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Prepared By : Bervin Suthar. M
Safety Engineer

Att.7 7Rev.
Rev.2 22424Jan.
2021 Page 1 Date
Date: _19 – Mar – 22Rev.
: __________ Rev.: __________

Reaction of human beings both physically and mentally to changes, events, and situations
in their lives is the Stress. Stress experience in different ways and for different reasons for
the People. Based on your perception of an event or situation the reaction changes. If you
view a situation negatively, you will likely feel distressed —over whelmed, oppressed, or
out of control. Distress is the more familiar form of stress.

Stress is the state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or
demanding circumstances. It gives particular emphasis or importance to (a point,
statement, or idea) made in speech or writing indicates “they stressed the need for reform”.

Stress is a fact of life, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. You can
not avoid stress, but you can learn to manage it so it doesn’t manage you.

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Types of stress
Acute stress Episodic acute stress
Very quick and Short reaction due to Occurs when someone gets frequent bouts
particular event or situation. Most of the time of acute stress. People with this kind of stress
the acute stress forms due to personal will often times take on more responsibilities and
related issues or life crisis. Stress will be very projects than they can handle. They may seem
severe. like they're constantly in a rush, always running
late, and are disorganized.

Chronic stress
A consistent sense of feeling pressured and
overwhelmed over a long period of time.

• Symptoms include aches and pains,

insomnia or weakness, less socialization,
unfocused thinking.

• Treatment includes lifestyle changes,

medications, setting realistic goals.

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Acute Vs Chronic

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Stress is a part of our everyday life that is the result of major
changes you must adapt to.

What is Job Stress?

• When the requirements of the job are too much for you and result
in physical and emotional distress.
• Job stress can lead to poor health, and even injury.

The source of stress can be triggered

• Environment; bad weather conditions, traffic.
• Social; work, school, friends, finances
• Physiological; body changes, inadequate
sleep, illness.
• Thoughts; interpretation (irrational thinking).

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The Effect / Symptoms of
When we are under Stress, it resulted,
• Blood Pressure Rises
• Breathing becomes more Rapid
• Digestive Systems Slows Down
• Heart Rate Rises
• Changes in Body Temperature (Up / Down)
• Immune System Goes Down
• Muscles becomes Tensed / Numbness on body parts
• Difficult to sleep or continuous sleep
• Feeling Nervous / fatigue, Sweating more
• Difficult to speak or communicate
• Feeling thirst even drinks more water
• Feels less Motivated / focus / Loneliness
• Expectation / Belief / Prospect
• Negative Self Talk
• All – or – nothing Attitude
• Getting irritated / anger / Fear / Depression
• Feeling changes in Reproductive System

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Stress Affects us in Many Ways
Our Bodies / Health Our Thoughts and Feelings

Our Behavior and Interactions Looses Self Confidents

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How Stress Affects Our Body
• Brain • Skin
• Difficult to concentrate, anxiety,
depression, irritability, mood • Hair Loss, dull / brittle hair,
and fog. brittle nails, dry skin, acne,
delayed tissue repair.
• Cardiovascular
• Higher Cholesterol, high Blood • Gut
Pressure, increased Risk of
heart attack and stroke
• Nutrient absorption, diarrhea,
• Joints and Muscles constipation, indigestion,
bloating, pain and discomfort
• Increased inflammation,
tension, aches and pains,
muscles tightness • Reproductive System
• Immune System • Decreased hormone
• Decreased immune function, production, decrease in libido,
lowered immune defenses, increase in PMS symptoms
increased risk of becoming ill,
increase in recovery time

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OSH measures to Prevent and
Control Psycho Social Risks
 Adapted to the hazards and risks
encountered by the enterprise
 Reviewed and modified if necessary
on a regular basis
 Comply with national laws and
regulations, and reflect good
 Consider the current state of
knowledge, including information or
reports from organizations, such as
OSH services, labor inspectorates,
and other services as appropriate
 Adopted in consultation with workers
and their representatives

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Individual Responsibilities
• Acknowledge that the management of health and stress hazards in the
workplace is a joint responsibility between HIESCO Management and
its individuals.
• Take personal preventative actions in terms of stress management.
• Identify psychological health risks in yourself at the earliest opportunity
and seeks support from your Project HSE / Management.
• If you are experiencing stress or psychological illness you will be asked
to meet with Project HSE Dept.
• Highlight at the earliest opportunity to your HSE / Manager any working
practices and environments, which, if allowed to continue which you
believe may lead to stress or other health related hazards.
• Avoid harmful ways of coping with stress, such as excessive drinking,
smoking or taking drugs.
• Respect the needs of others and take responsibility for actions, which
may have an adverse effect on the health and well – being of other
• Ensure that annual leave and flexible working are taken and used to
good effect in reducing stress hazards.
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Individual Responsibilities
• If affecting work performance, make your HEISCO HSE / Manager
aware of home –related difficulties, so that the appropriate support can
be considered.
• Accept opportunities for discussion or other support when

