Assesment Imd112-Batrisyia

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Assessment 2:Library

Nur Batrisyia Binti Afandi

University Technology Mara, Segamat, Johor

IMD112:Introduction Information Management

Madam Azura Binti Kamarudzzaman

June 10,2021


A library is a place where people can find information and do research. Nowadays, libraries
can access the digital library online. It can be accessed anytime, anywhere. The
development of different information formats, the opportunity of fast transmission of
information generated through networks, the development of software and laptop hardware,
the improvement of Internet and Intranet a nearby or restricted communications network, in
particular, a non-public community created the use of World Wide Web software verbal
exchange networks in countries, and the first-rate capacity of multimedia for simultaneous
transmission of text, voice, pictures, and the film has caused a great revolution in the area of
information. In this case, we hope that the new generation will use the available facilities as
much as they can.

Keyword: library ,internet, online


a) Libraries provide great benefits to users

A library is a great place to go. It is a quiet place. It has large tables and very comfortable
chairs. It has a good atmosphere for learning, meditation, relaxing your mind. It is a
sanctuary. Nobody bothers you and there is a librarian there that will help you if you ask
for help. You think you might find almost what you want for entertainment or
enlightenment. You feel that you may make wonderful discoveries of books a good way
to alternate your existence and of authors who become your friends. It is in no way
appears too cold or too warm. The relaxation of the sector appears a long way away.
Everyone in the building seems to be sharing the same secret. This location is a great
location to be. We are all so fortunate to have observed it. Libraries near us have never
been so busy in terms of customer visits and loan materials. This place is clearly due, in
part, to the weaker economy. As different posters point out, where else can you borrow
something for free? Libraries are a great aid for books. I like to read.

Libraries are portals to all of the world’s knowledge. And librarians make sure that
knowledge continues to be recorded and saved for the future, even as information-
storage devices and formats change.The information kept in libraries helps everyday
people start their own small businesses, which helps grow the economy.If libraries are
not essential, then why have some of the world’s smartest and richest people (such as
Andrew Carnegie and Bill Gates) poured their time and money into them? There is much
more to doing real research than typing a few words into a search engine such as
Google. Librarians are trained to do high-level research, which supports scientists,
doctors, lawyers, professors, writers, government officials, and other important
professionals every single day. Without the aide of librarians, all of these people would
be making decisions without having all of the relevant knowledge they need on their
topics.Librarians offer basic computer classes for anyone who want to get up to speed
without paying for long-term, expensive classes.Libraries are economically efficient.
Their model of sharing allows them to serve many people with few resources. And they
often join to create consortia in order to buy hardware, software, and information at lower
group prices. Libraries often have exceptionally high rates of Return on Investment;
some have been measured at more than 600% ROI.This means that librarians are
excellent stewards of public monies; they use their budgets carefully and get the most

value out of every dollar. Contrast this to the way many corporations waste money.Many
public libraries offer after-hours homework help, via online services that they subscribe to
in order to support students’ learning.Librarians have always been major defenders of
intellectual freedom, long before most people even knew what it was. This means that
they are watchdogs on topics like free speech, copyright, privacy, and the right to know
what governments and corporations are doing. They and their associations lobby for
these rights and fight alongside other citizens to preserve them.Librarians have actually
saved lives by providing information to doctors who were dealing with difficult cases.Only
a tiny fraction of the world’s information is available for free on the internet. But all of it is
available through libraries.Libraries have always been “green,” because they purchase a
limited number of items that many people can share. For instance, people can borrow
DVDs, magazines, and books rather than every person having to buy his or her own
copy. Likewise, people can use shared computers, photocopiers, fax machines, and
even meeting rooms.( Kathy Dempsey.(2008)

