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C H A P T ER 2 0

Clinical Neurophysiology of the

Vestibular System
Erin G. Piker and Douglas B. Garrison

membranous labyrinth is filled with endolymph fluid

INTRODUCTION TO THE (higher concentration of potassium and lower in sodium)
VESTIBULAR SYSTEM and is suspended within the bony labyrinth by perilymph
The vestibular system serves the basic function of translat- (lower concentration of potassium and higher in sodium)
ing movement of the head into an electrical signal. The ves- and supportive connective tissue. Embedded within the
tibular system detects head movement and responds with membranous labyrinth are the five vestibular sensory
compensatory reflexive eye movements and postural adjust- organs: three semicircular canals (SCCs) and two otolith
ments that allow us to maintain clear vision and prevent us end organs (Figure 20.2).
from falling. Spatial orientation is maintained because of the
vestibular system’s complex role of driving the reflexes that SEMICIRCULAR CANALS
stabilize our vision and balance. Unlike other sensory sys-
tems (e.g., auditory, visual), most individuals are unaware The SCCs convert angular acceleration and deceleration
of the vestibular system during routine activities, that is, into electrical signals that are transmitted through the
until the system ceases to function normally. A sudden loss vestibular nerve to the vestibular nucleus. There are three
of function from one vestibular end organ can result in a SCCs in each inner ear, one horizontal and two vertical,
profound disability because of vertigo, imbalance, nausea, extending from the utricle (Figure 20.2). They are known
and vomiting. as the lateral/horizontal, anterior/superior, and the posterior/
Vestibular function is difficult to assess directly in inferior SCCs. Each SCC responds best to angular motion
humans. Current clinical tests of vestibular function eval- in one plane and they are roughly orthogonal to each other
uate secondary motor responses (i.e., reflexes) used to such that they can sense any rotation in three-dimensional
maintain eye position or postural control during move- space. Additionally, the canals in the right and left inner ears
ment. Because there is no direct sensory potential clinically are arranged in complementary coplanar plains. The lat-
available, the accurate interpretation of current vestibular eral SCCs from the right and left inner ears lie in the same
diagnostic tests requires knowledge and understanding of plane, whereas the plane of each anterior canal is roughly
the anatomy and physiology of the peripheral vestibular coplanar to that of the posterior canal of the opposite side
system and its central connections. There are entire vol- (Figure 20.3C).
umes of books on this complex subject, and the reader Each SCC is filled with endolymph and forms a closed
should refer to those for a more comprehensive descrip- ring with a shared cavity in the utricular sac. The lateral
tion (Baloh and Kerber, 2011). The purpose of this chap- SCC communicates at both ends with the utricle. The verti-
ter is to provide a basic background in the anatomy and cal canals (anterior and posterior) communicate with the
clinical physiology needed to understand and assess the utricle at one end and join together at the other end. Each
vestibular system. SCC is dilated at one end closest to the utricle forming the
ampulla. The ampulla is the location of the crista—the sense
organ of balance.
Peripheral Vestibular System Whereas SCCs respond to angular acceleration in specific
The vestibular end organs are housed in a series of tun- directions, the hair cells in the saccule and utricle respond
nels located in the petrous portion of the temporal bone to linear acceleration and deceleration (i.e., changing veloc-
referred to as the bony labyrinth (Figure 20.1). The bony ity, not constant velocity as with a train). The saccule is
labyrinth is a carved out portion of the temporal bone oriented vertically and responds to linear vertical (up/
that creates space for the membranous labyrinth. The down) translation whereas the utricle senses tilt and linear


Right auricle

Right tympanic
membrane Middle ear Auditory ossicles

Triangular fossa Tensor tympani muscle
Temporalis muscle Eustachian tube
External acoustic meatus

Lobe of auricle labyrinth

FIGURE 20.1 Outer, middle, and inner ear, including bony labyrinth. From American Chart Company.

Key: Membranous labyrinth

1. Semicircular canals: 6. Round (cochlear) window
A. Anterior 7. Cochlear duct
B. Posterior 8. Cupula of cochlea
C. Lateral 9. Cochlea
1A 2. Ampulla 10. Cochlear nerve
3. Utricle 11. Vestibular nerve
4. Saccule 12. Facial nerve
5. Oval (vestibular) window 13. Membranous ampulla

11 10
1B 1C 11

Membranous 9

FIGURE 20.2 Membranous labyrinth.

From American Chart Company.

A Cupula B Cupula
horizontal translations (side/side, front/back). Figure 20.4
Ampulla endolymph shows a three-dimensional representation of otolith orien-
Utricular tation. The utricle is located above the saccule in the ellipti-
sac of
cal recess and is approximately parallel to the plane of the
Semicircular lateral SCC. The saccule is located on the medial wall of the
Supporting canal
Hair cells vestibule and is approximately perpendicular to the plane of
the utricle (Baloh and Kerber, 2011). The saccule and utricle
C Left and are filled with endolymph and each house a sensory organ
right HC
called the macula.


Both the SCCs and the otolith organs utilize specialized
Right AC hair cells much like the ones in the auditory system. It is the
hair cells that transduce mechanical force into nerve action
potentials. There are two types of hair cells in mammalian
Left PC
vestibular systems (Figure 20.5). Type I cells are globular or
flask shaped (i.e., the cell body is narrower at the apex and
wider at the base) with a large nerve terminal surrounding
the base. Type II cells are cylindrical with multiple nerve
Right PC terminals at their base, including direct contact with effer-
ent nerve endings. On the apical end of each hair cells is a
cuticular plate, from which stereocilia protrude.
Left AC
Each hair cell possesses several shorter stereocilia and a
FIGURE 20.3 The crista. A: Structural organization of single tall kinocilium at one margin of the cell (Figure 20.5).
the crista of the lateral SCC. B: Mechanism of hair cell These ciliated sensory hair cells contain vesicles that possess
activation with angular acceleration. C: Orientation of neurotransmitters. The tips of the cilia are connected by tip
the three SCCs within the head. AC, anterior SCC; HC, links that open and close mechanosensory channels (Voll-
horizontal SCC; PC, posterior SCC. (Baloh RW, Honrubia
rath et al., 2007). Deflection of the cilia toward the kinocil-
V. (2001) Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular Sys-
ium opens the mechanosensory channels at the tips causing
tem. New York, NY: Oxford University Press; Figure 2.6,
p. 30, by permission of Oxford University Press, USA.) an influx of potassium effectively depolarizing (i.e., excit-
ing) the cell (Figure 20.6B; Hudspeth, 2005). This opens
voltage-gated calcium channels releasing neurotransmitters


Macula Striola

utriculi Macula

Macula FIGURE 20.4 Orientation of the

utriculi utricle and saccule. The direction
of the excitatory responses of
the hair cells is indicated by the
arrows. (Katz, 6th ed. Figure 19.10,
p. 440).

from the hair cell and thus increasing the firing rate of the
vestibular nerve associated with the hair cell. Deflection of
cilia away from the kinocilium results in hyperpolarization
(i.e., inhibition) of the cell causing a decrease in neural fir-
ing (Figure 20.6C). The hair cells release neurotransmitters
even when they are not stimulated (Figure 20.6A; Baloh
and Honrubia, 1995). In other words, the axons in the ves-
tibular nerve are always firing at a baseline rate but can be
adjusted to fire more or less depending on the direction of
head movement.


Within each SCC is a dilation called the ampulla. Each
ampulla contains a crista, the receptor organs of the SCCs.
The upper surface of the crista contains ciliated sensory
hair cells that are embedded in a gelatinous material called
FIGURE 20.5 Type I and Type II hair cells in the vestibular
the cupula (Figure 20.3A; Dohlman, 1971). The cupula is
system (Katz, 6th ed. Figure 19.5, p. 436). akin to a swing-door device that extends to the top of the
ampulla and separates the endolymph of the SCC from the

po ane
lar of

FIGURE 20.6 Firing rate of the primary afferent neurons as a function of stereocilia displacement.
A: Neurons at rest. B: Depolarization as a result of bending toward the kinocilium (excitatory response).
C: Hyperpolarization as a result of bending away from the kinocilium (inhibitory response). Kc, kinocilium;
Sc, stereocilia; ANE, afferent nerve ending; ENE, efferent nerve ending; Nu, nucleus (Katz, 6th ed. Figure 19.6,
p. 437).

endolymph of the utricle. The hair cells of the crista, which 2/3 and a lateral 1/3. Hair cells on either side are polarized
project into the cupula, are oriented with their kinocilia in so that stereocilia deflection toward the striola is excitatory.
the same direction. Deflection of the stereocilia toward the The striola of the saccule divides the macula roughly in half
kinocilium results in an increase in the firing rate of the ves- and the stereocilia are oppositely polarized (i.e., away from
tibular fiber associated with the hair cell, whereas deflection the striola; Figure 20.7C).
away from the kinocilium results in a decrease in the fir-
ing rate of the vestibular fiber. In the lateral SCC the kino-
cilia are directed toward the utricular side of the ampulla
(as shown in Figure 20.3A), so the firing rate increases The vestibular division of the vestibulocochlear nerve (cra-
when endolymph moves toward the utricle and ampulla nial nerve VIII) arises from Scarpa’s ganglion and consists
(ampullopetal; Figure 20.3B). In contrast, the kinocilia of of bipolar neurons organized into inferior and superior
the posterior and superior SCCs are directed toward the branches (Figure 20.2). These fibers travel from the mem-
canal side of the ampulla so that the firing rate increases branous labyrinth through the internal auditory canal
when endolymph flows away from the utricle and ampulla and terminate in the vestibular nuclei (VN) at the pon-
(ampullofugal). tomedullary junction (Baloh and Honrubia, 1995). The
The cupula has the same specific gravity as the sur- vestibular nerve is highly organized. The inferior portion
rounding endolymph (Money et al., 1971). Because of of Scarpa’s ganglion comprises the nerve fibers from the
this, the cupula is not displaced by gravitational force. The crista of the posterior SCC and the macula of the saccule
forces that are associated with angular head acceleration (Figure 20.2). The superior portion comprises the nerve
displace the cupula and bend the hair cells of the crista fibers from the anterior SCC, lateral SCC, and utricle (Fig-
within each of the SCCs. Head acceleration in the plane of ure 20.2). The nerve fibers are organized into small bun-
a SCC naturally causes movement of the bony labyrinth in dles and travel together allowing the organization of the
that plane. Because of inertia, the endolymph within the sensory epithelium to be retained in the vestibular nerve
membranous labyrinth of that canal lags behind structures much like the tonotopic organization seen throughout the
within the ampulla so that the endolymph moves in the auditory system.
opposition direction relative to the head (Figure 20.3B). The vestibular nerve consists of ∼15,000 single nerve
Inside the ampulla, pressure exerted by the endolymph fibers that discharge spontaneously at rates from 10 to 100
deflects the cupula which results in a shearing of the ste- spikes/second (Barin and Durrant, 2000). This means, at
reocilia and either excites or inhibits the hair cells. Stimu- any moment, there can be >1,000,000 spikes/second passing
lation of the SCC produces eye movements in the plane of through the central vestibular system. There is a range of
that canal. spontaneous firing rates and the primary vestibular afferents
The utricle and saccule are sac-like structures that are classified as having a regular or irregular spontaneous
contain a patch of sensory hair cells called the macula. The discharge rate (Goldberg et al., 1987).
hair cells in the macula of the otolith organs, which are
similar to those in the cristae, are embedded in the otolith
membrane, a gelatinous structure that contains a large
number of hexagonal prisms of calcium carbonate called The blood supply to the membranous labyrinth is shown
otoconia (Figure 20.7A; Lundberg et al., 2006). The distri- in Figure 20.8. The labyrinthine artery, the main source
bution of Type I and II hair cells in the macula are such that of blood supply to the membranous labyrinth, originates
polarization is along a line that bisects the end organ. This from the anteroinferior cerebellar artery (AICA; Lee et al.,
bisected, curved area is called the striola. Hair cells and 2004). After entering the inner ear, the labyrinthine artery
their stereocilia are oriented in opposite directions on each divides into two main branches: the common cochlear
side of the striola such that the kinocilium of the hair cells artery and the anterior vestibular artery. The cochlear
within each macula are oriented in all possible directions artery also divides into two branches: the posterior ves-
(Figure 20.7C). tibular artery (blood supply to the inferior part of the sac-
Unlike the cupula in the SCCs, the density of the oto- cule and the ampulla of the posterior SCC) and the main
conia is much greater than the surrounding endolymph cochlear artery (blood supply to the cochlear structures).
(Money et al., 1971). Because of this, the otolith membrane The anterior vestibular artery, the other branch of the lab-
is displaced by the force of gravity or linear acceleration yrinthine artery, is the blood supply to the utricle, supe-
(Figure 20.7B). Such displacement bends the stereocilia rior portion of the saccule, and the ampulla of the anterior
and, depending on the polarity of the cell, either causes and lateral SCCs. The vestibular system is susceptible to
an increase or a decrease in the number of impulses in the ischemic events because the arteries lack collateral connec-
associated vestibular nerve fiber. As shown in Figure 20.7C, tions with other major arterial branches. It has been noted
the striola of the utricle divides the macula into a medial that a 15-second interruption in blood supply can cause

Otoconia Striola Static tilt Otolith


Gelatin layer

Reticular Gravitational
membrane force
A cells B







FIGURE 20.7 Macule. A: Structural organization of the utricular macula. B: Mechanisms of hair cell activation with
static tilt. C: Orientation of saccular and utricular macules. Arrows indicate the direction that the kinocilia point toward.
(A and B: Kiernan JA. (2004) Barr’s The Human Nervous System. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
C: Baloh RW, Honrubia V. (2001) Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular System. New York, NY: Oxford University
Press; Figure 2.9, p. 34, by permission of Oxford University Press, USA; Adapted with permission from Barber HO,
Stockwell CW. (1976) Manual of Electronystagmography. St. Louis, MO, CV Mosby.)

impairment of the vestibular sensory receptors, and dif- signals (Angelaki and Cullen, 2008). Outputs from the VN
ferent sensory receptors can be selectively damaged (Kusa- project to the contralateral VN, ipsilateral and contralateral
kari et al., 1981). abducens, trochlear nuclei, and oculomotor nuclei and to
the motor spinal cord via the medial vestibulospinal tract
(MVST), lateral vestibulospinal tract (LVST), and the retic-
Central Vestibular System ulospinal pathway (Figure 20.9; Baloh and Kerber, 2011).
The VN also send projections to the cerebral cortex for
VESTIBULAR NUCLEI perception of motion and to cerebellar pathways to coordi-
There are four main VN within the brainstem: superior, lat- nate compensatory eye and head movements and postural
eral, medial, and inferior/descending (Figure 20.9; Straka changes.
et al., 2005). The VN receive primary input from the ves-
tibular portion of cranial nerve VIII, but they are innervated
by multiple nerve fibers, not just direct vestibular connec-
tions. For example, the VN receive visual and proprioceptive Afferents from the medial and inferior VN project to the
afferent information in addition to the primary vestibular flocculus, nodulus, uvula, and fastigial nucleus of the

Anterior inferior artery
cerebellar artery

Labyrinthine artery Anterior

cochlear artery


FIGURE 20.8 Blood supply to

Posterior of the canals
the membranous labyrinth. (From
Cochlear ramus
vestibular artery Schuknecht HE. (1974) Pathology of the
Vestibulocochlear Ear. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
artery Press; Figure 2.63, p. 62.)

cerebellum (Baloh and Kerber, 2011). These areas of the cer-

ebellum are collectively known as the vestibulocerebellum. ROLE OF THE VESTIBULAR
The efferent cerebellovestibular pathway extends from the SYSTEM
vermis, flocculus, and fastigial nuclei and terminates on the
lateral VN. Stimulation of this pathway results in an inhibi- The vestibular end organs sense head rotation and linear
tion of VN activity (Ito, 1993). This pathway is implicated accelerations and send that information to secondary neu-
in vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) suppression and central rons in the VN. Secondary vestibular neuron signals diverge
vestibular compensation. to many areas of the central nervous system and serve as

III longitudinal
Labyrinth fasciculus Labyrinth

M Reticular M
L formation L


Vestibular D Vestibular
pathways. S, superior vestibu-
Descending medial lar nucleus; L, lateral vestibular
Lateral longitudinal
vestibulospinal fasciculus nucleus; M, medial vestibular
tract nucleus; D, descending vestibu-
lar nucleus. (From Canalis RF,
Muscles Lambert PR. (2000) The Ear:
and Comprehensive Otology. Phila-
joints delphia, PA Lippincott Williams &
Wilkins; Figure 12, p. 125.)

a key relay in at least two important vestibular reflexes:

TABLE 20.1
the VOR and the vestibulospinal reflex (VSR; Figure 20.9).
Neurons encode head movement and form synapses with Extraocular Muscle Pairs and their
ocular motor nuclei that generate patterns of extraocular Plane of Action
muscle (EOM) contraction and relaxation required for
driving the VOR, which stabilizes gaze. These neurons also Primary Plane
synapse with spinal motor neurons that drive the VSR, Muscle Pairs of Action
which is used to stabilize posture and adjust gait. Additional Lateral rectus and medial rectus Horizontal
central nervous system areas also receive this input includ- Superior rectus and inferior rectus Vertical
ing (1) autonomic centers, which receive input regarding Superior oblique and inferior oblique Torsional
posture with respect to gravity resulting in an adjustment
of hemodynamic reflexes to maintain cerebral perfusion;
(2) cerebellum, which is required for coordination and
contraction of the lateral rectus results in relaxation of the
adaptation of vestibular reflexes when abnormal changes
medial rectus). The orientation of the SCCs matches the
occur such as injury to the vestibular system; and (3) cere-
plane of movement controlled by one pair of eye muscles.
bral cortex, which is used to mediate perception of move-
For example, as shown in Table 20.2, the lateral canal has
ment and orientation. Thus, the 10 vestibular sensory
an excitatory connection with the ipsilateral medial rectus
organs (five on each side) provide input to multiple areas of
and contralateral lateral rectus as well as inhibitory con-
the central nervous system resulting in an intricate network
nections with the contralateral medial rectus and ipsilat-
used to maintain balance.
eral lateral rectus. Figure 20.11 shows an illustration of the
excitatory and inhibitory connections between the SCCs
Three ocular motor nuclei innervate the eye muscles.
Ocular Motility Signals to the lateral rectus are routed through the abdu-
To understand the VOR, it is important to understand cens (sixth) nucleus (Figures 20.11B and 11E). Signals
the anatomy of the six EOMs that control eye movement to the superior oblique are routed through the trochlear
and the connections from the peripheral vestibular system (fourth) nucleus (Figures 20.11C and 11D). The remain-
to the ocular motor neurons (Figure 20.10). The lateral ing EOMs are innervated by the oculomotor (third)
rectus and medial rectus control horizontal movement; nucleus (Figure 20.11). The three ocular motor nuclei
the superior rectus and inferior rectus control vertical receive signals from the VN via the medial longitudinal
movement; and the superior oblique and inferior oblique fasciculus (MLF), ascending track of Dieters, or the reticu-
control torsional movement (Table 20.1). These EOMs lar formation.
are often described by paired agonist and antagonist
counterparts where the contraction of one muscle occurs
concomitantly with the relaxation of its muscle pair (e.g.,
TABLE 20.2

Semicircular Canals and their

Connections to the EOMs
Semicircular Extraocular Extraocular
Canals Muscles Muscles
Horizontal Ipsilateral medial Contralateral
rectus medial rectus
Contralateral Ipsilateral lateral
lateral rectus rectus
Anterior Ipsilateral Ipsilateral inferior
superior rectus rectus
Contralateral Contralateral
inferior oblique superior oblique
Posterior Ipsilateral superior Ipsilateral inferior
oblique oblique
FIGURE 20.10 The six extraocular muscles of the eye.
Contralateral Contralateral
(Courtesy of Patrick Lynch, Yale University School of
inferior rectus superior rectus



MLF FIGURE 20.11 Excitatory (A–C) and inhibi-
S tory (D–F) pathways between the indi-
vidual SCCs and eye muscles. AC, anterior
SCC; ATD, ascending tract of Dieters; HC,
VN horizontal SCC; III, oculomotor nucleus;
IO, inferior oblique; IR, inferior rectus; IV,
SO SR trochlear nucleus; L, lateral vestibular
LR MR nucleus; M, medial vestibular nucleus;
D, descending vestibular nucleus; LR, lateral
rectus; MLF, medial longitudinal fasciculus;
III MR, medial rectus; PC, posterior SCC;
S, superior vestibular nucleus; SO, superior
oblique; SR, superior rectus; VI, abducens
IV nucleus; VN, vestibular nuclei. (Baloh RW,
AC Honrubia V. (2001) Clinical Neurophysiology
HC of the Vestibular System. New York, NY:
Oxford University Press; Figure 3.6, p. 64,
PC by permission of Oxford University Press,

OCULOMOTOR CONTROL SYSTEMS THAT Smooth pursuit eye movements are intended to keep
INTERACT WITH THE VOR an object of interest on the fovea by matching target veloc-
ity with eye velocity. The smooth pursuit system generally
The purpose of the VOR is to stabilize gaze during head requires a moving target to be activated, but is unable to reach
movement. Similarly, the primary purpose of the ocu- high velocities so the system makes predictions about where
lar motor system is to stabilize gaze by moving the eyes to the target will be and programs accordingly (Leigh and Zee,
view an item of interest. Objects are viewed most clearly at 2006). If this fails, or if the object is simply moving too quickly,
the center of the retina, known as the fovea, because of the the saccadic system is used to refocus the target on the fovea.
higher concentration of sensory cells in that area. The center The smooth pursuit system relies on multiple sites within the
of the fovea, the foveola, provides even greater resolution. central nervous system, including the pons and cerebellum.
The interested reader is referred to Leigh and Zee (2006) for The smooth pursuit system is used for tracking mov-
a more detailed description of the anatomy and physiology ing objects while the head is stationary. It is also activated
of the ocular motor system. when one tries to fixate on a stationary object during head
Saccades are rapid eye movements whose function is to movement. Specifically, head movements activate the VOR
place the image of interest on the fovea. Saccades are differ- effectively moving the eyes resulting in the stationary image
ent from other eye movements because they move at very of interest moving across the fovea. This act triggers the
high velocity and vision is impaired during the movement. smooth pursuit system to override the VOR, which sup-
Generation of horizontal saccades involves the paramedian presses the slow phase of vestibular nystagmus and allows
pontine reticular formation (PPRF) as well as multiple sites one to fixate on the object of interest. This is referred to as
within the central nervous system. Impairment of saccadic fixation suppression.
eye movements often localizes to lesions of the brainstem or Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is a repetitive series of
cerebellum (Leigh and Zee, 2006). fast and slow eye movements responsible for maintaining
The saccadic system interacts with the vestibular sys- stable vision during movement of the visual surround. OKN
tem during head movement. When the head turns, the VOR and pursuit are both tracking responses and are often acti-
initiates a slow eye movement (i.e., the “slow phase” of nys- vated at the same time. OKN shares pathways with other
tagmus) in the opposite direction of head movement. The eye movements, but the nucleus of the optic tract plays an
saccadic system is responsible for bringing the eyes back to important role (Leigh and Zee, 2006).
midline (i.e., the “fast phase” of nystagmus) after the ves- The OKN system contributes to gaze stabilization when
tibular system has driven the eyes from primary position. an image moves across the retina. This system is important

because the peripheral vestibular system does not provide Nystagmus is a biphasic, rhythmic, repetitive move-
accurate information during very low frequency–sustained ment that has a well-defined slow and fast phase (Markham,
movement. For this type of movement, the OKN system is 1996). Conventionally, it is named (i.e., right or left) by the
activated and attempts to stabilize a moving image by mov- direction of the eye during the fast phase. The vestibular
ing the eyes in the same direction. Together, optokinetic and system mediates the slow phase of the nystagmus; as such
vestibular nystagmus are combined to provide stable vision vestibular nystagmus (i.e., nystagmus provoked by head
across a wide frequency range of movement. movement) is typically quantified by its maximum slow-
phase velocity (SPV). Following the slow phase of the nys-
tagmus, the PPRF neurons produce a saccade bringing the
Vestibulo-ocular Reflex eyes back to midline (i.e., the fast phase of nystagmus).
The VOR contributes to ocular stability when the head is
in motion. The eye movements induced by the vestibular /FVSBM*OUFHSBUPSBOE
system (i.e., the VOR) are compensatory (Leigh and Zee,
2006). That is, they oppose head movements or changes in Velocity Storage
head position and act to keep the fovea of the retina on an The vestibular system responds to input frequencies
object of interest. To put things in perspective, a quick turn between 0.003 and 5 Hz (e.g., 0.01 Hz is a very slow postural
of the head to the left sends input through multiple ocular sway and 5 Hz is akin to an active head turn during walk-
motor nuclei resulting in a compensatory reflex pulling the ing). Because of the mechanical properties of the cupula, the
two eyes to the right. The horizontal VOR (hVOR) is the system is less sensitive to input frequencies less than 0.8 Hz
focus of most clinical vestibular testing and is what we will and greater than 5 Hz. However, the vestibular system has a
discuss here. brainstem-mediated process for enhancing the sensitivity to
A simplified description of the hVOR pathway is shown low frequencies, called the neural integrator, located in the
in Table 20.3. When the head turns to the left, endolymph VN (specifically the caudal pons) that is under the control
lags behind the head movement because of inertia and the of the cerebellum (i.e., nodulus and uvula).
left cupula in the horizontal SCC is deflected toward the The time taken for the slow-phase eye velocity to
kinocilium whereas the right cupula is deflected away from decline to 37% of its initial value after the onset of a veloc-
the kinocilium. Thus, discharge from the left SCC increases ity test stimulus is called a time constant (TC). In response
and discharge from the right SCC decreases. Increase in to continual earth axis rotation, cranial nerve VIII produces
activity from the left SCC results in an increase in activity in neural activity until the cupula in the lateral SCC returns to
the left VN, causing an excitatory output to the right lateral neutral position (TC = 6 seconds). The nystagmus intensity
rectus muscle and the left medial rectus muscle (i.e., pulling of the VOR shows rise similar as the VIIIth nerve; however,
the eye to the right) while inhibiting the right medial rectus the nystagmus duration is considerably longer (TC = 16 sec-
and left lateral rectus (i.e., the paired agonist and antagonist onds). In other words, the eye response of the VOR persists
eye muscle counterparts; Table 20.2). Since the right cupula for a longer period of time than the drive from the periph-
is deflected away from the kinocilium, the right SCC sends eral end organ. The prolongation of nystagmus beyond the
a signal decreasing the activity of the right VN, causing a duration of the peripheral drive is attributed to the neural
decrease of excitatory output to the left lateral rectus and integrator. The neural integrator acts to extend the low-
the right medial rectus (Table 20.2). The end result is move- frequency response of the VOR by one order of magnitude, a
ment of the eyes to the right (to compensate for the head function that has been referred to as velocity storage (Raphan
turn to the left) with a fast saccade back to the left (i.e., left- et al., 1979). Loss of velocity storage affects low-frequency
beating nystagmus; Figure 20.12). sensitivity of the vestibular system and is identified in clini-
cal assessment by a change in the timing properties of the
VOR (i.e., decreased TCs on trapezoidal testing or increased
TABLE 20.3
phase on sinusoidal harmonic testing).
Horizontal Vestibulo-ocular Reflex (hVOR) The central pathways of velocity storage are not fully
understood but there appears to be both “direct” and “indi-
1. Receptors (cristae of the horizontal/lateral SCC) rect” pathways driving the VOR. The “direct” pathway is
2. Afferent pathway (first-order neurons at Scarpa’s mediated by the electrical signal originating from the lateral
ganglion in the superior vestibular nerve) SCC, passing through the first-order neurons in the VIIIth
3. Central connection (second-order neurons at the cranial nerve, to the second-order neurons leaving the
VN) medial VN and synapsing on the ocular motor nuclei and
4. Efferent pathway (medial longitudinal fasciculus) abducens nuclei, and finally the third-order neurons termi-
5. Third-order neurons at the motor nucleus of cranial nating on the ocular motor muscles. The “indirect” pathway
nerves III and VI travels from the vestibular nerve through a series of neural
6. Effector muscles (medial and lateral rectus) connections and terminates on the midline cerebellum. The

100 ms 100 ms

eye movement
Brief head



Sustained head eye movement



FIGURE 20.12 Head turn to the left results in left beating nystagmus. (From Canalis RF, Lambert PR.
(2000) The Ear: Comprehensive Otology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Figure 13, p. 127.)

cerebellum plays an important role in velocity storage func- and connections between the cerebellum and VN. Under
tion, specifically the efferent portion of the “indirect” path- normal circumstances, it serves to widen the dynamic range
way extending from the midline cerebellum (i.e., nodulus of the vestibular response. In the case of vestibular dysfunc-
and uvula) and projecting to regions of the superior and tion, abnormal velocity storage is the most sensitive param-
medial VN. Output from the “indirect” pathway persists eter on rotary chair testing and is used in conjunction with
for a longer period of time than the input it receives from ear-specific measures to provide valuable information as to
the periphery (Galiana and Outerbridge, 1984). Both the the status of the peripheral and central vestibular system.
“direct” and “indirect” velocity storage pathways are inte-
grated centrally by a commissural network originating in
the brainstem.
Vestibulospinal Reflex (VSR)
In summary, velocity storage is dependent on the elec- The VSR is used to produce transitory contractions of mus-
trical drive from the peripheral vestibular end organ, the cles to maintain posture, equilibrium during movement,
integrity of the VN, commissural fibers in the brainstem, and muscular tone. Whereas the effector organs of the VOR

are the EOMs, the effector organs of the VSR are the exten- cVEMP measures the inhibition of the flexor motor neu-
sors of the neck, trunk, and extremities. Stimulation of the rons through a skin electrode over the sternocleidomastoid
SCCs and the otolith receptors leads to a variety of patterns muscle (SCM).
of activation of neck and body muscles. A push–pull mecha-
nism exists between the extensor muscles (e.g., triceps) and LESIONS OF THE VESTIBULAR
flexor muscles (e.g., biceps). The VSR requires a coordinated
action of both extensor and flexor muscles to respond to SYSTEM
postural disturbances. What Happens to the VOR in
Connections from the VN to the spinal cord are
through three main pathways, the MVST, the LVST, and the Unilateral Impairment
reticulospinal tract. The MVST and LVST provide direct The severity of signs and symptoms of vestibular impair-
connections to neck motorneurons and indirect connec- ment is predicated on the degree of damage, the speed of
tions through spinal interneurons. The reticulospinal tract onset, and whether the damage is unilateral or bilateral. In
has indirect connections with the VN through the reticular an acute unilateral impairment, vertigo symptoms are usu-
formation. ally severe. With gradual unilateral loss, it is possible that
The MVST receives input from both the saccule and the symptoms associated with an acute event never occur
utricle via the medial VN, but the saccular input is more because incremental changes in vestibular function are off-
prominent. The MVST also receives afferent input from set by incremental compensation in the central nervous sys-
all SCCs, though the input from the lateral and superior tem. Similarly, a patient with gradual bilateral loss may also
SCCs is more prominent than the posterior SCC input. The not experience vertigo, but instead report oscillopsia and
MVST pathway descends bilaterally through the MLF into ataxia under dynamic conditions.
the spinal cord (Barmack, 2003). This section will examine what happens in an acute uni-
The main afferent input to the LVST is from the utricle lateral impairment of one vestibular end organ, in this case
and posterior SCC via the lateral VN. Fibers from the LVST the right side (Figure 20.13B). A right-sided impairment
descend into the ipsilateral central funiculus of the spinal results in a decrease in the electrical drive from the right end
cord (Barmack, 2003). Both the MVST and LVST send organ to the nerve and to the VN on that side. The result is
fibers to the spinal cord, but the MVST is more important in an electrical code similar to that created during a leftward
for coordinating the muscles and providing tonic input to rotational (counterclockwise) head movement resulting in
motor neurons that stabilize the head position in space (i.e., a slow-phase eye movement toward the right, followed by
neck and cervical muscles). The LVST results in the acti- fast-phase movement to the left (i.e., motion-induced left-
vation of extensor motor neurons and inhibition of flexor beating nystagmus shown in Figure 20.13A). In the case of
neurons in the upper and lower extremities. an acute impairment, the nystagmus will continue whereas
The vestibulocollic reflex (VCR), part of the VSR, is the asymmetry between sides remains. In this example, the
the focus of most clinical vestibular testing as it is what we lesion of the right vestibular nerve will result in a continual
assess with the cervical vestibular–evoked myogenic poten- left-beating nystagmus creating the illusion of movement of
tial (cVEMP) test. The basic pathway is shown in Table 20.4. the surroundings, often perceived by the patient as vertigo.
The saccule sends an electrical signal through the inferior In the acute period, the nystagmus will be direction fixed and
vestibular nerve to the medial vestibular nucleus. A signal is occur in all directions of gaze and will follow Alexander’s
then sent to the spinal cord motor neurons via the MVST, law (i.e., amplitude of nystagmus increases when gazing in
resulting in an increase in the ipsilateral activation of the the direction of the fast phase; Jacobson et al., 2008). The
extensor motor neurons and inhibition of the flexor motor nystagmus augments when vision is denied.
neurons in the neck and cervical region. Clinically, the
Central Compensation
TABLE 20.4
Acute unilateral peripheral vestibular impairment yields
Vestibulocollic Reflex (VCR) an asymmetry in neural firing causing a persistent nystag-
mus and retinal slip that triggers a central compensation
1. Receptors (macula of the saccule) process (Zee, 1994). Static compensation is complete when
2. Afferent pathway (first-order neurons at Scarpa’s the tonic electrical activity of the two VN is restored. Keep-
ganglion in the inferior vestibular nerve) ing with the example of right peripheral vestibular damage,
3. Central connection (second-order neurons at the VN) the compensation process would begin within hours of the
4. Efferent pathway (MVST) initial lesion to the right side. The first step is to eliminate
5. Motor nucleus cranial nerve XI the tonic asymmetry in the firing rate of vestibular neurons.
6. Cranial nerve XI (spinal accessory) The asymmetry in neural firing rates and the spontaneous
7. Effector muscle (sternocleidomastoid muscle) nystagmus is reduced when the cerebellum downregulates

FIGURE 20.13 Vestibular compensation after lesion to the right peripheral vestibular lesion. A. Normal
physiology following leftward head rotation. B. Acute loss of vestibular function on right side. C. Cer-
ebellar clamping reduced acute symptoms. D. Release of cerebellar clamping. E. Static compensation is
complete. (Canalis RF, Lambert PR. (2000) The Ear: Comprehensive Otology. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins; Figure 19, pp. 136–137.) (continued)

FIGURE 20.13 (Continued)

the electrical activity of the VN on the left (intact) side (i.e., Dynamic compensation occurs when the gain of the
“cerebellar clamping”; Figure 20.13C). Typically, within vestibular pathway is modified to accommodate unilateral
1 week of the lesion, neural activity returns to the right VN loss of input during head movement. Continuing with the
(Figure 20.13D). The activity does not originate from the previous example, after static compensation has occurred,
right vestibular end organ or nerve; it originates from cen- the tonic resting rate at the level of the VN is equal between
tral sources (i.e., vestibulocerebellum). The activity in the the right and left side. Head rotation generates the neural
left VN then begins to increase as the downregulation from asymmetry at the level of the VN required for awareness
the cerebellum ceases (i.e., a release from clamping; Fig- of rotation. However, the size of the asymmetry is half of
ure 20.13D). After 3 weeks, static compensation should be that generated by two functioning inner ears (since, in our
complete. The electrical firing returns to its prelesion level example, only the left vestibular end organ is functioning)
on the left side and neural tone is restored to the VN on and as such the velocity of the slow phase of nystagmus is
the right side (Figure 20.13E). The central nervous system too low to match the head movement resulting in retinal
is “guessing,” based on the electrical input from the left side, slip. During dynamic compensation, the central vestibular
what activity it would have received had the right peripheral pathways are “recalibrated” (Zee, 1994). That is, the gain of
vestibular system been intact. When static compensation is the VOR pathway must essentially be doubled to generate
complete, the patient’s vertigo stops, spontaneous nystag- the same compensatory eye movement generated before the
mus disappears, and postural control is restored. Retinal slip lesion. The retinal slip that occurs with rapid head move-
still occurs during rapid head movements and the patient ments drives the neural integrator to decrease velocity stor-
may report some oscillopsia. age (i.e., increase electrical flow). The increase in outflow of

FIGURE 20.14 Recovery nystagmus (Katz, 6th ed. Figure 19.20, p. 455).

the velocity storage mechanism increases the gain (electri-

cal output) of the neural integrator and increases the gain
of the VOR so that compensatory eye movements occur Do blood perfusion and neural innervation patterns make it
during dynamic head movements (Figure 20.13F). Con- possible to have isolated end organ impairments that might
sequently, diminishing the storage capacity of the neural be detected through quantitative testing? Figure 20.15 is a
integrator degrades low-frequency VOR performance (i.e., simplified block diagram showing the basic blood supply and
recall the purpose of the neural integrator is to enhance the neural innervation to the membranous labyrinth. Injury to
vestibular system’s sensitivity to low frequencies). Complete the superior division of the vestibular nerve blocks the elec-
dynamic compensation results in the elimination of VOR trical signals originating from the utricle, anterior SCC, lat-
asymmetry and oscillopsia (retinal slip); however, degra- eral SCC, and small portion of the saccule (not shown in the
dation of low-frequency VOR performance often remains figure). Injury to the inferior division of the vestibular nerve
(Leigh and Zee, 2006). blocks the electrical signals originating from the saccule and
It is possible, during central compensation, for a spon- posterior SCC. The different neural innervation patterns of
taneous nystagmus to paradoxically beat toward the lesioned each end organ can help explain how a neuritis or ischemia
ear. This is called recovery nystagmus or “Bechterew’s nystag- can produce a focal lesion affecting only the saccule and/or
mus” (Figure 20.14) and usually occurs in individuals with posterior SCC (i.e., inferior neuritis) or the utricle, lateral
fluctuating vestibular impairments (e.g., Meniere’s disease; SCC, and/or anterior SCC (i.e., superior neuritis).
Leigh and Zee, 2006). Recall, during “cerebellar clamping” A review of the blood supply to each end organ can
the firing rate of the VN on the intact side is reduced to provide clues as to how thrombus or emboli can produce a
lessen the asymmetry between ears. Typically during this specific impairment. If the arterial support from the basilar
phase of compensation the level of neural activity at the VN artery, AICA, or labyrinthine artery is cut off the result is pro-
is bilaterally reduced. In a stable impairment, static com- found hearing loss and total loss of peripheral vestibular sys-
pensation will continue as described above. With a fluctu- tem function (i.e., the entire labyrinth including the cochlear
ating lesion, the damaged side can spontaneously recover and vestibular end organs loses function). If the blood supply
function. If this occurs during compensation, then an asym- from the common cochlear artery is interrupted the result is
metry once again exists between the sides; only this time the a profound hearing loss and loss of saccule (i.e., abnormal
VN of the damaged ear shows greater neural activity relative cVEMP) and posterior SCC function only (i.e., caloric testing
to the intact ear (Figure 20.14). As a result, the clinician may and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) will be normal). If a lesion occurs
observe a recovery nystagmus. For this reason, a spontane- in the main cochlear artery, the result would be a profound
ous nystagmus should not be used in isolation to localize hearing loss and an intact peripheral vestibular system. If the
the site of lesion. posterior vestibular artery is cut off, the result would be a loss

Blood supply Nerve innervation

Basilar A VIII nerve


Labyrinthine A

Common cochlear A
Auditory nerve
cochlear A
P SCC Vestibular nerve
FIGURE 20.15 Block diagram
showing schematic of blood vestibular A
supply and neural innervation Saccule
Inferior division
to the membranous labyrinth.
A, artery; AICA, anterior inferior
cerebellar artery; P SCC, poste-
rior semicircular canal; A SCC,
anterior semicircular canal; Anterior L SCC Superior division
L SCC, lateral semicircular canal. vestibular A

(Courtesy of Gary Jacobson, Utricle

Vanderbilt University.)

of function in the posterior SCC and saccule (i.e., abnormal 2. Describe the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) pathway.
cVEMP) with both hearing and the remainder of the vestibu- 3. If the neural connections between the cerebellum and
lar system intact. Finally, if the anterior vestibular artery is vestibular nuclei are not intact, can central compensa-
cut off, we see loss of function in the anterior SCC, lateral tion following an acute vestibular lesion be completed?
SCC (i.e., abnormal caloric test), and utricle (i.e., abnormal Why or why not?
oVEMP) with normal hearing, normal saccule (i.e., normal
cVEMP), and normal posterior SCC function.
A number of recent papers have been published sug- REFERENCES
gesting that the caloric test, cVEMP, and oVEMP can vary Angelaki DE, Cullen KE. (2008) Vestibular system: The many facets
independently and provide topologic information regard- of a multimodal sense. Annu Rev Neurosci. 31, 125–150.
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C H A P T ER 2 1

Evaluation of the Patient with

Dizziness and Balance Disorders
Troy Hale, Henry Trahan, and Tabitha Parent-Buck

The restriction in activities included not engaging in exer-

INTRODUCTION cise (61%), social events (46%), driving (47%), and par-
Balance disorders are common and can occur in patients ticipation in work/school (38%). Additionally, for 26% of
of all ages, constituting a significant personal and public those with balance issues, simple activities of daily living
healthcare burden. It is often reported that dizziness is the such as bathing, dressing, and eating were also reported as
third most common complaint among outpatient medi- affected.
cal visits and the single most common complaint among Epidemiologic studies relate balance disorders to the
elderly patients. Dizziness and balance disorders may result increased incidence of falls in the aging population. The
from abnormalities in a variety of organ systems includ- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United
ing the vestibular system, central or peripheral nervous States report that roughly one-third of adults 65 years of
system, cardiovascular system, and cerebrovascular system. age and older fall each year, resulting in injuries that limit
Additionally, medications taken by patients can contrib- activities and independent living. Of patients who fall, 20%
ute to symptoms of dizziness. When a patient presents to require medical attention (Gillespie et al., 2013). In addi-
the balance clinic, the primary goal of the healthcare pro- tion, falls among older adults, especially those resulting
vider is to investigate the symptoms and conduct evalua- in fractures, are a leading cause of injury-related deaths.
tions to narrow the differential diagnosis. Although most Patients suffering from dizziness or imbalance may report
patients with dizziness have a benign condition, a small unsteadiness, light-headedness, vertigo, dysequilibrium,
percentage may have a potentially life-threatening underly- or a feeling of fainting/pre-syncope. Such conditions may
ing cause involving the brain, heart, or the circulation of ultimately lead to serious medical, physical, emotional, and
blood necessitating more immediate medical management. social consequences such as loss of independence, isolation,
In many cases the patient with an acute balance disorder and injuries from falls. Because of the impact of dizziness on
will recover spontaneously requiring only short-term treat- the quality of life of patients and the increased risk of falls, a
ment for the symptoms. However, patients demonstrating number of falls prevention programs have been investigated
more chronic symptoms may require significant interven- and found to provide effective methods for reducing falls
tion from healthcare providers to evaluate and manage the (Gillespie et al., 2013).
dizziness. Given the vast number of acronyms commonly used
More than 4 out of 10 Americans will experience an in relation to vestibular screening and diagnostic mea-
episode of dizziness sometime during their lives significant sures, Table 21.1 provides a list that will aid in recognizing
enough for them to seek medical care (NIH News in Health, many terms and their abbreviations used throughout this
2012). Data suggest that one in five patients over 65 years chapter.
of age experience problems with balance or dizziness annu-
ally. A review of data from the US Census Bureau’s National CLINICAL PRESENTATION OF
Health Interview Survey, collected in 2008, provided alarm-
ing statistics on balance issues in the elderly population (Lin
and Bhattacharyya, 2012). For patients 65 years of age and Our innate ability to maintain balance and navigate safely
older, 20% or 7 million people in the United States reported through the environment depends on sensory information
experiencing dizziness or a balance problem in the previous that is gathered from the visual, vestibular, and somatosen-
12 months. With respect to quality of life and functional sory (proprioceptive) receptors of the body. A properly func-
impact, of those individuals who experienced dizziness tioning balance system allows us to maintain stable vision
or balance problems, 27% reported that the balance issues with movement, orient ourselves with respect to gravity,
prevented them from participating in normal activities. and make automatic postural adjustments for maintenance


terize the reported symptoms will be emphasized below

TA B L E 2 1 .1
under the topic of the neurotologic case history. Dizziness
List of Screening and Diagnostic is often classified into distinct categories based on quality or
Vestibular Tests or Measures with character of presentation. Various authors have suggested
Commonly Used Acronyms from four to six general categories with the most common
descriptors being vertigo, dysequilibrium, pre-syncope,
"DSPOZN 5FTU/BNFPS.FBTVSFNFOU light-headedness, and gait instability. Each of these is briefly
AHR Active head rotation described here.
BPPV Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Vertigo has been described as a hallucination or illu-
CDP Computerized dynamic posturography sion of movement because of an imbalance in the central or
CTSIB Clinical Test of Sensory Integration of peripheral vestibular system. The spinning or tilting illusion
Balance of movement can be of self, of surroundings, or a combi-
DHI Dizziness Handicap Inventory nation of both. Vertigo is often associated with nystagmus,
DP Directional preponderance oscillopsia (blurring or oscillation of the visual field), pos-
DVA Dynamic visual acuity tural imbalance, and autonomic symptoms (e.g., sweating,
ENG Electronystagmography pallor, nausea, and/or vomiting).
HIT Head impulse test Dysequilibrium is a state of altered static (standing/
HSN Headshake nystagmus sitting) or dynamic (ambulating) postural balance without
HVT Hyperventilation test vertigo. Patients presenting with dysequilibrium often com-
OKN Optokinetic nystagmus plain of visual disturbance, unsteadiness, imbalance, and/or
SHA Sinusoidal harmonic acceleration falls. Typically, this condition reflects a failure or mismatch
SCV or SPV Slow-phase component eye velocity/ of sensory integration among body systems (e.g., visual,
slow-component eye velocity or vestibular, muscular, or neurologic) or a disturbance of
slow-phase velocity motor control. Dysequilibrium may be further subdivided
UW Unilateral weakness (may also be into psychologic and ocular subcategories with the former
referred to as reduced vestibular characterized by feelings of anxiety, fear, or confusion and
response [RVR]) the latter with visual integration deficits often leading to
VFX Visual fixation motion sickness.
VNG Videonystagmography Pre-syncope is a syndrome characterized by a sensation
VOR Vestibulo-ocular reflex of impending loss of consciousness (as opposed to syncope,
VSS Vertigo Symptom Scale which is actual fainting) and may be associated with a car-
VVOR Visually enhanced vestibulo-ocular diovascular abnormality, malaise, generalized weakness,
reflex diaphoresis, visual disturbances, nausea, facial pallor, and/
or epigastric (abdominal) distress. Orthostatic hypotension
of stability. When a person is complaining of imbalance or is a common cause of pre-syncope, but arrhythmias, pos-
dysequilibrium, the first task of the audiologist is to have the tural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, hyperventilation,
patient describe the symptoms in detail. This information panic attacks, and other conditions can produce the sensa-
forms the basis for beginning to determine which sensory tion as well. Episodes of pre-syncope are generally relieved
input system, or which combination, is contributing to the with lying down or reclining.
patient’s complaints. Light-headedness is another common descriptor and is
generally meant to imply a head sensation that is not vertig-
inous or pre-syncopal and not related to ambulation. Light-
4JHOTBOE4ZNQUPNT headedness can be transient or persistent and is often asso-
Many patients will report their presenting symptom as ciated with anxiety or hyperventilation syndrome. Patients
“being dizzy.” The term “dizzy” is not particularly specific who complain of this sensation often say that they feel like
because it broadly refers to some perception of imbalance, they are floating, they are giddy, or their head is somehow
disorientation in space, or false feelings of movement. detached from their body. Because light-headedness is such
Patients may describe symptoms with terms such as diz- a vague and variable term, it may actually reflect other types
ziness, dysequilibrium, spinning, swimming, light-head- of dizziness that are not properly described.
edness (pre-syncope), floating, turning, and perhaps even Gait instability or ataxia is an unsteadiness or inability
vertigo. Although the symptoms reported by patients can to perform coordinated muscle movements. Gait unsteadi-
provide valuable information for formulating an assess- ness can arise when there is a deficit in the central nervous
ment plan, caution must be taken because the terms used system or either the central or peripheral vestibular sys-
are subjective and can be misleading. The importance of tems. Symptoms with this type of presentation are gen-
gathering more detailed information to further charac- erally constant and sometimes progressive, with patients

reporting that they feel like they are intoxicated during

TABL E 21 . 2
Key Points to Address in the Neurotologic
5IF/FVSPUPMPHJD$BTF)JTUPSZ Case History Related to Dizziness
Most vestibular disorders cannot be distinguished from one Area of 1SPCFT 1SFǨFSBCMZ"TLJOH
another based solely on laboratory studies. Additionally, 2VFTUJPOJOH 0QFO&OEFE2VFTUJPOT

laboratory studies tell us little about a particular patient’s Description of What does the sensation feel
functional disability as a result of his/her condition. As the feeling/ like? Why are you here?
such, balance function tests are best interpreted in conjunc- experience
tion with an in-depth neurotologic case history. The neu- Severity Is it mild, moderate or severe?
rotologic case history begins with the acquisition of a full Onset It is new, ongoing or changing
depiction of the patient’s self-described symptoms. Several since onset?
aspects must be investigated including, but not necessarily Duration Is it short [seconds to minutes],
limited to, the feeling created by the symptoms, any precipi- intermediate [minutes to
tating events, the onset (e.g., when did they begin), the fre- hours], long [>24 hours]?
quency (e.g., how often they occur), and the duration (e.g., Frequency How often? (i.e., single episode
how long do they last). vs. multiple and daily vs.
The general health condition preceding the onset of symp- weekly vs. occasionally)
toms should be determined (e.g., any minor or major health Provoking When do the attacks occur?
issues such as a cold, gastrointestinal or respiratory problems, factors Does anything make the
or head trauma). It is equally important to gather a complete dizziness occur (i.e., change in
drug history, including information about any medical or head, neck or body position;
nonmedical care the patient has sought for the dizziness. This loud noise, exertion, diet,
should include questions about the use of recreational drugs; visual stimuli)?
the use of prescription medications; and the use of homeo- Associated Do you also have hearing loss,
pathic or naturopathic herbs, supplements, and vitamins. symptoms tinnitus, aural fullness, pain,
To the extent possible it is also important to identify any headache, visual disturbances,
associated symptoms, recognizing that some of these symp- numbness, nausea, or vomiting?
toms may occur with more than one type of dizziness. Head- Other medical Did any illness or health changes
ache, for example, can occur with vertigo (e.g., migraine, history/ occur near the onset?
brainstem ischemia), motor dysequilibrium (e.g., cerebellar general health
infarct or hemorrhage), pre-syncope, and psychosomatic Drug case Any new medications or changes
dizziness (often associated with anxiety, sleep deprivation, history in prescriptions?
and caffeine overuse/withdrawal) (Sowerby et al., 2010). Level of disability No restrictions to activities to
A careful evaluation of the patient’s complaints and the or impact on completely unable to engage
answers to several simple questions can lead the audiologist function in routine activities
to suspect whether the patient is suffering from a peripheral
vestibular disorder, a central disorder, or a multifactorial dis-
order, which may alter the order or types of tests with which In other instances, the preceding factors play a key
an individual is evaluated. Table 21.2 provides a summary of role in highlighting a suspected origin for the dizziness
key areas to address during the case history process. or imbalance. For instance, if the patient reports the pos-
Although obtaining the neurotologic case history can sibility of a viral illness prior to the sudden onset of dizzi-
be time-consuming, the collective sum of the patient’s ness and changes in hearing, this may point towards a viral
responses is used to initially separate out suspected ves- labyrinthitis. In such cases, a hearing evaluation should
tibular versus nonvestibular disorders. This may be indi- be administered along with balance function assessment.
cated by the patient’s descriptions of onset, duration, and Trauma to the head and/or neck may indicate neurologic
provoking factors of the dizziness. If the patient complains involvement or, once again, BPPV. Medications that were
of the sensation that the room is spinning for about 1 min- prescribed for existing medical conditions, or to ameliorate
ute after rolling over in bed or looking up, the clinician symptoms of dizziness, could result in side effects and/or
should suspect that a peripheral disorder may exist, specifi- vestibulotoxicity and impaired balance function. Table 21.3
cally benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). If the provides an overview of how the qualitative details gathered
vertigo is continuous without fluctuation for long periods from appropriate questions can contribute to differentiat-
of time, such as weeks or more, a central cause should be ing between suspected vestibular and nonvestibular sites of
suspected. origin.

TA B L E 2 1 .3

Differentiating Vestibular and Nonvestibular Dizziness on the Basis of Patient Complaints

$PNQPOFOU Vestibular Nonvestibular
Common descriptive Off-balance, spinning (usually the Light-headed, floating on a cloud or swimming
wording used by environment moves), tilting, feels sensation, out-of-body, self-spinning but
patients like car sickness, too much to drink, world is steady
Time course Distinct attacks (episodic) All day long (constant)
Common antecedent or Change in body position or quick Stressful situations, heavy mouth-breathing
exacerbating factors head movements up or down or (hyperventilating), heart thumping
side to side
Common symptoms Nausea, vomiting, unsteadiness, Syncope, difficulty concentrating, numbness,
ringing in ear(s), decreased hearing, tension in body with or without accompanying
blurred vision or bouncing vision headache

4FMǨ"TTFTTNFOU*OWFOUPSJFT produce results that coincide with the more extensive labo-
ratory studies. Appropriately applied bedside measures can
To assess the functional limitations of an individual’s bal- assist the clinician in the identification of site of lesion and
ance problems many health professionals employ self-assess- qualification of functional impairment and, in some cases,
ment inventories. These can help to ascertain the patient’s are a useful counseling tool for patients. Screening measures,
functional state or, stated otherwise, how the physiological however, have limited validity and reliability. It is important
problems affect the patient’s quality of life. Several such self- to remember that a negative result on a bedside screening
assessment scales are reported in the literature; two of the does not necessarily mean that the patient does not have
common ones are described below. the disorder being assessed. Sensitivity and specificity of
The Vertigo Symptom Scale (VSS) (Yardley et al., 1992) screening measures vary widely and some have not been
was developed to assess the symptoms and the relationship thoroughly investigated. In almost all cases, bedside tests
between vertigo, anxiety, and emotional disturbances in an should be used to direct patient management and should be
effort to examine the relative influence of vertigo and anxi- corroborated by more comprehensive evaluations.
ety on reported handicap and distress. The VSS consists of Determining which bedside tests to employ for a par-
36 items describing common symptoms often reported by ticular patient can be challenging. A typical screening battery
or observed from patients with vertigo. With the VSS, the may be driven by patient symptoms or may be more general,
patient is asked to rate the frequency of his/her experience consisting of multiple measures to evaluate central ocular-
over the preceding 12 months, and the results are summed motor control, as well as vestibulo-ocular and vestibulospi-
and analyzed by the examiner in relation to vertigo and nal reflex function. Bedside tests need not be limited to the
anxiety/autonomic symptom subscales. initial patient interview either. Some screening procedures
The Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI) (Jacobson and such as the swivel chair study and the Clinical Test of Sensory
Newman, 1990) is a standardized measure of self-reported Integration of Balance (CTSIB) can be combined with elect-
limitations of daily life imposed by the patient’s symptoms. ronystagmography (ENG) or videonystagmography (VNG)
The DHI consists of 25 questions that pertain to dizziness to expand the laboratory investigation, particularly when
or unsteadiness and are to be answered by the patient with equipment such as rotary chair and computerized posturog-
“yes,” “no,” or “sometimes.” There are three subscales which raphy may not be readily available. Although a comprehen-
investigate functional, physical, and emotional impacts on sive list of bedside testing is beyond the scope of this chapter,
disability. Scoring ranges from 0 to 100 with those scoring some of the common tests are briefly described below.
above 10 indicating at least a mild handicap.

ř#FETJEFŚ4DSFFOJOH1SPDFEVSFT The ocular-motor and vestibular systems share many close
Evaluating patients with dizziness and/or balance disorders anatomic and physiological connections. For this reason, eye
takes time. Often, when a patient is referred for evaluation, movement can provide considerable information to assist in
it may not be feasible or appropriate to perform a full ves- a preliminary evaluation. Certain patterns of nystagmus can
tibular test battery. Fortunately, simple “bedside” screen- be associated with either central neurologic or peripheral
ing tools are available and, in the vast majority of patients, labyrinthine disorders. Prior to any examination, a quick

assessment of ocular-motor control should be performed by the head diagonally within the respective planes (Aw et al.,
the clinician. This can be done quickly at the bedside using 1996). The HIT procedure is typically repeated multiple
a finger or a probe. The clinician should examine the rela- times in an unpredictable fashion, bidirectionally within
tive position of each eye within the orbit during center gaze, the plane of interest, until a proper assessment has been
establish ocular range of motion, and assess the pursuit and made. The head thrust exam has been shown to have good
saccadic mechanisms to get an idea of the patient’s control specificity (>82%) but variable sensitivity (45% to 84%) in
of volitional eye movement. Central nervous system disor- detecting unilateral or bilateral vestibular hypofunction,
ders or other ophthalmoparetic disorders have the potential confirmed with caloric irrigation (Perez and Rama-Lopez,
to skew vestibular interpretation so it is advisable to iden- 2003; Schubert et al., 2004). Some measure of this variabil-
tify these ahead of time. Any notable abnormalities may ity between the head thrust test and caloric irrigation may
also indicate possible central nervous system involvement, be attributable to the vastly different stimuli employed by
necessitating additional referral. both tests, particularly as it relates to stimulus frequency.
Most of the literature does suggest that the overall sensi-
tivity of the head thrust increases as the degree of periph-
)˪̪˹*ɇȖǞɑȄ˪ˊ)˪̪˹5ʠȋǞȄǶ eral vestibular system impairment increases, particularly
The head impulse test (HIT) or head thrust test utilizes for those with caloric weaknesses greater than 40% (Perez
rapid passive head movements to evaluate a patient’s func- and Rama-Lopez, 2003). Clinical utility of the HIT may be
tional vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and identify the side strengthened even further with new computerized diagnos-
of lesion in cases of unilateral or bilateral peripheral ves- tic systems that are now available on the market.
tibular loss (Halmagyi and Curthoys, 1988). The patient
is stationed in front of the examiner with his/her head
tilted forward-down, approximately 30 degrees, to posi-
tion the lateral semicircular canals coplanar (parallel) to the The dynamic visual acuity (DVA) test evaluates a patient’s
ground. The patient is then instructed to fixate on a target, ability to perceive objects correctly while actively moving
typically the clinician’s nose or forehead, and to maintain his/her head. Normally, losses in visual acuity are minimized
fixation on that target throughout the duration of the pro- during head movement by the VOR which helps maintain
cedure. The examiner gently grasps the patient’s head on gaze on a fixed target by driving the eyes in the equal but
both sides and passively guides it through a brief, unidi- opposite direction of head movement. When the VOR is
rectional, high acceleration thrust. The movement must be impaired, as is common in patients with bilateral vestibular
rapid (>3,000 degree/s2), unanticipated by the patient, and hypofunction and various central disorders, visual acuity is
not greater than a 20- to 30-degree displacement. The clini- degraded during head movement resulting in oscillopsia.
cian monitors the patient’s eye movements to see whether The DVA test compares a patient’s static visual acuity to
visual fixation is maintained throughout the entire excur- his/her active visual acuity, measured during head rotation.
sion or whether the patient loses visual contact and must The patient is seated in front of a Snellen eye chart at the
make quick corrective eye movements (termed “catch-up appropriate distance and asked to read the letters or figures
saccades”) to reacquire the target. Patients with a significant to the lowest line possible to establish the baseline static
unilateral or bilateral vestibular loss will have their eyes slip visual acuity. The examiner then gently grasps the patient’s
off the target when the head is thrust in the direction of the head from behind on both sides and passively guides it back
impaired labyrinth, resulting in a corrective saccade during and forth at a frequency between 2 and 7 Hz and with less
or after the thrust. For example, a patient with a significant than 20 to 30 degrees of displacement in the yaw (horizon-
unilateral vestibular loss on the left side will experience a tal) plane. The patient is again asked to read the lowest line
loss of visual fixation with leftward head thrust and there- possible while the head is being moved. The lowest line at
fore produce a catch-up saccade to the right to reacquire the which the patient is unable to correctly identify at least half
target. This process occurs because of decreased neural con- of the letters or figures is noted. Subjects with normal DVA
tribution to the VOR from the ipsilateral ear and because will have no change or just a single-line change from base-
the inhibitory signal from the contralateral ear is not suf- line in their visual acuity during head rotation. Those with
ficient to stabilize gaze during rotation. Therefore, the eyes abnormal DVA will experience significant blurring in the
initially travel with the head and a refixation saccade is visual field and will have line changes of two or greater dur-
necessary to reacquire the target. If there is no significant ing head movement (Longridge and Mallinson, 1984). Care
peripheral vestibular loss and the VOR is normal or near must be taken by the clinician to avoid pausing at the turn-
normal on the side of the movement, the eyes will remain around points, and the patient should alternate the direction
fixed on the point of interest and no catch-up saccade will of line reading to control for letter or figure memoriza-
be necessary. Horizontal head movement in this manner tion. The sensitivity and specificity of the DVA test has been
assesses the lateral semicircular canals, whereas the ante- shown to be quite variable in the literature largely because
rior and posterior canals can also be evaluated by rotating of differing techniques and clinician experience.

HEADSHAKE approximately 30 seconds or until a fall becomes imminent.

Qualitative observations of postural adjustment, including
The headshake test evaluates a patient’s central velocity stor- direction and amplitude of sway, and any “falls” are made by
age mechanism. When the head is shaken vigorously back the clinician. The test can be further modified (i.e., “sharp-
and forth for 20 to 30 seconds and then stopped, a transient ened”) to increase the difficulty by having the patient stand
vestibular nystagmus may emerge in patients with central in the tandem position (toe to heel) or on a foam pad. The
and peripheral vestibular system disorders. This nystagmus Sharpened Romberg reduces the amount of propriocep-
is called headshake nystagmus (HSN) and is believed to tive feedback, therefore increasing the reliance on vestibular
reflect a dynamic asymmetry within the VOR. The patient information. Regardless of the method, the clinician should
is fitted with Frenzel lenses or VNG goggles (with vision always maintain close proximity to the patient while per-
denied to prevent VOR suppression) and stationed in front forming the Romberg to prevent a fall if the patient loses his/
of the examiner with his/her head tilted forward-down, her balance. If the patient can maintain the standing position
approximately 30 degrees, to position the lateral semicir- with eyes closed for 30 seconds without falling or without
cular canals coplanar to the ground. The patient is then substantial increase in sway, the test is negative. The test is
instructed to shake his/her head back and forth (actively) considered positive when there is increased sway or a “fall”
approximately 30 to 45 degrees from the center at a fre- with eyes closed. Increased sway or falls are associated with
quency of at least 2 Hz for 20 to 30 seconds. Alternatively, proprioceptive loss from the lower extremities. Patients with
the head can be moved passively by the examiner. Imme- acute vestibular deficits and cerebellar dysfunction may also
diately following cessation of the headshake, the patient is show a pattern of increased sway, although the latter is not
instructed to open his/her eyes and the clinician notes if typically affected by eye closure. Patients with acute uncom-
any nystagmus is observed. In subjects with normal vestibu- pensated vestibular impairment may show a tendency to fall
lar function, no nystagmus will be present and the test is toward the side of lesion with eyes closed, but patients with
deemed negative. In subjects with unilateral vestibular loss, compensated or chronic vestibular loses will often perform
a brief period of horizontal nystagmus may emerge and normally on the Romberg test.
the test is considered positive. A test is generally said to be
positive if at least five beats of nystagmus are noted within
20 seconds post-headshake (Guidetti et al., 2006). 'ǞɢǞ˹̪4Ƕ˪ȖȖʐȸʮ
Typically, the nystagmus will beat toward the more The Fukuda step test is a screening measure used to iden-
neurally active side, but other patterns have been described. tify the presence of a peripheral vestibular impairment that
This is believed to occur because of asymmetric neural firing manifests as an asymmetry in lower extremity vestibulo-
of the central velocity storage integrator (Hain et al., 1987). spinal reflex function. The Fukuda test should only be per-
The headshake test has been shown to have poor sensitivity formed on patients who are able to maintain balance dur-
for mild to moderate unilateral vestibular impairment, but ing eyes-closed Romberg testing. The patient is instructed
with increasing degrees of vestibular hypofunction, there is to stand with eyes closed, arms extended outward in front
general agreement in the literature that the sensitivity of the of the body (palms down), and march in place for 50 steps.
headshake test increases. Patients with bilateral vestibular The angle, direction, and deviation from the original start-
impairment typically do not exhibit any post-HSN because ing point are observed by the clinician after the stepping is
the central neurons are not receiving asymmetric input. The complete. The patient should be able to complete this task
presence of a vertical nystagmus after horizontal or vertical without significant angular deviation (less than 45 degrees)
headshake has also been identified in some studies and may and without significant linear translation (less than 1 m). A
indicate a lesion affecting the central vestibular pathways, rotation of greater than 45 degrees in any direction is con-
specifically the brainstem or cerebellum (Zee and Fletcher, sidered abnormal (Fukuda, 1959; Furman and Cass, 2003).
1996). The headshake test can be performed as a screening As it was originally described, patients with significant
tool or as an addition to the typical ENG/VNG battery. unilateral vestibular impairment would have a tendency to
deviate (rotating greater than 45 degrees) in the direction of
the affected labyrinth. This was a commonly held assump-
3ȱɇ̍˪ȋʮ tion for many years, but more recent investigations (Honaker
The Romberg is a test of static balance that assesses the and Shepard, 2012) have suggested that this may not be uni-
function of lower spinal reflexes by forcing the subject to versally true and that the direction of rotation may be pathol-
rely solely on vestibular and proprioceptive inputs to main- ogy dependent. For clinical purposes, the Fukuda step test
tain upright posture. The patient is instructed to stand with should be considered positive if the angle of rotation exceeds
feet together and arms at the sides or folded across the chest 45 degrees or if excessive sway is noted. However, it should
while maintaining a quiet stance with minimal swaying. If not be used in isolation to attempt to lateralize or localize
the patient is able to do this effectively with eyes open, the lesions of the vestibular system as the type of pathology may
stance is repeated with eyes closed. Each condition is held for produce results contradictory to the direction of rotation.

)ʢȖ˪ȋɍ˪ȸǶʐɑ̪Ƕʐȱȸ*ȸ˹Ǟ̂˪˹/ʢȄǶ̪ʮɇǞȄ ments and dizziness or vertigo in patients with abnormalities

of the craniocervical junction and disorders of the middle/
The hyperventilation test (HVT) is used to help identify inner ear. These abnormalities may include Arnold–Chiari
disorders of the vestibular system and/or cranial nerve VIII. malformation, perilymphatic fistula, cholesteatoma, supe-
It may also be useful in identifying individuals who suffer rior canal dehiscence, and anomalies of the ossicles, oval
from anxiety-related dizziness. When a patient is asked to window, round window, and the saccule. To test for Valsalva-
voluntarily overbreathe for an extended period of time, a induced nystagmus, the patient is fitted with Frenzel lenses
transient nystagmus may emerge in individuals with various or VNG goggles (with vision denied) and asked to perform
central or peripheral vestibular disorders. This nystagmus is the Valsalva maneuver in two different methods. In the first
called hyperventilation-induced nystagmus and is believed approach, the subject is instructed to take a deep breath,
to be caused by a change in blood gas concentration and pinch his/her nose, and then blow against a tightly closed
nerve conduction. The patient is fitted with Frenzel lenses mouth for 10 to 15 seconds as if attempting to equalize pres-
or VNG goggles (with vision denied), stationed in front of sure in the ears while diving. This method increases air pres-
the examiner, and asked to take deep rapid breaths for a sure within the sinuses, pharynx, and middle ear (Walker
period of 30 to 90 seconds at a rate of about 1 breath per and Zee, 2000). The clinician examines the patient for any
second (Minor et al., 1999). The clinician maintains close evoked nystagmus during or after the procedure. Addition-
contact with the patient at all times to increase awareness of ally, any subjective dizziness, vertigo, or visual changes by
any change in patient postural stability and to minimize the the patient should be noted. After sufficient recovery time,
risk of falling as this screening may bring about dizziness the second method is attempted. For the second method, the
and reduced equilibrium. The examiner observes eye move- patient is instructed to take a deep breath and strain against
ment before and after the hyperventilation task and notes a closed glottis and lips for 10 to 15 seconds, as if pressur-
any evoked nystagmus or change in existing nystagmus. If izing the lungs while attempting to lift a heavy object. This
the patient exhibits no nystagmus, the test is considered method effectively increases intracranial pressure by induc-
negative. Patients may report dizziness, a light-headed sen- ing elevated central venous pressure (Walker and Zee, 2000).
sation, or decreased equilibrium as the result of this exam Eye movement is again observed during and immediately
but this, in isolation, should not be interpreted as a positive following pressurization and relaxation. The normal patient
result. The appearance of a new nystagmus or reversal of an will exhibit little to no eye movement and will experience
existing nystagmus is considered a positive HVT. Peripheral no substantial dizziness or vertigo. The abnormal patient
vestibular lesions typically produce horizontal nystagmus may exhibit a conjugate nystagmus with fast phases directed
with fast phases beating toward the side of lesion. How- toward the affected ear. Horizontal evoked nystagmus
ever, in cases of total unilateral loss (e.g., vestibular nerve typically indicates involvement of the lateral semicircular
section), the nystagmus will typically beat away from the canals, whereas torsional and downbeating vertical nystag-
side of lesion (Chee and Tong, 2002). Hyperventilation- mus or torsional and upbeating vertical nystagmus indicates
induced nystagmus may also be observed in patients with involvement of the anterior canals and posterior canals,
central lesions such as demyelination because of multiple respectively (Davies, 2004). The direction of the torsion
sclerosis or cerebellar ischemia because of an infarct. In such (e.g., the top of the eyeball rotating toward or away from the
cases, the direction of the nystagmus is unpredictable. If no nose) may also provide information regarding the lateral-
nystagmus is provoked but the patient becomes severely ity of the lesion. Fast phases of the torsional nystagmus will
symptomatic within the first 20 to 30 seconds of over- typically beat in a clockwise direction for lesions of the left
breathing, anxiety-related dizziness or dysautonomia may ear and counterclockwise direction for lesions of the right
be suspected (Choi et al., 2007). Hyperventilation is more ear. Sensitivity and specificity of the Valsalva test is variable
likely to provoke dizziness, light-headedness, autonomic and pathology dependent. In most cases, however, the pres-
symptoms, and acute anxiety attacks in patients with certain ence of a positive Valsalva test is a good clinical indicator
anxiety disorders than in the general population. It may also of an abnormal junction between either the middle ear and
provoke light-headedness and autonomic arousal without inner ear or the middle ear and intracranial space.
significant anxiety in patients with autonomic dysfunction,
such as hyperventilation syndrome. Sensitivity and specific-
ity of the HVT vary widely in the literature so it should only LABORATORY STUDIES OF
be used in conjunction with other laboratory testing and #"-"/$&4:45&.'6/$5*0/
not interpreted in isolation. Clinicians commonly utilize information gathered from a
patient’s medical history, physical examination, and “bed-
side” screenings as a basis for ordering laboratory studies.
7̪ɑȄ̪ɑɍ̪*ȸ˹Ǟ̂˪˹/ʢȄǶ̪ʮɇǞȄ The role of the majority of the vestibular laboratory stud-
Increased middle-ear and intracranial pressure, as the result ies is to ascertain the extent and/or site of lesion within the
of Valsalva maneuver, has been shown to induce eye move- peripheral or central vestibular systems and to aid in the

characterization of any functional impairment. A thorough

evaluation of the patient with dizziness and balance disor-
ders may therefore require administration of one or more
of the following types of procedures. Not every patient that
presents in the dizziness/balance clinic receives a complete
battery of all tests. The administration of tests should be
limited to those that are minimally necessary to make deci-
sions regarding management. Each of the major types of
laboratory studies (ENG/VNG, active head rotation [AHR],
rotational chair, otolith function testing, and computerized
posturography) is discussed in this section. It is important
to note that although the clinical utility of each will be dis-
cussed in turn, a detailed description of the origins, meth-
ods of delivery, and interpretations are beyond the scope of
this chapter.

&MFDUSPOZTUBHNPHSBQIZBOE FIGURE 21.1 Typical electrode montage for monitoring

7JEFPOZTUBHNPHSBQIZ eye position as a function of time in both the lateral and
vertical dimensions. Note that given the dipole nature of
Nystagmography (ENG/VNG) is the most commonly prac- the eyes and the use of electrodes lateral and vertical to
ticed method of vestibular assessment. Because of the close the anterior–posterior axis of the eye, this type of con-
physiological connections between the vestibular apparatus figuration is not responsive to torsional movements of
and the visual system, eye movements have classically been the eyes. (Reprinted with permission from Shepard NT,
used to infer functional status of the peripheral vestibular Telian SA. (1996) Practical Management of the Balance
organ and its associated central VOR pathways. ENG uti- Disorder Patient. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing
lizes electro-oculography as a means to indirectly track eye Group.)
movements as a function of time. Changes in eye position
are indicated by the polarity of the corneo-retinal poten- it is important to note a few of the more important differ-
tial relative to surface electrodes placed around the eye. The ences. Both ENG and VNG systems utilize two-dimensional
corneo-retinal potential is the difference in electrical activ- recording techniques to track eye movements in the hori-
ity between the cornea (positively charged front portion of zontal (yaw) and the vertical (pitch) planes. The video com-
the eye) and the retina (negatively charged back portion of ponent of VNG, however, allows for qualification in three-
the eye). A typical ENG setup consists of at least five elec- dimensional space by allowing the examiner to directly
trodes with one placed at the lateral canthus of each eye to monitor eye movements within all planes simultaneously.
record horizontal movement, one placed above and below This can be advantageous for identifying rotary or torsional
at least one eye to record vertical movement, and a common nystagmus such as in BPPV variants. This advantage of
or reference electrode placed on the forehead (Figure 21.1). VNG is limited, however, to the extent that the examiner
When the eye is moved within the orbit, there is a corre- observes the video of the eye movements during testing, as
sponding increase in the electrical potential in the direction the actual post-exam tracings are two-dimensional for both
of eye movement and decrease in the opposite direction.
This occurs because the positively charged cornea is now
closer to the electrode in the direction of movement. ENG
recordings can be performed with eyes open or eyes closed
and in either a lighted or darkened environment.
VNG is a more modern and widely administered
method of vestibular assessment. VNG utilizes infrared
video-oculography as a means to directly record eye move-
ments as a function of time. With VNG, the eyes are illu-
minated with infrared light and cameras located within the
goggles track eye location and movement using the center of
the pupil as a guide (Figure 21.2).
Significant differences exist between ENG and VNG A B
systems pertaining to calibration, artifact, test environment, FIGURE 21.2 VNG goggles: (A) With vision allowed;
recording of torsional nystagmus, and associated costs. (B) with vision denied. (Courtesy of A.T. Still University,
Whereas all of these areas are not discussed in detail here, AFA Balance and Hearing Institute.)

Fixation No fixation 10 s


Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

FIGURE 21.3 Plot of horizontal and vertical eye position in degrees as a func-
tion of time. The top lines were recorded from the horizontal channel (showing
right-beating nystagmus) and the bottom lines were recorded from the vertical
channel (showing no nystagmus). Each panel represents 10 s of tracing.
(A) Spontaneous right-beating nystagmus at 21 degrees/s (RB 21), with
fixation. (B) Spontaneous right-beating nystagmus at 29 degrees/s (RB 29),
without fixation. RB, right beating; LH, left horizontal channel; LV, left vertical
channel. (Courtesy of A.T. Still University, AFA Balance and Hearing Institute.)

systems. Another primary advantage of VNG is the presence recording techniques. In this figure, the rapid upward
of less recording artifact. VNG is much less susceptible to deflection of the tracing (fast-phase component of the
contamination from myogenic activity and eye blinks which nystagmus) is shown, followed in each case with a slower
are common pitfalls with ENG systems. Although VNG can downward drift of the tracing (slow component of the nys-
be used on the vast majority of patients, there are some tagmus). By convention, upward deflections in the record-
situations where ENG is better suited. Those patients for ing signify rightward (horizontal trace) or upward (vertical
whom ENG may be better suited include (1) patients with trace) eye movements whereas downward deflections sig-
claustrophobia or who will not participate in vision-denied nify leftward (horizontal trace) or downward (vertical trace)
conditions, (2) young children who often will not tolerate movements. For torsional eye movements, there will likely
goggles or for whom the goggles do not fit appropriately, be activity reflected in both the horizontal and vertical trac-
and (3) patients with dark areas on or around the eye that ings simultaneously but given the two-dimensional nature
make infrared recording difficult because of the inability of of ENG/VNG tracings (discussed previously), torsional nys-
the system to differentiate the pupil from other parts of the tagmus is best identified by direct observation. Torsional eye
eye (e.g., those with permanent makeup or dark areas on movements are generally referred to by the direction of the
the sclera). beat of the nystagmus in the horizontal plane (e.g., right-
Both ENG and VNG systems are designed to record and torsional nystagmus represents eye movements with the fast
measure nystagmus (as well as other types of eye movement, phase beating horizontally to the patient’s right, together
discussed later). Nystagmus is a type of eye movement that with the eyes beating to the patient’s right in the roll plane).
is oscillatory, that is, it moves in one direction (e.g., right- Alternatively torsional nystagmus may be referenced as
ward or leftward) and then in the opposite direction (see clockwise or counterclockwise based on the direction of the
Chapter 20). Nystagmus, in most cases, also typically fol- rotation as a whole, but this convention can be somewhat
lows a defined temporal pattern with slow drift in one direc- confusing. Regardless of description, the principal param-
tion and rapid return in the other direction. By convention, eter measured in the analysis of most types of nystagmus
nystagmus is labeled by the direction of the faster phase but is the slope or slow-phase component eye velocity (SCV)
its strength is measured by the velocity of the slower phase (Figure 21.4).
(in degrees per second). Thus, a nystagmus that has a slow The typical ENG/VNG exam consists of a series of
phase to the right and a fast phase to the left is termed a subtests designed to assess portions of the central and
“left-beating” nystagmus. Conversely, a nystagmus that has peripheral vestibular systems. ENG/VNG is limited with
a slow phase to the left and a fast phase to the right is termed respect to the peripheral system in that results are based
a “right-beating” nystagmus. predominantly on measurements of horizontal semicircular
Figure 21.3 shows a typical nystagmography tracing canal function with only minimal information garnered
which could be recorded from either electrodes or video from the vertical canals or otolithic organs. As such, broad

Amp in degrees of eye movement during the task and compared to established normative
SCV = slope of line ab = y/x = 4/1 data.
SCV = 4 degrees/seconds
Gaze Stability
5 degrees a
y Gaze stability testing involves measuring the patient’s ability
to hold the eyes in a fixed direction of gaze without drift-
x b
ing off the target. Gaze is usually fixed in a central (neutral)
Time (seconds) position or at points of horizontal and vertical displace-
1 seconds ment, 20 to 30 degrees from center. The gaze-holding task is
FIGURE 21.4 Right-beating nystagmus is illustrated performed both with and without visual fixation and each
along with the calculation of slow-component eye veloc- position is typically held for at least 30 seconds. Care must
ity (SCV), the slope of the line (ab). Upward trace deflec- be taken to ensure that the subject’s head remains still at all
tions represent rightward eye movement with downward times and that the angle of gaze never exceeds 30 degrees. A
indicating leftward eye movement. normal physiologic endpoint nystagmus could be recorded
and misinterpreted if the patient’s gaze exceeds 30 degrees
generalizations about vestibular function based on ENG/ past center. Abnormalities of gaze fixation typically suggest
VNG, in isolation, are not recommended. The typical ENG/ brainstem or cerebellar dysfunction.
VNG exam consists of the following subtests: Ocular-motor
Smooth Pursuit
evaluation, dynamic positioning, static positional tests, and
caloric irrigations. Smooth pursuit testing measures the patient’s ability to track
a moving target and maintain that target of interest on the
fovea with continuous fluid eye movements. These move-
0̂Ǟɑ̪ȋ.ȱǶʐɑʐǶʢ5˪ȄǶȄ ments should follow a smooth (sinusoidal) pattern without
The first portion of the ENG/VNG exam is the ocular-motor any jerking or “catch-up” corrections. During smooth pur-
evaluation. Tests of ocular motility are useful for investigat- suit the target typically moves rightward and leftward or up
ing the central pathways that are required for the function and down at speeds varied between 0.2 and 0.8 Hz. As the
of the VOR. Abnormalities in these tests typically indicate a frequency of the stimulus increases so does the difficulty of
central lesion or neurologic disorder. These tests may also the task. The recorded eye movements will cause the appear-
be affected by pre-existing nystagmus and can be abnormal ance of a sinusoid on the tracings (Figure 21.5). There are
in patients with severe fatigue, medication effects, or gen- three parameters typically analyzed for smooth pursuit:
eral inattention. The typical ocular motility battery includes Velocity gain, symmetry, and phase. Smooth pursuit is the
tests of gaze stability, smooth pursuit tracking, saccades, and most sensitive of the ocular-motor tests but has poor site of
optokinetic stimulation. Each of these subtests are recorded lesion localization because multiple pathways are involved
and quantified according to the eye movements generated in the response generation. Abnormalities of pursuit are

Horizontal tracking
Horizontal eye position

FIGURE 21.5 Smooth pursuit eye
movement recording with the target at 0.47 500 ms
Frequency = 0.71 Hz R gain = 0.49 L gain = 0.60 Phase shift = 7.5*
0.71 Hz. The top panel is a plot of hori- Tracking gain
zontal eye position as a function of time
(500 ms time mark shown) for sinusoidal 1.25
Velocity gain

tracking (dotted trace). In the same plot 1.00

(smooth line) the target position in de-
grees as a function of time is given. The
panel below the eye and target position 0.50
plots gives the value of velocity gain as
0.25 Rightward Abnormal Leftward
a function of frequency of target move-
ment. The shaded region represents 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
abnormal performance. Target frequency (Hz) Accepted cycles: 18

usually indicative of vestibulocerebellar dysfunction as this typically repeated with increasing stimulus velocities (20 and
area is common to all of the pursuit pathways. 60 degree/s) and the subject is generally instructed to watch
or count the stimuli as they pass. Velocity gain is measured
Saccade Testing by comparing the speed of the stimulus with the slow-phase
Saccades are rapid eye movements designed to bring a target velocity (SPV) of the eye recordings. Optokinetic testing
of interest onto the fovea of the eye. They are the fastest eye is the least sensitive of the ocular-motor tests. At present,
movements generated by humans and can be either reflexive OKN best serves as a cross check when abnormalities are
or voluntary. Saccade testing therefore evaluates the ability seen during pursuit or saccade testing. It is also important
of the patient to make quick eye movements in response to to note that light bar stimulus arrays do not provide suf-
a moving target and to maintain that target on the fovea ficient visual field stimulation. Therefore, responses gener-
for maximum visual acuity. Typically there are two types of ated under such testing conditions amount to nothing more
saccadic tests: One is a fixed position saccade and the other than another form of smooth pursuit testing and not true
is a random position saccade. The time intervals between optokinetic testing.
saccades can also be fixed or random. During evaluation the
patient is instructed to locate the target as soon as it moves
from one position to the next. The patient is asked to do this
as quickly as possible without head movement and without Dynamic positioning requires actively transitioning the
anticipating location. The three parameters of saccadic eye patient from one position to another. It is most commonly
movement that are analyzed include latency (how long it utilized to assess for the presence of BPPV, which is the most
takes for the eyes to react), velocity (how fast the eyes move common cause of vertigo in the adult population. Position-
to the target), and accuracy (how well the eyes acquire the ing evaluations typically include the Dix–Hallpike maneu-
position of the target). A typical tracing is displayed in Fig- ver, the horizontal head roll maneuver, or other similar
ure 21.6. Saccade testing is not as sensitive as pursuit testing modifications. Because many different BPPV variants exist,
but can provide information to aid in the identification of an accurate description of any evoked nystagmus present
involvement of the brainstem versus the vermis in the pos- during dynamic positioning is critical for proper identifi-
terior cerebellum. cation. Each semicircular canal produces unique eye move-
ments (see Chapter 20) which can be characterized to help
Optokinetic Testing localize the disorder.
Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) tests measure reflexive jerk The Dix–Hallpike maneuver (Figure 21.7) is the most
nystagmus eye movements created by repeated visualiza- common positioning evaluation used to determine if BPPV
tion of objects moving horizontally or vertically across the of the posterior semicircular canal or the anterior semicir-
patient’s visual field. The test stimuli utilized to produce the cular canal is present. The patient is seated on an examina-
OKN response is typically lighted bars or vertical stripes and tion table so when placed in a supine position (lying on the
must occupy at least 80% of the visual field. This process is back) he/she will occupy the length of the table. The patient’s
head is rotated by the examiner 45 degrees to the right or
to left depending on which side is being tested. The exam-
iner stands behind or in front of the patient and briskly
brings him/her down into a supine position with the head
positioned to the side and slightly lower than the shoulders.
Positive Dix–Hallpike responses produce a complex nystag-
mus with torsional (roll plane) and vertical eye movements.
There is also a minor horizontal component (yaw plane) to
the nystagmus with most cases of anterior–posterior canal
BPPV. The fast component of the torsional nystagmus is
generally directed toward the involved ear. This is typically,
but not always, the underneath ear. To adequately detect this
type of nystagmus, the eye movements must be visualized
by the examiner or recorded with video equipment because
the rotary component of the nystagmus will not show up
FIGURE 21.6 Schematic of eye and target position in
in standard electro-oculography or video-oculography
degrees, as a function of time, demonstrating the calcu-
lations of velocity, latency, and accuracy of the saccade tracings, since both are two-dimensional in printed output
eye movement for analysis. (Reprinted with permission (see earlier discussion). Torsional nystagmus, evoked in this
from Shepard NT, Telian SA. (1996) Practical Management manner, is not typically able to be suppressed by the central
of the Balance Disorder Patient. San Diego, CA: Singular nervous system, so the Dix–Hallpike maneuver can be per-
Publishing Group.) formed with vision allowed.

moving into the supine position, such as pregnant women

and those with low back pain, obesity, or arthritis.

