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Senior Recital

Sean Wallace, baritone

Amanda Jones, piano
Saturday, April 7, 2022
Sheslow Auditorium in Old Main
7:30 p.m.

Bella siccome un angelo Gaetano Donizetti

from Don Pasquale (1797-1848)

Il core vi dono, bell' idolo mio W. A. Mozart

from Così fan tutte (1756-1791)
Delaney Schnathorst, soprano

Four Last Songs Ralph Vaughan Williams

Sleep (1872-1958)
Hands, Eyes, Heart
Amabel Gerald Finzi

When the Air Sings of Summer Gian Caro Menotti

from The Old Maid and the Thief (1911-2007)


O du mein holder abendstern Richard Wagner

from Tannhäuser (1813-1883)

Am Feierabend Franz Schubert

Litenai (1797-1828)
Die Mainacht Johannes Brahms

Tanzlied des Perriot E. W. Korngold

from Die tote Stadt (1897-1957)
Sandra Paz Garcia, soprano
About the Artist

Sean Wallace is a senior vocal performance major at Drake University studying

under Leanne Freeman-Miller. He is the vocal assistant, a member of the Fine
Arts Recording Staff, and participates in both the Student Music Advisory
Committee as well as the Friends of Drake Arts as a student participant. A
national NATS competition qualifier, he has recently been a part of DMMO's "The
Magic Flute" and Drake Opera Theatre's production of Le Nozze di Figaro as
Count Almaviva. Sean will have the fortune of attending University of Denver in
the Fall for his Master's Degree in Voice.

Amanda RM Jones, Teaching Artist of Piano, has been a professional pianist in

the Des Moines area since 2007. In addition to teaching through both Drake
University and the Community School of Music, she is also a collaborative pianist
for the Drake University voice department. In that role, she has had the
opportunity to engage in cultural exchanges with Minzu University in Beijing,
China. She traveled to Beijing as collaborative pianist for Drake voice students
in 2011, and accompanied Minzu University Professor Han Changmei (Soprano)
on her recital during her 2014 visit to Drake. Amanda has been the pianist for
Drake Opera Theatre for the past five opera seasons, and has also had the
pleasure of collaborating with the Musical Theatre department. She has been the
principle pianist for Drake University's productions of Sondheim's A Little Night
Music, Donizetti's Elixir of Love, Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, Rorem's Our
Town, Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro, as well as several opera scenes. Amanda
received a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from the Wheaton College
Conservatory of Music, under the instruction of Dr. Karin Redekopp Edwards.

In addition to this, she is a valued teacher, confidant, and friend. One would
struggle to find a better pianist. In many ways, her students accompany her as
she plays and are all better for having done so.

Delaney Schnathorst is a sophomore vocal performance major attending Drake

University and is a NATS finalist. She has recently been in DMMO's production
of "The Magic Flute" as well as Drake Opera's Le Nozze di Figaro as Marcelina.
Delaney is also a curator of high quality hugs which she dispenses to only those
who are worthy.

Sandra Paz-Garcia is a sophomore vocal performance major attending Drake

University and is a NATS finalist. She has recently been in DMMO's production
of "The Magic Flute" and Drake Opera's Le Nozze di Figaro". Sandy is also this
years recipient of Iowa's "Most Joyful Laughter Award".

Special Thanks to Friends of Drake Arts (FDA) for their generous support of Music
Department events and projects. For more than 25 years, FDA has helped to provide the best
possible fine arts education for Drake students and exceptional fine arts opportunities for the
region. For more information or to join, please visit:
Bella siccome un angelo
from Don Pasquale

Lyrics: English:
Bella siccome un angelo Beautiful as an angel
in terra pellegrino, in pilgrim land,
fresca siccome il giglio fresh as the lily
che s'apre sul mattino, that opens in the morning,
occhio che parla e ride, eye that speaks and laughs,
sguardo che i cor conquide, look that the cores conquer,
chioma che vince l'ebano, crown that wins the ebony,
sorriso incantator. smile incantator.

