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5 Secrets to

Grow Your
(And Convert
That Following Into
Paying Clients!)

W E L C O M E , F R I E N D !

It’s Time to Get Inspired!

This guide will walk you through how to create content that
converts followers into true fans, and true fans into paying clients!
Hey, hey,

Since you’re here, chances are you might I’ve pulled together my top tips for
have struggled with writer’s block. Or that being inspired when it comes to
blinking cursor has taunted you as you posting online! Because we all have
try and find something to share online. those dry spells where nothing feels
Or maybe your creative juices have simply “Instagram-worthy” and we have
dried up when it comes to social media... nothing to say… this guide will walk you
sound familiar? through how to create content that
converts followers into true fans and
Take a deep breath, friend, you’re not true fans into paying clients - because
alone. With more platforms popping up popular has never paid anyone’s bills…
daily, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
But profitable? Yeah, I can get behind
We’re struggling to beat algorithms, that. It’s time to make your social media
screaming into the void trying to get our work for you and those dreams you’ve
voices heard, and wondering if we really been dreaming.
do have to “pay to play” in order to land
in the laps of our ideal clients. We’re in H E R E W E G O !

this together, so before you throw in the

towel, read on.

J E N N A K U T C H E R 2
S E C R E T # 1

Hey, We Want a Brand!

(Not Just a Business)
It’s true, most of us entrepreneurs have Whenever you’re feeling stuck, I want
a brand. But frequently that brand stops for you to think of these top five things
after you’ve picked out a logo, fonts, that make up who you are. Turn those
and colors. The truth is, a true brand things into categories for posting and
has a voice and it makes people feel cycle through them.
something. When it comes to social
media, especially as business owners, As an example, I’m known for: My
it’s easy to want to hide behind your photography, my hand-drawn quotes,
product or service, only showing your my love for my hunky husband, my
work and ignoring the fact that you even obsession with dogs, and our travels.
If you post one category per day, you’ll
I get it: it’s scary to put yourself out have 5 solid posts for the week! You’ll
there! But the truth is, people are so done also be creating connection beyond
with buying products and services from what you do - which is critical for
a business. They want to buy from a creating a true brand.
human that they connect with. What
does this mean for you? You want to K E E P I N M I N D

focus on building a true brand. And a

true brand is multifaceted.
People are looking for connection, so
Think with me for a minute: if I asked if you’re stuck only sharing your work,
your closest friends or family to tell me you’re limiting your reach to only the
five things about you, what do you think people who need what you have to offer
they’d say? Would they tell me you’re a in that moment - and you’re not giving
bookworm or you love to run? Maybe them any reason to stay following after
you’re obsessed with pineapples or your their need is fulfilled. Drive a brand,
dogs are spoiled. Yeah, they will likely create connection, and share more than
include what you do but there’s more to your work: easy as that!
you than that.
J E N N A K U T C H E R 3
S E C R E T # 2

Creating That Connection

So maybe you’re looking around and lit-
erally nothing in your life feels worthy of A S K Y O U R S E L F :
social media. You don’t have any perfect
white, bright spots in your home, your • What’s a new way I can share my
desk is a mess, you’re wearing yesterday’s work? Can I tell a client’s story? Style
yoga pants (that have never been to yoga), it in a new way? Pick an oldie but
and you’re questioning what you could goodie and re-share it - with a new
possibly post that could get you likes and spin?
• Can I go into my vault of images or
Welcome to life as an entrepreneur: my library on my iPhone and find some-
when it feels like everyone else is out for thing that has a story behind it?
happy hour on rooftops at sunset and
you’re heating up a microwavable dinner • How can I show ME? Whether you
have to take a selfie, grab your Insta-
so you can keep working, it’s important
gram husband or set up a self timer,
to remind yourself that social media feeds
YOU need to be showing up in your
are highlight reels. So how the heck do
feed. Seize that today and show up!
you get creative when your highlights feel
• Give your followers a peek of behind
the scenes! Where do you work? What
The name of the game is thinking about
does your office space look like? How
how you can create connection. Choos-
do you create your magic? People love
ing things like food, animals, clothing,
to see how you do what you do!
travel spots, tv shows, etc. are easy
ways to create a connection with your
• What is something that my followers
followers beyond what you do. You want
may not know about me? Share your
them to feel like they “know” you be-
pets, kids, home, favorite vacation
cause that’s the first step in the know/
spot, the books you’re reading, pod-
like/trust factor that we know is critical
casts you’re tuning into!
in taking people from mere followers to
paying clients.

