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30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 20-24, 2008

Hilbert-Huang Spectrum as a New Field for the Identification of

EEG Event Related De-/Synchronization for BCI applications
Konstantinos I. Panoulas, Student Member, IEEE, Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis, Member, IEEE, and
Stavros M. Panas, Member, IEEE

Abstract-Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) usually utilize the discriminated using the features acquired from the previous
suppression of mu-rhythm during actual or imagined motor part. The signal processing methods reported in the state-of-
activity. In order to create a BCI system, a signal processing the-art for imagined motion BCI algorithms include band
method is required to extract features upon which the power estimates [3], AR modeling [4], [5], Fourier transform
discrimination is based. In this article, the Empirical Mode
Decomposition along with the Hilbert-Huang Spectrum (HHS)
[6], [7], and prediction neural networks.
is found to contain the necessary information to be considered In this paper, the EEG signal is processed using Empirical
as an input to a discriminator. Also, since the HHS defines Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert-Huang Spectrum
amplitude and instantaneous frequency for each sample, it can (HHS), revealing appropriate information for the
be used for an online BCI system. Experimental results when discrimination of the ERD and the ERS events, contributing
the HHS applied to EEG signals from an on-line database (BCI to a more enhanced BCI performance.
Competition III) show the potentiality of the proposed analysis
to capture the imagined motor activity, contributing to a more
enhanced BCI performance. II. METHODOLOGY
A. Empirical Mode Decomposition
The EMD is a signal-dependent decomposition of a time

W HEN the human brain is in a calm and alert state of

consciousness, the sensorimotor cortices show
rhythmic electroencephalogram (EEG) oscillations, known
series into waveforms modulated in amplitude and frequency
[8]. The iterative extraction of these components is based on
the local representation of the signal as the sum of a local
as mu-rhythm with their frequencies ranging from 8 to oscillating component and a local trend. The first iteration of
12Hz. Motor activity, both actual and imagined, as well as the algorithm consists in extracting a component, referred to
somatosensory stimulation, attenuate the mu-rhythm in a as Intrinsic Mode Function (IMF), which represents the
phenomenon known as Event Related Desynchorization oscillations of the entire signal. The difference between the
(ERD). After the motor activity is stopped, the mu-rhythm original signal and the IMF time series is the residual. The
rebounds and this phenomenon is known as Event Related IMF component is obtained by a sifting process such that it
Synchronization (ERS) [1], [2]. The mu-rhythm during ERS satisfies the requirement that it is zero-mean and that the
is usually higher than during calm states of consciousness. number of extrema and the number of zero crossings are
ERD is a usual candidate for the creation of a Brain identical or differ by one. This same procedure is then
applied to the residual to extract the second IMF. Therefore,
Computer Interface (BCI) because most people can learn
all IMFs are iteratively extracted. The nonstationary signal
how to control the mu-rhythm using imagined motor
activity. The simplest case of a BCI is the left and right
x(t ) is then represented as a sum of IMFs and the residual
control of a cursor and in order to achieve this, the
imaginary movements of the left and the right hand have to component x(t ) ci (t ) rK (t ) , where ci (t ) denotes
i 1
be distinguished.
Generally, a BCI consists of a signal processing part, in the ith extracted empirical mode and rK (t ) the residual,
which some features are extracted from the signal, and a which is a monotonic function without extrema and can
classification part in which the different states are either be the mean trend or a constant.
The EMD algorithm can be summarized as follows:
1. Identify all the extrema (minima and maxima) of x(t ) .
Manuscript received April 16, 2008.
Konstantinos Panoulas is a PhD candidate at the Department of 2. Interpolate between minima, maxima using cubic spline to
Electrical and Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, Greece (e-mail:
produce the lower emin (t ) and the upper emax (t ) envelope,
Leontios Hadjileontiadis is with the Department of Electrical and respectively.
Computer Engineering, School of Engineering, Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece. The author can be contacted at:. Aristotle University 3. Compute the average m(t )
(emax (t ) emin (t )) / 2 .
Campus, Building D GR54124, tel +302310996340 (e-mail: 4. Extract the IMF component by c1 (t ) x(t ) m(t ).
Stavros Panas is with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, School of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
5. Iterate on the residual m(t ).
Greece (e-mail:

978-1-4244-1815-2/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE. 3832

B. Hilbert-Huang Spectrum
In order to calculate the HHS, the Hilbert transform is
applied to each IMF using the following equation:
where P indicates the Cauchy principal value and .
The amplitude , the phase and the instantaneous
frequency can be calculated as:
, (2)
, (3)

. (4)
After performing the Hilbert transform on each IMF
component, we can express the data in the following form:
Equation (5) gives both the amplitude and the frequency of
each component as functions of time [8]. The variable
amplitude and the instantaneous frequency have not only
greatly improved the efficiency of the expansion, but also
enabled the expansion to accommodate non-stationary data.
With IMF expansion, the amplitude and the frequency
modulations are also clearly separated. In this way, we have
broken through the restriction of the constant amplitude and
fixed-frequency Fourier expansion, and arrived at a variable
amplitude and frequency representation. Equation (5) also
enables us to represent the amplitude and the instantaneous
frequency as functions of time in a three-dimensional plot, in
which the amplitude can be contoured on the frequency-time
plane. This frequency-time distribution of the amplitude is Fig. 1. The EMD of the EEG channel C3 from recording 2. The
subject was instructed to move the left hand after .
designated as the Hilbert Huang amplitude spectrum,
, or simply HHS.


