Divine Blessings Selûne

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Divine Blessings - Magic Items of the Gods

Nearby was the House of the Moon, the largest of Selûne's
Chapter 5: Selûne temples in Faerûn. It housed the Rod of Four Moons, a heavy
mace that was Selûne's personal weapon. In a time of great
In the beginning, Selûne and her twin sister Shar worked need, the high priest could wield the relic to gain some of
together to separate the primordial chaos into light and dark, Selûne's powers.
creating the stars and planets. However, Shar bitterly refused Selûne's retreat to the mortal realm almost caused her
to allow the warmth that life needs to flourish. downfall. Because she was already in Faerûn and had hidden
And so the sisters fought over the fate of creation, sparking away her divinity, she was initially unaware of the Time of
a terrible war. During the final battle, Selûne ripped out a Troubles, when all the gods were exiled to Faerûn in their
piece of herself and desperately blasted it at Shar, tearing avatar forms. Shar rushed to Waterdeep, hoping to destroy
through her. Their essences combined into Mystril, goddess her sister while she was still oblivious to the danger.
of magic, who helped Selûne to banish Shar. When Shar arrived, she was able to impersonate Selûne
Selûne had won the first war but at a cost. From then on, before her clergy and claimed the Rod of Four Moons to
her powers would wax and wane with time, like the phases of herself. With her divine powers locked away, Luna was no
the moon. match for Shar, who took great delight in tormenting her.
So began the eternal conflict between the sisters. Over the Luna was imprisoned and brainwashed into worshiping Shar.
ages, each sister would gain and lose the upper hand, just as Having broken her mind and spirit, Shar sought now to
the full moon follows the new. Their rivalry is as endless as it destroy her body, which would have condemned Selûne to
was inevitable, for light and dark are necessary for creation, oblivion. The instant before she died, her adventurer friends
but only to the extent that they destroy each other. released Selûne's divinity from her tavern, which flowed into
The sentient life prospering on Faerûn took to worshiping Luna and restored her completely. Then, with their help,
Selûne, even naming the moon after her. Thousands of years Selûne was able to overcome Shar and once again banished
ago and after a great flash of light, there appeared several her to the shadows.
glittering objects trailing after the moon in the sky. They were Aware that it was only a matter of time before Shar came
named the Tears of Selûne, evoking a moment of deep after her once again, Selûne spent the next several years
sorrow for the goddess. Their sudden appearance caused making allies. She became close with Mystra and reinforced
tidal waves and other disasters to sweep the lands, and each her ties with Sune and Lathander. She also drew closer to
civilization has legends to explain their origin. Sehanine Moonbow, the elven goddess of the moon.
Humans continued their worship during the time of the After the cataclysmic Spellplague, she commanded her
Empire of Netheril, and she rewarded them with her followers to bring aid and hope to all of Faerûn. In turn, more
blessings. Most of all to the inhabitants of Selûnarra, a people started worshiping Selûne, and she became popular
floating city dedicated to her. During the cataclysm which once again.
destroyed Netheril, she brought the entire city into her divine In particular, Selûne helped one of the races new to Faerûn,
realm, the Gates of the Moon. Legends say that some day the dragonborn. Originally from the world of Abeir, the
Selûnarra will return to Faerûn to help combat a mysterious dragonborn were violently transported to Faerûn by the
threat. Spellplague. Selûne intervened directly, helping them to build
Over the centuries, the conflict with Shar became an a new home and secure a future for their people.
increasing burden upon Selûne, who wished only for peace These days, Selûne is worshiped by sailors, navigators, and
and tranquility. Sometimes, she would take refuge among others who toil under the moon's light. She is also favored by
mortals, in the form of her avatar Luna. For a while, she lycanthropes, especially those that are good of heart or seek
owned a tavern in Waterdeep known as Selûne's Smile, to resist their curse. She offers protection from the night and
which was frequented by local adventurers. There she traded brings home those that are lost.
stories, songs, and secrets, even telling a select few her true
identity. Selûne's divinity was hidden inside of a secret room
in the tavern.