The primary purpose of the positional evaluation is to iden-
tify nystagmus evoked during specific head and body posi-
tions relative to gravity. Some clinicians employ these tests in
both the sitting and supine positions whereas others employ
only the latter. Possible patient orientations include sitting
head turned right, sitting head turned left, supine, supine
head turned right, supine head turned left, and the “caloric”
position (head elevated by 30 degrees up from the horizon-
tal plane). If nystagmus is observed during either the head
turned right or head turned left positions, or if the patient
is unable to fully rotate his/her head, then side-lying right
(body right) and side-lying left (body left) are also investi-
gated. Additionally, in cases where no cervical region injuries
or active pathologies are reported, use of head hanging (neck
hyperextended) positions may also be added. Regardless of
orientation, eye movements are monitored while the patient
is held stationary and denied visual fixation (i.e., performed
in darkness). Some have suggested that static positional test-
ing should be performed both with and without visual fixa-
tion, particularly if any nystagmus is present, as the effect of
fixation is the single most useful factor in differentiating nys-
tagmus of central origin from other types. When testing in
FIGURE 21.7 Illustrations of the technique for the the vision-denied condition, it is also prudent to appropri-
Dix–Hallpike maneuver, for right side (top) and left side
ately engage the patients by giving them mental “tasks” (e.g.,
(bottom). Note that the patient’s eyes are open and fix-
ating on the examiner. (Reprinted with permission from counting or naming objects) to ensure they are alert.
Shepard NT, Telian SA. (1996) Practical Management of A positional nystagmus may be direction-fixed (always
the Balance Disorder Patient. San Diego, CA: Singular beating in the same direction) or direction-changing (more
Publishing Group.) than one direction observed during the exam). Direction-
changing nystagmus is often subclassified into geotropic or
The horizontal head roll maneuver is used to deter- ageotropic variants as discussed previously in the dynamic
mine if BPPV of the horizontal semicircular canal is pres- positioning section. Positional nystagmus is effectively a
ent. The patient begins in the supine position with head at nonlocalizing finding (i.e., can be produced by either central
center, slightly elevated, and supported by the examiner. The or peripheral lesions); therefore a review of ocular-motor
patient’s head is rotated 90 degrees to the right or to the left studies in combination with static results are necessary to
and held in that position for at least 30 seconds, or if nys- help differentiate between the two. Generally speaking,
tagmus is observed, until it abates or is properly identified. the presence of a positional nystagmus is considered to be
The head is then turned back to the center position, pausing indicative of peripheral system involvement (assuming nor-
briefly, and then rotated in the opposite direction. Positive mal ocular motility tests) except in the case of (1) direction-
head roll responses produce horizontal geotropic (nystag- changing nystagmus observed in a single head position or
mus that beats toward the ground) or ageotropic (nystagmus (2) if persistent vertical nystagmus is noted with no accom-
that beats away from the ground) responses. It is important panying horizontal component. Both of these conditions
to note that because the horizontal semicircular canals are could suggest central pathway involvement. Additionally,
coplanar, nystagmus should exist in both directions of head if a spontaneous, direction-fixed nystagmus is present and
turn. The general convention is that the position of the head no significant change in that nystagmus occurs during static
with the stronger response reflects the side of involvement positional evaluation, then the nystagmus is taken to be
for canalithiasis with loose otoconia moving within a canal, reflective of the spontaneous findings and not considered
and the reverse is true for cupulolithiasis in which otoconia as positional. This situation would suggest little or no influ-
debris is adhered to the cupula of one of the canals. Various ence of the otolith organs in the modulation or generation
modifications of the Dix–Hallpike maneuver and horizon- of the nystagmus but would not otherwise alter the general
tal head roll maneuver exist for those who have difficulty interpretation of peripheral system involvement.

Positional nystagmus is the most common abnormality ing stimulation of the horizontal canal. The reverse action
described during ENG/VNG evaluations. The exact quan- occurs for the more dense area of cooled fluid, causing inhi-
tification of static positional nystagmus remains somewhat bition. This response pattern results in a directional mne-
controversial. The following is one set of conservative crite- monic known as “COWS” indicating that Cool irrigations
ria which relies on a combination of average SPV, direction, will produce a nystagmus beating in the Opposite direction
and number of positions in which nystagmus is present to of the irrigated ear and Warm irrigations will produce a
determine if the nystagmus should be reported as an abnor- nystagmus that will beat in the Same direction as the irri-
mal finding (Barber and Stockwell, 1980): gated ear. Thus, a cool irrigation of the left ear will produce
a right-beating nystagmus whereas a warm irrigation of the
u SCV >5 degree/s in single position
left ear will produce a left-beating nystagmus.
u SCV <6 degree/s but persistent in four or more of the 8 to
Caloric responses are interpreted by using a relative
11 positions
comparison of the maximum slow-phase eye velocity for
u SCV <6 degree/s—sporadic in all positions tested
right irrigations versus that of the left irrigations. These val-
u Direction-changing within a given head position
ues are used to provide a percent comparison of response
magnitude (termed unilateral weakness [UW] or reduced
$̪ɑȱȋʐ̂*ȋȋʐʮ̪Ƕʐȱȸ vestibular response) and directional bias of eye movement
The caloric irrigation is used to help lateralize peripheral (termed directional preponderance [DP]) (Figure 21.8). A
lesions by cross-comparing nystagmus responses between fixation index or fixation suppression of caloric evoked nys-
the two labyrinths. The process involves timed irrigation tagmus may also be included by comparing the maximum
of the external auditory canal by one of three delivery SPV response without fixation to that of the minimum SPV
methods: Closed-loop water (water circulated inside a thin response with fixation. Each of these parameters is discussed
latex balloon inside the external auditory canal), open-loop in greater detail below. It should also be noted that although
water (water circulated in and out of the external auditory four irrigations are typical for calculation purposes, there
canal continuously), or air flow (air circulated in and out are situations where “ice water” (4°C) may also be utilized
of the external auditory canal continuously). Open-loop and situations where only two monothermal irrigations
water systems are typically the preferred method but can may be sufficient (Shepard and Telian, 1996).
be contraindicated in patients with tympanic membrane
perforations or when pressure equalization tubes are pres- Unilateral Weakness (Reduced Vestibular Response)
ent. In such cases the closed-loop water irrigation or air By comparing the relative strength of individual ear
method is a suitable alternative. For all of these delivery responses to the sum of responses for both ears, a UW can
systems, the irrigating medium (water or air) is set to spe- be determined using Jongkees’ formula:
cific temperatures above or below that of the body, typi-
cally temperatures of 44°C for warm and 30°C for cool are Unilateral Weakness (UW)
used for water systems and 50°C for warm and 24°C for (RW + RC) − (LW + LC)
= × 100 (Eq. 21.1)
cool are used for air systems. Irrigating the ear in this man- RW + RC + LW + LC
ner generates a vestibular nystagmus that can be measured
and analyzed. The most widely accepted theory about the where RW is right warm, RC right cool, LW left warm, and
physiologic origins of the caloric response involves gravity LC left cool. The results of this formula will show the rela-
and density changes that occur within the endolymph of tive strength of each horizontal canal, and thus it can be
the horizontal semicircular canal as a result of temperature inferred if one side is “weaker” than the other. The SPV val-
change. ues of each response should be taken from the area of great-
To perform the caloric irrigation test, the patient is est magnitude on the tracings (e.g., the 10-second period
placed in the supine position with the head elevated at that yields the strongest responses following irrigation).
30 degrees above the horizontal plane. This position, termed There are no universally accepted norms for classification
the “caloric position,” places the horizontal semicircular of UW. Each laboratory should establish its own normative
canal in an almost perpendicular orientation to the ground data. Some laboratories use a 20% cutoff. If one ear is 20%
making it most susceptible to endolymph movement. Air or stronger than the other ear, a UW is said to be present in
water is then delivered into the external auditory canal caus- the weaker ear. Other laboratories use values that vary from
ing an increase or decrease in the temperature of the tested 20% to 30%. This presents a statistical weakness in deter-
labyrinth. During a warm irrigation, the less dense fluid of mining what is normal and what is not. However, the UW
the horizontal canal in the endolymphatic space attempts to calculation is used by many as the most robust indicator of
rise upward. Since the fluid cannot flow around the canal a peripheral vestibular disorder. It is important to remem-
secondary to the cupula, the change in fluid density results ber that if a spontaneous nystagmus has been found in the
in a pressure differential across the cupula that produces a preceding gaze stability tests, then the direction and degree
deviation of the cupula toward the utricle, thereby caus- of that spontaneous nystagmus must be corrected for when

Right warm peak SPV: –61 degree/s Left cool peak SPV: –56 degree/s
80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20
SPV (degree/s)

SPV (degree/s)
0 0

–20 –20

–40 –40

–60 –60

–80 –80
Right cool peak SPV: 48 degree/s Left warm peak SPV: 33 degree/s
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Seconds Seconds

FIGURE 21.8 Plots of slow-phase velocity (SPV) from nystagmus provoked during caloric irrigations
as a function of time. The plotted triangles represent SPV measurements of the eye movements from
the nystagmus tracings. Data for the right ear, warm caloric irrigation, are shown at the top left. Data
for the right ear, cool irrigation, are shown at the bottom left. Data for the left ear, cool, are shown at
the top right. Data for the left ear, warm, are shown at the bottom right. The orientation of the trian-
gular data points represent cool (30°C), ▼, or warm (44°C), ▲, irrigations. The velocity values provided
in each box represent the average maximum SPV calculated from the peak areas of nystagmus shown
by the square markers over the plotted triangle data points. Unilateral weakness equals 10% in the
left ear and directional preponderance equals 18% to the right, both of which are within normal limits.
(Courtesy of A.T. Still University, AFA Balance and Hearing Institute.)

calculating caloric results to avoid an artifactual error that pared is the strength of all right-beating nystagmus to that
leads to an incorrect interpretation. of all left-beating nystagmus. It is generally accepted that a
difference of 30% or more is an indication of a DP in the
Directional Preponderance direction of the larger value. The presence of a DP is con-
DP is perhaps the weakest of the three caloric parameters. sidered a nonlocalizing finding in that it can be seen in both
Instead of looking at the overall response strength of each central and peripheral disorders, but can also be indicative
ear as done for the UW parameter, the DP calculation is used of failure to correct for a spontaneous nystagmus.
to detect the presence of a directional bias of the caloric-
induced nystagmus. Since two irrigations are expected to Fixation Index/Fixation Suppression
produce right-beating nystagmus and two irrigations are
A well-known feature of caloric-induced nystagmus is that
expected to produce left-beating nystagmus, there should
in individuals with intact central function, the evoked nys-
be equal values of right- and left-beating nystagmus gener-
tagmus SPV can be strongly reduced with visual fixation.
ated. If the responses in one direction are stronger than in
Typically, once the maximal caloric response has been iden-
the other direction, a DP exists, indicating a bias within the
tified, the patient is instructed to visually fixate on a small
system enabling nystagmus in one direction to be produced
stationary target, which necessitates that the eyes be kept
more easily than in the other direction. In determining if a
open. During this period of visual fixation, measurements
DP exists Eq. 21.2 is used:
of the SPV of the nystagmus are again taken. The values are
Directional Preponderance (DP) compared to the strength of the SPV of the nystagmus imme-
(RW + LC) − (LW + RC) diately preceding the visual fixation (peak caloric response),
= × 100 (Eq. 21.2) which should be the same area measured for UW and DP.
RW + RC + LW + LC
Usually, the strongest nystagmus produced by visual fixa-
where RW is right warm, RC right cool, LW left warm, and tion occurs 60 to 90 seconds from the onset of the irrigation.
LC left cool. It is recommended that fixation suppression be obtained
As with the calculation of a UW there are no accepted for all four caloric irrigations and that it is ascertained that
norms for determining a DP, and it is necessary for each lab the patient is actually attempting to fixate. Some patients
to generate normative data. Note that what is being com- experience vertigo to an extent that they cannot, or will not,

make an attempt to perform the task. The patient should performed to obtain sufficient data points. Gain, symmetry,
fixate for a duration of at least 15 seconds. A comparison of and phase parameters of the VOR response are recorded and
the SPV at the peak of the caloric response is compared to compared to normative data for each frequency. Different
values during visual fixation. As with other measurements response patterns have been observed for various patholo-
of caloric-induced nystagmus there is no general agreement gies and are not described in detail here because it is beyond
as to what values are considered abnormal, but most clini- the scope of this chapter. AHR is generally well tolerated by
cians use a 50% to 60% reduction in caloric-induced nys- most patients, but challenges can arise if the individual can-
tagmus as a sign of normalcy. Failure to adequately suppress not tolerate rapid head rotation.
caloric-induced nystagmus with visual fixation is a sign of For head movements below 2 Hz, the smooth pursuit
a central vestibular lesion (Baloh and Kerber, 2011). Once system is generally considered the dominant contributor to
again, it is strongly advised that individual clinic norms be visual stabilization. For frequencies greater than 2 Hz, how-
established for the proper interpretation of these results. ever, the VOR functions almost exclusively for that purpose
It is also worth noting that caloric testing, like most (Grossman et al., 1989). As a result, the AHR test can be
tests, does have some inherent limitations. Caloric stimu- performed with vision allowed (goggles open) rather than
lation is not a true physiologic response. The normal ves- with vision denied (goggles closed). Caloric irrigations and
tibular system operates in a complimentary arrangement, rotational chair testing evaluate frequencies below 2 Hz and
such that if one side is stimulated, the opposite side is can therefore be influenced by the central ocular-motor sys-
inhibited simultaneously. A caloric response is therefore not tem; thus these tests are usually performed in darkness to
analogous to normal stimulation. Another limitation of the prevent any visual contribution. AHR more closely approxi-
caloric test is that it only provides information about hori- mates natural head movement and should therefore be bet-
zontal semicircular canal function and simulates very low ter suited to characterize VOR function than the nonphysi-
frequencies (0.002 to 0.004 Hz) which are well below the ologic caloric response which simulates speeds well below
normal operational range of the VOR. Therefore, absence the operational range of the VOR, and rotational chair
of a caloric response to warm, cool, or ice water irriga- which only approaches the low end of natural head move-
tions cannot be taken as an indication of complete lack of ment. The clinical use of AHR systems has been limited up
vestibular function. Rotational chair evaluation would be to this point, however, because of concerns regarding sensi-
necessary in this case to better define the true extent of any tivity and specificity in identifying vestibular abnormalities
bilateral peripheral vestibular loss. Despite these inadequa- as well as poor test–retest reliability (Fife et al., 2000).
cies, the caloric test remains a critical part of the traditional
ENG/VNG battery.
Rotational Chair
Rotational chair testing involves stimulation of the ves-
Active Head Rotation tibular system by turning the patient in an angular fashion
AHR evaluates the VOR at higher frequencies, typically 2 to around an earth-vertical axis (Figure 21.9). This is typi-
6 Hz. AHR is considered an “active” test because volitional cally accomplished using a sinusoidal or constant velocity
movement by the patient is required for the stimulus. This is paradigm with and without incorporation of visual stimuli.
in contrast to rotational chair testing (discussed later) which Because rotary chair uses a physiologic stimulus and can
is deemed a “passive” test because of the fact that the stimulus be performed at a range of frequencies, it is often used to
is delivered by a motor-driven chair and not by the patient. expand our evaluation of the peripheral vestibular sys-
The equipment necessary to perform AHR testing includes tem. Rotational studies can be useful in determining site
infrared goggles or electrodes, an accelerometer attached to of lesion, confirming clinical suspicion of diagnosis, coun-
the goggles or to a headband, a computer with VOR analysis seling the patient, and evaluating rehabilitation potential.
software, and a stationary visual target. It is important to They may also be useful for special populations that cannot
note that the goggles or headband must be secured tightly undergo traditional caloric testing or those with interaural
to the patient’s head during AHR to minimize slippage of caloric responses that cannot be reliably compared (e.g.,
the motion sensor which could adversely affect data collec- young children, individuals with external or middle-ear
tion. The patient is seated in front of the stationary target pathology, individuals with perforations). It is important to
with goggles open (vision allowed) and instructed to move note, however, that whereas rotary chair testing does pro-
his/her head back and forth, in rhythm with an audible vide some distinct advantages over nystagmography (ENG/
stimulus. During this task, the subject is also instructed to VNG), in general it is viewed as complimentary and in most
keep his/her eyes focused on the stationary target. The AHR cases not likely to significantly alter patient management,
test can be performed in the horizontal or vertical planes, except in the case of a bilateral vestibular loss.
allowing for assessment of multiple semicircular canals. The A review of 2,266 patients was performed by Shepard
audible stimulus begins at a slow frequency interval and and Telian (1996) investigating the clinical utility of rotary
gradually increases to a faster rate. Several trials are typically chair testing in the evaluation of peripheral vestibular system

testing is used in these cases to verify and define the extent

of a bilateral weakness or to further investigate the rela-
tive responsiveness of the peripheral vestibular apparatus
in each ear when caloric studies are unreliable or unavail-
u When a baseline is needed to follow the natural history
of the patient’s disorder (e.g., possible early Ménière’s
disease) or for assessing the effectiveness of a particular
treatment, like that of chemical ablation of one or both
peripheral vestibular systems.
When utilizing rotational protocols, it is important to
remember that the peripheral vestibular system has a com-
plimentary “push–pull” arrangement, so that if one side is
stimulated with angular or linear acceleration, the opposite
side is inhibited in its neural activity. Therefore, the pri-
mary disadvantage of rotational chair testing is its relative
inability to yield much information regarding laterality of
a lesion. Also, rotational equipment is very costly and takes
up considerable space in the clinic so it is not always readily
A typical rotational chair protocol will likely include
sinusoidal harmonic acceleration (SHA) tests performed
FIGURE 21.9 Generic rotational chair setup. The chair
at several frequencies, step velocity tests, and in some cases
is on a computer-controlled motor within an enclosure
and can be rotated in either direction. A device for hold-
visual–vestibular interaction tests. These protocols are dis-
ing the head to the chair is shown. A means for produc- cussed in greater detail below. Before performing any rota-
ing optokinetic stimulation is shown as the drum in the tional study, all equipment should be calibrated and the
ceiling. (Reprinted with permission from Shepard NT, patient evaluated for any spontaneous or gaze-evoked nys-
Telian SA. (1996) Practical Management of the Balance tagmus as the presence of which may bias the test results.
Disorder Patient. San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing Electro-oculography or video-oculography is used to
Group.) monitor and record all jerk nystagmus that is generated in
response to the angular chair acceleration stimulus. The slow
function. Based on that review, there appears to be good evi- component of the evoked nystagmus is the VOR and, as with
dence for obtaining, at minimum, low-frequency rotational ENG/VNG, is the portion of the eye movement for which
data in certain patient populations with suspected peripheral velocity is calculated and used for analysis purposes.
vestibular system dysfunction. Based on current research,
general criteria for when rotational chair testing may be 4ʐȸǞȄȱʐ˹̪ɑ)̪ȋɇȱȸʐ̂"̂̂˪ɑ˪ȋ̪Ƕʐȱȸ
of significant clinical use is given below (Ruckenstein and
The SHA test evaluates the VOR over a range of frequen-
Shepard, 2000; Shepard and Telian, 1996):
cies, typically harmonics between 0.01 and 1.28 Hz. SHA
u When either the ENG is normal and ocular-motor results testing is performed in complete darkness (vision denied)
are normal or observed abnormalities would not invali- with the patient seated in the upright position and the head
date rotational chair results. Chair testing is used here to tilted forward-down, approximately 30 degrees, to achieve
expand the investigation of peripheral system involve- maximum stimulation of the horizontal semicircular
ment and compensation status. canals. The patient is secured tightly at the head, torso, and
u When the ENG suggests a well-compensated status (no legs prior to any rotation. Proper restriction of the patient’s
spontaneous or positional nystagmus), despite the pres- head and body is critical because the rotational stimulus is
ence of a clinically significant unilateral caloric weakness being delivered to the vestibular system via rotation of the
and ongoing symptom complaints. Chair testing is used entire body, thus both the head and body must be fixed for
here to expand the investigation of compensation in a their movement to be congruent. The subject is brought to
patient with a known lesion site and complaints suggest- a constant velocity, typically 50 to 60 degree/s, at different
ing poor compensation. rates and rotated sinusoidally for multiple cycles at each
u When warm and cool caloric irrigations are below frequency. Either video or electrode recording technique is
10 degree/s bilaterally, when caloric irrigations cannot be used to capture the SPV of the eye movements from each
performed, or when results in the two ears may not be cycle of stimulation. The SPV responses from each cycle
compared reliably because of anatomic variability. Chair are added together and then divided by the total number of

Sinusoidal harmonic acceleration testing and easily, however, allowing responses from many cycles to
be averaged. This is because the peak chair velocity is fixed
Sinusoidal angular velocity
Head velocity
for each rotation, so that as the frequency is increased, the
Slow component of nyslagrnus subject experiences increasing acceleration with decreasing

eye velocity excursion of the chair.

Three parameters are measured for SHA testing: Gain,
symmetry, and phase (Figure 21.10). Some systems may also
a b2 include a spectral purity measure which details the qual-
ity of the data collected. Gain describes the amount of eye
movement relative to head movement, symmetry is a com-
parison measure of rightward rotation to leftward rotation,

and phase can be thought of as the reaction time of the eyes
in response to head movement. Each measure is described
in more detail below. The results of the SHA parameters are
p = phase (in time or degrees) plotted by frequency and then compared with manufacturer
b or clinical normative data (Figure 21.11).
Gain = a1
b2 – b1 Gain
osymmetry = × 100 (in %)
b2 + b1
Gain represents a ratio of eye velocity to chair/head velocity
FIGURE 21.10 Pictorial and formulated definitions of and tells us about the overall responsiveness of the periph-
the three major parameters used for analyzing sinusoi- eral vestibular system (Figure 21.10). Patients with a unilat-
dal harmonic acceleration testing. eral loss of vestibular function often display a reduction in
gain in the low frequencies with normalization in the higher
cycles performed to get an average response for the tested frequencies. The principal use of gain measures, however, is
frequency. The frequency is then changed and the entire to identify and quantify the extent of a bilateral reduction
process repeated. Protocols may vary from lab to lab but the in peripheral vestibular function. Individuals with partial
more cycles performed at a given frequency, the more reli- bilateral vestibular weakness may exhibit gain patterns simi-
able the data. Pragmatically however, the very slow cycles lar to those of unilateral losses, whereas those with complete
take a considerable amount of time to complete and there- bilateral hypofunction will exhibit patterns that are reduced
fore performing more than two or three cycles becomes across all frequencies. The gain value and the phase compo-
time prohibitive. Unfortunately, the very low frequencies nent (discussed below) help to verify that severely reduced
(<0.08 Hz) also produce the weakest response from the VOR or absent caloric irrigation responses accurately reflect a
and, therefore, have the poorest signal-to-noise ratio. In true bilateral vestibular weakness and are not the result of
general, the very low frequencies are also the most likely to an artifact or some other technical error. Gain measures may
produce any unpleasant symptoms such as nausea. The fre- also play a significant role in determining the course of reha-
quencies from 0.16 Hz and above can be completed quickly bilitation or prognosis for therapy success. It is important to

VOR Summary
Gain Asymmetry Phase
Channel LH CW rotation weaker [%] deg lead

Low gain CCW rotation weaker [%] deg Lag

0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.64 1.28 Hz 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.64 1.28 Hz 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.08 0.16 0.32 0.64 1.28 Hz

FIGURE 21.11 Normal rotational chair results. The plot on the left shows gain (eye velocity divided by
head velocity) as a function of frequency of chair sinusoidal stimulation. The plot in the center shows
symmetry data in percentage as a function of frequency. The plot on the right shows phase angle in
degrees as a function of frequency. The darkened areas represent abnormal performance based on a
two standard deviation range above and below the mean. (Courtesy of A.T. Still University, AFA Balance
and Hearing Institute.)

note that gain measurements can be negatively influenced especially when viewed in conjunction with reduced VOR
by patient alertness, calibration, or technical errors such as gain. Increased phase leads may also be seen in persons with
light in the booth. Figure 21.11 shows normal results for damage to the central vestibular nuclei within the brain-
gain as a function of sinusoidal harmonic stimulation. stem; therefore, increased phase leads should not be looked
at exclusively to localize lesions to the labyrinth or cranial
Symmetry nerve VIII. The significance of an abnormally decreased
Symmetry refers to the difference between the peak right- phase lead is still not fully understood. Low phase leads may
beating and peak left-beating slow-phase eye velocities suggest a lesion in the nodulus region of the cerebellum, an
divided by the total peak SPVs (Figure 21.10). Symme- area that influences the velocity storage integrator (Waespe
try values are calculated by comparing eye velocity while et al., 1985), but they have also been reported in individuals
rotating to the right (eye movement to the left) versus with migraine-related dizziness and those with a history of
eye velocity while rotating to the left (eye movement to the motion sensitivity (Brey et al., 2008). Figure 21.11 shows a
right). This may seem contradictory, but it is important to plot of phase angle as a function of frequency of rotation in
remember that symmetry values are calculated and named a subject with normal SHA findings.
by the direction of the eye movement that is produced
by the VOR, which is the slow component. The situation
is reversed when discussing DP of caloric irrigations. DP
values are calculated by slow-component velocity but, by A second type of rotational method in common clinical
convention, are named by the direction of the fast phase of practice is the velocity step or impulse acceleration test. For
the nystagmus. Therefore, a patient who exhibits a right- this test, the patient is seated in complete darkness (vision
beating DP (left slow-component velocity greater than right denied), head tipped forward-down 30 degrees, and secured
slow-component velocity) may show a left asymmetry on in the same manner as the SHA protocol. The subject is
rotational chair testing, indicating that during chair testing, quickly accelerated or “stepped” up to a constant velocity
left slow-component velocity was greater than right slow- between 60 and 240 degree/s with an impulse acceleration
component velocity. Abnormal symmetry values, under of approximately 100 degree/s2. Once the desired velocity
most circumstances, should correspond with any direction- has been obtained, the rotation continues for a period of 45
fixed spontaneous nystagmus and correlate with the DP of to 60 seconds at that speed. The VOR response to the initial
the caloric response. Asymmetric responses are typically acceleration is known as per-rotary nystagmus and the slow-
indicative of an uncompensated peripheral vestibular weak- component peak eye velocity (gain) is recorded. Over time,
ness on the side of the stronger SPV response or an irritative the per-rotary nystagmus will begin to decay and the sub-
lesion on the opposite side. In circumstances where the DP ject will falsely perceive a slowing of the chair. The time (in
and asymmetry do not agree, the bias may be because of a seconds) at which the nystagmus SPV component decays to
peripheral lesion with incomplete dynamic compensation 37% of its original peak value is also recorded and is known
or, less likely, the presence of an uncompensated lesion in as the vestibular time constant. Time constants are param-
the central pathways. Figure 21.11 shows a normal result for eters that characterize the timing relationship between head
the symmetry measurement. movement and subsequent eye movement. After the con-
stant velocity interval of 45 to 60 seconds has expired, the
Phase chair is stopped, using a rapid deceleration of equal mag-
Phase represents the timing relationship between the stim- nitude to initial acceleratory impulse. Although the chair is
ulus (chair/head velocity) and the response (eye velocity) now stationary, the subject will likely perceive motion in the
(Figure 21.10). It is the value in degrees to which compen- opposite direction. The post-rotary VOR response will elicit
satory eye movements lead or lag movement of the head. nystagmus beating in the direction opposite to that of the
Shepard and Telian (1996) report that this parameter has initial acceleration and is known as the post-rotary nystag-
the greatest clinical value because of its ability to accurately mus. The gain and time constant of the post-rotary period
identify peripheral system dysfunction but it is also the least are measured in the same manner as the per-rotary period.
intuitive of the three VOR metrics. If eye movement is per- Therefore, there will be two gain and two time constant
fectly compensatory to head movement, then the eyes will measurements for a single rotation. After sufficient recov-
be 180 degrees out of phase with the head resulting in zero ery time, the entire process is then repeated in the opposite
phase lead. The VOR, however, is a nonlinear mechanism direction so that one trial is performed in the clockwise or
so this only occurs for a limited range of frequencies. Dur- rightward direction and one in the counterclockwise or left-
ing the slower frequencies (<0.16 Hz) the compensatory ward direction. Clockwise acceleration stimulates the right
eye movement will typically lead the head movement and horizontal canal and inhibits the left during the per-rotary
at the faster frequencies the eyes will lag behind the head phase and stimulates the left horizontal canal and inhibits
movement. Abnormally increased phase leads are com- the right during the post-rotary phase. The opposite is true
mon in individuals with peripheral vestibular disorders, for counterclockwise rotations.

Gain and time constant values obtained from the to maintain fixation on the lighted target reducing or elimi-
step protocol are analyzed and compared against clinical nating any vestibular-induced nystagmus. A normal score
or manufacturer norms. Normal gain values typically fall typically results in at least 90% suppression of the VOR
within the range of 0.4 and 0.7 and normal time constants gain. The patient with abnormal vestibular function will be
are generally greater than 10 seconds. Abnormally decreased unable to suppress the vestibular-induced nystagmus and it
time constants, particularly for 60 degree/s stimuli, may sug- will persist in large quantities. Failure to suppress (fixate) is a
gest unilateral, bilateral, or central vestibular deficits. Asym- central sign typically associated with cerebellar dysfunction.
metric or reduced gain values, particularly for 240 degree/s The VVOR test evaluates a patient’s ability to inte-
stimuli, may suggest unilateral peripheral vestibular defi- grate the visual pursuit and VOR systems effectively. This is
cits. For uncompensated peripheral lesions, both low and the most “real-world” rotational test as it is the manner in
higher velocity step tests may demonstrate asymmetric gain which the vestibular system typically operates, combining
values. It is also important to note that rotational step tests visual and peripheral sensory inputs. The patient is secured
are heavily influenced by noise in the recording or physi- in the same fashion as in the VFX test but this time an OPK
ologic systems and by the arousal of the patient prior to the stimulus is projected onto the enclosure around or wall in
acceleration because averaging is not used in this rotational front of the subject. Unlike OPK testing performed during
paradigm. As a result, there will be patients for whom the routine ENG/VNG, this OPK stimulus is held fixed (non-
estimates of time constant from the two protocols do not moving). The movement is supplied by the chair which is
agree. Ideally, the step test and the sinusoidal acceleration rotated sinusoidally back and forth, typically at frequencies
tests can be used in parallel to increase the accuracy of esti- in the 0.16- to 0.64-Hz range. The goal of the VVOR test is
mates of the system time constant, individual periphery to effectively match eye speed to the speed of rotation while
gains from the step procedure, and overall gain from the viewing the OPK stimulus. A normal patient will be able
sinusoidal protocol, with possible asymmetrical peripheral to accomplish this with eye speed approaching a gain of 1.
responsiveness. Abnormal patients may show different patterns based on
pathology. If a patient exhibits abnormally low gain during
SHA testing but normal gain during VVOR, it implies that
7ʐȄǞ̪ɑŔ7˪ȄǶʐ̍Ǟɑ̪ȋ*ȸǶ˪ȋ̪̂Ƕʐȱȸ the patient is able to compensate for any defective VOR with
Up to this point, all rotational chair studies discussed have voluntary pursuit and thus the central vestibular system
been performed in complete darkness (i.e., vision denied) is likely intact and the patient has a peripheral hypofunc-
to ensure that only the VOR was being evaluated, without tion. If, however, both SHA gain and VVOR gain are low
interference from the visual system and without possibil- at the same frequency, it is suggestive of central dysfunc-
ity of central VOR suppression. The introduction of visual tion most likely affecting the cerebellum or brainstem (Fur-
stimuli to the standard rotary evaluation allows the clini- man and Cass, 1996). More recent investigations using the
cian to make judgments about the central vestibular–ocular VVOR protocol have also been used to help identify those
relationship and may be useful in identifying patients with with traumatic brain injury or migraine-related dizziness.
migraine-related dizziness, traumatic brain injury, and vari- For example, Arriaga et al. (2005) reported that 71% of
ous central vestibular pathologies. There are two common patients diagnosed with migraine vestibulopathy had ele-
visual–vestibular studies performed within the balance vated VVOR gain, whereas only 5% of a control group had
laboratory: Visual fixation (VFX) and visually enhanced similar gain. VVOR appears to be the least sensitive of all the
vestibulo-ocular reflex (VVOR) tests. rotational tests but it can nevertheless assist in differential
The VOR suppression test or VFX evaluates a patient’s diagnosis because its failure demonstrates an inability of the
ability to suppress vestibular-induced nystagmus by means CNS to successfully integrate visual and vestibular informa-
of visual fixation. It is somewhat analogous to the fixation tion effectively.
suppression (fixation index) that is assessed during caloric
irrigations following measurement of peak SPV caloric-
induced nystagmus. The patient is seated in the rotary chair,
head tipped forward-down 30 degrees, and secured in the Despite the growing body of knowledge regarding the
same manner as before, but this time with the goggles open function of the vestibular labyrinth, clinical assessment of
rather than closed (vision allowed). Additionally, there is each vestibular end-organ is still somewhat incomplete.
also the introduction of a visual target, typically a laser line The most commonly used laboratory tests in clinical prac-
or dot that is projected from the chair onto the enclosure tice today such as caloric irrigation, rotational chair, and
or wall in front of the subject. The subject is asked to fix- head impulse are based predominantly on lateral semicir-
ate visually on the target while the chair rotates sinusoidally cular canal function. Research of otolith responses over
back and forth. The target travels at the same speed of the the past three decades has employed different methods of
chair thereby always remaining in front of the participant. stimulation including off-vertical axis rotations (OVAR),
The patient with normal vestibular function should be able linear track, and parallel swing devices. Only recently have

tools for the investigation of the utricle and saccule begun [40.00 μV/div]
to appear in more frequent clinical use. Since this area of
investigation is still emerging in routine clinical use, the full
extent and clinical utilization is not yet entirely established.
For organizational simplicity, the two otolith organs will
be considered separately though there is presumably some
physiologic overlap.

The primary method for evaluating saccular and inferior ves- L VEMP
tibular nerve function is by means of the vestibular-evoked
myogenic potential (VEMP). VEMPs are short-latency
electromyograms (EMGs) produced during application of (ms)
high-intensity acoustic stimuli recorded via surface elec- –11.0 –4.0 3.0 10.0 17.0 24.0 31.0 38.0
trodes over contracted muscles. Saccular neurons respond
FIGURE 21.12 Normal cVEMP response elicited via
not only to linear acceleration but also to sound pressure
air conduction at 95 dB nHL with a 500-Hz tone burst,
waves. This latter phenomenon allows for clinical investi-
showing P1 and N1 peaks with their respective latencies.
gation of the saccule by way of the vestibulocollic pathway. (Courtesy of A.T. Still University, AFA Balance and Hearing
When a high-intensity acoustic stimulus is applied to the ear, Institute.)
there is a transient inhibition in tonic muscle activity ipsilat-
eral to the side of stimulation. This temporary release from
contraction can be measured via EMG on a commercially response characteristics used to interpret the waveforms
available evoked potential unit, allowing for assessment of include P1–N1 latency, P1–N1 amplitude, threshold, and
each saccule independently. Responses can be elicited from interaural asymmetry ratio. The cVEMP response is depen-
different muscle groups but are typically recorded from the dent on intact saccular and vestibular nerve function. The
sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles of the neck and, when cVEMP has been found to be absent in cases of vestibular
performed in this manner, are commonly referred to as nerve section, but independent of cochlear function, as it
cervical VEMPs (cVEMP). is preserved in subjects with severe to profound sensory/
There is currently no standard protocol for VEMP neural hearing loss (Colebtach and Halmagyi, 1992). The
acquisition (Cheng et al., 2003; Li et al., 1999). Generally, VEMP is independent of cochlear function because it is the
VEMPs are obtained using a two-channel recording with sound-sensitive neurons of the saccule, not the cochlea, that
the noninverting electrodes placed over the midpoint of the participate in the response. It should be noted that this holds
SCM muscles, inverting electrodes placed at the sternocla- true only for sensory/neural hearing losses since conductive
vicular junctions, chin or dorsum of the hand and a ground pathologies can significantly reduce or eliminate VEMP
electrode placed on the forehead. A single polarity click or responses because of the reduction in stimulus sound pres-
low-frequency tone burst at or above 90 dB nHL is delivered sure ultimately reaching the inner ear.
monaurally as the stimulus. Sustained contraction of the The diagnostic utility of the VEMP is being investigated
SCM is necessary to elicit a VEMP response so physical con- for a wide range of audio-vestibular and neurologic disor-
tribution from the patient is required. The SCM ipsilateral ders. Response characteristics vary by pathology but certain
to the stimulated saccule must be forced into contraction patterns have begun to be identified. Absent responses and
by having the patient either lift or turn his/her head dur- interaural amplitude differences tend to be the most common
ing stimulus presentation. It is important that the patient abnormalities described in vestibular disorders such as ves-
maintain sufficient EMG activity of the SCM throughout tibular neuritis, vestibular schwannoma, and endolymphatic
the test. VEMP responses are proportional to both stimulus hydrops. Prolonged latencies have been described in those
level and the level of SCM activity so EMG monitoring with with central pathologies such as multiple sclerosis (Alpini et
a target range of 30 to 50 mV is a recommended best prac- al., 2005) and brainstem lesion (Itoh et al., 2001). Of greatest
tice (Akin et al., 2004). use to date, however, has been the discovery of abnormally
The cVEMP waveform is a biphasic electrical response low thresholds in patients with superior semicircular canal
representing a release from muscle contraction temporally dehiscence, large vestibular aqueduct syndrome, and Tullio
synchronized to the acoustic stimulus presentation. The phenomenon (Minor, 2005; Sheykoholeslami et al., 2004).
response markers used to describe the waveform include In recent years, several investigators have described a
peaks P13 (designated P1) and N23 (designated N1) which VEMP response recorded from the extra-ocular muscles of
indicate the first positive and negative peaks of the response the eye by activating the otoliths with acoustic or vibratory
and their corresponding latencies (Figure 21.12). The stimuli. This response, termed the ocular VEMP (oVEMP),

requires the patient to sit quietly and fix his/her gaze upward $PNQVUFSJ[FE%ZOBNJD
on a stationary visual target. In contrast to the cervical
VEMP, which is an ipsilateral inhibitory response, oVEMPs
appear to reflect a predominantly contralateral excitation A large percentage of patients that are seen in the balance
of muscle activity. The oVEMP response characteristics are laboratory require some assessment of postural control.
similar to those of the cVEMP in several ways but the exact Postural stability can be evaluated in a number of differ-
anatomic origins are still somewhat debated. Mounting ent ways each with its own unique methods and equipment.
research suggests that oVEMPs may in fact reflect utricular Because of the breadth of this topic, we will limit our dis-
activity thereby providing a means to clinically assess both cussion here to one of the most common formal assess-
otolithic organs independently, via the cVEMP and oVEMP ment tools utilized in balance clinics today: Computerized
measures. dynamic posturography (CDP) as devised by EquiTest®. In
general, CDP utilizes dynamic forceplates to detect the hori-
zontal and vertical forces exerted by a subject’s feet on the
platform on which he/she is standing. The forceplates have
The primary clinical method at this time for evaluating the the ability to rotate up or down or to translate forward or
function of the utricle is a test of subjective visual vertical backward to provoke movement from the subject’s center
(SVV). SVV is a psychophysical measure determined by of mass. Rotation can also be initiated by the individual’s
having the patient adjust a vertical line or light array to what own anterior–posterior body sway. The forceplates are sup-
he/she perceives to be perfectly vertical (Böhmer and Mast, plemented by a moveable visual surround which can simi-
1999; Friedmann, 1970). SVV may be obtained while the larly be made to move either independently or as a result
patient is seated upright and motionless or while exposed to of the subject’s movement. The CDP system collects and
rotational accelerative stimuli (per-rotary or dynamic SVV). analyzes center of gravity and sway responses and provides
The principle underlying SVV is that an individual’s per- numeric data which can then be compared with established
ception of verticality and ability to adjust a visual target to norms. Posturography is not a diagnostic site-of-lesion test
true vertical is because of the detection of the pull of gravity, but is useful in assessing functional abilities and often as an
primarily via the utricles. If a pathologic insult disrupts the adjunct in the design and monitoring of vestibular and bal-
peripheral functioning of the utricular organ or the central ance rehabilitation programs. CDP may also be beneficial
utricular pathways, a resulting change in the position of the in the identification of patients who are exaggerating their
eye in regards to the true horizontal occurs, along with a functional abilities. Generally speaking, CDP consists of
static ocular counter roll. During an acute insult, an individ- three distinct assessment protocols: The sensory organiza-
ual may adjust the SVV line off the true vertical as much as tion test (SOT), the motor control test, and the adaptation
21 degrees, tilted in the same direction as the affected side and test (ADT), each described in short below.
ocular counter roll (Böhmer and Rickenmann, 1995). How-
ever, as the acute phase of the lesion subsides and becomes
more chronic, the individual’s performance quickly returns
to normal (Vibert et al., 1999). Rotational chair paradigms The SOT measures a subject’s postural responses to a variety
have been experimented with in recent years in an attempt of visual, vestibular, and somatosensory altered conditions by
to allow for investigation of the utricular system under more means of patient-initiated floor and visual surround move-
chronic conditions. This has led to the implementation of ments. The test consists of six specific conditions following
eccentric per-rotary SVV protocols. An eccentric displace- a pattern of progressively more difficult scenarios accom-
ment paradigm where the patient estimates SVV while plished by reducing or distorting information used for the
exposed to centripetal acceleration, commonly referred to maintenance of balance (Figure 21.13). The first three con-
as an off-axis rotation or unilateral centrifugation, was first ditions offer uninterrupted, accurate, foot support surface
introduced by Wetzig et al. (1990). For individuals with nor- information but with different visual inputs. Condition 1 is
mal vestibular function, the off-axis SVV tilts symmetrically performed with eyes open, whereas in condition 2, the eyes
during unilateral centrifugation. That is, when the subject is are closed. Under condition 3, the eyes are open but the visual
placed off-axis to the right, the SVV is tilted toward the left; surround moves synchronously with the anterior–posterior
and when placed off-axis to the left, the SVV is tilted toward sway movements of the patient. Condition 3 therefore pres-
the right. Patients with chronic unilateral utricular loss ents a situation of visual conflict, where visual information is
exhibit an SVV asymmetry when measured during unilat- of no significant help in maintaining postural control. Con-
eral centrifugation. When the lesioned ear is placed off-axis, ditions 4, 5, and 6 use the same sequence of visual conditions
the SVV does not shift because the utricle does not respond but with the foot support surface now giving misleading
to the gravito-inertial force. Because of the relative newness information. As with the movement of the visual surround
of this procedure, clinical protocols and normative data are in condition 3, when testing under conditions 4, 5, and 6,
not yet widely distributed. sway movements of the patient in the anterior–posterior

Equilibrium score




1 2 3 4 5 6
A Sensory conditions

Latency (ms) Latency (ms)

Backward translations Forward translations
250 250

200 200
FIGURE 21.13 Six test conditions for the sensory orga-
nization portion of dynamic posturography. In the first
three conditions, accurate foot somatosensory cues 150 150
are available to the patient in all of the tests. The first
and second conditions are simply eyes open and eyes 100 100
closed. Condition 3 provides for orientationally inac- M L M L M L M L
curate visual information in that, if the patient sways Left Right Left Right
anterior–posterior, the visual surround moves with the FIGURE 21.14 Results of dynamic posturography test-
patient (sway referenced). In conditions 4, 5, and 6, inac- ing in a patient with all results interpreted as normal.
curate foot somatosensory cues are provided by tilting The bar graph in the top panel (A) plots a percentage
the platform equal to the patient’s sway in the sagittal equilibrium score for each of the six SOT conditions
plane (sway referenced). Then, for each of these latter (see Fig. 21.13). A score of 100 indicates no sway in the
three conditions, eyes open, eyes closed, and sway- sagittal plane and a ‘Fall’ indicates that sway reached a
referenced visual surround are presented, respectively. magnitude equal to the theoretical limits of sway for the
(From NeuroCom Int., Inc. Instruction Manual, with patient in the sagittal plane. The composite bar on the
permission.) far right shows the numerical average of scores from
the six conditions. The bar graphs in the bottom panel
(B) show the motor control test results for latency to
plane drive the movement of the support surface. In this way, onset of recovery scores for medium and large forward
somatosensory information is of limited use in maintaining and backward translations. The latencies are given in
balance. Typically, three trials are performed for each condi- milliseconds and shown by the black bars for left leg
tion and the average performance is taken as representative and right leg for both sizes of platform translations.
of the patient’s postural control ability under that sensory (Reprinted from NeuroCom Int., with permission.)
condition. A composite equilibrium score for all trials of all
conditions is also generated. Figure 21.14A shows an example
information should be interpreted only to reflect which
of the graphical representation of these results in a patient
input information the patient is able, or conversely unable,
with normal CDP findings.
to use for the task at hand.
In addition to the quantitative equilibrium score,
CDP studies are also interpreted using pattern recognition.
Abnormal scoring on any of the six conditions is grouped to
define a pattern of instability that can be functionally inter- The motor control test (MCT) provides information about
preted. Table 21.4 presents the most frequent patterns and patients’ ability to react to unexpected displacement of their
a commonly used nomenclature. By far, the most common center of mass. The unexpected displacement is created by
pattern is the vestibular dysfunction pattern. It is important abrupt horizontal translations of the support surface on
to recognize, however, that SOT only provides information which they are standing. Typically, three small, medium, and
regarding which sensory system cues the patient is unable to large translations are presented in increasing magnitude for
utilize for maintenance of postural control. In other words, both the forward and backward directions. When the support
it provides a relative measure of the patient’s ability to uti- surface translates unexpectedly in this manner, the body cen-
lize the sensory input cues of vision, vestibular, and somato- ter of mass remains approximately stationary becoming off-
sensation to maintain balance, but does not provide relative set to the base of support. Rapid automatic postural correc-
information as to which of the sensory systems has lesions, tions are then necessary to restabilize the body and prevent a
causing postural control abnormalities. Therefore, SOT fall. The postural responses are quantified and analyzed based

TA B L E 2 1 .4

Abnormalities of Sensory Organization Testing

Vestibular dysfunction Abnormal on conditions Vestibular dysfunction pattern indicates the patient’s
pattern 5 and 6 (alternatively difficulty in using vestibular information alone for
condition 5 alone) maintenance of stance. When provided with accurate
visual and/or foot somatosensory information, stance
is within a normal range
Visual vestibular Abnormal on conditions Visual and vestibular dysfunction pattern indicates the
dysfunction pattern 4, 5, and 6 patient’s difficulty in using accurate visual information
with vestibular information or vestibular information
alone for maintenance of stance. When provided with
accurate foot support surface cues, stance is within a
normal range
Visual preference pattern Abnormal on conditions Visual preference pattern indicates the patient’s
3 and 6 (alternatively abnormal reliance on visual information, even when
condition 6 alone) inaccurate. When provided with accurate foot support
surface information together with accurate or absent
visual cues or absent vision and vestibular information
alone, stance is within a normal range
Visual preference/ Abnormal on conditions Visual preference and vestibular dysfunction pattern
vestibular dysfunction 3, 5, and 6 indicate the patient’s difficulty in using vestibular
pattern information alone and the patient’s abnormal reliance
on visual information, even when inaccurate. When
provided with accurate foot support surface
information together with accurate or absent visual
cues, stance is within a normal range
Somatosensory/vestibular Abnormal on conditions Somatosensory and vestibular dysfunction pattern
dysfunction pattern 2, 3, 5, and 6 indicates the patient’s difficulty in using foot support
surface information with vestibular information or
vestibular information alone for maintenance of stance.
When provided with accurate visual information,
stance is within a normal range
Somatosensory/vestibular Abnormal on conditions Somatosensory and vestibular dysfunction pattern
dysfunction pattern 2, 3, 5, and 6 indicates the patient’s difficulty in using foot support
surface information with vestibular information or
vestibular information alone for maintenance of stance.
When provided with accurate visual information, stance
is within a normal range
Severe dysfunction Abnormal on four or more Severe dysfunction pattern indicates the patient’s
pattern conditions not covered difficulty with stance independent of the sensory
in the above descrip- information (vestibular, visual, and/or somatosensory)
tions, for example, provided. Note that these situations many times
conditions 3, 4, 5, and involve a dominant feature such as significantly
6; or 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6; or abnormal conditions 5 and 6 or they may involve
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 equally distributed difficulties on all conditions
Inconsistent pattern Abnormal on conditions Inconsistent pattern indicates that performance of the
1, 2, 3, or 4, or any com- patient is difficult to explain with normal or typical
bination and normal on pathophysiologic conditions and could imply volitional
conditions 5 and 6 or nonvolitional exaggerated results

on latency of onset of translation to that of active recovery. those populations with suspected traumatic brain injury
Other information commonly gathered from the motor con- and those with suspected stroke. Several position papers and
trol protocol includes abnormal weight bearing and inability consensus statements have been released in recent years by
to properly scale the strength of the postural responses to the groups such as the American Academy of Neurology and
increasing size of the stimulus. the National Athletic Trainers’ Association recommending
The MCT protocol is used primarily to evaluate the evaluation of balance and vestibular function following con-
long-loop pathways of the body. The long-loop pathways cussive head injury. Recent research by Newman-Toker et al.
begin with the stretch receptors in the lower limbs, project (2013) has suggested that head impulse testing, in conjunc-
to the motor cortex, and then are relayed to the upper and tion with gaze nystagmus assessment and prism cross-cover
lower body muscles involved in maintenance of balance. tests of ocular alignment, may be more sensitive than MRI
When abnormal latencies from unexpectedly induced sway for detecting early vertebrobasilar stroke.
are noted, then problems in the long-loop pathway should be Each year, approximately 8 million physician and emer-
considered. Prolonged latencies are a relatively nonspecific gency room visits are attributed to complaints of dizziness
finding, however, in that they may indicate an abnormality and imbalance. When considering future directions in
of the afferent or efferent neural pathways but they can also assessment of patients with dizziness and balance disorders;
be seen in individuals with various somatosensory disor- growth in demand, advances in scientific evidence and tech-
ders and musculoskeletal conditions (Shepard et al., 1993). nology, as well as the impact of healthcare and wellness ini-
Figure 21.14B shows an example of the graphical representa- tiatives will continue to play a role in making this an impor-
tion from a patient with normal MCT latency findings. tant area for audiology education and clinical services.
Case studies can be found on thePoint at http://the
The ADT evaluates a patient’s ability to adapt to a familiar
stimulus specifically, unexpected rotations about the ankle.
Five rapid toes-up or toes-down translations are presented 1. Virtually all newborns in the United States are now
to the subject with the expectation that reaction scores screened for hearing loss before leaving the hospital.
should improve on successive trials. For this protocol, as CDC’s National Goals for EHDI Programs still recom-
with the SOT protocol, reaction forces detected by the force mend that “hospitals and others [report] information
plates in the foot support surface are measured. The princi- about risk factors for hearing loss to the state, who will
pal parameter examined is the latency from onset of unex- monitor the status of children with risk factors and
pected translation to that of active recovery. Individuals provide appropriate follow-up services.” What are the
who show poor adaptation over successive trials are likely to pros and cons of continuing to monitor the status of
be at increased risk for falls. children with risk factors with respect to issues such as
identifying childhood hearing loss, costs, demands on
the health care system, and burden for families?
FUTURE DIRECTIONS 2. Although the percentage of children failing a newborn
Assessment of patients with dizziness and balance disor- hearing screening test who are lost to follow-up and or
ders has undergone significant change over the past decade. documentation is slowly declining, it remains a very sig-
The introduction of newer and more reliable tests of oto- nificant issue. What approaches, programs, or initiatives
lithic function, such as the cervical and ocular VEMP and are likely to significantly reduce the percentage of chil-
subjective visual vertical test, has allowed us to expand our dren being lost to follow-up?
clinical investigation of the vestibular apparatus into areas 3. There continues to be a critical shortage of audiologists
that were previously unattainable. In addition, new com- who have the expertise, experience, and desire to pro-
mercially available computerized head impulse and DVA vide comprehensive audiological services to infants and
systems have increased our ability to objectively quantify young children. What can be done to increase the num-
VOR function. In fact, when these measures are performed ber of fully qualified pediatric audiologists?
in combination, we now have the ability to clinically assess
all three semicircular canals, both otolithic structures, and
both branches of the vestibular nerve in each ear, inde- REFERENCES
pendently. This allows for a more robust functional assess- Akin FW, Murnane OD, Panus PC, Caruthers SK, Wilkinson AE,
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C H A P T ER 2 2

Vestibular Rehabilitative
Richard Gans

their homeostasis and manage to move about without

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2009) estimates
that 40% of the US population will experience an episode STATUS OF VESTIBULAR
of dizziness severe enough to motivate patients to seek the
attention of a physician. Vestibular disorders account for
approximately 85% of these symptoms. This chapter will As described in Chapter 20, patients with vestibular disor-
address current practices in treating these disorders, based ders may have had insult or damage to either the peripheral
on a thorough understanding of the materials found in (labyrinth part of the inner ear) or central (brainstem or
Chapter 20 (Neurophysiology of the Vestibular System) and cerebellum) portions of the vestibular mechanism. Com-
Chapter 21 (Evaluation of Dizziness and Balance Disorders). mon inner ear disorders that cause vestibular dysfunction
The vestibular system is subject to insult, trauma, and include labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, herpes zoster oticus
disease (Table 22.1). The disorder or disease process may (shingles), vestibular migraine, labyrinthine ischemia, and
cause the vestibular system to suffer a reduction or loss of Meniere’s disease. Many of these patients experience either a
function in one or both labyrinths. Most otologic disorders, relatively short phase of acute vertigo or are post-surgery for
however, will typically affect only one labyrinth at a time. treatment of intractable inner ear disease such as Meniere’s
The damage or change may occur either as a loss of sensory disease. Once out of the acute phase, they may be left with
receptors within the end organ or within the nerve itself. The chronic symptoms affecting their sense of spatial orienta-
sudden loss or reduction of function will typically produce tion, gaze stabilization, or balance.
debilitating vertigo with associated autonomic and para- Vestibular disorders affect three output modalities:
sympathetic nervous system responses of nausea, emesis (1) The vestibuloocular reflex (VOR), which controls eye
(vomiting), and diaphoresis (profuse sweating), symptoms movement and gaze stabilization during active head move-
similar to those occurring with intense motion sickness. ment; (2) the vestibulospinal reflex (VSR), which influences
Fortunately, the acute phase of most conditions will pass postural stability, translated through the musculoskeletal
within hours; however, other symptoms may linger for days system and antigravity muscles; and (3) the vestibulocollic
and weeks or, as in the case of Meniere’s, be problematic for reflex (VCR), responsible for signals from the otolithic grav-
years. During the acute phase of the condition, patients will ity sensor and the neck muscle proprioceptors. Patients with
require medical and pharmacologic management, usually vestibular disorders may present with defects of gaze stabi-
preferring to stay quiet and immobilized until they recover lization problems during active head movement, exaggera-
tion or hallucination of motion, or prolonged unsteadiness,
TA B L E 2 2 .1
usually when challenged by uneven surfaces, by quick turns,
or with reduced vision.
Common Causes of Unilateral For those with slow, insidious vestibular changes that
Vestibular Dysfunction gradually increase over years, patients will not experience
vertigo, but rather a loss of equilibrium and increased
Autoimmune disorders unsteadiness while walking, a condition which often occurs
Labyrinthitis in older adults or those with a variety of nonvestibular or
Labyrinthine concussion nonotologic-related disease processes (Table 22.2). Indi-
Labyrinthine ischemia viduals who have had bilateral vestibular losses secondary
Meniere’s disease to aminoglyside toxicity usually present with an associated
Ramsey Hunt syndrome complaint of oscillopsia during head movement.
Vestibular migraine
Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) has been
Vestibular neuritis
shown to be a highly effective management strategy for

426 SECTION II • Physiological Principles and Measures

TA B L E 2 2 .2 Compensated versus
Common Causes of Bilateral
Vestibular Dysfunction The central nervous system (CNS) will, within days, weeks,
or months, accommodate to the asymmetrical labyrinthine
Aminoglysides function and, without any external help, will reset or retune
Arteriosclerosis the VOR function. Central compensation is believed to occur
Diabetes through the plasticity of the CNS within the brainstem and
Microvascular disease cerebellum. It has been described as a neurophysiological
motor relearning phenomenon and has been documented
patients with chronic symptoms related to a labyrinthine in the literature with animal and human models (Kramer
event (Herdman, 2001). Numerous investigators have dem- et al., 1998; Lisberger, 1998).
onstrated the efficacy of VRT for various populations (Gans, Patients who have a spontaneous recovery of the VOR
2013). To provide the most efficacious treatment possible, function subsequent to an acute vestibulopathy are consid-
the clinician must understand the status of the disorder, ered to have a compensated lesion. Although these patients
beginning with a comprehensive interview and thorough will continue to present with abnormal findings (i.e., reduced
case history. Information is needed about the onset of the labyrinthine reactivity or caloric weakness on a VNG caloric;
initial event, any subsequent attacks as well as their duration described in Chapter 21), they will have no subjective report
(minutes vs. hours), and any associated symptoms during of exaggerated sense of motion, oscillopsia, or visually pro-
the attack or episode, that is, hearing loss or tinnitus. voked symptoms. On tests of VOR function such as vestibu-
Prior to the referral for and undertaking of VRT, it will lar autorotation testing, they will present with normal gain
be necessary to define and categorize the status of the vestib- and phase, just as if they were otherwise normal. Tests of
ular involvement. The ideal candidate for VRT is a patient dynamic visual acuity (DVA, discussed later in this chapter)
with stabilized, but noncompensated unilateral vestibular will appear normal, despite the caloric weakness.
dysfunction (UVD), conditions which are described in the The caveat to clinicians is that a reduced labyrinthine
following section. reactivity does not mean that it is the origin of the patient’s
complaints. Patients may have normal caloric responses
because either the horizontal canal was not involved or the
Stabilized versus Nonstabilized problem is in the higher frequency sensitivity of the sys-
A stabilized condition can best be described as one that is no tem. The caloric test evaluates only the ultra low frequency
longer producing attacks or episodes of debilitating vertigo (0.003 Hz) sensitivity of the horizontal semicircular canal,
and other otologic or parasympathetic responses, such as making it less than a comprehensive assessment of total end
acute nausea and emesis. This group of symptoms has been organ function, as noted in Chapter 21.
described as the labyrinthine storm. Once the acute phase A noncompensated condition describes a patient who
has passed, most conditions such as vestibular neuritis or continues to have symptoms, regardless of nonfunctional
labyrinthitis become stabilized. The anatomical and physi- test results. As the peripheral labyrinthine end organ sys-
ological damage to the system is typically caused by either tem operates as a gravity and velocity detector, symptoms
a viral or bacterial infection of the labyrinthine fluids or a are typically produced with change in head or body position
viral/bacterial inflammation of the vestibular portion of CN or active head movement, usually in a particular plane of
VIII. The patient may have symptoms related to the chronic movement or speed. Since compensation does not behave as
VOR dysfunction, but no longer is subject to attacks. an all-or-nothing phenomenon, patients may progress over
Meniere’s disease is perhaps the best example of a time so that the nature of their present gravity- or movement-
chronic nonstabilized vestibular disease that may persist in triggered complaints is different and has changed. They may
an active or agitated state for years. Another example of a be getting better, but are not completely better or normal in
nonstabilized disease is a nonoperable acoustic neuroma, or their ability to perform even simple everyday activities. It is
vestibular schwannoma. Since benign paroxysmal positional not uncommon for them to report that “I am better than I
vertigo (BPPV) (see Chapters 20 and 21) is a biomechani- was, but I still don’t feel right.”
cal phenomenon, rather than a neurophysiological state, it Several factors may affect one’s ability to compensate
does not fit into the categorization of a stabilized- versus naturally over time. Most individuals who experience a ves-
nonstabilized-type lesion. BPPV is treated with a high level of tibular event (e.g., vestibular neuritis) recover fully over a
success, 97% or greater in most patients using canalith repo- period of weeks without the need for VRT. The factors that
sitioning maneuvers (CRM) once the affected ear and semi- may compromise or inhibit compensation include physical
circular canal involvement are properly identified. A compre- or psychologic dependence on antimotion drugs or seda-
hensive presentation of the CRM protocols with step-by-step tives such as valium, lack of movement and activity, and a
instructions may be found in Roberts and Gans (2008). predisposition to motion intolerance commonly seen within
CHAPTER 22 • Vestibular Rehabilitative Therapy 427

families or among individuals with a history of migraine, formed tests shown to have high sensitivity in demonstrating
which is also familial. noncompensated vestibulopathy as well as corresponding
VRT diagnosis–based strategies. These may include tests of
IDENTIFYING VRT CANDIDATES gaze stabilization and visual acuity with active head move-
ment. Tests of VSR function, such as the modified Clinical
Those patients who find their everyday function is adversely Test of Sensory Integration of Balance (CTSIB) (Shumway-
affected or limited by this stabilized, but noncompensated Cook and Horak, 1986), have shown excellent sensitivity for
asymmetry in vestibular function are the ideal candidates UVD patterns. Traditionally performed tests, such as VNG
for VRT. The vestibulopathy may affect the full range of calorics, or less commonly performed rotary chair, may not
acceleration, or frequency, or just regions of acceleration, reveal a high-frequency UVD. Patients who experience VOR
similar to a frequency-specific hearing loss within the problems at a higher frequency can often be identified with
cochlea. Likewise, the direction of the acceleration may also tests that disrupt visual acuity during active head movement
be involved. Typically, the patient’s symptoms will be more (Roberts and Gans, 2007; Roberts et al., 2006; Schubert
provoked with acceleration toward the involved or impaired et al., 2002) or tests that quantify the VOR gain and phase
labyrinth. The manifestation of a vestibulopathy will often (O’Leary and Davis-O’Leary, 1990).
result in a VOR deficiency. The VOR is responsible for sta- DVA or gaze stabilization tests hold significant prom-
bilizing eye/head position at frequencies starting at about ise in simple and straightforward analysis of VOR function.
0.6 Hz. The errors that occur in the VOR function may All too often, patients with undetected UVD whose history
affect the gain or accuracy and the phase or timing of the and symptoms strongly correlate with a stabilized, but non-
reflex. Correct VOR function is dependent on the brain’s compensated UVD are dismissed as being a nonvestibular
ability to correctly signal the extraocular eye muscles to cor- patient, as a result of an unremarkable caloric or VNG study.
respond their response with the initiating head movement. Tests of DVA have a wide range of application for both civil-
The hydromechanical movement of the fluid within the ian and military populations. The military and NASA, spe-
semicircular canals initiates this signal. cifically during the space shuttle years, were in the vanguard
The inability of the eyes to be correctly positioned with of research because of the concerns of astronauts flying with
active head movement causes a retinal slippage. This results undiagnosed or untreated VOR problems (Hillman et al.,
in an oscillopsia, in which the image to be viewed appears to 1999). DVA is also used in the identification and outcome
jump or jiggle. These patients often state, “My eyes feel as if measures with posttraumatic head trauma and concussion
they need new shock absorbers.” It may be restricted to the (Alsalaheen et al., 2010; Heitger et al., 2009).
plane of the involvement. The extraocular eye muscles are
correlated with the specific plane of the balance canals.
VRT consists of systematic repetitive exercises and
Subjective Handicap Scales and
protocols that extinguish or ameliorate patients’ motion- Patient Reports
provoked symptoms, as well as enhancing postural stability In addition to the invaluable data collected from a case his-
and equilibrium. VRT is not new; it has reached past its half- tory, patient rating scales are used to identify and quantify
century mark. Cawthorne (1944) and Cooksey (1946) both the functional disability created by physical ailment or ill-
discuss the benefit of active eye and head movement exercise ness. Disease or activity-specific and global health status
for patients who experienced labyrinthine problems. Since patient handicap scales provide a valuable resource for
then, research and clinical experience have greatly advanced establishing baseline, as well as serial or outcome measures.
the scientific application of this treatment methodology. See Table 22.4 provides several scales used and clinically docu-
Gans (2013) for a comprehensive summary of this research. mented in the vestibular literature. The results of these self-
reporting measures often provide excellent insight for clini-
CLINICAL ASSESSMENT OF cians in determining candidates for VRT or for those who
VESTIBULAR FUNCTION may require further testing, as indicated by inclusion in a
thorough clinical assessment. These clinimetrics (i.e., sub-
Chapter 21 provides an in-depth review of the clinical assess- jective patient rating scales) are standardized to measure a
ment of vestibular function. For this chapter, please note that disease-specific disability or an overall quality of life.
patient evaluation may include a variety of assessment tools
that are specific to revealing VOR and VSR abnormalities,
without the use of technology. These evaluation protocols
may be used by audiologists, physicians, and physical and The underlying physiological basis for VRT is the plasticity
occupational therapists alike. Many are considered classic of the CNS. VRT does not actually involve a regeneration
“bedside” protocols, or in some communities or emerging or treatment of the damaged vestibular end organ itself.
economies may be the only evaluation techniques available. Instead, it works by allowing the CNS and the brain to accli-
Table 22.3 presents a review of standardized and easily per- mate or adapt to asymmetrical/conflicting input from the
428 SECTION II • Physiological Principles and Measures

TAB L E 2 2 .3

Clinical Assessment of Vestibular Function

Evaluation Sensitivity Findings Cause VR Protocols
Clinical Test of High Fall on foam w/o Inability of the Substitution protocols will
Sensory Integration vision weakened vestibular reduce visual and/or
of Balance (CTSIB) system to maintain surface dependence
(Shumway-Cook postural stability with forcing vestibular input to
and Horak, degraded somato- be maximized
1986) sensory input and no
visual input
Head Thrust High Corrective saccade Asymmetrical labyrin- Adaptation including gaze
(Halmagyi et al., in the direction thine input to the stabilization. The abnor-
1990/1991) of head accelera- VOR mal corrective saccade
tion will likely also degrade
performance on Dynamic
Visual Acuity Test
Bidirectional Full Moderate Reduced OKN Asymmetrical ves- Adaptation. May suggest
Visual Field (80%) when stimuli tibular-optokinetic visual-vestibular inte-
Optokinetic (OKN) move toward reflex indicating a gration protocols be
Test involved ear weakened labyrin- included—VRT protocols
thine input should create visual
Dynamic Visual Acu- High Degraded visual Abnormal VOR gain at Adaptation with emphasis
ity Test (Herdman, acuity with active test frequencies on gaze stabilization
2001; Roberts head movement protocols in the plane
and Gans, 2008; horizontal and/ and frequency of the
Schubert et al., or vertical in VOR deficiency
2002) frequency range
Provoked Vertigo Test High Positive for Patterns of BPPV Canalith repositioning
includes positioning PC-BPPV and/or with transient maneuver (CRM) as
(modified Hallpikes HC-BPPV nystagmus/vertigo appropriate for ear, canal,
for PC-BPPV), Static positions consistent with and and patient’s
lateral positions for provoked (w and correlated to head– biomechanical/physical
HC-BPPV, and static w/o vision) nys- ear–canal position needs
symptoms w and tagmus/symp-
w/o vision and toms—labyr-
lateral positions inthine or CNS
with a 20-s head patterns
shake (vision
Dizziness Handicap High Used as the “gold Scoring comprises Provides pre-therapy
Inventory (DHI) standard” self- three areas: Func- baseline and validation
(Jacobson and report clinimetric tion, physical, and of outcomes at time of
Newman, 1990) for the patient’s emotional as well as discharge. Also identifies
subjective level of an overall score aspects of psychologic
disability relative overlay which may need
to noncompen- to be addressed either
sated vestibu- during or following central
lopathy compensation
CHAPTER 22 • Vestibular Rehabilitative Therapy 429

of motion sickness when looking at certain patterns of floor

TA B L E 2 2 .4
tiles or wall coverings. A common complaint is the difficulty
Subjective Handicap Instruments in turning one’s head from side-to-side while walking down
an aisle at a grocery store.
Dizziness Handicap Inventory [DHI] [Jacobson and
Newman, 1990]
Health Survey Questionnaire—SF-36 [Ware, 1988]
Meniere’s Disease—Patient-Oriented Subjective Several researchers (e.g., Black et al., 2000; Cohen, 1992;
Improvement [Gates, 2000] Shepard and Telian, 1995) have supported and promoted
Vestibular Disorder Activities of Daily Living Scale the application of specific rehabilitation strategies to spe-
[Cohen, 2000] cific functional disabilities. Many well-meaning practitio-
Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale [Powell ners continue to use the 60-year-old Cawthorne (1944)
and Myers, 1995] and 30-year-old Brandt-Daroff (1980) exercises for dizzy
patients, regardless of the patient’s diagnosis or condition.
Clinical experience and contemporary research strongly
two vestibular systems. Possible mechanisms include the
indicate that the success of vestibular rehabilitation is
spontaneous rebalancing of the tonic activity within the
related to applying the correct treatment methodology to
vestibular nuclei, recovery of the VOR through adaptation,
the appropriate corresponding dysfunction. Table 22.5 iden-
and the habituation effect (a lessening of response to the
tifies those appropriate treatment methodologies with their
same stimuli over time). Theoretically, central compensa-
corresponding functional components.
tion should occur within 90 days following dysfunction or
Diagnosis-based strategies as an individualized or cus-
loss of one of the vestibular systems. Many lesions, particu-
tomized therapeutic approach have been shown to produce
larly those that occur with rapid onset, do not benefit from
successful outcomes (Gans, 1996). These strategies link the
this compensation phenomenon.
underlying physiological changes that occurred because of
Understandably, patients are often reluctant to perform
the disease or insult with the patient’s functional symptoms.
therapeutic activities involving active head motions that pro-
There are three approaches to therapy: (1) Adaptation with
duce symptoms of dizziness. This reluctance likely delays the
subsets of gaze stabilization and habituation; (2) substitu-
development of central compensation. Motion intolerance
tion; and (3) canalith repositioning maneuvers (CRM).
or heightened motion sensitivity has been determined to be
These approaches may be used independently or in con-
a genetic trait and is estimated to be a common aura seen in
junction with one another, depending on the patient’s needs.
at least two-thirds of individuals with migraines (Selby and
Lance, 1960). In essence, their central mechanisms are less likely
to benefit from natural compensations because their “hard- Adaptation
wiring” is already less than desirable as a motion sensor. Simply Adaptation will reset or retune the VOR by repetitive activi-
put, they are not more likely to have a vestibular event, but if ties. These activities will include those situations or move-
they do, they are less likely to compensate without assistance. ments that provoke the very symptoms the patient has been
Another complicating factor includes the use of com- trying to avoid. Examples of the exercises are shown in
monly prescribed drugs such as meclizine, antivert, valium,
and other pharmaceuticals that suppress either peripheral
TABLE 2 2 . 5
vestibular or CNS function. These drugs will delay or pre-
vent the CNS from relearning or adapting to asymmetrical Diagnosis-Based Strategies
sensory input. Unfortunately, the dizzy patient, in his/her
heightened state of anxiety about becoming dizzy (especially Functional Symptom Treatment Protocol
while at work or driving), becomes reliant on pharmaceuti- Oscillopsia (blurred or Adaptation—gaze
cals that assist in suppressing distressing symptoms. distorted vision with stabilization: Resets
VRT is most effective when it is used with individuals active head movement) VOR gain
who are no longer in the acute phase of a condition. The Vestibular recruitment Adaptation—habituation:
patient who is in the midst of a labyrinthine storm secondary (exaggerated or Extinguishes noxious
to labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, or active Meniere’s disease hypersensitivity to signal
will receive little or no benefit from VRT. Ideally, patients will movement or sense of
be in a stabilized condition when beginning VRT. after-motion)
These patients present symptoms that are provoked by
Visual and surface Substitution: Forces
active head movement, often at a particular frequency of
dependence (vision increased vestibular
motion and in a particular direction. For instance, it may be
and touch substitute function
intolerable to view numerous telephone poles while riding
for vestibular)
in an automobile. Commonly, patients express a sensation
430 SECTION II • Physiological Principles and Measures

Saccades Focusing while turning head

Targets Circle sways

FIGURE 22.1 Adaptation. (Courtesy of Gans

RE. (2010) Vestibular Rehabilitation: Protocols
and Programs. Tampa Bay, FL: AIB Education

Figure 22.1. A complex activity will incorporate gaze stabi- These exercises reduce the hallucination of motion or move-
lization exercises, mostly coordinated head and eye move- ment as well as extinguishing the sensation of after-motion.
ment preferably while walking at different rates and on a This response is based on neural plasticity within the brain
variety of planes. and works only through the systematic repetition of the
A good example of this exercise would be to have the movements and acceleration with speed or direction that
patient sit on a balance ball with a slight bounce, while turn- provoke the symptoms. The brain is exposed to the noxious
ing the head from side to side and while also reading two stimuli repeatedly in a short time span. The patient’s subjec-
separate word lists (e.g., grocery lists). Activities that disrupt tive reports of the intensity of the motion and duration of
the predictability of gaze stabilization or somatosensory after-motion are utilized to determine treatment efficacy.
input will be useful. Gaze stabilization exercises may prog-
ress from easy to more difficult as a progression, beginning
with the patient performing side-to-side head turns while
seated on a stationary chair and moving on to those while Substitution protocols as shown in Figure 22.3 will strengthen
seated on a ball. the weakened systems by reducing the dependence on the
Baseline, serial, or final performance can be evaluated remaining ones. In the case where a sensory modality is defi-
with any technique that evaluates the VOR function. This cient or absent, these protocols will work to strengthen or
may be as simple as testing DVA with a Snellen eye chart or the make the remaining systems more accurate in their response
American Institute of Balance (AIB) Dynamic Visual Acuity to a dynamically changing environment. A patient with a
Test or as complicated as using the technologically advanced weakened vestibular system is forced to make that system
vestibular autorotation testing that provides a computerized more dominant by reducing or challenging the somatosen-
analysis of the eye and head velocity. An important subset sory input, for instance by standing on a trampoline. The
of adaptation is that of habituation as shown in Figure 22.2. visual sense could be further disrupted or diminished by

Horizontal head movements Ball circles

Head circles Gait with head turns

FIGURE 22.2 Habituation. (Courtesy of

Gans RE. (2010) Vestibular Rehabilitation:
Protocols and Programs. Tampa Bay, FL: AIB
Education Press.)
CHAPTER 22 • Vestibular Rehabilitative Therapy 431

Easy—static EO/EC Difficult—dynamic EO/EC

FIGURE 22.3 Substitution protocols. (Courtesy

of Gans RE. (2010) Vestibular Rehabilitation:
Protocols and Programs. Tampa Bay, FL: AIB
Education Press.)

having the patient close his/her eyes or watch a moving visual The second attack also lasted about 7 to 8 days. The
stimulus while maintaining his/her balance. only other condition or symptom the patient related occur-
Evaluation of a patient’s performance may include ring during these acute episodes was a significant outbreak
tests of postural stability on dynamic (moving or change- of cold sores. Following the last attack (within 4 to 5 days),
able) surfaces with absent vision. A simple version of this the patient reported an acute episode of vertigo when he
test is Schumway-Cook and Horak’s (1986) classic CTSIB, would lie flat or turn his head while lying down. This ver-
which utilizes a standardized foam base of support (BOS) tigo would last only seconds. His complaints also included a
on which patients stand, first with eyes open and then sensation that the world was “jiggling” when he looked from
closed. The hallmark of a noncompensated vestibulopathy side to side or when he walked. He felt as though his eyes
will be the patients’ inability to maintain their balance when “don’t have any shock absorbers.” Although the sensation
they close their eyes while standing on the foam base. The of his “bouncing world” was not as frightening as the acute
premise is that individuals with intact vestibular function positional vertigo, it was annoying and limited his activ-
should be able to maintain their balance while standing on ity level. No hearing loss was associated with the attacks or
a dynamic surface even when they close their eyes. Through subsequent to them, nor was there a history of migraine or
substitution, the vestibular system is being tested and forced migraine equivalent.
to overcome the challenge of the dynamic BOS and absence
of visual input. A more complex test is the computerized Clinical Findings
dynamic posturography, originally used by NASA in the
early 1980s to evaluate balance function of returning shuttle Video-oculography revealed a left posterior canalithiasis
astronauts (Paloski et al., 1992). This test trains patients on during modified Hallpike positioning. A 43% left unilateral
a Balance Master unit, providing them with visual feedback weakness was revealed on the caloric portion of VNG testing.
about their limits of stability (LOS) and balance function Vestibular autorotation testing indicated abnormal (hypo-
during therapy. function) gain in the horizontal and vertical plane. Com-
puterized dynamic visual acuity test (CDVAT) produced a
25% decrease in visual acuity with active head movement
CASE STUDY in the horizontal plane. All other audiologic studies were
The following case study and clinical pathway are provided unremarkable. The patient had normal hearing acuity for all
as an example of a typical vestibular patient’s symptoms and test frequencies. Normal immittance studies and distortion
treatment. product otoacoustic emissions were also obtained.

History and Symptoms Recommendations

A 52-year-old male was referred to the clinic by his primary The treatment strategy with this patient was twofold. First,
care physician with a chief complaint of acute positional ver- the recurring attacks and nature of symptoms (including
tigo. His physician obtained a magnetic resonance imaging outbreak of cold sores) were suggestive of a viral vestibular
(MRI) and blood work profile, all of which were reported as neuritis, and an otologist was consulted. Following positive
normal. His history included episodes of vertigo, the first of lab results for the herpes simplex type 1, the patient was
which began approximately 4 months prior. The initial epi- placed on an antiviral medication prescription and a daily
sode lasted for approximately 7 to 8 days, with severe nausea regimen of a lysine supplement by the otologist to control
and emesis throughout the episodic period, followed by a or inhibit further outbreaks. The patient was referred back
spontaneous recovery of the vertigo and symptoms, until to the clinic for treatment of the left posterior canal BPPV
approximately 2 months later. and noncompensated left UVD.
432 SECTION II • Physiological Principles and Measures

Treatment and Outcomes REFERENCES

The patient’s VRT continuum of care included treatment Alsalaheen BA, Mucha A, Morris LO, Whitney SL, Furman JM,
of the left PC-BPPV and a noncompensated left vestibu- Camiolo-Reddy CE, et al. (2010) Vestibular rehabilitation
lopathy. During the first visit, the left posterior canal BPPV for dizziness and balance disorders after concussion. J Neurol
was treated with a Gans repositioning maneuver (GRM) Phys Ther. 34, 87–93.
Black FO, Angel CR, Pesznecker SC, Gianna C. (2000) Outcome
(Roberts and Gans, 2008; Roberts et al., 2006). The patient
analysis of individualized vestibular rehabilitation protocols.
was rechecked and re-treated on the same visit, which has Am J Otol. 21, 543–551.
been shown to increase the success rate to 97% in the first Brandt T, Daroff RB. (1980) Physical therapy for benign par-
treatment visit. At the second visit, the video-oculographic oxysmal positioning vertigo. Arch Otolaryngol. 106, 484–
recording was used to ensure that the BPPV had been 485.
cleared. The patient was then able to proceed with all aspects Cawthorne T. (1944) The physiological basis for head exercises.
of a rigorous VRT program, which included adaptation with J Chart Soc Physiother. 29, 30–106.
both gaze stabilization and habituation protocols as well as Cohen HS. (1992) Vestibular rehabilitation reduces functional dis-
substitution. ability. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 107 (5), 638–643.
The patient participated in an outpatient program Cohen HS, Kimball KT, Adams AS. (2000) Application of vestibu-
provided by the trained physical therapist twice a week for lar disorders activities of daily living scale. Laryngoscope. 110,
4 weeks, along with a supplement of home-based activi-
Cooksey FS. (1946) Rehabilitation and vestibular injuries. Proc R
ties. At week 3 (20 days post initiation of the program), he Soc Med. 39, 273–277.
reported a 100% reduction in symptoms. Retesting of vestib- Gans R. (2013) Vestibular rehabilitation therapy. In: Dispenza F,
ular autorotation and computerized dynamic visual acuity De Stefano A, eds. Textbook of Vertigo Diagnosis and Manage-
testing indicated a recovery and return to normal function ment. London: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers.
on both tests. Additionally, scores on the Dizziness Handi- Gans RE. (1996) Vestibular Rehabilitation: Protocols and Programs.
cap Inventory (Table 22.4) confirmed absence of subjective San Diego, CA: Singular Publishing.
disability in him with a total score of 0%. The patient was Gans RE. (2010) Vestibular Rehabilitation: Protocols and Programs.
pleased with these results and was discharged from clinical Tampa Bay, FL: AIB Education Press.
care. He was encouraged to follow up both with his primary Gates GA. (2000) Clinimetrics of Meniere’s disease. The Laryngo-
care physician and the otologist, should he have a recurrence scope. 110 (3), 8–11.
Halmagyi GM, Curthoys IS, Cremer PD, et al. (1990/1991) Head
of the acute-phase vestibular neuritis. He was encouraged to
impulses after unilateral vestibular deafferentiation validate
resume his home-based vestibular rehabilitation protocols Ewald’s Second Law. J Vestib Res. 1, 187–197.
if at any time he felt a return of any of the oscillopsic symp- Heitger MH, Jones RD, Macleod AD, Snell DL, Frampton CM,
toms during active head movement. Anderson TJ. (2009) Impaired eye movements in post-
concussion syndrome indicate suboptimal brain function
beyond the influence of depression, malingering or intellec-
SUMMARY tual ability. Brain. 132, 2850–2870.
With 60 years of research, clinical experience, and a grow- Herdman SJ. (2001) Therapy: rehabilitation. In: Goebel JA, ed.
ing patient acceptance, VRT has been demonstrated to be Practical Management of the Dizzy Patient. Philadelphia, PA:
Lippincott, William & Wilkins; pp 327–344.
an important and effective nonmedical treatment for the
Hillman E, Bloomberg J, McDonald P, Cohen H. (1999) Dynamic
symptoms of noncompensated vestibular disorders. Our visual acuity while walking in normals and labyrinthine-
understanding of the importance of intact VOR function deficient patients. J Vestib Res. 9, 49–57.
in human equilibrium and new and simplified tests of this Jacobson GP, Newman CW. (1990) The development of the diz-
system will allow us to continue to quickly identify and treat ziness handicap inventory. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg.
this population. New research in cochleovestibular hair cell 116 (4), 424–427.
regeneration may someday make VRT unnecessary. In the Kramer P, Shelhamer M, Zee DS. (1998) Short-term vestibulo-
meantime, it presents as one of the simplest and most suc- ocular adaptation: influence of context. Otolaryngol Head Neck
cessful treatment options available. Surg. 119, 60–64.
Lisberger S. (1998) Physiologic basis for motor learning in the
vestibulo-ocular reflex. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 119,
National Institutes of Health. (2009) NIDCD fact sheet: balance
1. What are the two most common medical–otologic con- disorders. Available online at:
ditions that cause vertigo? icresources/health/balance/BalanceDisordersFactSheet.pdf.
2. Which type of patient is the best candidate for VRT? O’Leary DP, Davis-O’Leary LL. (1990) High frequency autorota-
3. Describe how substitution-based therapy protocols can tion testing of the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Neurol Clin. 8, 297–
help strengthen a weakened vestibular system. 312.
CHAPTER 22 • Vestibular Rehabilitative Therapy 433

Paloski WH, Reschke MF, Black FO, Doxey DD, Harm DL. vestibular dysfunction. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 115(9),
(1992) Recovery of postural equilibrium control follow- 658–666.
ing spaceflight. In: Cohen BD, Guedry F, eds. Sensing and Roberts RA, Gans RE Montaudo R. (2006) Efficacy of a new treat-
Controlling Motion: Vestibular and Sensorimotor Func- ment maneuver for posterior canal benign paroxysmal posi-
tion. New York: New York Academy of Sciences; pp 747– tional vertigo. J Am Acad Audiol. 17, 598–604.
754. Schubert MC, Herdman SJ, Tusa RJ. (2002) Vertical dynamic visual
Powell LE, Myers AM. (1995) The activities-specific balance acuity in normal subjects and patients with vestibular hypo-
confidence scale. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 50, M28– function. Otol Neurotol. 23, 372–377.
M34. Selby G, Lance JW. (1960) Observations on 500 cases of migraine
Roberts RA, Gans RE. (2007) Comparison of horizontal and verti- and allied vestibular headache. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
cal dynamic visual acuity in patients with vestibular dysfunc- 23(1), 23–32.
tion and nonvestibular dizziness. J Am Acad Audiol. 18, 236– Shepard NT, Telian SA. (1995) Programmatic vestibular rehabilita-
244. tion. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 112, 173–182.
Roberts RA, Gans RE. (2008) Nonmedical management of posi- Shumway-Cook A, Horak FB. (1986) Assessing the influence of
tional vertigo. In: Jacobson GP, Shephard NT, eds. Balance sensory interaction on balance: suggestions from the field.
Function Assessment and Management. San Diego, CA: Plural Phys Ther. 66, 1548–1550.
Publishing; pp 445–468. Ware JE. (1988) How to score the revised MOS short form health
Roberts RA, Gans RE, Johnson EL. (2006) Computerized dynamic scales (SF-36). Boston, MA: The Health Institute, New Eng-
visual acuity with volitional head movements in patients with land Medical Center Hospitals.

