They've just assumed they'll get your support [ exp: +aff: X   Represe
inclination] and done nothing in return for it ntative
It's time to give [ exp: +aff: inclination] the Democrats some X   Represe
competition for these votes, and it's time to rebuild the inner ntative
cities of America – and to reject the failed leadership of a rigged
political system
I'm not part of the corrupt [imp: -judg: propriety] system   X Represe
In fact, the corrupt system is trying to stop me X   Represe
I've been paying my own way   X Represe
The voters in the Republican Party this year defied the donors, X   Represe
the consultants, the power brokers, and choose a nominee from ntative
outside our failed and corrupt [imp: -judg: propriety] and
broken system
The other party – the Democratic Party – nominated the X   Represe
personification of special interest [ exp: +aff: inclination] ntative
The Democratic Party rigged the nomination to give [ exp: +aff: X   Represe
inclination] it to Hillary Clinton, thus giving the soul of their party ntative
this year to the special interests [ exp: +aff: inclination]    
I am running to listen to your voice, to hear your cries for help   X Represe
[ exp: +aff: inclination] ntative
The quiet voices in our society, not the loudest demonstrators, X   Represe
need to have their demands heard ntative
Jobs, safety [exp: +aff: security],opportunity, fair [ exp: +aff: X   Represe
inclination] and equal representation ntative
We reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton which panders to and   X Represe
talks down to communities of color and sees them only as votes, ntative
not as individual human beings worthy of a better [exp:
+aff:happiness] future.
She doesn't care at all about the hurting people of this country, X   Represe
or the suffering she has caused them ntative
The African-American community has been taken for granted for X   Represe
decades by the Democratic Party ntative
It's time to break with the failures of the past – I want to offer Americans a   X Represent
new future ative
It is time for rule by the people, not rule by special interests [ exp: +aff: X   Represent
inclination]   ative
Every insider, getting rich off of our broken system, is throwing money at X   Represent
Hillary Clinton. ative
The hedge fund managers, the Wall Street investors, the professional X   Represent
political class. ative
It's the powerful[ exp: +aff: inclination] protecting the powerful[ exp: +aff: X   Represent
inclination] ative
Insiders fighting for insiders X   Represent
I am fighting for you   X Represent
When we talk about the insider, who are we talking about?   X Question
It's the comfortable politicians looking out for their own interests [ exp: +aff: X   Represent
inclination]   ative
It's the comfortable politicians looking out for their own interests [ exp: +aff: X   Represent
inclination]   ative
It's the financial industry that knows how to regulate their competition out X   Represent
of existence ative
The insiders also include the media executives, anchors and journalists in X   Represent
Washington, Los Angeles, and New York City, who are part of the same failed ative
status quo and want nothing to change
Every day you pick up a newspaper, or turn on the nightly news, and you X   Represent
hear about some self-interest banker or some discredited Washington ative
insider says they oppose our campaign
Or some encrusted old politician says they oppose our campaign X   Represent
Or some big time lobbyist says they oppose our campaign X   Represent
I wear their opposition as a badge of honor [ exp: +aff: inclination]   X Represent
Because it means I am fighting for REAL change, not just partisan change. X   Represent
I am fighting – all of us across the country are fighting – for peaceful regime   X Represent
change in our own country ative
The media-donor-political complex that's bled this country dry [imp: -app: X   Represent
impact] has to be replaced with a new government of, by and for the people ative
The leadership class in Washington D.C., of which Hillary Clinton has been a X   Represent
member for thirty years, has abandoned the people of this country ative
I am going to give [ exp: +aff: inclination] the people their voice back   X Commissiv

Think about it   X Directive

The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have left our X   Representative
border open and let innocent  [exp: +aff: happiness] people suffer as a
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who have led us X   Representative
into one disastrous foreign war after another
The people opposing our campaign are the same people who lied to us X   Representative
about one trade deal after another.
Aren't you tired of a system that gets rich at your expense?   X Question
Aren't you tired of big media, big businesses, and big donors rigging the   X Question
system to keep [ exp: +aff: inclination]  your voice from being heard?
Are you ready for change?   X Question
Are you ready for leadership that puts you, the American people, first?   X Question
That puts your country first?   X Question
It's time to break through the television noise, the entrenched interests X   Representative
[ exp: +aff: inclination]  

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