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Armor of the Moonmaiden        
Magic Items Medium armor (scale mail), legendary (requires attunement)
While pursuing my goal of discerning the purpose regarding While wearing this armor, you gain a +3 bonus to AC. In
magic items related to the gods, I've found many to be of addition, you can use an action and speak the command word
great intrigue. Some are unique, reserved for specific to gain the effect of the etherealness spell. It lasts for 10
individuals of note or rank. Others are more common, made minutes, until you remove the armor, or use an action and
to be used by a more novice or introductory follower. speak the command word again.
You may use a bonus action to change the appearance of
Amulet of Luna's Splendor this armor into that of a set of fine clothes, which lasts until
Wondrous item, rare, (requires attunement by a cleric or you use a bonus action to change it back. This is merely an
paladin) illusion and will not hold to physical inspection. A suspicious
This amulet is a holy symbol of Selûne. While wearing this creature that succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence
holy symbol, you have resistance to necrotic damage and can (Investigation) check can see through the illusion.
use an action to cast one of the following spells: guiding bolt, You are considered proficient with this armor.
moonbeam, and mass healing word. Wisdom is your "This armor has an opalescent glow that shines from its
spellcasting ability for these spells. Once the amulet has been scales and decorative pearls, evoking the light of the moon on
used to cast a spell, it cannot be used to cast the same spell a clear night. Its design is inspired by Selûne's personal
again until you finish a long rest. armor, and she guided the priests who created it. Due to the
If the moon is more than half full, spells cast from this glamour that can conceal its true appearance, it was worn by
amulet are treated as if you had used a spell slot one level the High Priest Naneatha Suaril on an important mission,
higher than the spell. when she needed protection without drawing attention."
"These amulets were first created as a gift for the
adventurers that saved Luna at the Selûne's Smile tavern Rod of Four Moons
during the Time of Troubles. To this day, Selûne grants it as a Rod, legendary (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)
reward to worthy champions, pious clerics, and noble souls." This rod is a holy symbol of Selûne, and it can be wielded
as a magic mace. When you attune to this item, choose one of
Guardian of the Faithful the following blessings:
Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
When you are damaged by a creature you can see within +3 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls made with this
60 feet of you, you may use a reaction to blast them with light. weapon.
That creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. It +3 bonus to spell attack rolls and to your spell save DC
takes 2d10 radiant damage on a failed save, or half as much +3 bonus to AC
damage on a successful one. The shield can't be used this At the beginning of your turn, you may change your
way again until you finish a long rest. blessing to one of the other options.
You gain 5 temporary hit points whenever you roll "The true Rod of the Four Moons is the mythical weapon of
initiative. Selûne. It was kept in the House of the Moon temple in
You are considered proficient with this shield. Waterdeep, while she hid from Shar in the form of the avatar
"When protecting someone of great importance to Selûne Luna. After the Time of Troubles, the temple's relic was
(or her enemies), the Moon Knights will sometimes lend replaced by this replica, which Selûne imbued with a fraction
them this shield. It assists the wearer in defending of her weapon's power."
themselves, and many have been saved by its magic."
Silverglow Crescent           Amulet of
Martial weapon (silvered battleaxe), melee weapon, rare   Luna's Splendor
(requires attunement)
This weapon deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage to any
target it hits, and an additional 1d6 radiant damage if that
target is a shapechanger. A creature hit by this weapon
instantly reverts to its original form, and can't assume a
different form until the end of your next turn.
You can use an action to shine Selûne's light at nearby
enemies. Choose any number of creatures within 10 feet of
you. Each of those creatures must pass a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw or become blinded until the end of your next
turn. The axe can't be used this way again until you finish a
long rest.
"This axe, shaped like a crescent moon, is one of the
weapons from the arsenal of the Moon Knights. It is the
weapon of choice when they have to deal with lycanthropes               Silverglow
that have surrendered to the beast within."

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Moonfire Ritual Moonfire Shield