C H A P T ER 2 3

Newborn Hearing
Karl R. White

and Davis, 1965), Hardy reported the results of one of the

INTRODUCTION first prospective screening studies of over 1,000 newborns
The importance of identifying children with permanent at Johns Hopkins Medical Hospital in Baltimore. Hardy was
hearing loss as early as possible was emphasized more than hardly optimistic. In his opinion, the testing of newborns,
70 years ago when Ewing and Ewing (1944) noted with the procedures they were using, was a useless effort and
. . . an urgent need to study further and more criti- they planned to discontinue it.
cally methods of testing hearing in young children . . . Many others were having similar experiences. Indeed,
during this first year the existence of deafness needs progress in finding accurate and feasible methods for identify-
to be ascertained . . . training needs to be begun at ing infants and young children who were DHH was painfully
the earliest age that the diagnosis of deafness can be slow during the next 25 years. In response to a conclusion by
established. (pp 309–310) the National Institutes of Health Consensus Development
Panel (1993) that recommended “screening of all newborns . . .
Since then much time and effort has been devoted to for hearing impairment prior to discharge,” Bess and Paradise
finding the most efficient and accurate procedures, proto- (1994), in a widely cited Pediatrics article, argued that “. . . uni-
cols, and equipment for screening, diagnosing, and treating versal newborn hearing screening in our present state of
children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH).* knowledge is not necessarily the only, or the best, or the most
In 1960, with support from the Children’s Bureau in cost-effective way to achieve [early identification of hearing
the US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, the loss] and more importantly . . . the benefits of universal new-
American Speech and Hearing Association convened an born hearing screening may be outweighed by its risks.” By
expert working group to develop guidelines for “Identifica- 1996, the US Preventive Services Task Force, while acknowl-
tion Audiometry.” With respect to infants, the report of this edging that “congenital hearing loss is a serious health problem
group concluded that associated with developmental delay and speech and language
In the testing of a child from birth until approxi- function,” concluded that “there is little evidence to support
mately two months of age use can be made of the the use of routine universal screening for all neonates.”
startle response . . . In a baby with good hearing and an By the late 1990s, however, there was a combination
intact central nervous system any sudden moderately of advances in screening and diagnostic equipment, action
loud sound will bring about a widespread response: by various professional organizations, legislative initiatives,
the ongoing muscular activity is inhibited, the hands and government-funded demonstration programs in vari-
are pronated, the eyelids blink, etc. These startle ous countries. This resulted in a dramatic improvement in
responses are so uncomplicated, relatively speaking, our ability to identify and provide services to infants and
that they may be easily observed. (Darley, 1961, p 21) young children who were DHH and their families.
This chapter summarizes the principles that should
Efforts of many people over the next 30 years would guide any health-related screening program, briefly reviews
prove that hearing screening for infants and young children the global situation related to infant hearing screening, and
was not as easy as it appeared to the participants of that con- describes the current status of early hearing detection and
ference in 1960. intervention (EHDI)† programs in the United States with
In fact, 5 years later at the Toronto Conference on “The particular attention to the evidence-based practices for
Young Deaf Child: Identification and Management” (Ireland

Recognizing the importance of linking hearing screening programs
*Many different terms are used to refer to children with permanent to diagnostic and treatment programs, most people have replaced the
hearing loss (e.g., deafness, hearing impairment, hearing loss, audi- term “universal newborn hearing screening program” by the more
tory disorders). Recognizing that there are limitations to any single inclusive term “early hearing detection and intervention” (EHDI) pro-
term, this chapter will use the term “children who are deaf or hard of gram. This change recognizes that screening is just the first step in the
hearing (DHH)” except in those cases where a source is quoted. process needed to help children who are DHH reach their full potential.

438 SECTION III • Special Populations

establishing and operating efficient and effective hearing for children who are DHH are straightforward and
screening programs for infants. relatively inexpensive. Even for children needing more
expensive treatments, there is clear evidence that the
benefits significantly outweigh the costs.
PRINCIPLES OF EFFECTIVE 3. Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be avail-
PUBLIC HEALTH SCREENING able. Although there are still shortages of clinicians and
PROGRAMS intervention programs, most children who are DHH in
the United States have access to high-quality treatment
Almost 50 years ago Wilson and Jungner (1968) proposed
programs and well-trained professionals. In many ways,
principles that have become the accepted criteria for decid-
demand is driving supply. As more and more children
ing if and how to implement public health screening pro-
are identified earlier and earlier, the number of well-
grams. The report, commissioned by the World Health
trained professionals and access to effective treatment
Organization (WHO), came at a time that technologic
programs are improving.
advances in medicine had made screening a topic of grow-
4. There should be a recognizable latent or early symptom-
ing importance and controversy.
atic stage. In other words, it should be possible to identify
Their suggestions are worth considering whenever the
the condition while there is still time to do something to
design and operation of screening programs are being con-
improve the outcome. Hearing screening enables us to
sidered. According to Wilson and Jungner,
identify infants who are DHH before there are outward
In theory, therefore, screening is an admirable signs of the hearing loss, such as delayed language devel-
method of combating disease . . . In practice, there are opment. The earlier children who are DHH are identi-
snags . . . The central idea of early disease detection and fied and receive treatment, the better the outcomes. This
treatment is essentially simple. However, the path to its is true for all types and degrees of hearing loss.
successful achievement (on the one hand, bringing to 5. There should be a suitable screening test. Physiological
treatment those with previously undetected disease, screening tests for hearing are sensitive, specific, and
and, on the other, avoiding harm to those persons not relatively inexpensive.
in need of treatment) is far from simple though some- 6. The test should be acceptable to the population. Hear-
times it may appear deceptively easy. (p 7 and 26) ing screening tests can be completed in less than 15 min-
utes per child, are painless, and have no negative side
In what has deservedly become a classic in the public
effects. Parents express a high degree of satisfaction with
health literature, Wilson and Jungner outlined the following
hearing screening tests.
10 criteria for deciding whether a condition was appropri-
7. The natural history of the condition should be under-
ate for screening. They noted that these criteria were “espe-
stood. Because permanent hearing loss occurs relatively
cially important when case-finding is carried out by a pub-
frequently and the consequences are so obvious, the
lic health agency, where the pitfalls may be more numerous
condition has been studied for hundreds of years and
than when screening is performed by a personal physician”
the natural history is well understood.
(p 26). As discussed in this chapter, even though there is still
8. There should be an agreed policy on whom to treat as
room for improvement, screening to identify infants who
patients. Because hearing loss of any degree and type
are DHH meets all of those criteria. Thus, it is not surpris-
affects language, social, and cognitive development,
ing that hearing screening programs for infants continue to
there is widespread agreement about the importance of
expand around the world.
identifying and treating all children who are DHH.
1. The condition to be detected by screening should be an 9. The cost of case-finding (including diagnosis and treat-
important health problem. Congenial hearing loss is the ment of those diagnosed) should be economically bal-
most frequent birth defect in the United States, affecting anced in relation to possible expenditure on medical
about 3 newborns per 1,000 (White et al., 2010). World- care as a whole. Hearing screening and diagnosis are
wide, permanent hearing loss affects approximately 1% relatively inexpensive and there is now good evidence
of young children in industrialized nations and the inci- that the cost of identification and treatment is small
dence is probably higher, but not well documented, in compared to the benefits.
developing countries. When not detected early in life, 10. Case-finding should be a continuing process and not a
children who are DHH lag behind their peers in lan- “once and for all” project. Although most major initia-
guage, social, and cognitive development; fail more fre- tives during the last 20 years have focused on newborn
quently in school; and often do not acquire the skills to hearing screening, there is increasing emphasis on hear-
be successfully employed. ing screening for preschool and school-aged children.
2. There should be an accepted treatment for cases iden-
tified. As documented in the other chapters of this The criteria suggested by Wilson and Jungner in 1968
book, educational, audiologic, and medical treatments are still relevant today. They provide a useful framework
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 439

by which hearing screening programs can continue to be Screening methods

refined and outcomes can be improved.
completed by Behavioral Physiological

Infants to be screened
Policy makers and healthcare providers in many different Geographical
countries have recognized the benefits and feasibility of
newborn hearing screening programs. At least seven coun-
tries (Austria, the Netherlands, Oman, Poland, Slovakia, the NICU babies
United Kingdom, and the United States) provide hearing
screenings for more than 90% of their births and nine other Babies with
countries screen 30% to 89% of their births (Australia, risk factors
Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Philippines, Russia,
Singapore, and Taiwan). At least 60 other studies have pub- Population
lished reports of smaller scale universal newborn hearing based
screening (UNHS) programs in their countries and are
working toward establishing national systems (NCHAM, FIGURE 23.1 Hearing screening options recommended
2013a; White, 2011). by World Health Organization (2010).
The WHO has long been a strong advocate of hearing
screening for infants and young children. The 48th World of limited financial resources or because appropriate equip-
Health Assembly urged member states “to prepare national ment and personnel are not available. In such situations,
plans for early detection in babies, toddlers and children” the WHO recommended that some combination of target-
(Resolution 48.9) and the WHO recommended “that a policy ing particular subgroups of the population or the use of
of universal neonatal screening be adopted in all countries questionnaires completed by family members or behavioral
and communities with available rehabilitation services and testing be considered (see Figure 23.1).
that the policy be extended to other countries and com- Questionnaires can be used to ask parents or other
munities as rehabilitation services are established” (WHO, caregivers about the response of the infant to sounds and
2010). the infant’s use of language, including early indicators of
In 2009 an international group of experts convened by language such as babbling and other vocalizations. Infants
the WHO proposed guiding principles for action related and young children who perform poorly on such mea-
to infant hearing screening. The report noted that in spite sures can then be referred for more comprehensive audio-
of the global progress that has been made toward UNHS, logic assessment. Whereas some researchers have reported
there are still many countries where the implementation of encouraging results for such questionnaires in screening
such a program is considered too costly and/or its value is children for hearing loss (e.g., Newton et al., 2001), others
questioned. Even in countries where a significant number of have recommended against using questionnaires because of
newborns are screened for hearing, there are often no con- relatively high false-positive and false-negative rates (e.g.,
sistent approach or quality control procedures, oversight is Li et al., 2009; Watkin et al., 1990). The usefulness of ques-
frequently not implemented, and resources for follow-up tionnaires may depend, in part, on the age of children being
are often limited. However, the WHO noted that the opera- screened, the degree of hearing loss targeted for detection,
tion of effective hearing screening programs for infants and and the knowledge of parents or caregivers about normal
young children is not always related to resources—some language development. Even though questionnaires are
wealthy countries have fragmented and ineffective pro- relatively inexpensive, more evidence about their specificity
grams, whereas other less-wealthy countries have very suc- and sensitivity is needed before wide-scale use can be recom-
cessful EHDI programs. The report noted that, “Quality mended. In those situations, where physiological screening
assurance issues in particular are vital to successful newborn is impossible, questionnaires will likely result in some chil-
and infant hearing screening and related interventions—in dren who are DHH being identified, but the negative effects
some settings, it is estimated that the poor training and associated with potential false negatives and false positives
performance of screeners renders up to 80% of screening are of great concern.
useless” (WHO, 2010). Behavioral measures, such as noisemakers or other
Although the WHO report concluded that all newborns more sophisticated audiologic procedures and equipment,
should be screened for hearing loss using a physiological can also be used to identify infants and young children
measure such as otoacoustic emissions (OAE) or automated who are DHH. However, such methods also have relatively
auditory brainstem response (A-ABR), it acknowledged that large numbers of false negatives and false positives when
some countries cannot implement such programs because used with babies less than 12 months of age. For example,
440 SECTION III • Special Populations

Watkin et al. (1990) did a retrospective analysis of over for families in the rural parts of the state. Mahoney and
55,000 2- to 15-year-old children in England who had com- Eichwald (1987) reported that only about 50% of the fam-
pleted a behavioral evaluation for hearing when they were ilies who had a baby with a risk indicator made appoint-
7 to 12 months of age. Of the 39 children later identified ments for an audiologic assessment and only about 50%
with severe to profound bilateral hearing losses, only 44% of those actually came to the appointment. The program
were identified when they were 7 to 12 months old based was discontinued after 8 years because of the small number
on the behavioral evaluation. The remaining children were of babies identified (the prevalence of babies identified as
identified later based on school-age screening programs, being DHH was less than 0.30 per 1,000 or about 10% of the
parental concern, or by healthcare providers. For children babies who were likely DHH in that cohort).
with mild to moderate bilateral hearing losses and children Before implementing a hearing screening program
with unilateral hearing losses, the behavioral evaluation at that targets only those babies with one of the JCIH-
7 to 12 months of age identified only 25% and less than recommended risk indicators, it is important to remember
10%, respectively. Even when home visitors are specifically that 95% of the babies who have one of the risk factors do
trained to do behavioral evaluations of hearing in a home not have hearing loss and that approximately half the babies
setting, most young children who are DHH will be missed who do have congenital hearing loss will not exhibit any risk
using such procedures. factors (Mauk et al., 1991). Thus, even if a risk-based new-
The WHO report also recommended that when it is born hearing screening program worked perfectly, it would
not feasible to implement universal hearing screening pro- only identify half of the babies with permanent hearing
grams for all newborns, countries should consider starting loss. However, the yield from operational high-risk hearing
with a hearing screening program that focuses on a subset screening programs has been much lower. Furthermore, the
of infants and young children. For example, when newborn risk factors that are most predictive of hearing loss in babies
hearing screening programs are being established, it is not will vary from country to country, so it is important to have
unusual to focus on babies in a particular geographical local data about the sensitivity and specificity of risk factors
region because they are more accessible or equipment and before using this as a method of identifying children who
personnel are more available. Because the incidence of per- are DHH.
manent hearing loss is much higher among neonates who Alternatives to UNHS based on physiological measures
require intensive medical care during the first few days of such as OAEs or A-ABRs do need to be considered in some
life, hearing screening programs can focus on those admit- situations. However, unless and until better data are avail-
ted to a neonatal intensive care unit if they are unable to able to demonstrate acceptable sensitivity and specificity of
screen all babies. alternative approaches (e.g., parent questionnaires, behav-
There is a great deal of evidence that babies with cer- ioral measures, and programs targeting high-risk babies)
tain “risk indicators” have much higher rates of permanent program planners should recognize that most previous pro-
hearing loss than those who do not. The Joint Committee grams using these methods have had significant limitations.
on Infant Hearing (JCIH, 2007) has identified 11 risk indi- Such alternatives should be viewed as an interim step toward
cators (e.g., family history of permanent childhood hearing establishing a UNHS program. Recognizing that different
loss, being in a neonatal intensive care unit for more than approaches will need to be taken in different circumstances,
5 days, presence of craniofacial anomalies) that are associ- the WHO report (2010) emphasized that all newborn
ated with permanent congenital or delayed-onset hearing hearing screening programs should have
loss. Even though only about 10% of all newborns exhibit
• Clearly stated goals with well-specified roles and respon-
one or more of these risk indicators, about 50% of the infants
sibilities for the people involved
who are DHH will be in this group. Unfortunately, hearing
• A clearly designated person who is responsible for the
screening programs that target only infants with risk indi-
cators have not been successful in identifying many of the
• Hands-on training for people who will be doing the
babies with hearing loss in this high-risk group. For exam-
ple, Mahoney and Eichwald (1987) reported the results of a
• Regular monitoring to ensure that the protocol is being
newborn hearing screening program that targeted all babies
correctly implemented
with a high-risk indicator born in their state over an 8-year
• Specific procedures about how to inform parents about
period. Information about the presence of risk indicators
the screening results
was incorporated into the state’s legally required birth cer-
• Recording and reporting of information about the screen-
tificate so information about risk indicators was collected
ing for each child in a health record
on virtually all babies. A computerized mailing system and
• A documented protocol based on local circumstances
follow-up phone calls were used to offer all parents of chil-
dren with risk indicators a free diagnostic audiologic assess- It is also important to remember that successful new-
ment at local health department offices. Also a mobile van born hearing screening programs have been implemented in
traveled around the state to provide free diagnostic testing many countries in many different ways. Despite the variety
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 441











































FIGURE 23.2 Percentage of newborns screened for hearing loss in the United States during the
last 30 years.

of circumstances in which they operated, WHO (2010, p 34) congenital hearing loss during the first few months of life
noted that had been recognized for decades, but the belief that this goal
could be achieved was relatively new.
[T]he aims of [newborn hearing screening] pro-
When Dr. C. Everett Koop, Surgeon General of the
grammes are widely accepted as both highly worth-
United States, in 1989 called for increased efforts to identify
while and attainable and . . . should be expanded
congenital hearing loss during the first few months of life
to include all neonates and infants. Although uni-
(Northern and Downs, 1991) he stated:
versal newborn hearing screening using OAE or
A-ABR should be the goal for all countries, interim . . . hearing impaired children who receive early help
approaches using targeted screening based on ques- require less costly special education services later . . . I
tionnaires, behavioural methods and/or physiologi- am optimistic. I foresee a time in this country . . . when
cal methods guided by evidence from well-conducted no child reaches his or her first birthday with an
pilot studies will also be beneficial. Whatever approach undetected hearing impairment.
is used, it is important that the EHDI programme is
Many people were surprised by Dr. Koop’s enthusi-
linked to existing health care, social and educational
asm and his optimism that UNHS programs could be suc-
systems, and that the procedures and outcomes of the
cessfully established given the fact that fewer than 3% of
programme be documented so that ongoing quality
all newborns in the United States were being screened for
assurance activities can be implemented and experi-
hearing loss at that time. Over the next 25 years, Dr. Koop’s
ences shared.
enthusiasm proved to be well founded as shown by the fact
that more than 98% of all newborns in the United States are
THE CURRENT STATUS OF now screened for hearing loss (Centers for Disease Control
EHDI PROGRAMS IN THE and Prevention (CDC), 2013, see Figure 23.2). Understand-
UNITED STATES ing the factors that led to such a significant change can be
useful as work continues to make hearing screening pro-
EHDI programs have expanded dramatically in the United grams more effective and efficient.
States during the last 20 years. In 1999 the US Department
of Health and Human Services established the following
goal related to EHDI programs as a part of its objectives for Factors Contributing to the
Healthy People 2010: Expansion of Newborn Hearing
Increase the proportion of newborns who are screened Screening Programs
for hearing loss by age 1 month, have audiologic eval-
The establishment, expansion, and improvement of new-
uation by age 3 months, and are enrolled in appropri-
born hearing screening programs in the United States have
ate intervention services by age 6 months.
been facilitated by (1) policy initiatives by government, pro-
This goal represented a major shift in the belief that fessional associations, and advocacy groups, (2) financial
children who are DHH could be identified earlier and pro- assistance from the federal government, (3) improvements
vided with services that would enable them to be as success- in technology, (4) legislative initiatives, and (5) the demon-
ful as their normally hearing peers. The value of identifying strated success of early implementations.
442 SECTION III • Special Populations

POLICY INITIATIVES months of age” and concluded that UNHS was the best way
to accomplish this goal. To the surprise of many, progress
The value of identifying children who are DHH as early as was slow. It would be another 12 years before more than
possible is not a new concept for healthcare providers and 90% of the newborns in the United States were screened
administrators in the United States. For example, the Bab- prior to discharge (see Figure 23.2).
bidge Report issued by the US Department of Health, Edu- That so much time elapsed between the recommen-
cation, and Welfare in 1965 recommended the development dation by NIH and the achievement of UNHS was in part
and nationwide implementation of “. . . universally applied because of the lack of research evidence about the value of
procedures for early identification and evaluation of hearing and experience for such broad-scale implementation of
impairment.” Four years later in 1969, based on the pioneering newborn hearing screening. In the words of one skeptic in a
work of Marion Downs (Downs and Hemenway, 1969), the commentary entitled, Universal Newborn Hearing Screening:
Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH, 2007) was estab- Should We Leap Before We Look? (Paradise, 1999, pp 670–671):
lished by a group of professional associations (e.g., American
Speech and Hearing Association, American Academy of Pedi- Across the nation pediatricians are being impor-
atrics, American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and tuned, and indeed propelled, to implement universal
Neck Surgery, among others). Even though the JCIH had no newborn hearing screening, despite a total lack of
formal authority and few resources, they became, and have information concerning ultimate costs and, particu-
remained, a powerful force in advocating for earlier identifica- larly, risks . . . I feel compelled to try here once again
tion and better treatment of children who are DHH. to be heard, quixotic though it may seem in the face
When it was first established, the JCIH focused on of such apparently formidable odds. My main objec-
screening high-risk babies because inexpensive and effec- tions to a universal screening program for presum-
tive hearing screening technology was not yet available. As ably normal, low-risk newborns remain essentially
new hearing screening technologies became available in the unchanged . . . recent reports from screening programs
late 1980s, more resources were devoted to early identifica- offer no basis for greater optimism about reducing the
tion of children who were DHH. These efforts were stimu- numbers of false-positive identifications.
lated in part by a recommendation from the congressionally
mandated Commission on Education of the Deaf (Toward FEDERAL SUPPORT FOR EHDI INITIATIVES
Equality, 1988) that “the Department of Education, in col-
Partly because there was so little research about and experi-
laboration with the Department of Health and Human
ence with newborn hearing screening programs, significantly
Services, should . . . assist states in implementing improved
more federal funding was devoted to research, demonstration,
screening procedures for each live birth.”
and technical assistance projects related to newborn hearing
A few years later, Healthy People 2000 established a
screening during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Some of the
goal to “reduce the average age at which children with sig-
best known were the Rhode Island Hearing Assessment Proj-
nificant hearing impairment are identified to no more than
ect (White and Behrens, 1993), the Marion Downs Hearing
12 months”:
Center (MDHCF, 2013), and the National Center for Hear-
. . . it is difficult, if not impossible, for many [children ing Assessment and Management at Utah State University
with congenital hearing loss] to acquire the funda- (NCHAM, 2013b) but there were many others.
mental language, social, and cognitive skills that pro-
vide the foundation for later schooling and success SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF
in society. When early identification and interven- SCREENING PROGRAMS
tion occur, hearing-impaired children make dramatic
progress, are more successful in school, and become Although the concerns about newborn hearing screening
more productive members of society. The earlier expressed by Bess and Paradise (1994) and Paradise (1999)
intervention and habilitation begin, the more dra- were widely criticized (e.g., White and Maxon, 1995), Bess
matic the benefits. (HHS, 1990, p 460) and Paradise were correct in pointing out that there was very
little research in 1993 from large, systematically implemented
Although similar goals had been discussed for 30 years, UNHS programs to support the recommendations of the
this one was different because it was linked to a federal man- NIH Consensus Development Panel. Besides the Rhode
date that progress toward each objective had to be tracked Island Hearing Assessment Project (White and Behrens,
and reported at regular intervals. 1993), the available evidence about newborn hearing screen-
Another major step forward happened in 1993 when ing was based on small samples of infants (primarily from
a Consensus Development Panel convened by the National NICUs) over short periods of time. The controversy about
Institutes of Health recommended that “all infants [who are the NIH recommendations generated by Bess and Paradise
DHH] should be identified and treatment initiated by six stimulated a great deal of activity between 1994 and 1999 as
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 443

the percentage of babies being screened for hearing loss prior There are now 43 states with statutes or rules related to new-
to hospital discharge increased steadily (see Figure 23.2). By born hearing screening. A recent analysis by Green et al.
1998 there was a growing body of research supporting the (2007) concluded that states with legislation were much
feasibility, cost-efficiency, and benefits of newborn hearing more likely to be screening 95% or more of their babies
screening (e.g., Finitzo et al., 1998; Mehl and Thomson, 1998; than those without legislation. Copies of each statute and/
White, 1997) and dozens of large-scale UNHS programs or rule as well as an analysis of the provisions of each statute
had become operational in various states. Since that time, is available at NCHAM (2013d). Several points about exist-
more and more research has been published showing the ing legislation are worth noting:
benefits of newborn hearing screening (e.g., McCann et al.,
1. Most legislation (34 of 43 states) was approved after
2009), and the United States Preventive Services Task Force
1998. The increase in legislative activity was probably
now “recommends screening of hearing loss in all newborn
influenced by the publication of the Position Statement
infants” (USPSTF, 2008, p 143).
by the American Academy of Pediatrics (1999) and
the increased amount of research evidence about the
TECHNOLOGIC ADVANCES efficacy, accuracy, and feasibility of newborn hearing
Technologic breakthroughs in hearing screening equipment screening programs.
in the late 1980s were a major contributor to the growth of 2. The existence of legislation is neither necessary nor suffi-
newborn hearing screening programs. Without the improve- cient to guarantee an effective EHDI program as demon-
ments in OAEs and A-ABRs, the many policy initiatives, fed- strated by the fact that some states that have not passed
erally funded projects, and clinical screening programs that legislation have EHDI programs that are functioning as
combined to demonstrate the practicality and efficacy of well or better than some states with statutes.
UNHS programs, this success would never have happened. 3. Only 28 of 43 states (65%) require all babies to be
The advances in technology are likely to continue. screened. Some statutes set the standard as low as 85% of
all newborns which raises questions about equal access to
ENDORSEMENTS BY PROFESSIONAL hearing screening—at least in those states.
AND ADVOCACY GROUPS 4. The fact that only seven states (16%) require parents to
provide written informed consent suggests that most
Published research studies combined with statewide UNHS states view hearing screening as a routine part of new-
programs that were identifying hundreds of babies at ever born health care.
younger ages led to more endorsements and policy statements 5. Twenty-nine of 43 states (67%) require hospitals to
by government, professional, and advocacy organizations— report data from newborn hearing screening to the State
including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Ameri- Department of Health—suggesting that these states are
can Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the American treating EHDI as a public health program.
Academy of Audiology, the National Association of the 6. Twenty-one statutes (49%) indicate that newborn hear-
Deaf, March of Dimes, and the American College of Medical ing screening must be a covered benefit of health insur-
Genetics (see NCHAM, 2013c for a summary of endorse- ance policies issued in the state. However, because of how
ments by various organizations). insurance reimbursement is done, many hospitals do not
By the end of 2001, EHDI programs were clearly estab- receive money for screening because payments are made
lished as a part of the public health system in the United as a lump sum for all services associated with the birth.
States, with all 50 states having established an EHDI pro- The federal Affordable Care Act stipulates that newborn
gram (White, 2003). Also in 1998, the federal Maternal and hearing screening is a covered preventive service. More
Child Health Bureau (MCHB) began requiring states to information about the implications of the Affordable
report the percent of newborns they had screened for hear- Care Act for how EHDI programs actually function and
ing loss before hospital discharge as one of 18 core perfor- what services are available to children and families is
mance measures states must report annually to receive fed- available at NCHAM (2013e).
eral MCHB block grant funding (MCHB, 2002).
It is also important to note that legislation specifies
LEGISLATION RELATED TO NEWBORN the minimum requirements of state policy, but often does
not describe what is actually happening in the state’s EHDI
HEARING SCREENING program. For example, the Rhode Island EHDI program
The preceding activities were important in creating an has one of the nation’s best tracking and reporting systems,
atmosphere where many newborn hearing screening pro- reports data to the Department of Health, and has an advi-
grams could be implemented, but legislative and adminis- sory committee, even though none of these are required by
trative actions in the late 1990s and early 2000s contributed the Rhode Island hearing screening legislation (NCHAM,
to expanding the reach and sustainability of these programs. 2013d).
444 SECTION III • Special Populations

National Goals for EHDI Programs marized in Table 23.1 and each is discussed in the remainder
of this section.
As a result of work done by the MCHB, the CDC, and the
JCIH, most people have stopped using the phrase “universal
newborn hearing screening” (UNHS) in favor of “early
hearing detection and intervention” (EHDI). The change SCREENED FOR HEARING LOSS
is important because it underscores that successfully iden- CDC (2013) reported that 98.4% of newborns were screened
tifying and serving infants and young children who are in 2011 (excluding infant deaths and parent refusals). Inter-
DHH requires more than an effective newborn hearing estingly, no particular protocol or type of screening equip-
screening program. To be effective, the screening pro- ment is preferred by most people. As shown in Table 23.2, a
gram must be connected to a system that includes audio- survey conducted by NCHAM (2013f) showed that 50.3% of
logic diagnosis and appropriate medical, audiologic, and all screening programs were using OAE testing, and 62.4%
educational intervention. Newborn hearing screening were using A-ABRs (percentages sum to more than 100%
programs should also be coordinated with the child’s pri- because some programs use both OAE and A-ABR). Approx-
mary healthcare provider (PHCP) (often referred to as the imately 40% percent of programs did all of their screening
child’s Medical Home); a tracking and surveillance system; prior to hospital discharge, whereas about 60% of programs
and a process for monitoring/evaluating how the system is used a two-stage protocol in which screening was not com-
functioning. pleted until an outpatient screening was done following dis-
Newborn hearing screening programs in the United charge. The variety of screening protocols being used suggests
States are almost always hospital based because that is where that no single protocol is “best” for all situations. Because, the
the vast majority of babies are born. The basic process is JCIH (2007, p 904) now recommends “ABR technology as the
similar, even though the specifics, as discussed later in this only appropriate screening technique for use in the NICU
chapter, vary to a considerable degree. For example, screen- [neonatal intensive care unit]” the percentage of programs
ing may be done by nurses, technicians, audiologists, or using A-ABR is expected to increase.
someone else. Some programs use OAEs, some use A-ABRs, Deciding what type of equipment and which protocol
and some use both. Screening is almost always done before to use in a newborn hearing screening program depends
the baby is discharged from the birth admission, but it can on the circumstances and preferences of the program
be completed at different times of the day depending on the administrators. In situations where an outpatient screen-
hospital’s routine and in different locations (e.g., the nurs- ing is a part of the protocol and it is difficult to get babies
ery, the mother’s room, a room designated specifically for to come back, A-ABR has an advantage because refer rates
screening). Some hospitals do diagnostic evaluations for at time of discharge are typically lower (but, the cost of
babies who do not pass the screening test, and others refer equipment and consumables is somewhat higher). It is
those babies elsewhere. Because newborn hearing screening also important to consider what degree of hearing loss is
has become a part of routine medical care for newborns, targeted by the screening program. Most of the currently
the screening procedures must conform with the hospital’s available A-ABR screening equipment uses a 35-dBnHL
practices related to such matters as safety, privacy, and infec- click for the stimulus which means that many babies with
tion control. mild hearing loss will likely pass the screening test (John-
As newborn hearing screening programs expanded son et al., 2005). In most states, the decision about what
during the mid-1990s, it became clear that screening was type of hearing screening equipment and protocol to use
only the first step in an intertwined process of identifying is left to the discretion of the hospital screening program
infants with hearing loss and providing them and their fam- administrator. In fact, NCHAM (2013f) found that only
ilies with timely and appropriate services. Understanding 67% of state EHDI coordinators even keep track of what
how to best implement and maintain this first step (screen- equipment and/or protocol was used by hospital-based
ing) requires a brief discussion of the other steps (many screening programs.
of which are discussed in more detail in other chapters of A small, but important subgroup that is not being
this book). A brief You Tube video shows these procedures well served by current EHDI programs are babies who are
( born at home. With 1% to 2% of all births in the United
In collaboration with state EHDI program coordina- States occurring outside the hospital, this represents 40,000
tors and representatives from other federal, professional, to 80,000 babies per year. Only 21 states reported that
and advocacy agencies, CDC has developed National EHDI they had a systematic program in place to screen these
Goals, Program Objectives and Performance Indicators that babies, and those states only screened an estimated 41% of
are based on EHDI guidelines from various states and the out-of-hospital births (NCHAM, 2013f). Midwives are
position statements of the Joint Committee on Infant Hear- well-positioned to screen and follow-up with babies born
ing (JCIH, 2007) and the American Academy of Pediatrics outside of the hospital, but Goedert et al. (2011) reported
(AAP, 1999). These National Goals (CDC, 2004) are sum- that most respondents to a national survey of the American
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 445

TA B L E 2 3 .1

National Goals for EHDI Programs (CDC, 2004)

Goal 1. All newborns will be Hospitals will have a written protocol to ensure all births are screened, results
screened for hearing loss are reported to the infant’s parents and PCHP, and referred infants (≤4%)
before 1 mo of age, preferably are referred for diagnostic evaluation. Demographic data will be collected
before hospital discharge for each infant and appropriate educational material provided to parents.
States will reduce/eliminate financial barriers to screening and ensure
screening of out-of-hospital births
Goal 2. All infants who screen States will develop audiologic diagnostic guidelines and maintain a list of
positive will have a diagnostic qualified providers to ensure infants referred from screening receive a
audiologic evaluation before comprehensive audiologic evaluation before 3 mos of age and are referred to
3 mos of age appropriate services. States will provide appropriate education and/or training
about diagnostic audiologic evaluation to parents, PCHPs, and audiologists
Goal 3. All infants identified States will develop policies and resource guides to ensure all parents of children
with hearing loss will receive with hearing loss receive appropriate medical (including vision screening and
appropriate early intervention genetic services), audiologic, and early intervention services (based on the
services before 6 mos of age communication mode chosen by the family). States will ensure that early
(medical, audiologic, and early intervention service providers are educated about issues related to infants
intervention) and young children with hearing loss
Goal 4. All infants and children Hospitals and others will report information about risk factors for hearing loss
with late-onset or progressive to the state, who will monitor the status of children with risk factors and
hearing loss will be identified at provide appropriate follow-up services
the earliest possible time
Goal 5. All infants with hearing A primary care provider who assists the family in obtaining appropriate services
loss will have a medical home will be identified for all infants with confirmed hearing loss before 3 mos of
as defined by the American age. The state will provide unbiased education about issues related to
Academy of Pediatrics hearing loss for parents and medical home providers
Goal 6. Every state will have an A computerized statewide tracking and reporting system will record information
EHDI Tracking and Surveillance about screening results, risk factors, and follow-up for all births. The system
System that minimizes loss to will have appropriate safeguards, be linked to other relevant state data
follow-up systems, and be accessible to authorized healthcare providers
Goal 7. Every state will have a A systematic plan for monitoring and evaluation will be developed and
system that monitors and implemented by an advisory committee to regularly collect data and provide
evaluates the progress toward feedback to families and ensure that infants and children with hearing loss
the EHDI goals and objectives receive appropriate services

College of Nurses-Midwives members were not well

TA B L E 2 3 .2 informed about the importance of newborn hearing
screening and had significant gaps in their knowledge about
Protocols Used in EHDI Programs screening procedures, steps for referral, and the availability
Percent of of resources when newborns did not pass the test.
Before Hospital After Hospital Newborns
Discharge Discharge Screened GOAL NO. 2: REFERRED INFANTS WILL BE
ABR — 23.3 For babies who do not pass the newborn screening test, audi-
OAE/ABR — 6.7 ologic diagnosis should be completed as soon as possible,
OAE OAE 21.4 but no later than 3 months of age. Figure 23.3 shows that
OAE ABR 4.2 in states with well-developed EHDI programs the average
ABR OAE 2.8 age of diagnosis for children who are identified as DHH has
ABR ABR 23.2 dropped dramatically over the last 25 years.
Unfortunately, CDC (2013) reported that in 2011 for
Other protocol — 0.3
the country as a whole, state EHDI programs were not able
446 SECTION III • Special Populations

Muñoz et al. (2013) 2

Massachusetts (2004) 2

implementation of EHDI programs

Research studies before and after
Harrison et al. (2003) 4
Vohr et al. (1998) 3
Johnson et al. (1997) 3

Mace et al. (1991) 31

Stein et al. (1990) 25
Meadow-Orlans (1987) 30
Gustason (1989) 30
Elssmann et al. (1987) 19
Coplan (1987) 35
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Age (mos)

FIGURE 23.3 Age in months at which permanent hearing loss was diagnosed. Refer-
ences to the studies cited may be found at

to document whether diagnostic evaluations were actu- who were qualified and had appropriate equipment and
ally completed for 35.3% of the infants who needed them experience to do diagnostic audiologic evaluations for
(see Figure 23.4). Most states (90%) have developed written infants under 3 months of age (NCHAM, 2013f).
guidelines for conducting diagnostic audiologic evaluations, Unfortunately, there is no general agreement on what
and most (78%) had compiled a list of centers or individuals constitutes a qualified pediatric audiologist, and these lists

70% 5,500

65% 5,200
5,103 5,000


50% 48%
45% 3,500
45% 43%
39% 3,000

35% 2,634

30% 2,000
2005 (n = 44) 2006 (n = 47) 2007 (n = 44) 2008 (n = 48) 2009 (n = 48) 2010 (n = 52) 2001 (n = 50)

LTFU/LTD among infants not passing hearing screening (2005–2011)

Infants with documented hearing loss (total = 28,728) (2005–2011)

FIGURE 23.4 Number of children who are DHH identified and LTFU/LTD rates from 2005 to 2011.
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 447

are mostly composed of self-defined pediatric audiologists. rienced and qualified pediatric audiologists often inter-
Most state EHDI coordinators (79%) said it would be “ben- feres with fitting appropriate hearing technology as early
eficial if there were a license or certification for audiologists as desired. Another problem is that many PHCPs are not
who specialize in diagnostic assessments and/or hearing up-to-date regarding early identification of hearing loss.
aid fitting for infants and toddlers.” In 2011, the American For example, JCIH (2007) recommends that all infants
Board of Audiology launched the Pediatric Audiology Spe- with confirmed hearing loss be referred to a geneticist and
cialty Certification (PASC) that is supposed to address this an ophthalmologist who has “knowledge of pediatric hear-
need. The PASC was “developed to elevate professional stan- ing loss.” However, when almost 2,000 PHCPs who care for
dards in pediatric audiology, enhance individual perfor- children in 22 different states and territories responded to a
mance, and recognize those professionals who have acquired question on a 2005 survey about to whom they would refer
specialized knowledge in the field of pediatric audiology” a newborn patient who had been “diagnosed with a moder-
(American Board of Audiology, 2013). The program is still ate to profound bilateral hearing loss . . . [when] no other
new (only 43 audiologists were certified as of November 15, indications are present,” only 0.6% said they would refer to
2013), so time will tell whether the availability of the PASC an ophthalmologist and 8.9% to a geneticist. When asked
improves pediatric audiology services. at what age an infant could be fit with hearing aids, only
Recently, CDC made a web-based service available to 47.3% knew that hearing aids could be fit on children under
help parents and others find qualified pediatric audiologist 4 months of age (Moeller et al., 2006). In a similar survey
throughout the nation. Developed in conjunction with collab- completed in 2013 (NCHAM, 2013g), a national sample of
orators from ASHA, AAA, JCIH, Hands & Voices, NCHAM, over 2,000 PHCPs from 26 states responded similarly—only
and others, the EHDI-PALS (EHDI-Pediatric Audiology Links 2.2% and 9.3% would refer to an ophthalmologist or a genet-
to Services) provides up-to-date information about facilities icist, respectively, and only 39.1% knew that children under
that offer pediatric audiology services. All of the facilities listed 4 months of age could be fit with a hearing aid. Clearly,
must report that they have appropriate equipment and exper- more work needs to be done educating PHCPs so that they
tise to serve children and have licensed audiologists. Similar to can be better partners in providing and supporting families
other web-based search tools, EHDI-PALS users are asked to who have children who are DHH.
answer few simple questions that help pinpoint their location According to state EHDI coordinators, appropriate
and need. Then the program generates a list of the nearest educational intervention programs for infants and toddlers
audiology facilities that match the request. Each listing comes with hearing loss are also not as widely available as needed.
with information about that facility including types of services Part C of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education
offered, availability of language interpretation services, pay- Act (IDEA) requires all states to provide appropriate early
ment options, and appointment availability. The service is free intervention programs for all infants and toddlers with dis-
and is not linked to any commercial products or services. The abilities. Most children in Part C-funded early intervention
system can be accessed at programs are enrolled based on the fact that they exhibit sig-
In a national evaluation of newborn hearing screen- nificant delays from normal development. Infants and tod-
ing and intervention programs reported by Shulman et al. dlers who are DHH often do not exhibit measurable delays
(2010) the following factors were identified as contributing in language, cognitive, or social skills until they are 18 to
to poor follow-up rates for audiologic diagnosis: 24 months of age. Even though federal regulations provide
for serving children who have “established conditions that
1. Lack of qualified audiologists to do diagnostic evalua-
are likely to lead to developmental delays,” only 5 of the
51 state plans for Part C provide an operational definition of
2. Lack of appropriate equipment
how children who are DHH would qualify for such services
3. Lack of knowledge among health providers about the
(White, 2006). Of greater concern, CDC (2013) reported
importance and urgency of follow-up testing
that in 2011 state EHDI coordinators were only able to
4. Difficulties with transportation, ability to pay, and moti-
document that 63% of infants and toddlers who the EHDI
vation on the part of families
program had identified as being DHH were enrolled in Part
5. Poor communication among PHCP, audiologists, and
C programs and only 68% of those could be documented as
the state EHDI program
having been enrolled before 6 months of age.

Providing appropriate medical, audiologic, and educational
services to infants and young children who are DHH is a In describing hearing loss, the terms “late onset” and “pro-
complex, multifaceted undertaking. The shortage of expe- gressive” are frequently used together which may lead to
448 SECTION III • Special Populations

some people assuming that they are synonyms for the same sured children in metropolitan areas. Foust and colleagues
condition. They are not. A progressive hearing loss is one reported 3.55 children per 1,000 identified with permanent
that gets worse over time, whether the hearing loss is con- hearing loss based on 846 children screened, and Bhatia
genital or late onset. The term “late-onset hearing loss” and colleagues reported 2.45 children per 1,000 identified
should only be used when normal hearing was present at with permanent hearing loss based on almost 2,000 children
birth and a permanent hearing loss occurred later. screened. These studies provide good evidence that OAEs
The Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH, 2007, are a viable tool for doing hearing screening of infants and
p 899) recommends that young children. In its latest national survey of physicians,
NCHAM (2013g) found that 29% report that they are doing
Infants who pass the neonatal screening but have a
hearing screening of infants and young children in their
risk factor should have at least 1 diagnostic audiology
offices, and 66% of these report using OAE equipment as a
assessment by 24 to 30 months of age. . . . All infants
part of their screening protocol.
should have an objective standardized screening of
global development with a validated assessment tool
at 9, 18, and 24 to 30 months of age . . . Infants who GOAL NO. 5: ALL INFANTS WITH HEARING
do not pass the speech-language portion of a medical LOSS WILL HAVE A MEDICAL HOME
home global screening or for whom there is a concern
The American Academy of Pediatrics advocates that all
regarding hearing or language should be referred for
children should have access to health care that is accessible,
speech-language evaluation and audiology assessment.
family centered, comprehensive, continuous, coordinated,
In 2004 (the latest data available), only 14 states were compassionate, and culturally effective—often referred to
collecting risk indicator information from “all hospitals” as the Medical Home (Jackson et al., 2013). It is clear that
and 17 states were collecting it for “some hospitals.” Eight services for infants and toddlers with hearing loss would be
states reported that they received risk indicator data for much better if families of children who are DHH were con-
≥85% of all births. In many cases the state EHDI program nected soon after birth to a PHCP who is familiar with their
reports the presence of the risk indicator to the child’s circumstances, is knowledgeable about the consequences
PHCP and/or parent and takes no further action. States that and treatment of children who are DHH, and is known and
were collecting risk factor data reported that they tried to do trusted by the family.
audiologic monitoring for 57% of the children that had risk Unfortunately, according to state EHDI coordina-
indicators. Unfortunately, they were only able to complete tors, this is not the case for many infants and toddlers with
“at least one audiologic monitoring during the first year of hearing loss. Shulman et al. (2010) reported that only 73%
life” for 40% of those children where an attempt was made of coordinators said that hospitals in their state contacted
(NCHAM, 2013f). In a recent review of the literature, Bes- the PHCP when a child did not pass the newborn hearing
wick et al. (2012) found surprisingly little good evidence screening test. NCHAM (2013f) reported that the name
about costs or benefits of monitoring children who pass a of the PHCP who will care for the baby during the first
newborn hearing screening test, but have one or more of the 3 months of life was known only for about 75% of newborns
risk factors for hearing loss. They called for more large-scale, discharged from the hospital. Furthermore, many PHCPs
population-based research to assist with the development of are not well informed about issues related to early identifica-
evidence-based guidelines for monitoring the hearing status tion of hearing loss (NCHAM, 2013g). This is not surprising
of children who have passed newborn hearing screening. given the rapid changes that have occurred in our knowl-
Clearly, detection of late-onset hearing losses should be edge about identification and treatment of children who are
a part of a comprehensive EHDI program. Although more DHH during the last 15 years. It is unrealistic to expect all
work is needed to determine how this can be done most effi- PHCPs to remain up-to-date about a condition that affects
ciently, recent research suggests that screening with OAEs is only about 3 babies per 1,000. Thus, states must find ways
a viable alternative. Eiserman et al. (2008) reported results of providing this information to PHCPs on an “as needed”
by lay screeners for more than 4,000 children in Early Head basis. The American Academy of Pediatrics is actively work-
Start programs in four states using portable OAE equip- ing with state EHDI coordinators to develop such informa-
ment. One hundred and seven children (23.6 per 1,000 tional materials, but much remains to be done. According
screened) were determined to have fluctuating conductive to MCHB (2010), State Title V Directors estimated that
hearing losses requiring medical and/or audiologic treat- only 43% of children with special healthcare needs receive
ment, and seven children (1.54 per 1,000 screened) were healthcare services in a setting that meets the minimal
diagnosed with permanent hearing loss, including four who requirements for a medical home. State EHDI coordinators
had passed their newborn hearing screening test. Foust et al. estimated that results about hearing screening tests were sent
(2013) and Bhatia et al. (2013) reported on separate screen- to medical home for 73% of the births, but it is unclear how
ing programs in which portable OAE equipment was used frequently these results reached the correct PHCP (Shulman
in federally funded clinics serving low-income and unin- et al., 2010). In fact, NCHAM (2013g) found that 46% of
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 449

physicians said they never received information from the type of linkage with newborn dried bloodspot screening
state EHDI program, and 68% reported that they never sent programs, 13 with vital statistics and 4 each with immuniza-
information to their state EHDI program. tion registries and early intervention programs (NCHAM,
2013f; Shulman et al., 2010). As these linkages are refined
GOAL NO. 6: EVERY STATE WILL HAVE A and stabilized, it will eliminate duplication and will mean
TRACKING AND SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM TO that services to families can be better coordinated.
CDC currently awards funding to 52 states and territories to TO MONITOR AND EVALUATE PROGRESS
assist with the development and enhancement of improved
tracking and data management systems that can be linked
with other state public health information systems. A recent Closely related to the development of tracking and data
survey of public health agencies concluded that information management systems is the implementation of systematic
from EHDI programs was the child health information most evaluation and quality assurance programs. As visualized
likely to be integrated with other health systems, but con- in the CDC National Goals, an EHDI advisory commit-
tinued effort and improved coordination among agencies tee in each state should assist with developing and main-
is still needed (Bara et al., 2009). taining the EHDI system. Almost all states have an EHDI
As noted in Figure 23.4, Loss to Follow-up/Loss to Advisory committee that meets at least quarterly and has
Documentation remains a serious problem with state EHDI representation from diverse stakeholders including audi-
programs being unable to document the hearing status of ologists, parents of children with hearing loss, PHCPs, and
35% of the newborns who do not pass the hearing screen- early intervention providers. These committees have made
ing test. Shulman et al. (2010) reported that hospitals report good progress in overseeing the development of educational
the results of hearing screenings to the state EHDI program materials for PHCPs and parents. Coordinators in 78% of
using various methods, including paper forms, software the states reported that they had good to excellent materi-
developed specifically for this purpose, adaptations to the als for educating parents about the states’ EHDI programs.
bloodspot screening cards, or electronic birth certificates. More work is needed in developing materials to educate
Some state EHDI programs mandate how reporting is to be PHCPs about EHDI and to educate parents of children
done, but most allow each hospital to choose which system who are DHH about communication options where only
they will use. This means that only half the EHDI programs 53% and 56%, respectively, of EHDI coordinators said that
received screening results from all hospitals through a single they had good to excellent materials. Shulman et al. (2010)
method, the most common being a faxed or mailed paper reported that 83% of the states had developed materials in
form. languages other than English.
More systematic approaches such as those used in Systematic evaluation and monitoring of state EHDI
other countries would likely have better results. For exam- programs is an area where more work is needed. NCHAM
ple, well-established UNHS programs in the United King- (2013f) found that states were using a variety of methods
dom (UK National Screening Committee, 2013), Poland to gather information about the EHDI program, but only
(Radziszdsska-Konopka et al., 2008), and the Netherlands 18 states reported that a systematic evaluation of their state’s
(Nederlandse Stichting voor het Dove en Slechthorende EHDI program had been completed during the last 5 years.
Kind [NSDSK], 2007) report national screening rates of Interestingly, 10 of these 18 evaluations were internal eval-
more than 95% with loss to follow-up/loss to documen- uations conducted by state EHDI program staff and only
tation rates of less than 10%. It is interesting to note that 8 resulted in a written report.
low loss to follow-up/loss to documentation is achieved Making progress toward achieving EHDI goals pre-
even though in England about 20% of the babies are not sumes that there is adequate funding to sustain the pro-
screened in the birth hospital and in the Netherlands 70% gram. Unfortunately, most EHDI programs are on some-
of the babies are screened at home, which would seem to what tenuous financial footing. NCHAM (2013f) found
be even more challenging for follow-up. Only four states in that almost two-thirds of the resources for operating EHDI
the United States (CA, IN, MA, and MI) reported loss to programs came from the MCHB grants and CDC coopera-
follow-up/loss to documentation rates of less than 10% in tive agreements that are viewed by Congress as temporary
2011 (CDC, 2013). sources of support. Only 17% of the financial resources for
Eighty-five percent of EHDI programs received data state EHDI programs came from state appropriations and
about the screening outcomes of individual babies which only six states provided more than half of the resources for
means that most state EHDI programs are able to assist their EHDI program from nonfederal sources. Shulman
in follow-up with individual families. Linkages with other et al. (2010) reported that 42% of EHDI coordinators were
public health data systems are also expanding with 15 states unsure whether the program could be continued if federal
reporting in a 2004 NCHAM survey that they had some funding were to be discontinued.
450 SECTION III • Special Populations

Honsinger case, in which the Court of Appeals decision

A physician . . . impliedly represents that he possesses . . .
SCREENING PROGRAMS that reasonable degree of learning and skill . . . ordinar-
The preceding discussion about the goals of the EHDI sys- ily possessed by physicians in his locality . . . [It is the
tem helps define where EHDI programs are headed and how physician’s] duty to use reasonable care and diligence
well they are doing. Much has also been written about how in the exercise of his skill and learning. . . . [he must]
to implement and operate an effective newborn hearing keep abreast of the times . . . departure from approved
screening program (e.g., AAA, 2011; JCIH, 2007; White and methods and general use, if it injures the patient, will
Muñoz, 2013). Instead, of repeating similar information render him liable.
here, the following section discusses several issues about the
The fact that newborn hearing screening is now being
operation of newborn hearing screening programs that are
provided for over 98% of all newborns and have been suc-
often overlooked.
cessfully functioning in many parts of the United States for
15 years means that it would be difficult for any healthcare
Recognizing Newborn Hearing provider to successfully argue that UNHS programs should
be viewed as experimental or unproven.
Screening as the Standard of Care
A newborn hearing screening program will only be success-
ful if all the stakeholders are supportive and recognize its SUPPORT FROM GOVERNMENTAL,
value and importance. One of the strongest rationales for PROFESSIONAL, AND ADVOCACY GROUPS
providing a medical service is if it is recognized as the medi- It is difficult to think of healthcare procedures that are not
cal/legal “standard of care.” Arguably, UNHS programs have yet routinely implemented which have been endorsed by
now achieved that status, and hospitals and State Depart- so many different authoritative groups ranging from the
ments of Public Health are exposing themselves to signifi- American Academy of Pediatrics to the National Institutes
cant liability risks if they are not operating effective hearing of Health to the March of Dimes—all of whom have con-
screening programs for all newborns. cluded that UNHS is feasible to implement, results in earlier
Marlowe (1996) was one of the first to suggest that identification of hearing loss, and can be done with equip-
newborn hearing screening was becoming the actual medi- ment which is accurate, practical to use, and economical.
cal/legal standard of care in the United States:

Every medical and allied health practitioner and every AVAILABILITY OF APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY
hospital administrator should be keenly aware that
they are held to a hypothetical standard of care when-
ever their professional conduct is being evaluated Ginsburg (1993) suggested that one of the criteria for estab-
legally. . . . Definition of a standard of care is com- lishing a standard of care
plicated by the fact that it is not usually articulated
. . . is when an inexpensive reliable device comes onto
in a specific, identifiable form and it may be subject
the market, the technology and concept of which have
to clarification on a case-by-case basis should legal
already been adopted by a group who specializes in
actions arise.
the concept . . . a guideline becomes a standard of care
Even though there have not yet been court cases that when the device behind the guideline is available and
definitively establish newborn hearing screening as the legal readily usable. (p. 125)
standard of care, healthcare providers and hospital admin- Newborn hearing screening equipment is widely avail-
istrators should be aware that newborn hearing screening able, relatively inexpensive, and continually improving
seems to meet each of the following guidelines that have which means that it easily meets Ginsburg’s standard of
been used in the past for establishing a practice as the being “available and readily usable.”
standard of care.

Selecting Screening Equipment

Deciding what equipment to use and what protocol to fol-
CIRCUMSTANCES low is one of the first steps in setting up a newborn hearing
An often cited case in determining what constitutes a stan- screening program. During the past 20 years, many different
dard of care in a particular situation was the 1898 Pike v. pieces of equipment have been successfully used in newborn
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 451

hearing screening programs—transient-evoked OAEs, dis- have normal or near-normal OAEs but an absent/abnor-
tortion product OAEs, and A-ABR. Each type of equipment mal auditory brainstem response (ABR). Thus, a program
has its proponents and detractors, but it is clear that the that uses only OAE for screening would miss such babies.
particular brand and type of equipment is not the primary Although it does occur in well-baby nurseries, most babies
determinate of whether a program will be successful. with ANSD have spent time in the NICU. For this reason,
In fact, the type and degree of hearing loss that is tar- the JCIH (2007) recommends ABR technology as the only
geted by the screening program is much more important appropriate screening technique for use in the NICU. Berlin
than the type and/or brand of screening equipment that et al. (2010) provide additional information about the diag-
will be used. This was demonstrated by Johnson et al. nosis and management of children with ANSD.
(2005) who evaluated how many infants are diagnosed with Regardless of the screening technology used, program
permanent hearing loss after passing a two-stage hearing administrators also need to be thoughtful about the number
screening protocol in which all infants are screened first of screening tests that are done for each infant. To keep refer
with OAE and some are screened with A-ABR. In this pro- rates low at the time of hospital discharge, many programs
tocol, no additional testing is done with infants who pass repeat screening tests a number of times if the baby does not
the OAE, but infants who fail the OAE are next screened pass on the first test. JCIH (2007, p 903) cautions that “the
with A-ABR. Those infants who fail the A-ABR screening likelihood of obtaining a pass outcome by chance alone is
are referred for diagnostic testing to determine if they have increased when screening is performed repeatedly.” Because
permanent hearing loss. Those who pass the A-ABR are of this caution, many state EHDI programs have guidelines
assumed to have normal hearing and are not tested further. that babies should not be screened more than two or three
The objective of this multicenter study was to determine times before leaving the hospital. Although screening a
whether a substantial number of infants who fail the initial baby too many times is often not an efficient use of the
OAE and pass the A-ABR have permanent hearing loss at screener’s time, it does little to increase the probability of
approximately 9 months of age. obtaining “a pass outcome by chance alone.” Nelson and
Seven geographically dispersed birthing centers that had White (2014) had testers who were DHH repeat OAE tests
been successfully using a two-stage OAE/A-ABR screening in their own ear 1,000 times to determine how often a pass
protocol were included in the study. Almost 87,000 babies result would be obtained for an ear that has moderate to
were screened at these centers during the period of the study. severe permanent hearing loss. They found an average of
Infants who failed the OAE but passed the A-ABR in at least 1 false-negative result per 1,000 tests. Statistical probability
one ear (1.8%) were enrolled in the study and invited back calculations were then used to show that if the screening
for a diagnostic audiologic evaluation when they were on test was repeated three times for EVERY baby in a state with
average 9.3 months of age. Diagnostic audiologic evalua- 100,000 annual births, only 1 baby who is DHH would be
tions were completed for 64% of the enrolled infants (1,432 missed and 300 babies who are DHH would be correctly
ears from 973 infants). Twenty-one infants (30 ears) who identified. If every baby were screened 10 times, only three
had failed the OAE but passed the A-ABR were identified babies who are DHH would be missed. In short, the negative
with permanent bilateral or unilateral hearing loss, with consequences of repeat testing with respect to babies passing
most of them (77%) having mild hearing loss. the screening test by chance have been greatly exaggerated.
The results of this study suggest that if all infants were
screened for hearing loss using the two-stage OAE/A-ABR Operating an Effective Newborn
hearing screening protocol currently used in many hospi-
tals, approximately 23% of those with permanent hearing Hearing Screening Program
loss at approximately 9 months of age would have passed Regardless of the technology and protocol used, several
the A-ABR with the presumption that they had normal procedural issues are important for an efficient, successful
hearing. This happens in part because most currently used program.
A-ABR screening equipment uses a 35-dBnHL click, which
is best for identifying infants with moderate or greater
hearing loss. Thus, program administrators should be cer-
tain that they are using equipment and protocols that are If everyone is responsible for a task, no one feels respon-
appropriate for identifying the type of hearing loss they sible for failure. Successful newborn hearing screening pro-
wish to target. grams are being conducted in hundreds of different ways,
Another example of why it is important to pay attention but any successful program requires attention to detail and
to selecting the equipment and protocol used in a newborn someone who makes sure all elements of the program are
hearing screening program is the need to identify babies systematically addressed. The person responsible for day-
who are DHH because of auditory neuropathy spectrum to-day operation of the program does not need specific
disorder (ANSD). Such babies are a challenge to identify in professional certification, but he or she needs to have good
some newborn hearing screening programs because they connections with the nursery, understand how screening
452 SECTION III • Special Populations

happens, and, most of all, be committed to the success of Communicating with Parents and
the program.
Healthcare Providers
ENSURING COMPETENT SCREENERS Many people have a stake in the results of a newborn hearing
screening program. Parents are among the most important
Thousands of successful programs have demonstrated that stakeholders because they have the long-term responsibility
screening can be done by a wide variety of people, includ- to ensure that the child receives appropriate care and ser-
ing nurses, audiologists, technicians, healthcare assistants, vices. They are also the ones who have the strongest feelings
volunteers, and students. Some states have laws about who (but often limited experience) about what it means to have a
can do hearing screening and how they must be super- child who is DHH. It is essential that each parent be told the
vised—others do not. Whoever does the screening should results of their baby’s hearing screening test and this should
have received hands-on training under the supervision of involve more than just being informed that the baby passed
someone who has already demonstrated his or her ability to or failed. Based on data collected from a national sample of
be a successful screener. Although it is often said that prac- hundreds of parents using individual interviews and focus
tice makes perfect, it is more accurate to say that practice groups Arnold et al. (2006) concluded that “the most oppor-
makes permanent. Consequently, it is important to provide tune time to begin discussion of newborn hearing screening
timely feedback to people who are just learning to screen so is before the birth.” Arnold et al. (2006) also provided sug-
errors can be corrected before they become ingrained. After gestions and sample materials about how to communicate
initial training is completed, there should be regular one- with parents at all stages of the EHDI process. A web-based
on-one observation and feedback. It is useful to have a regu- instructional module based on these suggestions is available
lar report of each screener’s performance with regard to the at NCHAM (2013b). Most successful hearing screening pro-
number of babies screened, babies passed, invalid tests, and grams use a variety of materials (often available in multiple
screens completed per hour of work. Such data are useful languages) to educate, inform, and follow-up with parents,
in identifying screeners who are having difficulty and need including pamphlets about the screening program, parent
assistance. Feedback should be given in a way that is viewed education materials, letters sent to parents about the results
as assistance instead of punishment. of the test, and cards used to make return appointments for
rescreens or diagnostic evaluations.
WHEN SHOULD SCREENING BE DONE? The discussion with parents about the result of the new-
born hearing screening test is an ideal time to help parents
Regardless of how screening is done, it will be faster and understand that passing the newborn hearing screening test
more effective if babies are quiet and the environment is not does not mean that the child will never have future prob-
too noisy. Most programs do screening in the early morning lems with hearing or language development. Parents under-
or during the night when fewer people need to have access stand that the newborn hearing screening test only provides
to the baby. However, depending on how the hospital nurs- information about the status of the infant’s hearing at the
ery is organized, screening can be done at almost anytime time of discharge. Late-onset loss can occur at any time for
that fits with the routine of that hospital. Whatever decision a number of reasons (JCIH, 2007). Parents should request
is made, dozens of other hospitals are doing it at approxi- another hearing evaluation at any time they have concerns
mately the same time, so there really is no wrong time to do about their child’s hearing or language development.
newborn hearing screening. It is also very important for the child’s PHCP to under-
stand that medical evaluation is an essential part of the
WRITTEN PERMISSION FOR SCREENING diagnostic process and that healthcare providers are a criti-
cal part of that multidisciplinary team. It is also important
IS SELDOM NECESSARY that everyone involved in the baby’s medical management
In most hospitals, hearing screening is done routinely as a understand how detrimental it is when the diagnostic pro-
part of the standard medical care provided to all newborns. cess requires several months, instead of being completed
As with other procedures, parents are not expected to explic- within a few weeks. For babies without other medical com-
itly consent to each procedure. However, it is best if parents plications, the goal should be to have a definitive diagnosis,
understand what happens during newborn hearing screen- be fit with hearing aids (if parents choose to do so), and
ing so they can make an informed decision about whether begin early intervention within a few weeks of birth. There
they want their baby to be screened. Such parent education should be as system for notifying every baby’s PHCP about
can be accomplished with information in the preadmission the screening results for his or her patients with a clear rec-
materials, prenatal classes, media materials, or placed in the ommendation of what should happen next. Few things will
baby’s crib. If, based on this information, parents do not undermine the success of a newborn hearing screening pro-
want their baby to be screened for hearing, they have the gram as much as the baby’s PHCP telling the parent dur-
right to refuse. ing a well-baby check that it is really not that important to
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 453

follow up with the outpatient screen or diagnostic evalua- hearing screening process causes parents to be unduly con-
tion procedures. cerned about their baby’s hearing.

Does Hearing Screening Create Complying with Federal Privacy

Excessive Anxiety for Some Parents? Protection Laws
Many people (e.g., Nelson et al., 2008; Paradise, 1999) have
Successful EHDI programs share personally identifiable
suggested that UNHS creates unduly high levels anxiety,
information about infants and young children among peo-
worry, and concern for parents and might even interfere
ple who are responsible for screening, diagnosis, early inter-
with parent–child bonding—particularly for parents of
vention, family support, and medical home services. Many
babies who fail the initial screen and are found on subse-
people involved with EHDI programs complain that federal
quent testing to have normal hearing (the false positives
privacy laws (e.g., HIPAA, FERPA, Part C Privacy Regula-
from screening). Tueller (2006) found dozens of studies
tions) make it impossible for EHDI programs to be success-
that had examined this issue, with most reporting that 4%
ful (Houston et al., 2010). Most of these concerns are based
to 15% of parents in the general population and 14% to
on misperceptions or false information about the require-
25% in the false-positive group experienced increased levels
ments of those laws. For example, HIPAA expressly allows
of anxiety. The problem with most of these studies is that
for sharing of information among healthcare providers to
there was no explicit basis for comparison (i.e., were parents
facilitate healthcare services and for reporting informa-
any more worried about their child’s hearing than they were
tion to public health programs. There is nothing in HIPAA
about other aspects of the child’s development?).
that prevents screening program personnel from reporting
To more accurately assess whether the worry expressed
screening results to other hospitals, state EHDI programs,
by parents was unduly high, Tueller collected data from 191
pediatricians, or Part C Early Intervention programs. All of
mothers (split between those whose babies had passed the
these can be done even if informed consent is not obtained
initial screening test and those who failed the initial test
from parents (NCHAM, 2013h). To help parents be full
in the hospital and passed a rescreen when they were 1 to
partners in the EHDI process, it makes sense to inform them
4 weeks of age). Data were collected when the baby was
before sharing information about their family with anyone
1 week of age, and again at 6 weeks of age (which was after
in the EHDI system. Even though it is not legally required
the time that babies received a rescreen if they failed the ini-
under HIPAA, one of the best ways to ensure that parents
tial screen). Mothers were asked to rate whether they were
are well informed is to have a signed consent.
“not at all, somewhat, moderately, or very worried” about
FERPA and Part C Privacy Regulations are more restric-
the baby’s hearing as well as 20 other aspects of infant devel-
tive than HIPAA, but these regulations are not in force until
opment (e.g., irritability, sleeping habits, eyesight). When
an agency that is receiving federal funds provides services
babies were 1 week old, 14.6% of the mothers reported that
to the child. Thus, in most cases, screening and diagnosis of
they were moderately worried or very worried about their
hearing loss and referral to an early intervention program will
child’s hearing (similar to what has been reported in other
be completed before the provisions of Part C Privacy Regula-
studies). But, hearing was ranked sixth on the list of 21 items
tions or FERPA take effect. Once a child has been referred to
about which they might be concerned and it was not statisti-
Part C, information about that child cannot be given by the
cally significantly different from 14 of the other items.
Part C program staff to the EHDI program, the audiologist
At 1 week of age, mothers whose babies had failed the
who did the diagnostic evaluation, or a pediatrician—unless
initial hearing screening test ranked hearing as the item
the parent provides informed consent. Effective strategies are
about which they were most worried, but it was not statisti-
listed below and examples of the forms and documents being
cally significantly different from 15 of the other items. But,
used by state EHDI programs to support many of these strat-
at 6 weeks of age (after the baby passed the hearing rescreen
egies are available from NCHAM (2013h):
test) mothers ranked hearing as eighth on their list of pos-
sible concerns and none of the mothers indicated that they 1. Coordinated consent forms that comply with the require-
were either moderately or very worried. ments of HIPAA and Part C Privacy Regulations can be
Tueller’s results suggest that mothers worry somewhat used to streamline the referral process and to relieve par-
about lots of issues related to their new baby. If asked whether ents of the burden of completing similar forms for the
they are worried about only hearing, about 15% will say yes. same purpose.
But this is no different than the percentage who worry about 2. Memoranda of Agreement that designate EHDI pro-
other aspects of their child’s development (e.g., eating, sleep- grams as participating agencies of the Part C system are
ing, irritability). Of course, newborn hearing screening pro- useful in those cases where EHDI is more than a primary
grams should educate parents about the screening process referral source for child-find.
and why hearing and language development are important. 3. Parents should always be given copies of diagnostic eval-
However, there is no convincing evidence that the newborn uation reports, treatment plans, Individualized Family
454 SECTION III • Special Populations

Service Plans (IFSPs), and signed consent forms. This challenging, is the only way to ensure that program goals
enables the parent to provide information at will and are met.
provide back-up documentation for services the child is Creating an effective data management system is one
receiving. of the most challenging aspects of operating an effective
4. Although not required by HIPAA, FERPA, or Part C newborn screening program. If all that was required was
Privacy Regulations, state laws that mandate reporting to count and report the total number of births, the num-
of screening, diagnostic, and early intervention informa- ber of infants screened, and the number who passed and
tion to EHDI programs and to the child’s pediatrician are failed, data management would be easy. When all the other
often helpful. information necessary to follow-up and track babies is
5. The IFSP should include an option for parents to give added, designing a data management system becomes much
permission for the document to be shared with EHDI more complex. Even the simplest of programs generates an
staff, the child’s pediatrician, and other healthcare pro- astounding amount of data that can quickly overwhelm the
viders. capacity of a poorly conceived data management system.
Implementing an effective and efficient newborn hear-
Implementing the preceding strategies requires strong
ing screening program is more difficult than it sounds and
interagency and personal relations among key stakeholders,
well-designed and managed data management systems play
including EHDI programs, Part C Early Intervention pro-
the following important roles:
grams, the child’s pediatrician, and family support groups.
Consistent training is usually needed at the community 1. A “safety net” to ensure that all babies are screened and
level to ensure that all stakeholders understand the impor- to identify those babies who need, but have not received,
tance of sharing information and helping families to be full follow-up screening or testing
participants in the process. 2. A communication tool that automatically generates
emails or letters to parents, healthcare providers, and/
or education programs about the results of screening
Data Management and Tracking tests, follow-up procedures needed, and/or reminders of
upcoming appointments
Arranging for a data and patient information management
3. A protocol management assistant that reminds screening
system is a task that is easy to procrastinate. The amount of
program personnel about who should be tested and what
information that needs to be managed continues to mul-
procedures should be followed
tiply as more and more babies are born. If a system is not
4. A quality assurance/quality improvement tool that iden-
in place when the screening programs starts, program staff
tifies facilities or screeners who are performing above or
will soon be overwhelmed in piles of paper and yellow sticky
below acceptable standards so that training and support
notes. The importance of including an effective information
can be efficiently targeted or superior performance rec-
management system in newborn screening programs has
ognized and rewarded
been emphasized by the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing
5. A system for documenting system performance so that
(JCIH, 2007, p 913):
reports can be made to funding agencies, public officials,
Information management is used to improve services consumers, and law makers about what the program is
to infants and their families; to assess the quantity and accomplishing and areas where additional resources are
timeliness of screening, evaluation, and enrollment needed
into intervention; and to facilitate collection of demo- 6. A basis for integrating data from various health-related
graphic data . . . [it is also] used in measuring quality programs so that children and families can be provided
indicators associated with program services. with better and more efficient services.
7. A tool for collecting data to be used for research about
An appropriate data management system depends on
such things as the prevalence, incidence, etiology, comor-
how the screening program is designed. In its simplest form,
bidity, predictability, and treatment of various condi-
screening, diagnosis, and early intervention are each pro-
vided by a single source or homogenous group of sources.
Infants flow seamlessly from the initial screening process The successful accomplishment of all of these purposes
to a diagnostic center and receive appropriate treatment requires that the right data be collected in a timely manner
or intervention (including family support). In this type of and that the data are reliable and valid.
program, a data management system is relatively simple and Not only does a good data management system help
straightforward. More commonly, however, the screening ensure that babies and their families are receiving timely and
system has multiple screening sites, several diagnostic facili- appropriate services, but it also helps to document what has
ties, and many different providers who must be involved in been accomplished, identifies areas that need improvement,
the delivery of treatment, intervention, and family support and provides information necessary for continued improve-
services. Tracking infants through such a system, although ment and expansion. It is important that the creation and
CHAPTER 23 • Newborn Hearing Screening 455

operation of such systems be done thoughtfully and care- In contrast to the early 1990s, there is now a solid
fully, because computer-based systems are capable of gener- research and an experiential basis for addressing all of these
ating incredibly large amounts of data. If not done carefully, issues, but it will continue to require the commitment and
administrators of newborn screening programs may find resources of state health officials, hospital administrators,
themselves drowning in information, but starving for knowl- healthcare providers, and parents. As pointed out by Wilson
edge. The key to success is to make sure that the purposes and Jungner (1968, p 7 and 26)
of a newborn hearing screening management system are
. . . in theory, screening is an admirable method of
thoughtfully considered by all stakeholders before a system is
combating disease . . . [but] in practice, there are snags
purchased or developed. Then the features and capabilities of
. . . The central idea of early disease detection and
the selected system must be carefully matched to those goals
treatment is essentially simple. However, the path to its
and purposes. The advice attributed to Mark Twain should
successful achievement . . . is far from simple though
be kept in mind, “Data is like garbage. You’d better know
sometimes it may appear deceptively easy.
what you are going to do with it before you collect it.”
The issues that need to be resolved are complex and
will require stakeholders to continue working together over
CONCLUSIONS a sustained period of time. As a result of continuing such
The current status of EHDI programs in the United States is work, infants and young children who are DHH will be able
like the proverbial glass that can be viewed as being either half to acquire the “fundamental language, social, and cognitive
full or half empty. Certainly, the likelihood of an infant or tod- skills that provide the foundation for later schooling and
dler who is DHH receiving timely and appropriate services is success in society” as foreseen almost 30 years ago in estab-
better than ever. The substantial accomplishments of the last lishing the goals for Healthy People 2000.
25 years provide an excellent foundation for future progress.
• Ninety-eight percent of all newborns are now being CREDITS
screened for hearing loss prior to discharge and all states
Supported in part by the Health Resources and Services
and territories have formally established EHDI programs.
Administration (HRSA), Maternal and Child Health Bureau
• The fact that legislation or regulations related to UNHS
under Grant No. U52MC043916. The opinions and conclu-
have been approved in 43 states bodes well for the sus-
sions in this article are those of the author and do not neces-
tainability of these programs.
sarily represent the official position of the Health Resources
• Although not guaranteed for the long term, federal fund-
and Services Administration.
ing continues to be available for all states to refine, expand,
and improve statewide EHDI programs and the Affordable
Care Act covers hearing screening as a preventive service. FOOD FOR THOUGHT
• There is substantial involvement and support from pres-
1. Virtually all newborns in the United States are now
tigious federal and professional organizations such as
screened for hearing loss before leaving the hospital.
MCHB, CDC, NIH, the American Academy of Pediatrics,
CDC’s National Goals for EHDI Programs still recom-
the American Academy of Audiology, the American Speech
mend that “hospitals and others [report] information
Language Hearing Association, and March of Dimes.
about risk factors for hearing loss to the state, who will
• Screening equipment and protocols continue to improve,
monitor the status of children with risk factors and pro-
and progress is being made on improving connections to
vide appropriate follow-up services.” What are the pros
diagnostic and early interventions programs and reduc-
and cons of continuing to monitor the status of children
ing the loss to follow-up/loss to documentation rates that
with risk factors with respect to issues such as identify-
have been so troubling for so long.
ing childhood hearing loss, costs, demands on the health
According to the National Goals established by CDC, care system, and burden for families?
all children who are DHH should be diagnosed before 3 2. Although the percentage of children failing a newborn
months of age. But we are still a long way from achieving hearing screening test who are lost to follow-up and or
the more modest goal set by Dr. Koop in 1990 that “no child documentation is slowly declining, it remains a very sig-
[would reach] his or her first birthday with an undetected nificant issue. What approaches, programs, or initiatives
hearing loss.” To effectively identify children who are DHH are likely to significantly reduce the percentage of chil-
and provide them and their families with the services they dren being lost to follow-up?
need, significant improvement must be made in the avail- 3. There continues to be a critical shortage of audiolo-
ability of pediatric audiologists, tracking and data manage- gists who have the expertise, experience, and desire to
ment, program evaluation and quality assurance, availabil- provide comprehensive audiological services to infants
ity of appropriate early intervention programs, and linkages and young children. What can be done to increase the
with medical home providers. number of fully qualified pediatric audiologists?
456 SECTION III • Special Populations

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C H A P T ER 24

Assessment of Hearing Loss

in Children
Allan O. Diefendorf

INTRODUCTION Evidence Supports Early Detection

Current policy in public health advocacy and primary
of Hearing Loss
healthcare delivery has focused on detecting hearing loss in Undetected hearing loss in infants and young children
infants and young children within the first 3 months of life compromises optimal language development and personal
through universal newborn hearing screening and timely achievement. Without appropriate opportunities to learn
diagnostic follow-up. This emphasis in hearing health care language, children fall behind their hearing peers in lan-
represents a standard of service delivery that has evolved guage, cognition, social-emotional development, and aca-
over the past 45 years of advocacy by the Joint Committee demic achievement. However, research demonstrates that
on Infant Hearing (JCIH), and subsequently endorsed by when hearing loss is identified early (prior to 6 months
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC-P), of age) and followed immediately (within 2 months) with
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and numerous appropriate intervention services, outcomes in language
coalitions of professional organizations. development, communication competency, and social-
It should be noted that all professional groups involved emotional development will be significantly better when
in the early detection of hearing loss have endorsed the ter- compared with children with later identified congenital
minology “early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI) hearing loss (Moeller, 2000; Yoshinaga-Itano et al., 1998). It
programs.” Experience has shown that, to successfully iden- was also noted that when the same identification and inter-
tify and serve infants and young children (including their vention benchmarks are achieved (prior to 6 months of
families) with hearing loss, professionals had to expand their age), children perform as much as 20 to 40 percentile points
emphasis from screening to include comprehensive, coordi- higher on school-related measures (reading, arithmetic,
nated, and continuous audiologic care, hence the adoption vocabulary, articulation, intelligibility, social adjustment,
of the terminology EHDI. To be successful, all components and behavior) (Yoshinaga-Itano, 2003).
of follow-up from newborn hearing screening need to be
included to meet and serve the child’s and family’s complex Early Detection Facilitates
needs, through coordinated care and collaboration with
other professionals, as well as frequently communicated
Favorable Outcomes
care plans that include intervention goals and strategies for To achieve beneficial outcomes for children who are hard of
hearing loss. Early referral for suspected hearing loss has hearing and deaf, families must be informed about how to
evolved into best practice and is supported by undispu- find facilities and audiologists who are able to provide age-
table evidence that the earlier confirmation of hearing loss appropriate, comprehensive, and family-centered follow-
occurs, the earlier intervention can begin, thereby increas- up in a timely manner. The CDC-P provides resources to
ing the likelihood of optimizing a child’s full potential in all maximize and achieve this outcome (
developmental areas. hearingloss/ehdi-goals.html). To facilitate early intervention,
The purpose of this chapter is to focus on the audiologic audiologists must provide detailed diagnostic evaluation of
assessment and early diagnosis of infants and young chil- hearing status within weeks of referral.
dren with hearing loss. Additionally, this chapter is devel- The diagnostic evaluation provides the first opportu-
oped with an emphasis on the following premise: Audio- nity for developing a supportive relationship with the family
logic procedures must be age appropriate, outcome based, and for initiating an audiologic care plan (diagnosis, coun-
and cost-effective, and all procedures must have demon- seling, referral if necessary, intervention, and ongoing care
strated validity and reliability. In addition, audiologic care coordination as indicated). The interaction with the family
must be comprehensive, collaborative, coordinated, cultur- during the diagnostic evaluation is critical because the sup-
ally sensitive, and continuous. port, counseling, guidance, and education a family receives


at this time helps to facilitate smooth transitions between promised sensory system or additional health problems.
referral source and early intervention programs. In turn, As the child’s medical profile develops, a multidisciplinary
well-adjusted and well-informed families become empow- team may become involved in the child’s treatment plan.
ered to make informed decisions, resulting in a unified After hearing loss is confirmed, consideration should
approach to audiologic care plans and desired outcomes. be given to identify the etiology of the hearing loss. Current
Best practices indicate that each stage of the early detec- data indicate that 50% to 60% of congenital hearing loss is
tion process must be coordinated, collaborative, and com- because of hereditary factors, with the balance due to envi-
municated with all parties (families, pediatricians, relevant ronmental causes and, occasionally, interactions between
agencies). For a comprehensive review of these practices, see genetics and environment (Dent et al., 2004). Table 24.1
Chapter 44. provides a framework for delineating an etiology distribu-
tion of hearing loss with selected examples.
ESTABLISHING THE ETIOLOGY Historically, the past 30 years of demographic data
have consistently reported that 30% to 40% of children
OF HEARING LOSS with hearing loss have one or more additional disabilities
As with all disorders, early diagnosis enables early inter- (Gallaudet Research Institute, 2005). Table 24.2 lists physi-
vention and improves prognosis. The importance of early cal and cognitive/intellectual conditions that are frequently
audiologic diagnosis cannot be overstated; often the identi- reported to accompany hearing loss. (See Chapter 31 for
fication of hearing loss may be the first indication of a com- more information regarding concomitant disorders.)

TABLE 24.1

Framework for Delineating the Etiology of Hearing Loss

Hereditary Hearing Loss: 50–60% of Hearing Loss
Single gene (nonsyndromic: 60–70%) Gap junction protein, beta 2: The GJB2 gene provides instructions for
connexin proteins which form channels called gap junctions that
permit transport of nutrients. Channels made with connexin 26 help
to maintain correct levels of potassium ions
Myosin VI: The MYO6 gene provides instructions for proteins that play
a role in the development and maintenance of stereocilia
TECTA: The TECTA gene provides instructions for a protein called
alpha-tectorin. This protein interacts with other proteins to form the
tectorial membrane
Chromosomal abnormality (syndromic: Usher syndrome: Hearing loss accompanied with eye disease
30–40%) Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome: Hearing loss accompanied with
cardiac defect
Pendred syndrome: Hearing loss accompanied with thyroid goiter
(endocrine defect)
Wardenburg syndrome: Hearing loss accompanied with pigment defect
(eyes, skin, hair)
Alport syndrome: Hearing loss accompanied with chronic nephritis
(kidney disease)
Environmental Hearing Loss: 25–35% of Hearing Loss
Maternal influences Viral disease: Cytomegalovirus, rubella, mumps
Bacterial disease: Bacterial meningitis, bacterial sepsis
Environmental: Lead, mercury, radiation
Drugs: Substance abuse
Complications after birth Respiratory distress
Peri/intraventricular hemorrhage
Perinatal asphyxia
Combination of Genes and Environment: <10% of Hearing Loss
Medicines, but only in individuals who Various
have certain mutations in genes

should increase. The multidisciplinary team should include

TABLE 24.2
a geneticist to help establish the etiologic basis for hearing
Physical and Cognitive/Intellectual loss to improve outcomes in coordinated and comprehen-
Conditions Accompanying Hearing sive care and to provide families necessary information as
Loss in Children they consider planning for subsequent children.

Physical Conditions Accompanying Hearing

Loss in Children
Pulmonary Pulmonic stenosis DELIVERY IN AUDIOLOGY
Cystic fibrosis The goal of the initial diagnostic assessment of infants and
Asthma young children is to confirm or rule out hearing loss, to
Cardiovascular Cardiac conduction defect quantify the extent and configuration of hearing loss, and
Cardiac rhythm disturbance to determine the functional health of the auditory system.
Obstructive congenital heart Additionally, comprehensive assessment should be provided
defects for each ear even if only one ear was in question from the
Ophthalmic Legal blindness newborn hearing screening.
Progressive eye degeneration Thorough and valid diagnostic information is essential
Cataracts in a timely manner to permit early intervention services.
Neurologic Cerebral palsy For this reason, age-appropriate, cost-effective, and efficient
Muscular dystrophy diagnostic protocols are critical at the earliest opportunity
Myoclonic epilepsy for optimizing early intervention services. In addition, an
emphasis on timely scheduling of diagnostic follow-up
Orthopedic Syndactyly
should occur for children and families whose initial audio-
Hip dysplasia
metric profile is incomplete.
Additionally, follow-up visits are essential to moni-
Endocrine Thyroid gland disorders tor infant’s overall auditory status and changes in hearing,
Adrenal gland disorders as well as verifying the development of auditory skills and
Pituitary gland disorders functional use of hearing. It should also be recognized that
Immunologic HIV/Aids ongoing surveillance for fluctuating and/or progressive
Allergies hearing loss must be closely coordinated between the child’s
Leukemia primary care provider (medical home) and other service
Renal Chronic nephritis providers in the child’s habilitation plan.
Malformations of the kidney
Infantile renal tubular acidosis Age-appropriate Assessment
Cognitive/Intellectual Conditions Accompanying
Hearing Loss in Children The use of age-appropriate techniques in diagnostic audiol-
Intellectual ogy is vital in the evaluation of infants and young children.
disability It requires clinicians to select differential diagnostic tech-
niques that are within the child’s developmental capabilities.
Specific learning Attention deficit disorder
Because children undergo rapid sensory, motor, and cogni-
disability Auditory perceptual difficulties
tive development and because some children will present
Visual perceptual difficulties
with multiple health concerns and subsequent developmen-
Emotional/ Hyperactivity tal challenges, it is vital that assessment tools are appropri-
behavioral Obsessive/compulsive behavior ate for the neurodevelopmental status of the child. Factors
disorders Aggressive/abusive behavior (physical and cognitive) that can influence developmental
status must be considered prior to the selection of an assess-
Tables 24.1 and 24.2 should be viewed together. The ment strategy. For example, with the goal of audiologic
manner in which multiple conditions coexist and the man- diagnosis by 3 months of age (JCIH, 2007), it is likely that
ner in which multiple conditions are expressed (by degree of some infants with hearing loss and multiple health concerns
involvement) contribute to each child’s unique developmental will not have had these other disorders identified at the
profile and subsequent rehabilitation recommendations. time of the audiologic assessment. Some problems may be
As the widespread use of newly developed vaccines relatively easy to identify (e.g., cerebral palsy). Others (e.g.,
decreases the prevalence of etiologies such as measles, learning disabilities or Asperger syndrome) are more diffi-
mumps, rubella, and childhood meningitis, the percentage cult to identify. For this reason, audiologists face challenges
of early-onset hearing loss attributable to genetic etiologies when dealing with the variety of characteristics that may

be encountered. Of course, knowledge of the handicapping The Institute of Medicine (2002) reviewed over 100
conditions will enable audiologists to plan effective and age- studies that assessed the quality of health care for various
appropriate diagnostic strategies. Therefore, audiologists ethnic and racial minority groups. The report highlighted
should investigate factors involved in each individual by existing disparities in the quality of health care provided to
use of interviews, case histories, assessments by other pro- minorities and concluded that very few of these differences
fessionals, and close observation. As pointed out by Tharpe in healthcare quality for minorities can be attributed to
(2009), audiologists must be mindful of the possibility that patient attitudes and preferences. More significant contrib-
unexpected and/or undiagnosed conditions may influence utors to these disparities include two primary areas: (1) The
their testing and subsequent audiologic outcomes. characteristics of healthcare systems and environmental fac-
tors which include cultural or linguistic barriers (e.g., lack
of interpretative services), and fragmentation of healthcare
The Test Battery Approach systems; and (2) discrimination, including biases, stereo-
It is strongly recommended that the initial audiologic test typing, and uncertainty. The report suggests that these dis-
battery to confirm hearing loss include auditory-evoked parities might originate from the provider, that is, prejudice
potentials (AEPs), physiological measures, and, when devel- against minorities, clinical uncertainty when interacting
opmentally appropriate, behavioral methods. The use of with minorities, and stereotypes held about minorities.
any test alone for assessing children’s hearing sensitivity is Linguistic barriers can minimize effective communi-
discouraged. The desirability of using multiple tests in clini- cation and compromise rapport with a family, both lead-
cal practice is based on the complex nature of the auditory ing to poor compliance with audiologic recommendations.
mechanism and the fact that auditory dysfunction may Clearly, linguistic barriers degrade the family’s expectations
result from pathology at one or more levels of the auditory of quality service delivery. Poor communication may also
system. In test battery selection, audiologists use test proce- discourage familiarity with accessing resources and keeping
dures that are outcome based and cost-effective, and greater future appointments.
weight should be given to the results of those tests for which A useful skill that audiologists must master is the effec-
validity and reliability are highest. If test results are not in tive use of interpreters when dealing with families who speak
agreement, the reason for the discrepancy must be explored other languages. Some techniques to consider for ensuring
before arriving at an audiologic diagnosis. successful exchange of information include using short con-
Jerger and Hayes (1976) promoted the concept of a test cise sentences and pausing frequently between them to allow
battery approach so that a single test is not interpreted in the interpreter to organize and effectively translate. Addi-
isolation but, instead, various tests act as cross-checks of the tionally, it is necessary to be mindful of nonverbal gestures
final outcome (see Chapter 8). Thus, audiologists benefit that may be interpreted differently by different cultures and
by having a battery of tests appropriate for the diagnosis of certain words that may not have the same meaning when
hearing loss in infants and young children. As pointed out translated. Appropriate eye contact and appropriate physi-
by Turner (2003), the purpose of multiple tests is to increase cal space between individuals are also important consider-
the accuracy of audiologic diagnosis. This accuracy is ations in achieving effective communication.
accomplished when appropriate diagnostic tests are selected As healthcare professionals, audiologists need to be
for the individual’s test battery. Subsequently, tests must be respectful of and responsive to the needs of a diverse patient
carefully administered and data appropriately interpreted, population by increasing their knowledge and skill in cultural
followed by a clinical decision based on the entire test bat- competence. Perceptions regarding hearing loss differ across
tery. After weighing the agreement/disagreement between cultures. Some cultures may not attribute much significance
tests, audiologists can reach a confident diagnosis. Clinical or urgency to hearing loss and families may only pursue ser-
decisions involve not only test selection, but also determin- vices relative to their specific attitudes and beliefs. Addition-
ing the number of tests administered during a single session, ally, people from different cultures may not view hearing loss
interpreting individual test data, and drawing conclusions as a disability and may choose to embrace only those recom-
based on the performance of the entire test battery. mendations/interventions that are consistent with their cul-
tural values, religious beliefs, or societal norms.
Multicultural Considerations
The US population is becoming increasingly multicultural.
Continued Surveillance
Over one-third of the population is represented by racial Concern for hearing loss must not stop at birth. It must be
and ethnic minority groups and approximately 25% of the recognized that limiting hearing screening to the neonatal
population over age 5 speaks a language other than English period will result in a significant number of children with
at home (Institute of Medicine, 2002). In addition, these hearing loss excluded from the benefits of early detection.
population statistics are expected to increase over the next Some newborns and infants may pass initial hearing screen-
30 years. ing but require periodic monitoring of hearing to detect

delayed-onset hearing loss. The JCIH (2007) identified 11 ation, 2004) can be obtained prior to the initial evaluation
risk indicators associated with either congenital or delayed- (by telephone and/or mail). The case history questionnaires
onset hearing loss, including family history and maternal are used to gather information regarding the family history,
illness ( Therefore, birth history, developmental history (including hearing and
heightened surveillance of all infants with risk indicators is speech/language development), and medical history. This
recommended. information guides the clinician to generate questions as
Unlike the newborn and school-age populations when each child’s status may require a meaningful history intake
nearly all of the children can be evaluated in hospitals or process. See “Food for Thought” about the kinds of ques-
schools, preschoolers are generally not available in large, tions an audiologist should consider while taking a case
organized groups that lend themselves to universal detec- history.
tion of hearing loss. For this reason, an interdisciplinary, It is recommended that time for obtaining a patient
collaborative effort is particularly important for this age history be viewed as a valuable opportunity to observe and
group. Physicians and other professionals who make up the interact with the child and family, build rapport, and instill
child’s medical home and other professionals who special- confidence and comfort in the child and family, while acquir-
ize in child development should be included in the plan- ing patient-specific history information. The single most
ning and implementation of hearing screening programs to important thing that may determine the comfort level of
increase the likelihood of prompt referral of children sus- the child is the communication between the family (parent/
pected of hearing loss. caregiver) and the audiologist.


