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English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021


1. TASK Look at the example formal letter below and fill the gaps with the following

a) Send b) Together c) Forward

d) Project e) Madam f) Based

g) Attention h) Protecting i) Faithfully
j) Graphics k) sell

PSIOLOGICA - 17 Princess St. London ECG 7DQ.

Office telephone 071 9827111. Mobile 071 982 7712.


251, rue des Ramonières



1st July 20XX

For the 1. ______Attention__________ of the sales manager

Dear Sir/2. __Madam______________

We are a software company 3. ____based____________ in London and are

currently developing a Windows-based 4. _______Graphics_________
package for use in universities and research laboratories. We are
interested in 5. __protecting______________ the programs we 6.

________sell________ from unauthorized copying and duplication.

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

Could you please 7. _____send___________ us more technical information

about your RS-11 software protection system 8. _____together___________
with your current brochure and price list?

We look 9. _____forward___________ to hearing from you.

Yours 10. ______faithfully__________

Anne Newson


2. Read the following letter which you have received from Oscar Leigh. You work as
Managing Editor in the company ACME Graphic & Design.

Oscar Leigh 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 · 555-555-5555 ·

Sept 20, 2021

Your name

Managing Editor

Acme Graphic & Design

123 Business Rd.

Business City, NY 54321

Dear Your name,

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

I would like to invite you to attend our upcoming Liberal Arts department job networking
event. The event will be held on the afternoon of May 1, 2020. We wish to provide our
graduating seniors with an opportunity to meet business leaders in the area who may be
looking for new hires who hold degrees in the Liberal Arts.

The event will be held at the Cox Student Center at Northern State University, and will last
about 2 to 3 hours. If you have an interest in attending or sending a company
representative to meet with our students, please let me know at your earliest convenience
and I can reserve a table for you.

Thank for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Oscar Leigh (signature hard copy letter)

Oscar Leigh
Liberal Arts Department Chair

Write a reply following the format required and using the language for Formal
Letters. You can invent any other information.

Your name – ACME Graphic Design. 123 Business Road, Business City, NY 54321. Tel 111-222-3333

Sept 22, 2021

Oscar Leigh
123 Main Street
Anytown, CA 12345

Dear Mr Leigh,

thank you for the information!

I would like to join the event and will be there at 2 p.m.

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

Yours faithfully,

Your name (signature hard copy letter)

Your name
Managing Editor ACME Graphic & Design


Format Reports of laboratory experiments in SCIENTIFIC disciplines generally

include the following sections:

 Title

 Abstract

 Introduction

 Methods

 Results

 Discussion

 References

Match the definition with the category as in the example:

Format Letter Definition

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

Title D A. As in all academic writing, this is a list of all the

sources you have specifically mentioned in your report.

G B. Again using the past tense, here you summarise all the
data obtained. Detailed data may be presented in
tables and graphs, with only the most important
features highlighted in the text. You must include
Abstract everything, including unexpected findings which do not
conform to your hypothesis.

C. This section links back to the introduction by comparing

your results with the original purpose or hypothesis. It
aims to evaluate the experiment in terms of your
findings and compare them to your expectations. It may
Introduction be necessary to refer to the relevant literature. The
conclusion should make it clear whether you feel that
your hypothesis has been supported, and if there are
changes that you would make to the design of the
experiment if you were to repeat it.

F D. This should contain the essential elements of the report

in (ideally) no more than 12 words:

The effect of temperature changes on the germination of

Methods wheat (Triticum aestivum)

E. This section explains how you did the research. It

should allow another researcher to repeat your work, so
it needs to include a description of equipment and
materials used, as well as the process you followed. You
may wish to include diagrams or photographs to
illustrate the set-up in the laboratory. The passive is
Results B normally used (three samples were prepared) rather
than the active (we prepared ... ). As the research is
concluded, the past tense should be used throughout.

C F. This should contextualise your work with reference to

other similar research. It should cite previous research
papers which you have studied, in order to explain the
purpose of your work, e.g. to confirm or extend their
Discussion findings. It must contain a purpose statement (why you
did this experiment) or a hypothesis you wished to
evaluate, or both.

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

A G. The function of this is to help a potential reader

identify whether your report is relevant to his/ her
research interests. It is essentially a summary in about
200 words of each part of the report, and so it
References commonly written after the last draft is finalised. It
should include the principal conclusions, and be written
in the same tenses as the main report.

3. Look at the format for a memo:

From: Name of the writer, usually followed by his/her handwritten initials

(sometimes with job title)

Subject: or Re: Concise statement of the memo’s topic

To: The person(s) to whom it is primarily addressed (sometimes with job


cc: Name(s) of anyone else who receives a copy (sometimes with job title)

Date: The date on which the memo is distributed

TASK Memo writing.

Read this memo that your MD has sent to your department. You are a manager in the

From: Managing Director

Subject: Absenteeism
To: Human Resources Department

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

Date: September 20th 2020

I have been told the rate of absenteeism in our company has lately increased.
However, I don’t know if this is completely true and, if it is, whether the increase is
really worrying, compared with historical data. Before taking any measures, I need
further information. I require an overview of the situation and we should later prepare
a report stating if this absenteeism:
 has something to do with Christmas holidays
 is caused by real health problems
 is caused by problems of motivation. If so, then specify:
 do employees perceive their salaries too low?
 is lack of motivation related to the recent changes in the organizational
 are there any problems with any director / responsible in a given department?
 Other reasons?
I would like to have all information by the end of September.

Signed: MD

Write a memorandum in reply. You can invent any other information.

From: HR Department
Subject: Absenteeism
To: MD
Date: September

Dear Sir or Madam,

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

the problem you have mentioned is not exactly

true. There was a misunderstanding regarding
the holiday schedule plan which was made by our
apartment. Below we want to explain how it

At the beginning of this year we changed the

software program for the schedule plan but it
didn’t integrate the data from the old program.
Unfortunately the employees who wanted to take
their holidays couldn’t make it because it could
influence some of the running project deadlines.
Therefore, we had to change the schedule plan
for some of the employees to the end of this year.

Our apologies for the delay of this information.

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

English for management 220669

UPC ETSEIAAT. Sept – Oct 2021

Yours faithfully,
HR Department

English for management – Module 2. Written communication

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