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Examination Answer Booklet

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Question One

a. Structure: An organization is a structure which is used to arm people with specific

relations and authority. Within the structure, people work to achieve the desired
objectives. It is the skeleton around which an organization is built. Structure has a
formal character. It is an arrangement and formulated for grouping tasks, jobs,
delegating authority, allocating responsibility and accountability, along with the number
of persons involved in the managerial hierarchy and at the shop-floor level. It helps
management tasks to be done easily and smoothly through the identification of different
tasks, grouping together of similar activities and assigning tasks to individuals.

Process: An organization is an operation within the structure. It is just like a body

structure where the functions of each organ of the body are defined and specifically
performed. An organization like the human body is an ongoing process of structure. It
is a process of managerial function and it aims at organizing work, arranging people and
systems, developing technology, designing communication and providing an
organizational climate. The organization is concerned with the organizing process,
including the decision of the course of action, division of various activities, assignment of
tasks to proper persons, delegation of authority and responsibility, coordination of the
various tasks and the decisions of the management.

Relationships: The organization sets up certain forms of relationship to enable workers

to perform their jobs harmoniously. Relationships are defined and designed as per the
needs of the organization. Functional relations are developed to perform the activities of
the organization. An established relationship is useful for training and development of
human resources. The organizational relationship is established on the basis of process,
geography, department and product.

Authority and responsibility: The structural relationship becomes effective with the
allocation of authority and responsibility. Each cadre is specifically assigned the
authority and responsibility for the tasks he has to perform. Members of the cadre must
know the rights and powers to be exercised to perform their duties. The authority and
responsibility is ultimately vested with the top management.

Performance: The organization, by its performance, tries to achieve synergistic results,

which infers that the whole organization is greater than the sum of its parts. The
organizational structure and process are designed to achieve the goals and objectives
through effective performance which is possible with human resource development.

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Behavior of groups: An organization is a composition of people. The success of an

organization depends upon the behavior of the people and the group. Individual groups
and structures are the bases of group behavior. Relationships on a person-to-person level
and subordinate-to-subordinate as well as with the superior are established in a group.
Formal and informal organization helps in developing proper behavior of a group.

b. Accessibility: Does your business rely on frequent deliveries? If so, it’s important to
consider local transport links, particularly main roads and motorways.

Security: Believe it or not, your location can increase your odds of being affected by
crime, which in turn can influence your insurance premiums, as well as the additional
security measures you made need to take to keep your premises safe.

Competition: Your proximity to other competing businesses could be crucial to your

success. Could they provide a benefit to your business or cause a hindrance? Establishing
which competitors are in your area and their offering could help guarantee you choose the
right location for your business.

Business Rates: Cash is king! Cash flow is critical as it determines the viable ability for
a business to survive and pay its bills. Therefore, it is important to research the average
business rates including rent, utility bills and taxes in the area to ensure you can afford
the premises.

Skill base in the area: Find out the skill base in the area – can it fulfill your needs? Take
into account employment rates as well. If you rely on skilled workers, it is best to go to
where there is a healthy bank of talent. Employees are often a business’s biggest asset
thus choosing a location that’s lacking in required talent may be the start of your
business’s downfall.

Potential for growth: Will the premises be able to accommodate business growth or a
spike in demand? Moving premises is a big upheaval and can be time consuming and
costly. A decision needs to be made as to whether the premise you are choosing is a
short-term location or if you would like to stay there for the long haul.

c. When you’re forming your new business, you will want to take into account the level of
control you wish to have. Relate to the statement with examples to;

I. Examine the various types of managers in a company business.

The problem-solving manager: This boss is task-driven and focused on achieving goals.
These problem solvers are constantly putting out fires and leading by chaos. The paradox
here is this: It is often the manager who creates the very problems and situations that they
work so hard to avoid. Continually providing solutions often results in the lackluster
performance that they are working so diligently to eliminate.

CUU Answer booklet

The pitchfork manager: People who manage by a pitchfork are doing so with a heavy
and often controlling hand: demanding progress, forcing accountability, prodding and
pushing for results through the use of threats and fear tactics. This style of tough, ruthless
management is painful for people who are put in a position where they are pushed to
avoid consequences rather than pulled toward a desired goal.

The pontificating manager: These managers will readily admit they don’t follow any
particular type of management strategy. Instead, they shoot from the hip, making it up as
they go along, often generating sporadic, inconsistent results. As a result, they often find
themselves in situations that they are unprepared for.
The presumptuous manager: Presumptuous Managers focus more on themselves than
anything else. To them, their personal production, recognition, sales quotas, and bonuses
take precedence over their people and the value they are responsible for building within
each person on their team.

The perfect manager: Perfect Managers possess some wonderful qualities. These
managers are open to change, innovation, and personal growth with the underlying
commitment to continually improve and evolve as sales managers—almost to a fault.