PRACTICES Otoscopy is intended as a general inspection of the external
Audiologic assessment of infants and young children ear and tympanic membrane for obvious signs of disease,
includes a thorough patient history, otoscopic inspection, malformations, or blockage from atresia, stenosis, foreign
and both physiological and behavioral measures. As stated bodies, cerumen, or other debris. To promote health and
earlier, the need for a battery of tests in pediatric assessment prevent disease it is appropriate to change specula before
is essential to optimally plan for and meet the diverse needs examining each ear to avoid cross-contamination. In addi-
of the pediatric population. tion, because several audiologic assessment procedures
During the diagnostic process, the integrity of the audi- require the insertion of a probe into the external auditory
tory system is evaluated for each ear, and the status of hear- canal, visual inspection serves to verify that there is no
ing sensitivity across the frequencies important for speech contraindication to placing a probe in the ear canal. For
understanding is described, as well as the type and configu- further information dealing with infection control, see
ration of hearing loss. In turn, these data provide essential Chapter 46.
information for medical management when indicated and
the data required to begin the amplification process. Finally, AUDIOLOGIC TEST BATTERY:
these data are further used as a baseline for continued audi-
ologic monitoring.
The goal for both behavioral and physiological procedures
is ear-specific assessment. Determining hearing sensitivity
Patient History for each ear facilitates medical/surgical diagnosis and treat-
The case history is a component of the audiologic assess- ment, selecting and fitting amplification when appropriate,
ment that guides the audiologist in constructing an initial establishing baseline function, and monitoring auditory
developmental profile based on the child’s physical, devel- status when progressive, fluctuating, or late-onset hearing
opmental, and behavioral status. The outcome of the patient loss is suspected.
history is particularly important because it will often guide
the strategy for the audiologic assessment and for making
subsequent recommendations and referrals. It can also serve
Electrophysical Assessments
as the first cross-check on the audiologic test outcome. The audiologic test battery for young infants, birth through
The patient history process begins as early as calling 6 months, consists primarily of AEPs to estimate hearing
the child’s name in the waiting room. Time spent observing thresholds at specific audiometric frequencies. These mea-
the child from the waiting room to the assessment area can sures currently include the auditory brainstem response
provide valuable information about the child’s physical and (ABR) and the auditory steady-state response (ASSR). Other
developmental status. physiological measures that make up the test battery include
Some background health-related and developmental distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAEs) or tran-
information (American Speech-Language-Hearing Associ- sient-evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) and acoustic

immittance. (For a more complete discussion of these proce- in the auditory brainstem pathway, as is the case with the
dures, see Chapters 11, 13, 14, and 15.) ABR. Whereas the ABR response is determined through
Measurement of AEPs provides accurate estimates of the identification of peaks and troughs in the time domain,
threshold sensitivity in young infants, with the clinical goal the presence or absence of the ASSR is determined through
of achieving accurate estimations of frequency-specific, statistical algorithms in the frequency domain.
behavioral thresholds from the AEPs. In turn, these data One shortcoming of the ABR technique is that only
provide the basis for appropriate medical intervention and one ear and one frequency can be tested at the same time
facilitate early intervention, particularly the selection and (single-frequency sequential techniques). Another challenge
fitting of amplification systems. of the ABR to brief tones is that detection of a response in
The differences between estimated and actual thresh- the waveform depends on skilled, subjective assessment of
olds vary for ABR and ASSR. The four most important replicated responses, allowing for error in judgment of the
variations are associated with (1) frequency of the stimulus, presence of responses depending on the experience of the
(2) degree of hearing loss, (3) age of the patient, and (4) dura- clinician.
tion of the recording. Of utmost importance is controlling/ On the other hand, ASSRs are detected objectively using
maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio in all AEP record- statistical tests; as such, their detection does not rely on the
ings. In infants, noise levels are often higher than in young experience of the clinician. In addition, the ASSR technique
adults, and the responses are smaller. When the duration of may have other advantages over the ABR beyond automated
the recording is longer, the residual noise of the electroen- response detection, including increased frequency specific-
cephalogram (EEG) is less, making small, near-threshold ity, the ability to test simultaneously at multiple frequen-
responses easier to recognize. Specifically, the amplitude of cies, resulting in more time-efficient protocols, and higher
the residual noise decreases by the square root of the number stimulus presentation levels for comprehensive description
of sweeps. A longer time spent in the recording will result in of severity of hearing loss in the severe-to-profound catego-
less background EEG noise, making it easier to recognize ries (Picton et al., 2005; Stapells et al., 2004).
responses and be more precise in threshold estimation. The advantage of a test battery in a comprehensive
Additionally, because residual EEG noise levels vary diagnostic assessment of frequency-specific thresholds is
from patient to patient, in part because of the level of mus- that multiple tests enhance our ability to “cross-check”
cle activity in the recording, it is optimal when patients are results to arrive at the most responsible diagnosis. This is
relaxed or sleeping during recording. Many children in this certainly the case in ASSR and ABR evaluations where the
age group can be tested during natural sleep, without seda- combination of each approach will facilitate the accuracy of
tion, using sleep deprivation with nap and feeding times low-frequency threshold measures, delineate the complexity
coordinated around the test session. However, active or of varying configurations of hearing loss, facilitate the accu-
older infants may require sedation to allow adequate time racy of bone-conduction–measured outcomes, and delin-
for acquisition of high-quality recordings and sufficient eate site-of-lesion assessment, particularly in the diagnosis
frequency-specific information. of neural hearing loss.
If there are risk indicators for neural hearing loss (audi-
tory neuropathy/auditory dyssynchrony [AN/AD]) such as
MODERATE SEDATION hyperbilirubinemia or anoxia, then audiologic assessment
To gain the cooperation of some infants and young children should include click-evoked ABR. When recording a high-
during measurements of AEPs, sedation may be required. level (80 to 90 dB normal hearing level [nHL]) click ABR,
However, sedation of pediatric patients, with or without responses should be measured separately for condensation
other health problems, may be contraindicated because of and rarefaction single-polarity stimuli, and responses should
factors such as airway obstruction, apnea, cardiopulmonary be displayed in such a way as to identify the cochlear micro-
impairment, and hypoventilation. Therefore, moderate phonic (CM) (i.e., superimposing averages to identify out-
sedation should only be administered by, or in the presence of-phase components). In these instances, precautions must
of, individuals skilled in airway management and cardiopul- be taken to distinguish the CM from a stimulus artifact.
monary resuscitation. Additionally, the oversight by a seda- The JCIH (2007) has included neural hearing loss (e.g.,
tion team and the availability of age- and size-appropriate AN/AD) in infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care
equipment, medications, and continuous monitoring are unit in their targeted definition of hearing loss. The audio-
essential during procedures and for resuscitating a child logic community must be vigilant concerning this disorder
should an adverse sedation event occur. because intervention and management is different from
The ASSR is a synchronized brainstem response elic- those with sensory hearing loss.
ited by a continuous frequency-specific stimulus that is Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) expand the pediatric
modulated (i.e., frequency and/or amplitude modulated) audiology test battery by providing a physiological means of
and presented at a given frequency. The recorded response assessing preneural auditory function. OAEs are generated
is generated in the EEG response rather than specifically by the outer hair cells in the cochlea and serve as an indirect

measure of these cells. OAEs are not, in and of themselves, frequency (e.g., 1,000 Hz) is recommended for identifying
necessary for hearing, nor are they a mechanism of hearing, middle ear disorders in infants less than 4 months of age, and
but rather, they reflect the status of structures that are neces- normative data for 1,000-Hz tympanometry are available for
sary for hearing (see Chapter 19). neonates and young infants (Margolis et al., 2003). Once a
Transient-evoked OAEs (TEOAEs) are elicited fol- child reaches the age of 7 months, a low-frequency (226-Hz)
lowing a transient (click) stimulus at approximately 80 dB probe tone is appropriate. Between 5 and 7 months of age,
peak sound pressure level (SPL). Although the transient however, there is still a possibility of false-negative tympa-
click stimulus is a broadband stimulus that is not frequency nograms in ears with middle ear effusion. Therefore, use of
specific, the response is analyzed in the frequency domain, a 1,000-Hz probe tone for tympanometry in this subset of
thus providing information across frequencies from 500 to infants is recommended when attempting to identify middle
5,000 Hz, although test performance is best for mid to high ear effusion.
frequencies. DPOAEs are elicited following stimulation When a quantitative assessment of a tympanogram is
with two tones. DPOAEs are measured in response to two used, care must be taken to ensure that there is correspondence
tones (primaries) that interact to produce nonlinear distor- between the graphic representation of the tympanogram and
tions in the cochlea. The two tones are typically selected the absolute quantities indicated. With the pediatric popula-
so that the frequency ratio between the tones (f2/f1) is 1.22, tion, sometimes there are irregularities in the tympanogram
which is known to produce the largest distortion product at shape (because of movement artifact, crying, or vocalizing)
most test frequencies in humans. that may be mistaken for a tympanogram peak by the instru-
Evoked OAEs occur in response to an external audi- ment and may provide misleading absolute values.
tory stimulus and are present in nearly all normal-hearing In addition to providing confirmation of middle ear
individuals. Thus, the presence of OAEs is consistent with status, acoustic reflex measurement is useful in the inter-
normal or near-normal–hearing thresholds in a given fre- pretation of other components in the audiologic test bat-
quency region. Response criteria typically include SNR and/ tery. That is, the acoustic reflex may provide supplemental
or have a response reproducibility of greater than an estab- information dealing with the functional status of the middle
lished percentage at defined frequencies (see Chapter 19 for ear, cochlea, and brainstem pathway (see Chapter 10). For
further details). Schemes for trying to determine the degree example, acoustic reflexes are absent when AN/AD exists
of hearing loss and/or predicting thresholds using OAEs (Starr et al., 1996). Although there are insufficient data for
have been investigated (Dorn et al., 2001; Gorga et al., 2003). routine use of acoustic reflex measurements in the initial
Although some strategies have met with success, there is diagnostic assessment under the age of 4 months, the acous-
so much variability that threshold predictions should be tic reflex should be used to supplement the test battery at
viewed cautiously. older ages. Together, these measures are fundamental com-
Because of their remarkable stability over time within ponents of the pediatric audiology test battery.
the same ear, OAEs are also useful for monitoring the status
of disease conditions that are progressive, including certain AUDIOLOGIC TEST BATTERY:
genetic disorders such as Usher syndrome (Meredith et al., INFANTS 6 MONTHS OF AGE
1992). In addition, over shorter time courses, OAEs are
advantageous for monitoring the effects of treatments that
are potentially damaging to the ear, like those involving such Assessing auditory sensitivity in older infants and children
ototoxic antibiotics as tobramycin (Katbamna et al., 1999) (>6 months) can be completed efficiently and effectively
or such antitumor agents as cisplatin (Ress et al., 1999). with behavioral, physiological, and AEPs as necessary. The
audiologic test battery for infants 6 months of age and
older includes conditioned behavioral audiometry (either
Immittance visual reinforcement audiometry [VRA] or conditioned
Acoustic immittance measures are an integral part of the play audiometry [CPA]), speech detection and/or recogni-
pediatric assessment battery. Clinical decisions should be tion measures (i.e., speech recognition threshold), acoustic
made on a quantitative assessment of the tympanogram, immittance, and OAEs.
including consideration of equivalent ear canal volume, It is also important to establish auditory responsivity in
peak-compensated static acoustic admittance, tympano- selected children. For example, for children who have just
metric width, gradient, and tympanometric peak pressure received a cochlear implant, it is necessary to observe their
(see Chapters 9 and 10 for a detailed description of the com- initial responses to suprathreshold sounds. Additionally,
ponents of the acoustic immittance test battery). children with multiple disabilities, including intellectual
Under the age of approximately 4 months, interpreta- challenges, also represent a population for whom auditory
tion of tympanograms may be compromised when a con- responsivity is essential. Auditory responsiveness can be
ventional low-frequency (220- or 226-Hz) probe tone is used evaluated with behavioral observation audiometry (BOA),
(Purdy and Williams, 2000). As such, a higher probe-tone described in the next section.

AEPs should be performed, as necessary, when behav- ity, there was no response and (2) judging that no response
ioral measures are not sufficiently reliable to provide ear- occurred when, in reality, a response did occur.
specific estimates of type, degree, and configuration of hear- Observers monitor a range of behaviors, for example,
ing loss or when these data are necessary to support other head or limb reflex, increased motion, decreased motion,
clinical questions (e.g., neurologic status). Importantly, the whole-body startle, eye widening, nonnutritive sucking,
desire for behavioral hearing test results should not delay the searching, eye blink or flutter, localization, smiling, laughing,
selection and fitting of amplification when valid and reli- and pointing. Because of behavior variability, it is important
able frequency-specific threshold information is available to minimize judgment errors by a single examiner. To add
by AEPs. objectivity to BOA, observers should not be informed about
As valuable as physiological procedures are in the early presentation levels, should wear headphones with masking
confirmation of hearing loss, the audiologist inevitably during the assessment process, and should be unaware of
returns to behavioral testing to substantiate test results and previous test results.
monitor a child’s hearing longitudinally. As advocated by Response behaviors seen during BOA can be separated
Tharpe (2009), “We must bear in mind that behavioral tests into those that are attentive-type, orienting behaviors (e.g.,
provide an indication of how an individual uses his or her increased and decreased motion, eye widening, searching,
hearing, a very important factor when considering manage- localization, smiling, laughing, pointing) and those considered
ment needs” (p. 667). reflexive (e.g., head or limb reflex, whole-body startle [Moro
reflex], sucking, eye blink or flutter). Analyzing response
behaviors may provide useful information in children with
Behavioral Observation Audiometry developing auditory behaviors, as well as determining how
This section will describe techniques in which the audiolo- youngsters attach functional meaning to sound.
gist observes a child’s responses to sounds to estimate hear- Renshaw and Diefendorf (1998) listed three categories
ing levels. However, before reviewing these techniques, a into which results of BOA testing may be placed: (1) No
caution to the reader is essential: Unconditioned behavioral observable response to sound, (2) responses only to high-
observation techniques with infants and young children are intensity stimuli (70 to 80 dB HL), and (3) responses to rela-
easily confounded by poor test–retest reliability and high tively soft and comfortable stimuli (30 to 50 dB HL). These
inter- and intra-subject variability. This places cautious lim- categories provide some delineation about results obtained
itations on the use of BOA for determining auditory sensitiv- from BOA testing. In concert with BOA as a test of audi-
ity. Therefore, BOA is no longer recommended for assessing tory responsivity (not auditory sensitivity), the categories
frequency-specific threshold sensitivity in newborns, young promote the use of BOA as a behavioral measure, useful to
infants (<5 months), or those children whose developmental support physiological findings and to verify the presence of
disabilities preclude them from learning operant condition- a general level of functional hearing.
ing procedures. However, another goal in pediatric assess-
ment is to examine auditory function by examining auditory Instrumental (Operant) Conditioning:
responsivity. Although AEPs can quantify auditory sensitiv-
ity in infants with compromised cognitive function, BOA
Basic Principles
may provide useful insight into the quality of the child’s The behavioral assessment of infants and young children
auditory responsiveness. BOA may also provide an estimate can be approached through instrumental conditioning par-
of functional capabilities useful in planning intervention for adigms, specifically through an operant conditioning proce-
selected children. That is, the audiologist can predict poten- dure. Operant behavior is frequently spoken of as wilful or
tial difficulties in auditory development and recommend purposeful behavior. In the operant procedure, a behavioral
aural habilitation strategies intended to improve the child’s response is elicited by a target stimulus and is then controlled
functional use of sound. by the consequences of that behavior (introducing positive
reinforcement). Skinner (1953) stated the term “operant”
emphasizes the fact that the conditioned behavior operates
PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES to generate the desired consequences (receiving positive
Infants whose motor, cognitive, and/or social develop- reinforcement).
ment is under 6 months of age generally display a variety In operant conditioning, a stimulus is used as a cue for
of reflexive and orienting responses to external stimuli at the listener to respond with a specifically defined behavior
suprathreshold levels. Improving the accuracy of observ- (e.g., head-turning for infants). In turn, operant behavior (the
ing and judging the presence of these behaviors, however, head-turning response in infants) is increased by the applica-
often requires the use of multiple examiners/observers. That tion of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is used
is, a number of examiners/observers are necessary to judge to strengthen the response (operant) behavior and keep the
response behaviors to reduce two common errors of obser- child in an aroused and motivated state to continue to dis-
vation: (1) Judging that a response occurred when, in real- criminate the target stimulus.

The second examiner, seated in front of the infant,

maintains the infant’s head in a midline position by quietly



encouraging the child to observe passively or to casually, but


quietly, play with colorful, nonnoisy toys (Figure 24.1). An
appealing toy is manipulated by the examiner in front of the
infant as a distracter. The examiner’s role is to maintain the


infant’s attention at midline and return the infant to this

Infant position once a response is made and reinforcement is com-
pleted. The audiologist must be creative in keeping the child
alert and in a listening posture without the child becom-
ing so focused on the activity. The toys used for this pur-
pose should be appealing but not so attractive as to overly
occupy the infant’s attention. The closer the audiologist is to
the child, the more easily the child is engaged in the activ-
ity. If the infant under test shows too much interest in the
Examiner 2 colorful, nonnoisy toys, then the potential exists for reduced
responding during testing or for elevated response levels
because of decreased attention. Conversely, if the exam-
iner and toys are not sufficiently interesting, the likelihood
Audiometric equipment
of false responses (random head-turning toward the visual
reinforcer) will be high.
Often, a touch of the hand on a child’s shoe or leg will
quietly redirect the child to a midline position. Actually sit-
ting on the floor in front of the child allows for a totally
Examiner 1 unobstructed view of the child for the control room audi-
ologist and being located slightly below the level of the child
is a nonthreatening position. Clearly, the challenge for the
second examiner is to balance between distracting the child
Control room
without overly entertaining the child and consuming too
much of the child’s attention.
FIGURE 24.1 Test room arrangement commonly used A single examiner approach from the control room
in visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA). A second can be accomplished by using a distracting “centering toy”
examiner maintains the interest of an infant in a midline positioned at midline in the test room for maintaining a
child’s midline gaze. Although the use of a “centering toy”
is a frequent alternative to the more classical approach of
using two examiners, this approach distances the examiner
Test Room Arrangement (in the control room) from the infant (in the exam room).
Figure 24.1 presents a room arrangement commonly used Although a single examiner may be more cost-effective and
for VRA. The audiologist in the control room has full view practical in busy clinical settings, eliminating the second
of the testing situation. The ability to selectively darken examiner reduces the ability to maintain the infant at mid-
only the audiologist’s side of the test booth can be help- line with multiple distraction toys, that is, the “centering
ful. The infant, parent, and a second examiner are located toy” is always the same toy, is somewhat noisy, and may be
within the test suite. The visual reinforcers, whether housed overly distracting for some infants. The fact that the “cen-
in smoked plexiglass enclosures (three-dimensional ani- tering toy” is usually not housed in a dark plexiglass box
mated toys) or presented via monitors, are within 3 to 4 feet raises the concern that the constant viewing of the colorful
of the child and placed at 90-degree angles to the side of toy may eventually compromise the infant’s interest in the
the child. Providing visual reinforcers on both the right visual reinforcement.
and left of the child increases the complexity and novelty of Depending on the child’s acceptance, insert earphones
the VRA procedure. From an instrumentation standpoint, are preferable over standard headphones. Inserts are useful
it is a simple and relatively inexpensive matter to use sev- for a number of reasons, including their comfort and light
eral visual reinforcers on each side, in a stacked configura- weight, their increased interaural attenuation compared to
tion. The application of multiple visual reinforcers serves conventional earphones, and the reduced risk of ear canal
to postpone habituation (Thompson et al., 1992), increas- collapse. And, although sound field data alone are better
ing the number of VRA responses that can be obtained in a than no data, individual ear data are always preferable and
given clinical visit. the ultimate goal.

Visual Reinforcement Audiometry perform but with less success (can be conditioned but have
limited responses before habituation to the task); and that
In audiology, an operant discrimination (target) procedure premature infants with a corrected age of 4 or 5 months are
conditions a child to discriminate changes in the listening not likely to respond to the VRA procedure. A comparison of
environment. This approach is used as a threshold proce- these data to results of previous studies on full-term infants
dure where the target stimulus (e.g., puretones, warbled demonstrates that although full-term infants are likely to
tones, filtered noise, speech) is discriminated from a quiet respond with high clinical success to VRA by a chronologic
background. This specific procedure in audiology is called age of 6 months (Moore et al., 1977), premature infants are
visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA), in which the child not likely to respond to VRA with good clinical success until
is reinforced with a visual “reward” (moving toys or video approximately a corrected age of 8 months.
clips) for detecting the stimulus by responding with a head- Widen (1990) also evaluated VRA as a function of
turn. As demonstrated by Moore et al. (1977), audiometric developmental age in premature, high-risk babies. Clearly,
signals (e.g., puretones or warble tones, and human speech) the developmentally mature babies were more often tested
have limited reinforcing properties. Consequently, a positive successfully (the ability to be conditioned and provide
reinforcement having high interest value (appealing to the threshold for at least one stimulus). The data from Moore
infant) must be used to prolong response behavior in oper- et al. (1992) and Widen (1990) are highly consistent, that
ant conditioning. is, both reports indicate that VRA success with premature
This approach also has application in assessing supra- infants is related to corrected age and that VRA success
threshold sound discriminations (i.e., visually reinforced with these infants is greater as they approach 8 to 9 months
infant speech discrimination—VRISD). In this application corrected age.
of the operant discrimination procedure, an infant is con- Why is it that premature infants, even after prematu-
ditioned to detect a discriminative stimulus from a repeti- rity is corrected for, lag several months behind normally
tious background. For example, when trying to determine developing, full-term infants? Premature infants have been
developmental changes in speech sound discrimination, shown to display significantly poorer performance on stan-
infants are presented with two of contrastive stimulus items dardized measures of mental ability when compared to full-
(e.g., /va/ from /sa/) where the discriminative challenge is term infants of the same postpartum age (Rubin et al., 1973).
to detect a change (e.g., the syllable /va/) from a repetitious Kopp (1974) concluded that preterm infants engage in less
background stimulus (e.g., the syllable /sa/). Again, the cognitive exploration compared with full-term infants,
infant is reinforced for discriminating the stimulus change which may also account for reduced motor development.
by responding with a head-turn (Eilers et al., 1977). Several studies have reported on the use of VRA in
children with Down syndrome and other developmental
disabilities. Greenberg et al. (1978) reported on the use of
AGE CONSIDERATIONS AND VRA VRA in 46 children with Down syndrome between the
Normally developing infants initiate head-turns toward a ages of 6 months and 6 years. As would be expected, the
sound source in the first few months of life. In fact, by the proportion of successful tests increased as age increased.
time a normally developing infant has reached a chrono- Because it is expected that chronologic age would be a very
logic age of 5 to 6 months (Moore et al., 1977), this develop- poor predictor of success with the VRA procedure in these
mental behavior coupled with operant conditioning enables children, the Bayley Scales of Infant Development (Bayley,
audiologists to implement VRA. 1969) were used to provide an estimate of developmental
The success of VRA is related to the fact that the level. If children with Down syndrome are considered on
response, followed by visual reinforcement, is well suited the basis of their developmental age, in contrast to chrono-
to typically developing children between 6 months and logic age, it would be logical to assume that results might
2½ years of age. However, delays in a child’s developmental be similar to those found with normally developing infants.
age can influence assessment outcomes in VRA. However Moore et al. (1977) found that normally devel-
Developmental age adjustments that must be consid- oping infants 6 months of age and older accomplished the
ered in VRA include the influence of prematurity and the VRA procedure with a high rate of success, but Greenberg et
influence of mental age on VRA performance. Moore et al. al. (1978) found that individuals with Down syndrome did
(1992) concluded that VRA performance is related to cor- not achieve a high rate until 10 to 12 months BSID mental
rected age for prematurity. They studied 60 premature age equivalent. These investigators further pointed out that
infants (36 weeks of gestation or less) at corrected ages of when one is predicting potential success with the VRA pro-
4 to 9 months. Their results imply that premature infants cedure for children with Down syndrome, the BSID mental
with a corrected age of 8 or 9 months are likely to perform age equivalent score provides the most distinct distribution
acceptably in response to VRA (can be conditioned and between successful and unsuccessful tests, with the divid-
respond with high success before habituation to task); that ing point being a BSID mental age equivalent of at least
premature infants with a corrected age of 6 or 7 months may 10 months. Similarly, Wilson et al. (1983) reported that 80%

of the children in their study with Down syndrome were hearing status is unknown, suprathreshold estimates are
testable by 12 months of age using VRA. also unknown. Therefore, the possibility exists that the
Although these data provide guidance, attempting stimulus selected to shape the response behavior might
behavioral audiologic evaluation on children presenting with be inaudible. Given that many infants referred for diag-
any neurologic or development condition, including Down nostic work-up can be expected to have normal hearing,
syndrome, under the age of 10 months is encouraged. In a the most efficient test is one that uses a low starting level,
clinical setting with a diverse and complex patient popula- approximately 30 dB. However, failure to condition rap-
tion, it is helpful to obtain any behavioral information that idly should alert the audiologist to a potential equipment/
leads to more informed decision making and recommenda- calibration problem or a child who requires a greater start-
tions. ing intensity for conditioning. Attention to either issue must
In summary, when VRA is implemented audiologists be immediate for a successful outcome.
must consider (1) corrected age adjusted for prematurity When the infant’s head-turn is not being shaped via
rather than chronologic age or (2) mental age/developmen- air conduction, a bone oscillator can be placed on the
tal age when disparities exist between corrected age and the infant’s mastoid, in the hand, or rested against the arm to
child’s developmental status. Of the two predictors of VRA use as a vibrotactile stimulus. The traditional condition-
performance (corrected age and mental age), corrected age ing procedure is initiated, that is, pairing the stimulus with
may be the more practical one to use in most cases because the reinforcement. The stimulus usually selected for bone-
it can be obtained from parental report, case history infor- conducted conditioning is a 250-Hz narrowband noise
mation, and/or hospital records and does not require testing presented at 60 dB HL. An infant with severe or profound
to determine mental age. hearing loss with no other developmental disabilities will
show appropriate behavioral responses as long as the stimu-
lus is salient (can be felt, even if not heard). Responses are
CONDITIONING IN VRA obtained in this manner; subsequently, insert ear phones or
In clinical assessment, the first phase of VRA is the condi- headphone presentations follow with starting intensity lev-
tioning process. An examiner must be skilled in response els dependent on the bone-conduction responses.
training and sensitive to the various stages of response If the child fails to display conditioned responding,
acquisition. Evidence suggests that different signals (e.g., other issues such as compromised physical status, develop-
tones, filtered noise, speech) are equally effective during the mental delay, or immaturity are raised. For example, Con-
conditioning phase (Primus and Thompson, 1985). don (1991) noted several cognitive attainments necessary
Response shaping is critical to the success of the operant for a child to be assessed reliably using VRA. The child must
procedure. Two different, but commonly used approaches be developing object permanence (i.e., knowing that objects
can be implemented to condition the head-turn response: exist in space and time, even when the child can no longer
(1) Pairing a suprathreshold auditory stimulus with the see them or act on them) and the ability to anticipate the
visual reinforcer or (2) presenting a suprathreshold audi- reappearance of at least partially hidden objects, discover
tory stimulus and observing a spontaneous response from simple causality (i.e., an event or behavior is dependent on
the infant, followed by activation of the visual reinforcer. the other for its occurrence) and means–end relationships
Successful completion of the training phase is the achieve- (i.e., behaviors that result in anticipated outcomes), and use
ment of a pre-established criterion of consecutive head- simple schemes to explore toys.
turn responses (usually two, but no more than three con- Successful completion of training occurs when the
secutive responses following the response shaping trials). child is making appropriate responses and random head-
If the criterion is not reached, retraining is necessary until turning/false responses are at a minimum. Excessive false
the criterion is met. The number of training trials needed responses suggest that the infant is not under stimulus con-
before phase 2 trials begin varies, but the training phase is trol. As such, audiologists should focus on two factors to
usually brief. improve clinical outcomes: (1) Reinstitute response shaping
For the child with special needs, conditioning may take or (2) increase the distraction level of the activity to engage
longer to establish the conditioned behavior. Successful the child’s interest at a midline position before presenting
completion of the conditioning phase occurs when the child the auditory stimulus.
is making contingent responses and random head-turning Following successful response shaping, the test phase of
is at a minimum. VRA begins (Figure 24.2). Signal intensity is attenuated 10 dB
A key to response shaping is the presentation of a after every “yes” response or increased 5 dB after every “no”
suprathreshold stimulus. For most infants, suprathresh- response (descending and ascending technique). Testing
old will be 30, 50, and, in some cases, 70 dB. Occasionally, progresses until the stopping criterion (four reversals in the
some children, particularly those children with moder- threshold search) has been achieved. Thresholds are defined
ately severe to severe hearing loss, may require 90 dB or as the mean of the four reversal points. Note: Thresholds
higher to qualify as a suprathreshold stimulus. Because are often called “minimum response levels (MRLs) in VRA


60 No

Signal intensity

40 NO

Response Conditioning
shaping criteria
20 (2 consecutive)

10 Stop

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Phase I training Phase II testing

Conditioning Signal trials or control trials

Staircase algorithm
FIGURE 24.2 Algorithm commonly used in visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA).

because the term MRLs “serves as a reminder that improve- adding animation. By starting with the light only, the audi-
ment in response behavior at lower hearing levels should be ologist can gauge any potential for a fearful response to the
anticipated with maturation” (Matkin, 1977, p. 130). three-dimensional toy. The novelty and strength of visual
reinforcement may be preserved longer by introducing more
complex reinforcement (light plus animation) as the testing
PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES progresses. The novelty of VRA is clearly strengthened with
The recommended trial duration (incorporating the signal somewhat older children by using moving images gener-
and response interval) is approximately 4 seconds (Primus, ated by a digital video disc (DVD) player/monitor. Schmida
1992). That is, although the signal duration is approxi- et al. (2003) used digital video with 19- to 24-month-old
mately 4 seconds, this 4-second duration also defines the children. Their results demonstrated a greater number of
interval of time during which a response should be judged head-turn responses before habituation when viewing video
to be present or not. Head-turn responses outside of the reinforcement than when viewing conventional animated
4-second interval are typically not interpreted as valid toy reinforcement. These results support the hypothesis that
responses, and therefore not reinforced. For some children the complex and dynamic nature of the video reinforcement
with developmental and/or physical challenges, it may be would be more effective in achieving a greater number of
necessary to increase the trial duration (beyond 4 seconds) responses than the conventional toy reinforcer prior to
during which a head-turn response is acceptable. However, habituation in the 2-year-old age group.
by increasing trial duration beyond 4 seconds, audiolo- In general, a 100% reinforcement schedule (reinforce-
gists also risk an increase in judging false responses as valid ment for every correct response) results in more rapid
responses. conditioning, yet more rapid habituation. Conversely, an
Conditioned head-turns are visually reinforced only for intermittent reinforcement schedule produces slower condi-
correct responses that occur during signal trials. Between the tioning but also a slower rate of habituation. Consequently,
ages of 6 and 17 months, Lowery et al. (2009) demonstrated most clinicians recommend a protocol that begins with a
that infants are not more or less attentive to a dynamic video 100% reinforcement schedule and then gradually shifts to
than to the three-dimensional animated toy as effective an intermittent reinforcement schedule.
visual reinforcement. Therefore, when using colorful, three- Primus and Thompson (1985) compared a 100%
dimensional toys as visual reinforcers it is sometimes judi- reinforcement schedule to an intermittent reinforcement
cious to use the light initially (showing the toy), eventually schedule with 2-year-old children. The two reinforcement

schedules resulted in no differences in the infants’ rate of the child’s interest and attention at a midline position before
habituation or the number of infant responses to stimulus starting a test trial. When in the test room, an examiner must
trials. These findings provide an excellent guideline for deliv- be able to choose from a variety of toys available and judge
ering reinforcement. Since Primus and Thompson’s data when a toy change in either direction (enhanced distrac-
suggest that withholding reinforcement should not affect tion and more entertaining, or reduced distraction and less
the amount of response behavior, reinforcement should entertaining) is necessary to maintain the child’s midline
only be provided when the audiologist is certain about the focus and optimum response readiness.
validity of an infant’s head-turn response. The risk of rein- Occasionally, overactive parents can bias their children
forcing a random head-turn is that it may lead to confusion to respond, thereby resulting in excessive false responses.
for a child during the test session and increase the child’s Therefore, parents may need to wear headphones through
rate of false responding. Conversely, failure to reinforce a which music or noise is delivered.
valid head-turn will not degrade subsequent responding. Threshold determination in audiometry is based on the
In this scenario, withholding reinforcement for a valid lowest intensity level where responses are obtained approxi-
but ambiguous response is simply viewed as intermittent mately 50% of the time. In VRA, as the staircase algorithm
reinforcement. is executed, how many reversals should be required before
Reinforcement duration is also a factor influencing identifying the hearing threshold? Too few reversals may
response outcome from children around the age of 2 years sacrifice response accuracy. However, too many will increase
(Culpepper and Thompson, 1994). Decreasing the dura- test time, in turn reducing the number of stimulus presen-
tion of a child’s exposure to the visual reinforcer (e.g., 4 to tations that could be spent obtaining thresholds to other
0.5 seconds) results in an increase in response behavior and stimuli. Assessing a desired stimulus may be stopped once
a decrease in habituation. Audiologists may increase the the infant has exhibited between three and four response
amount of audiometric information obtained from chil- reversals (Eilers et al., 1991). Eilers and her colleagues found
dren by decreasing their exposure to the visual reinforcer. that using six rather than three response reversals before
For the child with special needs who may have a slower discontinuing the threshold search had minimal effect on
response, the visual reinforcer should be activated for a suf- threshold. Yet, tests with a three-reversal stopping rule were
ficient length of time for the child to very briefly observe it, significantly shorter than those with six reversals. As stop-
but prolonged visual reinforcement should be avoided. ping rules are increased from three to six, there is about a
50% increase in the number of test trials, with no improve-
ment in response accuracy. These results suggest that, by
CONTROL TRIALS using relatively few reversals to estimate threshold, a stair-
Ensuring valid behavioral assessment outcomes depends case algorithm may be shortened to increase efficiency
on separating true responses from false responses during without sacrificing accuracy. Thus, there is no need to con-
threshold acquisition. Infants are likely to produce a num- tinue testing beyond three or four reversals since the results
ber of false responses during clinical assessment. To quan- obtained are not substantially better.
tify false responding behavior in VRA, the use of control Thresholds obtained with the VRA procedure for
trials are necessary. infants 6 to 12 months of age have been shown to be within
False responses are monitored by inserting control tri- 10 to 15 dB of those obtained from older children and adults
als in the staircase algorithm (see Figure 24.2). A head-turn (Nozza and Wilson, 1984). In addition, VRA thresholds are
observed during a control trial is evidence of false responding. similar across the age span (6 to 24 months) and show good
Thus, it is possible to systematically estimate errors or chance reliability when compared to thresholds obtained from the
responding (false responses during signal trials) by calcu- same child at older ages.
lating the number of false responses during control trials. Throughout testing, audiologists must consider that
Moore (1995) recommended that one out of four presenta- the next response to a test stimulus may be the child’s last
tions should be a control trial and that test results are ques- response. However, audiologists can influence attention
tionable if the false-positive rate exceeds 25%. Eilers et al. and motivation by being flexible with their clinical decision
(1991) suggest that a false alarm rate of 30% to 40% is accept- making. Often, if a child begins to habituate to a specific
able and adopting such a rate as acceptable does not com- stimulus, response behavior can be increased by using a
promise the accuracy of thresholds for clinical assessment. different stimulus, a different transducer, or moving to the
Clearly, high false alarm rates (>50%) require the audiologist other ear. This approach to clinical assessment can optimize
to further consider that test results may be inaccurate. air conduction/bone conduction, another puretone versus
Excessive false responses suggest that the infant is not speech, and switching ears. Thompson et al. (1992) also
under stimulus control. In this situation, audiologists should demonstrated that when 1-year-old children habituate to
focus on two factors to rectify clinical outcomes: (1) Reinsti- testing and are given a 10-minute break, the children return
tuting phase 1 shaping and conditioning and (2) increasing and are likely to provide a significant amount of additional
the entertainment level of the distraction activity to engage information. Even a few additional responses in the same

session may provide just enough additional information arm motion, eye motion, visual gaze) can be used to trigger
to be confident that hearing loss is not a factor concerning an electronic switch, in turn activating a computer screen
speech/language development and communicative func- programmed for appropriate visual reinforcement. The goal
tioning, thereby eliminating the need for a costly follow-up is to select the most appropriate task and the most appro-
clinic visit. priate reinforcement while at the same time recognizing the
physical limitations that may compromise the child’s suc-
cess. If the physical demands are too great, then the task will
Conditioned Play Audiometry detract from maintaining a listening posture. If the task is
Operant conditioning of behavioral responses to sound con- too simple, the child will have less motivation to participate
tinues to be an effective approach for older children. What and will tire of the task. The critical decision for the audi-
changes as children age, however, are the operant behaviors ologist is to select a specific operant behavior that is used to
and the reinforcement that is used. Similar to operant condi- denote a specific response to a stimulus.
tioning in VRA, CPA uses positive reinforcement to increase In general, the rate of success in obtaining detailed
response behavior. In CPA, children learn to engage in an information with CPA is limited for children under the
activity (e.g., putting rings on a spindle, putting pegs in a age of 30 months. However, some 2-year-olds can be con-
board, dropping or stacking blocks, putting together simple ditioned to play audiometry (Thompson et al., 1989). In
puzzles) each time they hear a test signal. These activities addition, when 2-year-olds are proficient with CPA, there
are usually fun and appealing to children, are within their is a greater likelihood that they will provide more responses
motor capability, and represent a specific behavior that is before habituation than they would if tested by VRA. Because
used to denote a deliberate response to a stimulus. overlap exists between VRA and CPA as suitable techniques
When teaching children to perform CPA, it is usually with children in this age range, the successful evaluation of
not difficult to select a response behavior that children are a younger child with CPA ultimately depends on the fol-
capable of performing, as long as the audiologist is intui- lowing: The audiologist’s observational skills of the child’s
tive in matching the child’s motor skill with an appropriate developmental/maturational level, the interpersonal skills
play activity. CPA follows the traditional operant condition- established between the audiologist and child, and the expe-
ing paradigm of stimulus → response → reinforcement, rience/comfort level of the audiologist with young children.
in which the play activity/motor activity is the response Striving to improve behavioral testing techniques is
behavior, and social praise or other positive reward is the important because behavioral tests always are ultimately
reinforcement. Three decisions are needed in play audiom- expected to define the response profile of young children. In
etry: First, the audiologist must select a response behavior addition, behavioral tests provide the critical link between
that the child is capable of performing. Second, the audi- AEPs and the child’s demonstration of functional hearing.
ologist must consider how to teach the child to wait, listen,
and respond only when the auditory signal is presented. The
third decision is what social reinforcement (the most com-
mon reinforcement with young children) the audiologist AND RECOGNITION
should give that is natural and genuine at the appropriate
time and interval.
Speech Thresholds
Separation of response behavior and reinforcement is Because language and vocabulary are emerging in infants
essential in CPA. Although the play activity is fun for the and young children, it may not be feasible to establish a tra-
child, it is not the reinforcement. A separate reinforcement ditional speech reception threshold (SRT). An alternative
is essential to minimize habituation and maximize repeated approach is the determination of a speech detection thresh-
response behavior. In addition to social praise, other forms old (SDT).
of reinforcement have been suggested. Tokens that can be The SRT and SDT represent different criteria (intelligi-
traded for small toys at the end of the test session, unsweet- bility vs. detectability). The SRT is recognized as the inten-
ened cereal, and a changing computer display screen all have sity at which an individual is able to identify simple speech
been used successfully with play audiometry. materials approximately 50% of the time. The SDT may be
Children with multiple health concerns present unique defined as the level at which a listener may just detect the
challenges during audiometric evaluation using CPA. Chal- presence of an ongoing speech utterance (e.g., bai-bai-bai
lenges to consider include obtaining verifiable responses, presented with an overall duration of approximately 2 to
choosing reinforcements that will interest the child, and 4 seconds). Speech can be detected at intensity levels lower
response time. For children who have visual and hearing than it can be understood, on the order of 8 to 12 dB.
impairments, Holte et al. (2006) suggest using tactile cues The child who is ready for play audiometry typically
(bone oscillator or simple touch) to train a child to the CPA has a communication strategy to express needs and wants at
task. For youngsters with limited gross motor/fine motor a more sophisticated level, whether with oral speech, signs,
skills, a variety of responses (e.g., finger swing, hand motion, or a communication board. Family members often describe

various communication skills that the child possesses, such eral conductive component to a hearing loss is possible for
as following commands, pointing to body parts or pictures many children who will not cooperate for masked puretone
in a storybook, or identifying colors. The audiologist is then testing. Similarly, a unilateral sensory/neural or conductive
able to expand the test battery to include an SRT rather than hearing loss can be confirmed.
an SDT. Additionally, at an age where play audiometry is
successful, the SRT should be accomplished with insert ear-
phones. The lighter weight of insert transducers coupled
Speech Recognition
with increased comfort facilitates placement of the bone- The measurement of speech recognition with the pediat-
conduction transducer for obtaining bone-conducted SRTs ric population must consider the selection of test materials
for each ear. within a child’s receptive vocabulary competency. Haskins
A spondee picture board can be very helpful in obtain- (1949) developed phonetically balanced (PB) lists composed
ing an SRT from a child who may be reluctant to respond of monosyllabic words selected from the spoken vocabulary
in an unfamiliar test situation. Regardless of whether the of kindergartners (PB-K). Clinicians must exercise caution
response is verbal or pointing to a picture, it is recom- in administering this test unless there is a relatively good assur-
mended that a preliminary step in determining an SRT for ance that the receptive vocabulary age of the child approaches
young children is familiarizing the child with the test stimuli at least that of a normal-hearing kindergartner (i.e., 6 years
and eliminating those words that are not within the child’s of age or older) (see more detailed information below).
receptive vocabulary. The use of either picture or object To bypass this problem, Ross and Lerman (1970)
pointing rather than a verbal response will require that the developed the Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification
number of items be limited to less than 10. Otherwise, the (WIPI) test. The WIPI test includes picture plates with six
visual scanning task and the demands placed on memory illustrations per plate. Four of the illustrations have words
and attention become contaminating variables. that rhyme and the other two illustrations are presented as
The utilization of a carrier phrase, such as “point to” or foils to decrease the probability of a correct guess. The use of
“show me,” will often serve to focus the child’s attention to WIPI materials is appropriate for those children with recep-
the auditory task at hand. Moreover, since a child’s attention tive vocabulary ages of 4 years and greater.
span is limited and test time can be a factor, it is often more There are differences between the PB-K words and
expedient to work in 10-dB rather than 5-dB steps when WIPI test approach to speech perception testing besides the
establishing an SRT. evident fact that the latter is pictorially represented. PB-K
The bone-conducted SRT can be extremely useful in words represent an open response paradigm in which the
obtaining additional data from children, and although it is child is forced to give a response from an unlimited set of
typically underused, it is readily available to audiologists. possibilities, whereas the WIPI is a closed response set with
The bone oscillator will deliver clear speech stimuli without the child’s response being a forced choice. As such, the use
any need for calibration correction or modification. of the WIPI as a closed-set test improves the discrimination
A bone-conducted SRT can offer valuable information scores by about 10%.
in a very short period of time. Often the child will toler- The Northwestern University-Children’s Perception
ate the bone oscillator during the more entertaining speech of Speech (NU-CHIPS) test by Elliott and Katz (1980) was
reception task but will not tolerate it for tonal testing. A fre- developed as a speech perception test appropriate for younger
quently asked question regarding the use of the bone oscil- children. Test materials are limited to monosyllabic words
lator for speech reception testing relates to the potential for that are documented to be in the recognition vocabulary of
a false threshold that results in a vibratory response rather children with normal hearing as young as age 3 years. Addi-
than a hearing response. It is true that the bone oscillator tionally, the authors report that children with hearing loss
will vibrate for a speech stimulus, as well as low-frequency and a receptive language age of at least 2.6 years demonstrate
tonal stimuli, as the maximum output of the bone oscillator familiarity with the words and pictures on the test.
is approached. However, an important distinction must be Historically, several criteria were considered essential in
made. A child will not be able to select the appropriate pic- selecting test items for measuring children’s speech recog-
ture or item on the basis of a tactile sensation alone. If the nition including word familiarity, homogeneity of audibil-
child can complete the SRT, then a true hearing threshold by ity, and phonetic balancing (i.e., to have phonemes within a
bone conduction has been obtained, and concerns regard- word list represented in the same proportion as in English).
ing simply a vibratory response can be eliminated. When test item construction is constrained by phonetic bal-
The value of the bone-conducted SRT becomes even ancing, the resulting word lists may contain words that are
greater with the introduction of masking. Many youngsters unfamiliar to children with hearing loss. A lexical approach
become confused when masking is introduced during pur- to test construction, sensitive to the frequency of occurrence
etone testing. With the bone-conducted SRT, it is relatively of words in the language and to the lexical similarity of
easy to introduce masking into the nontest ear without target words, may result in measuring spoken word recogni-
interruption of the SRT procedure. Confirmation of a bilat- tion with greater accuracy in children with hearing loss.

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fication. Omaha, NE: Boys Town National Research Hospital.
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Culpepper B, Thompson G. (1994) Effects of reinforcer duration
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C H A P T ER 2 5

Genetic Hearing Loss

Carmen Brewer and Kelly King


Although familial hearing loss has long been recognized, at HEARING LOSS
the time of the first edition of the Handbook of Clinical Audi- Based on extensive surveys conducted in schools for the
ology (1972), our knowledge of hereditary hearing loss was deaf (Morton 1991) and newborn hearing screening statis-
limited to phenotypic descriptions and inheritance patterns. tics (Mehra et al., 2009), it is estimated that 2 to 3 of every
In his landmark manuscript, Hereditary Deafness in Man, 1,000 newborns has significant permanent hearing loss, and
Konigsmark (1969) described a classification system for 90% of these children are born to hearing parents. Of these,
hereditary hearing loss based on associations with deficits 1:1,000 born in the United States will develop profound
in other body systems (what we now call syndromic hear- hearing loss in early childhood.
ing loss). In 2003, the Human Genome project successfully Etiologies of congenital or early-onset hearing loss can
sequenced the approximately 23,000 protein coding genes be environmental or genetic (Figure 25.1), of which at least
contained within human chromosomes, which provided a 50% has a genetic origin. Of those children with a genetic
reference for normal genetic structure and function, and hearing loss, approximately 30% have a recognized syn-
consequently, improved understanding of damaged genes drome and the remaining 70% have nonsyndromic hear-
and genetic mutations. These and other milestones, includ- ing loss. Approximately 80% of hereditary, nonsyndromic,
ing identification of the first location for nonsyndromic hear- prelingual hearing loss is inherited in an autosomal recessive
ing loss along a chromosome (Guilford et al., 1994) and the pattern and 15% to 20% in an autosomal dominant pattern
causative gene (Kelsell et al., 1997), have greatly influenced (see glossary and discussion below for definitions of auto-
both research and clinical practice surrounding hereditary somal recessive and autosomal dominant). Additionally, 1%
hearing loss. to 2% of hereditary hearing loss is linked to genes on the
The science of genetics now plays a significant role in sex chromosomes (sex-linked inheritance). An even smaller
our understanding of the auditory system. Genetics, quite percentage is due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA
simply, plays a part in most biologic aspects of living, and (Arnos, 2013).
as our understanding of this branch of biology evolves, Epidemiologic figures describing the incidence and
our application of this information in the diagnosis and prevalence of hereditary hearing loss will no doubt evolve
management of patients becomes more commonplace. It over the coming years as more children are identified through
is rapidly becoming apparent that the clinical audiologist early detection programs and as our ability to identify and
must be knowledgeable about the fundamentals of genet- understand complex genetic conditions expands.
ics and hereditary hearing loss, including the common
terminology, multitude and array of causative hearing REVIEW OF BASIC HUMAN
loss genes, variety of associated syndromes, and useful-
ness of genetic diagnosis in patient counseling and man-
agement. In humans, the repository of genetic information is the
An introduction to genetics can feel like learning a new molecular material deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. DNA is
language, and although fundamental concepts are often passed from parent to offspring and contains the instruc-
accessible, assimilating new terminology may feel daunting. tions necessary for development and survival. It is found in
In an effort to facilitate learning, we provide a glossary of the nucleus and mitochondria of nearly all cells of an organ-
common terminology associated with hereditary hearing ism and is composed of long strands of nucleotides, made up
loss, available at the end of the book. The reader is referred of sugar, phosphate, and four chemical bases: adenine (A),
to this glossary for any italicized term they are not familiar thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C). These molecular
with, although most of these will be defined within the body building blocks are woven into strands that form the now
of the text as well. widely recognized double helix shape. The organization of


FIGURE 25.1 Causes of congenital severe-to-

profound hearing loss in children.

these strands is dictated by a specific pairing of the bases Chromosomes

(referred to as base pairs); A always pairs to T, and G always
pairs to C. For example, a strand of DNA may look like To pack the nearly 3 billion base pairs of the human genome
AATGGGCTACTA, and its complementary, paired strand into the nucleus of a cell, DNA is tightly organized into
would be TTACCCGATGAT. chromosomes. Humans have 46 chromosomes, arranged
The chemical instructions contained within a strand of into 23 homologous (corresponding) pairs. One copy of the
DNA are determined by the order, or sequence, in which the chromosome pair is inherited from the female parent’s egg
bases are arranged. A segment of coding DNA that contains cells and the other copy is inherited from the male parent’s
enough information for the production of a protein or pro- sperm cells. The first 22 pairs of chromosomes, called auto-
teins is called a gene, the basic unit of heritability. The DNA somes, are the same in males and females and are numbered
contained within the human genome holds approximately (1 to 22) from largest to smallest, based on their relative
23,000 genes, which, collectively, control a great variety of size. The remaining pair of chromosomes, the sex chromo-
biologic functions necessary for life. somes, determines a person’s gender. In females, there are
two X chromosomes, whereas males have one X and one Y.
As DNA replicates in preparation for cell division, chromo-
Genes somes play a critical role in ensuring that molecular infor-
Specific regions of DNA within a gene can be defined mation is copied accurately and carried into the new cell.
by their function; exons contain sequences of DNA that Chromosomes can be viewed using a light microscope, and
instruct (encode) for the arrangement of amino acids, collectively, their number, structure, and organization is
which link and form proteins through a process known known as a karyotype. Notably, genes associated with either
as translation. The nucleotides in a coding region are syndromic or nonsyndromic hearing loss have been identi-
arranged into groups of three, forming codons each of fied on all 23 chromosomes in humans (Figure 25.2).
which command production of a specific amino acid. Except for the Y chromosome, which has only a few
There are a total of 20 amino acids used to form proteins genes, there are thousands of genes contained within each
in humans, and the beginning and end of the chemical chromosome. Each gene has a specific physical location on
translation into a protein is determined by specific coding a chromosome, called a locus (pl. loci). To understand the
regions, called start and stop codons. Noncoding segments strategy for identifying a gene and its position on a chro-
of DNA (e.g., introns) are interspersed among exons and, mosome, one must appreciate how chromosomes are orga-
although the function of these regions is not entirely nized. Each chromosome has a short and a long extension,
understood, they are removed, or spliced, during the pro- or arm (identified as p and q arms, respectively). The p and
cess of transcription. Additionally, there are regulatory seg- q arms are connected by a centromere. The ends of chro-
ments of DNA that control aspects of transcription and mosomes are called telomeres. In cytogenetics, the branch of
genetic expression. biology concerned primarily with studying chromosomes,

FIGURE 25.2 Nonsyndromic deafness loci and genes shown by chromosome (autosomes and sex
chromosomes) as well as the mitochondrial genome, updated from Friedman and Griffith (2003).

staining is used to examine the chromosome, which results

TABLE 2 5.1
in light and dark horizontal segments, or bands. Each chro-
mosome has a unique pattern of banding and each band is Analogy of Mutations at the Molecular Level
numbered. Therefore, regions along a chromosome can be
mapped, or identified, by providing the chromosome num- $PEJOH4FRVFODF .VUBUJPO5ZQF
ber, the arm of the chromosome, the region along the arm, The boy ate one hot dog Wildtype
and the corresponding band and subband, if applicable. For The boy ate one not dog Missense
example, the locus for the gene GJB2 is 13q12.11. This gene The boy ate Nonsense
is located on chromosome 13, on the long arm (q) at region The boy ate one big hot dog Insertion
1, band 2, subband 11 (pronounced as “thirteen q one two The boy ate ____ hot dog Deletion
point one one”). The boy uat eon eho tdo g Frameshift—insertion
The boy teo neh otd og Frameshift—deletion
The boy ate ate ate one hot Expansion
In humans, the percentage of DNA that is the same from
person to person is 99.5%, and yet as a species we contain a coded by groupings of three base pairs) an amino acid(s)
large degree of variation in how we look and how our bod- may be added or missing, or it may produce an abnormal
ies function. An individual’s genotype is their specific genetic stop codon. Insertions or deletions in multiples of three
composition, that is, the combination of alleles, or varia- only affect the involved codon and subsequent codons will
tions in genes, that make each person unique. The manifes- be unaffected. If the insertion or deletion of nucleotides
tation of these genes into observable traits (e.g., eye color) occurs by some multiple other than three, all subsequent
is called a phenotype. Many genes have a variety of normal codons will be affected, thus shifting the entire remaining
alleles associated with them, resulting from polymorphisms, sequence, or reading frame. This is known as a frameshift
or variations in the DNA sequence that do not have an mutation. Sometimes, short sequences of DNA are incor-
adverse effect. The sum of this normal genetic variation rectly repeated within a sequence, known as an expansion.
in each person specifies our anatomy and physiology (e.g., See Table 25.1 for an analogy of the common types of muta-
height, metabolism). When the alleles of a gene on homolo- tions that can occur at the molecular level.
gous chromosomes are the same, the genotype is described
as being homozygous. When the alleles of a gene are different
on each chromosome, they are described as heterozygous. In
men, most genes on the X chromosome do not have a coun- Mutations that occur at the level of a single gene may fol-
terpart on the Y chromosome, meaning they are hemizygous low one of three inheritance patterns: Autosomal dominant,
(having only one copy) for those genes. autosomal recessive, or sex linked. These patterns of Men-
delian inheritance are distinguished from one another by
which type of chromosome the mutation occurs on (auto-
(FOFUJD.VUBUJPOT some or sex chromosome) and by how many mutated alleles
Genetic mutations occur when the nucleotide sequence of a are necessary for the affected individual to express the trait
gene is altered in such a way that it changes the protein out- (one or two). A thorough family history will help identify
put, often affecting the structure and function of an organ- the mode of inheritance in many cases and even complex
ism. Mutations can result from substitutions, insertions, histories can be efficiently and effectively captured using
or deletions of nucleotide bases, which then alter the nor- a charting tool called the pedigree. A pedigree is the visual
mal allele and the associated wildtype, or naturally occur- representation of a family’s health history and its use in
ring phenotype (these are described in Table 25.1). When distinguishing heritable conditions has become common
the substitution of a single nucleotide occurs but the total practice across medical disciplines.
number of nucleotides in the sequence remains unchanged Pedigrees are created using a common set of symbols
it is known as a point mutation. In some cases, there is no to catalog the occurrence and presentation of phenotypes
effect on the protein product and the mutation is consid- within a group of related individuals. Each person is depicted
ered silent. Alternatively, a point mutation may cause the by a symbol (e.g., circle indicates female and square indicates
substitution of a different amino acid, in which case it is male), and their genetic relationship to other individuals
called a missense mutation, or it may change the sequence is traced through connecting lines and across generations.
to instruct for a premature stop codon, known as a nonsense Filling or shading the symbol identifies affected individuals,
mutation. This latter type of substitution often renders the and each row within the pedigree represents a different gen-
protein nonfunctional. eration within the family. The first affected family member
When nucleotides are inserted or deleted into a to come to medical attention is known as the proband and is
sequence in multiples of three (recall that proteins are depicted on the pedigree by an arrow next to their symbol.

For a complete review of current standard nomenclature, An exception to the common vertical transmission
including common symbols, definitions, and abbreviations pattern associated with autosomal dominant inheritance
for human pedigrees, see Bennett et al. (2008). occurs in instances when there is a de novo mutation, or
the first occurrence in the transmission line. In such cases
affected individuals will not have an affected parent; how-
AUTOSOMAL DOMINANT INHERITANCE ever, the risk for recurrence in their offspring remains the
In autosomal dominant inheritance, an individual only same (50%) as someone with an inherited autosomal domi-
needs one mutated allele to express the trait. In such cases, nant mutation. Similarly, there are examples of autosomal
an affected child typically will have one affected parent from dominant gene mutations where not every person who has
whom they inherited the mutated gene, and they will have a the mutation expresses the trait. This is known as the pen-
50% chance of passing on the mutation to their offspring. etrance of a gene, or the percentage of individuals carrying
Conversely, an unaffected child of a parent with the trait will a dominant mutation who actually express the trait. When
have no risk for passing on the condition. It is important a dominant mutation has incomplete penetrance, not every
to remember that the risk of inheritance for any condition obligate carrier will have an associated phenotype. In a simi-
does not change based on the number of pregnancies and lar fashion, an autosomal dominant gene may be completely
is calculated in the same way for each pregnancy. Obligate penetrant, but vary in how the phenotype is expressed
carriers within a family are members who have one copy among individuals (e.g., varying degrees of hearing loss).
of the gene mutation in question based on the pattern of This is known as variable expressivity. The penetrance and
inheritance. In autosomal dominant inheritance, it is rela- expressivity of a heritable disorder can be described for all
tively easy to identify the obligate carriers because they patterns of Mendelian inheritance and do not apply just to
most often express the phenotype; any member carrying autosomal dominant traits.
the dominant gene for hearing loss will have hearing loss
(assuming 100% penetrance—see next paragraph for a
discussion of penetrance). In these cases we see a vertical
transmission pattern where every generation has at least When the inheritance pattern is identified as autosomal
one affected individual, and males are equally as likely to recessive it means an individual must have two copies of a
express the trait as females. See Figure 25.3 for an example mutated gene to express the associated phenotype. Classi-
pedigree of a family displaying an autosomal dominant cally, this signifies an affected child with two heterozygous
inheritance pattern. unaffected parents who each have one copy of the mutated

FIGURE 25.3 Three-generation

pedigree of a family segregating
an autosomal dominant trait.
The arrow indicates the proband.
Note the vertical transmission
pattern across generations and
father-to-son transmission.

FIGURE 25.4 Three-generation

pedigree of a family segregating
an autosomal recessive trait.
The arrow indicates the proband.
Note the horizontal transmission
pattern and obligate carriers.

allele. There is a 25% chance that the offspring of two het- mutation, but all female offspring of an affected male will
erozygous carriers will acquire a double dose of the mutated be carriers of the mutated allele. Those carrier females will
gene, one from each parent and, thus, express the trait. have a 50% chance of having a daughter who will carry the
There is a 50% chance that each offspring will be a hetero- gene and a 50% chance of having a son who will express the
zygous carrier, and a 25% chance that the child will inherit trait. See Figure 25.5 for an example pedigree of a family dis-
no mutated allele. As in autosomal dominant transmission, playing an X-linked recessive inheritance pattern. In cases of
males and females are equally likely to express the trait, but X-linked dominant inheritance, males and females are more
in the case of autosomal recessive inheritance there can be equally affected. All female offspring of an affected male will
generations of unaffected individuals and, within a single express the trait, and an affected female has a 50% chance of
generation, either a sole affected individual or multiple fam- having an affected child of either gender. Y-linked disorders
ily members who express the trait. See Figure 25.4 for an are less common conditions that only occur in males as the
example pedigree of a family displaying an autosomal reces- result of a mutated gene on the Y chromosome. In such cases,
sive inheritance pattern. The probability of expression for affected males will pass on the trait to their male offspring.
recessive genes increases when parents are related individu-
als, which is known as consanguinity.
Sometimes, the inheritance pattern of a disorder does not
SEX-LINKED INHERITANCE follow one of the more common Mendelian patterns. These
When a genetic mutation occurs on either the X or Y chro- genetically complex conditions are considered rare cur-
mosome, the inheritance is considered sex linked. Females rently, but in fact are likely common and simply under-
pass on one of their X chromosomes to their offspring and identified. We review several examples of non-Mendelian
males pass on either an X or a Y, which determines the sex inheritance here, although the reader should note that this
of the child. Sex-linked conditions are more likely to involve is not a comprehensive list.
the X chromosome because it contains many more genes
than the Y chromosome. These conditions can be inherited
in either a dominant or recessive manner; however, because
males are hemizygous for most genes on the X chromosome, Although the cell nucleus contains the majority of DNA in
the occurrence of X-linked recessive traits is far more com- humans, a small amount is also present outside the nucleus
mon in males than females. In X-linked recessive inheritance, in the mitochondria of the cell. Although nuclear DNA is
normally there can be no father-to-son transmission of the inherited from both parents, because sperm cells lose their

FIGURE 25.5 Three-generation

pedigree of a family segregating
an X-linked recessive trait. The
arrow indicates the proband.
Note that there is no father-to-
son transmission and that all
female offspring of affected
males are carriers.

mitochondria during fertilization, mitochondrial DNA modify, the expression of traits, such as the onset, progression,
(mtDNA) is inherited only from the mother (matrilineal and severity of disease. Just as modifiers of the English lan-
inheritance) and passed on to all of her offspring. Con- guage can enhance or change the quality or meaning of a sen-
sequently, when a mutation occurs in mtDNA, males and tence, genetic modifiers can enhance or inhibit the expression
females are equally affected. All offspring of an affected of other autonomous genes. Indeed, much of the phenotypic
female will express the trait, and there can be no transmission variability (e.g., expressivity, penetrance, and pleiotropy)
between affected males and their offspring. Mitochondrial observed in single gene (monogenic) disorders may be
disorders are often characterized by reduced penetrance, explained by variations in genetic background. For example,
variable expressivity, and the observation of multiple, seem- the phenotypic spectrum associated with mutations in the
ingly unrelated phenotypes that result from a single genetic cadherin 23 gene (CDH23) ranges from age-related hearing
mutation(s), known as pleiotropy. loss, to nonsyndromic prelingual hearing loss, to the occur-
rence of Usher syndrome (McHugh and Friedman, 2006).
POLYGENIC INHERITANCE The most common effect of modifier genes is an increased
risk for disease (e.g., hearing loss) by the interaction of two
Polygenic inheritance refers to the cumulative effect of many or more alleles at different loci; in this case, the risk for dis-
genes on a phenotype, in contrast to effects from a single ease is higher than the risk associated with either allele indi-
gene or pair of genes, known as monogenic inheritance. vidually. There is also evidence that some modifier genes
Most traits in humans are inherited in a polygenic fash- exert their influence in a protective fashion by decreasing
ion, although our understanding of these complex interac- susceptibility for disease (Nadeau, 2003; Riazuddin et al.,
tions and ability to identify them are just evolving. In the 2002). Going forward, the ability to quantify the influence
case of digenic inheritance, an individual is heterozygous for of genetic background on normal and aberrant structure
mutations in two different genes at different loci. In such and function will refine our understanding of heritability
instances, neither mutation alone would result in an altered and susceptibility, clarify fundamental properties of audi-
phenotype, but the combined effect from the interaction of tory function, and guide future therapeutic designs.
the independent mutations is deleterious.
MODIFIER GENES Many clinicians have observed variations in the pheno-
Another complex aspect of heritability involves the influence typic expression of hearing loss between individuals with
of genetic background on phenotypic expression. There is similar environmental exposures (e.g., noise, pharmacologic
growing circumstantial and direct evidence for the existence intervention). What explains significant ototoxicity docu-
of modifier genes, which are independent genes that alter, or mented in one patient given an equivalent dose of the same

cisplatin-based chemotherapy as another patient who exhib- structure of all remaining chromosomes occurs in less than
its no change at all? Certainly, comorbid factors such as pre- 1:1,000 births (Carey, 2003). Occasionally, the entire set of
existing hearing loss, age, and renal function, among others, chromosomes is abnormally copied, known as polyploidy. An
are associated. But these cases also support an underlying example karyotype for a female with three paired sets of each
genetic influence. Ongoing research in animal models and chromosome (triploidy) would be 69, XXX. Although com-
humans is aimed at delineating the complicated relationship mon in some species, polyploidy is lethal in humans.
between genes and our environment, known as multifacto- It is rare that the loss or gain of an entire chromosome
rial inheritance. In multifactorial inheritance individuals results in a viable fetus. More often, duplications or deletions
have genetic susceptibility for certain diseases or disorders, of segments of the chromosome are observed. The term
but do not express the phenotype until they are exposed to a duplication indicates contiguous DNA has been erroneously
particular environmental trigger. A well-described example copied onto the same chromosome resulting in extra genetic
of this is a mitochondrial mutation involving an adenine (A) material. Similarly, a deletion indicates a region of the chro-
to guanine (G) single nucleotide transition at position 1555 mosome is missing, which often involves the loss of multiple
on the 12S ribosomal RNA gene (A1555G). Individuals with genes. In some cases a portion of a chromosome will break
this mutation have an increased risk for ototoxicity from and reverse its order within the same chromosome, known
aminoglycoside exposure. Studies in animal models, mainly as an inversion. Other times, a portion of one chromosome
mice, have identified several genes associated with increased will break and attach to another nonhomologous chromo-
susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss, including but some, which is known as a translocation. Errors in cell divi-
not limited to Ahl1, which is a gene that is also associated sion that occur after fertilization has taken place result in an
with age-related decline in hearing (e.g., Davis et al., 2001), individual with two or more cell lines that contain different
and several candidate genes in humans (GRHL2, KCNQ4, genetic information. This is known as mosaicism. In many
KCNE1, CAT, PCDH15, MYH14, HSP70) have shown prom- cases, the severity of the phenotype is correlated with the
ising evidence for a multifactorial interaction with noise number of abnormal cells present.
(Sliwinska-Kowalska and Pawelczyk, 2013).
$ISPNPTPNBM"COPSNBMJUJFT Genes associated with hearing loss have been localized to
Abnormalities that affect the number or structure of chro- every autosome and both sex chromosomes. The Human
mosomes result in a loss, gain, or altered location of segments Genome Organization (HUGO) Gene Nomenclature Com-
of genetic material. Consequently, multiple body systems mittee oversees the standardized naming process of genes
may be affected. These are rarely inherited conditions and in humans to ensure that nomenclature is unambiguous
most often stem from an error in meiosis or mitosis, pro- and uniform. Gene names are meant to convey the specific
cesses that take place during cell division. The incidence character or function of the gene. The standard gene sym-
of chromosomal abnormalities is approximately 1:150 live bol (typically, an abbreviated version of the gene name)
births, although they account for a significant number of for humans is italicized and written in capitalized letters
spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages (Carey, 2003). (e.g., GJB6 is the symbol for the gene “gap junction pro-
The normal number of 46, XX or 46, XY chromosomes tein, beta 6, 30 kDa”). The standard nomenclature for loci
in females and males, respectively, is known as euploidy. When associated with nonsyndromic hearing loss is DFN (for
there is an extra copy of a single chromosome (trisomy) or deafness) followed by a letter that denotes the mode of
when one copy is lost (monosomy), it is known as aneuploidy. inheritance: A (autosomal dominant), B (autosomal reces-
Generally, the gain of genetic material is tolerated more than sive), X (X-linked), or Y (Y-linked). The number that fol-
the loss of a chromosome, and monosomy of any of the autoso- lows identifies the order in which a locus designation was
mal chromosomes is lethal. The most common viable trisomy requested from the nomenclature committee and may reflect
syndrome is trisomy 21, which causes Down syndrome (e.g., when it was mapped or discovered. For example, DFNA1 is
47, XY +21 for a male with Down syndrome). This extra copy the first nonsyndromic autosomal dominant locus for hear-
of all or a part of the 21st chromosome accounts for nearly ing loss that was identified, where DFNX4 is the fourth locus
one-third of all infants born with a chromosomal abnormal- along the X chromosome associated with nonsyndromic
ity. Down syndrome is characterized by craniofacial anoma- hearing loss. Loci for modifier genes for hearing loss are
lies, varying degrees of intellectual disability, delayed growth, classified as DFNM (Riazuddin et al., 2000).
and hearing loss. An abnormality in one of the sex chromo-
somes occurs in approximately 1:300 live births, and the most ROLES OF GENES INVOLVED IN
common sex chromosome disorder in females is monosomy
45, X, which causes Turner syndrome (described later in this
chapter). Excluding trisomy 21 and disorders affecting the Identification of genes causing hearing loss has facilitated
sex chromosomes, the incidence of aberrations in number or understanding many different proteins and ribonucleic acids

TA B L E 2 5 .2

Examples of the Roles of Genes Involved in Hereditary Hearing Loss

3PMF Gene -PDVT Hereditary Hearing Loss
Gene regulation
Transcription factor EYA4 6q23 DFNA10
Fluid homeostasis
Gap junctions GJB2 13q11–q12 DFNB1, DFNA3A, KID (keratosis, ichthyosis, and deafness)
syndrome, Vohwinkel syndrome
Ion-channels KCNQ4 1q34 DFNA2A
KCNQ1 Jervell and Lange-Nielsen Syndrome
Transporters SLC26A4 7q31 DFNB4, Pendred syndrome, EVA (enlarged vestibular
Junctional complex and tight junctions
Tight barriers CLDN14 21q22.13 DFNB29
Structural integrity
Hair bundle organization MYO7A 11q13.5 DFNA11, DFNB2, Usher syndrome type 1B
Structural proteins TECTA 11q23.3 DFNA8/12, DFNB21
Synaptic transmission
Synaptic vesicle exocytosis OTOF 2p23.3 DFNB9

(RNAs) that are necessary for hearing and has also unveiled auditory and especially the vestibular phenotypes of many
signaling pathways and protein complexes in the inner ear. conditions remain incomplete. This is due, in part, to the
Hearing loss genes can be classified by their role in develop- fact that some conditions are rare and difficult to study.
ment and function of the ear. These roles include gene regula- However, it also reflects conclusions derived from limited,
tion, fluid homeostasis, mechanotransduction, and structure at times anecdotal clinical assessments, as well as the current
(Table 25.2). Regulatory genes primarily function to regulate limitations of our diagnostic measures to demonstrate the
or transcribe other genes and are important in the develop- complex nature of the auditory system.
ment and maturation of the ear. Genes encoding proteins Use of the term “deafness” by the nonaudiology medi-
critical for transportation of ions across membranes and cal community to describe hereditary hearing loss is vague
fluid homeostasis include those involved in gap junctions, and often misleading. Observations of self-reported hear-
ion-channels, and transporters. Genes contributing to the ing loss or dizziness and cursory screenings (e.g., watch tick
structural integrity of the inner ear include cytoskeletal pro- or finger-rubbing “tests”) are still found within the method
teins, such as the myosins that have an important role in orga- sections of some current papers. The concern raised is that
nization of stereocilia and tip-links, and structural proteins not only do these casual findings fail to adequately charac-
that form and organize the tectorial membrane. Additional terize auditory function, but they may misrepresent the true
genes encode proteins important for synaptic transmission course of a disease and delay efforts to advance therapy or
between sensory cells and their dendritic connections (Dror identify at-risk populations. There is clearly a role for audi-
and Avraham, 2010; Jones and Jones, 2013). ology among these clinical research teams.
A European working group has proposed recommenda-
tions for the content and description of audiologic data for
HEARING LOSS PHENOTYPE nonsyndromic hereditary hearing loss (Mazzoli et al., 2003).
Knowledge of auditory phenotypes observed in hereditary This includes specification of hearing loss degree, type, config-
hearing loss is a valuable component of the patient’s diag- uration, involved frequencies, laterality, symmetry, estimated
nostic assessment. Familiarity with the presentation and age of onset, progression, presence/absence of tinnitus, and
natural history of the hearing loss is essential for etiology- assessment of vestibular symptoms and/or function. Within
specific counseling, anticipating future hearing-related this framework, it is important that the audiologic assessment
needs, and establishing a baseline for any current or future include testing to specify the type of hearing loss as fully as
interventions. In some cases, the audiologic information possible, including (a) differentiation of sensory from neural
alone may help to guide genetic diagnosis. with tests, such as otoacoustic emissions (OAEs), the auditory
What we know or understand about the phenotype of brainstem response (ABR), and acoustic reflex measures, and
some hereditary hearing losses is well defined; however, the (b) description of middle ear function in addition to 226-Hz

tympanometry using tests such as wideband reflectance and DFNA2 (GENES: KCNQ4 AND GJB3;
multifrequency tympanometry when there is a conductive CYTOGENETIC LOCUS: Iq34)
component or other evidence of middle ear dysfunction. It
is imperative for the audiologist to conduct a comprehensive, There are two genes, KCNQ4 and GJB3, at the DFNA2
consistent, and informative test battery. locus, which are labeled as DFNA2A and DFNA2B, respec-
tively. Both encode proteins that form channels important
for fluid homeostasis. Mutations in KCNQ4 are one of the
NONSYNDROMIC HEARING LOSS more common causes of autosomal dominant nonsyn-
dromic hearing loss.
"VUPTPNBM%PNJOBOU/POTZOESPNJD Hearing loss at the DFNA2A locus is typically progres-
Hearing Loss sive with postlingual onset in the high frequencies during the
Nonsyndromic hearing loss inherited as a dominant (DFNA) first or second decade of life, which may progress to the mid
trait and mapping to one of the 22 autosomal chromosomes and low frequencies with a sloping configuration. There is
(Figure 25.2) is genetically heterogeneous with at least 64 phenotypic variability between affected families; some
loci and more than 25 known genes (Van Camp and Smith, have hearing loss confined to the high-frequency regions,
2013). All autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing losses and others have hearing loss spanning the frequency range.
are sensory/neural, with the exception of DFNA23. This gene Word recognition ability is typically proportionate to the
was reported for a single family, half of whom had a con- degree of hearing loss. Many experience tinnitus. Although
ductive component to their hearing loss, although there was vestibular function is generally normal, there has been at
insufficient data to rule out active middle ear disease at the least one report of vestibular hyperactivity on rotary chair
time of the audiometric evaluation (Smith, 2013). testing. Hearing loss associated with DFNA2B has a later
The severity of autosomal dominant nonsyndromic onset, around the fourth or fifth decade of life, and mani-
hearing loss is variable, ranging from mild to profound, and fests as a progressive, sloping high-frequency sensory/neural
in general, it is less severe than that of autosomal recessive hearing loss (De Leenheer et al., 2002; Smith, 2013).
nonsyndromic hearing loss. The hearing loss most com-
monly begins in the high frequencies and progresses to DFNA6/14/38 (GENE: WFS1; CYTOGENETIC
include the mid and eventually the low frequencies. How-
ever, there are a variety of configurations which include
hearing loss that begins in the low frequencies (e.g., DFNA1 DFNA6, DFNA14, and DFNA38 are considered mutations
and DFNA6/14/23) or mid frequencies with a “cookie-bite” in the same gene, WFS1. This gene encodes the protein
configuration (e.g., DFNA10). In some cases, the hearing wolframin, which is expressed in many cells in the body
loss can be limited to the high frequencies (e.g., DFNA2). including hair cells and other inner ear structures. Its exact
Onset of the hearing loss is typically postlingual and function in the ear is unknown, but it is thought to have a
progressive, beginning in the first or second decade of life; role in ion homeostasis within the cochlea.
however, there are several loci associated with congenital or The hearing phenotype associated with mutations in
prelingual onset, stable, or slowly progressive hearing loss WFS1 at the DFNA6/14/38 locus is one of very few heredi-
(e.g., DFNA6/14/38). A number of loci are associated with tary hearing losses with a low-frequency configuration
progressive hearing loss that begins during the third decade that progresses slowly. Age of onset is in the first and sec-
of life or later (e.g., DFNA9). Fluctuating hearing loss has ond decades of life. The hearing loss is typically symmetri-
been observed with four loci (e.g., DFNA9). Hearing loss cal and initially involves 250 and 500 Hz before 10 years of
in persons with DFNA16 has a sudden onset and fluctua- age, making it unlikely that it will be identified on newborn
tions that respond to treatment with steroids (Fukushima or early school hearing screenings. It gradually progresses
et al., 1999). to include 1,000 to 2,000 Hz in a low-to-high–frequency
Vestibular manifestations, ranging from subjective progression with puretone thresholds, on average, exceed-
reports to positive findings on tests of vestibular function, ing 50 dB HL by age 50 years. In the fifth and sixth decades,
have been reported for more than 10 autosomal dominant the audiometric configuration flattens as a concomitant
nonsyndromic loci, although this area of the phenotype in high-frequency hearing loss develops, sometimes with
most cases has not been thoroughly explored. preservation of mid-frequency hearing. Other audiologic
Because of the delayed onset, most people with autoso- characteristics include preserved word recognition ability
mal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss will not be iden- and absent distortion product OAEs (DPOAEs) commen-
tified by newborn hearing screenings, and in many cases not surate with puretone thresholds. There is frequently non-
even by early school screenings for hearing loss. In some bothersome tinnitus. Although there are no reports of
cases it is difficult to differentiate a late onset autosomal subjective vestibular complaints, several cases of vestibular
dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss from one caused by hyperactivity are reported in one cohort (Lesperance et al.,
environmental factors and aging (e.g., DFNA2B). 2003; Smith, 2013).