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Manager’s Responsibilities
 Closely follow the individual exhibiting signs of
stress or if an individual is absent from work due
to stress related ill-health If the individual is
actually absent, follow alongside the Stress
Management Procedures.
 If concern regarding an individual’s stress levels /
well-being is identified. Seek advice from the
Project HSE and HEISCO Management.
 Incorporate stress reduction in job design where
 Carry out a “Return to Work Discussion” with any
individual returning from stress-related sickness
absence and forward a copy to the HEISCO
 Arrange Stress Management Training and ensure
TBM topics were circulated to all employees in
frequent intervals.
 Refer individuals to further treatment on stress
related illness if required

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Role of Project Management Upon Employee
facing Stress Related Illness

 Project HSE shall monitor and report employee stress related

illness to the Project Management
 Project Management will call the employee on one to one
discussion to investigate on the subject.
 Project Management will give advice to affected employee in
Psychological and Structural approach.
 Project Management will decide the action plan to resolve the
concerns of the reporting employee with the support of Project
HSE dept.
 Employee may advised to go external treatments if required.
 Individual care will be initiated to monitor the reporting employees
and follow-up will be done until the case get resolved.
 Project Manager / HSE shall ensure the Stress related cases are
closed on a prescribed time.

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Stress Management Techniques
Work Stress Management

Increasing feelings of personal control can

improve job-related stress.

Five steps toward managing your work stress:

• Identify how you respond to your specific

work stressors
• Set goals to respond more effectively to your
work stressors
• Change your thinking
• When in conflict, negotiate
• Pace and balance yourself

Control Your Emotional

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Stress Management Techniques
Emotional Defusing

Write in a journal, talk with friends, family, or

counselor to let your feelings out.

Do something you enjoy like a hobby, caring

for pets, volunteer work, or creative activity.

Breathing exercise is a natural necessity to

life as you take in oxygen and release carbon
dioxide. By learning to normalize or slow
your breathing it can help you relax.

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Stress Management Techniques
Pointing Fingers

When Pointing Others, One fingers pointing others,

Remaining three fingers pointing US.
Before Pointing Others, Think Twice.
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Physical Interaction
Exercise is a good way to manage stress
and relieve muscle tension. To start off
simple a great way this can be done is
walking, house cleaning, dancing, or working
in the yard work.

To relax separate groups of muscles one by

one; Yoga, tai chi, and qi gong are good

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Suicide means ending your own life. It is sometimes a way for people to
escape pain or suffering. When someone ends their own life, we say that they
"died by suicide." A "suicide attempt" means that someone tried to end their
life, but did not die.

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 What can I do if I am thinking about

 How can I protect myself from Suicide?
 Building connections with other
 Getting early help for mental health
 What are the warning signs for Suicide ?
 How can I help someone who is thinking
about Suicide?
 Listening
 Connecting with Support
 if someone I love dies by suicide?

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Is Suicide Tragedy Or CRIME

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Simple ways to Lighten Our Stress
• Go to Beach • Stretch • Laugh out Loud
• Watch Sun Set • Keep a Journal • Talk to a Friend
• Be Positive • Practice Patience • Tell a Joke
• Listen to Music • Meditate • Take a Deep Breath
• Sing a Song • Prioritize • Take a Walk
• Pet a Animals / Birds • Give a hug • Give a Compliment
• Blow Bubbles • See a Movie • Smile always
• Take a Nap (Sleep) • Plant a Flower • Say a Prayer
• Dance a Jig • Have a cup Of Tea • Go to Bed on Time
• Write a Letter • Say “No” • Get Up Early
• Do it Now • Set Limits • Play with your Children
• Take a Break • Eat a Snacks • Watch the Sun Rise
• Ask for Help • Read a Book

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Simple ways to Lighten Our Stress

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Barriers to Stress Management

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இடுக்கண் வருங் கால் நகுக
Idukkan Varunkaal Nakuka

Even in struggle Laugh, It makes you Strengthen

and your Stress will become lighter.
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Stress Vs Relax

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