The passive manager: Also referred to as Parenting Managers or Pleasing Managers,

Passive Managers take the concept of developing close relationships with their team and
coworkers to a new level. These managers have one ultimate goal: to make people happy.

The proactive manager: The Proactive Manager encompasses all of the good qualities
that the other types of managers possess, yet without all of their pitfalls. Here are the
characteristics that this ideal manager embodies, as well as the ones for you to be mindful
of and develop yourself.

II. the roles of the managers in achieving the business objectives.

 Planning: This step involves mapping out exactly how to achieve a

particular goal. Say, for example, that the organization's goal is to improve
company sales. The manager first needs to decide which steps are
necessary to accomplish that goal. These steps may include increasing
advertising, inventory, and sales staff. These necessary steps are
developed into a plan. When the plan is in place, the manager can follow it
to accomplish the goal of improving company sales.
 Organizing: After a plan is in place, a manager needs to organize her
team and materials according to her plan. Assigning work and granting
authority are two important elements of organizing.
 Staffing: After a manager discerns his area's needs, he may decide to beef
up his staffing by recruiting, selecting, training, and developing

CUU Answer booklet

employees. A manager in a large organization often works with the

company's human resources department to accomplish this goal.

 Leading: A manager needs to do more than just plan, organize, and staff
her team to achieve a goal. S/he must also lead. Leading involves
motivating, communicating, guiding, and encouraging. It requires the
manager to coach, assist, and problem solve with employees.
 Controlling: After the other elements are in place, a manager's job is not
finished. S/he needs to continuously check results against goals and take
any corrective actions necessary to make sure that his area's plans remain
on track.
 Motivate the employees: The manager is there not only to be a ‘boss’ for
the employees, but also to be a friend. If you are friendly and
approachable, then it will be a lot easier for you to motivate people and
mold them into a more productive staff.
d. A business must act in a manner that helps it be socially accountable to itself, its
stakeholders, and the public. Taking Cavendish University as a point of reference,
examine its responsibility to the following stakeholders;
I. Students

In education, the term stakeholder typically refers to anyone who is invested in the welfare and
success of a school and its students, including administrators, teachers, staff members, students,
parents, families, community members, local business leaders, and elected officials such as
school board members, city councilors, and state representatives. Stakeholders may also be
collective entities, such as local businesses, organizations, advocacy groups, committees, media
outlets, and cultural institutions, in addition to organizations that represent specific groups, such
as teachers’ unions, parent-teacher organizations, and associations representing superintendents,
principals, school boards, or teachers in specific academic disciplines (e.g., the National Council
of Teachers of English or the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics).
Students, when given great control over problem-based learning projects, will in turn become
stakeholders themselves. They will be capable of criticizing projects constructively and thus
contributing to curriculum design in later stages.
Students' role in education is crucial. Preschoolers, elementary students, freshmen, juniors,
seniors, or college students are the first to be interested in getting an education.
Depending on the age, students require a different level of attention and different approach and
education program. For example, children need more teacher assistance and study better when it
is play-based learning. They are too young to know what is better for them, so it is essential to
broaden their horizons and be ready to give any advice at all times. College students get higher
education and require specialized training and in-depth knowledge. In this case expertise of the
educator is more important.

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It is clear that students are the most important stakeholders; quality of the academic staff and
study programs are the most important elements in ensuring quality of higher education;
organization of the study process and delivery of study programs are the most important
As learners, students play a crucial and active role in education. They involve and interact with
students and teachers, participate in classroom discussions, and act in a receptive manner.
Students spend a significant portion of their lives in schools apart from what parents teach them
at home.
Students eradicate literacy by using their acquired skills, and teach others to read and write. One
way of achieving this goal can be actively participating in literary campaigns organized by
schools and imparting mass education.
Students fight anti-social activities of a few corrupt people.
Students work with the teachers and other staff members of the school to uplift the socially and
economically disadvantaged groups, blind children, and orphans.
Students can be sensitive towards their environment, and devise ways to protect their
environment from pollution, fight energy crisis, and more. Some ways of doing this are keeping
their localities and school clean and tidy, practice reuse, recycle, and reduce, et cetera.
Students are the future of their nation, and it is important for them to actively participate in the
cultural, social, political, and economic affairs, striving to be the change they wish to see around
II. Community
They are generally defined as people, groups, organizations or businesses that have interest or
concern in the community. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the community's actions,
objectives and policies.
Following students, another group consists of parents and grandparents, uncles/aunts, older
brothers/sisters/ cousins, close friends, neighbors, sitters, or other relevant people.
Parents strive to get their children a good education and are involved in the process of education
and provide support to students. Parents help teach children as they help do the homework, read,
write, and learn the material. They monitor topics and lessons taught at school and fill the gaps in
understanding, if any.
Moreover, parents control social development and behavior, support a healthy lifestyle, and
foster a comfortable environment for children outside of school.
Lastly, parents aiming to provide all the best to their kids tend to influence education
advancement and are ready to help school leaders increase student achievement.

