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[***Questions will be mostly descriptive. Maximum marks for a question will be 6.

Some very short type questions will also be

there carrying 1-2 marks. The suggestion contains descriptive part only. The short questions will come from these particular
topics only. No need to study apart from the given topics in this suggestion.]

***Marks division will be like following:

CO1 10
CO2 10
CO3 10
CO4 10
CO5 15
CO6 15
Total 70

[PPT referred: Principles of Management (CO1).pdf]
1. Describe “Development of Each and Every Person to His or Her Greatest Efficiency and Prosperity” under
Taylor’s Principle of Scientific Management.
2. Describe the Goal Setting process.
[Note referred: CO1 questions.pdf]
3. State any three reasons as to why proper understanding of management principles is necessary.
4. Explain the objectives of standardization.
5. ‘Discipline is double-edged tool’ Comment.
6. "Principles of management achieve results economically." Explain?
7. How do management principles ensure optimum utilization of resources and effective administration?
8. Ms. Ritu and Mr. Mohit are Data Entry Operators in a company having same educational qualifications. Ritu
is getting Rs. 5,000 per month and Mohit Rs. 6,000 per month as salary for the same working hours. Which
principle of management is violated in the case? Name and explain the principle.
9. Explain giving reasons under which situations techno of Taylor are not applicable.

[Book referred: CO2 Human-resource-management-14th-ed-gary-dessler-.pdf]
1. What are the 3 duties of HR managers? (Page 39)
2. Trend analysis and Ratio analysis – Define. (Page 156)
3. What is On-The-Job training? Write down step1 to help ensure OJT success. (Page 261)
4. Define Boycott and Inside games. (Page 507)
5. What are the criticisms of the Theories of Wage?
6. Discuss the examples of Grievances. (Page 508)
7. What is unemployment insurance? (Page 431)
8. Discuss the key-points of Long term care insurance. (Page 443)

[Note referred: GEC524 – Plant Layout.pdf]
1. Discuss the importance of Transport facility and Climate in case of selecting a suitable plant site.
2. What is Modular construction? Write down the advantages.
3. What are the factors that affect Plant layout?
4. What are the objectives of store?
5. Why do we need to verify stock?
6. What are the features of Centralized store? Discuss the advantages of it. Is there any disadvantage? Discuss.
7. What are the types of industrial accidents? In order to discuss the same, draw a diagram.
8. Compare between Rural and Urban areas regarding site selection for industry. (6points only)

[Book referred : CO4_Marketing_Management_The_Millennium_Edition]

1. “We can distinguish three stages through which marketing practice might pass” – Describe. (Page 2)
2. When the product offering will be successful? [Value and satisfaction] (page 6)
3. What is supply chain? (Page 8)
4. Based on degree of product substitutability what are the levels of competition. (Page 9)
5. What is done in the stage of marketing strategy development? (Page 164)
6. There are some methods to estimate company demand curve. What are those? Describe. Page 218)
7. Suppose a dryer manufacturer has the following costs and sales expectations:(Page 223)
Variable cost per unit $10
Fixed cost 2,00,000
Expected unit sales 25,000
Find out the manufacturer’s unit cost, markup price (where manufacturer wants a 10% markup on sales), and
Break-even volume.
8. What is Marketing mix? What are the characteristics of Marketing mix?

[Book referred: CO5_Introduction to Materials Management]
1. If the cost of direct material is 60%, direct labor is 10%, and overhead is 25% of sales, what will be the
improvement in profit if direct material is reduced to 55%? (Page 12)
2. How much will sales have to increase to give the same increase in profit? (Remember, overhead cost is
3. Write down the difference between stable and dynamic demand curve. (Page 220)
4. Demand over the past three months has been 120, 135, and 114 units. Using a three-month moving average,
calculate the forecast for the fourth month. (Page 225)
5. A company selling tennis rackets has a January demand of 5200 units and a July demand of 24,000 units. If
the seasonal indices for January were 0.5 and for June were 2.5, calculate the deseasonalized January and July
demand. How do the two months compare? (Page 232)
6. The forecast is 100 units a week. The actual demand for the past six weeks has been 105, 110, 103, 105, 107,
and 115. If MAD is 7.5, calculate the sum of the forecast error and the tracking signal. (Page 238)
7. What are the reasons for which the need for Codification arises?
8. Based on nature how many types of materials are there?
9. What are the basis of movement stores?

For CO6 Follow “CO6” in the same folder

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