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Congress of the United States ‘Wiashington, BC 20515 May 19, 2022 ‘The Honorable Joseph R. Biden President ofthe United Sites ‘Tho White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenoe NW Washington, DC 20500 Doar President Biden: ‘The United Stats is experiencing an unprecedented and entirely avoidable crisis along our southern border with Mexico. As head ofthe Executive Branch, itis your responsibility to uphold Article IV, Section 4 ofthe United States Constitution and protect Americens fm invasion at our southern border Aicle1V, Section 4 ofthe United States Constitution, known as dhe Guarantee Clause, states, “The United States shall guarantee to every State inthis Union a Repoblicen Form of Government, and shall protect each of them fom hnasion and on Application ofthe Legislature, or of the Executive (when the ‘Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.” However, you are fling to uphold this, CConstttonsl duty to secure our borer from invasion, which i putting all American citizens in danger. March 2022, 1S. Consulate along the Mexican border temporary closed afer it was shot at oveight by a Menian gang member, esting in one deat in Febuary 2022, Border Patrol agents ‘srling the Rio Grande Valley Sector in Texas were fred on by cael members fom aross the Mexican border? This occured in the same area where Texas National Guard Soldiers were fired on by ‘are gunmen in October 2021, just days aie Texas Rangers witnessed tracers from suspected cartel Imachine guns that were sed to establish thetenng presence on US. sil to help cartel smugglers soi authorities? These represent band of nstances where U.S soversignty isbsng infringed pn by the cartels. sth cares comiue to gain dominance along soul border, these Violent ataks on Americens wil only entaue increase. Farther, heavily armed cartel members are becoming a common sigh: along our Souther border. In February 2022, the Texas Deparment of Public Safety reported multiple instances where suspected cartel gunmen involved inhuman smuggling were wearing actial guar and armed with AK-47s while ‘unting Texas Army National Guard soldiers from across the Rio Grande.* Additionally, border ranchers are experiencing violence firsthand as cartel members, whoare dressed in eamouflage and carying weapons to protec ther drug loads, march over the border end across ther lands. * Some ranchers have experienced over 15 armed drug traffickers on their property at onetime, ® ‘US. Constuon Anite IV Section 4 2p wor foews cote patc gens Lre-upon-om-mexo-eum See » kp fone cofavtenasaatongl uct fitedborercarel ia hp ag gov/itesdeaes 2022-52122 0016 pat “id ‘The cartels are using these violet attack to protect their economic terest In order to fund their ‘operations, cartels have become the lading supplies of fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, ‘and other lit narcois tothe United States” Ia isal Year 2021, spprosimatey 11,201 pounds of ict fentanyl were seized by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, which is enough to kill every ‘American nearly seven mes over:* This was a 134% increase from the previous yea, during the Trump “Administration.” These cord amount of lit drugs have tragically resulted in more than 100,000 Americans dying from drug overdoses and feniany posonings at the hands ofthe cartels since you have taken office.” The proliferation of drugs acros our border has made every sate a border sate, Duc to your failure to uphold your Constitutional duy, states are beginning to interpret whether the ‘Constntion gives them the right to defend themselves. Specifically, Article I, Section 10 ofthe United ‘Stes Constiuion, known asthe State Self-Defense Cause, “reserves tothe Sates the sovereign power to repel an invasion and defend ther citizenry from the overwhelming and imminent danger." i fet, the Atomey General of Arizona issued a legal opinion in February 2022 stating the on-the-ground Violence and lawlessnes atthe borer, due to your Administration's lure is yo extensive, wel documented, and persistent, that it satistes the definition of “actualy invaded” and “invesion” under the US Constittion.” In March 2022, the Chairman ofthe Texas State House Commitee on General Investigating requested the Texas Atlomey General issue a legal opinion on the matter as well!” ‘Therefore, we ak your administration to take steps that Congressional Republicans have repeatedly called for to secure the border from the cartels. You are bound by your oath othe United States (Constitution to protect the states fom this escalating crisis of violence, drugs, criminal activity, and ‘human waficking exooutd by these dangerous individuals. This crisis rupturing our communities and ‘aking American lives. We urge you to uphold Article IV, Section 4 ef the United States Constttion and tke immediate scps to address this serious criss and protect America fom invasion. We await your prompt response on this important matte Sincerely, ‘Troy E. Nels ‘Andy Bios Member of Congress Member of Congress apnhrw onp backgrounds log-wisdrape imental inp bp govinewsteon/ sal dreg eines poe lehouse gouaefngsomstaents-lese2022/5/1 bt sheet addressing adtin-an.the- yetose

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