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Each interested party forms an integral part of a specific school or the entire educational system.
So, basically, all of them are crucial for the professional development of education, as they can
have a positive impact or, on the contrary, lead to failure.
Different stakeholders, whether it be faculty, community members, or family, can significantly
improve children's education environment if they collaborate and share their ideas, goals, and
Community leaders pay close attention to the education system. They are interested in a solid
educational program that helps students become smart, self-confident, determined, and
successful. They need schools to prepare future leaders and community members that will then
build a stronger community. Community engagement promotes future top managers, business
owners, or employees to have the best knowledge and skills.
The roles of the community stakeholder are:
 To understand, explore and share our community’s history and future.
 To express the honesty, truthfulness and ethics we wish to associate to our
 To clearly reflect the story of the Community in the projects we support in
thought, word and deed.
 To combine the demand for solutions with modern knowledge of health, wealth
and Community well-being.
 To promote storytelling and sharing that offers solutions which respect the
ecological/economic balance required for a diverse, sustainable thriving
community ecosystem.
 To promote solutions that encompass diversity, equity, inclusion and a sound
production process in our community.
 To identify, engage, activate and support existing and emerging portals and
pathways for community engagement
 To leverage technology to combine the best in grassroots solutions with global
 To engender, engage and promote Community co-reliance with regional sharing
of community-driven solution portals.
 To join forces with community representatives, other storytellers, economists,
futurists, scientists, researchers, teachers, politicians and authorities on this
project for the benefit and advantage of everyone in the Community ecosystem.
III. Staff members
School, as a whole, is an interested party in providing top-class public education. And that works
for all, whether it be elementary, middle, or high school.
However, among school members, there are other groups of individuals that can be considered

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 Teachers work on the curriculum and prepare daily, weekly, and annual lesson
plans. They focus on teaching children everything they need to know this year and
advancing their knowledge level well enough to progress to the next year. They
also help children adapt and solve issues between different individuals in the
 The school board is responsible for ensuring high-quality education and learning
materials for students in their school district. It also ensures comfortable terms of
work for teachers and all the school staff. Moreover, it interacts with different
local authorities and maintains the reputation of an expert in the sphere.
 Sometimes different professionals, such as social workers, volunteers, or
psychologists, are also involved in the process. They deal with special children
and schools to support and help them obtain new skills and knowledge.
 Support staff maintains a comfortable environment by providing cleaning
services, transfers, real estate protection, etc.

e. Examine the marketing strategies you would use to attract and retain customers for your
newly established supermarket in order to gain a competitive advantage.
Word of mouth: First of all, there’s word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth was always one of the
strongest marketing tools. However, it seems it has an increasing role in marketing lately.
The reason for its increasing role is that we are overwhelmed with ads. Advertising is all
around us and we don’t trust it. Word-of-mouth is something we can more easily trust.
Giveaways: It might seem too common, but giveaways and free stuff always work. Giving
away your products and services for free could have some positive effects on your business.
For example, setting actions like that makes you more visible. You could attract new buyers;
people who haven’t heard about you before could reach you.
Discounts, sales and loyalty programs: Just like free stuff, discounts and sales work well too.
They are another attractive way to get consumer attention. People often see discounts and
deals as an opportunity to save money and enjoy a product or service. With great loyalty
programs, you can also retain customer.
Make it like competition: You can use contests and sweepstakes as a promotional tool.
They attract customers to their company or product. A contest is slightly different from
sweepstakes in that it requires participants to complete some sort of challenge. For example,
it could be a trivia question or demonstration of a talent or skill as both of these tools have
some strengths as marketing tools.

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Keep in touch: Creating an ongoing relationship allows you to monitor how people feel
about your brand and to address potential problems before they surface. Here are some tips to
help you get off to a good start.
Gain customer trust: If you get your customers to trust you, they will be much more
satisfied and much more likely to be loyal in the long run. Achieving this is a matter of
integrity and common sense.
 Be honest and always keep your word. If you promise something to
the customer, you better deliver!
 Show your good intentions. Many times, trust is broken because the
customer feels that the company wants to take advantage of him
instead of acting on the basis of mutual benefit.
 Be flexible. As they say, that the customer is always right. Even if they
aren't, sometimes it's better to give in and see what you can do to work
with them.

Use inbound marketing: Outbound marketing is based on going to where the consumers are
and interrupting their daily life to showcase your products and services. This is exemplified
by classic TV ads, banners ads, or spam.
Social media: Together with the website, having social media accounts is one of the most
important things in advertising. Social media is changing the way business is done and the
advertising. That is why you should be aware of their specifics and importance of monitoring
social networks.


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