Homozygous mutations in WFS1 can result in Wolfram tor expressed in the embryonic cochlea that may be involved
syndrome, an autosomal recessive disease with a constella- in inner ear development; its continued role in the cochlea
tion of clinical manifestations including diabetes insipidus, later in life is unknown (Makishima et al., 2007).
diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, hearing loss, and neuro- Postlingual sensory/neural hearing loss starts during
logic symptoms. Over half of those with Wolfram syndrome the second to fourth decade of life, often with an initial
experience sensory/neural hearing loss that is typically cookie-bite configuration or with involvement of the middle
greater in the high frequencies but with a wide range of and high frequencies. There is progression to moderate-to-
severity and configurations. Onset of hearing loss is most severe levels across the entire frequency range, with variable
often postlingual and in the first decade of life, but cases of expressivity within affected families as the hearing loss pro-
congenital and prelingual hearing loss have been reported. gresses. Word recognition scores and acoustic reflex thresh-
Vestibular dysfunction in Wolfram syndrome is possible, olds are typically commensurate with the degree of pure-
but not common (Karzon and Hullar, 2013). tone hearing loss. Vestibular symptoms have been reported
for six individuals. Unilateral vestibular hyporeactivity was
DFNA9 (GENE: COCH; CYTOGENETIC documented in three of these cases on caloric testing, and
benign positional vertigo was observed for one case with a
LOCUS: 14q12) positive Dix Hallpike test (Makishima et al., 2007).
The hearing loss gene at the DFNA9 locus is COCH, which
encodes the protein cochlin. COCH is expressed in the "VUPTPNBM3FDFTTJWF/POTZOESPNJD
cochlea and the vestibular labyrinth. Its exact role in the
ear is unknown, but it is thought to contribute to structural
Hearing Loss
integrity of the cochlea and susceptibility to inner ear infec- Autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hearing loss (DFNB) is
tion (Hildebrand et al., 2009; Smith, 2013). associated with at least 100 known loci and over 40 known
The phenotype associated with mutations in COCH genes (Van Camp and Smith, 2013; Figure 25.2). The audio-
includes both auditory and vestibular dysfunction, and some logic phenotype of most autosomal recessive nonsyndromic
individuals may have symptoms suggestive of Meniere dis- hearing losses is congenital or prelingual, severe to pro-
ease, including hearing loss fluctuations and asymmetry with found, stable, and sensory/neural. However, several loci are
accompanying episodes of vertigo or imbalance (Smith, 2013). associated with a delayed onset, and although the puretone
Age of hearing loss onset ranges from the second or third configuration typically involves all frequencies, a sloping,
decade for some, to as late as the fifth decade for others, depend- progressive high-frequency configuration has been reported
ing on the specific mutation. The hearing impairment typically as well (e.g., DFNB8/10). There may be inter- and intrafa-
begins as a moderate-to-severe high-frequency (3,000 Hz and milial variability in the audiologic phenotype (e.g., DFNB1).
above) hearing loss with progression to a severe-to-profound Vestibular dysfunction has been reported for approximately
degree across the entire test frequency range (Hildebrand et al., 10 loci (e.g., DFNB8/10) and auditory neuropathy has been
2009). Word recognition may be disproportionately reduced observed for 2 loci (DFNB9 and DFNB14). Some autosomal
relative to puretone thresholds (Bischoff et al., 2005). recessive hearing loss loci are also associated with autosomal
Vestibular symptoms occur in most persons with dominant hearing loss (e.g., DFNB1 and DFNA6), and some
DFNA9 and include imbalance, especially in the dark, and are associated with syndromic forms of hearing loss (e.g.,
episodic vertiginous attacks ranging from paroxysmal to DFNB12 and Usher syndrome type 1).
several hours in duration without aural fullness. Results Because most autosomal recessive nonsyndromic hear-
of velocity step testing indicate that vestibular dysfunction ing loss is congenital, it will most often be detected by new-
starts at a younger age and progresses more rapidly than born hearing screenings.
hearing loss; in some cases vestibular areflexia (absence of
vestibular function) may be an early finding. Endolym- DFNB1 A (GENE: GJB2, CYTOGENETIC
phatic hydrops has been observed on histopathology. Sev-
eral people with DFNA9-associated auditory dysfunction
have been diagnosed with atypical Meniere disease (Smith, The first locus described for nonsyndromic hearing loss,
2013), one with autoimmune inner ear disease, and another DFNB1, contains the gene GJB2, which encodes gap junction
with superior semicircular canal dehiscence (Bischoff et al., beta-2 (also referred to as connexin 26 or CX26), a member of
2005; Hildebrand et al., 2009). the connexin family of proteins. Connexin proteins assemble
to form docking stations between adjacent cells known as gap
DFNA10 (GENE: EYA4; CYTOGENETIC junctions that allow intercellular flow of small molecules.
GJB2 has particular clinical significance because of the
LOCUS: 6q23) high proportion of hearing loss caused by related muta-
Mutations in the EYA4 gene cause hearing loss at the DFNA10 tions at the DFNB1 locus in many different populations.
locus on chromosome 6q23. EYA4 is a transcription regula- Biallelic (referring to both paired alleles) mutations in

GJB2 account for the majority of moderate-to-profound to play an important role in synaptic function. The ini-
nonsyndromic recessive hearing loss in some populations. tial phenotypic description of DFNB9 reported prelin-
There are over 200 known disease-causing mutations in gual, severe-to-profound sensory/neural hearing loss and
GJB2, some of which are very common. These mutations absent ABRs in children in a Lebanese family (Chaïb et al.,
include 35delG in the United States and Europe, 167delT in 1996). Subsequently, mutations in OTOF were shown to be
Ashkenazi Jewish populations (Morell et al., 1998), and the major cause of nonsyndromic recessive auditory neu-
235delC in Japanese Asians (Smith, 2013). Genetic testing ropathy (Varga et al., 2003). In these latter cases, puretone
for GJB2 mutations in newly identified prelingual deafness hearing loss ranged from mild to profound in degree with
is a first-line standard of care. intact OAEs and abnormal ABRs. Notably, the OAEs were
The DFNB1 hearing loss phenotype associated with present in young children, but often disappeared with age.
GJB2 mutations is highly variable, even within a family, and It is possible that all persons with OTOF mutations have
ranges from mild to profound in degree, with a congenital auditory neuropathy, but tests of cochlear function (e.g.,
onset in approximately 95%. The hearing loss is sensory/ OAEs) were not conducted on the early cohorts or at young
neural, typically symmetric with a flat or sloping configu- enough ages.
ration, and there are no known vestibular manifestations. Another nonsyndromic recessive locus (DFNB59,
There is evidence for a genotype–phenotype correlation. PJVK, 2q31.2) is associated with auditory neuropathy in
For example, biallelic nonsense mutations (premature stop some kindreds but not in others. The corresponding hear-
codon) are associated with more severe and earlier onset ing loss can be prelingual, stable, and severe to profound, or
hearing loss than nontruncating mutations (Snoeckx et al., it can be progressive (Mujtaba et al., 2012).
2005). Another molecular variation is associated with a
milder phenotype characterized by high-frequency hearing DFNB12 (GENE: CDH23; CYTOGENETIC
loss with delayed onset (Griffith et al., 2000).
LOCATION: 10q22.1)
DFNB 8/10 (GENE: TMPRSS3; CYTOGENETIC The DFNB12 locus is associated with mutations in CDH23,
which codes for an adhesion protein involved in stereo-
LOCATION: 21q22.3) ciliary bundle cohesion and tip-link formation. Missense
The causal gene at DFNB8/10, TMPRSS3 codes for the mutations in CDH23 result in DFNB12-related hearing loss,
protein transmembrane protease serine 3. The function of and more severe nonsense mutations result in Usher syn-
TMPRSS3 in the inner ear is poorly understood, but it likely drome (type ID) (Friedman et al., 2011), which is reviewed
contributes to normal development and maintenance. The later in this chapter. Nonsyndromic hearing loss at the
DFNB8/10 locus is of interest because of the wide variety DFNB12 locus is most often congenital or prelingual, but
of phenotypic expressions and a genotype–phenotype cor- postlingual onset in the first decade has also been reported.
relation. Initial reports were from large, consanguineous The hearing loss can be progressive with the final severity
Pakistani kindred segregating severe-to-profound hearing ranging from moderate to profound. Vestibular function is
loss. In this context, segregation refers to the separation of normal (Astuto et al., 2002). The homolog of CDH23 in the
phenotypic elements within a population. DFNB8 hear- mouse, Cdh23ahl, is also associated with heritable forms of
ing loss was postlingual with onset during childhood and presbycusis.
DFNB10 hearing loss was prelingual. These two loci were
later found to be on the same gene. Subsequently, eight X-Linked Nonsyndromic Hearing
Dutch families with postlingual onset of progressive, bilateral
sensory/neural hearing loss were described. The hearing loss
Loss (DFNX)
began as a precipitously sloping high-frequency loss, with Five loci are assigned for X-linked hereditary hearing loss
ensuing progression to the mid and then the low frequencies. (Figure 25.2). There is no unifying pattern of presentation,
Those with homozygosity for the more severe mutations of with the exception that the auditory phenotype is more
TMPRSS3 were more likely to have severe-to-profound hear- severe in males than in females. The most common and dis-
ing loss, and those with two different mutations of the same tinct X-linked hearing loss locus is DFNX2, which encodes
gene (compound heterozygote), including one allele with a POU3F4 (Xq21.1). In males, the hearing loss is congenital and
less severe mutation, were more likely to have later onset and mixed with a conductive component of 30 to 40 dB in the low
sharply sloping hearing loss (Weegerink et al., 2011). and mid frequencies and narrowing of the air–bone gap in
the high frequencies. The acoustic reflex is frequently present
DFNB9 (GENE: OTOF, CYTOGENETIC in early stages of the hearing loss, despite air–bone gaps. Over
time, there is progression of the sensory component to severe
LOCATION: Q.3) or profound levels. Two anatomic features, dilation of the lat-
The DFNB9 locus is associated with mutations in OTOF eral aspect of the internal auditory canal and enlargement of
that encodes for the protein otoferlin, which is believed the vestibule, may contribute to the conductive aspect of the

hearing loss. Attempted stapedectomy has resulted in peri- loss, the phenotype included absent or grossly abnormal
lymphatic gushers and subsequent further loss of hearing ABRs in the presence of intact DPOAEs, typical of auditory
and vestibular function. This makes it important to consider neuropathy. As the puretone hearing loss progressed, there
the possibility of DFNX2 in males with congenital mixed was a loss of DPOAEs, indicating a partial sensory site of
hearing loss prior to stapedectomy. Female heterozygotes lesion, and a loss of the ABR, if it was present to begin with.
have a similar but milder audiologic phenotype (Cremers Some affected family members benefited from cochlear
et al., 2002; Smith, 2013). implantation (Kim et al., 2004).

Y-Linked Nonsyndromic Hearing /POTZOESPNJD.JUPDIPOESJBM

Loss (DFNY) Hearing Loss (MTRNR1)
A single locus assigned for Y-linked hearing loss, DFNY1, Nonsyndromic sensory/neural hearing loss caused by muta-
is based on patrilineal inheritance of bilateral, symmet- tions in mitochondrial genes shows a pattern of matrilin-
rical sensory/neural hearing loss in a nine-generation eal inheritance. There is considerable heterogeneity in both
Chinese family. The degree of hearing loss ranges from mild penetrance and phenotype of the hearing loss. The most
to severe, and audiometric configurations include sloping, common nonsyndromic hearing loss results from A1555G
flat, and U-shaped. Age of onset is postlingual and ranges mutation in the ribosomal RNA (MTRNR1). This mutation
from 5 to 27 years, with a mean of 11.5 years. ABR findings can cause nonsyndromic, congenital, severe-to-profound
are consistent with a peripheral origin of the hearing loss, sensory/neural hearing loss. Additionally, in some families
and caloric irrigations suggest normal vestibular function and individual patients with this same mutation, hearing
in at least a subset of affected individuals. High-resolution loss occurs only after aminoglycoside exposure (Fischel-
CT scans of the temporal bones show no apparent inner ear Ghodsian, 2003).
abnormalities (Wang et al., 2009). Recent evidence suggests
that DFNY1 may be associated with insertion of genetic
sequences from chromosome 1 into the Y chromosome
rather than mutation of a Y chromosomal gene as the puta- Otosclerosis is a common cause of progressive hearing loss
tive cause of hearing loss (Wang et al., 2013). with a prevalence of 0.2% to 1% among white adults. Most
audiologists are familiar with the clinical presentation of a
%FBǨOFTT.PEJǨJFS(FOFT DFM) mixed hearing loss with air–bone gaps that narrow in the
mid frequencies, normal tympanograms, and absent acous-
The DFNB26 locus was mapped to chromosome 4q31 in a tic reflexes. Age of clinical onset ranges from the second
large, consanguineous Pakistani family. Fifty-three percent to the sixth decade of life or later and penetrance averages
of the family members with homozygous genetic markers about 40% with considerable interfamilial variability. Cur-
linked to the DFNB26 region had prelingual, severe-to- rently eight loci for clinical otosclerosis (OTSC) have been
profound sensory/neural hearing loss and the other 47% identified and more will likely emerge. No causative genes
had normal hearing. This led to the discovery of the first have been sequenced to date. Each of the known OTSC loci
deafness modifier locus, DFNM1, mapped to a region on segregates as an autosomal dominant trait. Because of the
chromosome 1q24 (Figure 25.2). All unaffected family variable penetrance and large range in the age of clinical
members with homozygosity for DFNB26 had a dominant onset, it is likely that there are modifier genes or environ-
modifier, DFNM1, which suppressed the associated hearing mental factors that impact the expression of hearing loss
loss (Riazuddin et al., 2000). (Schrauwen et al., 2011).


Dominant (AUNA) Hundreds of syndromes include hearing and vestibular dis-
Currently, there is one known locus for autosomal dominant orders, and the list is growing. Often, issues of comorbidity
auditory neuropathy, AUNA1, that maps to chromosome and multisensory involvement can affect the diagnostic pro-
13q21–q24 (Figure 25.2); the causative gene is DIAPH3 cess and re/habilitation strategies. For example, visual rein-
(Schoen et al., 2010). This locus and gene were identified forcement audiometry with a visually impaired child will be
in a four-generation American family of European descent. difficult if not impossible. A child with craniofacial abnor-
Age at onset of the auditory symptoms ranged from 7 to malities may have structural anomalies of the outer ear that
45 years. The puretone hearing loss was symmetrical, worse limit amplification options. The presence of more than one
in the high frequencies, and typically progressed to a pro- disability has a multiplying effect in hindering communi-
found degree over a 10- to 20-year period. In the younger cation and learning that is greater than any single occur-
family members with moderate sensory/neural hearing ring disorder, which underscores the importance of early

TAB L E 2 5 .3

Online Resources for Hereditary Hearing Loss

Online Mendelian Inheritance Catalog of genetically based human diseases; McKusick-Nathans
in Man (OMIM) http://www. describes clinical phenotype, causative gene, Institute of Genetic and function of the causative gene when known; Medicine, Johns Hopkins
extensive lists of related references. Allows University School of
searches by clinical signs and symptoms, disorder Medicine
name, gene, chromosomes
Hereditary Hearing Loss Overview of genetics of hereditary hearing loss, Guy Van Camp, University
Homepage http:// designed for both clinicians and researchers. of Antwerp, and Richard Provides information about nonsyndromic Smith, University of Iowa
hearing loss, monogenic hearing loss, syndromic
hearing loss, and gene expression in the cochlea
Genetics Home Reference Consumer information including summaries of National Library of Medicine genetic conditions, genes, gene families, and
chromosomes, Help Me Understand Genetics
Handbook, and a glossary of genetics terminology
Gene Reviews http://www. Expert-authored, peer-reviewed disease descrip- University of Washington tions presented in a standardized format and National Center for
NBK1116/ focused on clinically relevant and medically Biotechnology (NCBT)
actionable information on the diagnosis, man-
agement, and genetic counseling of patients and
families with specific inherited conditions, and a
glossary of genetics terminology
GeneTests http://www. Resource for healthcare providers and researchers Bio-Reference Laboratories that includes a directory of laboratories offer- Inc
ing genetic testing and genetics clinics providing
services to patients and their families with known
or suspected inherited disorders

diagnosis and intervention for these children. Moreover, in "MQPSU4ZOESPNF

some cases the audiologist may be in the unique position to
identify possible syndromic forms of hearing loss and make Alport syndrome is characterized by progressive renal dis-
critical referrals for medical confirmation and multidisci- ease, ocular anomalies, and sensory/neural hearing loss. It
plinary management. occurs in approximately 1:50,000 live births, and 85% of cases
Syndromic hearing loss is classically categorized by its are inherited in an X-linked transmission pattern, because of
association with other affected systems of the body includ- mutations in the COL4A5 gene (Xq22). The remaining cases
ing the external ear, integumentary system (skin, hair, nails), have an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern resulting
eye, nervous system, skeletal system, renal system, and other from biallelic mutations in either COL4A3 (2q36–q37) or
abnormalities. Here, we present several syndromes that COL4A4 (2q35–q37). All three of these genes contribute to
represent the range of systems most often associated with the production of a protein known as type IV collagen. Type
hearing loss. Examples of Mendelian inheritance are pro- IV collagen is a critical component in the network of pro-
vided, as well mitochondrial inheritance and chromosomal teins that make up basement membrane structures, a thin
abnormality. The reader is referred to the resources outlined framework that supports and separates cells in many tissues
in Table 25.3 for more expansive and up-to-date informa- throughout the body. Type IV collagen appears to be espe-
tion on these and the many other syndromes associated cially critical for the basement membrane structures that are
with hearing loss. It is worth noting that although eponyms found in the cochlea, as well as the kidney and eye.
are routinely used in the naming of syndromes, the current The renal disease observed in Alport syndrome is char-
standard is for use of the nonpossessive form (e.g., Usher acterized by blood and high levels of protein in the urine
syndrome instead of Usher’s syndrome). (hematuria and proteinuria, respectively), and progressive

renal failure that can result in end-stage renal disease. Eye external auditory canal. A less frequent (<20%) manifesta-
anomalies include a bulging lens, typically in the anterior tion is preauricular tags. In addition to structural anomalies
direction (anterior lenticonus) that is so rarely observed of the outer ear, middle and inner ear anatomy may be com-
outside of Alport syndrome, it is considered, practically, promised (e.g., ossicular fixation, cochlear hypoplasia). The
a pathognomonic finding. Additional ocular manifesta- hearing loss can range from mild to profound and may be
tions, including cataract and retinal flecks, can also occur conductive, sensory/neural, or, most often, mixed. Notably,
(Kimberling et al., 2011). hearing loss onset is not always congenital and can range
The hearing loss associated with Alport syndrome is from birth to young adulthood and it may be stable or pro-
most often late onset, occurring in older children or ado- gressive. Vestibular involvement has neither been confirmed
lescents, but congenital hearing loss has also been reported. nor ruled out as an associated phenotype.
It is bilateral and sensory/neural in origin and may be more The expressivity of BOR is highly variable, both within
severe in the higher frequencies. Most males (80% to 90%) and between families, and the signs and symptoms may
and some females (28%) with X-linked transmission will differ significantly within the same individual between the
have hearing loss, as will most males and females with an right and left sides across affected systems. A comprehen-
autosomal recessive inheritance pattern. The hearing loss sive audiologic evaluation in all patients suspected of BOR
can vary in degree and may be progressive in the first or is necessary, in combination with otologic management. Re/
second decade of onset. habilitation strategies will vary depending on the type and
Individuals with Alport syndrome and functionally sig- degree of hearing loss, but some form of amplification and
nificant hearing loss can usually benefit from hearing aids. educational accommodation(s) is necessary for many chil-
Dysfunction is typically localized to the cochlea, although dren with BOR. These patients will likely present initially to
ABR disturbance has been reported. Vestibular function has an otologist and/or audiologist, and early identification of
not been comprehensively evaluated. BOR is important to expedite diagnosis and management of
the urologic and renal abnormalities and to establish appro-
#SBODIJPPUPSFOBM4ZOESPNF priate surveillance of affected individuals.
Branchio-oto Syndrome) CHARGE Syndrome
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome (BOR) is one of the more CHARGE syndrome is a multisystem congenital disorder
common syndromic conditions associated with hearing loss characterized by the co-occurrence of anomalies repre-
and inherited in an autosomal dominant transmission pat- sented in the mnemonic: Coloboma, Heart defects, Atresia
tern. Named for the triad of branchial arch remnants, ear of choanae, Retarded growth and development with or with-
and hearing abnormalities, and renal dysfunction, BOR is out central nervous system involvement, Genital hypoplasia,
estimated to occur in 1:40,000 live births. Approximately and Ear anomalies with or without hearing loss. It occurs
40% of cases are due to a mutation in EYA1 (8q13.3), but in 1:8,500 to 10,000 births and is inherited in an autoso-
BOR may result from mutations in SIX1 (14q23.1) and SIX5 mal dominant fashion, although the majority of individu-
(19q13.32) as well. Not all causative genes have been identi- als with CHARGE syndrome represent simplex cases (single
fied. All three of the known causative genes play important affected member of the family). Dominant mutations in
roles in embryologic development and regulate the activity CHD7 (8q12.2) result in CHARGE syndrome, but SEMA3E
of other genes. (7q21.11) is also associated. The CDH7 gene is believed to
The manifestation of branchial remnants results from play an important role in the organization and packaging of
disrupted development of the second branchial arch, which DNA into chromosomes.
contributes to the formation of tissues in the front and sides Clinical diagnosis of CHARGE syndrome is based on
of the neck. This leads to branchial cleft cysts and fistulas the presence of major and minor diagnostic features. Major
associated with BOR. The renal phenotype may include a clinical features are coloboma, atretic or stenotic choanae,
variety of kidney abnormalities that affect structure and func- cranial nerve involvement (I, VII, VIII, IX/X), and structural
tion and, in severe cases, end-stage renal disease may develop, anomalies of the auditory system. Minor diagnostic findings
requiring dialysis or kidney transplant. A variation of BOR include underdeveloped genitals, developmental delay, cleft
without renal dysfunction has also been described, known palate or lip, tracheoesophageal fistulas, growth deficiency,
as branchio-oto syndrome, and can be observed in the same and structural abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.
family as someone with BOR (Kochhar et al., 2007). Many of these features present as life-threatening condi-
Hearing loss is the most common phenotypic manifes- tions during the neonatal period (Edwards et al., 2002).
tation of BOR, estimated to occur in more than 70% and as Almost all individuals with CHARGE syndrome will
much as 93% of affected individuals (Kochhar et al., 2007). present with pinnae deformity, which is often asymmetrical,
Additional ear-related anomalies include preauricular pits, with or without hearing loss. Auricles can be short and wide,
pinna deformities (e.g., cupped auricle), and stenosis of the possibly protruding, with triangular concha and a missing

helical fold that gives a “snipped off” appearance. Lobes may congenital sensory/neural hearing loss, especially in cases
be absent or small. The external auditory canal is usually unaf- of unconfirmed etiology, and prior to surgical interven-
fected, but middle ear ossicles may be malformed. Temporal tion. Cochlear implantation is not contraindicated in these
bone abnormalities occur in most patients and have been sug- patients, necessarily, but special precautions during surgery
gested for inclusion as a major diagnostic finding. Mondini and activation may be necessary (Siem et al., 2008). There is
dysplasia and underdeveloped or absent semicircular canals limited anecdotal evidence in humans for a vestibular phe-
are common, and vestibular areflexia has been reported. notype in JLNS, but this is currently poorly described and
At least 80% of individuals with CHARGE syndrome requires further study to confirm.
have hearing loss. Mixed hearing loss is most common, and KCNE1 and KCNQ1 regulate the formation and func-
the sensory/neural component is believed to be congenital. tion of potassium channels that control the flow of potas-
The conductive contribution is likely because of either mal- sium ions across cell membranes, which is a critical com-
formation of the ossicles or high rates of chronic/recurrent ponent to normal function in both the heart and inner ear
middle ear disease secondary to craniofacial anomalies, or (Schwartz et al., 2006). Heterozygous carriers of mutations
both. The hearing loss may range from mild to profound, in either gene have normal hearing but may have the long
but in the majority of cases it will be sufficiently impaired QT phenotype (Romano–Ward syndrome). Because hear-
to affect speech and language development, and it may be ing loss is detected before the cardiovascular phenotype, the
progressive. audiologist may be in the position to identify and refer a
The multisensory involvement and developmental child with congenital bilateral hearing loss and a history of
delay associated with CHARGE syndrome make diagnosing possible cardiac events.
hearing loss and habilitation difficult and often necessitates
use of physiological and electrophysiological measures of .JUPDIPOESJBM&ODFQIBMPNZPQBUIZ
auditory function. These objective measures can reduce the PS.ZPDMPOJD&QJMFQTZ
age at which the loss is diagnostically confirmed and expe-
dite early intervention. Children with CHARGE syndrome
can benefit from air- or bone-conducted hearing aids, assis- Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy with ragged red fibers
tive listening devices, or cochlear implants, depending on (MERRF) results from mutations in mtDNA and is an
the type and severity of the hearing loss and their medi- exceptionally rare condition, although the exact prevalence
cal candidacy. Serial audiologic monitoring is warranted is unknown. The majority of cases are associated with muta-
throughout the lifetime. tions in MT-TK, which encodes for the production of trans-
fer RNAs that help to build functional proteins, produce
energy within cells, and process oxygen. The most common
Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS) is a rare (1.6 to The initial presenting symptom typically observed in
6:1,000,000) autosomal recessive disorder resulting from MERRF is an involuntary twitching in a muscle or group of
mutations in either the KCNE1 (21q22.12) or KCNQ1 muscles, called myoclonus. Epilepsy, ataxia, and muscle weak-
(11p15.5) genes. It is associated with congenital bilateral ness follow and may include additional central nervous sys-
profound sensory/neural hearing loss and a heart arrhyth- tem symptoms such as dysarthria, neuropathy, and dementia.
mia characterized by a long QT interval. When the electrical The onset of symptoms may range from childhood to adult-
activity of the heart is measured during an electrocardio- hood and, as such, young children with MERRF almost always
gram (EKG or ECG), the distance between two of the wave- reach early developmental milestones. As the phenotype pro-
forms is known as the QT interval. In JLNS, the QT interval gresses, clumps of mutated mitochondria collect in muscle
is prolonged, which increases the risk for fainting episodes tissue throughout the body, which can be stained and viewed
and, in some cases, sudden death. This aspect of the phe- through a microscope where they appear as red, ragged fibers.
notype is treatable with medication, which underscores the Because of heteroplasmy, a common condition in mitochon-
importance of early diagnosis. drial disorders in which there are varying percentages of
The auditory phenotype is uniform. These children mitochondria containing mutated DNA within a cell, there is
present with profound bilateral sensory/neural hearing variable expressivity in the MERRF phenotype.
loss and are audiologic candidates for cochlear implanta- Hearing loss associated with mitochondrial encepha-
tion. Because of the advent of newborn hearing screening, lopathy disorders may be cochlear or retrocochlear in ori-
most children with JLNS will be identified during the neo- gin, or both. Absent OAEs with additional retrocochlear
natal period, prior to recognition of cardiovascular symp- findings (prolonged interpeak latencies) on ABR measures
toms. Although the syndrome is extremely rare, because have been reported in patients with MERRF (Tsutsumi
of the potential for lethal cardiac events, which have been et al., 2001). Differentiating MERRF from other progressive
associated with anesthesia and auditory stimulation, car- mitochondrial encephalopathy disorders can be challeng-
diac work-up is recommended in any child with profound ing, and MERRF should be considered as a possible etiology

in any patient with myoclonic epilepsy and sensory/neural what is classically described, including asymmetries in hear-
hearing loss. ing and even unilateral presentations, milder degrees of loss,
air–bone gaps with normal tympanometry, and the risk for
sudden or stepwise progressive changes in hearing, all of
Pendred Syndrome (DFNB4) which can impact intervention and re/habilitation strate-
Pendred syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder most gies. Some children with Pendred syndrome will pass new-
often resulting from biallelic mutations in SLC26A4 (7q31). born hearing screenings, and most will be good candidates
SLC26A4 codes for production of the protein pendrin, for hearing aids or cochlear implantation.
which transports ions across cell membranes in the inner
ear, thyroid, and kidneys, as well as other organs in the body.
Pendred syndrome is one of the more common syndromic
forms of hearing loss, with estimates accounting between 5% Stickler syndrome is an autosomal dominant connective tis-
and 10% of all early-onset hereditary hearing loss. Pendred sue disorder that affects the eye, ear, development of facial
syndrome was originally defined as goiter and profound structures, and musculoskeletal system. It occurs in 1:7,500
congenital sensory/neural deafness, but it is now known to to 9,000 births and is a clinically and genetically heteroge-
include variable thyroid and auditory phenotypes. neous condition. Mutations in one of five causative collagen
The most penetrant feature of Pendred syndrome is genes have been identified to date. A mutation in COL2A1
enlargement of the vestibular aqueduct (EVA), although is found in 80% to 90% of cases. This gene contributes to
additional structural anomalies of the bony labyrinth can the production of type II collagen, which adds structure and
also occur (e.g., incomplete partition of the cochlea, also strength to connective tissues and is found in the inner ear.
known as a “Mondini” cochlea). The hearing loss is often COL11A1 mutations occur in 10% to 20% of Stickler syn-
congenital, but can develop during the prelingual and peri- drome cases, and mutations in the remaining three caus-
lingual periods. It is typically bilateral but may not be sym- ative genes are rare. All of the genes associated with Stickler
metrical and can be associated with fluctuating or progres- syndrome contribute to the normal production of different
sive changes in hearing, or both. When hearing loss occurs, types of collagen throughout the body.
progression may be stepwise and head trauma is often Stickler syndrome is associated with a flattened facial
reported as a precipitating event. Consequently, patients profile, which is more pronounced during childhood, because
are encouraged to avoid contact sports or barotrauma of midface hypoplasia involving the maxilla and nasal bridge.
(e.g., scuba diving). The configuration of the hearing loss is Other craniofacial findings can include underdeveloped jaw
gradually sloping or flat, but it may also present initially as and cleft palate. Early onset of osteoarthritis, hypermobile
a high-frequency loss or with sparing of the mid-frequency joints, and short stature are associated. Ocular anomalies are
test region (inverted U). The hearing loss is traditionally most commonly observed with mutations in COL2A1 and
described as sensory/neural; however, because EVA is pur- COL11A1 and include early-onset progressive myopia, reti-
ported to be associated with a third mobile window in the nal abnormalities, cataract, and risk for retinal detachment.
labyrinth, air–bone gaps in the presence of normal tympa- A nonocular phenotype is related to mutations in COL11A2.
nometry are often observed (King et al., 2009). In such cases, Hearing loss can be observed with all forms of Stick-
placement of pressure-equalization tubes to ameliorate sus- ler syndrome, regardless of the underlying genotype. When
pected conductive hearing loss is not beneficial. Vestibular the causative mutation is COL2A1 the hearing loss is usually
dysfunction of varying severity is reported in Pendred syn- mild, confined to the higher frequencies, and progression
drome, but has not been fully characterized to date. of the sensory/neural component appears to be no greater
Diagnosis of Pendred syndrome can be challenging and than that associated with typical age-related decline. Muta-
difficult to differentiate from nonsyndromic forms of EVA, tions in COL11A2 and COL11A1 are associated with a more
including DFNB4, which is radiologically indistinguish- severe degree of hearing loss, affecting a broader frequency
able from Pendred syndrome. The thyroid phenotype has range, and the loss may be progressive. Conductive hearing
a later onset in childhood or early adulthood and goiter is loss is common in children with Stickler syndrome in whom
incompletely penetrant and, thus, not a good diagnostic chronic/recurrent otitis media occurs frequently. Many
requirement. Moreover, goiter is common in the popula- patients with Stickler syndrome will present with hypermo-
tion, increasing the potential for possible phenocopies (when bile middle ear systems, which may be related to sequela of
an environmentally caused trait mimics an inherited one) chronic/recurrent otitis media or because of reduced amounts
of Pendred syndrome in patients with severe-to-profound of type II collagen in the tympanic membrane (Szymko-
early-onset hearing loss. Even within the same family, there Bennet et al., 2001). Vestibular dysfunction has not been
can be large variability in the expression of Pendred syn- reported. Serial audiologic monitoring is recommended for
drome (Madeo et al., 2006). patients with Stickler syndrome, with fitting of amplifica-
The audiologist should be aware of the variable audi- tion for functionally significant hearing loss, as necessary.
tory phenotype associated with Pendred syndrome beyond Educational accommodations for these children, who are

at risk for cosensory loss of vision and hearing, should be chromosome. It is the most common sex chromosome dis-
emphasized. order in females (1:2,500 live births), and the characteristic
phenotype includes short stature and premature ovarian fail-
5SFBDIFS$PMMJOT4ZOESPNF ure leading to infertility. The majority of fetuses with Turner
syndrome spontaneously abort in the first or second trimester
Treacher Collins syndrome is an autosomal dominant disor- because of developmental abnormalities in the cardiovascu-
der marked by underdeveloped bony structures and tissues lar and lymphatic systems. Fetuses that survive are phenotyp-
of the face and surrounding areas. It occurs in approximately ically female and have additional risks beyond heart disease
1:50,000 live births and the majority of individuals have and lymphedema that include urinary system dysfunction,
a single mutation in TCOF1 (5q32) encoding the protein vision loss, autoimmune conditions, and skeletal abnormali-
treacle, which appears to be vital for normal embryologic ties, among other issues related to health and development
development of the face. Causative mutations in POLR1 C (Bondy and Turner Syndrome Study Group, 2007).
(6q21.1) and POLR1D (13q12.2) have also been identified. Hearing loss is present in approximately 50% of females
Notably, over half of patients with Treacher Collins syn- with Turner syndrome, and it is characterized by transient,
drome represent a de novo mutation. recurrent middle ear pathology and progressive sensory/
Dominant clinical features of Treacher Collins syn- neural loss. Pinna deformities such as low set, posteriorly
drome include midface hypoplasia because of underdevel- rotated, cupped, and protruding ears and narrow external
oped zygomatic bones, a small chin and jaw (micrognathia), auditory canals are common. Heightened monitoring for
down-slanting eyes, coloboma of the lower eyelid, and and aggressive treatment of otitis media is recommended,
abnormalities in the structures of the external ear, including and whether because of active otitis media or sequelae from
microtia or severe malformation of the pinnae and atresia recurrent disease, middle ear dysfunction remains an issue
of the external auditory canal. In addition, the middle ear for many women with Turner syndrome throughout their
cavity and ossicular structures may be underdeveloped or lifetime.
missing, and cleft palate with or without cleft lip can also Sensory/neural hearing loss is present in approxi-
occur. Inner ear anatomy is typically unaffected. mately one-third of those with Turner syndrome and can
Approximately 50% of patients with Treacher Collins be greater in degree in the mid frequencies, especially for
syndrome have congenital conductive hearing loss. It is usu- those with complete monosomy 45, X karyotypes. Women
ally bilateral and can be severe in degree. Sensory/neural with Turner syndrome are at risk for progressive changes in
hearing loss is not often reported, but because of the sever- sensory hearing, particularly in the high frequencies, at an
ity and complexity of the external and middle ear anomalies, accelerated rate beyond typical age-related decline. Routine
those born with hearing loss are likely to have some degree audiologic monitoring is warranted throughout the lifetime
of permanent auditory dysfunction. Management often regardless of prior documentation of normal hearing. Many
involves a combination of surgeries that are medically nec- can benefit from hearing aids.
essary (e.g., cleft palate repair) and cosmetic (e.g., construc- About one half of patients with Turner syndrome have
tion of an artificial pinna, known as an aural episthesis). a total monosomy 45, X karyotype. Alternatively, mosa-
Surgical reconstruction cannot be carried out safely during icism is common (approximately one-third of cases), and
the first few years of life and outcomes rarely restore hear- the frequency and severity of sensory/neural hearing loss
ing to within normal limits. Consequently, many patients and auricular anomalies is greater in women with a larger
with Treacher Collins syndrome will be lifelong users of percentage of monosomy 45, X cells. Patients with deletions
some form of amplification. Traditional hearing aids may involving the short arm of the X chromosome have a greater
not be appropriate, depending on the degree to which the degree of conductive hearing loss than patients with dele-
ear anatomy is compromised. Bone conduction hearing tions affecting only the long arm (45, XdelXq) (King et al.,
aids, either removable or implantable, are essential for many 2007). Many girls with Turner syndrome are not diagnosed
of these children to develop normal speech and language until absence of menstruation in the early teenage years.
(Marsella et al., 2011). There are no cognitive delays associ- Because of the high rate of middle ear disease and hearing
ated with Treacher Collins syndrome; however, because of loss, the otologist or audiologist may be the entry point into
the dysmorphic facial features (i.e., structural defects) and the healthcare system and early identification may acceler-
poor speech articulation, persons with Treacher Collins syn- ate important medical intervention(s).
drome may be inaccurately stereotyped this way.
Usher Syndrome
Although many syndromes are associated with both vision
Syndrome) and hearing loss, the most common of these is Usher syn-
Monosomy 45, X, known as Turner syndrome is a chromo- drome, which occurs in 4 to 5:100,000 births in the United
somal disorder resulting from the loss of either an X or Y States. Usher syndrome is an autosomal recessive condition

TA B L E 2 5 .4

Classical Hearing, Vision, and Vestibular Phenotypes Reported in the

Three Subtypes of Usher Syndrome
Usher Syndrome Usher Syndrome Usher Syndrome
5ZQF* 5ZQF** 5ZQF***
Hearing Congenital profound Congenital moderate-to- Normal at birth; progressive bilateral
bilateral hearing loss severe bilateral hearing loss starting in childhood or teenage
loss years
Vision Onset of RP prior to age 10 Onset of RP in late childhood Onset of RP in the second to fourth
or teenage years decade, which may vary in severity
Vestibular Vestibular areflexia or Normal Varying degrees of dysfunction, from
function significant hypofunction normal to areflexia; may be
RP, retinitis pigmentosa.

that is clinically and genetically heterogeneous and char- patients with Usher syndrome type II will benefit from hear-
acterized by three distinct subtypes (Table 25.4) based on ing aids, as will those with Usher syndrome type III when the
hearing loss, a progressive loss of vision (retinitis pigmentosa hearing loss progresses. Any child with congenital severe-to-
(RP)), and varying degrees of vestibular dysfunction. RP profound hearing loss for whom the etiology of their loss has
manifests initially as difficulty seeing in the dark, followed by not been identified should be evaluated for possible Usher
a progressive degeneration in the peripheral field of vision syndrome, especially if the child is a late walker or has delays
and, in end-stage disease, a loss of visual acuity. The preva- in motor milestones. As is the case with any congenital or
lence of some types of Usher syndrome is higher among cer- prelingual significant hearing loss, early identification and
tain ethnic groups (e.g., Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, Acadian intervention is critical for language development. In the case
populations in Louisiana) (Friedman et al., 2011). of Usher syndrome, knowledge of the etiology and associ-
There are 15 known loci for Usher syndrome and 11 ated outcomes, which includes progressive loss of vision,
causative genes identified, to date (Figure 25.2). Many of has important prognostic and counseling implications for
these genes are associated with autosomal recessive forms managing teams and families, including which communica-
of nonsyndromic hearing loss and at least one mutant allele tion mode and habilitation strategies are most appropriate.
has a nonsyndromic dominant transmission (DFNA11). Comprehensive vestibular assessments are warranted for
The most common mutations reported occur in MYO7A any patient diagnosed with Usher syndrome. Computerized
(11q13.5) and CDH23 (10q22.1), both observed with Usher dynamic platform posturography can serve as an especially
syndrome type I, and USH2A (1q41) which is associated with useful tool, as the complex interaction of somatosensory,
Usher syndrome type II, and which is also related to a non- visual, and vestibular systems in the maintenance of balance
syndromic form of RP. The proteins encoded for by each of is of concern in these patients for whom one or two of these
these genes (usherin, cadherin 23, and myosin VIIA, respec- systems are compromised.
tively) are all present in the inner ear and retina and contrib-
ute to the development, organization, and maintenance of
the hair cells, and in particular the stereociliary bundle.
The manifestation of RP occurs in all three types of Waardenburg syndrome is a genetically heterogeneous,
Usher syndrome and its presentation is not specific enough rare (1:40,000 to 100,000) condition that causes pigmen-
as a clinical measure to reliably distinguish phenotypes. tary anomalies in the skin, hair, and eyes and is associated
Clinical evaluation of hearing and vestibular function is with sensory/neural hearing loss. There are four subtypes
most useful to differentiate the type of Usher syndrome, in of Waardenburg syndrome, distinguished by their clinical
the absence of and before obtaining genetic information. presentation and mode of inheritance. Types I and II are
All three subtypes are associated with hearing loss, but with the most common clinical subtypes and have similar phe-
variable onset, degree, and progression of the loss. notypes, but are differentiated by the presence or absence
Children with Usher syndrome type I and type II will of dystopia canthorum, which is observed in type I and not
not pass a newborn hearing screening based on our cur- in type II. This lateral displacement of the inner canthus of
rent understanding of the onset of the disease. Patients with the eyes gives the appearance of a wide nasal bridge. Type
Usher syndrome type I may identify with the deaf commu- III, also known as Klein–Waardenburg syndrome, has the
nity or benefit from cochlear implantation, or both. Most same presentation as type I with the addition of upper limb

abnormalities (e.g., hypoplasia of limb muscles; contracture infant’s hearing loss and initiate the referral process that
of elbows or fingers). Type IV, also known as Waardenburg– begins a multidisciplinary partnership between healthcare
Shah syndrome, is similar to type II but includes an intes- professionals and the family. In addition to requisite oto-
tinal disorder called Hirschsprung disease (Friedman et al., laryngology referrals, a genetic evaluation and counseling
2003). should be offered to families of all infants with newly iden-
Types I, II, and III exhibit an autosomal dominant tified hearing loss (AAP and JCIH, 2007). It is appropri-
mode of transmission, but type IV segregates as an auto- ate for any person with hearing loss of unknown etiology,
somal recessive disorder. Eight known Waardenburg syn- regardless of their age, to consider a genetic evaluation. The
drome loci and six genes have been identified to date. audiologist who suggests a genetic evaluation should have
Waardenburg syndrome types I and III result from muta- knowledge of the process and an understanding of the value
tions in PAX3 (2q35), which regulates the expression of sev- and limitations of genetic testing.
eral genes. Types II and IV are heterogeneous, with causative
mutations associated with genetic expression (e.g., MITF, #FOFǨJUTBOE-JNJUBUJPOTPǨ
3p14.1-p12.3) and genes involved with the development of
pigment-producing cells called melanocytes (e.g., SOX10,
Genetics Testing
22q13). Melanocytes produce melanin that helps promote Genetic testing is conducted for a variety of reasons, includ-
skin and eye color, but they are also important to the normal ing carrier screening to assist in reproductive decisions, pre-
development and function of the inner ear, notably in the natal screening to detect the presence of a genetic condi-
stria vascularis and vestibular dark cells. tion in an embryo or fetus, newborn screening for current
Waardenburg syndrome may account for approxi- disorders (e.g., biotinidase deficiency which, if left untreated,
mately 2% of congenital hereditary hearing loss. Much of may lead to hearing loss), presymtomatic predictive testing
the phenotype is associated with marked inter- and intrafa- for hearing loss and other conditions that occur later in life,
milial variable expression, including the hearing loss, which predispositional testing for genetic mutations that increase
can range from normal to profound in degree. It is usually the risk of developing a condition (e.g., the well-known
stable, but may be progressive, and can be unilateral or bilat- mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 associated with increased
eral. Hearing loss appears to be more common in type II risk for breast or ovarian cancer), and diagnostic testing to
than type I, although it is possible some individuals with determine the etiology of a disease (Arnos, 2003). In some
type II and less severe phenotypes may be diagnostically cases, a genetic diagnosis may result in avoidance of expen-
unrecognized because of the absence of dystopia cantho- sive and more invasive tests. Establishing an etiologic diag-
rum. When the hearing loss is not profound, the configura- nosis of congenital hearing loss provides answers to parents
tion can reveal a greater loss in the low frequencies, or an and may raise additional questions. Knowing the inheri-
inverted U, with sparing of mid-frequency hearing. tance pattern contributes to understanding recurrence risks.
Additional phenotypic features of Waardenburg syn- In some cases, hearing loss may be the first manifestation
drome involve pigmentary anomalies that can include of a syndrome for which critical medical intervention is
partial or complete iris heterochromia (differently colored necessary (e.g., JLNS) or that may have a significant impact
areas of the same eye, or each eye being a different color) on habilitation strategies (e.g., Usher syndrome). A genetic
or strikingly blue irises. Distinctive patterns in hair color, diagnosis may facilitate timely referrals to appropriate spe-
often involving a congenital or premature white forelock, cialists and management of associated conditions. Predic-
are common. Other facial features may include a wide, high tive information about hearing loss progression is useful
nasal root, broad confluent eyebrow, and a square jaw. in planning management and making amplification and
Depending on the severity of the auditory pheno- educational choices. In persons with an increased risk for
type, patients with Waardenburg syndrome may benefit age-related, noise-induced, or drug-induced hearing loss, a
from hearing aids or cochlear implantation. In addition to genetic diagnosis may lead to avoidance of environmental
cochlear dysfunction, dysplasia of the semicircular canals causes of hearing loss.
and saccular degeneration have been observed on tempo- Although genetic testing can be beneficial, there are
ral bone study, and patients may present with vestibular limitations. Some families may find the process and infor-
complaints and dysfunction with or without accompanying mation emotionally upsetting. Genetic testing will not lead
hearing loss. to a diagnosis in all cases; the etiology of congenital hear-
ing loss may remain unknown in as many as 30% to 40%
GENETIC EVALUATION AND (AAP and JCIH, 2007). Negative findings on genetic testing
do not mean that the hearing loss is not hereditary, but may
DIAGNOSIS occur when the causative gene or the specific mutation has
As the professional who oversees newborn hearing screen- not been previously identified. Ultimately, the decision to
ing programs and conducts confirmatory hearing tests, pursue genetic evaluation should be based on an informed
the audiologist is often the first to inform parents of their family decision.

%JBHOPTUJD&WBMVBUJPOPǨ)FSFEJUBSZ provides insight regarding the possibility of a syndromic

form of hearing loss. Careful inspection and interpretation
Hearing Loss of family member audiograms and hearing loss history,
A multidisciplinary team comprising audiologists, otolar- including age of onset, comorbid conditions, and environ-
yngologists, medical geneticists, geneticists, and genetic mental exposures, assists in assuring that the auditory phe-
counselors is necessary for the diagnosis and management notype is correctly identified.
of hereditary hearing loss and family support. Guidelines The medical evaluation begins with a thorough history
for genetic evaluation to determine the etiology of con- that reviews risk factors for hearing loss. These include in
genital hearing loss include comprehensive review of (1) the utero exposures such as maternal infections (cytomegalovi-
patient’s family history of hearing loss and other medical rus, herpes, syphilis, and toxoplasmosis) and maternal drug
conditions, (2) the patient’s medical history and risk fac- or alcohol use. Neonatal risk factors comprise extracor-
tors for hearing loss, and (3) examination of the patient for poreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), assisted ventila-
physical features of a syndrome and other concomitant con- tion, exposure to ototoxic medications, hyperbilirubinemia
ditions (Table 25.5) (ACMG, 2002). requiring exchange transfusion, neonatal intensive care stay
Construction of a pedigree based on at least three gen- lasting more than 5 days, or culture-positive postnatal infec-
erations, identification of other medical problems, physical tions such as meningitis which is associated with sensory/
characteristics, or known genetic conditions in the family neural hearing loss (AAP and JCIH, 2007). For older chil-
dren, a review of speech and language development, includ-
ing vocal play, gives insight as to the time of hearing loss
TA B L E 2 5 .5
onset. Vestibular function in young children and toddlers
Components of a Comprehensive Genetics can be indirectly assessed by factors such as age at indepen-
Evaluation for the Etiologic Diagnosis of dent walking, nystagmus, clumsiness, and torticollis. The
patient should be examined for ear pits, tags or cysts, defects
Congenital Hearing Loss
of the pinna, patency of the ear canals, and status of the
Family history tympanic membrane, as well as other craniofacial structural
Pedigree (three to four generations), attention to abnormalities.
consanguinity, paternity, and hearing status Additionally, the comprehensive physical examination
Ethnicity and country of origin looks for system-wide features known to be associated with
Inheritance pattern of the hearing loss a syndrome that includes hearing loss. Johnston et al. (2010)
Audiometric characteristics of deaf and hearing recommend a comprehensive ophthalmologic evaluation
impaired family members—age of onset, progres- on every child with a confirmed sensory/neural hearing loss
sion, degree, and type to evaluate visual acuity and rule out other ocular disor-
Evidence of vestibular dysfunction ders. Referrals to other medical specialists, including cardi-
Syndromic versus nonsyndromic features ologists, neurologists, and nephrologists, may be required
Visual anomalies based on clinical findings. Imaging studies (CT or MRI) of
Facial/cervical dysmorphology the temporal bone may be indicated for diagnostic purposes
Endocrine abnormalities (e.g., enlarged vestibular aqueduct) and for assessment of
Cardiac signs or symptoms surgical rehabilitative candidacy (e.g., cochlear patency).
Renal abnormalities It is also suggested that siblings of children identified
Integumentary changes with hearing loss be evaluated for hearing loss themselves
Patient history—review of risk factors and that this not wait until the etiology of the proband’s
Intrauterine infections (TORCH) hearing loss is identified, which may take time and which
Prenatal exposure to alcohol or drugs may never be fully confirmed.
Postnatal infections (meningitis, varicella, herpes)
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) (FOFUJDT1SPǨFTTJPOBMT
History of hypoxia
Exposure to ototoxic drugs Geneticists and genetic counselors are important mem-
Prolonged NICU stay bers of the multidisciplinary team involved in the diagno-
sis and management of someone with hereditary hearing
Physical examination
loss. Geneticists participate in evaluation, diagnosis, and
Otologic examination—Ear pits or cysts, pinna, ear
management of hereditary disorders. Genetic counselors
canals, tympanic membrane, temporal bone
are trained to (1) interpret family and medical histories
Craniofacial dysmorphisms
and assess occurrence and recurrence risk; (2) educate
Airway examination
patients and families regarding basic concepts of inheri-
Other dysmorphisms or syndromic manifestations
tance, available testing, and resources; and (3) provide

counseling to enable families to make informed deci- The ability to explore complex polygenic conditions,
sions (NSGC, 2013). Typically, the family interacts with unravel the interactions between single mutations and their
the genetic counselor to collect and review family medi- genetic background, and explain the dynamic relationship
cal histories and to ensure that the family understands the between genes and the environment is at a critical stage of
benefits and limitations of genetic testing. Additionally, advancement. Our understanding of all of this in relation
results of genetic testing and the implications of a genetic to hearing loss is emerging, and future therapies, targeted
diagnosis, or lack of a genetic finding, are explained and measures aimed at preventing disease, and routine genetic
discussed with the family. screening will all be impacted by this new frontier of genetic
research. This also means that any number of individuals
with hearing loss previously thought to be of unknown ori-
Genetic Testing gin will be identified as having a hereditary etiology.
In 2002, genetic triage paradigms recommended testing
for specific genes if a hearing loss syndrome was suspected. ONLINE RESOURCES
In the case of possible nonsyndromic hearing loss, testing
for cytomegalovirus and genetic testing for a GJB2 muta- Information about hereditary hearing loss continues to
tion served as the starting point (ACMG, 2002) for what expand at a rapid rate. In addition to the information pre-
amounted to a one-gene-at-a-time methodology. Recent sented in this chapter, it is important for the audiologist to
technologies now make the process of identifying causative access reliable and up-to-date information regarding hered-
mutations more efficient, less expensive, and more accu- itary hearing loss. Table 25.3 presents a list of useful websites
rate than ever before, allowing for the screening of thou- and a brief description of the website’s content.
sands of genetic loci at one time. Hearing loss panels for
simultaneously sequencing as many as 66 genes known to FOOD FOR THOUGHT
cause nonsyndromic hearing loss, and genes associated
with common hearing loss syndromes such as Usher and 1. How much does the audiologist need to know about
Pendred syndromes are currently available at a number of genetics? How has the answer to this question changed
facilities. in recent decades, and how might it continue to evolve in
the future?
2. Universal screenings at birth to identify mutations in
FUTURE DIRECTIONS genes that can affect development and health, includ-
The proportion of infants with congenital or prelingual ing hearing loss, are on the horizon. What are the ethical
heritable hearing loss is expected to increase because of the implications associated with this testing, and will these
successful development of vaccines for infectious causes of data reduce or complement the need for universal new-
hearing loss (AAP and JCIH, 2007). In combination with born hearing screenings?
new technologies such as whole exome sequencing, where 3. How is knowledge of the heritability of a patient’s hear-
all exons in the genome are examined, we will witness rapid ing loss incorporated in clinical practice currently, and
and thorough testing for known hereditary hearing loss how might this change in the coming years?
genes and the identification of new genes associated with
auditory function. REFERENCES
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attention in research laboratories. It is a method that uses diagnosis of congenital of hearing loss. Genetic evaluation of
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ing or stopping the function of a mutated gene or inserting a Med. 4, 162–171.
gene. Gene therapy is considered an experimental treatment American Academy of Pediatrics, Joint Committee on Infant
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C H A P T ER 2 6

Educational Audiology

Cheryl DeConde Johnson and Carrie Spangler

u Identification. Part C specifies the use of appropriate

INTRODUCTION screening techniques as part of identification; Part B does
Audiology services in schools have been clearly defined not.
in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) u Assessment. Part C includes the assessment of communi-
since the law was first implemented in 1975. IDEA 2004 (US cation functions as determined by the use of audiologic
Department of Education, 2006) contains the most signifi- procedures.
cant changes in policy since the inception of the law. This u Habilitation. Assistive listening device orientation is
chapter will address educational audiology services, focus- included as part of habilitation in Part C; it is not men-
ing on the roles and responsibilities as defined in IDEA tioned in the Part B audiology definition but is included
as well as models for service delivery, caseload guidelines, under the definition of assistive technology.
licensure considerations, participation in the Individual u Prevention. Part C provides for direct provision of ser-
Education Program (IEP) team, program development and vices, whereas Part B calls for creation and administra-
evaluation, and ethics and conduct considerations. tion of programs to prevent hearing loss. Direct services
include monitoring children at risk of developing late-
EDUCATIONAL AUDIOLOGY onset hearing loss.
u Counseling. Counseling services are absent in the Part C
INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES u Amplification. Part C includes selecting and fitting appro-
EDUCATION ACT priate devices.
Audiology is a related educational service under IDEA The following sections will discuss each of the areas within
along with other related services such as speech-language these audiology definitions.
pathology, psychology, and occupational therapy. IDEA is
organized into several parts. This chapter will discuss Part IDENTIFICATION
B, which pertains to children 3 to 21 years old, and Part C,
Identification of children with hearing loss suggests sev-
which pertains to infants and toddlers from birth to age
eral roles for audiologists. Identification does not explicitly
3 years. Although both sections address hearing loss, they
mean hearing screening, but screening could be a step in
have slightly different definitions (see Appendix 26.1).
the process toward identification of hearing loss. Resources
The definition differences directly impact an audiologist’s
and regulations in each state generally dictate the level of
responsibilities, and so are reviewed here:
involvement of the audiologist at this stage. States that have
u Agency Responsibility. Part B is under the education system mandated hearing screening of children in schools usually
in all states, whereas Part C responsibility depends on the have the associated regulations within health or education
specified lead agency within each state. Common agen- agencies that direct those services. Because these proce-
cies for Part C are education, health, or human services. dures apply to all children, basic screening is considered
Provision of services under Part C depends on several a population-based event that should be completed by
variables including income, the family’s insurance, Med- nurses, health aides, volunteers, or other individuals desig-
icaid and other state insurance programs, state agency nated by the responsible agency, rather than a special edu-
services such as those provided through a state school for cation service.
the deaf, and available services in the family’s community. Audiologists, however, do have a significant role in
However, under Part C, a family should never be denied hearing screening programs. They should work with the
services because of inability to pay; ultimately, the com- appropriate state or local agencies to establish screening
munity and state lead agency must provide funding for procedures, referral criteria, and follow-up activities as well
the necessary services. as provide training for those individuals who perform the


screening. Screening procedures should be consistent with and hearing instrument fittings, but also determine indi-
professional practice guidelines and should include mea- vidual educational implications. To fulfill this objective,
sures that target identification of hearing loss in specific audiologic assessment must address classroom listen-
populations of students. For example, acoustic immittance ing including classroom acoustics, functional listening,
may be part of a screening protocol for young children to and communication access. Other areas that should be
identify middle ear problems, whereas the addition of 6,000 considered are general developmental and educational
and/or 8,000 Hz to a puretone protocol for middle and high performance, listening skills, hearing loss adjustment,
school–age students might identify potential noise-induced and self-advocacy. For teens, assessment should include
hearing loss. Audiologists may also assist with establishing areas that teens need to know to function independently
databases to ensure that all students are screened and that with regard to their hearing loss and communication
follow-up is completed. needs and accommodations. Some of these areas can be
Children who are very young or unable to respond with addressed broadly through functional skill surveys such as
traditional puretone screening methods may require spe- the Functional Skills Screening for Children with Hearing
cial procedures as well as the expertise of an audiologist to Loss (Appendix 26.2). Assessment should always include
conduct the screening. Otoacoustic emissions as a screen- information directly from the child whether as a series of
ing procedure have enabled more widespread screening questions or through play using a counseling tool such as
of children who are young and difficult to assess by non- My World ( Table 26.1 summarizes
audiologists. With effective training and supervision, audi- these individual and environmental assessment areas and
ologists can manage these screening programs, leaving time recommended procedures.
for follow-up screening, audiologic assessment, and other
audiologic activities. The American Academy of Audiol-
ogy (2011b) provides specific guidance, based on evidence-
based practices, for audiologists involved with developing Audiologic assessment of hearing includes standard mea-
and managing hearing screening programs. Appropriate sures as well as additional ones that yield a comprehensive
roles for audiologists in school screening may include the profile of a child’s auditory abilities. Assessment should
following: include speech recognition tests that address the variety
of listening situations encountered in the communica-
u Facilitate multiagency and community collaboration
tion and learning situations such as the ability to under-
for hearing identification and referral including pro-
stand soft speech and speech in noise. Audiologists should
grams for early hearing detection and intervention
also include measures that provide detailed information
regarding speech perception including ones that analyze
u Coordinate efforts with nurses, local deaf/hard of hear-
suprasegmental (e.g., duration, loudness, pitch) and pho-
ing services teams, and relevant community resources to
netic features of speech, phonemes, words, sentences, and
implement hearing identification, assessment, and referral
discourse. The added information gained from knowing
procedures that are consistent with professional practice
the auditory perception capabilities of these components
assists speech-language pathologists and deaf education
u Manage required preschool, school-age, and Child Find
teachers in speech and auditory development, planning,
screenings following state and local policies and proce-
and intervention. Otoacoustic emissions are available in
dures. Depending on state guidelines, screening may be
most educational audiology settings and should be used
conducted by trained paraprofessionals or volunteers
when additional information is needed about the integrity
under the supervision of the school nurse or educational
of a child’s auditory system or used with children who are
low functioning or difficult to assess. Assessment should
u Provide technical support to the screening team includ-
also include testing with the child’s personal hearing
ing training; perform screenings for difficult to assess
instruments to assure that they are providing the intended
benefit. Educational audiologists and private audiolo-
u Conduct follow-up activities to ensure that those referred
gists should work collaboratively to ensure that the com-
have received the prescribed service.
prehensive assessment covers all areas and duplication is
Audiologic assessment that is focused on communication
access in the school environment extends the traditional Assessment of communication access provides infor-
clinical evaluation. The goal in the educational setting mation on how children are communicating in their
is to not only define the parameters of the hearing loss, classroom and school environments with teachers and
including the necessary referrals for diagnosis, treatment, peers (normal hearing and deaf or hard of hearing).

TA B L E 2 6 .1

Educational Audiology Assessment for Children with Hearing Loss

1. Hearing 1. Classroom acoustics
u Case history u Noise measurements
u Otoscopic u Reverberation measurements
u Air and bone conduction u Critical distance
u Speech reception (unaided/aided) 2. Classroom communication
u Acoustic immittance u Classroom observation/teacher
u OAEs (as appropriate) interview
u MCL/UCL (unaided/aided) 3. Instruction
u Word recognition at soft and average hearing levels and in noise u Classroom observation/teacher
(unaided/aided) interview
u Aided verification procedures for hearing assistance technology 4. Administrative support
(probe microphone) u Teacher/administrator interview
u Aided validation procedures for hearing assistance technology
2. Communication access
u Ida Institute “My World” and “Living Well” tools
u Classroom Participation Questionnaire (Antia et al., 2007)
3. Classroom listening
u Functional listening measures (e.g., Functional Listening Evaluation
(FLE); Johnson, 2013a)
u Listening Inventory for Education—R (LIFE-R) (Anderson et al., 2011)
4. Hearing loss adjustment
u Self-Assessment of Communication—Adolescents (Elkayam and
English, 2011a)
u Significant Other Assessment of Communication—Adolescents
(Elkayam and English, 2011b)
5. Self-advocacy
u Self-Advocacy Competency Checklist (Guide to Access Planning,
6. General development
u Functional Skills Screening for Children with Hearing Loss
(Johnson, 2013b)
OAEs, otoacoustic emissions; MCL, most comfortable loudness; UCL, uncomfortable loudness.

A self-assessment protocol such as the Classroom Partici- $MBTTSPPN-JTUFOJOH"TTFTTNFOU

pation Questionnaire (Antia et al., 2007) is useful in iden-
tifying preferred communication patterns and determining Assessment of classroom listening skills is an essential com-
how well the child is able to understand and be understood ponent in the evaluation of children with hearing loss. Func-
by peers and teachers. The protocol also includes informa- tional assessments such as the Functional Listening Evalua-
tion about the children’s feelings (positive and negative) tion (FLE) (Johnson, 2013b); observation tools such as the
regarding their ability to communicate. The audiologist Early Listening Function (ELF) (Anderson, 2002), the Chil-
should use this information to make adjustments to hear- dren’s Home Inventory for Listening Difficulties (CHILD)
ing assistance technology (HAT) and to serve as a basis for (Anderson, 2000), the Listening Inventory for Education
counseling to help students understand and identify strate- Revised (LIFE-R) (Anderson et al., 2011), the Children’s
gies they might employ to improve or remediate challeng- Auditory Performance Scale (CHAPS) (Smoski et al., 1998),
ing communication situations. The information may also and the Functional Auditory Performance Indicators (FAPI)
be informative regarding the appropriateness of placement (Stredler-Brown and Johnson, 2004); as well as self-assess-
decisions, particularly components under “special consid- ments such as the student component of the LIFE-R pro-
eration” [34 CFR 300.324(2)(iv)] in the development of the vide critical information about the development of listening
IEP in IDEA. and communication skills. These findings support needed

accommodations, document benefits of those accommoda- lent as typical children (Bauman and Pero, 2011) and there
tions, and identify areas of needed skill development for the IEP. is evidence that deaf and hard of hearing children may be the
most likely victims among the disability groups (Whitney
et al., 1994). Professional associations in health care and
)FBSJOH-PTT"EKVTUNFOUBOE safety are firm advocates for change whenever evidence sug-
4FMǨBEWPDBDZ gests that the well-being of children is imminently at risk
Classroom performance is often affected by one’s level of ( The statistics and prevalence of
self-esteem, confidence, and friendships. Including mea- students with hearing loss being a target are strong evidences
sures in the assessment process, such as English’s (2002) that audiologists need to be firm advocates for the well-being
Children’s Peer Relationship (CPR) Scale (Note: The CPR is of children with hearing loss who are imminently at risk.
a set of discussion points, not a test) and the Self-Assessment Materials to guide audiologists with this issue are avail-
of Communication—Adolescents (SAC-A) and Signifi- able on a website hosted by the American Academy of Audi-
cant Other Assessment of Communication—Adolescents ology ( A Bullying Decision Tree for
(SOAC-A) by Elkayam and English (2011a, 2011b), identi- Audiologists is a resource that can help audiologists begin
fies levels of self-identification and adjustment to hearing the process of incorporating screening techniques into their
loss and issues associated with lack of adjustment. audiology practice (Squires et al., 2013). The main focus
The audiologist should also determine how well a stu- of the website materials is to help audiologists identify the
dent is able to self-advocate for his or her communication warning signs of bullying, investigate community and school
needs. The Self-Advocacy Competency Checklist (www. resources, and provide ongoing support. Other tools include defines self-advocacy development based on Bullying Screening Dialogue: Student Probes and Bullying
what students should know at each level of school (e.g., ele- Screening Dialogue: Parent Probes. These tools have been
mentary, middle, high school) (Appendix 26.3). adapted from the “Roles for Pediatricians in Bullying Preven-
tion and Intervention” (
files/roles-for-pediatricians-tipsheet.pdf). The dialogue
BULLYING AND HEARING LOSS questions can help audiologists prepare themselves for this
Bullying is a growing topic that audiologists should address conversation, start the conversation, respond appropriately if
as part of self-concept and hearing loss adjustment (Squires there is a problem, and give proactive help if the child/fam-
et al., 2013). Bullying, particularly among school-age chil- ily does not see a problem at the present time. The tools are
dren, is a major public health problem both domestically intended to be used at frequent intervals to promote preven-
and internationally. Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention tative practices in all stages of childhood and family life.
Center (2012) has reported studies indicating that children If a student is a victim of bullying, audiologists can help
with disabilities are two to three times more likely to be bul- direct families to the educational and community resources
lied than their nondisabled peers. that are available. Hands & Voices (wwwhandsandvoices.
Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior org) and Pacer’s National Bullying Prevention Center (www.
among school-age children that involve a real or perceived websites offer suggestions on how to address bul-
power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the lying specifically for children who have disabilities. Students
potential to be repeated, over time. There are three types with disabilities who are eligible for special education under
of bullying: (1) Verbal bullying (saying or writing mean the IDEA will have an Individualized Education Program
things); (2) social bullying (sometimes referred to as rela- (IEP). “The IEP can be a helpful tool in a bullying prevention
tional bullying and involves hurting someone’s reputation plan. Remember, every child receiving special education is
or relationships); and (3) physical bullying (hurting a per- entitled to a free, appropriate public education (FAPE), and
son’s body or possessions) ( bullying can become an obstacle to that education” (www.
As practitioners, healthcare professionals should be vigi-
lant for possible signs of victimization or bullying behavior Instruments such as those mentioned in this section
among children and youth, particularly among high-risk youth often provide counseling opportunities. The audiologist
such as children with disabilities or children who display char- must be prepared in advance to address issues that are iden-
acteristics of bully-victims. Healthcare professionals should ask tified by the student during the assessment or interview
children about their experiences with bullying and discuss pos- process. Sufficient time should be scheduled during the
sible concerns with parents. They should be prepared to make assessment period or shortly thereafter to give students the
referrals to appropriate mental health professionals within the opportunity to at least briefly talk about their problems and
school or community (Fleming and Towey, 2002). for the audiologist to begin to skillfully guide them through
Identifying possible signs of bullying in children with a problem-solving process. Anytime a student divulges sensi-
hearing loss is an important counseling aspect of the role of tive information, it deserves at least acknowledgment and a
the audiologist. Although the exact prevalence of bullying in response, even if brief. Time for more in-depth counseling
children with hearing loss is unclear, it is at least as preva- can be scheduled once the “door has opened” (English, 2002).

$MBTTSPPN"DPVTUJDT general classroom physical environment, communication

and instructional styles, the teacher’s ability and flexibility
Assessment includes measuring classroom noise, rever- in addressing the individual learning styles of students, and
beration, and critical distance (CD) and making recom- classroom management). These variables require careful
mendations for improvement of the listening environment. attention when determining the classroom placement for a
Depending on the equipment used by the audiologist and child as well as when making a recommendation for HAT.
the problems identified, the noise measurements may be Administrative support is also critical in ensuring that the
sufficient for determining the need for acoustic treatment. needs of the students are consistently met. School principals
The measurements may also be considered a screening that and special education administrators set the tone for their
can be used as a basis for referral to an acoustic engineer. The school’s acceptance of students with diverse learning needs.
American National Standards Institute/Acoustical Society Both school administration and teacher
of America (ANSI/ASA) classroom noise standards (ASA/
ANSI S12.60-2010) provide the impetus for making acous- u support for students with disabilities,
tic modifications. These standards specify that, for typical u knowledge about hearing loss,
classrooms (under 10,000 cubic feet), unoccupied noise lev- u commitment to making the required accommodations
els should not exceed 35 dBA for the greatest 1-hour average for children with hearing loss,
and reverberation time (RT) should be ≤0.6 seconds. They u willingness to use and support assistive technology,
further recommend that rooms be readily adaptable to u willingness to work with specialists, and
allow reduction of RT to 0.3 seconds for children with spe- u willingness to provide opportunities for individualized
cial listening needs. Recent emphasis on educational out- attention in the classroom.
comes for all students has highlighted the importance of the
learning environment. Furthermore, it has been shown that "VEJUPSZ1SPDFTTJOH"TTFTTNFOU
poor classroom acoustics can also lead to voice fatigue and,
subsequently, increased absences by teachers (Allen, 1995). Another component of audiologic assessment is the evalua-
Classroom acoustics should be evaluated to provide tion of central auditory processing abilities, an area of audi-
evidence for HAT as well as the type of HAT that will best tion that should not be overlooked. The student’s ability to
meet the child’s communication needs. Rooms with high understand what the ear hears is essential to the develop-
reverberation levels may preclude the use of classroom ment of communication skills and for learning in school.
audio distribution systems (CADS also referred to as sound The school setting is a common environment for identify-
field systems) because sound distribution in highly rever- ing children with learning difficulties that may be auditory
berant areas may exacerbate speech intelligibility problems. in nature. Educational audiologists should establish a mul-
Audiologists in school settings should have a sound tidisciplinary process with speech-language pathologists,
level meter (SLM) or smart phone app to conduct imme- school psychologists, and learning disabilities specialists to
diate screening of classrooms and other spaces. The app consider children who may have central auditory process-
should be calibrated against a Type 2 or 3 SLM so that it can ing problems. The process should include screening and
be adjusted, or corrections can be made for minor calibra- diagnostic procedures as well as intervention and treatment
tion differences. RT can also be measured with an app. If options. For more information on this topic, the reader is
an RT app is not available, an estimated RT can be calcu- referred to Chapters 27 to 30 of this book.
lated using known sound absorption coefficients of typical
materials used in school construction. CD is the maximum
distance between the talker and listener before reflective
sound begins to degrade speech transmission. CD is calcu- &MJHJCJMJUZǨPS4FSWJDFT
lated based on room size and RT. Teachers need to know this To be eligible for special education, IDEA requires that there
distance and use this measure to maintain optimal speech be an adverse impact of the disability on learning. Analysis of
communication for students with hearing loss. The Ameri- the findings must show that, without special education and
can Academy of Audiology (2011a) has created a helpful related services, the child cannot reasonably benefit from a
worksheet for measuring classroom acoustics (see Supple- free and appropriate public education (FAPE). Therefore,
ment B). audiologic assessment must include the procedures required
by individual states for eligibility determination. Assessments
$MBTTSPPN$PNNVOJDBUJPO  are required for initial eligibility and re-evaluations which
*OTUSVDUJPO BOE"ENJOJTUSBUJWF must occur minimally every 3 years. However, all children
with hearing loss on IEPs should have annual audiologic
4VQQPSU assessments to monitor hearing thresholds, speech percep-
Interviews and observation provide important information tion, listening abilities, use and performance of hearing
about the appropriateness of the classroom context (e.g., technologies, and the child’s functional performance. Even

though auditory sensitivity may be stable, the classroom result, schools should always include a monitoring plan that
listening environments change and therefore the accom- specifies who monitors the device, when it is conducted, the
modations and HAT, if used, need adjustment to assure the procedures used, and what will happen if a problem is iden-
child has full communication access. The annual audiologic tified. It is recommended that this plan be included in the
assessment should be written as a service in the child’s IEP. IEP. See Supplement B of American Academy of Audiology
For children who are not eligible for special education (2011b) for a sample amplification monitoring plan.
services, the audiologist has a greater role because there HAT that is required for the child to receive FAPE must
is not a teacher of the deaf or other specialist monitoring be designated in the IEP and provided by the school as well as
them. In addition to audiologic assessment, educational the accompanying services that are indicated. These services
performance should also be monitored at least annually to begin with a functional assessment in the child’s classroom
ensure academic level is maintained. This monitoring can or other “customary” environment. Tools such as functional
be accomplished by the audiologist under a 504 Plan or as listening evaluations, observation checklists, and self-assess-
part of provisions under IDEA, Early Intervening Services ments provide this essential information. These same tools
or Response to Intervention (RTI). RTI is a general edu- are also used to validate the effectiveness of recommended
cation program that focuses on high-quality instruction devices to assure that they provide the desired benefit. Fit-
matched to student needs and monitoring of student prog- ting of HAT should be conducted using professional prac-
ress to make decisions regarding educational programming. tice standards including probe microphone measurements
Audiologists play a critical role in this special education (American Academy of Audiology, 2011b) with the specific
prevention program insuring that accommodations for stu- goal of enhancing audibility of the desired speech signal
dents with hearing loss are implemented appropriately as (usually the teacher’s voice), while maintaining access to the
part of monitoring student progress. Audiologists should be discourse of classmates. Educational audiologists must have
aware of their options for these programs and procedures access to appropriate hardware and software to complete
according to their state regulations. these fittings. Device selection considerations are based on
Interpretation of test results and recommendations environmental, individual, and technologic factors such as
should be detailed in a written report. It is helpful to include conditions within the learning environment, the age of the
background information, test results, implications, and rec- student, developmental abilities, device wearability and ease
ommendations. A specific section of recommendations for of use, compatibility with other technologies, and potential
the teacher and other school professionals often helps to interference issues. Audiologists must also plan and imple-
highlight the most critical components and accommoda- ment orientation and education programs to assure realistic
tions they need to know. Reviewing the report information expectations and to improve the acceptance of, adjustment
with the student’s teachers provides a forum for discussion as to, and benefit from HAT as well as from hearing aids and
well as an opportunity for reinforcement of the issues, chal- cochlear implants. These programs should include the stu-
lenges, and necessary accommodations. Teachers appreciate dent, the student’s classmates, relevant teachers, and school
when information is distilled to the essential elements they support staff, as well as the parents when devices are used
need to know. Therefore, including a short list of accommo- at home. To summarize, selecting and fitting HAT should
dations on a 4 × 6 card can be very helpful. By about third include the following steps:
grade, the student should participate in the discussion, grad-
u Determination of candidacy for HAT
ually taking the lead and developing his or her own list of
u Considerations of device options and device selection
accommodations. One tool to help a student take the lead
u Fitting and verification procedures
is the Personal Profile and Accommodations Letter (PPAL)
u Orientation and training activities
found within the Guide to Access Planning (GAP) program
u Validation procedures
u Monitoring procedures

Amplification and services that relate to both personal
Educational audiologists provide a wide range of habilita-
instruments and HAT are a major responsibility for audi-
tion services depending on their specific responsibilities
ologists in the school setting. IDEA details in its regulations
in the schools. Regardless of the specific services delivered,
provisions for amplification devices and monitoring the
the educational audiologist should support and advocate
function of personal hearing instruments as well as HAT
for appropriate intervention methods that address state
(Appendix 26.1).
standards and include
The exclusion for cochlear implants was added in IDEA
2004 to limit the growing demands on schools for cochlear u auditory skill development and listening skill training;
implant programming. IDEA 2004 also strengthened the u speech skill development, including phonology, voice,
responsibility of schools to monitor device function. As a and rhythm;

TA B L E 2 6 .2

Audiology Individual Education Program (IEP) Services and Suggestions

for Where to Include them in the IEP
Training students regarding use of their hearing aids, u IEP goals and objectives—counseling, assistive
cochlear implants, and hearing assistance technology technology services
Counseling and training for students regarding self- u IEP goals and objectives—counseling
determination and self-advocacy skills
Recommending acoustic modifications based on classroom u Accommodations
acoustic evaluations that structure or modify the learning
Educating and training teachers, other school personnel, u Related services—counseling
and parents, when necessary, about the student’s u Related services—parent counseling and training
hearing loss, communication access needs, amplification, u Assistive technology needs and services
and classroom and instructional accommodations and
Monitoring the functioning of hearing aids, cochlear u Related services
implants, and hearing assistance technology (by who, how u Monitoring plan addendum
often, where, procedures used to monitor, and what will
occur when a problem is identified)

u visual communication systems and strategies, including responsibility of the audiologist are identified in Table 26.2,
speechreading, manual communication, and cued speech; along with suggested ways to document them in the IEP.
u language development (expressive and receptive) of oral, Since the IEP is the contract that assures services, they must
signed, cued, and/or written language, including prag- be included in the IEP, along with the frequency with which
matic skills; they are provided and who provides them.
u selection and use of appropriate instructional materials
and media;
u use of assistive technologies, such as those necessary to COUNSELING
access television, and telephones, as well as pagers and
Counseling services can be provided for the student and the
alerting devices;
student’s family, as well as school staff. Counseling students
u case management and care coordination with family/
about their hearing loss provides information, emotional
parent/guardian, school, and medical and community
support, and the opportunity to develop self-advocacy skills.
Students need to be able to generally describe their hearing
u habilitative and compensatory skill training to reduce
loss and understand the necessary accommodations they
academic deficits as related to, but not limited to, reading
need in various learning and communication situations. As
and writing;
discussed earlier in the chapter, the Self-Advocacy Checklist
u social skills, self-esteem, and self-advocacy support and
( suggests a framework for addressing
some of these self-advocacy skills, whereas English (2012)
u transition skills for self-determination and integration
provides a curriculum for self-advocacy activities. Audiolo-
into postsecondary education, employment, and the
gists should work with the educational team (school psychol-
ogist, speech-language pathologist, educational interpreter,
u the transition between, but not limited to, levels, schools,
and deaf education teachers as well as the students’ classroom
programs, and agencies; and
teachers) to assure that goals are consistently supported and
u support for a variety of education options for children
developing skills are reinforced.
with hearing loss and other auditory disorders.
The incidence of emotional disturbance in students
To provide input regarding the associated communica- with hearing loss is low, about 2% according to the 2010 Gal-
tion and educational implications of the hearing impair- laudet Annual Survey (Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI),
ment and the needed services, the audiologist must attend 2010). The GRI also reports that 10% of students participat-
all IEP meetings for students with educationally significant ing in its survey received counseling services. Whenever stu-
hearing loss. Specific habilitation activities that are the dents exhibit significant problems, audiologists should also

refer and defer to the school counselor or school psycholo- tion devices (earplug, earmuffs) when exposed to loud
gist; preferably, this professional has expertise with children sounds or noise.
who are deaf and hard of hearing. When providing counsel- Objective ENT-VSL7. Reduce the proportion of adolescents
ing services, the audiologist should who have elevated hearing thresholds, or audiometric
notches, in high frequencies (3, 4, or 6 kHz) in both ears,
u assure that parents/guardians receive comprehensive,
signifying noise-induced hearing loss.
unbiased information regarding hearing loss, commu-
nication options, educational programming, and ampli- Prevention of hearing loss, even though required under
fication options, including cochlear implants in cases of IDEA, usually receives the least emphasis of all of the audi-
severe to profound hearing loss; ology services in school audiology practices. Concern in this
u demonstrate sensitivity to cultural diversity and other area is growing based on some of the following issues:
differences, including those found among individuals and
u Schools, as government entities, are exempt from the US
within family/guardian systems and deaf culture; and
Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA)
u demonstrate reflective listening and effective interper-
standards unless there are state OSHA-like requirements.
sonal communication skills.
Yet, shop class noise levels have been reported to range
Parent counseling and training is a separate, related from 85 to 115 dB (Langford and West, 1993).
service in IDEA. The law specifies that support should be u Noise regulations that do exist in schools apply primarily
provided to families if it is needed for their children to meet to classified staff (e.g., grounds, facility, print shop, cook-
their IEP goals and to receive FAPE. Parents can choose ing staff).
whether or not they desire the support. Unfortunately, u Insurance companies for schools have limited knowledge
this service is underused and can be difficult to implement of noise exposure hazards.
because of confusion about how to include the service in u School hearing screening is not mandated in all states;
the IEP, how to provide the service, and how to promote thus, a mechanism to identify children with potential
and monitor parent compliance. IDEA states the following: noise-induced hearing loss is not consistently available;
From the Federal Code of Regulations, Title 34, when screening programs do exist, they generally are not
Section.300.24(c)(8) designed to identify students with noise-induced hearing
i. Parent counseling and training means assisting parents
in understanding the special needs of their child; Although there are many resources available that pro-
ii. Providing parents with information about their child’s vide hearing loss prevention education (e.g., Dangerous
development; and Decibels,; Crank it Down,
iii. Helping parents to acquire the necessary skills that will; Wise Ears, www.nidcd.nih.
allow them to support the implementation of their gov/health/wise/index.htm), the difficulty lies in coordi-
child’s IEP or IFSP. nating efforts for implementing a systematic hearing loss
prevention education program within the curriculum. With
Counseling for school staff is focused on information
the required effort that is necessary to address this area for
that teachers and others need to understand the implica-
all students, it is imperative this service be part of a larger
tions of hearing loss and implement appropriate accommo-
agenda shared by health and general education services.
dations. Ongoing services should be included in the child’s
Thus, noise-induced hearing loss needs a national focus as a
IEP as discussed in the previous section on habilitation.
preventable health condition. Given this information, edu-
cational audiologists should support such an effort by pro-
PREVENTION moting the following activities (Johnson & Meinke, 2008):
Based on the results of the Third National Health and
u Noise education activities that are embedded in the school
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), Niskar et al.
health and science curriculums at multiple grade levels
(2001) estimated that about 12% of children 6 to 19 years old
u Identification of “at-risk” and “dangerous” noise sources
have noise-induced hearing threshold shifts in one or both
u Mandatory noise safety instruction for classes with
ears. Shargorodsky et al. (2010) reported data from 1998 to
potentially hazardous noise exposure, including strategies
2006 indicating that the incidence of noise-induced hear-
to minimize noise exposure in those settings
ing loss among adolescents had increased significantly. In
u Mandatory use of hearing protection for all individuals
recognition of this evidence, a report called Healthy People
who work in noise-hazard areas
2020 (US Department of Health and Human Services, 2010)
u Mandatory monitoring of hearing levels of classified
includes the following objectives related to hearing loss pre-
employees and teachers who work in noise-hazard areas
vention in adolescents:
u Training for school employees in hearing loss prevention,
Objective ENT-VSL 6.2. Increase the proportion of adoles- proper use of ear protection, noise control strategies, and
cents 12 to 19 years who have ever used hearing protec- interpretation of hearing test results

u School policies to limit decibel levels and exposure time who utilize hearing and listening whether as a primary means
at school-sanctioned events of communication or to supplement visual systems (e.g., sign
u Required hearing screening of students that includes proto- language). It often requires a slightly different approach, one
cols targeted to identification of noise-induced hearing loss that is sensitive to the preferences of the child, his or her
family, and the culture of the school.
$"4&-0"%4 "/%-*$&/463& $BTFMPBETBOE8PSLMPBET
Caseloads for audiologists are recommended at one audiol-
.PEFMTPǨ4FSWJDF1SPWJTJPO ogist for every 10,000 students (American Speech-Language
There are two primary methods that schools may use to Hearing Association, 2002; Educational Audiology Associa-
deliver audiology services: (1) Employment directly by the tion, 2009). This ratio assumes a caseload of children with
local education agency (LEA) responsible for providing hearing loss and central auditory processing problems based
special education and related services or (2) through a con- on current prevalence rates. Workload analysis is another
tract with an individual, organization, or agency for speci- factor in determining the number of students served (Fig-
fied audiology services. The LEA is either the local school ure 26.1). Workload factors that may influence this ratio for
district or a consortium established by the state that pro- a school system include but are not limited to
vides special education services for a group of school dis-
u the geographic area and travel time, such as within the
tricts. These state consortia are usually referred to as Boards
of Cooperative Educational Services, Intermediate Units,
u the number of students with hearing loss served by the
or Area Education Agencies, and are structured under the
respective state department of education to provide special
u the number of students with additional disabilities,
education services.
u service provision to regional and/or self-contained
Although both models can be effective, educational
programs for students who are deaf/hard of hearing,
audiologists hired by LEAs usually provide more compre-
u involvement with hearing loss prevention programs
hensive services. As employees of the education agency,
and school-age hearing screening programs,
educational audiologists are peers of the teachers and other
u role in follow-up diagnostic audiologic assessment of
staff and therefore may be more effective working within
hearing screening program,
the system. Their schedules are designed around the school
u involvement with RTI,
day resulting in more availability and flexibility for meeting
u meeting federal, state, and local mandates for the child’s
student needs and providing teacher support, particularly
for students who are not served under special education.
u documentation of activities and Medicaid,
Contracted services are often more limited because they
u the quantity and diversity of FM and other HAT;
are restricted to the specific services that are negotiated.
u the quantity of special tests that are performed such as
School districts usually prioritize these services to the mini-
electrophysiological tests, auditory skill development,
mum necessary to provide follow-up to screenings, audio-
and auditory processing;
logic assessment, and HAT management. Contracts must
u the amount of in-house equipment calibration, test-check,
assure that services are in compliance with state and federal
and maintenance activities that are performed; and
requirements and that timelines are met. One of the most
u involvement with local newborn and early childhood
significant challenges with contracted services is supervi-
screening follow-up, and early intervention.
sion. In these situations, the school administrator provid-
ing oversight often has little knowledge of the roles and When direct services to students are provided by the
responsibilities of audiologists, and it is not uncommon for audiologist, the ratio must be further adjusted using case-
these audiologists to be less familiar with the scope of prac- load guidelines for consultant and itinerant teacher service
tice in the schools when they are from private practice or delivery models. Figure 26.1 illustrates core components
other noneducational settings. For more information about of the educational audiologist’s workload. More informa-
contracting audiology services, see the Educational Audiol- tion on workload analysis for audiologists is available from
ogy Association’s Guidelines for Developing Contracts for Johnson and Seaton (2012). ASHA also has workload guide-
School-based Audiology Services at lines for SLPS that can serve as a framework for educational
Another employment setting that carries unique respon- audiologists.
sibilities for the educational audiologist is schools for the
deaf. In this environment, the audiology role must support
the communication systems that are used by the students.
Still, it is the audiologist who bears much of the responsibility Audiologists who provide services in the schools must
to assure auditory communication access to those students adhere to state licensing requirements. Several states have

s Screening management and follow-up s HAT: Evaluation, fitting, validation,

s Assessment orientation, and training
Direct student s Classroom acoustics measurements s Equipment troubleshooting and HAT
services: s Habilitation
s Caseload services—those with IEPs
s Counseling served continuously by the audiologist
s Prevention

s IEP/504 Plan development s Equipment ordering

s IEP/504 Plan meetings s Email and other communications
s Monitoring student progress and s Report writing
Student support Response to Intervention (RTI) s Planning, prep, and scheduling
services: s Staff consultation and inservice s Documentation and record keeping
s Assistive technology monitoring s Medicaid billing
s Equipment calibration s Community meetings

s Travel between schools

s Staff meetings
Personal/ s Paperwork for reimbursements and
administrative human resources
work: s Professional development
s AuD student supervision

FIGURE 26.1 Workload model of educational audiology responsibilities.

specific certification or licensure for audiologists who are ing, and communication skills are understood. To assist in
employed in school settings, which is administered through planning for the learning and communication of children
the state department of education. For example, audiology with hearing loss, the audiologist uses data from a variety of
graduate programs in Colorado must demonstrate that their sources (e.g., teacher, student, and parent interviews; obser-
curricula meet knowledge and skill standards and complete vations; informal and formal assessments; classroom acous-
a school-based practicum in audiology so that the gradu- tic evaluations), explains the implications of hearing and
ates are eligible to meet the state’s Department of Education listening on the child’s ability to communicate and learn,
qualifications in school-based audiology services. and recommends appropriate HAT.
Recognition of advanced specialty practice for pedi- After a comprehensive profile of a child is developed,
atric and educational audiologists through the Pediatric the educational audiologist is a resource for planning and
Audiology Specialty Certification (PASC) by the Ameri- implementing evidence-based interventions to increase aca-
can Board of Audiology (ABA) is another opportunity for demic, communication, and social performance. The audi-
audiologists to demonstrate and market their expertise. The ologist’s goal as an IEP team member is to collaborate with
PASC requires a 2-year postgraduate professional experi- educators, parents, and other related service professionals to
ence including 600 pediatric contact hours and a passing create supportive, communication-accessible learning envi-
score in the PASC examination. The examination is built on ronments for all students. When children are not eligible for
knowledge and skills in seven domain areas: laws and regu- special education, the audiologist should guide the devel-
lations, general knowledge about hearing and hearing loss, opment of an accommodations plan under another educa-
child development, screening and assessment procedures, tional support system called a Section 504 plan (Johnson
counseling, communication enhancement technology, and and Seaton, 2012) and should serve as the case manager to
habilitation/rehabilitation strategies and educational sup- monitor implementation of the recommendations and the
ports. For more information, see http://www.american- ongoing child’s performance trajectories. specialty/pediatric.html.
EDUCATION PROGRAM TEAM An effective educational audiology program undergoes
Special education eligibility and IEP development require continuous evaluation to determine whether the services
input from the educational audiologist to ensure that infor- continue to meet the needs of the students, staff, and oth-
mation about the implications of the child’s auditory, listen- ers it serves. Mechanisms for identifying program gaps and

updating technology and services require systematic review An ethical question that is often faced is, “How does one
and, in turn, help to prioritize future needs. Program com- balance the necessary audiologic services with what individ-
ponents should focus on the impact of audiology services ual school settings allow?” Given the emphasis on account-
on student outcomes. With teacher evaluation increasingly ability that is currently present in the education system, all
tied to student performance, educational audiologists need audiologists should have an ongoing evaluation process for
to articulate how the services they provide also impact stu- their program that provides data on student numbers, types
dent performance. Data obtained through program service of services, use of amplification, and student performance,
reviews, workload analysis, and teacher and parent input coupled with a plan for addressing unmet needs. Sufficient
can be very powerful for affecting change. evidence is needed before a special education director can
justify supporting an audiologist’s request for additional
ETHICS AND CONDUCT IN funds, time, or resources.
Effective audiology support and services are critical
EDUCATION SETTINGS to all children and youth with auditory disorders. School-
The ethical responsibility for implementing the audiology based audiologists have distinct roles and responsibilities
requirements of IDEA based on the scope of practice dis- to assure that these students are identified and properly
cussed in this chapter can be challenging. Given the resource assessed and managed so that they have the same oppor-
limitations that exist, educational audiologists frequently tunity to access their educational program as all students.
struggle with doing the right thing. The following questions They are simply children who have an extra communica-
are just some examples of the ethical dilemmas faced daily tion challenge because of their hearing loss or processing
by educational audiologists: issues; it is the job of the audiologist and the other school
team members that support these students to minimize the
u Are you able to evaluate students as often as best practices
impact of their impairments. The Educational Audiology
Association ( provides additional informa-
u Are you able to conduct comprehensive assessment pro-
tion and resources for school-based audiology services.
cedures that evaluate the functional aspects of hearing
ability such as speech in noise, soft speech, speech with
and without visual cues, and listening skills? FOOD FOR THOUGHT
u Do you have access to current technology for conducting
1. Compare the differences in Part B and Part C of IDEA.
hearing evaluations and providing habilitation?
How do those differences impact the audiologist’s
u Are you able to provide hearing assistive technology to all
students who would benefit?
2. Consider the student enrollment (caseload size) for edu-
u Are you able to recommend the hearing technology that
cational audiologists. What factors influence the audi-
best suits a child’s hearing needs?
ologist’s ability to provide compliance-based audiologic
u Are you able to meet with teachers and staff to discuss
services? How might workload factors affect alter the
the results of each student’s audiologic assessment and
caseload model?
describe the implications of the loss on hearing and
3. How would your services as an educational audiologist
shift as the student moves from elementary, middle, and
u Are you able to attend all IEP meetings for students with
high school?
auditory deficits?
4. Identify strategies the educational audiologist can use to
u Are you able to consult or teach students about the effects
increase student self-determination of accommodations
of noise exposure and requirements for hearing protec-
to improve communication access at school.
5. The numbers of students with hearing loss who are not
u Are you able to advocate for appropriate classroom acous-
served by IEPs are increasing. Discuss how the educa-
tional audiologist might monitor and support these
Educational audiologists are often balancing the ser- students.
vices they should provide with the resources (mostly time)
APPENDICES for this chapter can be found at the end of
available to do them. As a result, they often have to make
the book.
decisions regarding which services should continue and
which services need to be eliminated or modified. Recon-
ciling the responsibility for providing “adequate” services REFERENCES
versus what is often referred to as “the Cadillac model” can Acoustical Society of America. (2010) ANSI S12.60-2010 American
be challenging. Audiologists should be prepared to justify National Standard acoustical performance criteria, design require-
all of their activities under the scope of audiology that is ments, and guidelines for schools, Part 1: Permanent schools, and
mandated by IDEA to avoid the issue of their administrators Part 2, relocatable classroom factors. Available online at: http://
perceiving that they are doing more than the law requires.