The dataset used in this work is a publicly available
dataset used for BCI Competition III (http://ida.first. This experiment
contains 280 trials each 9 seconds in length. The first two
seconds of each trial were quiet. At , a trigger beep
indicated the beginning of the trial and a cross was displayed
for one second. At , a left or a right arrow was
displayed asking the subject to move a bar into the direction
of the cue.
Three bipolar EEG channels were recorded with a
sampling rate of 128Hz for each trial and filtered between
0.5 and 30Hz. 7KH FKDQQHO SRVLWLRQV RQ WKH VXEMHFW¶V EUDLQ Fig. 2. The HHS of channel C3, from the 2nd trial of the experiment.
The subject was instructed to move the left hand thus the left
were C3, Cz and C4, according to the international 10\20 sensorimotor cortex (which responds to right hand movements) should
system. The acquired signals were further filtered with an not show mu rhythm suppression.
8th-order Butterworth band pass filter between 7 and 13Hz to
isolate the mu-rhythm and the HHS was then applied. instructed to move the left hand, thus the left sensorimotor
cortex (which responds to right hand movements) should not
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION show significant mu-rhythm suppression, something that is
Some indicative results from the application of the HHS reflected to the IMFs after and more clearly at the
to the whole available EEG dataset are shown in this section. corresponding HHS, illustrated in Fig. 2.
In particular, Fig. 1 denotes the EMD of the EEG channel Figure 3 presents the EMD of the EEG channel C4 from
C3 from recording 2. Most of the signal energy is located at recording 2. The subject was instructed to move the left hand
the first two IMFs. In that experiment, the subject was thus the right sensorimotor cortex (which responds to left

Fig. 4. The HHS of channel C4, from the 2 nd trial of the experiment.
The subject was instructed to move the bar left, thus the right
sensorimotor cortex (which responds to left hand movements) should
show significant mu rhythm suppression.

Fig. 3. The EMD of the EEG channel C4 from recording 2. The

subject was instructed to move the left hand thus the right
sensorimotor cortex (which responds to left hand movements) should
show mu rhythm suppression. After the 4th second of the recording

hand movements) should show mu-rhythm suppression.

After the 4th second of the recording the mu-rhythm
suppression can be seen at the first two IMFs and the
relevant HHS depicted in Fig. 4.
The EMD of the EEG channel C3 from recording 10 is
shown in Fig. 5. Most of the signal energy is located at the
hand thus the right sensorimotor cortex (which responds to
left hand movements) should show mu-rhythm suppression.
After the 4th second, the mu-rhythm suppression is visible at
the first two IMFs and the corresponding HHS illustrated in
Fig. 6. At the end of the signal around the ERS event
is evident (both in Figs. 5 and 6).
Lastly, the EMD of the EEG channel C4 from the 10th Fig. 5 The EMD of the EEG channel C3 from recording 10. The
subject was instructed to move the left hand. At the end of the signal
trial is shown in Fig. 7. Again most of the signal energy is ( ) the ERS event is notable.
located at the first two IMFs. The subject here was instructed
to move the bar right thus the right sensorimotor cortex HHS of Fig. 8.
(which responds to left hand movements) should show The results presented in Figs. 1-8, denote that the HHS
minimal or no mu-rhythm suppression which can easily be could clearly track the EDS/ERS phenomena, and could
spotted at the first two IMFs and reflected at the relevant reveal information for on-line BCI implementation. The

Fig. 6. The HHS spectrum of channel C3, from the 10 th trial of the Fig. 8. The HHS of channel C4, from the 10th trial of the experiment.
experiment. The subject was instructed to move the bar right, thus the The subject was instructed to move the bar right, thus the right
left sensorimotor cortex should show significant mu rhythm sensorimotor cortex should show minimal mu-rhythm suppression.
suppression between 4 and 7.5s, whereas the ERS event is clear
for .
predefined, as in the case of wavelet transform, resulting in a
more adaptive performance of the HHS. Finally, the
incorporation of selective IMFs, could lead to a more
focused signal processing in the area of the mu-rhythm,
eliminating further effects at other frequency bands.

A new approach in the identification of the motor activity,
both actual and imagined reflected in the mu-rhythm
attenuation or rebound, using HHS analysis was presented
here. The proposed approach seems to efficiently track the
changes in the mu-rhythm, as tested in the HHS analysis of
EEG signals from a BCI on-line database. This performance
paves the way for adopting a new domain for EEG analysis
that could foster the on-line BCI implementation.

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