Alma innocente, ingenua, Alma innocent, naive,

che sè medesma ignora; that he himself ignores;
modestia impareggiabile, unparalleled modesty,
bontà che v'innamora. goodness that falls in love with you.
Ai miseri pietosa, To the pitiful pitiful,
gentil, dolce, amorosa, gentle, sweet, loving,
il cel l'ha fatta nascere the cel gave birth to it
per far beato un cor. to make a heart happy.

Il core vi dono, bell’ idolo mio

from Cosi fan tutte

Il core vi dono, This heart I give you,
Bell'idolo mio; My adored one;
Ma il vostro vo' anch'io, But I want yours in return;
Via, datelo a me. Come, give it me.

Mel date, lo prendo, You've given it and I take it,
Ma il mio non vi rendo: But mine I cannot give;
Invan mel chiedete, In vain you ask it of me,
Più meco ei non è. It is no longer mine.

Se teco non l'hai, If you no longer own it,
Perché batte qui? Why does it beat here?

Se a me tu lo dai, If you gave me it,
Che mai balza lì? What is still beating there?


È il mio coricino It is my own dear heart
Che più non è meco: That is no longer mine;
Ei venne a star teco, It's come to lodge with you,
Ei batte così. And that's what's beating so.

Vuol metterle il core dov'ha il ritratto trying to put the heart where she has the
dell'amante miniature of her lover
Qui lascia che il metta. Let me put it here.

Ei qui non può star. There it cannot stay.

T'intendo, furbetta. I understand, you little rogue.

Che fai? What are you doing?

Non guardar. You're not to look.

fra sé to herself
Nel petto un Vesuvio I feel I have
D'avere mi par. A volcano in my bosom!

fra sé to himself
Ferrando meschino! Poor Ferrando!
Possibil non par. It doesn't seem possible.
a Dorabella aloud
L'occhietto a me gira. Now turn your pretty eyes on me.

Che brami? What do you want?

Rimira See,
Se meglio può andar. Doesn't that look better?


Oh cambio felice Oh happy exchange
Di cori e d'affetti! Of hearts and affections!
Che nuovi diletti, What new delights!
Che dolce penar! What sweet pain!

O du mein holder abendstern

from Tannhäuser

Wie Todesahnung, Dämm'rung deckt die Lande, Like presentiment of death, twilight covers the lands,
umhüllt das Tal mit schwärzlichem Gewande; it shrouds the valley with blackish raiment;
der Seele, die nach jenen Höh'n verlangt, the soul that yearns for these heights
vor ihrem Flug durch Nacht und Grausen bangt! is fearful of its flight through horror and night!
Da scheinest du, o lieblichster der Sterne, O loveliest star, there thou shinest,
dein sanftes Licht entsendest du der Ferne, thy tender light the distance thou sendest,
die nächt'ge Dämmrung teilt dein lieber Strahl, the nightly twilight gets split by thy kind ray,
und freundlich zeigst du den Weg aus dem Tal. and friendly thou point the way out of the valley.

O du, mein holder Abendstern, O thou, my evening star so sweet,

wohl grüsst' ich immer dich so gern; I always greeted thee gladly indeed;
vom Herzen, das sie nie verriet, with the heart that never betrayed it
grüsse sie, wenn sie vorbei dir zieht, - greet it as it passes by thee, -
wenn sie entschwebt dem Tal der Erden, as it soars away from the earthly valley
ein sel’ger Engel dort zu warden! to yonder be an angel blessed!