Allen L. (1995) The effect of sound-field amplification on teacher Gallaudet Research Institute. (2010) Regional and National Sum-
vocal abuse problems. Paper presented at the Educational Audi- mary Report of Data from the 2010 Annual Survey of Deaf and
ology Association Conference, Lake Lure, NC. Hard of Hearing Children and Youth. Washington, DC: Author.
American Academy of Audiology. (2011a) Childhood hearing Guide to Access Planning (GAP). Available online at: http://www.
screening guidelines. Available online at: http://www.audiol- Johnson CD. (2013a) Functional Listening Evaluation (FLE).
ScreeningGuidelines.pdf. Available online at:
American Academy of Audiology. (2011b) Clinical practice guide- Johnson CD. (2013b) Functional Skills Screening for Children
lines: Remote microphone hearing assistance technologies with Hearing Loss. Available online at:
for children and youth from birth to 21 years. Supplement Johnson CD, Meinke D. (2008) Noise-induced hearing loss: Impli-
B: Classroom audio distribution systems—selection and veri- cations for schools. Semin Hear. 29 (1), 58–65.
fication. Available online at: Johnson CD, Seaton J. (2012) Educational Audiology Handbook.
American Speech-Language Hearing Association. (2002) 2nd ed. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.
A workload analysis approach for establishing speech- Langford J, West D. (1993) A study of noise exposure and hearing
language caseload standards in the schools: Guidelines. sensitivity in a high school woodworking class. Lang Speech
Available online at:– Hear Serv Schools. 24, 167–173.
00066/#sec1.2.1. Niskar S, Kieszak S, Holmes A, Esteban E, Rubin C, Brody D. (2001)
Anderson K. (2000) Children’s Home Inventory of Listening Dif- Estimated prevalence of noise-induced hearing threshold
ficulties (CHILD). Available online at: http://successforkid- shifts among children 6 to 19 years of age: The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988–1994, United
Anderson K. (2002) Early Listening Function (ELF). Available States. Pediatrics. 108, 40–43.
online at: Pacer National Bullying Prevention Center. (2012) Bullying and
Anderson K, Smaldino J, Spangler C. (2011) Listening Inventory harassment of students with disabilities. Available online
for Education-Revised (LIFE-R). Available online at: http:// at: disabilities/.
Antia SD, Sabers DL, Stinson MS. (2007) Validity and reliability of Shargorodsky J, Curhan SG, Curhan GC, Eavey R. (2010) Change
the classroom participation questionnaire with deaf and hard in prevalence of hearing loss in US adolescents. J Am Med
of hearing students in public schools. J Deaf Stud Deaf Educ. Assoc. 304 (7), 772–778.
12, 158–171. Smoski W, Brunt M, Tannahill C. (1998) Children’s Auditory Per-
Bauman S, Pero H. (2011) Bullying and cyberbullying among deaf formance Scale (CHAPS). Available online at: http://www.
students and their hearing peers: An exploratory study. J Deaf
Stud Deaf Educ. 16 (2), 236–253. Squires M, Spangler C, Johnson CD, English K. (2013) Bullying is
Educational Audiology Association. (2009) Recommended profes- a safety and health issues: How pediatric audiologists can help.
sional practices for educational audiologists. Available online Audiol Today. 25 (5), 18–26.
at: Stredler-Brown A, Johnson CD. (2004) Functional Auditory
Elkayam J, English K. (2011a) Self-Assessment of Communica- Performance Indicators (FAPI). Available online at: http://
tion – Adolescent (SAC-A). Available online at: http://gozips.∼ke3/SAC-A.pdf. US Department of Education. (2006) Assistance to states for the
Elkayam J, English K. (2011b) Significant Other Assessment of education of children with disabilities and preschool grants
Communication – Adolescent (SOAC-A). Available online at: for children with disabilities; Final Rule, 34 CFR Parts 300 and∼ke3/SOAC-A.pdf. 301. Available online at:
English K. (2002) The Children’s Peer Relationship (CPR) Scale. regulations.pdf.
Available online at: US Department of Health and Human Services. (2010) Healthy
English K. (2012) Self-ADVOCACY for Students Who Are Deaf or People 2020. Washington, DC: Author. Available online at:
Hard of Hearing. 2nd ed. Available online at: http://gozips.∼ke3/Self-Advocacy.pdf. Whitney I, Smith P, Thompson D. (1994) Bullying and children
Fleming M, Towey K. (eds.) (2002) Educational Forum on Adoles- with special educational needs. In: Smith PK, Sharp S, eds.
cent Health: Youth bullying. Paper presented at the American School Bullying: Insights and Perspectives. New York, NY: Rout-
Medical Association, Chicago, IL. ledge; pp 213–240.
C H A P T ER 2 7

Central Auditory Processing:

A Functional Perspective
from Neuroscience
Dennis P. Phillips and Rachel N. Dingle

to connect one-to-many, that is, each spiral ganglion cell

INTRODUCTION contacts a single IHC, but each IHC provides input to 20 to
Generally, reviews of central auditory processing (CAP) 25 auditory nerve fibers. There are no synaptic connections
take either of two approaches. One details the anatomy and between spiral ganglion cells that serve any given IHC, nor
physiology of the central auditory pathway, including such is there significant information transmission between IHCs,
issues as synaptic organization, neurotransmitters, and neu- with the result that the information transmitted by a given
ral circuits. The second approach is much more functional cochlear neuron is largely slave to the activity of the one
because it provides descriptions of the perceptual and cog- IHC it innervates.
nitive processes involved in hearing and what goes wrong in The cochlea performs a spectral decomposition of the
various central disorders. In this chapter, we offer something incoming vibrations, such that different basilar membrane
of a “middle path”: What we are interested in communicat- loci are forced into oscillation by sounds of different fre-
ing is how the general neural architecture of CAP, as seen quencies. This decomposition has the consequence that
in neurophysiological studies, is related to the perceptual different IHCs, and thus different auditory nerve fibers, are
architecture that it supports. Those of us interested in func- responsible for transducing sounds of different frequencies
tional hearing seek an understanding of CAP that links the and transmitting that information to the central nervous sys-
properties of neurons (or of neural populations) respond- tem. In practice, the motion of the basilar membrane at any
ing to sounds with our private, mental experiences of those given site is driven by two factors (Carney, 2012; Harrison,
sounds. To be sure, we are a long way from a comprehensive 2012). One is the passive response of the membrane to pres-
understanding of this relationship. On the other hand, many sure waves in the cochlear fluids produced by motion of the
exciting clues about this relationship are being reported. stapes at the oval window. The second factor is the cochlea’s
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss specific top- “active process” or “cochlear amplifier.” The active process
ics that will provide a conceptual framework with which can be thought of as an amplification of basilar membrane
the reader can explore further. This chapter begins with motion resulting from outer hair cell contractility (hair cell
the general anatomy and physiology of the central auditory shortening as the membrane moves upward toward scala
system, starting with the auditory nerve and then ascend- vestibuli, and hair cell relaxation as the basilar membrane
ing to the auditory cortex. We also provide a perspective on moves downward toward scala tympani). The active process
why the descending auditory pathways are so important. both enhances the sensitivity of the mechanical response
Lastly, because sounds inescapably unfold in both time and and markedly improves its selectivity. The IHCs then pas-
space, we discuss topics in central processing that emphasize sively receive the finely tuned basilar membrane motion and
temporal and spatial processing; great advances have been transduce it.
made in relating these neurophysiological and perceptual At low frequencies, the IHC membrane response is
functions. dominated by an alternating current component; the IHC
depolarizes with upward motions of the basilar mem-
brane and hyperpolarizes with downward ones. Because
THE AUDITORY NERVE neurotransmitter release by the IHC is tied to membrane
The cochlea communicates with the auditory brainstem depolarization, the oscillating membrane potential affords
via spiral ganglion cells (the axons of which are sometimes neurotransmitter release and thus excitation of spiral gan-
called “auditory nerve fibers”). About 90% to 95% of spi- glion cells selectively during upward motion of the basilar
ral ganglion neurons form synapses with the cochlea’s inner membrane. This means that the cochlear nerve spike trains
hair cells (IHCs). The form of this afferent organization is evoked by low-frequency sounds carry information about

514 SECTION III • Special Populations

the phase of basilar membrane motion, and by extension, Another way to examine the frequency selectivity of
the phase of eardrum motion. This synchrony between cochlear neurons is by studying the response area, which
neural spiking and ear drum motion or sound frequency is a plot of the spike firing rate as a function of frequency
is termed “phase-locking.” At higher frequencies, the IHC with tone amplitude as the parameter (Figure 27.1B; see also
membrane response is increasingly dominated by a direct Carney, 2012). At low sound amplitudes, these functions are
current (“pedestal”) depolarization response, which results narrow and peaked. At high amplitudes, the functions are
in neurotransmitter release that is more continuous during broader and rounder. The difference reflects the influence
the stimulus and impedes phase-locking of cochlear neu- of the cochlear amplifier (at low sound pressure levels) giv-
ron action potentials to stimulus phase. To be sure, phase- ing way to passive mechanics (at high sound pressures; see
locking of auditory nerve responses can occur for high- also Plack, 2005). Consider Figure 27.1B. At this neuron’s
frequency sounds, but it is usually tied to the amplitude CF (4.5 kHz), the response is both sensitive (threshold near
envelope of modulated signals and not to individual cycles 20 dB) and grows over a dynamic range of about 40 dB before
of the carrier stimulus (see descriptions in Carney, 2012; saturating. In contrast, at low frequencies (e.g., 2 kHz), the
Phillips et al., 2012b). threshold is higher (approximately 55 dB) and the dynamic
The spectral decomposition function of the cochlea range is only about 25 dB wide. The responses near CF are
is perhaps most clearly revealed in the frequency tuning shaped by the cochlea’s active process, whereas those at high
curves of cochlear neurons (Figure 27.1A). A frequency intensities are shaped by passive cochlear mechanics. As we
tuning curve is a plot of the minimum tone amplitude in step from responses to low-amplitude sounds to responses to
decibels required to evoke an increase in neural spike rate high-amplitude ones, we also step from the active cochlea to
(above spontaneous levels) as a function of tone frequency. the passive one. In the absence of the active process, cochlear
These tuning curves are deep, narrow, V-shaped functions. neurons are both insensitive and have broad frequency
The tuning curves of high-frequency cells additionally have responsiveness (see also Harrison, 2012). The behavioral
a high-threshold low-frequency tail. The frequency to which correlates of this are loss of absolute sensitivity to sound
the neuron is most sensitive is called the characteristic fre- (“hearing loss”), impaired frequency selectivity (because the
quency (CF) for that neuron. Without the cochlear amplifier, fine frequency tuning is lost and so the spectral decomposi-
tuning curves are insensitive and broad (Harrison, 2012). tion process is coarser), and possibly loudness recruitment
Tuning curves for the basilar membrane motion at any given (because neural firing rates go from minimum to maximum
site are strikingly similar to those of cochlear neurons inner- over a small amplitude dynamic range).
vating that site. Thus, despite the change in response from Figure 27.1 contrasts these two depictions of the fre-
up and down motion (basilar membrane) to discharge of quency selectivity of cochlear nerve fibers. Figure 27.1A
action potentials (auditory nerve fiber), there is little change presents a tuning curve for an idealized cochlear neuron
in the frequency tuning information being transmitted. with a CF near 4.5 kHz. Figure 27.1B presents response area

100 100
Percent maximum response

80 80
Threshold dB SPL

60 60
40 40

20 30
20 20

0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 6.0 1 2 3 4 5

A Frequency (kHz, log scale) B Frequency (kHz)
FIGURE 27.1 The frequency selectivity of an idealized cochlear neuron depicted in
two ways. A: The frequency tuning curve, which is a plot of the minimum tone level
required for and excitatory response plotted as a function of tone frequency. These
are typically narrow and V-shaped, with a clearly defined characteristic frequency
to which the neuron is most sensitive. B: Response area data for the same idealized
neuron. Here, firing rate is plotted as a function of tone frequency with tone level in
dB sound pressure level as the parameter. The tuning curve can be derived from the
response area data by defining threshold as 10% of maximum firing rate (dotted line
in B) and reading off the frequency at which each isointensity contour crosses it.
CHAPTER 27 • Central Auditory Processing: A Functional Perspective from Neuroscience 515

data for the same idealized neuron. The lines are isointensity CC
contours, with intensity specified in dB sound pressure level.
Note that at low tone amplitudes the effective frequency AR
range is narrow and that as tone level is increased there is
a negatively accelerating growth in response rate, and an
expansion of the range of effective frequencies, especially BIC
toward the low-frequency side. The tuning curve in Fig-
ure 27.1A was derived from the response area (Figure 27.1B)
by reading off the stimulus frequency at which each isoin- LL
tensity contour crossed the 10% maximum response rate
(dotted horizontal line in Figure 27.1B). DNLL
Cochlear neuron physiology is thus the endpoint of the VNLL
peripheral spectral decomposition process. It is the job of
cochlear neurons to transmit to the brain the presence of To lower brainstem
auditory nuclei /
stimulus energy within their tuning curves, the amplitude olivocochlear
of that energy, and the timing of the stimulus event(s). It is systems

the job of the central auditory system to represent this infor-

mation (i.e., establish a “neurological picture” of it) and to

group together the activity in different frequency channels MNTB
to define separate auditory sources, their spatial locations,
and their timings.
FIGURE 27.2 Schematic diagram illustrating the cen-
The Auditory Brainstem tral auditory pathways. For simplicity, only major struc-
Cochlear neurons send their axons to the cochlear nucleus tures and pathways directly relevant to this chapter are
shown. Ascending (body of illustration) and descending
(Figure 27.2); the axons bifurcate, with one branch going to
connectivities (left side) are for clarity shown for one
the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) and the other side of the auditory forebrain only. Abbreviations: ACX,
one going to the cells of the posteroventral cochlear nucleus auditory cortex; AN, auditory nerve; AR, auditory radia-
en route to the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). The cochlear tions; BIC, brachium of inferior colliculus; CC, corpus
nucleus is strictly organized tonotopically. That is to say, the callosum; DCN, dorsal cochlear nucleus; DNLL, dorsal
projections from the cochlea to each division of the cochlear nucleus of lateral lemniscus; IC, inferior colliculus; LL,
nucleus are topographically arrayed, so that information lateral lemniscus; LSO, lateral superior olive; MGB,
from each cochlear locus is sent to three sheets of neurons in medial geniculate body; MNTB, medial nucleus of trap-
the cochlear nucleus, and within each division, cells in sheets ezoid body; MSO, medial superior olive; TB, trapezoid
that are spatially next to each other have CFs that are spec- body; VCN, ventral cochlear nucleus; VNLL, ventral
trally next to each other. The fact that each division of the nucleus of lateral lemniscus.
cochlear nucleus thus contains a complete representation of
the cochlea’s frequency organization permits a parallel pro- contrast, the DCN contains circuitry that supports elaborate
cessing of different streams of auditory information. As a inhibitory domains in its cells’ frequency-intensity response
first example of this, neurons of the AVCN, deriving input areas. Many of these cells develop nonmonotonic spike rate-
from the apical (low-frequency) cochlea, often have a low versus-intensity functions and become sensitive to stimulus
input resistance; they are, however, innervated by auditory bandwidth because of inhibitory response areas flanking the
nerve axons via end-bulbs of Held, special synapses that pro- excitatory one centered on the CF. The excitatory response
vide a large synaptic current. This matching between input areas of these cells can be very small, so that small changes in
resistance and synaptic current imparts a strong spike-in/ stimulus spectrum could in principle result in large changes
spike-out relationship that preserves the time structure of in the populations of neurons activated. These specializa-
the primary afferent spike train in the AVCN output. This tions of the DCN likely serve to enhance the central repre-
preservation of temporal information becomes important sentation of fine spectral detail.
in the medial superior olive (MSO) (a major target of AVCN A major target of projections from the ventral cochlear
output), because MSO neurons compare spike times from nucleus (VCN) is the superior olivary complex (SOC; Fig-
the two ears to compute sound source location from the ure 27.2). The SOC contains a number of nuclei and these
relative phases of the stimuli at the two ears (see below). In are also tonotopically organized. The MSO receives bilateral
516 SECTION III • Special Populations

inputs from the VCN, specifically from neurons that pre- at the MSO and other nuclei typically involves inhibitory
serve the phase-locked spike timing that was generated in inputs—likely mediated through other SOC nuclei. These
the auditory nerve. This means that MSO neurons can serve inhibitory inputs serve at least two functions. One is to
as “coincidence detectors” for the timing of spikes from increase the extent to which firing rates are modulated by
the two sides and in this way compare the phase of low- variations in interaural phase. The second is to ensure that
frequency stimuli at the two ears. Early studies used tonal the maximum sensitivity to change in IPD is centered over
stimuli (usually CF ones) to examine sensitivity to interau- IPDs very close to 0 μs (Brand et al., 2002). We shall return
ral phase difference (IPD) of neurons rostral to MSO, with to this point below in the section specifically on sound
the inference being that what was observed in the more ros- localization mechanisms. For now, what is important is that
tral nuclei was in part a reflection of processing at the MSO. the spike rate-versus-IPD function is most informative for
They showed that the inputs from the two ears are ones IPDs relatively close to zero, with spike rates commonly at
phase-locked to basilar membrane motion on each side. a maximum for IPDs favoring the contralateral ear and at
In turn, basilar membrane motion is phase-locked to ear- a minimum for those favoring the ipsilateral ear. Behav-
drum motion, and the phase relation of sound as it reaches ioral sensitivity to the location of low-frequency sounds is
each eardrum is dependent on the azimuthal location of the also greatest for source locations near the midline, and so
sound source. The firing rate of MSO cells depends on the we have a clear neural correlate of behavioral performance
temporal coincidence with which spikes from the two ears (Hancock and Delgutte, 2004; Phillips and Brugge, 1985;
arrive. This behavior is to be expected of a mechanism that Phillips et al., 2012b).
executes a cycle-by-cycle comparison of the phase of the The lateral superior olive (LSO; Figure 27.2) also
stimulus at the two ears. receives bilateral inputs from the VCN. The ipsilateral input
More recently, information about neural sensitivity to LSO cells is direct and excitatory. The contralateral input
to IPDs has been acquired using noise stimuli (Hancock is via the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body and is inhibi-
and Delgutte, 2004; McAlpine et al., 2001). The basic tory. The strength of each input is intensity dependent. LSO
ideas involved in this approach are (a) that central neu- cells thus have firing rates that are sensitive functions of the
rons respond to all of the frequencies within their tuning relative amplitudes of the sound at the two ears. That is, they
curves and (b) that by using noise stimuli, one obtains a encode the interaural level difference (ILD) of a sound, and
weighted average of responses to IPDs at all of the frequen- since the ILD is azimuth dependent, the sensitivity to ILD is
cies to which the neuron is responsive. Plots of firing rate a code for sound source azimuth (location). In practice, the
versus IPD obtained in this way are generally called “com- spike rate-versus-ILD functions are sigmoidal in shape, with
posite delay functions.” These composite delay functions the strongest responses for stimuli in which the ILD favors
tend to have a single peak at a “best IPD” and may or may the ipsilateral ear and with the steep portion of the function
not have lower side-lobes. In guinea pigs (McAlpine et al., centered close to zero ILD.
2001), gerbils (Brand et al., 2002), and cats (Hancock and The axonal outputs of the MSO are predominantly
Delgutte, 2004) composite delay functions have at least two uncrossed and projected on the inferior colliculus (IC)
features in common. One feature is that the peak of the directly, or indirectly via the dorsal nucleus of the lateral
delay function, when the IPD is expressed in units of phase lemniscus (DNLL). The outputs of the LSO are predomi-
(as opposed to time), is nearly constant at about 45 degrees nantly crossed and again are projected directly on the IC,
(i.e., about 1/8th of a cycle of interaural phase) favoring the or indirectly on the IC via the DNLL. A consequence of this
contralateral ear, irrespective of a cell’s CF. For animals with pattern of uncrossed and crossed connectivity is that above
small heads, this means that the peak firing rate is evoked the level of the SOC, binaural neurons sensitive to IPDs
by IPDs outside the behaviorally relevant range. The second and ILDs most often tend to be excited maximally by IPDs
feature is a correlate of the first, namely that the steep part and ILDs that favor the contralateral ear. By extension, this
of the delay function, that is, the portion of the stimulus– means that the majority of forebrain auditory neurons sen-
response relationship that is most informative about the sitive to sound location cues should respond maximally to
IPD of the sound, is centered very close to zero delay. That free-field sound sources in the contralateral auditory hemi-
is, small changes in IPD near 0 μs (or degrees of phase field and minimally to sources in the ipsilateral hemifield
angle) bring about large changes in neural firing rate. The and have spatial receptive field borders straddling the mid-
fact that this is true in species with head sizes as different as line. Because the MSO and LSO outputs have minor crossed
those of gerbils, guinea pigs, and cats has important impli- and uncrossed outputs, respectively, there should also be
cations for the evolution of sound localization mechanisms exceptions to this generality. As will be seen below, these
in mammals (Phillips et al., 2012b). hypotheses are confirmed empirically.
In principle, the coincidence detection seen in MSO The convergence of input on the IC has some strik-
and higher neurons could be based solely on excitatory ing features. An excellent example comes from Semple and
inputs from the two sides (after Jeffress, 1948). In practice, Aitkin (1981). They showed that some high-CF cells of the
neural sensitivity to IPDs (and thus, sound source location) IC had physiologies and afferent connectivities indicating a
CHAPTER 27 • Central Auditory Processing: A Functional Perspective from Neuroscience 517

convergence of input from the DCN (e.g., nonmonotonic regard, the precision with which transient responses of AI
rate-intensity functions for CF tones) and binaural interac- neurons are timed matches that seen in the cochlear nerve
tions reflecting LSO input. In a different example of hier- (Phillips and Hall, 1990), indicating that central auditory
archical processing, whereas the responses of MSO cells pathways have preserved this aspect of stimulus timing. In
to IPD stimuli are dominated by the instantaneous IPD contrast, the temporal coding of stimulus periodicities (e.g.,
of the stimulus, at the IC, neurons become sensitive to the phase-locking to simple tones or to periodic amplitude
recent history of stimulus IPD (i.e., they become sensitive to modulation envelopes) is massively poorer (less than about
change in IPD, and thus simulated auditory motion: Spitzer 100 Hz) than that seen in cochlear neurons (c.f. Eggermont,
and Semple, 1998). In yet another example, crossed inhibi- 1991; Joris and Yin, 1992). This raises interesting questions
tory projections from the DNLL to the IC clearly “sharpen” about the neural coding underlying pitch percepts that typi-
the sensitivity of IC neurons to binaural sound localization cally rely on the existence of periodicities in the stimulus
cues (see Kidd and Kelly, 1996). What is less clear is whether waveform (after Cariani and Delgutte, 1996) if the cortex is
the resulting sensitivity to localization cues is any better than unable to support temporal representations of periodicities
that seen in the input sources (i.e., whether the “sharpening” over the complete pitch range. There have, however, been
is a sharpening per se or simply restores the sensitivity lost recent advances that suggest that the neural codes underly-
when cue-sensitive and cue-insensitive inputs converge.) ing perceived pitch are transformed at the cortex, from tem-
poral ones to rate ones and that the cortex may have dedi-
cated circuits for pitch processing (Patterson et al., 2002;
The Auditory Forebrain Wang and Walker, 2012).
The ICs project on the ipsilateral thalamic medial genicu- Still more intriguing is the possibility that parts of
late bodies (MGBs; Figure 27.2), which in turn project on the core and belt regions of the auditory cortex differen-
the auditory cortex of the same side. The auditory cortex tially participate in “what” and “where” streams of audi-
has a complex structural and functional organization (see tory processing (Lomber and Malhotra, 2008; Rauschecker
Rauschecker and Romanski, 2011 for recent review). Par- and Romanski, 2011). By this, we mean that one stream
ticularly, in human beings and primates (probably also in of processing is composed of interconnected cortical ter-
cats), the auditory cortex is divided into “core” and “belt” ritories containing a high proportion of neurons sensi-
regions, each of which is made up of a number of separable tive to sound source location, whereas another stream is
fields distinguished by their physiology and their afferent characterized by a high proportion of neurons sensitive to
and efferent connectivities. Some of these fields are tono- sound source spectrum. This streaming appears to occur
topically organized, typically manifested as strips of cortical in cats (Lomber and Malhotra, 2008), nonhuman primates
tissue containing neurons of comparable CF, and spatially (Rauschecker and Romanski, 2011), and humans (Arnott
arrayed to span the audible frequency range. Other fields et al., 2004). Most likely, the spatial stream may be involved
have less obvious tonotopy and contain neurons with broad not only in sound localization per se, but in providing input
or irregular frequency tuning. In the tonotopic primary to multimodal cortical regions involved in spatially directed
auditory cortex (AI), neurons are usually sharply tuned to attention. The other stream may be the auditory corollary
frequency, have short response latencies, and have diverse of the visual system’s pathways for object identification or
binaural interactions that have been inherited and modified recognition.
from those initially generated in the auditory brainstem. The auditory cortex is also the source of a highly orga-
Studied with complex stimulus paradigms, it is clear that nized system of descending connections (for review, see
AI neuronal response areas display both a convergence of Malmierca and Ryugo, 2012). The auditory cortex itself is
input within the excitatory response ranges and a devel- under modulatory control from “higher” regions, with the
opment of inhibitory inputs outside those (Phillips and result that attentional processes influence the responsivity
Hall, 1992). Within AI, neurons tend to be segregated into of cortical regions in imaging studies, and the responsivity
patches according to both their binaural interactions and and selectivity of individual neurons in the auditory cor-
their intensity coding properties. tex in animal neurophysiological ones (Krumbholz et al.,
Especially in anesthetized animals, responses to tonal 2007; Lee and Middlebrooks, 2010). Some of these efferent
or noise stimuli are usually dominated by a frequency-tuned pathways are ultimately involved in the control of middle
and precisely timed onset component, suggesting that the ear muscle responses and modulation of otoacoustic emis-
cortex is especially concerned with the identity and timing of sions familiar to audiologists. These descending projections
auditory events. Studied with complex sounds, for example, extend as far as the cochlea.
vocalizations, these onset responses can be “mapped” across Scharf et al. (1994) studied attention effects in a patient
the cortex, and the spectral content and timing of stimulus before and after vestibular neurectomy (which necessarily
events can be quite faithfully represented in the (tonotopic) severs descending axons to the cochlea). The listener’s task was
identities of the neurons contributing to the response and to detect low-amplitude tones of a target frequency against
in the timing of those responses (Wang et al., 1995). In this a background of noise. Occasionally, tones of nontarget
518 SECTION III • Special Populations

frequency were presented. Without surgery, correct detec-

tion of target tones was high, whereas that of the nontar-
get tones was low. This is evidence of selective attention SYNCHRONY
in the frequency domain. Following surgery, the listener
detected target and nontarget tones at comparable (high)
Stimulus Representation
rates, indicating a loss of that attentional control. Especially All sounds unfold over time. The fashion in which they do so
interesting is the implication that the effect of attention in is described by their time waveforms that specify the spec-
this instance was a suppression of responses to nontarget tral and temporal content of the sounds. For simple tones
tones, rather than any enhancement of the ability to detect of relatively low frequency, cochlear neurons and some of
tones of the target frequency. Likely, the absolute sensitiv- their direct and indirect central connections are able to
ity of the cochlea is already as great as it can get, so atten- synchronize (“phase-lock”) action potentials to individual
tional processes were expressed as an apparent suppression cycles of the stimulus (see above), so that the time structure
of cochlear output at the nonattended frequencies. of the stimulus is largely preserved in the temporal cadence
Feedback loops between the cortex and the midbrain of spike trains emerging from the cochlea. This property
and thalamic auditory nuclei have recently taken on spe- extends to more complex sounds, including speech, such
cial interest (Figure 27.2, left side). One of these loops is that both glottal pulse rates and spectral elements of vowels
the reciprocal one between the cortex and the thalamic have clear temporal representations in the central auditory
nuclei that provide the ascending input. The second is a system (Aiken and Picton, 2008). A case can be made that
loop formed by corticofugal projections from the cortex all sounds evoking clear pitch percepts have periodicities in
to the IC and the two-step ascending projection from the the phase-locking range, whether they are at the level of the
colliculus through the MGB to the cortex (Malmierca and fine time structure or the amplitude envelope of the signal
Ryugo, 2012). These circuits enable the cortex to modu- (Cariani and Delgutte, 1996).
late or refine its own inputs so that inputs of the greatest Precisely how the nervous system extracts the pitch
behavioral significance receive an elaborated cortical repre- from the spike trains is unclear, but may involve an auto-
sentation (Suga, 2012). In what may be a prescient case of correlation process in which the spike train is delayed and
this phenomenon, Suga et al. (1987) reported that the “rest- then compared to the original train (see Plack, 2005). The
ing” frequency of mustached bat echo-location calls varied peak in the autocorrelation function will occur when the
between individuals and that the tonotopic cortical maps delay matches the periodicity in the spike trains, and thus
of frequency were “personalized” to the individuals’ rest- the periodicity in the stimulus. Consider the case of rippled
ing frequencies. This is important in bats that often hunt in noise: A wideband noise is delayed and added to itself; this
groups, because the bats need to be able to differentiate their process is iterated repetitively and results in a noisy stimu-
own calls (and echoes driven by them) from those of other lus that evokes a pitch inversely related to the iterated delay
members of the group. (Patterson et al., 2002). If one were to perform an autocor-
There is an arguably far more general importance of relation of the instantaneous amplitudes of the two wave-
these circuits. As might be inferred from the preceding para- forms themselves, then the peak of the function would
graph, these circuits may mediate forebrain auditory plas- occur at the iterated delay.
ticity. That is, they may be a mechanism for optimizing the If the stimulus regularity is long enough in period, then
cortical representation of behaviorally relevant signals. This the sound fails to evoke a clear pitch percept (Phillips et al.,
is one mechanism that may contribute to auditory learn- 2012a). This occurs for intervals longer than about 30 to
ing. In Suga’s terms, the cortex is able to self-select the affer- 40 ms. Under these circumstances, discrimination of differ-
ent inputs of interest for cortical elaboration. In primates, ences in periodicity still likely relies on synchrony of neural
temporally correlated activation of peripheral inputs drives responses to stimulus event times, but the perceptual opera-
cortical receptive field organization in the somatosensory tion becomes one of the discrimination of the rhythm or
system, and there is some evidence that in the auditory relative timing of individuated stimulus events (Phillips
system, too, the behavioral relevance of stimuli enhances et al., 2012a).
their cortical representation (Recanzone et al., 1993; see also Somewhat analogous cases can be made for transient
Suga, 2012). Behavioral relevance might be construed as a stimulus events. Auditory temporal gap detection will serve
plasticizing agent effected by the nucleus basalis of the basal as a useful illustration (see Phillips, 2012 for review). The
forebrain on cortical synaptic connectivity (Weinberger, classical stimulus design in gap detection studies presents
2003). That is, the cholinergic (and possibly other) inputs the listener with two streams of otherwise identical sound
serve as modulators or enablers of synaptic development in which one stream has a silent period (“gap”) inserted at
at the affected neural loci. The following section details some point in its duration. The task of the listener is to iden-
temporal synchrony and/or temporal coordination of the tify which stream of sound (“standard,” “target”) contains
relevant inputs are critical to the development of the new the gap. This two-interval, two-alternative forced choice
synaptic connectivity. is embedded in an adaptive, threshold-tracking staircase
CHAPTER 27 • Central Auditory Processing: A Functional Perspective from Neuroscience 519

designed to measure the shortest detectible gap. This gen- establish new connections), because alteration of connectiv-
eral stimulus paradigm has been termed “within-channel” ity strengths is a major expression of neural plasticity, quite
gap detection, because the operation required to detect the likely including that involved in auditory learning (recall-
silent period ultimately reduces to the detection of a discon- ing the seminal work of Hebb, 1949). For a more detailed
tinuity of activity within the frequency channels carrying coverage of this topic, the reader is referred to almost any
information about the presence of the gap. Gap thresholds modern textbook of cellular or systems neuroscience (Bear
decrease with increases in stimulus bandwidth. Gap thresh- et al., 2007).
olds for pairs of noise bands are lower than those for single Glutamate neurotransmitter receptors come in a num-
ones, largely irrespective of the bands’ frequency separation. ber of forms, two of which are the α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-
Both of these findings might be explained by the fact that methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor and the
the more frequency channels that carry information about N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor. These frequently
the presence of the gap, the greater is the efficiency with coexist in the postsynaptic membranes in receipt of gluta-
which the perceptual recovery of the gap is executed because matergic input. AMPA receptors are ionotropic, meaning
more information is available. In turn, however, this pro- that binding of arriving (presynaptically released) gluta-
cess requires that the cochlear nerve (and central auditory mate opens the channel protein pore to admit sodium ions
system) time the stimulus continuity with great precision, into the postsynaptic cell, and thus induce a modest depo-
because it is the temporal correlation/coherence of those larization (because sodium ions are positively charged and
event detections that is the neural database for the percep- bring that charge with them). NMDA receptors in their rest-
tual recovery of the gap. ing state have their ion channel pore occluded by a magne-
A different form of the gap detection measurement is sium ion. Binding of arriving glutamate is relatively inef-
the one in which the sound following the silent period is fective in opening the pore, but postsynaptic depolarization
different from the sound that precedes it (between-channel (mediated by AMPA receptors) displaces the magnesium
gap detection: See Phillips, 2012). Gap detection thresh- plug and permits major inflow of both sodium and calcium
olds in this paradigm may be up to an order of magni- ions-–each of which is positively charged and thus effect sig-
tude (or more) greater than those seen in within-channel nificant postsynaptic depolarization. We therefore say that
paradigms and may asymptote if the frequency disparity NMDA receptors are “voltage gated.” The important feature
between leading and trailing sounds is sufficiently large. here is that effective function of the synapse requires a coor-
For widely frequency-spaced gap markers, the operation dination of presynaptic activity (release of glutamate) and
required to detect the silent period presumably involves postsynaptic activity (depolarization mediated by AMPA
a relative timing of the offset of activity in the neural/ receptors) for the synapse to “work.” The further impor-
perceptual channel representing the leading marker and tant consequence of this is that the inflow of calcium ions
the onset of activity in the channel representing the trailing through the NMDA receptors initiates a sequence of intra-
one (Phillips, 2012); in conditions of frequency overlap/ cellular events that can result in the recruitment of new,
proximity between the gap markers, other operations preassembled AMPA receptors to the postsynaptic site. This
may contribute (again, see Phillips, 2012 for a detailed has the consequence that presynaptic release of glutamate
review). We shall return to the relative timing point later. becomes more efficient at inducing postsynaptic depolar-
For now, what is important is that efficient performance ization, voltage-gating of the NMDA receptors, further
of the between-channel gap detection task requires a pre- depolarization, and potentially recruitment of still further
cise neural timing of the offset of the leading marker and AMPA receptors and stabilization of the synapse. This is
the onset of the trailing one. The salience of that neural likely a mechanism contributing to the so-called “long-term
code depends on the synchrony of neural discharges to synaptic potentiation.” In contrast, failure of this mecha-
those stimulus events. nism, perhaps because of poor presynaptic input or its
coordination, can result in failure to maintain the synapse
Neural Synchrony at the (“long-term synaptic depression”).
Now consider the case of competing glutamatergic
Synaptic Level inputs to the same postsynaptic neuron. If one of the inputs
The preceding section emphasized the need of the auditory is strong and has a strict temporal organization, whereas the
system to be able to synchronize neural action potentials other is weak and/or temporally sporadic, then the former
with stimulus event times. A second expression of neural input is more likely to stabilize or strengthen its connection,
synchrony is in the ability of central neurons to synchro- whereas the latter is likely to weaken its connectivity. Con-
nize their activity with each other. To explore this issue in sider now the situation of a peripheral noise- (or other-)
principle, let us use the example of the role of glutamate induced peripheral hearing loss at one or both ears. The
receptors in the development of new synaptic strengths. The effective inputs retain or expand their connectivity, whereas
point here is to understand how it is that neurons alter the the impaired inputs lose theirs. This is neural plasticity, and
strengths of their synaptic connections (or for that matter, it is no surprise that cochlear regions adjacent to the damage
520 SECTION III • Special Populations

expand their cortical representation at the cost of represen- for how we conceptualize central auditory processing dis-
tation of the cochlear regions deprived of significant output. order (CAPD).
By the same token, if the behavioral importance of one input
supersedes that of another (likely mediated by a modula- Synchrony of Activity between
tion of synaptic plasticity exerted by the cholinergic nucleus Geographically Remote Brain
basalis), then the behaviorally relevant input is selectively
strengthened. This may be a neurophysiological underpin-
ning of auditory learning. Again, the important points are There are good grounds to support the view that there is no
that pre- and postsynaptic responses must be coordinated (conscious) perception without attention. Thus, it becomes
and that the rate and temporal properties of competitive inescapable that forebrain neural circuits involved in atten-
inputs determine their relative developments of strength of tional/cognitive processing need to be temporally coor-
connectivity. dinated with those involved in strictly sensory/perceptual
These and other mechanisms (e.g., feed-forward inhi- processing to generate fully elaborated, conscious percepts
bition: Eggermont and Roberts, 2004) may be at work in of the relevant stimulus. For the audiologist, this point pen-
any reorganization of neural frequency-intensity response etrates even the most basic, elemental levels of auditory
areas and in the reorganization of topographic cortical examination. We have already seen this phenomenology in
maps when there is a selective activation or a selective deac- the work of Scharf and his colleagues (above). Clinically, the
tivation of afferent inputs. As mentioned above, this kind of issue is important because to interpret poor hearing perfor-
selective modulation of inputs might occur after restricted mance, one often needs to separate out sensory processing
cochlear hearing loss (Robertson and Irvine, 1989) and in issues and attentional–cognitive ones. This may be par-
auditory learning (Weinberger, 1997). It is also seen in stud- ticularly relevant in cases of CAPD (cf. Bellis, 2007; Moore
ies using rearing in experimental acoustic environments et al., 2010) and in aging in which one might anticipate
that themselves produce no peripheral hearing loss (Norena some attentional or cognitive deficits.
et al., 2006; Pienkowski and Eggermont, 2010). To be sure, one can assess auditory performance and
We can construe the thalamic input to the cortex as hav- attentional/cognitive state independently and try to infer
ing a direct component that excites the target neurons. But from those measurements the source of poor hearing per-
it may also have a direct or indirect feed-forward (“lateral”) formance. Another approach is to employ preattentive elec-
inhibitory component (Eggermont and Roberts, 2004) that trophysiological measures, for example, the mismatch nega-
serves to suppress activity in adjacent neurons representing tivity response (MMN), to isolate strictly sensory function.
off-stimulus frequencies (e.g., through contribution to the A new question is whether one can objectively quantify the
development of so-called lateral inhibitory inputs to their temporal coordination (“synchrony”) between geographi-
response areas: Phillips and Hall, 1992). The frequency- cally remote brain regions that are required to execute the
restricted loss of afferent input not only deprives a focal cor- task at hand.
tical region of stimulus signal, but releases adjacent cortical This brings us to advanced brain imaging methods.
regions from feed-forward inhibition. These are conditions Magnetoencephalography provides a high spatial resolu-
that may permit the expansion of the (adjacent) functional tion and high temporal resolution of brain activity in which
inputs to deafferented recipient zones, resulting in changed the temporal relations of activity in geographically remote
neural response areas and distortions to tonotopic orga- brain regions can be assessed (Ross et al., 2010). Diffusion
nization. A focal enhancement of afferent input, whether tensor imaging provides measures of the structural status
deriving from a cortical or thalamic source, is capable of of white matter pathways, and this may change with as little
expanding the cortical representation of the inputs that as 2 hours of task training (Sagi et al., 2012). Most recently,
are selectively stimulated, and perhaps of suppressing the methods have been developed to measure white matter
representation of adjacent inputs. In both cases, there will functional activation during task performance (Mazerolle
be changes in neural synchrony deriving from the changes et al., 2010). Certainly, all of these methods are still being
in the efficiency of shared afferent inputs. As Eggermont refined and some of them can be expensive to employ
(2007) remarks, temporally correlated neural activity may because of scan-time fees. The point, however, is that these
be the driving force for changes in the organization of both methods may prove to be immensely valuable in measuring
the properties of individual cortical neurons and the topo- the degree to which impairments in hearing performance
graphic organization of cortical fields. Precisely what func- reflect, or are associated with, impairments in the coordi-
tional deficits or advantages accrue from the neural changes nation of geographically separated brain regions mediating
described above is unclear, but this issue should be a major different (sensory, attentional, cognitive) contributions to
focus of future research. From the clinical standpoint, these task performance.
data make clear that rearing conditions that do not induce The importance of this point comes home if we con-
peripheral hearing loss can nevertheless induce changes in sider the processes thought to contribute to performance
central functional connectivity. This raises important issues in within- and between-channel gap detection tasks. In the
CHAPTER 27 • Central Auditory Processing: A Functional Perspective from Neuroscience 521

former case, the task of the listener is to detect the singular found that the patient’s speech discrimination in quiet was
“glitch” or “hiccup” in the target stimulus. In the latter, it is very good, but significantly impaired (compared to controls)
currently assumed that a relative timing process is involved, if the stimuli were presented against a noise masker. Analyti-
that is, the listener may have to consciously execute a tem- cal studies with a /ba/-/wa/ stimulus continuum (in which
poral ordering process (offset of the leading marker, onset the independent variable was the duration of the formant
of the trailing one, detection of a silent period between transitions) revealed a normal just noticeable difference
them). In this regard, differentially poor performance on the for transition duration. In contrast, studies with a /da/-/ga/
between-channel task may be helpful diagnostically (Phillips continuum (in which the independent variable was the
et al., 2010), but it fails to specify the level at which the defi- starting frequency of the third formant transition) revealed
cit occurs (sensory coding, attentional processing). This is an abnormally high just noticeable difference. The authors
a nontrivial point because the between-channel version of concluded that the patient had “difficulty discriminating
the gap detection task is the more cognitively/attentionally stimuli that differ spectrally at stimulus onset and are char-
demanding. acterized by rapid spectro-temporal changes throughout the
formant transition” (p. 36). Interestingly, when the patient
was studied for MMN responses to /ba/-/wa/ and /da/-/ga/
Behavioral Evidence contrasts, responses were normal for the former, but absent
There are many diagnoses or specifiable disease processes for the latter (Kraus et al., 2000). Because the MMN is a pre-
that are capable of disrupting neural synchrony at one or attentive response, this result suggests that the patient’s dif-
more of the levels described above. These include multiple ficulty was at a sensory representation level rather than at an
sclerosis, CAPD, auditory neuropathy (Starr et al., 1996), attentional or cognitive one (although those may also have
and aging (Pichora-Fuller et al., 2007). Let us consider the existed).
latter two. The recent literature on auditory processing in aging
Auditory neuropathy is now a relatively well-understood offers another intriguing hypothesis on the role of neural
condition (c.f. Starr et al., 1996; Zeng et al., 2005). It involves synchrony. Miranda and Pichora-Fuller (2002) showed
pathology of the IHC-afferent fiber synapse and/or pathol- that temporally “jittering” the low-frequency (<1.2 kHz)
ogy of the cochlear nerve (and possibly more central neu- content of speech stimuli produced a perceptual deficit of
rons). Its hallmark features are (a) intact otoacoustic emis- “rollover” (reduced speech discrimination at high stimulus
sions, (b) severely impaired auditory brainstem response, levels) in young, normal-hearing listeners mimicking that
and (c) deficits in speech perception more severe than would seen in aged listeners. This effect cannot be due to a spectral
be expected on the basis of absolute sensitivity to sound distortion caused by the jitter, because spectral smearing in
(e.g., puretone average). The intact otoacoustic emissions are the absence of jitter was without effect on word identifi-
a sign that the cochlea’s “active process” (and therefore the cation (Pichora-Fuller et al., 2007). The authors make the
spectral decomposition function of the cochlea) is likely nor- assertion that temporal jitter introduced to the stimulus
mal. The poor brainstem response speaks to impaired neu- provides a model or “simulation” of aging (Pichora-Fuller
ral synchrony—at the level of neurons synchronizing their et al., 2007), that is, that the aging brain is prone to jittered
spike times with stimulus event times and/or at the level of neural timing.
the spike times of neurons responding to the same stimuli
not being synchronous enough to support a measurable
response at the scalp. The speech perception deficit, which is
often particularly severe in noisy settings, is what one might Sound localization is computational. In the visual and
expect in the face of impaired neural timing available to somatic sensory systems, there is a direct mapping of stimu-
encode both the fine time structure of the speech signal and lus location onto the nervous system. It takes the form of
the timing of the phonetically important elements. neurons with spatially adjacent receptive field locations
The conceptualization of auditory neuropathy as a being spatially adjacent in the brain. This forms a topo-
case of neural dys-synchrony is bolstered by recent studies graphic “map” of the world (e.g., skin surface, visual field)
that have explored the electrophysiological and perceptual in which there is a “place code” for stimulus location, that is,
responses that depend on precise neural timing. Zeng et al. stimulus location is specified by which neurons in the map
(2005) showed that neuropathy patients had impaired are active. There is no such mapping of source location in
perceptual discrimination of stimuli encoded temporally the auditory periphery. Instead, central processes compute
(e.g., interaural time differences, pitch of low-frequency source location from location cue information that is pres-
tones), but not of stimuli neurally represented by a rate/ ent at the ear(s). The cue information comes in two forms:
place code (e.g., ILDs, pitch of high-frequency tones). Kraus Monaural and binaural. Monaural cues are most helpful in
et al. (2000) provided a particularly thorough evaluation of determining sound source elevation and for making front/
an auditory neuropathy patient with normal audiograms back discriminations. Binaural cues are important for local-
and speech reception thresholds in quiet. As expected, they ization in the azimuthal plane.
522 SECTION III • Special Populations

Monaural cues are made up of directionally dependent For many years, the Jeffress (1948) model of a place
spectral filtering of a sound wave by the outer ear; reflec- code for sound localization has been highly influential
tion and absorption by the pinnae and the conchae result in in conceptualizing the “architecture” of sound localiza-
specific changes in the amplitudes and frequencies within tion mechanisms. It was offered initially for the encoding
a sound, which are described by the “head-related trans- of interaural time differences and was predicated on the
fer function” (HRTF). The characteristic modifications in assumption that by means of a set of neural “delay lines,”
a sound’s waveform resulting from the HRTF change with binaural neurons would develop a preferred interaural
the sound source position and so can serve as a cue for loca- delay and that in principle, neurons could be spatially
tion. However, the use of these cues requires a listener to arrayed according to their preferred delays. This model
be familiar with the sound’s spectrum and able to associ- played out exquisitely in barn owls in which it was shown
ate a particular filter with the correct location. This ability that midbrain neurons had narrow ranges of preferred
to compare a sound against pre-existing neural templates is IPDs (which determined the azimuthal range of free-field
probably partially learned and partially a result of innately receptive fields) and ILDs (which in owls specify the eleva-
making certain assumptions about a sound (such as that tions of receptive fields) and were spatially arrayed to form
natural sounds will not contain the prominent peaks or a neurophysiological “map” of contralateral auditory space
notches caused by outer ear filtering; Middlebrooks, 1992) (see Konishi, 1993).
or about how characteristic filtering will change as sound The model does not, however, appear to hold up in
(or as your head) moves. This HRTF filtering is unique for mammals (McAlpine et al., 2001; Phillips, 2008). For cen-
each individual, and damage to the outer ear can disrupt tral neurons sensitive to ILDs, most are broadly tuned to
these location cues for a time until internal templates are disparities favoring the contralateral ear, although there
relearned. Experiments in which ear molds have been used are smaller populations tuned to disparities close to zero
to alter the shape of participants’ pinnae have shown that ILD or broadly tuned to ILDs favoring the ipsilateral ear.
their abilities to use monaural cues is dramatically dimin- These data are matched by free-field observations in animal
ished at first, but returns to normal over a course of about neurophysiology: Most spatially sensitive high-frequency
6 weeks (Hofman et al., 1998). Critically, participants in this neurons have receptive fields that are broadly tuned to con-
experiment lost their ability to localize sound in the vertical tralateral azimuths, with medial borders near the midline,
plane while maintaining their ability to discriminate sound although there are smaller populations of cells with ipsilat-
position along the azimuth, confirming that binaural cues erally or centrally (midline) located receptive fields (Lee and
are insufficient for vertical localization. On the other hand, Middlebrooks, 2010; Stecker et al., 2005). For IPDs of noise
whereas binaural cues are normally dominant for horizon- stimuli, firing rates are broadly tuned to disparities favoring
tal sound localization, some unilaterally deaf listeners can the left or right auditory hemifields (McAlpine et al., 2001).
learn, in the absence of binaural information, to quite effec- There is less evidence for a distinct population of neurons
tively use monaural cues for horizontal sound localization tuned to zero IPD, and there is a startling absence of data
(Slattery and Middlebrooks, 1994). on the free-field receptive fields of low-frequency neurons
Binaural cues are associated with the azimuthal posi- (Dingle et al., 2013).
tion of a sound source, especially for sources within about The neurophysiological data from animals have a strik-
45 degrees of the midline. ILDs arise for frequencies with ing parallel in data from human psychophysics. Using selec-
wavelengths shorter than head diameter because of the sound- tive adaptation paradigms, it has been revealed that human
shadowing effect of the head on signal level at the ear further perceptual channels for ILD-based azimuths are broadly
from the source; for humans, ILDs are useful above about tuned to left or right auditory hemifields or to midline loca-
1,500 Hz. For low frequencies, the extra travel time of the tions and at both low and high frequencies (Dingle et al.,
sound to the further ear imposes an interaural time (phase) 2012; Phillips and Hall, 2005). For IPDs, there is strong
difference (IPD) that is best resolvable by the nervous system evidence for left and right auditory hemifields at both low
below about 750 Hz. The computation involved in both cases and high frequencies, and modest evidence for a midline
is, thus, a comparison of the signals at the two ears. channel at low frequencies (Dingle et al., 2010, 2013). The
There are countless descriptions of the fashions in current account, then, is that the neural code for source azi-
which neurons of the central auditory system encode ILDs muth resides in the relative activation of two or three neural-
and IPDs. The broad picture is twofold. Because cochlear perceptual channels, because those relative rates of activity
output is frequency specific and intensity dependent, it uniquely specify sound source azimuth (after Phillips and
is possible for the auditory nervous system (esp. LSO, see Hall, 2005; Stecker et al., 2005). This model is reminiscent of
above) to compare the signal levels at the two ears. Second, that for color vision in which the relative activation of blue,
because low-frequency cochlear output is phase-locked to green, and red cone systems enables the discrimination of
basilar membrane (and thus eardrum) motion, it is possible a million colors. The existence of left and right azimuthal
for central neurons (esp. MSO, see above) to compare the channels was predicted in an early auditory temporal gap
relative phases of those signals at the two ears. detection study and the midline channel had been suspected
CHAPTER 27 • Central Auditory Processing: A Functional Perspective from Neuroscience 523

Sounds unfold over time. We are used to the notion that
the auditory system is able to encode the spectral identity of
sounds, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that sound
source identity and location can reside as much in the tem-
0 poral properties of the stimuli at the ears as in the spectral
Sound source azimuth
ones. This is obvious in cases such as temporal ordering and
sound localization, but it penetrates down to the genera-
tion of pitch percepts and temporal regularity, and neural
timing clearly plays an important role in the coordination
% Activation

of responses involved in the generation of central represen-

tations of sounds, auditory plasticity, and sound detection
L M R L M R L M R L M R L M R and discrimination. Methods are available for the behav-
ioral, electrophysiological, and brain imaging measure-
FIGURE 27.3 The three-channel model of sound local- ments of these temporal processes. With the understanding
ization mechanisms in mammals. Upper diagram shows
that “temporal processing” has become an umbrella term
the rate of activity aroused in each channel as a func-
tion of the azimuth of a sound source. L, M, and R refer with a wide capture, it behooves us to dissect out these pro-
to the left, midline, and right channels, respectively. cesses and to use the resultant data to define, or redefine,
Middle panels show the location of a sound source in disorders of CAP.
relation to a listener’s head. Lower panels show the
relative activation of each channel evoked by the source
locations depicted in the middle row. Note that each
stimulus location is associated with a unique pattern of 1. Consider the following two assertions. (A), If you practice
relative activation of the three channels. auditory temporal processing intensively and in a struc-
tured way, then you will improve your auditory temporal
to exist (see Phillips, 2008); for IPDs, the model has recently processing skills. (B), If you practice auditory tempo-
received independent support from human brain imaging ral processing intensively and in a structured way, then
studies (Salminen et al., 2010). neuroplasticity will kick in and you will improve your
The functioning of the three-channel model is illus- auditory temporal processing skills. Which of those two
trated schematically in Figure 27.3. The upper part shows assertions carries more weight with you, and why? If you
the activation of left (L), midline (M), and right (R) chan- substituted “caber tossing” or “cake baking” for “auditory
nels as a function of sound source location (in degrees temporal processing,” would your answer change?
of azimuth). The middle row of images depicts selected 2. It is argued that in mammals, the perceived location of
sound source locations relative to the listener’s head, and a sound in the azimuthal plane depends on the relative
the bottom row of histograms shows the relative activation outputs of two or three perceptual channels, each of
of the three channels for each source location depicted in which is rather broadly tuned to source location. In the
the middle row. The important point to be gleaned from case of two-channel systems, this is sometimes termed
this illustration is that each sound source azimuthal loca- “opponent processing.” How many instances of oppo-
tion is represented by a unique distribution of activity nent processing can you find in other sensory or cognitive
across the three channels. How far the “skirts” of the chan- systems? That is, how common is the implementation of
nels’ tuning extend is not known with certainty. However, this strategy in the brain?
note that small changes in source azimuth will bring about 3. Suppose that an otherwise normal person was born with
the greatest changes in the distribution of channel activity the following abnormality: their left cochlea projects upon
for locations relatively close to the midline. This is where the right cochlear nucleus, and their right cochlea projects
behavioral spatial acuity is at its greatest. It reflects two upon the left cochlear nucleus. What would be the conse-
related factors. One is that disparity size versus azimuth quences of this abnormality for that person’s hearing?
functions are steepest near the midline, especially for
ILDs. The second is that neural spike rate versus dispar-
ity size functions are steepest for disparities close to zero
(Phillips and Brugge, 1985). Restated, the neural code for The preparation of this chapter, and some of the research
disparity size is most unambiguous over disparity sizes described herein, was supported by grants from NSERC of
which themselves most precisely specify source azimuth. Canada and the Killam Trust to DPP. RND was supported
It is thus no surprise that spatial acuity is greatest around by an NSERC postgraduate scholarship. Many thanks are
the midline. due to Susan E. Hall for her input at all stages of this work.
524 SECTION III • Special Populations

Kidd SA, Kelly JB. (1996) Contribution of the dorsal nucleus of

KEY REFERENCES the lateral lemniscus on binaural responses in the inferior
A full list of references for this chapter can be colliculus of the rat: Interaural time delays. J Neurosci. 16,
found at Below are the key refer- 7390–7397.
ences for this chapter. Konishi M. (1993) Listening with two ears. Sci Am. 268, 66–73.
Kraus N, Bradlow AR, Cheatham MA, Cunningham J, King CD,
Aiken SJ, Picton TW. (2008) Envelope and frequency-following Koch DB, et al. (2000) Consequences of neural asynchrony:
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C H A P T ER 2 8

Auditory Pathway
Representations of Speech
Sounds in Humans
Daniel A. Abrams and Nina Kraus

linguistically produces plastic changes in the auditory path-

INTRODUCTION ways that may alter neural representation of speech in a
An essential function of the human auditory system is the manner that cannot be predicted by simple stimuli. Fourth,
neural encoding of speech sounds. The ability of the brain when speech stimuli are chosen carefully, the acoustic prop-
to translate the acoustic events in the speech signal into erties of the signal can still be well controlled.
meaningful linguistic constructs relies in part on the way This chapter is organized into five sections, with each
the central nervous system represents the acoustic struc- section describing what is currently known about how the
ture of speech. Consequently, an understanding of how the brain represents a particular acoustic feature present in
nervous system accomplishes this task would provide speech (see Table 28.1). These acoustic features of speech
important insights into the basis of language function and were chosen because they have essential roles in normal
auditory-based cognition. speech perception. Each section contains a description of
One of the challenges faced by researchers is that speech the acoustical feature, an explanation of its importance in
is a complex acoustic signal that is rich in both spectral and speech perception, followed by a review and assessment of
temporal features. In everyday listening situations, the abun- the data for that acoustic feature.
dance of acoustical cues in the speech signal provides enor- An exciting aspect of brain function is the remarkable
mous perceptual benefits to listeners. For example, listeners capacity of the brain to modify its functional properties fol-
are able to shift their attention between different acoustical lowing training. In the auditory domain, a growing body of
cues when perceiving speech from different talkers to com- research has shown that targeted training and remediation
pensate for the built-in variations in the acoustical prop- programs can provide substantial speech perception benefit
erties (Nusbaum and Morin, 1992). This form of “listener to a number of populations, including both normal listeners
flexibility” reflects a critical aspect of speech perception: The and clinical populations with impaired auditory function.
listener makes use of whatever spectral or temporal cues are Given the prevalence of hearing deficits in industrialized
available to help decode the incoming speech signal. societies and an aging population in most Western countries,
There are two basic approaches that researchers have targeted auditory training to maintain and improve speech
adopted for conducting experiments on speech perception perception, particularly in the presence of background noise,
and the underlying physiology. One approach uses “simple” represents an important strategy for sustaining speech-based
acoustic stimuli, such as tones and clicks, as a means to con- communication and cognitive skills (Lin et al., 2013). Impor-
trol for the complexity of the speech signal. Whereas simple tantly, behavioral improvements that result from training
stimuli enable researchers to reduce the acoustics of speech originate in changes in brain function, and it is of great
to its most basic elements, the auditory system is nonlinear interest to the field of auditory research to understand what
(Sachs and Young, 1979) and, therefore, responses to sim- aspects of brain function change in response to auditory-
ple stimuli generally do not accurately predict responses to based training. These findings are of theoretical interest:
actual speech sounds. A second approach uses speech and Many auditory training paradigms constitute relatively com-
speech-like stimuli (Song et al., 2006; Cunningham et al., plex tasks, exposing the listener to a host of acoustical fea-
2002; Skoe and Kraus, 2010). There are many advantages to tures and tapping into a range of sensory and cognitive skills;
this approach. First, these stimuli have greater face validity therefore, an understanding of the specific brain changes that
for understanding speech processing. Second, a complete accompany training-based improvement provides a window
description of how the nonlinear auditory system responds on the particular acoustical features that are most important
to speech can only be obtained by using speech stimuli. for improvement on the trained tasks. Thus, a final goal of
Third, long-term exposure to speech sounds and their use this chapter is to highlight exciting recent research describing


TA B L E 2 8 .1

Acoustic Features of Speech and their Representations in the Central Auditory System
Major Sections: Acoustic 'FBUVSFŗT3PMFJOUIF
Features in Speech 4QFFDI4JHOBM Brainstem Measure $PSUJDBM.FBTVSF
1. Formant structure Ubiquitous in vowels, approxi- Frequency-following N100m source location;
mants, and nasals; essential response STS activity (fMRI)
for vowel perception
2. Periodicity Temporal cue for the fundamental Frequency-following N100m source location and
frequency and low formant response amplitude; nonprimary
frequencies (50–500 Hz) auditory cortex activity
patterns (fMRI)
3. Frequency transitions Consonant identification; signal Frequency-following Left versus right STG
the presence of diphthongs response activity (fMRI)
and glides; linguistic pitch
4. Acoustic onsets Phoneme identification ABR onset complex N100m source location;
N100 latency
5. Speech envelope Syllable and low-frequency N/A N100m phase-locking
(<50 Hz) patterns in speech

changes in auditory brain function following speech and of time: Greater amounts of energy at a given frequency
auditory training, with a focus on therapeutic training para- are represented with dark lines whereas smaller amounts of
digms designed to improve speech perception in both clini- energy are depicted in white. The fundamental frequency
cal populations and normal hearing listeners. can be seen as the horizontal band of energy in Figure 28.1A
An important consideration is that the acoustical fea- that is closest to the x-axis (i.e., lowest in frequency). The
tures described in this chapter are not mutually exclusive. fundamental frequency is labeled F0 and provides the per-
For example, one section of this chapter describes the neural ceived pitch of an individual’s voice.
encoding of “periodicity,” which refers to acoustical events
that occur at regular time intervals. Many features in the
speech signal are periodic; however, describing all of these Harmonic Structure
simultaneously occurring periodic features would be exper- An acoustical feature that is related to the fundamental
imentally unwieldy. For simplicity, and to show how these frequency of speech is known as the harmonic structure.
features were investigated, some related acoustical features Speech harmonics, which are integer multiples of the fun-
will be discussed in separate sections. Throughout the chap- damental frequency, are present in ongoing speech. The
ter we have tried to identify when there is overlap among the harmonic structure of speech is displayed in Figure 28.1A,
acoustical features. as the regularly spaced horizontal bands of energy that are
seen throughout the sentence.
ACOUSTICS Formant Structure
The speech signal can be described according to a number of Another essential acoustical feature of speech is the formant
basic physical attributes (Johnson, 1997). An understanding structure which describes a series of discrete peaks in the
of these characteristics is essential to any discussion of how frequency spectrum of speech that are the result of an inter-
the auditory system encodes speech. The linguistic roles of action between the frequency of the vocal-fold vibrations
these acoustic features are described separately within each and the speaker’s vocal tract resonance. The frequency of
section of the chapter. these peaks, as well as the relative frequency between peaks,
varies for different speech sounds. The formant structure of
speech depends on the harmonic structure of speech. Har-
'VOEBNFOUBM'SFRVFODZ monic structure is represented by integer multiples of the
The fundamental frequency component of speech results fundamental frequency, and formants are harmonics that
from the periodic beating of the vocal folds. In Figure 28.1A, are close to a resonant frequency of the vocal tract. In Fig-
the frequency content of the naturally produced speech sen- ure 28.1, the formant structure of speech is represented by
tence “The Young Boy Left Home” is plotted as a function the series of horizontal, and occasionally diagonal, lines that

The Young Boy Left Home








1,000 F2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Time F0
FIGURE 28.1 Spectrogram for the naturally produced speech sentence “The young boy left home.”
(A) The complete sentence; (B) the word “left” is enlarged to illustrate the frequency structure: The
fundamental frequency (F0) and formants (F1–F3) are represented in the spectrogram by broad dark
lines of energy.

are darker than their neighbors that run through most of strength of ABRs (and auditory potentials in general) is that
the speech utterance. The word “left” has been enlarged they precisely reflect the time-course of neural activity at the
in Figure 28.1B to better illustrate this phenomenon. The microsecond level. The ABR is typically measured with a sin-
broad and dark patches seen in this figure represent the gle active electrode referenced to the earlobe or nose. Clinical
peaks in the frequency spectrum of speech that are the result evaluations using the ABR typically use brief acoustic stimuli,
of an interaction between the frequency of vibration of the such as clicks and tones, to elicit brainstem activity. The ABR
vocal folds and the resonances of a speaker’s vocal tract. The is unique among the AEPs because of the remarkable reliabil-
frequency of these peaks, as well as the relative frequency ity of this response, both within and across subjects. In the
between peaks, varies for different speech sounds within the clinic, the ABR is used to assess the integrity of the auditory
sentence. The lowest frequency formant is known as the first periphery and lower brainstem (Hall, 1992). The response
formant and is notated F1, whereas subsequent formants consists of a number of peaks, with wave V being the most
are notated F2, F3, and so on. The frequencies of F1 and F2 clinically reliable. Deviations on the order of microseconds
in particular are important for vowel identity. are deemed “abnormal” in the clinic and are associated with
some form of peripheral hearing damage or with retroco-
chlear pathologies. Research using the ABR to probe acoustic
THE MEASURES OF BRAIN processing of speech utilizes similar recording procedures,
ACTIVITY but different acoustic stimuli.
We begin by describing the neurophysiological measures
that have been used to probe auditory responses to speech $PSUJDBM3FTQPOTFT
and speech-like stimuli (comprehensive descriptions of these
measures can be found elsewhere: Hall, 1992 as well as in
chapters in this book). Historically, the basic research on the Cortical-evoked responses are used as a research tool to
neurophysiology of speech perception has borrowed a num- probe auditory function in normal and clinical populations.
ber of clinical tools to assess auditory system function. Cortical-evoked potentials are small voltages originating
from neural activity auditory cortical structures in response
to sound. These potentials are typically measured with mul-
Brainstem Responses tiple electrodes, often referenced to a “common reference,”
The auditory brainstem response (ABR) consists of small which is the average response measured across all electrodes.
voltages originating from neural activity in auditory struc- Cortical-evoked “fields” are the magnetic counterpart to
tures in the brainstem in response to sound. Although these cortical-evoked potentials; however, instead of measuring
responses do not pinpoint the specific origin of auditory voltage across the scalp, magnetic fields produced by brain
activity among the auditory brainstem nuclei, the great activity are measured.

Electroencephalography (EEG) is the technique by precise spatial information regarding the origin of neural
which evoked potentials are measured and magnetoenceph- activity in the brain. A disadvantage is the poor resolution
alography (MEG) is the technique by which evoked fields in the temporal domain: Neural activity is often integrated
are measured. Similar to the ABR, the strength of assessing over the course of seconds, which is considered extremely
cortical-evoked potentials and fields is that they provide slow given that speech tokens are as brief as 30 ms. Although
detailed information about the time-course of activation recent work using functional imaging has begun describing
and how sound is encoded by temporal response proper- activity in subcortical regions, the work described here will
ties of large populations of auditory neurons, though this cover only studies of temporal cortex.
technique is limited in its spatial resolution. Because of
large inter- and intrasubject variability in cortical responses,
these measures are not generally used clinically. Results
from these two cortical methodologies are generally com- Periodicity
patible, despite some differences in the neural generators
that contribute to each of these responses. Studies using DEFINITION AND ROLE IN THE
both EEG and MEG are described interchangeably through- PERCEPTION OF SPEECH
out this chapter despite the subtle differences between the
measures. The nomenclature of waveform peaks is similar Periodicity refers to regular temporal fluctuations in the
for EEG and MEG: Typically, an N or P, depicting a nega- speech signal between 50 to 500 Hz (Rosen, 1992). Impor-
tive or positive deflection, followed by a number indicating tant aspects of the speech signal that contain periodic acous-
the approximate latency of the peak. Finally, the letter “m” tic information include the fundamental frequency and all
follows the latency for MEG results. For example, N100 and components of the formant structure (note that encoding
N100m are the labels for a negative deflection at 100 ms as of the formant structure of speech is covered in a later sec-
measured by EEG and MEG, respectively. tion). The acoustic information provided by periodicity
conveys both phonetic information as well as prosodic cues,
such as intonation and stress, in the speech signal. As stated
FUNCTIONAL IMAGING in Rosen’s paper, this category of temporal information rep-
Functional imaging of the auditory system is another often- resents both the periodic features in speech and the distinc-
used technique to quantify auditory activity in the brain. tion between periodic and aperiodic portions of the signal,
The technology that is used to measure these responses, as which fluctuate at much faster rates.
well as the results they yield, is considerably different from This section will review studies describing the neural
the previously described techniques. The primary difference representation of relatively stationary periodic components
is that functional imaging is an indirect measure of neural in the speech signal, most notably the fundamental fre-
quency. An understanding of the mechanism for encoding
activity, that is, instead of measuring voltages or fields result-
a simple periodic feature of the speech signal, the F0, will
ing from activity in auditory neurons, functional imaging
facilitate descriptions of complex periodic features of the
measures hemodynamics, a term used to describe changes
speech signal, such as the formant structure and frequency
in metabolism as a result of changes in brain activity. The
data produced by these measures is a three-dimensional
map of activity within the brain as a result of a given stimu-
lus. The strong correlation between actual neural activity PHYSIOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF
and blood flow to the same areas of the brain (Smith et al., PERIODICITY IN THE HUMAN BRAIN
2002) has made functional imaging a valuable investiga-
tive tool to measure auditory activity in the brain. The two Auditory Brainstem
methods of functional imaging described here are func- The short-latency frequency-following response (FFR) is
tional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and positron an electrophysiological measure of phase-locked neural
emission tomography (PET). The difference between these activity originating from brainstem nuclei that represents
two techniques is that fMRI measures natural levels of oxy- responses to periodic acoustic stimuli up to approximately
gen in the brain, as oxygen is consumed by neurons when 1,000 Hz (Smith et al., 1975; Stillman et al., 1978). Based on
they become active. PET, however, requires the injection of the frequency range that can be measured with the FFR, a
a radioactive isotope into a subject. The isotope emits posi- representation of the fundamental frequency can be mea-
trons, which can be detected by a scanner, as it circulates in sured using this methodology (Krishnan et al., 2004; Russo
the subject’s bloodstream. Increases in neural activity draw et al., 2004; Skoe and Kraus, 2010), as well as the F1 in some
more blood, and consequently more of the radioactive iso- instances (encoding of F1 is discussed in detail in the For-
tope, to a given region of the brain. The main advantage mant Structure section).
that functional imaging offers relative to evoked potentials A number of studies have shown that F0 is represented
and evoked fields is that it provides extremely accurate and within the brainstem response (i.e., FFR) according to a

/da/ stimulus waveform



Auditory brainstem response

Onset transient Frequency following Offset transient
0.6 response FIGURE 28.2 Acoustic waveform of the
0.4 V synthesized speech stimulus /da/ (above)
and grand average auditory brainstem
0.2 responses to /da/ (below). The stimulus
Amplitude (μV)

0 has been moved forward in time to the

latency of onset responses (peak V) to
enable direct comparisons with brain-
–0.4 O stem responses. Peaks V and A reflect
–0.6 D E F the onset of the speech sound and peak
O reflects stimulus offset. Peaks D, E, and
–0.8 A F represent a phase-locked representa-
–1 tion to the fundamental frequency of the
0 10 20 30 40 50 speech stimulus, and the peaks between
Time (ms) D, E, and F occur at the F1 frequency.

series of peaks that are temporally spaced corresponding to that source representation in the auditory brainstem is nor-
the wavelength of the fundamental frequency. An example mal whereas filter class representation is impaired (Banai
of F0 representation in the FFR can be seen in Figure 28.2, et al., 2009; Hornickel et al., 2012a; King et al., 2002). The
which shows the waveform of the speech stimulus /da/ (top), converse, impairments in brainstem encoding of source (F0)
an experimental stimulus that has been studied in great but not filter components, is a characteristic of individuals
detail, as well as the brainstem response to this speech sound with poor hearing in noise (Anderson et al., 2011). These
(bottom). A cursory inspection of this figure shows that the data suggest that the acoustical representations of source
primary periodic features of the speech waveform provided and filter aspects of a given speech signal are differentially
by the F0 are clearly represented in negative-going peaks D, processed and provide evidence for neural specialization at
E, and F of the FFR brainstem response. Importantly, it has the level of the brainstem.
been shown that the FFR is highly sensitive to F0 frequency;
this aspect of the brainstem response accurately “tracks” Cortex
modulations in frequency (Krishnan et al., 2004), a topic Neurons in the auditory cortex respond robustly with time-
which is discussed in depth in the Frequency Transitions locked responses to slow rates of stimulation (<∼25 Hz)
section of this chapter. and generally do not phase-lock to frequencies greater than
A hypothesis regarding the brainstem’s encoding of approximately 100 Hz (Creutzfeldt et al., 1980). Therefore,
different aspects of the speech signal has been proposed cortical phase-locking to the fundamental frequency of
(Kraus and Nicol, 2005). Specifically, it is proposed that the speech, which is near or greater than 100 Hz, is poor, and
source (referring to vocal-fold vibration) and filter aspects it is generally thought that the brainstem’s phase-locked
(vocal musculature in the production of speech) of a speech representation of F0 is transformed at the level of cortex
signal show dissociation in their acoustical representa- to a more abstract representation. For example, it has been
tion in the auditory brainstem. The source portion of the shown that cortical neurons produce sustained, nonsyn-
brainstem’s response to speech is the representation of the chronized discharges throughout a high-frequency (>50 Hz)
F0, whereas the filter refers to all other features, including stimulus (Lu et al., 2001), which is a more abstract represen-
speech onset, offset, and the representation of formant fre- tation of the stimulus frequency compared to time-locked
quencies. For example, it has been demonstrated that brain- neural activation.
stem responses are correlated within source and filter classes An important aspect of F0 perception is that listen-
but are not correlated between classes (Russo et al., 2004). ers native to a particular language are able to perceive a
Moreover, in a study of children with language-learning given speech sound as invariant regardless of the speaker’s
disabilities, whose behavioral deficits may be attributable F0, which varies considerably among men (F0 ∼ 100 Hz),
to central auditory processing disorders, it has been shown women (F0 ∼ 200 Hz), and children (F0 up to 400 Hz). For

example, the speech sound “dog” is categorized by a listener sentation of periodicity, as measured by the spectral magni-
to mean the exact same thing regardless of whether an adult tude of the F0 and the second harmonic (H2), in responses
or a child produces the vocalization, even though there is a measured in the presence of background noise. An impor-
considerable difference in the F0 of the adult’s and child’s tant consideration is the breadth of auditory and cognitive
vocalizations. To address how auditory cortical responses skills trained by LACE and the specificity of these brainstem
reflect relatively large variations in F0 between listeners, results. The LACE program broadly trains speech percep-
N100m cortical responses were measured with MEG for a tion in noise, and consequently the brainstem representa-
set of Finnish vowel and vowel-like stimuli that varied in F0 tion of any number of acoustical features in speech could
while keeping all other formant information (F1–F4) con- have shown training-related effects. Nevertheless, only the
stant (Makela et al., 2002). Results indicated that N100m F0 and H2 features of the brainstem response were enhanced
responses were extremely similar in spatial activation pat- following LACE training. The interpretation of this result is
tern and amplitude for all vowel and vowel-like stimuli, that the brain’s coding of periodicity is a particularly critical
irrespective of the F0. This is a particularly intriguing find- element for the perception of speech in noise. On the sur-
ing given that N100m responses differed when 100-, 200-, face, this may be surprising: The fundamental frequency is
and 400-Hz puretone stimuli were presented to the same not always necessary for speech comprehension. For exam-
subjects in a control condition. The similarity of the speech- ple, the fundamental frequency is systematically filtered out
evoked brain responses, which were independent of the F0 of all telephone signals. Nevertheless, these results strongly
frequency, suggests that variances in F0 may be filtered out suggest that in challenging listening conditions, including
of the neural representation by the time it reaches the cor- the perception of speech in noise, periodic features may pro-
tex. The authors suggest that the insensitivity of cortical vide important acoustical benefit to the listener as reflected
responses to variations in the F0 may facilitate the semantic by the sharpening of this feature in the brainstem response
categorization of the speech sound. In other words, since F0 to speech in noise.
does not provide essential acoustic information relevant to In summary, periodicity of the fundamental frequency
the semantic meaning of the speech sound, it may be that is robustly represented in the FFR of the ABR. Moreover, the
the cortex does not respond to this aspect of the stimulus in representation of the fundamental frequency is normal in
favor of other acoustic features that are essential for decod- children with learning disabilities (LDs) despite the abnor-
ing word meaning. mal representations of speech-sound onset and first formant
frequency. Yet, its role appears to be essential in hearing
Electrophysiological Changes due to Training speech in noise. This disparity in the learning disabled audi-
The brain’s representation of periodicity has been shown to tory system provides evidence that different features of
be malleable following auditory-based training. The goal of speech sounds may be served by different neural mecha-
one study was to train the perception of speech in the pres- nisms and/or populations. In the cortex, MEG results show
ence of background noise, an environmental sound source that cortical responses are relatively insensitive to changes
which negatively impacts speech perception in normal indi- in the fundamental frequency of speech sounds, suggesting
viduals and has even more severe perceptual consequences that differing F0s between speakers are filtered out by the
in individuals with hearing impairments. In this study, a time the signal reaches the level of auditory cortex. Results
group of 28 normal hearing young adults were trained on a from speech in noise training indicate that improvements in
commercially available computer program entitled “Listen- speech perception in noise result in systematic enhancement
ing and Communication Enhancement” (LACE) (Sweetow of periodic aspects of the speech signal, including the F0 and
and Sabes, 2006), which trains listeners on a number of H2 components.
auditory tasks including comprehension of degraded
speech, auditory mnemonic and cognitive skills, and com-
munication strategies (Song et al., 2012). After 4 weeks of Formant Structure
training, participants showed improvements in measures
of speech perception in noise as measured by LACE as well
as independent measures of speech perception in noise, Formant structure describes a series of discrete peaks in
including the Hearing in Noise Test (Nilsson et al., 1994) the frequency spectrum of speech that are the result of an
and the Quick Speech in Noise Test (Killion et al., 2004). An interaction between the frequency of vibration of the vocal
age-matched group of normal hearing, untrained listeners folds and the resonances within a speaker’s vocal tract (see
showed no improvements in speech in noise perception. Introduction for a more complete acoustical description of
Neural correlates of these behavioral improvements the formant structure). The formant structure is a domi-
were explored by measuring ABRs to a synthetic /da/ stimu- nant acoustic feature of sonorants, a class of speech sounds
lus in both quiet and in the presence of background noise. that includes vowels, approximants (e.g., /l/ and / /), and
Results showed that behavioral improvements in trained nasals. The formant structure has a special role in the per-
listeners were accompanied by enhanced brainstem repre- ception of vowels in that formant frequencies, particularly

the relationship between F1 and F2 are the primary pho- composite signal comprising the component puretones
netic determinants of vowels. For example, the essential (i.e., simultaneous presentation of the 600- and 2,100-Hz
acoustic difference between /u/ and /i/ is a positive shift in puretones). These responses were compared to isolated for-
F2 frequency (Peterson and Barney, 1952). Because of the mants, defined as the first and second formant frequencies
special role of formants for vowel perception, much of the of a vowel stimulus, complete with their harmonic struc-
research regarding the formant structure of speech uses ture, separated from the rest of the frequency components
vowel stimuli. of the stimulus (i.e., F0, higher formant frequencies). These
isolated formants had the same frequency as the tonal stim-
PHYSIOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF uli (i.e., 600 and 2,100 Hz). Finally, a two-formant compos-
FORMANT STRUCTURE IN THE HUMAN BRAIN ite signal, which constituted a vowel, was also presented.
Results indicated that the N100m source in response to the
Auditory Brainstem vowel stimulus was different in location from that predicted
The question of how the human auditory brainstem rep- by both the puretone responses and the superposition of
resents important components of the formant structure responses to the component single formant stimuli. These
was addressed in a study by Krishnan (2002). In this study, data indicate that formant structure is spatially represented
brainstem responses (FFRs) to three steady-state vowels in human cortex differently than the linear sum of responses
were measured and the spectral content of the responses was to the component formant stimuli and suggest that formant
compared to that of the vowel stimuli. All three of the stimuli structure has a different representation relative to the tono-
had approximately the same fundamental frequency; how- topic map. The authors of this work hypothesize that the
ever, the first two formant frequencies were different in each different spatial representation of the vowel stimuli reflects
of the vowel stimuli. Results indicate that at higher stimulus the additional acoustic components of the vowel stimuli,
intensities the brainstem FFR accurately represents F1 and including the harmonic and formant structures. The authors
F2; however, the representation of F1 was greater than for of this work refrain from a potentially more intriguing con-
F2. The author indicates the similarity between this finding clusion, that is, does the spatial representation of the vowel
and a similar result in a classic study of vowel representation stimuli in some way reflect the behavioral experience of the
in the auditory nerve of anesthetized cats (Sachs and Young, subjects with these speech sounds? For example, it is possi-
1979) which also demonstrated a predominant representa- ble that a larger, or different, population of cortical neurons
tion of F1. These data provide evidence that phase-locking is recruited for sounds that are familiar, or have significant
serves as a mechanism for encoding critical components of ecologic importance, relative to the population recruited for
the formant structure not only in the auditory nerve, but puretones or single formant frequencies and that the source
also in the auditory brainstem. location for the vowels reflects this phenomenon.
Additional studies have attempted to better describe
Auditory Cortex the acoustic representation of vowels in the human brain. In
A number of studies have described the representation of one study, Obleser et al. (2003) addressed the neurophysiol-
formant structure in the human cortex as a means of inves- ogy underlying a classic study of speech acoustics in which
tigating whether a cortical map of phonemes, termed the it was shown that the distinction of vowels is largely carried
“phonemotopic” map, exists in the human brain. Specifi- by the frequency relationship of F1 and F2 (Peterson and
cally, researchers want to know if the phonemotopic map is Barney, 1952). To this end, cortical source locations were
independent of the tonotopic map, or alternatively whether measured in response to German vowels that naturally dif-
phonemes are more simply represented according to their fer in F1–F2 relationships. Results indicated that the loca-
frequency content along the tonotopic gradient in auditory tion of the N100m source reflects the relationship of the
cortex. To this end, investigators have measured cortical F1–F2 formant frequencies. This finding was replicated in
responses to vowel stimuli, a class of speech sounds that dif- a second study using 450 natural speech exemplars of three
fer acoustically from one another according to the distribu- Russian vowels; again, the spectral distance between F1 and
tion of F1–F2 formant frequencies. Vowel stimuli also offer F2 was reflected in the dipole location of N100m responses
the advantage of exhibiting no temporal structure beyond (Shestakova et al., 2004).
the periodicity of the formants. Although these studies provide evidence that the cor-
The method that has been used to investigate the rela- tex represents the formant structure of vowels in a manner
tionship between the tonotopic map in human auditory that is (a) unrelated to the tonotopic map and (b) organized
cortex and the representation of formant structure has according to the perceptually essential formant frequencies,
been to compare cortical source locations for tones and these findings require a number of caveats. First, the source
specific speech sounds with similar frequency components. locations described in these studies represent the center of
For example, in one study (Diesch and Luce, 1997) N100m gravity, as a single point in three-dimensional space in the
source location was measured in response to separately pre- cortex, of the neural contributors to a given N100m response
sented 600- and 2,100-Hz puretones as well as a two-tone (Naatanen and Picton, 1987). Second, approximately six

