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1. 3 min To introduce the Introduction Lecture Listening Black board I have asked the
health promotion. Health promotion is the more than the question about
avoidance or prevention of diseases. It basic concept of
includes primary prevention activities as health promotion.
well as wellness promotion activities not
directed to specific diseases.
2. 3 min To define the health Health promotion is any activity undertaken Lecture Listening Chart What do you
promotion. for the purpose of achieving a higher level understand about
of health and wellbeing. It is directed health promotion.
towards improving well-being and
actualizing the health promotion, potential,
families, groups and communities.
3. 5min To list down the Factors Lecture Listening Chart What are the
factors affecting  Physical dimension. factors which
health and illness.  Emotional dimention. affecting the
 Intellectual dimention health promotion.
 Environmental dimention
 Socio-cultural dimention
 Spiritual dimention
4. 5min To enumerate the  Health education Lecture Listening Model They asked me
approachesof  Environmental modification about her doubt.
thehealth promotion.  Nutritional interventtion
 Life style and behavioral changes.
5. 4 min Describe about the  Information dissemination Lecture Listening Chart What are the
health promotion  Health appraisal and programme
programme. wellness assessment. which running in
 Lifestyle and behavioral changes. india.
 Worksit wellness programme.
 Environmental control programme.

6. 3 min To describe about This model is given by pander in 1982; the Lecture Listening Model I gave the
the models of health model is focuses on the client cognitive assignment about
promotion. perceptual factors, modifying and models of health
participation in health promoting promotion.
behaviours. It identifies factors that enhance
decreases health promotion activities. It also
organizes cues into a pattern to explain the
likelihood of a client’s developing health
promotion behaviours.

Health promotion is more than the avoidance or prevention of disease. It includes primary prevention activities as well as wellness promotion
activities not directed to specific disease. Health promotion can be offered to all clients regardless of their health and illness status or age.

Primary health care is the first level of the individual and family and the community with the national health services. It is health care for the
people and above all by the people. Hence participation of the people in the health seavices is of great importance.

“black.m.joyce”, medical surgical nursing, 8th editionpublished by jaypee brother page no 3,5,8,9,10,14,15,16.

“park.k” essential of community health nursing,edition-3rd ,2000 page no 263-26.

“potter& parry”, basic nursing theory and practise,edition 3rd ,1995,page no 30, 33,35,36.

“kozier”, wilkinson,fundamental of nursing,edition-5th ,1998,page no.64.

7 5min Nures role in health Role of nurse in health promotion Lecture Listening Blackboard What are the role
. promotion  Model healthy life style of nurse in health
behaviours and attitudes. promotion.
 Facilitate client involvement in the
assessment, implement, evaluation
of health goals.
 Teach client self-care strategies to
enhance fitness, improve
nutrition, manage stress and
enhance relationship.
 Assist client, families and
community to develop and choose
health promoting option.
 Guide the client development in
effective problem solving and
decision making.
 Reinforce the client’s personnel and
family health promoting behaviours.
 Advocate in the community for
change that promote a healthy

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