J E N N A K U T C H E R 4
S E C R E T # 3

Invite That Engagement

We’ve all put out that post expecting
oodles of engagement and then… the
S M A L L A S K E X A M P L E S :
dreadful crickets. We’re refreshing our
feed waiting for the comments to roll on
• Double tap if:
in and yet there’s nothing but silence: it
didn’t work. The truth is, you have to
• Tag 3 friends below who:
consistently invite your audience to take
action. Every single post, every single
• Comment your favorite below:

• Use emojis to describe:

One of the biggest pits I see entrepreneurs
fall into? Posting their work with a short
• Click my latest post to see:
little generic caption and then a giant call
to action (like: “Click to the blog to see
more” or “Head to the site to buy now!”).
But here’s the thing: that’s a BIG ask. When you include small invitations in
You’re asking your followers who never every post, people get excited to take
take action with you to click off of the app action with you. Sometimes they just
and go to something they might not even need that little nudge or invite in order
know if they are interested in… total flop. to feel permission to do those things.
So, how do we avoid this?
Sure, some of your posts will still hear
Well, you have to have a lot of “small crickets, but on the ones that take off -
asks” leading up to those big ones. Hav- they will REALLLLLY take off and
ing simple, clear calls to action in your helllllo, engagement is the name of
posts can get your followers comfortable the game when it comes to conquering
with taking action when it comes to your the algorithm!
content so that when you have that big
ask, that right hook, they are excited and
willing to follow your invitation.
J E N N A K U T C H E R 5
S E C R E T # 4

Tell Compelling Stories

Maybe you read this heading and said,
“But Jenna, I’m not a writer.”
A S K Y O U R S E L F T H E S E :

I get it, you might not be a writer, but you are

• Why does this matter to my ideal client?
a story-teller… you just might not have rec-
ognized that yet. I like to think that I am not • Am I doing this story justice?

just a photographer or a podcaster; that I am • Is this post serving anyone other than me?
a story-teller and my camera or microphone
is simply the vehicle that allows me to tell the
stories. If you’re REEEEALLLLY struggling here, ask
your clients to share THEIR stories! People
Perhaps I should back up a touch, explain LOVE talking about themselves, so ask them
why this matters. A few years ago we lost one things like: why did you hire me? What
of our best friends in an unexpected accident. inspired you to choose XYZ? What was
I remember scrolling his Facebook for hours something memorable of the experience?
on end, wanting to feel connected to him, Did you have any fears before we worked
yearning to feel his presence. It hit me then, together? If so, what happened with those
that our feeds aren’t just marketing or high- fears? Your clients stories can be even more
light reels, they are our modern day journals, powerful than your own!
the way that we store our memories. So
when you start to look at your feed not just Your feed? It can be a story where each post
as marketing but as a LEGACY, it changes is telling your followers more about you,
everything. If you’re feeling stumped on what your passions, and the dreams you are
to post, perhaps it’s time to ask yourself what chasing. I never want to look back at my
stories you can share. feed and say, “That wasn’t my real life, I don’t
even remember that time.” So I choose to tell
How could you tell your audience a story stories - and those stories create connections,
about your work: the creation process, the those connections lead to clients. Are you
pieces of it, how you chose the medium, what starting to see how this could work for
the clients were like, why they hired you. you, too?

J E N N A K U T C H E R 6
Telling Your Story Through Social Media

Talk about why Talk about your

Link to a blog post
you became an personal experience
or your online
entrepreneur in the hiring someone or
first place. eating somewhere

Blog your personal Share a personal

Talk about your
travel photos and story about what
favorite food and
what you did while you wanted to be
why you love it.
there. as a kid.

Give tips for your Ask people for Share a post about
ideal client, things their opinion on your favorite past
they need to know! something you made. time beyond work.

Talk about your Share your Talk about things

greatest success and experience getting going on in your
your biggest struggle married/having a industry and how
of this year. baby/graduating! you feel about them.

Talk about things Ask people about Don’t forget to share

going on in your their favorite TV your personal story,
industry and how show or a recent this space on the
you feel about them. movie. web is YOURS!
S E C R E T # 5

You Got This. Seriously.

If you’ve made it here, chances are you’re 3) No one is paying as close attention
feeling inspired…or maybe a little over- to YOU as you are. If you ever feel like
whelmed. It’s time for a pep talk before I others have a microscope on your life, re-
send you out into the social media crazed member this: everyone is so busy looking
world, young grasshopper. I want you at their own feeds, their own problems,
to remember a few things before you their own lives to notice yours. Take that
franctically start scrolling through your pressure off yourself, love.
camera roll trying to find something
that’ll get a lot of “likes.” 4) Take breaks! Everything recharges in
life when you give it a little breather, espe-
J E N N A ’ S P R O T I P S : cially you. No one will miss you if you take
a week off while vacationing in the South
1) Your worth is NOT wrapped up in of France. No one will send search parties
numbers: that number under your name? if you disappear for a weekend - chances
It doesn’t define YOU, your success, your are, no one will even notice. Give yourself
talent. In fact, it says nothing about YOU. time to make memories that never see the
Whether it’s 200 or 200k, I want for light of the internet!
you to seize the opportunity to show up
in other’s lives in a meaningful way. No 5) Experiment often. There are no suc-
matter what the number, what was the cesses/failures, only experiments. Some
last time you had a stage in front ofo that yield awesome results, some totally flop.
many people? Embrace this fact in life, in business - it
takes away the pressure and allows you to
2) It doesn’t have to be perfect to be have fun trying new things!
good. In fact, I think people are getting
tired of perfect. Share your real heart, Social media truly is one of the only
share YOU and what sets you apart. Stop chances in life we have to really share
waiting for the perfect moment or the our message with the world! YOU have
perfect lighting or for when you lose those something to offer that only you can offer.
last 10 lbs. STOP WAITING to live your Embrace it. You’ve got this, friend!
life and write your legacy. You’re living it
daily - share your message with the world. Now go have some fun!

J E N N A K U T C H E R 8

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