neural regions contribute to the N100 and therefore it rep- lateralized to the left hemisphere. Although a direct link
resents a highly complex neural response. Consequently, between these forms of asymmetry has not been established,
the N100 described in these studies of phonemotopic maps a plausible scenario is that the acoustic-level asymmetries
should not be viewed as an exact representation of well- precede, and serve as the input to, phonemic and semantic
described, and highly localized, auditory maps in animal processing in left-hemisphere language regions. If this is the
models (Schreiner, 1998). This is particularly relevant given case, it remains to be seen what physiological advantage a
that the clear tonotopic gradient in auditory cortex is no right-hemisphere preference for formant structure process-
longer apparent when puretone stimuli are presented above ing (Belin et al., 2000) might offer given that phonemic and
50 dB SPL (Schreiner, 1998), such as the levels used in the semantic processing of speech stimuli takes place in the oppo-
MEG experiments described in this section. In addition, it site hemisphere, thereby requiring transmission through the
has not yet been definitively shown that the neural repre- corpus callosum. Future studies investigating acoustic-level
sentations of phonemes described in these studies truly asymmetries and their interface with higher-order language
constitute a phonemotopic map. The presence of a pho- asymmetries would provide essential information regarding
nemotopic map suggests behavioral relevance of phoneme the functional neuroanatomy of speech perception.
stimuli beyond their acoustic attributes. None of the studies
described here have tested if cortical responses to the F1–F2 Electrophysiological Changes due to Training
components for nonnative vowel sounds show similar sen- Musical training can enhance the brainstem’s representation
sitivity as native phonemes. Despite these limitations, these of formant frequencies, and this enhancement is related to
studies provide consistent evidence that a perceptually criti- important aspects of speech perception. For example, it was
cal aspect of the formant structure of vowels, the F1–F2 rela- recently shown that adult musicians have greater differentia-
tionship, is represented in a spatial map in auditory cortex as tion of brainstem responses for consonant–vowel stimuli that
early as ∼100 ms poststimulus onset. vary according to F2 frequency (Parbery-Clark et al., 2012;
Another line of evidence has used functional imaging Strait et al., in press). Specifically, musicians showed more
to show the particular regions of the temporal cortex that pronounced brainstem timing differences in response to /da/,
are sensitive to the formant structure of speech sounds rela- /ga/, and /ba/ stimuli compared to nonmusicians, and brain-
tive to other natural and vocally generated sounds, that is, stem differentiation of these stimuli correlated with standard-
laughs and coughs (Belin et al., 2000). Cortical responses ized measures of speech perception in noise. This finding is
to natural vocal stimuli were compared to vocal stimuli in important for a number of reasons. First, it shows that musi-
which the formant structure of speech was replaced by white cians’ goal-directed attention to spectrotemporal features in
noise and scrambled vocal sounds. All stimuli were matched music promotes neural differentiation of subtle variants in
for overall RMS energy. In both of these experimental con- formant structure in speech as well as perceptual benefits for
ditions, the original amplitude envelope of the speech signal speech in noise. This result is also significant with regard to
modulated the altered spectral information. Results from efficacy of therapy: Whereas many forms of auditory percep-
this experiment indicated that all stimuli activated regions tual training fail to generalize to untrained stimuli (Burk and
along the superior temporal sulcus (STS), a cortical region Humes, 2008; Halliday et al., 2012), results from the music
consisting of unimodal auditory and multimodal areas that literature have consistently shown that musical training
is hypothesized to be a critical speech-processing center sub- generalizes to speech perception tasks in children (Moreno
sequent to more rudimentary acoustic processing in struc- et al., 2009; Thompson et al., 2004) and adults (Schon et al.,
tures of the superior temporal plane. However, responses to 2004; Thompson et al., 2004) as well as the neural encoding
the natural vocal stimuli were significantly larger and more of speech (Moreno et al., 2009; Schon et al., 2004; Strait and
widespread throughout the STS, particularly in the right Kraus, 2014). Importantly, results from the Parbery-Clark
hemisphere, than for the spectrally manipulated vocal stim- study show that musical training influences the neural differ-
uli. These data indicate that the formant structure of speech entiation of subtle formant frequency characteristics, which
deeply affects activity patterns in the STS, a speech-selective is fundamental to the identification and discrimination of
region of temporal cortex, even when the temporal compo- phoneme contrasts (Peterson and Barney, 1952).
nents of the signals are held constant. In addition, these data In summary, the brainstem encodes lower formant fre-
suggest a right-hemisphere bias for processing the formant quencies, which are critical to vowel perception, with phase-
structure, which supports the more general hypothesis that locked responses. Moreover, the representation of these
the right hemisphere is dominant for resolving spectral formants is enhanced following long-term musical train-
components in acoustic signals (Zatorre et al., 2002). ing, and the strength of these representations is correlated
An interesting consideration is how cortical asymme- with perceptual benefit for speech in noise. Converging evi-
tries in response to the acoustic features of speech relate to dence indicates that the cortex encodes a perceptually essen-
well-established cerebral asymmetries for higher-order lan- tial aspect of the formant structure of speech. Specifically,
guage processing, such as phonemic and semantic process- the F1–F2 relationship is spatially mapped in the cortex at
ing (Geschwind and Galaburda, 1985), which are strongly ∼100 ms poststimulus onset as measured by N100m source

location. In addition, functional imaging data provide evi- language, these four stimuli are different words: The F0
dence that the STS, a nonprimary auditory region of tempo- contour provides the only acoustic cue to differentiate
ral cortex, is more responsive to speech stimuli that contain them. Results indicated that the FFR represented the funda-
formant structure than speech in which the formant struc- mental frequency modulations for all of the stimulus con-
ture has been replaced with other sounds. Together, these ditions irrespective of the form of the frequency contour.
results suggest that both primary and associative regions These data indicate that the FFR represents phase-locked
of temporal cortex are sensitive to aspects of the formant activity in the brainstem for rapidly changing frequency
structure that are essential for normal perception. components in speech, an essential acoustical cue for
consonant identification.
'SFRVFODZ5SBOTJUJPOT A similar methodology was used in another study by
Krishnan and colleagues to investigate the role of language
ACOUSTIC DESCRIPTION AND ROLE IN THE experience on auditory brainstem encoding of pitch (Krishnan
PERCEPTION OF SPEECH et al., 2005). FFRs to the “yi” stimuli described above were
measured in native Mandarin speakers as well as native
Frequency transitions of the fundamental and formant speakers of American English, to whom the pitch alterations
frequencies are ubiquitous in ongoing speech. In English, bear no linguistic value. Results from this study indicate
modulation of the fundamental frequency typically does greater FFR pitch strength and pitch tracking in the Chinese
not provide segmental cues; rather it provides supraseg- subjects compared to the native English speakers across all
mental cues such as the intent (e.g., question or statement) four of the Mandarin tones. The FFR of the Chinese subjects
and emotional state of the speaker. In other languages, such also indicated increased harmonic representation of the fun-
as Mandarin and Thai, modulations to the fundamental damental frequency (i.e., larger neural representation of the
frequency provide phonetic cues. Formant transitions on harmonic content of the F0) compared to the English speak-
the other hand are critical for speech perception of English ers. These data indicate that responses from the auditory
in that they serve as a cue for consonant identification and brainstem reflect the behavioral experience of a listener by
signal the presence of diphthongs and glides (Lehiste and enhancing the neural representation of linguistically relevant
Peterson, 1961). Formant transitions have also been shown acoustic features.
to play a role in vowel identification (Nearey and Assmann, An hypothesis proposed by Ahissar and Hochstein
1986). The movements of formant frequencies can be dis- (2004) may explain how experience engenders plasticity at
tilled to three basic forms that occur during an ongoing low levels of sensory systems. Their “reverse hierarchy” the-
sequence of phonemes (taken from Lehiste and Peterson, ory proposes that when a naïve subject attempts to perform a
1961): (a) The movement of a formant from the initiation perceptual task, the performance on that task is governed by
of the consonant until the beginning of the vowel in a con- the “top” of a sensory hierarchy. As this “top” level of the sys-
sonant–vowel combination, (b) the movement of a formant tem masters performance of the task, over time, lower levels
from one vowel to another vowel (i.e., in a diphthong), and of the system are modified and refined to provide more pre-
(c) formant movement from a vowel until vowel termina- cise encoding of sensory information. This can be thought
tion for a vowel–consonant combination. The frequency of as efferent pathway-mediated tuning of afferent sensory
modulations that occur during formant transitions can input. Although the reverse hierarchy theory does not explic-
occur at relatively fast rates (∼40 ms) while spanning large itly discuss plasticity of the brainstem, this theory could
frequency ranges (>2,000 Hz in F2 transitions). account for the findings of Krishnan. Specifically, because
of the importance of extracting lexical information present
PHYSIOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION in pitch contours, native Mandarin speakers are “experts”
OF FREQUENCY TRANSITIONS IN at encoding this acoustic feature, which is accomplished, at
THE HUMAN BRAIN least in part, by extreme precision and robustness of sen-
sory encoding in low levels of the auditory system such as
Auditory Brainstem the brainstem. Native English speakers, who are not required
The FFR is able to “track,” or follow, frequency changes in to extract lexical meaning from pitch contours, are relative
speech. This phenomenon was demonstrated in a study of novices at this form of pitch tracking, and consequently their
FFR tracking of the fundamental frequency (F0) in Mandarin brainstems have not required this level of modification.
speech sounds (Krishnan et al., 2004). In this study, FFR An interesting question that was addressed in a subse-
to four different tonal permutations of the Mandarin word quent study is whether native Mandarin speakers are bet-
“yi” was measured in a group of native Mandarin speakers. ter than English speakers at pitch tracking the F0 exclusively
Specifically, synthetic stimuli consisted of “yi” pronounced for familiar speech sounds or whether Mandarin speakers’
with (1) a flat F0 contour, (2) a rising F0 contour, (3) a superior performance would extend to all periodic acoustic
falling F0 contour, and (4) a concave F0 contour that signals, including nonnative speech sounds (Xu et al., 2006).
fell then rose in frequency. In Mandarin, which is a “tonal” Results show that a lifetime of experience using F0 to extract

linguistic meaning specifically affects auditory responses to and serves as an early acoustic analysis stage at the level of
familiar speech sounds and does not generalize to all peri- the cortex. A significant piece of evidence in support of this
odic acoustic signals. However, data from the Kraus Lab sug- hypothesis was provided in a study of cortical activation pat-
gests that another form of long-term auditory experience, terns for rapid and slow formant frequency modulations
musicianship, contributes to enhanced neural encoding of (Belin et al., 1998). In this study, nonspeech sounds contain-
speech sounds in the auditory brainstem relative to nonmu- ing temporal and spectral characteristics similar to speech
sicians (Wong et al., 2007). This finding provides evidence sounds were presented to listeners as they were PET scanned.
that expertise associated with one type of acoustic signal Nonspeech sounds were used so that any cortical asymmetry
(i.e., music) can provide a general augmentation of the audi- could not be associated with well-known asymmetries for
tory system that is manifested in brain responses to another language processing. Results indicated that the left STG and
type of acoustic signal (i.e., speech) and indicates that audi- primary auditory cortex showed greater activation than the
tory experience can modify basic sensory encoding. right STG for rapid (40 ms) formant frequency transitions
but not for slow (200 ms) transitions. In addition, a left-
Auditory Cortex hemisphere region of prefrontal cortex was asymmetrically
Similar to Krishnan’s work involving the brainstem, multiple activated for the rapid formant transition, which was cor-
studies have investigated cortical processing of F0 pitch con- roborated in a separate fMRI study that used nearly identical
tours and its relationship to language experience. The most acoustic stimuli (Temple et al., 2000). These data suggest
convincing of these studies is that by Wong et al. (2004). that left-hemisphere auditory regions preferentially process
In this study, native Mandarin and native English speakers rapid formant modulations present in ongoing speech.
underwent PET scanning during passive listening and while In summary, modulations in the fundamental fre-
performing a pitch discrimination task. Stimuli consisted of quency of speech are faithfully encoded in the FFR. More-
(a) Mandarin speech sounds that contained modulations of over, these brainstem responses appear to be shaped by lin-
the fundamental frequency that signal lexical meaning and guistic experience, a remarkable finding that indicates that
(b) English speech sounds which also contained modula- cognitive processes (e.g., language) influence basic sensory
tions to the fundamental frequency; however, F0 modula- processing. In the cortex, a mechanism for encoding fre-
tions never provide lexical information in English. Imaging quency modulation is the specialization of left-hemisphere
results indicated that native Mandarin speakers showed sig- auditory regions, and results indicate that rapid frequency
nificant activation of the left anterior insular cortex, adjacent changes in speech-like stimuli preferentially activate the left
to Broca’s area, only when discriminating Mandarin speech hemisphere relative to slower frequency changes. In addition,
sounds; the homologous right anterior insula was activated the anterior insular cortex is activated for the processing of
when this group discriminated English speech sounds, as F0 modulations: The left-hemisphere insula is specifically
well as when native English speakers discriminated both activated when F0 modulations provide lexical information
Mandarin and English speech sounds. These data suggest to a native speaker, whereas the right-hemisphere insula
that the left anterior insula is involved in auditory process- is activated when F0 modulations do not provide lexical
ing of modulations to the fundamental frequency only when information. These cortical findings would appear to be
those modulations are associated with lexical processing. contradictory: The former indicates asymmetric activation
Moreover, these data suggest that the neural processing of by left-hemisphere structures is based on physical param-
acoustic signals is context dependent and is not solely based eters of the speech signal, irrespective of linguistic content,
on the acoustical attributes of the stimuli. whereas the latter suggests that linguistic context is essential
In addition to studies of the neural representation of F0 for left-asymmetric insular processing of F0 modulations.
modulations, a number of studies have also addressed the However, Wong et al. (2004) stated that these results can be
cortical representation of formant frequency modulation in reconciled if the insular activity shown in their study occurs
humans. As it is known that neurons in auditory cortex do after the “acoustically specialized” cortical activity described
not phase-lock to frequencies greater than approximately by Belin et al. (1998) and Temple et al. (2000). If this were
100 Hz (Creutzfeldt et al., 1980), and the formant structure true, it would indicate two independent levels of cortical
of speech consists of frequencies almost exclusively above asymmetry: One based on the acoustic attributes of the sig-
100 Hz, the cortical representation of frequency modula- nal and one based on the linguistic relevance to the listener.
tion as measured by evoked potentials is abstract (i.e., not This hypothesis needs to be tested in future studies.
represented with time-locked responses) relative to those
described for the auditory brainstem. One cortical mecha- Electrophysiological Changes due to Training
nism that has received considerable attention for the pro- There is ample evidence that multiple forms of auditory
cessing of rapid formant modulations is that of asymmetric therapy and training have enhancing effects on the neural
processing in the left-hemisphere auditory cortex. A more representation of frequency transitions in speech, includ-
general hypothesis proposes that left-hemisphere auditory ing transitions of the fundamental and formant frequencies.
cortex is specialized for all forms of rapid acoustic stimuli Consistent with neural enhancement of formant structure

discussed previously, musical training also strengthens group, composed of reading-impaired children who did not
brainstem representations of frequency transitions, includ- use assistive listening devices, failed to show improvements
ing representations of both the fundamental and formant in either of these neural or behavioral measures.
frequencies. As discussed previously, one study showed that Taken together, results from these studies show that the
adult musicians have enhanced brainstem representations neural representation of frequency transitions in speech is
in response to tonal permutations of the Mandarin word highly malleable in response to very different kinds of audi-
“mi,” which are characterized by contours to the fundamen- tory training, including musical training, adaptive auditory-
tal frequency (Wong et al., 2007). It is hypothesized that based computer programs, and the use of assistive listening
this neural benefit is the result of years of attention to pitch devices. This suggests that therapies that sharpen “top-down”
variations in musical stimuli, and again it is significant that brain mechanisms, such as goal-directed attention to audi-
this neural advantage generalizes from the music domain to tory stimuli, and “bottom-up” signals, as provided by assis-
speech. In another study, it was shown that musical training tive listening devices, can focus and improve the efficiency of
also enhances brainstem representations of formant transi- neural mechanisms serving the tracking of frequency modu-
tions in speech. For example, young children (3 to 5 years of lations. Moreover, the relative abundance of studies showing
age) with at least a year of musical training showed earlier training effects for neural responses of frequency transitions
brainstem responses to the formant transition portion of a further suggests that the brain’s representation of this acousti-
consonant–vowel stimulus compared to age-matched listen- cal feature is particularly plastic, reflecting a critical auditory
ers, with the greatest effects of musicianship being evident in mechanism underlying rapid improvement in important
the presence of background noise (Strait et al., 2013). Studies auditory skill acquisition.
examining other forms of auditory training have also shown
strengthening of brainstem responses to formant transitions Acoustic Onsets
in speech. In one study, two groups of older adults (mean
age = 62 years) participated in different training paradigms ACOUSTIC DESCRIPTION AND ROLE IN THE
matched for time and computer use: One group was trained PERCEPTION OF SPEECH
on an adaptive computer-based auditory training program
that combined bottom-up perceptual discrimination exer- Acoustic onsets are defined here as the spectral and tem-
cises with top-down cognitive demands whereas an active poral features present at the beginning (the initial ∼40 ms)
control group was trained on a general educational stimula- of speech sounds. Although the acoustics of phonemes are
tion program (Anderson et al., 2013). Results for the auditory only slightly altered based on their location in a word (i.e.,
training group showed improved resiliency of speech-evoked beginning, middle, or end of a word), an emphasis has been
brainstem responses in background noise, and this resiliency put on acoustic onsets in the neurophysiological literature.
was most pronounced for the formant transition period Consequently, acoustic onsets are discussed here separately,
of the consonant–vowel stimulus. This neural effect in the despite some overlap with acoustic features (e.g., frequency
auditory training group was accompanied by significant transitions) discussed previously.
improvement in a number of auditory behavioral and cogni- Onset acoustics of speech sounds vary considerably in
tive measures, including speech in noise, auditory memory, both their spectral and temporal attributes. In some cases,
and processing speed. Importantly, the active control group the spectral features of the onset are essential for perception
failed to show improvements on both the neural and behav- (e.g., the onset frequency of F2 for discriminating /da/ vs.
ioral measures. A third study examined brainstem plasticity /ga/), whereas in other cases temporal attributes of onsets
for yet another type of auditory therapy, in this case the use are the critical feature for perception. A frequently studied
of assistive listening devices for use by children with reading acoustic phenomenon associated with the latter is that of
impairments in the classroom (Hornickel et al., 2012b). The the voice onset time (VOT), which is present in stop conso-
theoretical basis for providing these listening devices to this nants. The VOT is defined as the duration of time between
population is that children with reading impairments have the release of a stop consonant by speech articulators and
impaired speech perception in noise relative to age-matched the beginning of vocal-fold vibration. The duration of the
children (Bradlow et al., 2003). Importantly, assistive listen- VOT is the primary acoustic cue that enables differentiation
ing devices provide substantial improvements with regard between consonants that are otherwise extremely similar
to the signal-to-noise ratio of the teacher voice relative to (e.g., /da/ vs. /ta/, /ba/ vs. /pa/, /ga/ vs. /ka/).
classroom background noise. Results from this study showed
that after using assistive listening devices for one academic PHYSIOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF
year, children with reading impairments showed greater ACOUSTIC ONSETS IN THE HUMAN BRAIN
consistency of brainstem responses in the formant transi-
tion period of a consonant–vowel stimulus. These children Auditory Brainstem
also showed behavioral improvements on standardized mea- The brainstem response to speech-sound onsets has been
sures of phonologic processing and reading ability. A control studied extensively (Banai et al., 2005; Russo et al., 2004;

Wible et al., 2004). The first components of the speech- subpopulation of LDs from normal subjects, but also within
evoked ABR reflect the onset of the stimulus (Figure 28.2). the LD population in terms of the severity of the disability.
Speech onset is represented in the brainstem response at Findings from the brainstem measures also indicate a link
approximately 7 ms in the form of two peaks, positive peak between sensory encoding and cognitive processes such as
V and negative peak A. literacy. An important question is whether the link between
Findings from a number of studies have demonstrated sensory encoding and cognition is a causal one, and if so,
that the brainstem’s response to acoustic transients is closely whether brainstem deficits are responsible for cortical
linked to auditory perception and to language function, deficits (or vice versa). Alternatively, these two abnormali-
including literacy. These studies have investigated brain- ties may be merely coincident. Nevertheless, the consistent
stem responses to speech in normal children and children findings of brainstem abnormalities in a sizable proportion
with language-based LDs, a population that has consistently of the LD population have led to the incorporation of this
demonstrated perceptual deficits in auditory tasks using experimental paradigm into the clinical evaluation of LD
both simple (Tallal and Piercy, 1973; Wright et al., 1997) and central auditory processing disorders.
and complex (Kraus et al., 1996; Tallal and Piercy, 1975)
acoustic stimuli. A general hypothesis proposes a causal Auditory Cortex
link between basic auditory perceptual deficits in LDs and Cortical encoding of spectral features of speech-sound
higher-level language skills, such as reading and phonologic onsets has been reported in the literature (Obleser et al.,
tasks (Tallal et al., 1993), although this relationship has been 2006) and indicates that a spectral contrast at speech onset,
debated (Mody et al., 1997). In support of a hypothesis link- resulting from consonant place of articulation (i.e., front
ing basic auditory function and language skills, studies of produced consonant /d/ or /t/ vs. back produced consonant
the auditory brainstem indicate a fundamental deficiency in /g/ or /k/), is mapped along the anterior–posterior axis in
the synchrony of auditory neurons in the brainstem for a auditory cortex as measured by N100m source location.
significant proportion of language-disabled subjects. This is significant because it indicates that phonemes dif-
The brainstem’s response to acoustic transients in ferentially activate regions of auditory cortex according
speech is an important neural indicator for distinguishing to their spectral characteristics at speech onset. It was also
LD from typically developing (control) subjects. A number shown that the discrete mapping of consonants according
of studies have provided compelling evidence that the rep- to onset acoustics is effectively erased when the speech stim-
resentation of speech onset is abnormal in a significant pro- uli are manipulated to become unintelligible despite keep-
portion of subjects with LD (Banai et al., 2009). For example, ing the spectral complexity of the stimuli largely the same.
brainstem responses to the speech syllable /da/ were mea- This stimulus manipulation was accomplished by altering
sured for a group of 33 normal children and 54 children with the spectral distribution of the stimuli. The authors argue
LD, and a “normal range” was established from the results of that this latter finding indicates that the cortex is spatially
the normal subjects (King et al., 2002). Results indicated that mapping only those sounds that are intelligible to listeners.
20 LD subjects (37%) showed abnormally late responses to These data provide important evidence that cortical spatial
onset peak A. Another study showed a significant difference representations may serve as an important mechanism for
between normal and LD subjects based on another mea- the encoding of spectral characteristics in speech-sound
sure of the brainstem’s representation of acoustic transients onsets. In addition to differences in spatial representations
(Wible et al., 2004). Specifically, it was shown that the slope for place of articulation contrasts, cortical responses also
between onset peaks V and A to the /da/ syllable was sig- showed latency differences for these contrasts. Specifically,
nificantly smaller in subjects with LD compared to normal it was shown that front consonants, which have higher
subjects. The authors of this study indicate that diminished frequency onsets, elicited earlier N100m responses than
V/A slope demonstrated by LDs is a measure of abnormal back consonants. This finding is consistent with near-field
synchrony to the onset transients of the stimulus and could recordings measured from animal models indicating earlier
be the result of abnormal neural conduction by brainstem response latencies for speech onsets with higher frequency
generators. In another study (Banai et al., 2005), LD subjects formants (McGee et al., 1996).
with abnormal brainstem timing for acoustic transients were Cortical responses to temporal features of speech-sound
more likely to have a more severe form of LD, manifested in onsets have also been reported in the literature, many of
poorer scores on measures of literacy, compared to LD sub- which have utilized VOT contrasts as stimuli. These studies
jects with normal brainstem responses. In yet another study, were performed by measuring obligatory evoked potentials
it was shown that the timing of children’s brainstem onset (N100 responses) to continua of consonant–vowel speech
responses to speech sounds correlated with standardized sounds that varied gradually according to VOT (Sharma and
measures of reading and phonologic abilities across a wide Dorman, 1999, 2000; Sharma et al., 2000). Additionally, per-
range of reading abilities (Banai et al., 2009). ception of these phonetic contrasts was also measured using
Taken together, these data suggest that the brainstem the same continua as a means of addressing whether cortical
responses to acoustic transients can differentiate not only a responses reflected categorical perception of the phonemes.

Neurophysiological results indicated that for both /ba/-/pa/ encoding of acoustic onsets at the brainstem may be a criti-
and /ga/-/ka/ phonetic contrasts, one large negative peak cal marker for systemic auditory deficits manifested at mul-
was evident at approximately 100 ms in the response wave- tiple levels of the auditory system, including the cortex.
form for stimulus VOTs < 40 ms. A second negative peak In summary, evidence from examining the ABR indi-
in the response waveform emerged for stimulus VOTs of cates that acoustic transients are encoded in a relatively
40 ms, and this second peak occurred approximately 40 ms simple fashion in the brainstem, yet they represent a com-
after the first peak and was thought to represent the onset of plex phenomenon that is related to linguistic ability and
voicing in the stimulus. Moreover, as the VOT of the stimu- cortical function. In the cortex, results indicate that spectral
lus increased in duration, the lag between the second peak contrasts of speech onsets are mapped along the anterior–
relative to the first increased proportionally, resulting in a posterior axis in the auditory cortex, whereas temporal
strong correlation between VOT and the interpeak latency attributes of speech onsets, as manifested by the VOT, are
of the two peaks (r = ∼0.80). The onset of double peaks in precisely encoded with double-peaked N100 responses.
cortical responses with a VOT of 40 ms is consistent with
neurophysiological responses measured directly from the Electrophysiological Changes due to Training
auditory cortex of humans (Steinschneider et al., 1999), and A survey of the brainstem and cortical literatures indi-
an important consideration is that the onset of the double cates that there is relatively scant evidence that the brain’s
peak occurred at 40 ms for both /ba/-/pa/ and /ga/-/ka/ pho- representation of acoustic onsets is malleable following
netic contrasts. In contrast, behavioral results require dif- auditory-based training and therapy, and the primary evi-
ferent VOTs to distinguish the /ba/-/pa/ and /ga/-/ka/ pho- dence for plasticity of this feature is from a study of very
netic contrasts. Specifically, a VOT of ∼40 ms was required young children. This study, which was previously described
for listeners to correctly identify /pa/ from /ba/, whereas a in the Formant Transition section, showed that a year or
VOT of ∼60 ms was required for correct identification of more of musical training in young children (3 to 5 years
/ga/ from /ka/. Taken together, these data indicate that corti- of age) resulted in decreased brainstem onset latencies in
cal responses reflect the actual VOT irrespective of the cat- response to a consonant–vowel stimulus (Strait et al., 2013).
egorical perception of the phonetic contrasts. Sound onsets are considered to be particularly rudimentary
sound features, and the fact that the brainstem’s response to
Brainstem–Cortex Relationships acoustical onsets does not appear to be plastic following
In addition to linking precise brainstem timing of acoustic training (except in very young children) strongly suggests
transients to linguistic function, it has also been shown that that this neural feature is established early in development
abnormal encoding of acoustic transients in the brainstem and remains largely static irrespective of the experience of
is related to abnormal auditory responses measured at the the individual. However, subcortical encoding of acoustic
level of cortex. In addition to their imprecise representation onsets does undergo substantial developmental changes
of sounds at the auditory brainstem, a significant propor- across the lifespan, irrespective of training (Anderson et al.,
tion of LDs have also consistently demonstrated abnormal 2012; Skoe et al., in press).
representations of simple and complex acoustic stimuli at
the level of the auditory cortex. Three studies have linked
abnormal neural synchrony for acoustic transients at the 5IF4QFFDI&OWFMPQF
auditory brainstem to abnormal representations of sounds DEFINITION AND ROLE IN THE
in the cortex. In one study, it was shown that a brainstem
measure of the encoding of acoustic transients, the dura-
tion of time between onset peaks V and A, was positively The speech envelope refers to temporal fluctuations in the
correlated to auditory cortex’s susceptibility to background speech signal under 50 Hz. The dominant frequency of
noise in both normal and LD subjects (Wible et al., 2005). the speech envelope is at ∼4 Hz, which reflects the average
Specifically, the longer the duration between onset peaks V syllabic rate of speech (Steeneken and Houtgast, 1980).
and A, the more degraded the cortical responses became in Envelope frequencies in normal speech are generally below
the presence of background noise. In another study, it was 8 Hz (Houtgast and Steeneken, 1985), and the perceptually
shown that individuals with abnormal brainstem timing essential frequencies of the speech envelope are between 4
to acoustic transients were more likely to indicate reduced and 16 Hz (Drullman et al., 1994), although frequen-
cortical sensitivity to acoustic change, as measured by the cies above 16 Hz contribute slightly to speech recogni-
mismatch negativity (MMN) response (Banai et al., 2005). tion (Shannon et al., 1995). The speech envelope provides
Finally, a third study showed that brainstem timing for phonetic and prosodic cues to the duration of speech seg-
speech-sound onset and offset predicts the degree of corti- ments, manner of articulation, the presence (or absence)
cal asymmetry for speech sounds measured across a group of voicing, syllabication, and stress. The perceptual signifi-
of children with a wide range of reading skills (Abrams et al., cance of the speech envelope has been investigated using a
2006). Results from these studies indicate that abnormal number of methodologies (Drullman et al., 1994; Shannon

et al., 1995) and, taken together, these data indicate that the (Sharma and Dorman, 1999, 2000; Sharma et al., 2000).
speech envelope is both necessary and sufficient for normal These data are not, however, in contradiction to one another.
speech recognition. In both cases, an a priori requirement for perception is
phase-locking to the speech envelope; there is no evidence
PHYSIOLOGICAL REPRESENTATION OF THE for perception in the absence of accurate phase-locking to
SPEECH ENVELOPE IN AUDITORY CORTEX the temporal envelope in either study. The primary differ-
ence between the studies is that despite phase-locking to
Only a few studies have investigated how the human brain the temporal envelope in the /ka/ stimulus condition at a
represents the slow temporal information of the speech VOT of ∼40 ms, reliable perception of /ka/ occurs at ∼60 ms.
envelope. It should be noted that the representation of the This suggests that accurate phase-locking is required for
speech envelope in humans has only been studied at the perception; however, perception cannot be predicted by
level of the cortex, since measuring ABRs typically involves phase-locking alone. Presumably, in the case of the /ka/
filtering out the neurophysiological activity below ∼100 Hz VOT stimulus, there is another processing stage that uses
(Hall, 1992). Since speech envelope frequencies are between the phase-locked temporal information in conjunction with
2 and 50 Hz, any linear representation of speech envelope additional auditory-linguistic information (e.g., repeated
timing in brainstem responses is removed with brainstem exposure to /ka/ stimuli with 60 ms VOT) as a means to
filtering. form phonetic category boundaries. The question of if and
In one EEG study, responses from the auditory cortex how category boundaries are established irrespective of
to conversational, clearly enunciated, and time-compressed auditory phase-locking requires additional investigation.
(i.e., rapid) speech sentences were measured in children
(Abrams et al., 2008). Results indicate that human cortex
synchronizes its response to the contours of the speech enve-
lope across all three speech conditions and that responses Speech is a highly complex signal composed of a variety
measured from right-hemisphere auditory cortex showed of acoustic features, all of which are important for normal
consistently greater phase-locking and response magnitude speech perception. Normal perception of these acoustic fea-
compared to left-hemisphere responses. An MEG study tures certainly relies on their neural encoding, which has
showed similar results; however, in this study, it was shown been the subject of this review. An obvious conclusion from
that these neurophysiological measures of speech envelope these studies is that the central auditory system is a remark-
phase-locking correlated with subjects’ ability to perceive able machine, able to simultaneously process the multiple
the speech sentences: As speech sentences become more dif- acoustic cues of ongoing speech to decode a linguistic mes-
ficult to perceive, the ability of the cortex to phase-lock to sage. Furthermore, how the human brain is innately and
the speech sentence was more impaired (Ahissar et al., 2001). dynamically programmed to utilize any number of these
These results are in concert with results from the animal lit- acoustic cues for the purpose of language, given the appro-
erature, which show that neurons of primary auditory cortex priate degree and type of stimulus exposure, further under-
represent the temporal envelope of complex acoustic stimuli scores the magnificence of this system.
(i.e., animal communication calls) by phase-locking to this The primary goals of this chapter are to describe our
temporal feature of the stimulus (Wang et al., 1995). current understanding of neural representation of speech
A second line of inquiry into the cortical representa- as well as training-related changes to these representations.
tion of speech envelope cues was described previously in By exploring these two topics concurrently it is argued that
this chapter in the discussion of cortical responses to VOT we have provided complementary perspectives on auditory
(Sharma and Dorman, 1999, 2000; Sharma et al., 2000). function: The initial descriptions of brainstem and corti-
Acoustically, VOT is a slow temporal cue in speech (40 to cal representations of these speech features are thought to
60 ms; 17 to 25 Hz) that falls within the range of speech reflect “bottom-up” function of the auditory system with
envelope frequencies. Briefly, neurophysiological results minimal consideration for the dynamic interactions pro-
indicated that for both /ba/-/pa/ and /ga/-/ka/ phonetic vided by top-down connections in the auditory system (Xiao
contrasts, cortical N100 responses precisely represented the and Suga, 2002); in contrast, the descriptions of training-
acoustic attributes of the VOT. In addition, it was shown that related changes to these representations provide information
neural responses were independent of the categorical per- regarding how “top-down” cognitive and brain mechanisms
ception of these phonetic contrasts (see the Acoustic Onsets sharpen these auditory representations (reviewed in Kraus
section for a more detailed description of this study). and Chandrasekaran, 2010). Evidence accumulated across
On the surface, it may appear that the findings from studies provides a complicated, but compelling, account of
these experiments contradict one another since cortical the malleability of these auditory responses. Results show
phase-locking to the speech envelope correlates with per- that brainstem representations of speech can be affected and
ception in one study (Ahissar et al., 2001) whereas phase- sharpened by multiple forms of auditory-based experiences,
locking fails to correlate with perception in the other study from long-term musical experiences to relatively short-term

auditory-cognitive training paradigms. Importantly, the rel- brain responses as a result of specific behavioral experi-
ative plasticity of these different speech features appears to ences, with an emphasis on musical training. The following
fall on a continuum: Acoustic onsets, which are largely static are important questions for future research that will enable
following all forms of auditory training, occupy one end of us to further understand the brain basis of speech percep-
this continuum, whereas neural representations of formant tion as well as associated plasticity and impairments.
transitions occupy the other end of this continuum, showing
1. Both the auditory brainstem and cortical regions are
enhanced response properties following multiple training
highly sensitive to elements of speech structure. An
paradigms measured in a wide range of subject popula-
important question is what is the relationship between
tions. Consistent with the animal literature (Recanzone et al.,
the integrity of brainstem representations of speech struc-
1993), it is plausible that the relative plasticity of these fea-
ture and cortical regions beyond auditory cortex that are
tures reflects the behavioral demands of each form of train-
known to be critical for structural processing of speech?
ing, and a prediction of this hypothesis is that relatively static
For example, the posterior temporal sulcus is considered
neural representations do not significantly contribute to the
“voice-selective cortex” (Belin et al., 2000) and has been
improvement on these tasks whereas more dynamic neural
proposed to be a critical gateway which enables speech
representations are important for improved performance.
information to access other brain networks that serve
To garner a greater understanding of how the central
semantic, reward, and mnemonic processes (Belin et al.,
auditory system processes speech, it is important to con-
2011). A better understanding of how lower levels of the
sider subcortical and cortical auditory regions as recipro-
auditory hierarchy (i.e., the auditory brainstem) impact
cally interactive. Indeed, auditory processing reflects an
voice selectivity in the posterior temporal sulcus would
interaction of sensory, cognitive, and reward systems. Across
provide important information regarding the function
the acoustic features described in this review, the brainstem
of this extensive network.
appears to represent discrete acoustic events: The funda-
2. While humans are drawn to the sounds of speech, it is
mental frequency and its modulation are represented with
seldom considered a “rewarding” stimulus. Perhaps for
highly synchronized activity as reflected by the FFR; speech-
this reason little research has been conducted to study
sound onset is represented with highly predictable neural
the brain networks that are used for pleasurable speech.
activation patterns that vary within fractions of millisec-
For example, what parts of the auditory hierarchy
onds. Alternatively, the cortex appears to transform many
are differentially activated in response to pleasurable
of these acoustic cues, resulting in more complex represen-
compared to neutral speech? Would these pleasur-
tations of acoustic features of speech. For example, many
able speech sounds provide altered neural responses
of the cortical findings described here are based on the spa-
across the entire auditory hierarchy, or alternatively
tial representation of acoustic features (i.e., the relationship
would only specific regions of the brain show effects of
between F1 and F2 required for vowel identification; the
differentiation of speech transients; the encoding of peri-
3. Research described in this chapter has convincingly
odicity). Because cortical neurons are not able to phase-lock
shown that speech in noise perception is greatly improved
to high-frequency events, it is tempting to propose that
through musical training (Parbery-Clark et al., 2012;
cortex has found an alternative method for encoding these
Song et al., 2012). An exciting question is what are the
features based on the activity of spatially distributed neu-
particular neural mechanisms that enable this effect of
ral populations. The extent to which these acoustic features
musicianship? What aspects of musical training facilitate
are truly represented via a spatial organization in cortex is
these behavioral advantages, and how might we harness
a future challenge that will be likely achieved using high-
this information to train individuals of all ages to become
resolution imaging technologies in concert with EEG and
better listeners in noisy environments?
MEG technologies.

We thank Trent Nicol for his comments on a previous draft
Here, we have described what is currently known about of this chapter. This work is supported by F32DC010322,
brain representations of key elements of speech that are DC011095, and the Mosbacher Foundation (DAA) and the
necessary for normal speech perception. Our review cov- Hugh Knowles Center, NIH RO1DC10016, R01HD069414,
ers information garnered from multiple research method- NSF 0921275, NSF1057566, and NSF1015614 (NK).
ologies, including brainstem- and cortical-evoked responses
using EEG, which provide crucial information regarding the
neural timing in response to specific speech features, as well REFERENCES
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C H A P T ER 2 9

Central Auditory Processing

Evaluation: A Test Battery
Kim L. Tillery

increasing the language knowledge base and improving pro-

INTRODUCTION cessing speed. Intervention goals were to bridge linguistic
Audiologists routinely administer peripheral hearing assess- and cognitive perception (within the realm of the speech
ments and a growing number also administer central audi- pathologist) and the acoustic properties of speech (within
tory processing (CAP) tests. It seems logical that audiolo- the realm of the audiologist), thus enabling the client with
gists should consider to assist individuals with difficulty in a CAPD to function better with a minimum of behavioral
“hearing” the auditory message, whether it is because of a deficits. The consensus document encouraged collaborative
peripheral dysfunction, central dysfunction, or both. After efforts between clinicians and researchers to improve our
all, the hearing system is complex and we should be able understanding of CAPD.
to assess the integrity of the entire hearing system to better ASHA provided an updated technical report on CAPD
serve those who struggle in communication, language, and in 2005. This report recognized the previously accepted
learning functions. It appears that the educational training ASHA definition and detailed a number of additional topics,
dealing with central auditory processing disorder (CAPD) including a review of basic science advances, audiometric
in clinical doctorate of audiology (Au.D.) programs has assessment, developmental and acquired communication
increased the awareness of CAPD in audiologists and in the problems associated with CAPD, and the use of diagnostic
importance of the test battery approach in forming a com- information to indicate specific interventions. Although the
prehensive understanding. Bruton Conference (Jerger and Musiek, 2000) suggested
removing the word “central” from the title of this disorder,
the ASHA (2005) report did not take a stand on the pre-
BACKGROUND ferred title but rather indicated that both were acceptable.
CAPD was first officially described in 1992 by the American They recommended that the word “central” remain in the
Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The general title, as (central) auditory processing disorder or CAPD,
definition described CAPD as having difficulty in retrieving, because most of the tests administered for CAPD diagnosis
transforming, analyzing, organizing, and storing informa- involve the central auditory nervous system (CANS), which
tion from audible acoustic signals (ASHA, 1992). This simple is reiterated in the American Academy of Audiology (AAA)
definition was later expanded when ASHA initiated a task 2010 guidelines.
force to discuss and derive the first professional consensus of A second clarification provided in the ASHA (2005)
several issues involving central auditory processing disorders Technical Report addressed the “modality-specific”
(CAPDs) (ASHA, 1995, 1996). The issues included a defini- approach to diagnosing CAPD (Cacace and McFarland,
tion, basic auditory science, assessment, clinical application, 2005; Jerger and Musiek, 2000). This approach, initiated
and developmental and acquired communication problems. by one group of researchers over the last decade (Cacace
CAPD was defined as involving deficits in localization, lat- and McFarland, 2005; McFarland and Cacace, 1995, 1997),
eralization, auditory discrimination, pattern recognition hinges on whether a CAPD evaluation should be purely
skills, temporal processing, and performance decrements auditory or might include other sensory and supramodal
with competing or degraded auditory signals. systems, such as language (Katz and Tillery, 2005; Musiek
The consensus provided recommendations for deter- et al., 2005). The ASHA (2005) report provides substantial
mining the presence of CAPD and its functional defi- research and reasoning that a diagnostic criterion to rule
cits, emphasizing a team approach and the delineation of out all other perceptual factors is not consistent with brain
developmental or acquired CAPD deficits. Management organization and central nervous system (CNS) processing
approaches were focused on enhancing processing skills by and that assessment of multimodality function is not within

546 SECTION III • Special Populations

the scope of one professional discipline. In addition, the learning difficulties frequently associated with CAPD, a mul-
report stated that influences of maturational delays, extent tidisciplinary approach can lead to more accurate diagnoses,
of neurobiologic disorders, social and environmental fac- thereby enhancing effective treatment and management plans
tors, and neurologic disorders or diseases most certainly can (Keller and Tillery, 2002, 2014). Although a team approach
impact different individuals with the same auditory deficit is recommended to determine the problems associated with
in different ways. It was concluded that CAPD involves a the client’s communication skills (Keller and Tillery, 2014),
neural processing deficit of auditory stimuli that may “coex- it is the audiologist who administers tests to determine
ist with, but is not the result of, dysfunction in other modali- the integrity of the CANS (AAA, 2010; ASHA, 1995, 2005;
ties” (ASHA, 2005, p 3). Thus, CAPD is described as a dis- Canadian Guidelines, 2012).
tinct clinical entity that relates to complex skills including
speech, reading, and other functions.
Five years later, the AAA (2010) guidelines elaborated CENTRAL AUDITORY
on the potential influence of poor motivation, fatigue, or PROCESSING TEST BATTERY
attention issues as sources that might cause a decreased test
performance toward the end of the 45- to 60-minute test
battery. The guidelines stress the need to use more than one As early as 1954, Mykelbust suggested that children with
test, in particular, to be conscious that sensitivity may be language disorders may have an auditory deficit beyond
raised when increasing the number of tests whereas specific- peripheral hearing and that the clinician should assess for
ity may be reduced. The audiologist must be aware that the such possibilities (Mykelbust, 1954). This early sugges-
more tests that are used the more likely it is to have errors tion came when there were no audiologic tests to deter-
because of attention or fatigue. The purpose of an evalua- mine auditory functioning beyond the peripheral system.
tion is to (1) identify strengths and weaknesses in the audi- Today, there are quite a few central tests, and the test battery
tory system and (2) differentiate normal versus abnormal approach continues to be well recognized for CAP assess-
performance. ment (Domitz and Schow, 2000; Rawool, 2013).
Successive position statements support the importance The intent of CAP evaluations is to assess the CANS sys-
of diagnosis and treatment of children and adults. This was tem at different levels. The efficacy of any test is determined
echoed most recently by the 2012 Canadian Guidelines on by examining how it compares with different assessment
CAPD which incorporates the British Society of Audiology tools (AAA, 2010; ASHA, 2005). Such comparisons may
Position Statement (2011) and the International Classifi- indicate that two or three auditory processing tests provide
cation of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) of the the same conclusions as six or seven other tests (AAA, 2010;
World Health Organization (WHO, 2001). The latter ensures Musiek and Lamb, 1994).
two main principles to be considered. First, the focus should CAP tests have been in use for decades. The reader is
involve assessment and intervention in meeting the needs referred to the following for a review of these tests: Bellis
of the individual and family. Second, the end result should (2003), Katz (1994), Rawool (2013), and Weihing et al. (2013).
consider clinical, social, vocational, educational, and com- Table 29.1 lists the CAP tests with their targeted processes and
munity needs. In other words, is there community support CANS sensitivity.
for remediation and how do the processing deficits influ- In addition to tests and test batteries that provide
ence one’s life? Secondly, there should be a consideration insights into CANS system issues, we now recognize that such
of clinical, social, vocational, educational, and community an approach can help us to determine the possible underlying
needs. Further consideration should include developmental auditory mechanisms. For example, Schow et al. (2000) ana-
CAPD over time, acquired CAPD, and secondary CAPDs lyzed various central tests in comparison to the ASHA (1996)
(i.e., peripheral hearing impairment or transient hearing processes listed and determined the following measurable
issues because of otitis media or progressive presbycusis). auditory behaviors: (1) Auditory pattern temporal ordering
Although all position papers show agreement on many of (APTO), (2) monaural separation/closure (MSC), (3) binaural
the whys and why not issues in proper diagnosis and inter- separation (BS), and (4) binaural integration (BI). In addition,
vention, the Canadian Guidelines offer more thorough these authors suggested that CAPD testing can also evaluate
information on the above models than the previous posi- auditory discrimination, localization/lateralization, and tem-
tion statements. poral tasks (resolution, masking, and integration). Table 29.2
Various authors have described the severity and variety provides definitions of these measurable auditory behaviors
of functional behavioral limitations caused by CAPD and with associated CAP tests. The Schow et al. (2000) study is an
coexisting disorders (Chermak et al., 1999; Keller, 1992, 1998; example that illustrates the selection of tests, in this case based
Keller and Tillery, 2002, 2014). Questionnaires can be useful on auditory behaviors that should be assessed according
for indicating the types of functional limitations present and to ASHA (1995, 2005); however, as discussed in the following
assisting in appropriate referrals (Moore et al., 2013; Tillery, sections, researchers have developed test batteries based on
1998). Given the associated language, communication, and various conceptualizations of what they sought to examine.
CHAPTER 29 • Central Auditory Processing Evaluation: A Test Battery Approach 547

TA B L E 2 9.1

Summary of Central Auditory Processing Tests with Targeted Process and

Central Auditory Nervous System Sensitivity to Specific Sites
Monaural Targeted Processes Sensitive To:
Low-Pass Filtered Speech Tests
Band-Pass Filtered X Auditory closure Brainstem/cortical lesions
Compressed Speech X Auditory closure Primary auditory cortex
Speech Recognition in Noise X Auditory closure Brainstem to cortex
Dichotic Speech Tests
Staggered Spondaic Word Binaural integration Brainstem/cortical/corpus callosum
Dichotic Digits Binaural integration Brainstem/cortical/corpus callosum
Synthetic Sentence Identification Binaural separation Cortical vs. brainstem
w/Contra Competing Message
Competing Sentences Binaural separation Language processing
Dichotic Sentence Identification Binaural integration Brainstem/cortical
Dichotic Rhyme Binaural integration Interhemispheric
Dichotic Consonant Vowels Binaural integration Cortical
Temporal Patterning Tests
Pitch Pattern Sequence (PPS) X Temporal ordering Cerebral hemisphere lesions
Linguistic labeling Interhemispheric transfer
Duration Patterns X Temporal ordering Cerebral hemisphere lesions
Linguistic labeling Interhemispheric transfer
Duration discrimination
Random Gap Detection Test Temporal resolution Left temporal/cortical
Gaps-in-Noise X Temporal resolution Interhemispheric transfer
Frequency Pattern (FP) X Temporal ordering
Linguistic labeling Cerebral hemisphere lesions
Other Tests
Binaural Fusion Binaural integration Low brainstem
Masking Level Difference Binaural interaction Low brainstem
Rapid Alternating Speech Binaural interaction ?Low or high brainstem

functional limitations and, in turn, suggest effective treat-

CENTRAL AUDITORY ment opportunities. Regardless of the underlying construct,
PROCESSING TEST all of these models rely on CANS tests being administered in
BATTERY MODELS a manner that controls for fatigue and attention since these
can affect test performance (AAA, 2010; Moore et al., 2013;
Some CAP models that have been in use for the past several Tillery, 2013; Tillery et al., 2000).
years or longer will be discussed below. Some were devel-
oped to determine the underlying auditory difficulties
that relate to communicative and academic deficits (Bellis Minimal Test Battery
and Ferre, 1999; Katz and Smith, 1991), others tended to
Jerger and Musiek (2000) discussed a possible test bat-
emphasize a medical framework (Jerger and Musiek, 2000),
tery that would include both behavioral and electrophysi-
whereas others are based on the intertwining of cognitive,
ological testing. The authors suggested this battery as a
language, and auditory processes (Medwetsky, 2011).
These models incorporate different tests depending on
the desired outcome of the applied construct. Three of the • Immittance audiometry (tympanometry and acoustic
four models deliver subtypes or profiles that describe the reflex threshold testing) to ascertain the status of the mid-
CAPD, rather than pointing to a general CANS diagnosis. dle ear as well as auditory neuropathy differential diagnosis
These models provide more information about an individual’s • Otoacoustic emissions to diagnose inner ear problems
548 SECTION III • Special Populations

TAB L E 2 9.2

Measurable Auditory Processing Behavioral Processes Recommended by

Schow et al. (2000) and Adopted by the Bellis/Ferre Model
Measurable Auditory Processing
Process Performance Types of Tests Bellis/Ferre Profiles
Auditory pattern/ Auditory discrimination of fre- 1. Frequency pattern tests Prosodic deficit
temporal ordering quency or duration/order 2. Duration pattern tests
(APTO) and sequencing/temporal 3. Pitch Pattern Sequence
processes/interhemispheric Test
Monaural separation/ Performance with degraded 1. Filtered or time-com- Auditory decoding
closure (MSC) signals pressed speech deficit
2. Ipsilateral competing
Binaural integration Ability to properly respond to all Dichotic tests Integration deficit
(BI) competing signals directed to
both ears
Binaural separation Ability to attend to stimulus in one Competing sentences Integration deficit
(BS) ear while ignoring the stimulus
in the other ear
Sound localization/ Ability to describe location of Brainstem-level binaural Integration deficit
lateralization stimuli in relation to position of interaction tests (mask-
one’s head ing level difference
Auditory discrimination Ability to describe when two 1. Difference limens for Auditory decoding
stimuli are different frequency/duration/ deficit
intensity or speech
2. Speech-sound or word
discrimination tests
Temporal resolution Discrimination of speech and Need for research in Auditory decoding
Temporal masking nonspeech, prosodic elements developing more tests; deficit
Temporal integration of speech, localization/lateral- possibly random gap
ization detection/forward and
backward masking

• Auditory brainstem and middle latency evoked responses model does not describe specific processing-related diffi-
to assess brainstem and cortical level integrity culties, but rather the goal is to ascertain whether CAPD is
• Puretone audiometry to evaluate the integrity of the present.
peripheral hearing system Concerns were voiced about the MTB stating that a
• Performance-intensity functions for word recognition ability pure medical (diagnostic) model, as described in the Jerger
• A dichotic task consisting of dichotic words, dichotic dig- and Musiek (2000) paper, would not delineate the CAP
its, or dichotic sentences (assessing the communication problems (Katz et al., 2002). Katz and colleagues pointed
between hemispheres) out that the tests lacked national CAP norms (at that time)
• Duration pattern and a temporal gap detection test to and most had limited clinical use with the target popula-
assess temporal processing aspects of CAPD tion. In addition, the MTB did not address the educational
concerns of children.
The authors further state that the above tests recom-
mended in the minimal test battery (MTB) are a “rea-
sonable compromise” (Jerger and Musiek, 2000, p 472)
of tests until research can provide analogous measures
Bellis/Ferre Model
in the visual modality and neuroimaging results can be Initially, this model was called CATfiles (the CAT acronym
applied to the clinical utility of CAPD testing. Note that this stands for “categories” of CAPD) (Ferre, 1992). This was
CHAPTER 29 • Central Auditory Processing Evaluation: A Test Battery Approach 549

later developed into a broader expansion of profiles (Bellis, Associated problems include weak singing ability (such as
1999; Bellis and Ferre, 1999) with even further published poor replication of melodies), poor social communication
changes (Bellis, 2002; Ferre, 2002), based on the Schow et al. skills (i.e., difficulty understanding body language, facial
(2000) criteria (Bellis, 2002). The current Bellis/Ferre CAPD gestures), flat voicing patterns, and diminished ability on
subprofiles include three primary deficits—auditory decod- visual-spatial tasks. Academic concerns involve weakness
ing, prosodic, and integration—with secondary subprofiles in mathematics, reading, sequencing, and spelling and poor
that include associative deficit and organization-output sight-word abilities.
deficit. The profiles are based on a conceptualization of the
underlying neurophysiology in the CANS for encoding the INTEGRATION DEFICIT
auditory signal with the goal of identifying dysfunction in
the left hemisphere, right hemisphere, and interhemispheric Integration deficit is characterized as a struggle involving
pathways. Bellis (2003) suggests that by examining the pat- interhemispheric skills, such as drawing, understanding
tern of results across auditory processing functions, cogni- dictation, dancing, and multimodal tasking (Bellis, 1996).
tion, language, and learning, one can glean the underlying Integration deficits may be the result of an immature corpus
CAPD difficulties/profile. callosum or other structures related to the transfer of inter-
The Bellis/Ferre profiles may be seen in isolation or hemispheric information. Auditory test results observed for
together, with Bellis (2002) cautioning that one profile is this profile include weak left ear results on dichotic tasks
typically primary in nature; however, another profile can and poor nonverbal test performance scores. Bellis (2002)
be present because of possible overlap in the adjacent corti- further elaborates that BI and BS deficits are also often seen
cal structures. Electrophysiological tests are not used in the with this profile of CAPD, with weak sound localization
Bellis/Ferre model. Table 29.2 outlines this model, whereas abilities.
the reader is referred to Bellis (2003) and Chapter 30 for
an in-depth review of these profiles and for therapies. Fol- SECONDARY PROFILES
lowing are descriptions of the various Bellis/Ferre CAPD
subprofiles. Auditory Associative Deficit
The secondary profile known as an auditory associative
deficit was observed in the original work of Bellis and Ferre
AUDITORY DECODING DEFICIT (1999) as a CAPD profile, but it more recently has been clas-
According to Bellis (2003, p 291), auditory decoding deficit sified as a secondary profile of CAPD (Ferre, 2002). This
is possibly “the only true CAPD.” This subprofile involves deficit consists of an inability to use rules of language with
weak phonemic representations, poor discrimination and acoustic information, with the most severe cases replicat-
blending of sounds, and an inability to remember the ing receptive childhood aphasia (Bellis, 1996). Performance
learned phonemes. Determination of this profile is based on speech-sound discrimination tasks is normal; how-
on weaker right ear versus left ear test performance on low- ever, weak word recognition and dichotic test findings are
redundancy speech and speech-in-noise tests (Bellis, 1996). observed bilaterally. Receptive language struggles are seen in
Bellis (2002) describes the additional components of weak vocabulary, semantics, and syntax. Inefficient communica-
reading, vocabulary, and spelling skills, as well as concomi- tion between primary and associative cortical regions may
tant behaviors such as auditory fatigue, and performance be the causal aspect of this category (Bellis, 1996) and real-
being improved with good visual perceptual skills. Site-of- ized as significant auditory–language-processing difficulties
lesion and electrophysiological research has suggested the (Ferre, 2002). The individual exhibits functional commu-
primary auditory cortex within the left hemisphere as the nication deficits when there is no specific-language impair-
probable site of dysfunction (Bellis, 1996). A later report ment (Ferre, 2010).
(Bellis, 2002) found this deficit to be associated with dimin-
ished right ear/both ear performance on the Dichotic Digits Output-Organization Deficit
Test (Musiek, 1983) (labeled a BI weakness) and the Com- Another secondary profile is the output-organization deficit,
peting Sentence Test (Willeford and Burleigh, 1985) (labeled which involves an inability to properly sequence, plan, and
a BS weakness). organize information (Bellis, 1996). Test performance requir-
ing one simple response (e.g., monaural low-redundancy
tests) will be good, whereas performance on tests with
PROSODIC DEFICIT multiple components, such as those required on dichotic,
Prosodic deficit is characterized by (1) difficulty in perceiv- frequency, or duration pattern tests, will be poor because of
ing and recognizing nonverbal information, such as tonal the use of complex stimuli (Bellis, 1996). Individuals with this
patterns; (2) weak left ear test performance on dichotic tests type of deficit exhibit fine motor difficulties as well as sequenc-
showing weak BI and BS abilities; and (3) good speech-in- ing and sound-blending errors. Reading comprehension is
noise ability because of intact decoding ability (Bellis, 2002). generally good for those who exhibit only this subprofile. At
550 SECTION III • Special Populations

the time this subprofile was proposed, the site of dysfunction tests (Medwetsky, 2011; Stecker, 1998) in addition to the
for this category was not known, although an efferent (motor Buffalo Model tests. See Table 29.3 for the test indicators for
planning) hypothesis was proposed because of the weak the Buffalo Model types of CAPD.
skills observed on motoric tasks seen with this type of CAPD
(Bellis, 1996).
Decoding has been described as the most common type,
Buffalo Model but it may not be quite as prevalent as it was in the late
This model, first reported in the early 1990s, consists of 1980s and early 1990s because the whole language approach
four CAPD subtypes (Katz, 1992; Katz and Smith, 1991). is no longer used in the school system (Stecker, 2004) and
The Buffalo Model comprises of three tests, in which the more emphasis is being placed on phonemic awareness
Staggered Spondaic Word (SSW) test (Katz, 1962, 1968) now (Tillery, 2005). The decoding type involves a break-
is the center of the battery; the other two tests include the down at the phonemic level, causing a weakness in iden-
Phonemic Synthesis (PS) (Katz and Harmon, 1982) and tifying, manipulating, and remembering phonemes. Weak
Speech-in-Noise (Mueller et al., 1987) tests. This test bat- oral reading or word accuracy and spelling skills are usually
tery provides 34 quantitative and qualitative indicators. found in this subtype. Rapid incoming speech adds to the
Quantitative indicators are the number of errors seen in confusion of processing the message, and response delays
each of the three tests, whereas qualitative indicators refer are common because of the individual needing additional
to inter/intratest comparisons and the behavioral struggles time to determine the verbal message. Weak discrimina-
seen during testing. Test results are compared to indepen- tion and vocabulary result in the misperceptions of the
dent parent–teacher assessments (Katz and Zalweski, 2013) heard auditory stimuli. Reported site of dysfunction for
to determine if the test results relate to the same concerns this category is the phonemic zone (Luria, 1966) of the
of the family and school. The combination of the test per- left posterior temporal lobe, also known as the auditory
formance indicators and academic and social behaviors cortex. Test results associated with this subtype include
(particular clusterings of each being associated with cortical weak SSW right competing (RC) and left noncompet-
anatomic sites) results in four CAPD subtypes that are not ing (LNC) scores and poor Phonemic Synthesis results
mutually exclusive: Decoding, tolerance-fading memory (Katz, 1992). Qualitative signs include delayed responses,
(TFM), integration, and organization (Katz, 1992, 2001; nonfused answers, and quiet rehearsals (described in
Katz and Smith, 1991). Clinicians may administer other Table 29.3).

TA B L E 2 9.3

Qualitative and Quantitative Test Indicators of Buffalo Model Central

Auditory Processing Disorders (CAPD) Types

CAPD Primary Indicators Secondary Indicators Qualifying Indicators

Decoding RC errors Below Mild Nonfused, Delays Delays Mild/
LNC error normal quiet Persevera- Persevera- moder-
Order L/H rehearsals, tions tions ate in
Ear H/L delays Smush O/L poorer
TFM Order H/L Moderate LC errors Quick Omission Moderate
Ear L/H or severe AYR/Y error in poorer
in poorer TTW on first ear
ear Smush sounds
Integra- Type A Sharp LC May be Extreme
tion peak of severe delays
errors score
Organi- Significant Significant
zation Reversals Reversals
Abbreviations: SSW, Staggered Spondaic Word Test; PS, Phonemic Synthesis Test; SN, Speech-in-Noise Test (Katz, 2001 a); RC, right compet-
ing; LC, left competing; LNC, left noncompeting; H/L, high/low; L/H, low/high; O/L, whereby client produces an /o/ sound for the /l/ sound;
TFM, tolerance-fading memory; AYR, “are you ready” response; Y, “yes” response; TTW, tongue twister.
CHAPTER 29 • Central Auditory Processing Evaluation: A Test Battery Approach 551

TOLERANCE-FADING MEMORY includes extremely long response times on the SSW items
that are generally seen in daily life activities as well. Func-
This CAPD subtype has been considered the second most tional behavioral limitations include severe reading and
common in the general population (Katz, 1992). The theo- spelling problems and difficulty in integrating visual and
rized loci involve the frontal lobes and the anterior temporal auditory information, and they are often diagnosed with
region, which houses the hippocampus and amygdala, and dyslexia. Integration is often more resistant to therapeutic
are associated with memory and the limbic system (Katz, intervention therapy than the other three categories.
1992; Isaacson and Pribram, 1986). Functional behavioral
limitations include a weak short-term auditory memory
and difficulty hearing auditory information in the presence ORGANIZATION
of noise (the tolerance aspect of TFM), that is, individu- This CAPD subtype was first reported by Lucker (1981),
als with TFM may exhibit significantly increased difficulty who recognized that reversals on the SSW test are observed
tolerating and understanding in noise as compared to indi- in individuals who are disorganized. A reversal is said to
viduals with other types. Other limitations associated with occur when stimuli (i.e., words, sounds) are repeated out of
frontal lobe dysfunction include expressive language and sequence. Both the SSW and Phonemic Synthesis tests have
difficulty inhibiting impulsive responses. Qualitative signs norms for determining the presence of a significant number
include quick responses, smush responses (combining the of reversals (ages 5 or 6 years to 69). Reversals are consid-
competing words of an item into a single word, e.g., “sea ered a more anterior sign (Katz, 1992). Note that those with
shore outside” = “sea shout side”), an inability to refrain from attention disorders tend to exhibit weak organization, plan-
repeating carrier phrases (“Are you ready?”), and omission ning, and sequencing, all of which are associated with dys-
or errors on the first word (or the omission of the first sound function in the Rolandic region (Luria, 1970, Efron, 1963).
on the PS test). Individuals with attention deficit/hyperactiv- Indeed, Tillery (1999) found SSW reversals to be very com-
ity disorder (ADHD) are commonly found to exhibit TFM mon in her studies of children with ADHD.
(Keller and Tillery, 2002, 2014), probably because of the close
association of the frontal and the anterior temporal lobes
(Katz and Smith, 1991). The frontal lobe houses executive Spoken-Language–Processing Model
function that serves to regulate and coordinate behaviors to This model, developed by colleagues at Rochester Speech and
the environment, inhibits irrelevant responses, and oversees Hearing Clinic, New York, expands on the Buffalo Model to
cognitive processes (Barkley, 1998), which are affected by include a broader perspective beyond auditory processing to
ADHD. Recent studies support the close association between better understand how one perceives and processes spoken
short-term auditory memory and speech-in-noise difficul- language. Medwetsky (2011) considers auditory processing
ties (Brannstrom et al., 2012; Yathiraj and Maggu, 2013). to be a component of spoken-language–processing (S-LP)
and limited to those perceptual mechanisms involved in the
initial acoustic analysis of the incoming signal. Table 29.4
INTEGRATION shows a summary of the S-LP Model. The CAPD diagno-
The integration category is considered the most severe type sis may result in the following areas of concern: Lexical
of CAPD. Earlier integration was divided into two subtypes, decoding, fading memory, auditory-linguistic integration,
but in time it became clear that each category needed to be sequencing, short-term memory span, prosodic perception,
addressed equally and so it was unnecessary to have this attention and phonologic problems.
division. Generally, the more severe integration case prob-
ably involves the posterior corpus callosum and/or the
angular gyrus of the parietal-occipital region, which are ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL
regions thought to be associated with dyslexia (Geschwind MEASURES AND A CENTRAL
and Galaburda, 1987). The integration problems that likely AUDITORY PROCESSING TEST
involve more anterior regions of the corpus callosum tend
to be somewhat less severe. An integration sign is said to be
present when one displays a type-A SSW pattern, that is, a The proposed MTB indicated a need for electrophysiologi-
severe peak of errors usually in one particular column of cal testing that the proposers felt should be included in all
the eight columns on the SSW test response form (column CAPD test batteries (Jerger and Musiek, 2000). This recom-
F, a left competing condition). Type-A indicates difficulty mendation was based on the fact that CANS neural syn-
in transferring interhemispheric information. To determine chrony in response to auditory stimuli is assessed through
the likely behavioral impact of the type-A, one needs to look the application of a number of electrophysiological proce-
at the rest of the test battery findings and the Buffalo Model dures, including auditory brainstem response (ABR), middle
Questionnaire—Revised (Katz and Zalweski, 2013). In addi- latency response (MLR), mismatch negativity (MMN), and
tion, a qualitative sign in those with integration difficulties late evoked potentials (LEP), including P300. However, an
552 SECTION III • Special Populations

TAB L E 2 9.4

Processes Assessed through the Spoken-Language Processing (S-LP) Model (Medwetsky, 2011)
Process Definition Test
Temporal resolution Ability to detect rapid changes in the Random Gap Detection Test; Gaps-in-
speech signal Noise Test
Lexical decoding speed Ability to process words quickly and Staggered Spondaic Word (SSW)
accurately Test—Decoding Signs
Short-term memory (STM)/ Severity/patterns of how information is SSW Test—Fading Memory Signs
working memory maintained in conscious memory (i.e.,
initial vs. later presented information)
STM/working memory span Amount of units/information retained in Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills—
STM Revised:
1. Auditory Number Memory—Forward;
2. Auditory Word Memory;
3. Auditory Sentence Memory
Sequencing Ability to maintain speech sounds, words, SSW Test (organization), Phonemic
and directions in order Synthesis Test (reversals), Token
Test, Pitch Pattern Sequences Test
Auditory-linguistic integration Ability to integrate information (supra- 1. Digit Span—Rhythm Task;
segmental/visual/verbal) across 2. SSW Test—Integration Sign;
processing regions 3. Competing Sentences Test—right
ear dominance;
4. Pitch Pattern Sequences Test (non-
verbal/verbal discrepancy)
Prosodic perception Ability to perceive/replicate rhythmic Pitch Pattern Sequences Test
patterns (significant nonverbal sign) + flat
voicing patterns
Selective auditory attention Ability to focus and recall target stimuli Figure-ground tests (i.e., speech
in presence of competition embedded in noise) and binaural
separation such as on Competing
Sentences Test
Divided auditory attention Ability to recall both competing stimuli SSW Test, Competing Sentences Test,
presented Competing Words from Screening
Test for Auditory Processing Disor-
ders (SCAN)/SCAN—Revised
Sustained auditory attention Ability to maintain attention to verbally Auditory Continuous Performance
presented information over a period of Test
time without a break
Higher order phonologic skills
Phonemic synthesis Ability to blend individually presented Phonemic Synthesis Test
speech sounds and derive the target
whole word
Sound–symbol associations Ability to discriminate/sequence/repre- Lindamood Auditory
sent speech sounds with symbols Conceptualization Test 3

abnormality of the CANS determined through electrophysi- the presence of learning disabilities (Cacace and McFarland,
ological measures does not provide specific information as 2002). For example, clear relationships have not yet been
to the type of CAPD or auditory behavioral deficits that can found between the auditory behavioral limitations observed
be expected based on the results obtained. That is, although in individuals suspected of having CAPD and neural dys-
electrophysiological tests may show clinical utility in assess- synchrony ascertained via electrophysiological measures. In
ing the CANS (Jirsa, 2002), there is a paucity of research in addition, research has revealed little evidence of an increased
understanding the abnormalities of these tests relative to prevalence of abnormal ABRs or MLRs to click stimuli/tone
CHAPTER 29 • Central Auditory Processing Evaluation: A Test Battery Approach 553

bursts in CAPD populations. Furthermore, it is question- or motivation of the student as being the possible reason
able as to what information can be provided with application for “poor listening.” However, CANS tests may indicate that
of traditional electrophysiological testing when providing CAPD is associated with the student’s “listening difficulty.”
intervention recommendations (AAA, 2010; Bellis, 2003). On the other hand, parents may insist that their child has a
Obviously, electrophysiological tests control for atten- CAPD and reflect this bias on the questionnaire ratings for
tion, fatigue, and motivation influences when assessing the their child to receive preferential services or a referral for
CANS, even though these areas can usually be identified and testing. Following is a list of questionnaires which are avail-
controlled for during behavior tests (Bellis, 2003; Katz and able through the Educational Audiology Association:
Tillery, 2005).
1. Fisher Auditory Problems Checklist (Fisher, 1985). This
Some recent studies have investigated the application
was the first developed CAP screening questionnaire,
of electrophysiological procedures to determine clinical
with normative data available from kindergarten to
utility in a CAPD diagnosis. For example, MMN has been
grade 6. It has been designed to rate 25 items of concern.
found to (1) verify neurophysiological changes because of
Many of the items listed on this questionnaire are com-
listening training that may accompany observable audi-
monly used in other CAPD profiles.
tory behaviors (Tremblay et al., 1997; Tremblay, 2007);
2. Children’s Auditory Processing Performance Scale
(2) assist in differentiating phonemic (low) levels and lan-
(CHAPPS) (Smoski et al., 1992). There are six listening
guage (higher) levels during auditory processing (Dale-
situations (ideal, quiet, attention, memory, noise, and
bout and Stack, 1999); and (3) differentiate children with
multiple inputs), and the rater (parent or teacher) com-
and without learning problems (Banai et al., 2005). It has
pares the student to children of similar age and back-
also been suggested that LEP measures can (1) differenti-
ground. There are a total of 36 questions, and the choices
ate attention disorders from other problems (Kraus et al.,
vary from +1 (less difficulty than others) to −5 (cannot
1995); (2) show increased latency and decreased ampli-
function in the situation). Scores can range from +36 to
tude on P300 for children with APD when compared to
−180, and the more negative the score, the more diffi-
those without APD (Jirsa and Clontz, 1990); (3) be used to
culty that is noted. A child who receives a total score of
study developmental processes in children and adults with
−12 to −180 is at risk for CAPD.
hyperactivity (Satterfield et al., 1984); and (4) examine
3. Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk
children with language/speech disorders (Mason and
(SIFTER) (Anderson, 1989). There are 15 questions
Mellor, 1984).
over five category areas: Communication, academics,
However, the most impressive research to date concern-
attention, class participation, and social behavior. Scor-
ing the use of electrophysiological procedures and speech
ing consists of 15 points per category, resulting in a fail-
processing comes from Krause and colleagues (Kraus and
ure if one is rated at or below 6 or 7 (depending on the
Chandrasekaran, 2011; Kraus and Nicol, 2005; Russo et al.,
2005). Please refer to Chapter 28, and Krause and Hornickel
4. Buffalo Model Questionnaire—Revised (BMQ-R) (Katz
and Zalweski, 2013). The questionnaire contains 39
questions dealing with CAPD including categories/sub-
CENTRAL AUDITORY categories: Decoding, Noise, Memory, Various TFM,
PROCESSING SCREENING Integration, Organization, and General (more than one
category). Data are provided for three age groups (<6, 6
CAP screening assesses the possibility of existence of a CAPD
to 18, >18) with 122 controls and 213 who have CAPD.
and, in turn, can lead to possible referral for a comprehen-
The characteristics that were most common were for
sive CAPD evaluation. Psychologists and speech-language
Decoding (understands oral directions) and Memory
pathologists are two professional groups that would likely
(remembers oral directions), both of which had 79% hit
screen for CAP on a routine basis. As part of the screen-
rates in the CAPD group. BMQ-R is useful prior to the
ing process, teachers and parents may be asked to provide
evaluation, following the evaluation to compare with the
information on the child’s behavioral functional limitations
test findings, before therapy, and independently validat-
through the use of questionnaires.
ing the progress in therapy.

Questionnaires are a common tool for ascertaining the
Screening Tests
likelihood that an individual exhibits functional behavioral Historically, screening test performance scores have some-
limitations in his/her communication, language, and learn- times been used to label a child with CAPD, rather than to
ing. Because of possible bias, we must take into consider- refer the child for further testing (Jerger and Musiek, 2000)
ation who is rating the child’s behaviors on the question- by an audiologist to rule in or out the diagnosis of CAPD.
naire. A teacher may give ratings that indicate weak attention In general, screening tests have been designed to have high
554 SECTION III • Special Populations

sensitivity (Jerger and Musiek, 2000) (i.e., those having sounds (auditory discrimination); (b) binaural inte-
CAPD are readily identified); however, this can also lead to a gration in which the client is asked to repeat numbers
high false-positive rate (i.e., identify individuals as possibly presented dichotically to assess communication between
having CAPD when, in fact, they do not). hemispheres, and (c) the ability to recognize acoustic
Obviously, attention, fatigue, and status of an patterns found in verbal communication (temporal pat-
unchecked peripheral hearing system can influence screen- terning) by verbally indicating the sequence of the two
ing test findings. It is recommended that screening tests be presented tones (high and/or low pitched, such as high–
administered in a room without any noise distractions and high or low–high.
during the morning to control for attention and fatigue. The second level is evaluated by using two subtests:
When possible, screening tympanometry and puretone “Phonemic” manipulation and “phonic” manipulation.
thresholds should be obtained to improve the reliability Phonemic manipulation provides two to four sounds in
of the screening results. It is essential to obtain a thorough which the child must properly recognize (a) the number
case history of the child or adult prior to the evaluation for of discrete phonemes in a provided word, (b) blend the
medical, academic, and functional behavioral deficit infor- sounds into a word, and (c) change discrete sounds when
mation. We need to understand the individual’s problems asked. Phonic manipulation assesses sound–symbol
that may be related to CAPD (AAA, 2010). The following associations by providing three tasks that target (a)
is a description of some of the CAP screening tests proper spelling with supplied tiles, (b) the ability to syn-
available: thesize phonemes with the use of tiles, and (c) the ability
to modify the tile representation when provided a new
1. The original Screening Test for Auditory Processing Dis- target word.
orders (SCAN) (Keith, 1986) developed over the years. The third level assesses meaning to the auditory
Currently, for ages 5 to 12 years the SCAN-3 for Children: signal by providing three subtests: Antonyms, prosodic
Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders (SCAN-3:C) interpretation, and language organization. To assess ant-
(Keith, 2009b) and for ages 13 to 50 years, the SCAN-3 onym knowledge, the child must provide the opposite
for Adolescents and Adults: Tests for Auditory Process- word to the provided target word. To assess prosodic
ing Disorders (SCAN 3:A) (Keith, 2009a) are used. Both interpretation, the child verbally responds with a “yes”
SCAN protocols contain three screening measures (Gap or “no” to the sincerity of the message. For instance, the
Detection, Auditory Figure-Ground, Competing Words), phrase “I am happy to be here” is provided in a sad tone
four diagnostic tests (Filtered Words, Auditory Figure- of voice. The child would respond “no” because there is
Ground, Competing Words, Competing Sentences), and a discrepancy between the prosodic information and the
three supplementary tests (Auditory Figure-Ground at provided statement. To assess language organization, the
+12 dB SNR and at 0 dB SNR, Time-Compressed Sen- child must respond successfully to two different tasks.
tences). Task 1 provides eight different sentences, such as, “It’s
Although psychologists and speech-language what you sit on at a table or a desk.” The proper answer is
pathologists typically administer the SCAN series as a chair, stool, or seat. For task 2, the child is provided pic-
screening tool for CAPD, the inclusion of the diagnostic tures of objects and must describe the objects or what the
portion of the SCAN-3:C or SCAN-3:A offers audiolo- objects do. For instance, a picture of a flower may be pro-
gists to use these instruments as a portion of their test vided. The proper response can be any of the following:
battery. A cassette player, headphones, and a quiet envi- Smells good, attracts bees, blooms, grows in a garden, has
ronment are necessary to administer these screening pollen, and so on.
procedures. I have consulted and advised psychologists The DSTP was standardized by presenting the sub-
to administer the SCAN in the morning and that it be tests to 509 students aged 6.0 to 12.11 years old, reflecting
the first test in their test battery to control for fatigue a balance across race, age, gender, grade, and all socio-
and attention; otherwise, fatigue and inattention could economic groups. Poor test performance in any area sug-
influence the occurrence of false-positive test results. gests the need for additional diagnostic evaluation(s) to
2. The Differential Screening Test for Processing (DSTP) establish the presence of a deficit.
(Richard and Ferre, 2006) was developed to differentiate 3. The Auditory Skills Assessment (ASA) (Geffner and
skills associated with three neurologic levels of process- Goldman, 2010) is the first tool developed to assess the
ing that are integrated depending on the communication skills of young children (3.6 to 6.11 years) as CAPD
task: (1) Perception of primary acoustic characteristics weaknesses, most certainly, influence language and aca-
of auditory signals; (2) identification of acoustic aspects demic skills.
related to the phonemic portion of language; and (3) the The ASA consists of six subtests: Speech discrimina-
ability to attribute meaning to language. tion in noise (+6 dB SNR, mimicry (repeat a nonsense
The authors indicate that the first level is evaluated word), blending (morphemes or phonemes are given first
by tests that target (a) the ability to discriminate speech with a visual cue followed with no visual cue), rhyming
CHAPTER 29 • Central Auditory Processing Evaluation: A Test Battery Approach 555

awareness, tonal discrimination (ability to distinguish publications that provide a thorough description of the
same or different musical instrument notes), and tonal CAP tests seen in the various models (Chermak and
patterning (points to the picture of a piano or an oboe to Musiek, 2014; Geffner and Ross-Swain, 2013; Musiek and
indicate which sound was heard last). Chermak, 2014).
The ASA was standardized by analyses of data from
475 children aged 3.6 to 6.11 years. Reading, language,
and learning issues can result from a deficit found on the REPORTING CENTRAL AUDITORY
above ASA measures. Thus early identification coupled PROCESSING DISORDER TEST
with intervention will assist this young population. RESULTS
4. There are other possible screening tools. Speech-language
pathologists routinely use the Test of Auditory Percep- An evaluation report must be accurate, concise, and well
tual Skills—Revised (TAPS-R; Gardner, 1996), whereas written. These reports communicate to families and profes-
psychologists typically use some form of digit span test sionals (such as physicians, speech-language pathologists,
(Wechsler, 1991) or the Visual-Aural Digit Span Test teachers, tutors, occupational and physical therapists, and
(Koppitz, 1975). Bellis (2003) indicates that the TAPS-R psychologists) an explanation of the various test battery
may be an instrument that can provide some indication procedures, test performance results, and recommenda-
of auditory perceptual ability, but it does not indicate tions for remediation or compensations for the disorder.
the specific underlying auditory processing difficulties. Professionals appreciate reports that are organized, con-
Keller et al. (2006) found a correlation with test perfor- sistent in format style, and provide details on the test per-
mance on digit span (Wechsler, 1991) and CAPD. This formance data; in turn, this allows them to know exactly
indicates that psychologists should refer individuals for a where to find a specific summary or fact, thus saving them
CAPD evaluation when a client shows weakness on tests time and effort. The reports should provide the raw scores,
sensitive to short-term auditory memory span. number of standard deviations (SD), and explanation of
The Dichotic Digit Test (DDT) (Musiek, 1983), findings in terms that are understood by all those who read
administering two digits per ear, may also be a useful the report. When applicable, information should include
CAPD screening tool because it is a very quick test to both qualitative and quantitative results, severity of find-
administer (4-minute task) and uses very familiar items ings, overall implications (e.g., comorbidity associations,
(digits) that even young children will readily recognize educational and medical aspects), and resources for the
(Jerger and Musiek, 2000). reader to consult. Reports should be sent within a reason-
able time frame.
Combined screening measures may assist in minimiz- In summary, the report is likely the best opportunity to
ing over-referrals because of high false-positive findings educate others about the diagnosis of CAPD; facts regard-
(Jerger and Musiek, 2000). For example, this can be accom- ing the administered test battery; social, medical, and edu-
plished by using the combination of a questionnaire and cational ramifications; and recommendations for assisting
CAP screening test measure. Another possibility posed by with the client’s auditory, learning, and communicative
Jerger and Musiek (2000) is to administer both the DDT functional behavioral limitations.
and a gap detection test; however, the authors stress the
need for research to assess this possibility as a screening
The ASHA (2005) CAPD Technical Report is the first pub-
CENTRAL AUDITORY lication to provide information on how to submit for pay-
ment for these evaluations. Perhaps this is because current
PROCESSING DISORDER TESTS procedural terminology (CPT) codes implemented in Janu-
Auditory tasks administered to assess for auditory pro- ary 2005 for the first time reflected the professional time
cessing function consist of monotic (stimuli presented and services provided in a CAPD evaluation. The AAA
separately to each ear), diotic (same stimuli presented to (2010) document provides detailed information on reim-
both ears simultaneously), and dichotic (different stimuli bursement, including counseling and report writing. The
presented to each ear simultaneously) tests. Audiologists first hour of administering, interpreting, and/or provid-
generally choose their tests by the processes they wish to ing test results falls under the CPT code 92620, with each
assess. Refer to the CAPD Test Battery Model discussed in additional 15-minute increment to be billed under code
earlier sections of this chapter. Table 29.1 lists CAP tests 92621. These codes do not include the peripheral hearing
with their associated targeted process and CANS sensi- assessment, which is billed under each individual peripheral
tivity, whereas Table 29.2 defines the function assessed hearing measurement administered. There are differences
by the CAP tests. The reader is referred to the previous in insurance reimbursement seen in the United States and
cited test battery publications and the more recent other countries. In the United States, the audiologist should
556 SECTION III • Special Populations

be well informed of what procedures are covered by the CAPD and thus not realize the medical concerns. In turn,
third-party insurers. Families are unaware of the differences this will continue to result in denials of reimbursement for
among insurers’ policies and rely on the professional to be services associated with the current diagnostic code 388.40
informed. Abnormal Auditory Perception.
In the past, reimbursement involved submitting for each As professionals, we are obligated to provide evi-
central test administered, each with its own CPT code. Such dence-based research regarding areas of concern related to
billing was frustrating because some CAP tests would only differential diagnosis to indicate a medical need for test-
allow a $3.00 reimbursement for a test that took 15 minutes ing and application of intervention. Differential diagnosis
to administer, whereas others provided a $25.00 reimburse- involves collaboration with the psychologist, speech-lan-
ment for a 10-minute test. Another billing problem in the guage pathologist, audiologist, and possibly the physician.
past was that speech-language pathologists and audiologists The end result may be a child with only ADHD who may
had to bill for language and/or auditory processing evalu- need medication to assist with the functional behavioral
ations under a single CPT code. Such procedures led to limitations associated with ADHD (Keller and Tillery,
confusion and misrepresented CAPD test assessment. To 2014; Tillery, 2013). However, the auditory problems of
reconcile this billing dilemma, improved reimbursement a child with CAPD alone will not improve with medi-
procedures were developed for CAP assessment, which cation (Tillery et al., 2000). The child with both CAPD
ultimately led to the new CPT codes. In October 2014, the and ADHD will need a variety of therapeutic measures to
United States will be using new diagnostic codes. The codes assist ADHD (i.e., medication, tutoring, behavioral modi-
for a CAPD diagnosis include four new codes: One for a left fication, counseling) and unique therapeutic measures for
ear CAPD deficit, a right ear CAPD deficit, both, or non- CAPD. This example illustrates the concept of “win–win,”
specified. with both the client and insurance company benefiting
from the CAP evaluation and recommendations. The
insurance company will not have to provide coverage for
Reimbursement Concerns medication for someone with a diagnosis of CAPD (which
Insurance companies are not obligated to reimburse for could cost the insurance company thousands of dollars
testing, intervention, and report writing that fall under over the course of many years), whereas the client hope-
an educational-related diagnosis or experimental applica- fully will obtain the treatment that will best meet his or
tions. Some insurance companies indicate that CAPD is her needs.
related to educational factors (Excellus, 2002) and, there-
fore, is not covered, even under the diagnostic code 388.40:
Abnormal Auditory Perception. When an educational- FUTURE CONCERNS IN AUDITORY
based reason is used as a reason for denial of payment
of service or when an insurance company has outdated
information and claims that CAPD is experimental The selection of CAP tests or a test battery approach relies
(Aetna, 2012), information should be provided to these on the comfort, experience, and education of the clinician,
insurance companies that includes the most current up- as well as the availability of a multidisciplinary team in the
to-date facts, such as studies showing the clinical utility geographic area in which one resides. Consensus and posi-
of CAPD testing. During this interim period, the clinician tion papers (AAA, 2010; ASHA, 2005; Canadian Guidelines,
would submit for payment to the insurance company for 2012) recommend that testing be done for children 7 years
the peripheral and central assessment procedures. The of age and older. However, the Buffalo and S-LP models
client will be responsible for payment of any uncovered provide qualitative data congruent with quantitative data
assessment measures. for children as young as 5 years of age. Such testing can
Another concern is the need for evidenced-based result in the categorization of types of auditory processing
research to address the types or subprofiles of CAPD in problems, initiation of therapy, and addressing educational
terms of both medical and educational outcomes. Insur- and communication concerns before major problems occur.
ance companies rely on evidence-based research and tech- Hopefully, in time, there will be a general understanding
nical reports to justify medical needs for services rendered. that the earlier one is diagnosed the better the opportunity
At the present time, all CAPD models indicate some form to provide appropriate intervention. The identification of
of educational basis: Poor reading and spelling, weak orga- dysfunction among specific auditory processes is the basis
nization, poor or inconsistent academic performance, weak of the Bellis/Ferre Model and provides specific categories
expressive language written skill, and so on. If this continues of auditory problems that coincide with educational and
to be stressed in the models of CAPD, without the medical communication concerns. Some clinicians broaden these
counterpart, then insurance companies may prematurely models. For instance, Medwetsky’s S-LP Model (2011) uses
conclude that there are only educational components of the qualitative and quantitative data of the Buffalo Model as
CHAPTER 29 • Central Auditory Processing Evaluation: A Test Battery Approach 557

a foundation and further includes attention, memory span, to be a lax approach, but most would agree that such
and phonologic awareness/phonics test performance for a failure constitutes a dysfunction in only the specific
further analysis (Medwetsky, 2011). Stecker (1998) discusses auditory process being assessed. If the clinician con-
the application of additional tests to assess localization trols for attention, motivation, and fatigue, then a fail-
and/or low brainstem assessment beyond the Buffalo Model. ure of two tests at a minimum of 2 standard deviations
Those who work with psychologists in a team approach may below the mean or one test failure at 3 standard devia-
not need to administer attention tests such as the Auditory tions below the mean would seem appropriate for the
Continuous Performance Test (Keith, 1994) since it is rou- profession to consider as a criterion for the diagnosis
tinely administered by the referring psychologist, as is the of CAPD.
case in Western New York. 2. Please discuss what advantages you see in providing a test
battery approach. Based on what you know about CAPD
give some examples of how the test battery approach
SUMMARY would be advantageous?
A test battery approach is recommended for the assessment 3. The various models for types or profiles of CAPD have
of the CANS when a client presents with functional behav- many commonalities and a few differences. Actually, it
ioral limitations in auditory, learning, and communica- is interesting that there are more similarities than differ-
tion skills. Currently, evaluating the CANS is not a routine ences. All of the models agree on decoding and integra-
application of assessment among audiologists; however, it tion subtypes of CAPD. The TFM type of CAPD is seen
is hopeful that this will soon change with the educational in the Buffalo Model, and FM is seen in the S-LP Model,
opportunities offered by Au.D. programs. Research should whereas the prosodic category is only in the Bellis/Ferre
concentrate on the application and results of CAP tests that and S-LP Models. Intervention is being used to success-
indicate specific types of CAPD, as seen in the current mod- fully remediate the above CAPD subtypes. Tests have
els discussed which would lead to appropriate intervention. been found to identify auditory difficulties for designing
The past decade has focused on improving our awareness intervention (AAA, 2010).
of the reliability of CAP test performance and the success in There is agreement with respect to the organiza-
remediating the functional deficits associated with CAPD. tion category among the different models. However,
The next decade should focus on improved normative data only one CAP test (the SSW test) provides norms for
for using electrophysiological tests in certain populations reversals. What does it mean when one reverses on other
with attention deficit, dyslexia, and the subtypes of CAPD. tests, especially if those tests were developed to identify
These procedures would augment current behavioral test those with learning disabilities, such as the Pitch Pattern
batteries by providing objective evidence of underlying pro- Sequence Test? What does it mean when an individual
cessing deficits, help determine auditory training candidacy, passes all the CAP tests with the exception with reversals?
and, in turn, continue to evaluate the effectiveness of such Is there a CAPD in this case or are the reversals related to
therapy. attention deficit or learning disorders?
4. Would the inclusion of electrophysiological tests assist
with profiling specific types of CAPD?
FOOD FOR THOUGHT Questionnaires listed in this chapter are available at
Perhaps in the future, there will be additional evidence- Education Audiology Association (EAA):
based research to validate the specific types of CAPD
(ASHA, 2005). In the meantime, clinicians will continue KEY REFERENCES
to administer CAPD tests that are known to provide
information regarding CANS dysfunction. As we work A full list of references for this chapter can be
together to learn the “best of the best” in diagnosing CAPD, found at Below are the key refer-
here are some thoughts we should be aware of and try to ences for this chapter.
answer: Aetna. (2012) Clinical policy bulletins. Auditory processing disor-
1. Can one test provide a diagnosis of CAPD? Although der (APD). No. 668, 1–9.
American Academy of Audiology (AAA). (2010) Clinical practice
position statements indicate to be aware of the num-
guidelines: diagnosis, treatment and management of children
ber of tests in a test battery, ASHA (2005) indicates
and adults with central auditory processing disorder. Available
that one test failure at 3 standard deviations below the online at:
mean or a failure of two tests by a minimum of 2 stan- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). (1992)
dard deviations below the mean is sufficient for a diag- Issues in Central Auditory Processing Disorders: A Report from
nosis of CAPD in the presence of functional behavioral ASHA Ad Hoc Committee on Central Auditory Processing.
limitations. The use of one test failure was considered Rockville, MD: ASHA.
558 SECTION III • Special Populations

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). (1995) Bildern R, eds. Windows on the Brain: Neuropsychology’s Tech-
Central Auditory Processing: Current Status of Research and nical Frontiers. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 620, 233–252.
Implications for Clinical Practice. A Report from the ASHA Katz J, Tillery KL. (2005) Can central auditory processing tests
Task Force on Central Auditory Processing. Rockville, MD: resist supramodal influences? Am J Audiol. 14, 124–127.
ASHA. Katz J, Zalweski T. (2013) Buffalo Model Questionnaire – Revised
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Task (BMQ-R). Denver, CO: Educational Audiology Association.
Force on Central Auditory Processing Consensus Development. Keith RW. (2009a) SCAN 3:A: for Adolescents and Adults: Tests for
(1996) Central auditory processing: current status of research Auditory Processing Disorders. San Antonio, TX: The Psycho-
and implications for clinical practice. Am J Audiol. 5, 41–54. logical Corporation.
American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA). Keith RW. (2009b) SCAN 3:C: for Children: Tests for Auditory
(2005) (Central) Auditory Processing Disorders. A Technical Processing Disorders. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological
Report. Rockville, MD: ASHA. Corporation.
Bellis TJ. (2002) Developing deficit-specific intervention plans for Keller W, Tillery KL. (2002) Reliable differential diagnosis and
individuals with auditory processing disorders. Semin Hear. effective management for auditory processing and attention
23, 287–295. deficit hyperactivity disorders. Semin Hear. 23, 337–347.
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C H A P T ER 3 0

Central Auditory Processing

Disorder: Therapy and
Jack Katz, Jeanane Ferre, William Keith, and Angela Loucks Alexander

et al., 2001). Ordinarily, AT has a long-term effect, but when

INTRODUCTION a person continues to have middle ear issues we often see
In recent years, interest and involvement with central audi- deterioration that tends to nullify the improvement.
tory processing disorders (CAPDs) has increased among An important aspect of working with those who have
audiologists, speech-language pathologists, and others. The CAPD is to provide optimal hearing. This can be provided
auditory training (AT) aspect of CAPD has perhaps grown in a number of ways including hearing assistive technolo-
even more rapidly, as those who are drawn to rehabilitation gies (HATs), speaking a little louder, and reducing the dis-
have begun to see the benefits of this rewarding work. Pro- tance between speaker and listener.
viding a re/habilitative component makes the CAPD evalu- The techniques discussed in this chapter have been
ation itself much more important, especially because the used successfully for many years. They are rather simple and
issues that are uncovered can be addressed and improved. positively effect important communicative and/or academic
AT is based on the concept that improved central ner- functions. In addition to those improvements, we find that
vous system (CNS) function can increase our ability to focus the individuals attend better and are much more confident
on, and decode, what we want to hear. It can also increase when they understand what is going on around them. In a
the likelihood that the auditory information that is received sample of 67 children who were seen (by the first author)
will be remembered and organized accurately, as well as for CAPD therapy 57% of the parents reported greatly
improve our ability to combine auditory input with other improved self-confidence, 30% moderately improved, and
information. Improved central auditory processing (CAP) just 1% with no improvement. Each of the authors has had
skills ultimately support higher cognitive functions (see great success and enormous satisfaction from doing this
Chapter 28). The most important auditory input we hear work and seeing the positive results.
is speech, but because of its rapid and complex structure
many people find it a major challenge in effectively com-
municating and in achieving academic success. Those of us
who provide therapeutic services generally involve speech The Buffalo Model was formalized after many years of eval-
in some way, because of its face validity and its potential for uating and providing therapy for those with CAPD (Katz
directly improving important processing functions. and Smith, 1991). There are four major categories of CAPD
Neural plasticity enables the AT to positively change (Katz, 1992), which are reviewed in Chapter 29. The two
one’s auditory performance. This is especially effective with basic and most common categories are decoding, which is
repetitive stimulation, permitting our brains to facilitate the ability to quickly and accurately analyze what is said,
processing (Skoe and Kraus, 2010). and tolerance-fading memory (TFM), which is primarily a
We are not always able to choose when we can provide difficulty in understanding speech-in-noise and with short-
AT and working with older, not necessarily elderly, indi- term auditory memory (STAM) tasks. In this section, two
viduals may have some benefits. Those who know that they therapies will be described for each category.
need the help are likely to be more determined/highly moti- Decoding is generally the most common CAPD category
vated compared to young children. So, age alone should not and so this therapy applies to almost all of the individuals
disqualify a person from getting rehabilitative services. we see. In addition, decoding is such a basic function that
One of the major confounding issues for AT for those it is generally the first concern in therapy, along with TFM
with CAPD is when the person continues to have middle ear functions. Decoding is closely associated with the auditory
fluctuations, which are important contributors to the faulty cortex (Katz and Smith, 1991) which Luria (1970) refers to
or vague information that the brain has stored (Bennett as the phonemic region of the brain. It is in the left upper,


mid-posterior region of the temporal lobe. We conceptual-

ize these CAPD problems as vague or inaccurate encoding
in the auditory cortex because of early otitis media or other
etiologies. To improve on the inaccuracies and inefficien-
cies that are noted in understanding speech, learning to
read fluently, and other functions, the therapy is directed to
narrowing the phonemic boundaries (i.e., sharpening the
perception) of the affected sounds.
We see that by improving the accuracy and speed of pro-
cessing phonemes, it generalizes to understanding speech
more broadly (Russo et al., 2005). This is likely because the
therapy helps to replace the inaccuracies and inefficiencies
in the way the brain perceives. Of course, what information
the person has lost in the past or has misunderstood will not
automatically improve and for the most part, the earlier the
training, the better.
FIGURE 30.1 A typical setting for PTP with the thera-
Phonemic Training Program pist obscuring much of the lower face by holding an
acoustically transparent screen (hoop) and presenting
The Phonemic Training Program (PTP) is a basic program specific sounds to which the listener responds by point-
to improve auditory decoding. Observers are often sur- ing to the appropriate letter. For most of the procedures
prised that such simple procedures can make such a sig- there are four or fewer cards, but in review there are
nificant difference in the ability, not only to process speech, eight in the General review.
but to result in improved reading word accuracy, auditory
spelling, and even the clarity of the person’s speech. Indeed
from one another. We determine which of the sounds are
PTP is so simple that the technique can be used from pre-
most difficult by the use of a phonemic error analysis (PEA).
schoolers to the elderly. Working with very young children
PEA is based on the speech-sound errors on the three tests of
or those with severe problems may require some modifica-
the Buffalo Model which contains 926 phonemes.
tions of the procedures. Further details of PTP and other
Buffalo Model therapy procedures and forms are available
elsewhere (Katz, 2009).
The purpose of PTP is to improve the speed and accu- 1. Phonemes. If phonemes are weak, vague, or inaccurately
racy of processing speech. Although, the purpose is to imprinted on the brain this forms a poor foundation for
improve speech understanding, in general, most of this work communication and academic success. When the founda-
is carried out with individual speech sounds (phonemes). tion is improved the dependent functions also benefit. In
The procedure is given live voice at a fairly close distance. PTP the emphasis is on improving phonemic perception.
Figure 30.1 shows this close proximity to maximize the 2. Repetition. Starting in infancy the brain begins encoding
clarity of speech and the use of an embroidery hoop that is phonemes, correctly or not, and after several years these
covered with acoustically transparent material (loudspeaker models are strongly imprinted. Therefore, they cannot
material) which prevents the listener from using visual cues. be improved simply with a cognitive approach. We can-
On the table you will see cards with letters signifying the not simply say, stop hearing the /ε/ as an /i/. Rather it
speech sounds. Capital letters are used to simplify the visual should be retrained the way physical therapists reteach a
association and diacritical marks identify long and short person to walk. They start slowly and simply and gradu-
vowels. Some sounds that are easily confused with others ally work up from there. Gradual increases are built into
have key words written at the bottom of the card. PTP along with repetition, but it need not be boring.
The general plan for PTP is to start with an easy task and 3. Over time. As in the case of repetition, do not expect a
gradually increase the difficulty as the person improves in great deal of improvement with just one or two presen-
auditory processing of the sounds. We begin by introducing tations. Just like proficiency in playing golf or tennis,
some of the most difficult sounds that have been observed for improved speech-sound perception requires practice
the individual. This may seem to contradict the first rule, but over time. PTP is surprisingly quick but still requires suf-
it does not. Initially, the difficult sounds are presented, but not ficient time to master it.
contrasted with competing sounds or letters. For example, 4. Easy. Start at an easy level and work up gradually. It is
we often start with /d, ε, /, m / that are among the more dif- generally important for those who have less confidence
ficult for those we see for CAPD evaluations. Although they in what they hear or have had academic failures to start
may be difficult these four sounds are easily distinguishable with success and then go forward.

