Course Organization: Strategist's Toolkit Are Provided. The Full Book Is Available For Purchase From

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Course Organization

This course is divided into four modules. Each module contains:

 Lessons: These videos provide the core content of the course. In-video quizzes provide a quick
way for you to check whether you understand key concepts in the video. These in-video
quizzes are not graded and are meant to serve as a helpful tool as you tackle complex content.

 Tools: Videos are provided that explain each tool.

 Case study: You'll apply the strategist's tools to analyze case studies (from Google, Redhook,
Apple, and Piaggio) and discuss them in the discussion forum. We encourage you to take
advantage of this informal way to check your understanding of key issues in each case and to
practice with the strategic tools. (At the end of the course you'll complete a more formal
analysis of a firm of your choice and submit it for peer review.) For the best learning
experience, we recommend you analyze and discuss the case before watching the debrief
video. This video explains key points and covers common analytical missteps to guide your
analysis and peer review.

 Quiz: You'll complete a 12-question quiz at the end of each module. At the end of the quiz,
you'll get feedback on your responses to help you understand why an answer is correct or

In the Resources section: Copies of the PowerPoint slides and relevant chapters of The
Strategist's Toolkit are provided. The full book is available for purchase from Darden Business
Publishing and from Amazon. This book is not required for successful completion of the course;
however, it does provide a much deeper and more detailed description of the tools and how,
when, and why to use them.

The last module concludes with a peer-reviewed assignment.

Topics At-A-Glance

Module 1: Introduction to Strategic Analysis

 Course Introduction

 Strategic Analysis

 Competitive Markets

 Google Case Study

Module 2: Analyzing Industry Structure

 Introduction
 Five Forces Analysis

 Redhook Case Study

Module 3: Analyzing Firm Capabilities

 Introduction

 Capabilities Analysis, Value Chain, and Alignment

 Apple Case Study

Module 4: Determining Competitive Positioning

 Introduction

 Generic Competitive Positions

 Piaggio Case Study

 Competitive Position Assignment

Time Commitment

 2-4 hours to complete each module

 3-5 hours to complete the peer-reviewed final assignment

1h 13 1 case study to
Module 1: Introduction 6 brief
min of analyze and
to Strategic Analysis readings
video discuss

1 hr 19 1 case study to
Module 2: Analyzing 2 brief
min of analyze and
Industry Structure readings
video discuss

1 case study to
Module 3: Analyzing 53 min of 2 brief
analyze and
Firm Capabilities video readings

Module 4: Determining 48 min of 1 brief 1 case study to

Competitive video reading analyze and

Competitive Position Peer-reviewed

Assignment assignment

Technical Issues

If you have any technical issues (problems unrelated to the course content itself, such as
questions about uploading assignments or tracking your progress), please contact Coursera's
Learner Help Center. This public resource is constantly updated with solutions to the most
common learner issues, and also houses Coursera's learner-to-learner Support Forum
community where you can post questions or read past responses to get immediate answers. If
the issue requires you to reach out to Coursera directly to resolve the problem, there are
Contact Us links in the relevant Learner Help Center articles and they have learner support
agents working to respond to inquiries in a timely manner.

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