Armor (shield), rare (requires attunement)
The church of Selûne performs many rituals, and the highest While holding this shield, you have a +1 bonus to AC. Also,
among these is the Mystery of the Night. you can use an action to cast protection from evil and good or
The major temples of Selûne gather in celebration at remove curse. Once the shield has been used to cast a spell, it
midnight during the full moon, when Selûne is at the height can't be used to cast the same spell again until you finish a
of her power. The priests place chalices with milk and wine long rest.
upon a moonlit altar. This shield has the same shape as the original, except it
They then sing and chant, dancing about the altar, while has a permanent pale white glow. It sheds bright light in a 20-
the faithful plead for Selûne's blessing. If she deems the foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.
cause worthy, Selûne will infuse the offerings, turning them
into a sacred substance known as moonfire. Moonfire Bracers
This opalescent glowing liquid flows out of the chalices, Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
enveloping the objects and people that the Moonmaiden has While wearing these bracers, you gain a +2 bonus to AC if
chosen to imbue with her favor. These blessings come in you are wearing no armor and using no shield. Also, you can
many forms, either creating magical items or granting use an action to cast dimension door. The bracers can't be
permanent abilities to her faithful. used this way again until you finish a long rest.
Ring of Shooting Stars Moonfire Elixir
(Found on page 192 of the Dungeon Master's Guide) Potion, legendary
In a time of great need, a high priest can create a moonfire
Moon Mote elixir. You may use an action to drink it, immediately
Wondrous item, common receiving the benefits of a long rest.
While carrying this small glowing rock, you know the
dancing lights cantrip. Moonfire Blessings
Moondraught The ritual also affects the participants in several ways.
Potion, uncommon Wounds are healed, diseases are cured, and curses are
A potion of healing infused by moonfire becomes a broken. Lycanthropes gain control over their transformations
moondraught. It has 4 doses, each of which allows a creature for the next seven months.
to regain 2d4+2 hit points. As an action, a creature can drink On rare occasions, Selûne will bless someone that has
any number of the remaining doses from this potion. A been marked by destiny, permanently granting them one of
lycanthrope regains the maximum number of hit points the following abilities:
possible from this healing.
Cast fly once per month
Mooncloak Cast dispel magic once per month
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Cast remove curse once per month
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you Cast locate object once per week
wear this cloak. Also, you can use an action to cast water Cast identify once per day
walk or levitate (save DC 15). Once the cloak has been used Cast feather fall once per day
to cast a spell, it can't be used to cast the same spell again Learn the mage hand cantrip
until you finish a long rest. Learn the dancing lights cantrip
Gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Damra the Wise
Damra rose from humble beginnings to become an
archmage and Arcane Scholar of Candlekeep. He was a
prodigy in his youth, earning the moniker "the Wise" due to
his education on countless topics. Rumor has it that Damra
owns a magical grimoire filled with lost knowledge, but no
one knows what it looks like. He currently serves as the
Arcane Forgemaster and is a professor of Magical Binding
and Magical Research.
He has not left Candlekeep in almost a decade, but during
his youth he traveled to Cormyr, Amn, Waterdeep, and many
other places, including several planes. Damra is a patient
teacher and is willing to share his knowledge with those he
deems worthy, provided that it won't be used for evil. He is
often sought out by adventurers when they find something
magical of unusual origin, such as an item that resists
magical identification. In return for his assistance, Damra is
interested in new or forgotten knowledge and magic items.
Damra loves humor of all kinds, from bawdy to obscure.
Some of his jokes contain references that only the educated
would understand, and he uses them to measure someone's
Damra can be quite stubborn, never being swayed by an
argument unless he personally sees wisdom in it. He also
never gives up hope even in the most dire of circumstances.
He would rather die with integrity than survive in infamy.
He has connections with both the Harpers and the Lords'
Alliance, assisting them when something magical threatens
the realms. Damra has particular contempt for the followers
of Shar, who actively oppose Mystra and threaten the Weave.
He can also be swayed to assist those that work against
Lolth, but always covertly in order to protect his loved ones
from the Spider Queen's wrath.
Written by - Apacolyps and Zrave (Shadow Lab Games)
Cover Page Art - Zrave (alteration of Efes Pixabay License
and Lumina_Obscura Pixabay License)
Page stains - Jared Ondricek CC BY 4.0
Tablet Art - DMs Guild Allies & Enemies Art
Amulet of Luna's Splendor - Joeyy_anne Unsplash License
(grayscale and cropped)
Silverglow Crescent - Bob Greyvenstein (Grim Press)
Armor of the Moonmaiden - Bob Greyvenstein (Grim Press)
Moon - Activedia Pixabay License (added lights on right side)
Moonfire Elixir - Bob Greyvenstein (Grim Press)
Parchment - Andrey_Kuzmin Royalty Free (added text)
Ink Splotch - Prawny Pixabay License
Damra - Wisconsinart Royalty Free (cropped)
Some artwork © Grim Press, used with permission. All
rights reserved.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

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