5. Four sounds. Introduce four new sounds each visit. For and point. After one presentation of the two sounds
most children and adults, this has been quite effective. remove them and introduce the third sound. Then
Accommodations should be made for age and severity. give the discrimination task with the three sounds,
6. Consider severity. Based on the severity of the problem remove them and introduce the fourth sound, and
(e.g., on the PEA) begin with the more difficult items first. finally discriminate all four sounds.
We begin with the difficult sounds while the brain is not 2. Brief review. On the next session give a brief review of the
crowded with other sounds and because we have more sounds from the previous session in the same way and in
opportunities to repeat them in subsequent sessions. the same order but perhaps a little faster.
7. Visual confusions. Be mindful of visual challenges as well a. This helps to remind or reinforce the sounds from
as auditory (e.g., a long-A and a short-A differ only by a the previous lesson before any New sounds are given.
little marking above them). The procedure is not meant to be difficult, rather to
8. Auditory confusions. When a person has confusion in dis- gradually teach the person what the sounds sound
tinguishing between two sounds (e.g., f/θ or i/ε), branch like individually and to associate them with their
from the program and use a “focus” or “itch” technique letters.
as described below. b. Then give the same procedures as in (a), (b), and (c)
9. Teach accurate sounds. This is to replace vague or poorly above with the New group of four sounds.
encoded sounds with as clear and accurate sounds as possi- 3. General review. A third procedure is added to the previous
ble. Therefore, when the therapist says the consonants they two on the third visit. After the Brief review of the sounds
should not have an added vowel (e.g., /b/ and not /bә/). from the second lesson the General review increases the
challenge and lets us know if there are sounds which con-
PTP STEPS fuse the person. The General review, unlike the two pre-
vious steps, presents the sounds in random order from
With these principles in mind there are three major steps to
all of the ones that have gone through the New and Brief
PTP. The order of these steps differs for the first three visits.
review steps in the previous sessions. Over time most of
1. New. For the first session there were no previous sounds the sounds will be contrasted with one another.
so the first step is to introduce four sounds (e.g., /d, ε, /, a. Open discrimination 1. From the deck of randomly
m/). The person is told that they will hear a sound a few ordered cards for the General review sounds for that
times and just to listen carefully to how it sounds but not session take the first four cards from the deck for
to repeat it. the person to discriminate. To include the person in
a. Introduction without bias. With lower face concealed say the process hand all four to the person to place them
the first sound clearly, usually three times, as this will face up to discriminate. Without visual cues the thera-
increase the person’s ability to identify it. Then without pist says each sound and the person points to the card.
the hoop show the card with that symbol and say, “That Usually the prior training enables the person to give
was the /d/ or the D-sound as we hear in ‘dog’. ” the proper responses, but note confusions for possible
b. Repetition with pointing response. Then place the card repair training. If there is an error repeat the sound,
in front of the person and indicate that each time you but if it is still difficult indicate the card and move on.
say /d/ you want them just to (quickly) touch the card. We do not want to reinforce confusions.
Behind the hoop say the sound once with a response b. Open discrimination 2. Remove the first four cards
and then again. There should be no error as there is and give the person the next four. But after this dis-
only one card to point to. Then introduce a “foil.” A foil crimination leave those cards and bring back the
is used occasionally to maintain attention. The thera- previous four (that were temporarily removed) and
pist says, “That was good, but what if I said /s/? There is have these cards in the second row (N, AW, L, R as
no card for /s/ so you point over here (off to one side) shown in Figure 30.1). The discrimination with
to let me know that I did not fool you.” Then practice eight cards is called The Big Test. This increases the
pointing to the /d/ again and next give an easily distin- variety and challenge of discriminations that must
guished sound for a foil. Use foils sparingly from time be made. If there are more cards go on to Open dis-
to time especially when attention is lagging or the per- crimination 3.
son is ready to point to a card before the sound is said. c. Open discrimination 3. Retire the cards from Open
c. Introduce a new sound and discriminate. Remove the discrimination 1 and temporarily remove the second
D-card from direct view and give the next sound in group. Give the next four cards to the person and after
the same way without bias. But after doing the rein- discriminating them bring back the group 2 cards and
forcement with just the second sound, bring back give The Big Test.
the previous sound in front of the person. This dis- d. If there are more cards continue as before (i.e., remove
crimination task just slightly increases the challenge Open discrimination 2 cards and temporarily remove
but is mainly to hear it again and associate the letter group 3 and start with group 4).

e. Reduce the cards. When there are as many as 20 cards this procedure. Itch cards show a key word with the criti-
or so in the General review deck, it is well to maintain cal letter(s) underlined and/or in a different color.
that number by eliminating the easier sounds. b. After saying /d/, now without the hoop, say that, “the Itch
Word for /d/ is Dessert” and show the card. When the
BRANCHING STRATEGIES person hears the sound they should point to the card and
say the word “Dessert.” Place the card in front of the per-
When we hit a significant bump in the road or a brick wall son and practice once or twice.
it is best to provide some special help for about two to five c. Then remove the card and introduce the next one in the
visits. same way. After practicing one or two times bring back
the first card to discriminate among the two sounds
Focus and the person pointing and saying the word for each
If a person confuses /i//ε/ we can increase the distinction (one time is enough).
in a rather simple way. We assume in this case that the /i/ d. Finish up with the last two sounds in the same way.
is the easier of the two. It usually is but if unsure ask the e. If there is a second group of cards to be reinforced do
individual which is easier to hear. Generally, they are cor- them separately in the same way.
rect. When they have two sounds that are weak, there is no
The other decoding procedure in the Buffalo therapies
“anchor” so we first improve the easier one and then we can
is Phonemic Synthesis (PS). Generally, we do not do these
improve the weaker one.
tasks back to back. Rather one of the other procedures (e.g.,
a. Build up the strong sound. The two cards are placed in words-in-noise training (WINT)) would be given to work
front of the person and they are told they will hear the on a different aspect.
/i/ sound three times and then the /ε/. Knowing which
sounds beforehand will help to ensure that they respond
correctly. This is important because they are often con- Phonemic Synthesis
fused so they get off to a good start. PS was the first of the therapy procedures in Buffalo Model.
b. Once the sounds have been introduced in this way the It is a sound-blending type task in which the listener hears
next step is to practice. Now, they are told the procedure individual speech sounds and must put them together to
will be the same. The /i/ will always be first but the num- form the given word. This procedure both reinforces the
ber of times it is said will vary and then the other sound PTP program and takes the training to a higher level. It
will be said. This task is meant to be easy, especially if we requires not only accurate decoding of the sounds, but also
start with the easier sound. memory for the sounds, maintenance of proper sequence,
c. For this second step, say the /i/ one to four times and and relating the results to words.
then the /ε/. The purpose is not to trick them as they are Luria (1970) indicated that the auditory cortex is the
already confused. center for phonemic processing. He found in his study of
d. When the responses are accurate and quick, this step is soldiers with gunshot wounds that the only place in the
completed and in the next session reverse the procedure. brain that was associated with phonemes was the audi-
e. Indicate that the /ε/ will be given three times and then tory cortex (also see Chapter 28). The specific skills that
the /i/. Then, as before, explain that the /ε/ will be said he enumerated were phonemic discrimination, phonemic
three times and then the /i/ once. After that introduction memory, and phonemic synthesis or analysis. Several highly
indicate that the /ε/ always will be given first but you will respected professionals in various fields have noted the ben-
not tell the person how many times before the /i/. eficial effects of sound blending–type training for reading
f. The procedure, starting with the more difficult sound, and articulation problems. These include such luminaries
may well have to be repeated on the next visit and per- as Van Riper, Orton, and others (see Katz and Harmon,
haps more. 1981). Additional references for this chapter can be found
on http://Katze7…
Itch Cards
Itch cards are key-word cards. When a person begins
therapy, there is not much to be done with only four new BENEFITS AND DISADVANTAGES OF RECORDED
sounds. Because these are difficult sounds for the individual PHONEMIC SYNTHESIS PROGRAM
it is a good opportunity to reinforce the correct sounds.
In general, the recorded program has many more positive
a. After the PTP procedure, the same four sounds can be characteristics. It is recorded so it can be delivered in the
given. Behind the hoop the therapist indicates that some exact same way and repeated without concern that there are
sounds will be said and then they will be told to touch/ variations in how the sounds were spoken. Speech sounds
point to the card and say the “Itch Word.” The name Itch are produced correctly by an experienced speaker. The pro-
Word comes from the first card that was developed for gram was carefully designed to take a person with almost

no skill to a very high level of performance by gradually The score for each lesson is recorded on a summary
increasing the level of difficulty of sounds, as well as, com- sheet on which there are two sets of marks for each lesson.
binations of sounds, and words. Difficult words are often Toward the top of the chart are two heavy lines indicating
given with clues or explanations and then repeated later the completion level. If a person reaches the completion
in the program to be sure they are processed properly and level, that lesson can be considered finished. Further down
reinforced. The program is sprinkled with humor to get an the column there is a dashed line that shows the lower limit
occasional chuckle. This recording has been in continuous of the target zone. The person is expected to score above
use by many professionals since 1982. that level if they have been doing fairly well on the previous
There are two disadvantages to the recorded pro- lessons. If the score is below the target zone there will only
gram. The first is that it cannot be varied for the individual be frustration and lack of learning if they go on to the next
and the second is that the therapist’s speech might be richer lesson. So either further training is needed on that lesson
than the recording and inflected emphasis cannot be given (with special help, see later) or if very poor or frustrating
to call attention to some aspect. Fortunately, using the the person needs to go back to an easier level and work their
recording does not prevent the therapist from replaying way back gradually.
an item, skipping items, or giving parts of the program live On the answer sheet we currently mark PS items with
voice when needed as well as giving cautions or instructions an X-circled to show that there was a delay. As the individu-
to focus or alert the person. In some severe cases, the pro- als improve they reduce their delays and also get more items
gram can start live voice and then the recorded program can correct. Therefore, we consider both speed and accuracy
be administered when the person is better trained. when assessing improvement. This has been extremely help-
ful. If an item is in error, we do not show the delay.
The recorded PS program* has 15 lessons that start with two General
very easy picture choices (i.e., distinguishing the given word It is permissible to repeat an item in this program, especially
“she (/∫…i/)” from the word “pencil” which is the foil). It after the first administration of a lesson. The second time
is given again and then four other items are presented in the task is generally easier. To improve the chances of getting
the same way. All five items are also repeated later on to be the correct answer when an item is repeated the person may
sure the person knows these easy sounds and words as this be alerted, “Listen carefully to the first sound/the vowel, etc.”
program builds on itself. The next lesson has the same five If it is less likely that the person will process the word correctly
words with three picture choices. The third lesson begins they could be told what the word is (e.g., jump) and say,
with the same three picture choices and then the person “Listen carefully and see if you can hear ‘jump, jump’.” If
says the words without picture support. However, after the person hears the recorded version soon after the word
hearing the sounds of these words so many times it is easy was said live voice the chances for an accurate response are
for almost all children (or adults even with severe/profound increased. On the score sheet it is helpful to show the initial
challenges) to make the transition to generating their own error and a slash to show that it was given again and a dot
answers. if it was correct the second time (but count only the first
For most people with CAPD, it is not necessary to begin response).
with lesson one. We determine this based on their PS test
performance. Most people start with lesson four or five. Word Chart
However, the program assumes that the listener knows the When a person makes errors on a lesson, it is extremely help-
previous words. Those who skip earlier lessons are given ful to address this on the following visit when their brains are
some brief training on the words that were skipped before clear of this confusion. We fold a piece of paper in half top
starting the recorded program. down twice and then left to right. This gives us eight boxes
The words are gradually expanded (e.g., “cow”’ from to show four pairs (the actual word and the error given).
the original five words to “couch”) or changed and harder Figure 30.2 shows an example of a word chart in which the
sounds (e.g., more short vowels and liquids /l, r, j, w/) are test and error words cannot be determined from the posi-
more likely to be used. Toward the end of the program, pho- tion. The paper is folded (with the aid of a paper clip) to
nemic analysis is introduced. In this procedure the person is show one pair at a time. To be sure that the person does not
given a word and they are asked to break them up into their stop listening after pointing to the first word, that word can
component sounds. be repeated a second time for a large percentage of the pre-
sentations. Then we have the Big Test in which all of them
(as many as four pairs) are give at once. The person is to
*Precision Acoustics, 13410 SE 26th Circle, Vancouver, WA 98683, (360) point to the word that was presented randomly, one sound
447-8403;, at a time behind the hoop.

lock rock Pre
14 Post
end and

Phoenemic synthesis errors

ball bowl 10

sand stand 8

FIGURE 30.2 In the Phonemic Synthesis program, a
word chart is used in the session following the errors on 4
the PS lesson. The correct and error words are shown
side by side in an order so the person does not know 2
which one is the word on the program. The dashed lines
show where the paper was folded so that each pair can Quantitative Qualitative
be given one word at a time, sound by sound and then
the Big Test with all eight words showing. FIGURE 30.3 Phonemic Synthesis quantitative and
qualitative error scores before and after the first round
of therapy (N = 95). Normal limits for each measure are
RESULTS OF DECODING THERAPY shown by dashed lines for the group’s mean age
In the Buffalo Model, we assess the results in three ways: (9 years).
How the person performed on the therapy materials them-
selves, how the person performed on the retest compared decoding skills makes the task in noise much easier and
to the pretest, and how the person is performing on the therefore both types of therapy are often given at the same
initial concerns that brought the person for assessment time. However, WINT is designed to address the ability to
originally. focus in on speech and to pull out the speech from the back-
Figure 30.3 shows the test–retest results for the PS test ground of noise. This particular skill seems rather fragile
for 95 children 6 to 18 years of age who completed the first because it is susceptible to factors such as poor sleep the
round of therapy. The average number of sessions was 13 night before, anxiety from a bad day at school, and inatten-
and the total time spent on decoding skills per child was tion. This therapy is also called “desensitization training.”
less than 6 hours. The good results that were obtained over The anxiety and tension that are often seen in those with
this short period of time were supported by the assessment significant reactions to noise also appear to be addressed to
of parents and teachers following the first round of therapy. some extent with this therapy.
Figure 30.4 shows the parent–teacher assessments (N = 88)
for that therapy period. The decoding therapies appear to
have generalized by having a major effect on these skills that
are associated with decoding. This program begins with single syllable words that are
presented, one at a time, at a comfortably loud presenta-
tion level with no noise and the listener is asked to repeat
Words-in-Noise Training the words. Then the task is repeated with the next group of
This is the first of the two TFM procedures that will be dis- words along with a mild noise. Then the level of the noise
cussed here. A large percentage of those with CAPD have is increased gradually until a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of
difficulty understanding speech in noise. Having better zero is reached (i.e., equal to the speech level).

Percent parent-teacher assessments

60 Mod
50 None

FIGURE 30.4 Parent–teacher assessments
of improvement on decoding-associated skills 30
after one round of therapy (N = 88). The highest
percent of moderate or great improvement was 20
noted for phonics (91%) and the fewest was
speech (76%). The others were understanding
language, understanding directions, and oral 0
reading. phonics und lang und dir oral rdg speech

DESCRIPTION OF WINT cially important to check if the person has middle ear prob-
lems or persistent allergies.
There are two versions of WINT†. The WINT-3 recording
is used with a CD player and a two-channel audiometer. Additional Procedures
WINT-1 is preprogrammed so that it can be administered
a. Usually the first two or three series are given with little
without an audiometer. The basic procedure for both pro-
or no correction to establish baseline performance. After
grams is essentially the same. We will discuss the WINT-3
that corrective procedures can be used. Give preference
first. Both programs can be presented through one or more
to errors at low noise levels because they are usually the
loudspeakers or through earphones. It is best when both
easiest to correct. Do not correct for too many errors
options are available.
as this can discourage the person, which will not help
One track of this program is made up of 600 primary
speech-in-noise training.
level words that are divided into 60 subgroups of 10 words
b. After an error, stop the CD and simply repeat the item.
each. The other track is multitalker, eight-speaker babble. A
If a hint will make it more likely to get the repeated item
series is approximately eight subgroups that are presented
correct, the person can be instructed to listen to the first/
in one session. Each track of the CD has eight subgroups
last sound or the vowel, and so on.
except the last track that has four. Figure 30.5 is the scoring
c. Instead of (b), if more assistance is likely to be needed,
form for track 1. As in the other Buffalo Model procedures,
the person can be told the word and replay the item. It is
a dot represents a correct answer and an incorrect response
good to say the word live voice once to three times just
is written out for most words. If a word might be ambiguous
before the recorded word is heard. This will increase the
it is spelled phonetically or phonemically.
person’s chances of perceiving the word correctly.
The WINT-3 Procedure d. When an error is persistent, or the individuals are sure
that they are correct, turn off the noise channel so the
Most individuals who have CAPD have a positive score on word can be heard without interference.
the Speech-in-Noise test of the Central Test Battery-CD and e. Do not “beat a dead horse.” If the person continues to
speech-in-noise concerns on the Buffalo Model Question- hear the word incorrectly indicate that it will be worked
naire that the family filled out. One can choose to start ther- on in the future and go on.
apy with any track and move along from one track to the
next and after eight tracks back to the first track again as the WINT Results
dates show in Figure 30.5. The person is told that they will Figure 30.6 shows the average performance on the WINT-3
be hearing a man say some words and just to repeat them as series in the first round of therapy. The average improvement
clearly as possible. Some people will mumble and try to hide is from about 18 errors initially to 6 at the end of the first
their errors. Have them repeat the word, spell it, or tell you round. On average, there is a rather steep decline in errors
what it means. Sometimes, the parents, if present, can clarify for the first five series after which the improvement is much
the response. Also, have the person face you and turn up the more gradual. Most of the initial improvement is likely the
talkback microphone. “limbic effect,” that is, the person getting used to the task
The first 10 items are given with no noise and speech and feeling more at ease with listening in noise. The gradual
presented at a comfortable level. The same speech level is gains are likely because of the increasing ability to separate
used for subsequent visits, if possible. Enter both errors and the words from the noise and to understand the words better.
delays on the score sheet so that the person’s performance Figure 30.7 shows the parent–teacher assessment of
can be assessed, reviewed, and analyzed, if desired. Next improvement. They indicated primarily great or moderate
the person is told that there will be some noise in the back- improvement for the 74 children for each of the three ques-
ground and not to pay attention to it and just repeat the tions related to noise issues. For Understanding in Noise,
words. For the next subgroup we start with a SNR of about 93% indicated great or moderate improvement. For Dis-
+12 dB. Then on each subsequent sublist, increase the noise
tracted by Noise and Hypersensitive to Noise, the ratings
by 2 dB until the SNR is zero. After the first few sessions the
were 88% and 77%, respectively.
+12 noise level may be quite easy. This level can be omitted
on future visits to save time, if desired. The WINT-1 Procedure
Those who have the poorest scores initially tend to
WINT-1 can be used without an audiometer as it is prepro-
make the most gains in therapy. Generally, an average of
grammed. The first seven series/tracks of WINT-1 have no
four to six total errors for last one or two series suggests
noise to +12 dB SNR and then in 2-dB steps up to 0 dB SNR.
good performance. At a later time this can be rechecked to
The scoring is the same as for WINT-3 and all of the Additional
be sure that the performance remains good. This is espe-
Procedures above, except turning off the noise, can be used.
The eighth series/track of WINT-1 is available for those

Upstate Advanced Technologies, 12 Shadow Vale Drive, Penfield, NY with severe problems or those who need to be introduced to
12526; the noise more gradually. After the no noise sublist, the noise

Speech 62 dB HL
Track 1 date: June 03, 2012 Oct 14, 2012 Track 1 date: June 03, 2012 Oct 14, 2012
dBN/Transducer NO / FF / NO / FF dBN/Transducer 56 / FF / 56 / FF
eight 0:05 sun 3:45
chin gas
crawl hide
peach made
cold wheel
glass mean
duck crash
leg new
bird child
of soeak
∑ errors (delays) ( ) ( ) ( ) ∑ errors (delays) ( ) ( ) ( )
dBN/Transducer 50 / FF / 50 / FF dBN/Transducer 58 / FF / 58 / FF
shoe 0:60 slap 4:40 slam
chase bleed leed
nut knot feet heat
cute hand
bones move
house fill
mud smash black
share bench
men nin min mouse
stone try
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
dBN/Transducer 52 / FF / 52 / FF dBN/Transducer 60 / FF / 60 / FF
belt 1:55 rest 5:35
was train
ring bell
no none
can how
taste said
earth meet
hose high
my couch howtch
pain en gum numb dumb
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
dBN/Transducer 54 / FF / 54 / FF dBN/Transducer 62 / FF / 62 / FF
tank 2:50 mail 6:30
great lap black
five funny tight
hit fudge
paint ain’t haint red bread
day each beach
street road rose
hold card
one stick
broom vroom roof root
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
date: date:
©Jack Katz Ph.D., 2008

FIGURE 30.5 Score sheet for WINT-3 demonstrating the features and scoring. After the
person goes through the 60 sublists they begin again where they started using a second
column. If therapy continues in a second round then it might require the use of the third
column. Dots represent correct responses and words show the errors. ⊗ indicates a delayed
response on a word that was correct.

training starts with an SNR of +22 dB that should be suitable Short-Term Auditory Memory
for most people. The sublists go up to +14 dB SNR. This may
require a few series before the person is quite successful with
the low levels of noise. When the person shows good perfor- Short-Term Auditory Memory Program (STAMP) is the
mance for track 8, the program can continue with tracks 1 to 7. second TFM training program. STAM is a critical aspect of

20.0 increase memory span by one unit and if that is successful

we might try to stretch memory further. Generally, digits
are the easiest and working memory the hardest. Working
16.0 memory is remembering something and at the same time
14.0 working with it in some way. Various tasks can be used for
Number of errors

working memory training.


Based on pretest scores we start with a level that the per-
6.0 son can handle well (e.g., perhaps on a pretest 90% to 100%
4.0 for three digits) and plan to expand their memory span by
one unit (e.g., for four digits from 30% to perhaps 90% to
0.0 Figure 30.8 shows a sample of a memory response sheet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 for words. That plan is for working with someone who is
Series quite good with remembering four digits, to both strengthen
FIGURE 30.6 Mean number of errors across 15 WINT-3 that level and to increase performance for the next level
series. The first five means show a sharply descending (in this case five digits). There are four increasing levels of
pattern. This is primarily associated with the “limbic difficulty from sections A to D, that is, the items tend to be
effect,” a reduction of anxiety and accommodating to more challenging. In addition, the number of easier level
background noise. The 10 more gradual reductions are items is reduced from four to one so that there is more and
primarily associated with increased success in under- more training at the higher level as the person gets stronger
standing speech in noise. and stronger.
The following table shows the percent correct scores for
CAPD. We often want or need to remember many things of “Sam” initially:
value that we hear. A large percentage of those with CAPD
have STAM issues and therefore are not able to remember Percent Correct for Task and Units
nearly as much as most people. Importantly, STAM like the Units Digits Words Working Memory
other aspects of CAPD responds well to AT.
3 100 90 80
4 90 80 50
The purpose of STAMP is to increase short-term memory.
In the Buffalo Model procedures we emphasize memory We might start memory training working with Sam on
for digits, words, and working memory. Our purpose is to digits because that is the easiest type, and work from four
to five units. If this is successful, it will facilitate training for
words from four to five units and this in turn can increase
the likelihood of success for working memory but from
60 Mod three to four units. Figure 30.8 shows typical results for a
% Parent/teacher ratings

Slight person using the STAMP procedure.

50 None
Branching Strategies
a. Generally, it is a good idea to administer a sublist without
30 correction the first time to establish a baseline and to see
20 the issues.
b. When a person makes a small error it may be corrected
10 by a simple repetition. To make the error more obvious
0 one might emphasize the unit that was in error if this is
Underst N Distracted Hypersen thought to be necessary. Show the improvement on the
FIGURE 30.7 Ratings of parent–teachers regard- response form but count only the first try.
ing improvement in noise issues: Moderate or great c. For greater challenges it is well to tell the person the error
improvement was noted in Understanding in noise and then repeat the item.
(93%), Distracted by noise (88%), and Hypersensitive to d. If this is still difficult or there are several errors at a par-
noise (77%). ticular level, one can use a “modified” procedure that will

A 1. Date: Jan. 08, 2013 2. X R X R Comments

1 bird mouse cow dog R R (1) 4W 4/4 = 100%
2 red brown green blue R R 5W 5/6 = 83%
3 table floor chair wall R R
4 mother uncle sister cousin R R
5 pen 1 pencil 4 paper 3 book 2 desk 5 R R (2) 4W /4 =
6 shoe sock coat hat shirt R R 5W /6 =
7 walk run jump fall climb R R
8 leg white red pink silver R R
9 house school car bus road R R
10 ball bike swim play fun R R
B 1. Date: Jan. 15, 2013 2. Date: Jan. 22, 2013 X R X R
1 bread butter jame milk R R (1) 4W 3/3 = 100%
2 lettuce tomato salt pear R R 5W 4/7 = 57%
3 rock water sky star R R
4 feet ankle knee elbow hand R R
5 brother father cousin uncle aunt R R (2) 4W 3/3 = 100%
6 blue black purple pink yellow R R 5W 6/7 = 86%
7 dog cat rat sheep cow R R
8 spoon knife fork plate cup R R
9 dress pants shirt belt shoes R R
10 airplane truck bus car train R R
C 1. Date: Feb. 2, 2013 2. X R X R
1 boat fish water bird R R (1) 4W 2/2 = 100%

FIGURE 30.8 A section of the Word Memory Training form for four and five words
show the scoring procedures. A dot (Ş) is correct, a dash (—) is an omission, a substi-
tution is written in after the printed word, and the incorrect sequence is designated
by numbers next to words. An R that is circled designates a reversal. When the per-
son is given a second try at an item a slash (/) is shown and then the second score (if
any) is shown. Only the first administration is considered in the scoring
to the right. Because of the errors initially in sublist B it was administered again
showing some improvement.

simplify the task to enable the person to achieve an accu- units. He quickly improved from 88% to 100% for three
rate response. Then the regular items can be given again. words and from 78% to 97% for four words. He is now at
Some considerations in modifying the items are given 100% for four words and at 62% for five words. Instead of
below. degenerating, he continued to improve (Figure 30.9).
e. For digits, numbers 1 to 5 are generally easier than 0 or
6 to 10; giving two in order (e.g., 4, 5) is generally easier 80
than 3, 5 or 5, 4. Pre
f. For words, shorter, more common nouns are easier than 70 Post
other words. 60
Performance (% error)

g. For working memory, consider (a) and (b) above. Also

teach the tasks individually (e.g., putting digits in order 50
from small to large and then add a word to the task) 40
h. For each of the procedures when a person performs well
with perhaps three memory units, but four units are very 30
hard, modify the four units by first giving the first three 20
units and when successful then indicate that you will just
add one unit at the end. 10

Results 0
4A 4B 4C 4D
STAMP is the most recent addition to the Buffalo Battery
FIGURE 30.9 Memory training means and standard
therapies. We have seen positive results in therapy with both
deviations are shown for four-digit items for 21 to 12 chil-
children and adults. We have received very good feedback dren for sublists 4A to 4D with a median of 17 children.
from others who are using these procedures which sup- Data for three digits are not shown as the target was
ports our findings (see Katz, 2009). For example, one adult four digits. If the therapy had not begun with 4A and
with a degenerative neurologic disorder after working with ended with 4D we might have expected the initial scores
digit memory began word memory going from three to four to have been poorer initially for the later sublists.

and caregivers are integral to the model, extending benefits

SUMMARY OF BUFFALO MODEL of therapy beyond an individual session by regularly engag-
THERAPY PROCEDURES ing the student at home in these same activities or analo-
The Buffalo Model therapies have been highly successful gous commercially available games.
when the specific categories have been identified. It is also For many students, computer-assisted auditory and/
a rather brief therapy averaging 13 (50-minute) sessions or multimodality training is included as an adjunct to the
for the first round of therapy. Most children with mild and traditional therapeutic program. Detailed discussions of
moderate CAPD complete the program in one round. Ther- the specific activities noted above can be found elsewhere
apeutic benefits are determined by improvements on the in this book and in other sources (Baran, 2013; McAleer-
therapy materials themselves, test–retest comparisons, and Hamaguchi, 2013). This section will describe the applica-
independent assessments by parents and or teachers regard- tion of the model for specific auditory processing deficits,
ing the observed changes. particularly as it relates to the student’s need to meet the
educational Common Core Standard for speaking and lis-
tening (CCSSI, 2012). Goals and representative examples of
M3 THERAPIES therapy benchmarks are provided for each type.
The M3 model for remediation of auditory processing defi- The student with auditory decoding deficit (Bellis and
cits is an integrated approach to treatment that uses a com- Ferre, 1999) exhibits poor discrimination of fine acoustic
bination of bottom-up and top-down activities to improve differences in speech with behavioral characteristics similar
specific auditory skills and to empower listeners to man- to those observed among children with peripheral hearing
age any residual adverse effects of the deficit on their lives loss. The deficit can create secondary difficulties in commu-
(Ferre, 1997, 1998). The program conceptualizes communi- nication (e.g., vocabulary, syntax, semantics, and/or second
cation as the interaction of three factors—the message, what language acquisition) and/or academic (e.g., reading decod-
we listen to, the medium, the environment in which we lis- ing, spelling, note-taking, and/or direction following) skills.
ten, and me, what the listener brings to the communication The individualized education plan (IEP) for this student
event. Negative changes in any of these three will adversely should include goals for improved auditory discrimina-
affect communication, for example, an acoustically or tion and closure, use of visual cues, noise tolerance, sound
linguistically unclear signal, an excessively noisy or rever- blending, auditory vigilance, and use of metalinguistic/
berant environment, or poor listening habits or impaired metacognitive and active listening strategies. Metalinguistic
auditory processing skills of the listener. Conversely, posi- strategies refer to the listener’s ability to apply higher order
tive changes will enhance communication. Applicable to all linguistic rules when confronted with adverse listening situ-
types of auditory processing deficits, the M3 model teaches ations. These include auditory closure (i.e., using context to
the client (i.e., top-down activities) to effect positive change fill-in missing pieces), schema induction (i.e., using expecta-
in themselves, the listening environment, and/or the mes- tions and experience to fill-in the message), use of discourse
sage to maximize communication and trains the system cohesion devices (e.g., learning to “key-in” to tag words and
(i.e., bottom-up activities) to work in a more efficient, age- conjunctions), and prosody training (i.e., learning to use the
appropriate manner. rhythmic and melodic features of the signal to “get the mes-
MESSAGE refers to “what we hear,” including speech sage”). Metacognitive strategies refer to the listener’s ability
sounds, words, phrases, sentences, patterns, and conversa- to think about and plan ways to enhance spoken language
tions. Therapy activities include minimal pairs auditory comprehension. These include attribution training (i.e., self-
discrimination training, temporal pattern recognition, identification of the sources of listening difficulties), use of
dichotic listening exercises, rhyming, sound-blending exer- metamemory techniques (e.g., chunking, mnemonics), and
cises, auditory closure exercises, and identification of key self-advocacy (i.e., learning to modify one’s own listening
elements in targets. Intertwined with these activities is a environment). Taken together, metalinguistic and metacog-
discussion of familiarity, redundancy, and using contextual, nitive strategies enable the listener to be an active, rather than
syntactic, semantic, and nonauditory cues to assist recogni- passive, participant in a communication event. The listener
tion and listening comprehension. learns to use all available cues as well as their own knowl-
MEDIUM refers to the environment in which we listen edge and experience, altering behavior as needed, to enhance
with sessions focusing on impact of noise, reverberation, communication and improve processing. For a detailed dis-
distance, and lighting on speech recognition. Therapy activ- cussion of metacognitive and metalinguistic therapies, the
ities include listening in noise and using visual cues. reader is referred to Chermak (1998) and/or Bellis (2003).
ME refers to the unique combination of strengths and Auditory discrimination and closure. Student will rec-
weaknesses that a listener brings to any communication ognize speech presented under a variety of listening condi-
event. Discussion focuses on using visual cues and active lis- tions.
tening strategies, advocating for oneself, and training those Benchmark examples. Student will discriminate mini-
auditory (and related) skills that may be deficient. Parents mally contrasted phoneme pairs presented auditorily only

(i.e., no lipreading/speechreading cues) in a background word with 90% accuracy (e.g., My sister baked two dozen
of multispeaker babble that is of equal loudness (i.e., at a 0 chocolate chip cookies on TUESDAY. Key word: Tuesday.
SNR) and emanates from the same location as the target sig- Information conveyed: When).
nal with 90% accuracy. Activity examples: Student is given When given a sentence, student will state what informa-
two choices, for example, shuh – chuh printed on individual tion is conveyed by two (or more) key (i.e., stressed) words
cards. Therapist says one word at a time that either begins with 90% accuracy (e.g., MY sister baked TWO DOZEN
or ends with the phonemes and student determines which chocolate chip cookies on Tuesday. Key words: My, two
phoneme was spoken at the beginning of the word or at the dozen. Information conveyed: Who, how many).
end (e.g., ditCH – student points to ch card, SHoe – student When given a short passage, student will answer fact-
point to sh card). Student will recognize words presented based questions posed by speaker with 80% accuracy (e.g.,
with visual cues in a background of multispeaker babble who, what, amount, date, place names).
that is much louder than the target with 90% accuracy. Use of metacognitive strategies (active listening). Student
Use of visual cues. Student will use visual cues to will demonstrate understanding of active listening strate-
improve speech recognition. gies.
Benchmark examples. Student will discriminate same- Benchmark examples. Student will state two “self-help”
difference for target presented visually only with 90% strategies for use in highly noisy or reverberant environ-
accuracy. For example, therapist “mouths” two words and ments. Student will state two “self-help” strategies for use
student determines if the two words “look” the same or look when signal message is acoustically or linguistically unclear.
different (e.g., fail-rail—different, fail-fail—same). Student Therapy activities given above can be supplemented
will identify target compound word presented visually only through the use of simple low-cost or no-cost games such
(i.e., no auditory input) from among a closed set of no more as the “telephone game,” A Rhyme in Time, and the “ending
than 30 printed words or picture choices with 90% accuracy. sound game,” in which each player says a word beginning
That is, therapist mouths a compound word and student with the last sound of the previous word (e.g., caT-ToP-
identifies word from among a printed word list. PiG-GuM-MuD-DoG). Regular use of these games extends
Noise tolerance. Student will recognize speech under the training beyond the individual session to maximize
adverse listening conditions. benefit.
Benchmark examples. Student will recognize everyday The student with integration deficit, likely because of
sentences presented without visual cues in a background of inefficient interhemispheric communication, struggles to
equal loudness noise with 85% accuracy. Student will rec- perform tasks that require intersensory and/or multisensory
ognize everyday sentences presented with visual cues in a communication. The child does not synthesize information
background of noise that is much louder than the target well, may complain that there is “too much” information,
with 75% accuracy. and, without adult assistance, has difficulty determining task
Sound blending/synthesis. Student will recognize and demands, starting complex tasks, transitioning from task to
manipulate multiple auditory targets. task, or completing tasks in a timely fashion. Impact on com-
Benchmark examples. Given a word and using a “pho- munication is variable with, typically, observation of aca-
neme list,” student will create as many rhymes as possible demic effects in reading, spelling, writing, and other integra-
within 2 minutes. Student will smoothly blend three non- tive tasks. In therapy, this student needs activities designed
sense syllables (e.g., puh-tuh-kuh, spruh-struh-skruh) using to improve interhemispheric integration, including dichotic
equal stress on each phoneme (or varying stress across pho- listening, intersensory integration (e.g., use of visual cues),
nemes, e.g., SPRUH-struh-skruh). sound blending, listening comprehension and working
Auditory vigilance. Student will recognize change in a memory/rapid recall, vigilance, and active listening (i.e.,
string of auditory targets. using metalingusitc and metacognitive strategies). Dichotic
Benchmark examples. Given a string of random words listening underlies our ability to listen actively in a classroom
(or phonemes), student will indicate through hand signal and is a necessary first step in a protocol to improve auditory
each occurrence of predetermined “target” word (e.g., target processing and classroom listening abilities.
word is TREE—string is house, car, boat, TREE, dog, mom, Dichotic listening. Student will recognize dichotically
TREE). Student will indicate through hand signal “rare” presented targets.
or different target from within a string of common targets Benchmark examples. Student will repeat two digits
(e.g., buh-buh-dee-buh-buh-buh-buh-dee). That is, student presented simultaneously, one to each ear, with 90% accu-
indicates when there is a change in stimulus. racy for each ear. Example: Right ear—6, left ear—8, stu-
Use of metalinguistic strategies (listening comprehen- dent repeats 6,8). Student will repeat four words presented
sion). Student will recognize and use key elements in spoken simultaneously, two to each ear, with 80% accuracy for
targets. each ear. Example: Right ear—house, car; left ear—goat, dig
Benchmark examples. When given a sentence, student where house and goat overlap and car and dig overlap. Stu-
will state what information is conveyed by key (i.e., stressed) dents repeat all four words.

When given two sentences, presented simultaneously, tern recognition, recognition and interpretation of rhythm
one to each ear, student will repeat sentence directed to right and stress cues in words and sentences (e.g., using prosodic
ear only (or to left ear only) with 90% accuracy (binaural cues), use of visual cues to assist recognition, and applica-
separation). tion of metacognitive and metalinguistic strategies, and
Interhemispheric integration. Student will increase com- self-advocacy.
munication between the two hemispheres. Temporal pattern discrimination and recognition. Stu-
Benchmark examples. Given an array of common dent will discriminate and recognize auditory patterns pre-
objects, student will name object without looking at it with sented in quiet or noise.
90% accuracy. Given an array of common objects, student Benchmark examples: Discrimination. Student will
will “find” a named object without looking at it with 90% determine same-difference for two-, three-, or four-tone
accuracy. sequences composed of soft and loud (e.g., loud-soft), high
Listening comprehension. Student will recognize and use and low (e.g., high-low-high), short and long (e.g., short-
key elements within a spoken target. short-long-short) tones with 90% accuracy.
Benchmark examples. When given a sentence, stu- Identification. Student will identify three-tone sequence
dent will identify stressed word in the sentence with 90% presented in quiet in a four-alternative forced choice (4AFC)
accuracy. When given a sentence, student will identify two format using printed choices with 90% accuracy for loud-
stressed words with 90% accuracy. Student will follow two- ness, pitch, or duration sequences.
part, three-element verbal directions (e.g., point to the large Imitation/recognition of tonal patterns. Student will imi-
white square and the small blue triangle), presented without tate two-, three-, or four-tone patterns, presented with equal
visual cues in a background of equal loudness multispeaker stress in quiet with 95% accuracy.
babble with 90% accuracy. Imitation/verbal labeling of tonal patterns. Student will
Working memory/recall. Student will synthesize and attach verbal label to two-, three-, or four-tone sequences
manipulate auditory and auditory–visual information. presented in quiet, varying in pitch, loudness, or duration
Benchmark examples. Given a “deck” of 50 word cards, with 90% accuracy.
student will generate single rhyming word for printed tar- Use of prosody. Student will discriminate, recognize, and
get within 2 minutes with 90% accuracy. Given a list of interpret stress in speech.
50 words, student will generate two rhymes for each word Benchmark examples. (a) Same-different discrimina-
within 3 minutes with 90% accuracy. tion—student will determine same-difference for two- or
Active listening. Student will demonstrate ability to three-phoneme combinations presented in quiet with 95%
use active listening strategies. Active listening requires tak- accuracy. Example: Therapist says muh-muh-muh and muh-
ing responsibility for one’s listening success or failure by luh-muh, student states whether targets are same or differ-
understanding the impact of the auditory impairment in ent. (b) 3AFC identification—student will identify three-
one’s life, recognizing those aspects of the communication phoneme sequence from among a closed set of three choices,
experience that are under the listener’s control, displaying when presented in quiet, with 90% accuracy. (c) Open set
effortful listening behaviors, and taking overt steps to avoid recognition of stress—student will imitate (exactly) three-
or correct potential communication mishaps. phoneme sequences presented in quiet with 85% accuracy.
Benchmark examples. Student will state two difficult (d) Student will judge intent of statements presented in
listening situations that he/she has encountered. For a self- quiet with 85% accuracy, including sincerity/insincerity and
reported difficult listening situation, student will state (and emotion conveyed (e.g., anger, happiness, fear, sadness).
practice) one strategy to minimize the listening difficulty. Use of visual cues. Student will use visual cues to assist
Outside of the “therapy room,” integration and related message comprehension.
functions can be enhanced through regular use of commer- Benchmark example. Given picture choices, student
cially available games/toys such as Twister, Bop-It, Simon, will match “emotion” word/phrase, for example, They are
and interactive video games (e.g., Wii system games). frightened, with corresponding picture with 90% accuracy.
Prosodic deficit is characterized by deficiency in using Given printed sentences, student will identify and imitate
prosodic features of a target, a predominantly right hemi- the “prosodic” marker in the sentence with 90% accuracy
sphere function. This student exhibits difficulty in audi- (e.g., identify the ? in a sentence to denote questioning/
tory pattern recognition, important for perceiving running rising intonation and imitate the same).
speech and following directions. Student may have difficulty Metalinguistic/metacognitive goals for students with
recognizing and using other sensory patterns (e.g., visual, temporal patterning/prosodic deficit are similar to those of
tactile). Adverse effects are observed in pragmatic language students with impaired integration or auditory–language
(e.g., reading facial expressions, body language, and gestures association (see below). Self-advocacy goals are similar
or recognizing or using sarcasm or heteronyms), rhythm across all processing deficit types in that all students should
perception, music, and nonverbal learning. Therapy goals be able to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of
focus on improving right-hemisphere–based auditory pat- their deficit and describe the uses of self-help strategies. At

home, students can practice temporal processing/prosodic sage” using the road signs section of Rules of the Road books.
skills using musical instrument training and games such as Additionally, students with auditory-language association
MadGab and Simon. issues should be encouraged to play language-based board
The associative deficit profile is not true central auditory games, such as Scattergories, Password, and Taboo, and ver-
impairment but instead represents significant auditory- bal problem-solving games such as Clue and rebus-type and
language processing difficulties. Children with this deficit crossword puzzles.
do not infer and/or apply the rules of language as well as Another secondary type of processing deficit exhibit-
their peers. Although normal processors too often do not ing a unique pattern on central auditory tests is the output-
“think outside the box,” these children rarely are “in the organization deficit. This deficit is characterized by diffi-
box”; the “box” being those rules of language, both explicit culty on tasks requiring efficient motor path transmission/
and implicit, that we use to “get the message” of an audi- motor planning and is likely a behavioral manifestation of
tory–verbal target. They may exhibit specific language impaired efferent or executive function. Behaviorally, the
impairments in syntax, vocabulary, semantics, verbal and/ child may be disorganized, impulsive, and a poor planner/
or written expression, pragmatics, or social communication. problem solver. Difficulties in expressive language, articula-
More importantly, though, they exhibit functional com- tion, and syntactic skills may be observed as well as edu-
munication deficits even in the absence of specific language cational problems in direction following, note-taking, and
impairment. remembering assignments. Like their peers presenting with
A key behavioral characteristic is a finding of adequate the associative profile, students with output-organization
academic performance in early elementary grades with issues benefit from activities to enhance use of visual cues,
increasing difficulty as linguistic demands increase in upper working memory, rapid recall, listening comprehension,
grades. This child may present with subaverage to subnor- especially as it relates to note-taking, and self-advocacy (see
mal intellectual potential when assessed using standard previous examples). Additionally, this student needs ther-
(language-biased) intelligence tests. This student’s overall apy to improve sequencing and, often, noise tolerance.
rehabilitation program will include an array of goals and Sequencing. Student will apply verbally mediated strat-
benchmarks (implemented by the speech-language patholo- egies to sequence and organize auditory information.
gist) addressing specifically impaired language and language Benchmark examples. Given a single word target, stu-
processing skills as well as functional communication. Appli- dent will create as many rhyming words as possible in
cable goals within the M3 model appropriate for this student 2 minutes and in alphabetical order with 90% accuracy.
include those that address listening comprehension, working Student will execute three-step sequential directions, in
memory and recall, use of visual cues, and self-advocacy as which each direction has one or two critical elements, with
opposed to those that train auditory-specific skills. 90% accuracy when presented in a quiet environment. For
Listening comprehension. Student will use stress cues to example, First, draw a straight line, then draw a circle below
interpret auditory information. the line, and then draw a red star above the line.
Benchmark examples. Given a short passage, student Noise tolerance. Student will tolerate extraneous noise/
will write three key or stressed words or phrases within the reverberation of varying loudness levels.
passage with 90% accuracy. Benchmark examples. Student will repeat monosyllables
Working memory/recall. Student will use key linguistic presented without visual cues in a background of multi-
elements in a target. talker babble that is louder than target with 90% accuracy.
Benchmark examples. Given no more than three clues, Student will execute multistep, single-element sequential
student will recognize word (e.g., given white, fluffy, falls directions with 90% accuracy when presented without lip-
students would respond snow) with 90% accuracy. When reading cues in a background of equal loudness multitalker
given a sentence, student will state what information is con- babble. Games and activities that can enhance organization
veyed by two (or more) key (i.e., stressed) words with 90% and sequencing skills include Bop-it, Twister, Simon Says,
accuracy (e.g., MY sister baked TWO DOZEN chocolate chip and “treasure hunt” games.
cookies on Tuesday. Key words: My, two dozen. Information
conveyed: Who, how many).
Use of visual cues. Student will use visual cues to com-
Treatment Effectiveness
prehend message. To document treatment effectiveness, there must be evidence
Benchmark examples. Given printed or picture clues, that change has occurred because of the treatment and not
student will “guess” target word or phrase (e.g., the$$bank maturation or some uncontrolled factor (Goldstein, 1990).
= money in the bank, theccccccc = the seven seas) with 90% A growing body of research supports the use of top-down
accuracy. and/or bottom-up treatment to reduce or resolve specific
To extend the benefit of these language usage goals auditory processing impairments and to support develop-
and activities beyond the therapy session, teen listeners can ment of compensatory strategies (Bellis, 2003; Bellon-Harn,
practice recognition and use of visual cues to “get the mes- 2011; Chermak, 1998). Ferre (2010) examined change in

performance on a degraded speech task (Low Pass Filtered or multimodality training appears to maximize treatment
Speech) and a dichotic listening task (dichotic digits) for outcomes, allowing students to meet their “auditory” goals
two groups of children diagnosed with CAPD character- in relatively short periods of time.
ized by impaired auditory discrimination and/or impaired
binaural integration/separation. Twenty students received OTHER TREATMENTS
either weekly individual hour-long aural rehabilitation ses-
sions supplemented with 60 minutes per week of the same Treatment for Amblyaudia
therapy exercises administered by parents (120 minutes per
Amblyaudia, abnormal interaural asymmetry on dichotic
week therapy) or 120 minutes per week of computer-assisted
tasks, affects half or more of children with CAPD. As ambly-
AT. Test scores obtained at initial evaluation (pre) and again
audia may not be corrected by remote microphone hearing
following 30 hours of treatment (post) indicated significant
aid use or general AT, it often requires specific remediation.
improvement following treatment for both groups on both
Methods include the Dichotic Interaural Intensity Differ-
tasks, with scores for most students at or very near normal
ence (DIID) procedure (Musiek and Schochat, 1998) and
limits for age at post-test. Improvement noted in dichotic
Auditory Rehabilitation for Interaural Asymmetry (ARIA,
listening, despite neither group engaging in specific dichotic
Moncrieff and Wertz, 2008), among others. Treatment of
listening training, was hypothesized to be related to impact
amblyaudia is similar to the treatment of the visual ana-
of poor discrimination/closure on the ability to recognize
dichotically presented words. That is, these students exhib- logue, amblyopia. In amblyopia the dominant eye is inhib-
ited poor dichotic listening on initial CAP evaluation not ited by application of drops or an eye patch to reduce sensory
because of (truly) impaired binaural integration but because input. In amblyaudia, input to the dominant ear is reduced
of poor decoding/discrimination. As discrimination/closure by decreasing the stimulation intensity on dichotic training
abilities improved, ability to recognize dichotically pre- tasks. A variety of dichotic training materials can be used
sented targets also improved. The results support the notion and presentation can be by loudspeakers (ARIA) or either
that therapy also can improve other related skills that were headphones or loudspeakers (DIID). With the intensity
not targeted specifically. fixed at a comfortable level in the nondominant ear, the level
Also of interest was the finding that while all students of competition in the dominant ear is gradually increased
exhibited significant improvement, individualized “live” from a low starting level over a number of training sessions
treatment/training provided greater overall improvement until the nondominant ear can achieve normal performance
in the presence of equal intensity stimulation in the domi-
than computer-based training alone for these auditory
nant ear. Binaural separation and integration tasks are used.
skills. It is likely that the best possible therapy outcomes will
Early trials involved training a number of times per week
be realized through the combination of individual treat-
over many weeks. However, the ARIA procedure has been
ment supplemented by computer-assisted training.
refined to require only four 1-hour sessions over 4 weeks
in the majority of cases. Amblyaudia treatment appears to
Summary of M3 work by releasing the nondominant pathway from suppres-
sion by the dominant side.
Having defined as clearly as possible the disorder’s nature
and impact through the assessment process, one can
develop deficit-specific intervention strategies designed to Software and Other Materials
minimize the adverse effects of the deficit on the listener’s for Auditory Training and
life and (re)habilitate the system. The intervention pro-
cess must meet each child’s unique functional needs, be
Language Therapy
provided in a timely manner, use resources effectively, and CAPD therapy can be categorized as bottom-up or top down.
be extended beyond the therapeutic environment into all Bottom-up treatments encompass strategies to enhance sig-
aspects of the listener’s daily life. In M3 therapy, “top-down” nal quality, such as amplification and discrimination train-
strategies designed to teach the listener how to maximize ing, and include training of psychoacoustic skills (Sharma
auditory skills and compensate for residual effects of the et al., 2012). Treatments which use higher level processes
processing disorder are paired with “bottom-up” techniques such as cognition, language, and metacognitive functions
designed to improve specific auditory (or related) skills. The to understand the auditory message are classified as top
breadth and depth of the activities and strategies chosen will down. They include therapy to improve vocabulary, word
be unique to each student depending on specific processing understanding, prosody perception, inferencing, reasoning,
deficit type and daily listening needs. All students, regardless working memory, verbal rehearsal, summarizing, language,
of deficit type, will benefit from exercises to improve self- reading, and other high-level skills. As members of the mul-
advocacy, empowerment, and active listening. Supplement- tidisciplinary team involved in treating CAPD, audiologists
ing individual therapy with auditory, language, or multi- tend to concentrate on bottom-up treatments and speech-
sensory games as well as computer-assisted auditory and/ language pathologists on top-down approaches.

There are numerous training packages, workbooks, and The classroom environment is one that must be controlled
software programs promoted for CAPD treatment. Many to provide favorable conditions for hearing. There are three
are in a game format. Some are advertised direct to consum- important variables to be noted: Noise, reverberation, and
ers. Auditory training games are also increasingly becoming distance from the teacher. Sources of classroom noise may
available as mobile applications. Not all software packages, include the children themselves, furniture noise, ventila-
and few if any mobile applications, are evidence based, and tion systems, and external ambient noise. Ambient noise
some programs that have been extensively investigated are levels often exceed an optimum 35 dBA (unoccupied), and
the subject of both positive and negative reviews. No single hard surfaces can reduce hearing effectiveness by increasing
program is likely to meet all of a child’s training and ther- reverberation time beyond an optimum maximum of 0.3 to
apy needs and a particular child is unlikely to need all of 0.6 seconds (American Academy of Audiology; AAA, 2011a).
the subcomponents in a particular package or software pro- Signal level and SNR decrease with distance from the signal
gram. Hence, they are best used as home training adjuncts to source. The primary signal decreases by 6 dB with each dou-
clinician-directed therapy with clinician guidance to ensure bling of distance. However, in a reverberant environment
that a child works at an appropriate level and on appropriate the overall signal level may decline less, because of rever-
subtasks within any given program. Some of the popularly beration enhancement. Early reflections enhance the signal.
recommended programs for CAPD, for example, Earobics Conversely late reverberation, while increasing the ampli-
(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), are primarily reading pro- tude, degrades intelligibility. For all these reasons audibility
grams with auditory processing and phonics subcompo- in classrooms is best at a close distance to the teacher.
nents. Some are generic adult brain training programs which Children require a greater SNR than adults for speech
happen to have auditory processing subcomponents. CAPD recognition. Young children require speech levels that are at
textbooks list many of the programs available but clinicians least 20 dB above those of interfering noise and reverbera-
are still advised to review available evidence. The What tion (AAA, 2011b). In practice, this is difficult to achieve
Works Clearinghouse (Institute of Education Sciences, US without amplification. Consequently, even children with
Department of Education) is a useful source of reviews. normal hearing may experience difficulty hearing in class.
LiSN & Learn auditory training software (National Many children with CAPD particularly have difficulty hear-
Acoustic Laboratories, Australia) is a game-format evidence- ing in background noise. The noise level does not need to be
based software training program specifically designed to loud to disrupt auditory input. Adults with CAPD describe
remediate a particular central auditory deficit, spatial pro- how noise from a fan or refrigerator can interfere in prop-
cessing disorder (hearing in noise). Like the LiSN-S test of erly decoding speech. Some children with CAPD are over-
spatial stream segregation developed by the same research whelmed by all classroom noise levels, becoming distressed
group, LiSN & Learn produces a virtual three-dimensional and unable to function. Such children are sometimes with-
environment under headphones. Through a variety of drawn from school.
games children learn to attend to target stimuli and sup- Sometimes, minor modifications to a classroom, for
press background noise. example, sealing obvious entry points of external noise
Sound Auditory Training (Plural Publishing) is a software and introduction of absorbent materials, may improve the
tool to enable clinicians to customize web-based auditory skills acoustic classroom environment, but are unlikely to suffi-
training for individual clients. Tasks train intensity, frequency, ciently improve the audibility for a child with CAPD. This
and temporal detection, discrimination, and identification is because some children with CAPD may need amplifica-
using a variety of nonverbal and minimally loaded verbal stim- tion of the primary signal, not just an improved SNR, to
uli. Immediate feedback for error correction and reinforce- hear well (see Section “Amplification”). Hearing assistive
ment is provided through animations in a game format. technologies (HATs) and in particular remote microphone
Listening and Communication Enhancement (LACE, systems can alleviate or overcome all three sources of signal
Neurotone) is an adaptive AT program designed to improve degradation in the classroom: Noise, reverberation, and dis-
listening and communication skills. It is oriented to adults tance from the talker.
with sensory hearing loss and is evidence based. It contains
useful training materials for adults and older children with
Other Environments
Children with CAPD have difficulty when speech is rapid or
degraded by distance, acoustic conditions, or accent, when
CLASSROOM ACCOMMODATIONS information streams are complex or lengthy, and when
AND HEARING ASSISTANCE competing sounds are present. It follows that HAT can be
helpful to them in many aspects of their lives besides the
The Classroom Environment school environment. Moreover, given the positive neuro-
Classrooms are a critical auditory environment for children plastic changes that occur over time from wearing ampli-
yet many do not provide favorable conditions for hearing. fication (Friederichs and Friederichs, 2005; Hornickel et al.,

2012), children with CAPD should be encouraged to use 85 dB SPL and 90 to 95 dB SPL, respectively. The high-level
their HAT as much as possible. input and additional amplification, if required, enable out-
put levels in the ear to be maintained at levels of 70 to 90 dB
SPL. SNRs of the order of 20 dB can be achieved. Adaptive
Amplification technology in some systems actively maintains the signal-
TERMINOLOGY to-noise advantage by varying the signal level up or down
according to the background noise level. The signal level is
The majority of recent studies of amplification for chil- enhanced in noisier conditions to maintain an optimal SNR.
dren with CAPD have used remote microphone hearing The systems are output limited at approximately 100 dB
aids, with body- or head-worn receivers, which receive a SPL. Eiten (2010) recommends that peak real-ear saturation
signal from a microphone worn by the speaker. The trans- response should not exceed 105 dB SPL when fitting ears
mission medium has typically been frequency modulation with normal puretone hearing thresholds.
(FM). Hearing systems of this type are usually referred to as
“personal FM systems.” This term is ambiguous, because it
refers to accessory FM systems used by wearers of conven- RESEARCH
tional hearing aids or cochlear implants. Furthermore, FM The discovery of a therapeutic benefit of amplification for
is increasingly being replaced by digital modulation (DM) children with CAPD is one of the most exciting research
technology. From the point of view of advocacy as well as findings in the treatment of CAPD. The assistive benefits
accuracy, use of the term “remote microphone hearing aids” have been long known, but recent studies repeatedly show
reinforces the point that children with “central deafness” improved auditory skills after a period of use of amplifica-
require amplifying hearing aids in much the same way as do tion when tested without the hearing aids, reflecting a neu-
children with peripheral hearing loss. roplastic change as a consequence of amplification use.
Until remote microphone hearing aids become recog- Friederichs and Friederichs (2005) followed 20 children
nized as simply another type of hearing aid they remain with CAPD and comorbid ADHD over 1 year and assessed
classified as assistive listening devices (ALDs) or, in more them on behavioral and electrophysiological measures. The
current terminology, a type of hearing assistive technology experimental group of 10 wore binaural EduLink remote
(HAT). microphone hearing aids for at least 5 hours per day at
school throughout the year. The experimental group showed
continuing improvement relative to the control group on
REMOTE MICROPHONE HEARING AIDS a variety of measures as the year progressed. Significant
Low-powered remote microphone hearing aid systems improvements were seen on teacher and parent assessments
designed specifically for children with normal or near- of Understanding the Teacher, Focus, School Results, and
normal peripheral hearing include the Phonak iSense Micro Dictation. Social behavior and attentiveness improved, with
and the Oticon Amigo Star. In each case there is a choice significant improvements on two of five psychoacoustic
of transmitter microphones which transmit to behind-the- measures, frequency discrimination, and binaural temporal
ear receivers (Figure 30.10). Body-worn systems are also resolution. On auditory-evoked response measures using
available though less popular. Placement of the transmitter tones and an oddball paradigm there was impressive matura-
microphone at chest level or beside the mouth in the case tion of the N1 P2 (see Chapter 17) complex over time in the
of boom microphones provides speech input levels of 80 to experimental group, only with the morphology improving

FIGURE 30.10 Remote microphone hearing aid systems. Phonak iSense Micro (left) and Oticon Amigo
Star FM receivers with optional transmitters (right).

and P2 amplitude increasing from test to test. All tests were lexia attended the same schools. The children were assessed
carried out without the remote microphone hearing aids on. on reading ability, phonologic awareness, and auditory brain-
The results provided evidence of improved ability to hear, stem function. The auditory brainstem response stimuli were
improved ability to access learning, and neuroplastic devel- synthesized ba, da, and ga syllables. The children in the exper-
opment, as a result of the hearing aid use. imental group improved on phonologic awareness and read-
Johnston et al. (2009) studied 10 children with CAPD ing, and their auditory brainstem responses demonstrated
compared to a normal control group on measures of speech significant improvements in neural consistency. Moreover,
perception, academic performance, and psychosocial sta- the children who demonstrated the greatest improvement
tus. The experimental group wore binaural EduLink remote in phonologic awareness also demonstrated the greatest
microphone hearing aids at home and school for at least improvement in auditory brainstem function. In addition,
5 months. All children in the experimental group improved neural response consistency was predictive of improvement
on measures of speech perception both in quiet and in noise in phonologic awareness. All tests were carried out without
(from spatially separated locations) irrespective of whether the use of remote microphone hearing aids. The matched
they had a specific hearing in noise deficit at the outset. control group did not demonstrate similar effects on any of
These results are indicative of improvement in hearing ability the measures. The results provide strong evidence of auditory
because of beneficial treatment–induced neuroplastic devel- neuroplastic improvement as a result of amplification.
opment. The experimental group also improved on measures In combination, the studies reported above show
of academic performance and psychosocial status. improved performance on the following measures (recorded
Smart et al. (2010) studied 29 children with CAPD, without the use of remote microphone hearing aids) as a
some with comorbidities. The children wore EduLink remote result of amplification treatment: Cortical auditory–evoked
microphone hearing aids at school for 5 months. They were potential amplitudes to tone stimuli, auditory brainstem
tested on a CAPD test battery and the Lexical Neighbor- responses to speech stimuli, frequency discrimination,
hood Test presented with background noise from spatially binaural temporal resolution, frequency pattern recogni-
separated loudspeakers. Pre- and post-treatment teacher and tion, auditory working memory, core language, phonologic
parent report data were also collected. Teachers and parents awareness, and speech perception in noise (spatial stream
reported positive benefits. Significant positive improvements segregation). Amplification appears to treat a wide range of
in auditory skills were reported post-treatment on two tests: auditory skills simultaneously.
The Frequency Pattern Test and the Lexically Controlled Clinically, children will often pass previously failed
Words presented in noise. The post-treatment improvements CAPD tests at a review 1 year following the fitting of ampli-
were observed without the hearing aids which indicated fication. Interestingly, they usually do not wish to relinquish
positive neuroplastic changes as a result of the amplification. their hearing aids at this point. If, as it seems, amplification
Umat et al. (2011) showed improvement on auditory work- facilitates positive neuroplastic change, children should be
ing memory and Yip and Rickard (2011) showed improve- encouraged to wear amplification as much as possible and
ment on spatial stream segregation ability from remote not just in school for the assistive benefits in the classroom.
microphone use in children with central auditory deficits. The use of amplification during AT and language therapy
Sharma et al. (2012) carried out a randomized con- may also be beneficial, though this does not appear to have
trolled trial of bottom-up versus top-down therapy on chil- been investigated.
dren with CAPD and comorbidities on 55 participants of Most recent research on amplification for children with
an initial cohort of 90 children. Two subgroups additionally CAPD has used remote microphone hearing aids, in partic-
used EduLink remote microphone hearing aids at school ular the Phonak EduLink, the predecessor to the iSense. The
during the 6-week course of therapy. Amplification was not positive results are generally attributed to a belief that most
tested independently, but as a supplement to therapy. The children with CAPD have difficulty hearing in background
results were limited by the small group sizes and short period noise and that this is ameliorated by the beneficial SNR gen-
of amplification. Nonetheless, therapy plus amplification erated by remote microphone hearing aids. However, class-
was shown to significantly improve some measures of core rooms are not always noisy when the teacher is speaking.
language and phonologic awareness compared to therapy In addition, clinical experience shows that more than half
alone. The authors suggested that remote microphone hear- of children with CAPD can pass the LiSN-S test of spatial
ing aid use provided additional benefit over therapy alone. stream segregation, a test which simulates hearing a signal
Hornickel et al. (2012) studied 38 children with dyslexia against competing speech from a different location. Most
and normal peripheral hearing over an academic year. CAPD children with CAPD benefit from amplification (Johnston
is believed to contribute to the impairments in phonologic et al., 2009). A similar argument applies to speculation that
awareness and phonologic memory seen in children with dys- the principal benefit of amplification is improved attention.
lexia. Nineteen children comprising the experimental group Attention is certainly a precondition for successful learning,
wore EduLink remote microphone hearing aids at school but not all children with CAPD have attention deficits.
during the year. Nineteen matched controls also with dys- There may be an additional explanation.

SNR is not an independent parameter; it is a product CONVENTIONAL HEARING AIDS

of two other parameters, noise level and signal level. In the-
ory the SNR can be improved by reducing the noise level Kuk et al. (2008) and Kuk (2011) reported on a 6-month
(unmasking), by increasing the signal intensity, or by a com- trial of binaural mild-gain conventional hearing aids with
bination of both. But with the open canal fittings necessary open fittings on 14 children with CAPD and normal periph-
when peripheral hearing is normal, noise cannot be blocked eral hearing. The aids were worn at home and school. Kuk
from entering the ear canal. Thus, signal level is the only used gain levels of approximately 10 dB for conversational
parameter to change significantly in remote microphone speech. Anecdotally, some clinicians report positive results
hearing aid fittings for children with CAPD. The neurophys- with conventional hearing aids, but with possibly higher
iological response to an increase in signal intensity is not gain levels. If conventional hearing aids are ultimately
entirely the same as the response to unmasking. The effect proven to be of benefit for CAPD, then they may be useful
of increasing signal intensity on evoked auditory responses in cases where having to use a transmitter microphone is an
is well known. As signal intensity increases more axons impediment. If hearing aids without remote microphones
are recruited, more synapses connect, synchrony of firing are used, then the child should sit close to the teacher to
improves, response amplitude increases, response latency optimize the input signal level.
decreases, and response morphology becomes more clearly
defined and repeatable. The common factor in the research CLASSROOM AMPLIFICATION SYSTEMS
reported above is increased signal gain delivered (binau- Classroom amplification systems, also referred to as sound
rally) to the ears of the experimental subjects. This signifi- distribution or sound field systems, provide amplification
cant parameter of stimulus amplitude may be an important of the teacher’s voice through loudspeakers. Their efficacy
contributing factor in the success of amplification in reme- is variable, depending in particular on the room acoustics.
diating CAPD and in neuroplastic change. Classroom amplification systems typically improve SNR
Clinical observations also suggest that SNR improve- by 3 to 5 dB, but may worsen SNR in classrooms with very
ment cannot be the sole explanation for treatment success poor acoustics. Adaptive systems which increase the ampli-
with amplification. Some children with CAPD immediately fication as the noise level increases can achieve better than
hear better in an audiology test room, a quiet environment, 5 dB. Portable desktop systems in which a small loudspeaker
when speech is amplified through audiometer headphones is placed on the desk of an individual child provide a slightly
or trial hearing aids. Some clinicians claim excellent results better SNR, perhaps 10 dB, for that child. Remote micro-
in treating CAPD in children with conventional hearing phone hearing aids can provide at least 20 dB improvement
aids. Some children with CAPD who are home-schooled in SNR. A meta-analysis by Schafer and Kleineck (2009)
wear hearing aids. Adults with CAPD may wear conven- comparing speech discrimination in noise with various FM
tional hearing aids as their primary form of assistance. systems in trials involving cochlear implant users showed no
Conventional hearing aids do not share the same degree significant improvement with sound field systems but 17%
of SNR advantage of remote microphone hearing aids, but improvement with desktop systems and 38% improvement
they do share potentially similar gain levels. Although not with personal direct auditory input FM systems.
discounting the importance of improved SNR, perhaps the
almost universal positive effects of amplification for chil-
dren with CAPD might be due, in large part, to increased
synchrony of firing in the CANS as a result of increased It is sometimes mistakenly assumed that only children with
signal intensity. CAPD who complain of difficulty hearing in noise, or who
The benefits of amplification for children with CAPD score poorly on a speech-in-noise test, will benefit from
are not confined to hearing, learning, and neuroplastic remote microphone hearing aids. In fact, research results
development. Children’s self-confidence, self-esteem, and and clinical experience indicate that nearly all children with
social behaviors improve and listening effort is reduced. CAPD show classroom benefit from personal amplification
Friederichs and Friederichs (2005) reported behavioral as long as the classroom teacher is cooperative. Results range
improvements and Johnston et al. (2009) reported mul- from children whose hearing ability in class is instantly
tiple benefits across a broad range of psychosocial mea- transformed through to those in whom benefits are more
sures. When asked about benefits of amplification parents subtle and slower to manifest. There is no known predictive
frequently report improved self-confidence and markedly test of degree of benefit to be derived from amplification
reduced tiredness after school. (though the Hornickel et al. study reported above shows
Although this chapter is focused on CAPD, there is an interesting correlation between initial inconsistency of
a small but growing body of evidence suggesting remote the brainstem response and subsequent benefit). However,
microphone hearing aids may also be beneficial for children recommendation of amplification only for children with
with dyslexia, autism spectrum, attentional, and language abnormal scores on tests of hearing in noise undoubtedly
disorders. denies potential benefit to many children.

Software version 2.8.11

Speechmap/DSL 5 child - Single view Jul 10, 2007 11:07am
140 Max TM SPL disabled Left Instrument Open
130 Mode REM
Presentation Single View
Format Graph
110 Scale (dB) SPL

90 Age 6 years

80 Transducer Headphone
UCL Average
RECD Average
60 BCT N/A
Binaural No
REDD Average

REAR Stimulus Level SII
20 1 Speech-std(1) Avg (60) 95
10 2 Speech-std(1) FM Chest 96
-10 Unaided avg (60) 97
250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 Curve Hide / Show

FIGURE 30.11 Example of electroacoustic verification of remote microphone hearing aid. Upper curve
(vertical hatches) represents audibility of the amplified pathway. Lower curve (horizontal hatches) rep-
resents audibility of the unamplified pathway through the open ear canal. (From Eiten L. (2010) Assess-
ing open-ear EduLink fittings. In: Achieving Clear Communication Employing Sound Solutions – 2008:
Proceedings of the First International Virtual Conference on FM; pp 77–85.)

WHEN TO FIT AMPLIFICATION from the speaker’s mouth to enhance close speech
When a number of treatments may be beneficial it can Figure 30.11 shows a typical real-ear output curve.
be difficult to decide where to start. Amplification treats There is little if any research guidance on whether to
the underlying hearing disorder and it may be beneficial fit amplification monaurally or binaurally in children with
if amplification is worn during AT and subsequent top- CAPD. Given all that is known about the effects of audi-
down therapies. Amplification can address various auditory tory deprivation and the benefits of binaural hearing, the
deficits simultaneously and it can, in many cases, provide safe course is to fit binaurally. Monaural amplification may
immediate benefit in the learning environment. actually cause deprivation effects in the neglected ear and
initiate or increase interaural asymmetry.
ELECTROACOUSTIC VERIFICATION The therapeutic benefit of amplification raises the
question of how long hearing aids are needed for children
OF AMPLIFICATION with APDs and there is no research to provide us with an
Professionals prescribing amplification for CAPD should answer. Clinical experience suggests a wide range of indi-
be familiar with the relevant section of the AAA (2011b) vidual differences, with significant numbers of children able
Guideline and see Eiten (2010). Two methods of electro- to relinquish amplification after about 2 years, whereas a
acoustic verification are described. One utilizes targets minority might require lifelong amplification. In the studies
based on audiometric thresholds, the other sets the sys- on treatment effects reported above, the greatest effects were
tem gain at unity for a 75-dB SPL speech-weighted input. seen in the longer studies of a 1-year period. Friederichs and
One issue is the lack of research-based guidelines for tar- Friederichs (2005) reported that they observed continu-
get output levels for use with CAPD. However, it is rec- ing improvement on various measures including cortical-
ommended that the microphone is placed 1 to 6 inches evoked responses as the year progressed.

BEHAVIORAL VERIFICATION OF AMPLIFICATION Clear speech, that is, speech at a slightly reduced rate and
slightly raised intensity, is helpful for children (and adults)
The AAA (2011c) Clinical Practice Guidelines (Supplement with CAPD. Instructions will be better understood if they
A) recommend behavioral (also referred to as functional) are brief, clear, and simple. The teacher should verify that
verification of HAT using speech-in-noise with speech at instructions have been understood. A hearing buddy beside
50 dB HL (65 dB SPL) to represent the teacher’s voice at a the child with CAPD can assist. Complementary aids such
distance of 2 m, or speech at 40 dB HL to represent conver- as visual cues and written materials can support oral com-
sational level at 2 meters, with noise at 0 dB SNR. To simu- munication. Sometimes special accommodations for assess-
late double the distance from the teacher (4 m) the signal ments and assignments will be necessary. More detailed
level should be reduced by 6 dB. Materials and methods are advice on teacher guidance is available from CAPD texts.
outlined in the Guidelines and in Eiten (2010).
The Functional Listening Evaluation (FLE) (Johnson,
2004) provides a method for evaluating the effectiveness in SUMMARY
the classroom. This is a procedure to test hearing with and This chapter presented a number of effective approaches by
without amplification at different distances in the classroom experienced audiologists who have had wonderful results
with and without background noise. Any speech material in helping those with CAPD. The consistent theme has
may be used and one of the test distances can be matched been “if you do it, it will come.” Taken together and with
to the child’s usual distance from the teacher. Consideration all of the research reported in Chapter 28, there should be
should be given to using materials that are more challeng- no question, in the reader’s mind, that CAPD is a treatable
ing than standard word lists for children with CAPD, for condition and that audiologists can contribute importantly
example, sentences or nonsense words. to improving this prevalent disorder in a relatively short
Pre- and post-trial teacher, parent, and student obser- period of time in most cases.
vation questionnaires are also commonly used to evaluate
amplification benefit in the classroom and home. Com- FOOD FOR THOUGHT
monly used instruments are the Screening Instrument
for Targeting Educational Risk (SIFTER), the Children’s You are an audiologist in a private practice. An important
Auditory Performance Scale (CHAPS), and the Listening aspect of your work is evaluation of CAPD. Because of the
Inventories for Education (LIFE). great demand for services and the important contributions
from therapy and management you would like to introduce
SCHOOL AND TEACHER GUIDANCE these services. Based on what you have read and what you
know about the topic, please answer the following questions:
One of the most critical factors affecting amplification
success is the quality of the intervention with the school. 1. Explain what services you would provide regarding indi-
Delegating school intervention to parents is also frequently vidual and/classroom assistive devices. Please tell why
unsuccessful. A very high acceptance rate can be obtained if and what procedures/devices you would employ and
a professional communicates with appropriate staff mem- whether you would include orientation sessions and/or
bers including the teacher. Also advise and assist in the fol- guidance for teachers, classmates, and/or families.
lowing areas: Explain the nature of CAPD and the child’s 2. Do you think it would be advisable to employ bottom-up
difficulties, suggest management strategies, management of training/therapy approaches? Please explain why and, if
the amplification system, techniques to facilitate acceptance so, what procedures would you include?
by the child and his/her peers, observe the child’s auditory 3. Do you think it would be advisable to employ top-down
behavior and participation in class, manage an amplifica- training/therapy approaches? Please explain why and if
tion trial, and where necessary assist in the preparation of so what procedures would you include?
individual education plans and applications for HAT fund-
ing. Educational audiologists or speech-language patholo-
gists may perform this role. However, the more background KEY REFERENCES
and experience in special education, CAPD, and hearing aid A full list of references for this chapter can be found
management, the more likely the school will be to accept at Below are the key references for
outside information and recommendations. this chapter.
Teachers need advice on how to work with pupils with
American Academy of Audiology. (2011a) Position Statement:
CAPD. First, their cooperation must be won by a collegial Classroom Acoustics. Available online at: http://www.audiology.
approach which acknowledges and emphasizes the impor- org/resources/documentlibrary/Documents/ClassroomA
tance of their role. Position in class is often emphasized as cousticsPosStatem.pdf.
a first step in classroom management. Optimal audition is American Academy of Audiology. (2011b) Clinical Practice Guide-
within about 2 m from the teacher but this is not an issue lines, Remote Microphone Hearing Assistance Technologies
if the child is wearing remote microphone hearing aids. for Children and Youth from Birth to 21 Years.

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