Am Feierabend

Hätt’ ich tausend If only I had a thousand

Arme zu rühren! arms to wield!
Könnt’ ich brausend If only I could drive
Die Räder führen! the rushing wheels!
Könnt’ ich wehen If only I could blow like the wind
Durch alle Haine! through every wood,
Könnt’ ich drehen and turn
Alle Steine! every millstone,
Dass die schöne Müllerin so that the fair maid of the mill
Merkte meinen treuen Sinn! would see my true love!
Ach, wie ist mein Arm so schwach! Ah, how my weak my arm is!
Was ich hebe, was ich trage, What I lift and carry,
Was ich schneide, was ich schlage, what I cut and hammer –
Jeder Knappe tut mir’s nach. any apprentice could do the same.
Und da sitz’ ich in der grossen Runde, And there I sit with them, in a circle,
In der stillen kühlen Feierstunde, in the quiet, cool hour after work,
Und der Meister sagt zu Allen: and the master says to us all:
Euer Werk hat mir gefallen; ‘I am pleased with your work.’
Und das liebe Mädchen sagt And the sweet maid
Allen eine gute Nacht. bids us all goodnight.

Dass die schöne Müllerin so that the fair maid of the mill
Merkte meinen treuen Sinn! would see my true love!


Ruhn in Frieden alle Seelen, May all souls rest in peace;

Die vollbracht ein banges Quälen, those whose fearful torment is past;
Die vollendet süssen Traum, those whose sweet dreams are over;
Lebenssatt, geboren kaum, those sated with life, those barely born,
Aus der Welt hinüber schieden: who have left this world:
Alle Seelen ruhn in Frieden! may all souls rest in peace!

Die sich hier Gespielen suchten, They who sought companions here,
Öfter weinten, nimmer fluchten, Often wept, never cursed
Wenn von ihrer treuen Hand When from their sincere hand
Keiner jeden Druck verstand: No one ever understood the grasp:
Alle die von hinnen schieden, All who have deoarted from here
Alle Seelen Ruhn in Frieden! May all souls rest in peace!
Die Mainacht

Wann der silberne Mond When the silvery moon

durch die Gesträuche blinkt, gleams through the bushes,
Und sein schlummerndes Licht And sheds its slumbering light
über den Rasen streut, on the grass,
Und die Nachtigall flötet, And the nightingale is fluting,
Wandl’ ich traurig von Busch zu Busch. I wander sadly from bush to bush.
Überhüllet vom Laub, Covered by leaves,
girret ein Taubenpaar a pair of doves
Sein Entzücken mir vor; a Coo to me their ecstasy;
ber ich wende mich, but I turn away,
Suche dunklere Schatten, Seek darker shadows,
Und die einsame Träne rinnt. And the lonely tear flows down.
Wann, o lächelndes Bild, When, O smiling vision,
welches wie Morgenrot That shines through my soul
Durch die Seele mir strahlt, Like the red of dawn,
Find’ ich auf Erden dich? Shall I find you here on earth?
Und die einsame Träne And the lonely tear
Bebt mir heißer die Wang’ herab. Quivers more ardently down my cheek.

Tanzlied des Perriot

Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen, My yearning, my obsession,

es träumt sich zurück. they take me back in dreams.
Im Tanze gewann ich, In the dance I once obtained it,
verlor ich mein Glück. now I’ve lost my happiness.
Im Tanze am Rhein, While dancing in the Rhein
bei Mondenschein, in the moonlight,
gestand mirs aus Blau-aug She confessed to me with a loving
ein inniger Blick, look in her eyes
Gestand mirs ihr bittend Wort: confessed to me with her pleading words:
o bleib, o geh mir nicht fort, O stay, don’t go far away,
bewahre der Heimat preserve the memory of your homeland’s
still blühendes Glück. peaceful, flourishing happiness.

Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen, My yearning, my obsession,

es träumt sich zurück. they take me back in dreams.
Zauber der Ferne The magic of things far away
warf in die Seele den Brand, brings a burning to my soul.
Zauber des Tanzes lockte, The magic of the dance lured me,
ward Komödiant. and I was the Pierrot.
Folgt ihr, der Wundersüssen, I followed her, my wonderful sweetheart,
lernt unter Tränen küssen. and learned from tears to kiss.
Rausch und Not, Intoxication, and misery,
Wahn und Glück: Illusion and happiness:
Ach, das ist Gauklers Geschick. Ah, this is a clown’s destiny.

Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen, My yearning, my obsession,

es träumt sich zurück. they take me back in dreams.

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