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OBJECTIVE: Congratulations, YOU’RE DONE WITH THE FREAKING SENIOR PROJECT! Summarize your Senior Project
experience by reflecting on your entire process and writing a memoir on your journey.

You will be graded on the following requirements:

■ What were the best and worst parts of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar?
o The best part about the Senior project is that it allows you to explore more
within what you want to do in your future career. It also allows you to be
creative and figure out what you want to do in the future if you are still unsure.
The worst part about the senior project is how time consuming it was. My
experience with the project was different then others so I definitely believe if I
had more time I could have made it perfect and polished the way I would’ve
wanted it.
■ List three things you now know after completing your Senior Project.
o One thing I know now after completing my senior project is that I chase the
right post secondary option. I also learned that police officers have to make well
executed fast responses in certain situations to make sure everyone is safe. And
the last thing I would say I learned was how the city operates and what police
officers do before processing and booking.

■ Which aspect of the Senior Project/Senior Seminar stretched you the most? How did you feel about and react to
this challenge?
o I think the amount of public speaking I have done within this course has
definitely stretched my learning. Although I used to avoid presenting in front of
my peers, senior seminars have helped me get rid of that fear and speak with

■ How has the Senior Project/Senior Seminar changed you (skills, attitudes, work habits, capabilities, confidence,
poise, presentation, etc.)?
o One way senior seminar has changed me is the way I present and my public
speaking skills. Another way it has changed me is teaching me a lot about “real
world” situations and improving my work ethic. My school in Colorado didn’t
have a class like senior seminar but I hope more schools/states implement this
class as it is very beneficial to our future and encourages kids to speak more in a
group setting.

■ Has this experience influenced your future plans?

o Although I have known my entire childhood I’ve wanted to be in Law
enforcement I have always been indecisive on exactly what field I would be a
part of. Before this experience I was pretty set on pursuing the FBI and seeing
how far I could go with that but now I have redirected my attention more
towards being a police officer and exploring more of those options within that
cluster. I will still attend all four years of college in hopes to get my bachelors
■ What would you do differently if you had to do the whole Senior Project/Senior Seminar process again?
o What I would do differently is try to participate more in ride alongs and speak
with more police officers from different countys to get different perspectives. I
would also spend a lot more time on the presentation part and try to make it as
polished as possible.

■ What advice do you have for next year’s seniors?

o One piece of advice I would give next year seniors is if possible, try to do your
senior project on what you want to do in the future. In my opinion it made the
project more exciting and fun because it didn’t feel like a burden or a school
related project. It also only made me more excited for the future and it allowed
me to experience more of my future career.

■ What grade would you give yourself for your Senior Project and what justification do you have for that grade?’
o I would grade my senior project a 9/10. I would give myself this grade because I
do believe I was able to maximize the time that I had. I also put a lot of effort into
this project to try to make it look the way that I envisioned.

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