In my opinion, most libraries, withinside the overdue 20th century, switched their records
(below the same type systems) to computers so that users can access data in various
databases. Libraries’ big collections of materials may be received by such techniques as
going to the shelf and locating a preferred book, asking for a book (many libraries do now no
longer permit consumers to get admission to books directly), making a pc printout, or
requesting a book thru interlibrary loan. Libraries are important groups in modern
international societies. The residence now no longer the most effective books however
additionally different resources, which includes periodicals, newspapers, audiovisual
materials and various different print and nonprint information. Librarians offer lots of offerings
to clients used to a carrier oriented, pc-age society. The Internet has enabled human beings
to attain libraries throughout countries and to gather facts instantaneously. The roles of
libraries and librarians have to turn out to be extra complicated and challenging, mainly in
troubles of selection and censorship.

b) People are more focus on Internet searching instead of referring to the


The internet is a treasure trove of information. With just a single click on dedicated search
engines, such as Google and Yahoo, individuals have access to information ranging from
politics to health and nutrition. Such easy access to knowledge is not only helpful for
personal research but also for academic purposes.(

Using email, The internet has enabled faster communicate between human beings in various
components of the world. As well, video conferencing, chat rooms and voice-over-internet
protocol are some of the extensively used real-time communique options over the network.
On the alternative hand, the internet has caused an increase in social media. On the
websites such as Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp and others, the internet can connect friends
and family to communicate for long distances. The Internet makes online business easy by
connecting capable customers with sellers. The customers also can look at the item only
using the gadget that they have so that customers can order it online and pay for it. This idea
is very convenient for every buyer and seller and helps improve market efficiencies.

In addition, the Internet allows recurring prices and prices for utility bills. This idea saves
time, contributes to performance and complements report keeping. Entertainment is one of
the main benefits of the Internet. Internet customers can watch movies, spread live events,
concentrate on teasing and playing online games. With the help of GPS generation, the
Internet allows navigation through unusual areas. This generation can provide directions,
pinpoint landmarks and physical features. The Internet provides access to efficient computer
systems that perform complex tasks. For example, interior designers can render their
fashion online without any problems, instead of proudly having such an effective computer
system for model rendering. This idea is price-powerful because it gets rid of the want to buy
supercomputers. Moreover, the internet offers limitless cloud storage for agencies and
private devices. This online storage acts as a backup in case of equipment misalignment,
fire or other emergencies causing insufficient assets.

Nowadays, many peoples prefer searching internet because it easier to get the information
quickly while the library you have to search book and then find the information.It will take
time to search. You need scanning a specific book in the card list-the most infamous guide
library framework-means starting with one list and then moving on to the next list when you
convert your pursuit from author to title. With the help of a robotized framework, you can
conduct any type of pursuit from similar areas with multiple snapshots. Compared with the
old way, this saves the supporters' time and hopes that the library representatives will help
less. Since all files are digital files and not physical files, the Mechanized Framework will
carry out additional query training along with any other home projects. Compared with the

card list, supporters can appear through a larger collection of slogans and ideas.
Mechanized indexes can also be placed on the Internet, which gives supporters a threat to
verify whether a book is from the country, rather than go to the library and feel
frustrated.Library services provide by using web technology are reffered as web based
library services.

Research in a library usually includes research in a library usually involves trying to find
assets in an automated catalogue. going and retrieves one's assets from the library stacks.
This idea assumes, of course, that the assets aren't in use via way of means of any other
patron. This is basically what a researcher does on the net. The researcher makes use of
diverse methods (consisting of looking through library catalogues that are to be had online)
to discover assets. Then, researchers must check to see if these substances are to be
obtained online.

Another similarity is that, in each case, researchers should pay a few degrees of interest to
how dependable their assets are. This may be greater of trouble at the online, however, it
could exist in libraries as well. There are many books that have been posted whose
contents are alternatively suspect or controversial. Therefore, a researcher cannot agree to
discover in a library any greater than they could agree with the entirety they discover online.

1.Kathy Dempsey.(2008). Libraries are essential.Retrieved from

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