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Praise the author for the presence of Allah SWT because, with grace and affection, the
author can complete the task of "Critical Book Report English Statistics" on time even though
there are still many shortcomings. And also the authors thank to Dr. Arnita, M.Si as a
lecturer in Statistics at Universitas Negeri Medan (UNIMED) who has given this assignment
to the author.

The author really hopes this task can be useful in order to add insight and our
knowledge about the contents of the book "Even You Can Learn Statistics" by David M.
Levine & David F. Stephan and "Statistics Fundamental" by Katharine Alexis Kormanik.
The author is also fully aware that in this assignment there are flaws and are far from perfect.

If the report that has been prepared can be useful for ourselves and for those who read
it. Previously, the authors apologize if there are mistakes that are less pleasing and the
authors request constructive criticism and suggestions.

Medan, 20 April 2022



A. Book Identity
· First Book
Book Title : Even You Can Learn Statistics
Edition :-
Publisher : Pearson Education
Authors : David M. Levine & David F. Stephan
Publication Year : 2005
Pages : 281 Pages
ISBN : 0-13-146757-3

· Second Book
Book Title : Statistics Fundamental
Edition :-
Publisher : Syncfusion, Inc.
Authors : Katharine Alexis Kormanik
Publication Year : 2016
Pages : 104 Pages


A. Unit 8 – Hypothesis Testing: Z and t Tests

8.1 Testing for the Difference Between Two Propositions
Often you want to analyze differences between two groups in the proportion of
items that are in a particular category. The sample statistics needed to analyze these
differences are the proportion of occurrences in group 1 and the proportion of
occurrences in group 2. With a sufficient sample size in each group, the sampling
distribution of the difference between the two proportions approximately follows a
normal distribution.
8.2 Testing fot the Difference Between the Means of Two Independent Groups
a. Pooled-Variance t Test
The hypothesis test for the difference between the population means of two
independent groups that requires that the sample variances of each group be
combined (“pooled”) into one estimate of the variance common in the two groups.
For this test, the test statistic is based on the difference in the sample means of
the two groups, and the sampling distribution for the difference in the two sample
means approximately follows the t distribution. In a pooled variance t test, the null
hypothesis of no difference in the means of two independent populations is:
H0: µ1 = µ2 (The two population means are equal)
and the alternative hypothesis is:
H1: µ1 ≠ µ2 (The two population means are not equal)
b. Pooled-Variance t Test Assumptions
In testing for the difference between the means, you assume that the
populations from which the two independent samples are drawn are normally
distributed with equal variances. For situations in which the two populations have
equal variances, the pooled-variance t test is not sensitive to moderate departures
from this assumption, provided that the sample sizes are large. In such situations,
the pooled-variance t test can be used without serious effect on its power.
If the data in each group cannot be assumed to be from normally distributed
populations, two choices exist. A nonparametric procedure, such as the Wilcoxon
rank sum test, can be used that does not depend on the assumption of normality for
the two populations, or a transformation on each of the outcomes can be made and
the pooled-variance t test can then be used.
The pooled-variance t test also assumes that the population variances are
equal. If this assumption cannot be made, the pooled-variance t test is
inappropriate. Instead, the separate-variance t test is used. Although the
computations for the separate-variance t test are cumbersome, Microsoft Excel can
be used to perform them.
8.3 Paired t Test
The tests for the pooled variance t test and the difference between two
population proportions presented earlier in this chapter were based on differences
between two independent groups. Often, data are obtained from observations in which
the groups are related.
Two approaches that involve related data between groups are possible. In one
approach, you pair, or match, the items or individuals under study according to some
other variable. In the second approach, repeated measurements are obtained from the
same set of items or individuals. This approach is based on the theory that the same
items or individuals will behave alike if treated alike. The objective of the analysis is
to show that any differences between two measurements of the same items or
individuals are due to different treatment conditions.
In the second approach, repeated measurements are obtained from the same set
of items or individuals. This approach is based on the theory that the same items or
individuals will behave alike if treated alike. The objective of the analysis is to show
that any differences between two measurements of the same items or individuals are
due to different treatment conditions.
Difference (D) = Related value in sample 1 – Related value in sample 2
B. Unit 6 – T Test
In this chapter, a sample mean is significantly different from a particular value or
another sample. To do this, firstly determine how many standard errors are separating
from the mean of the other sample. The procedure is exactly the same only the calculation
of standard error changes. If the population parameters does not found yet, then make
conjectures about the population based on s (sample standard deviation) and (mean). By
using the sample standard deviation it support to approximate the population standard
deviation. The t-distribution to calculate and provides the probabilities by a table. A few
things differ the table such as :
· The t-table asks for the degrees of freedom, which is equal to n – 1.
· The body of the t-table gives t-critical values rather than probabilities (which are
the column headers)
· The t-table provides t-critical values for both one-tailed and two-tailed tests.
There are two types of t-tests in this chapter such as:
· One-sample t-tests in which compare a sample to a constant. Firstly, know if the
sample and a particular value are likely to belong to the same population. A t-test
answers this question by estimating the standard error and then determining the
number of standard errors that separate. We use the t-table to determine if the
probability of those errors being this distance apart is less than our alpha level.
· Two-sample t-tests in which compare two samples with each other. It exactly
significantly different and therefore most likely come from two different
populations. In this case, we would do a two-sample t-test. There are two types of
two-sample t-tests: dependent-samples t-tests and independent-samples t-tests. The
dependent-samples t-test is almost exactly like the one-sample t-test. The only
thing that changes is that we take the difference between each value measured from
each subject, and that group of differences becomes our sample. We then test to
see if this difference is significantly different than 0. While, things get a bit more
complicated with independent-sample t-tests because it can’t simply subtract the
values as we can with a dependent-sample test. Not only do we have different
sample sizes, but we also have to account for the standard deviations of both
samples rather than simply taking the standard deviation of the differences.
However, the reseacher also have to consider the standard deviation of each
population distribution. The greater the standard deviation of each distribution, the
more likely the distributions will overlap. And the more they overlap, the more
likely the two samples came from the same population.


1. In the book "Even You Can Learn Statistics by David M. Levine & David F. Stephan"
also explains how to use these formulas in the Microsoft Excel application so that it
makes it easier for readers to use them on a computer.
2. In the book "Even You Can Learn Statistics by David M. Levine & David F. Stephan"
there is a Worked-Out Problem section which can help readers to more quickly
understand the use of any existing material.
3. In the book "Even You Can Learn Statistics by David M. Levine & David F. Stephan"
there is a Test Yourself section which can be a reflection for the reader in every material
in each chapter he reads.
4. In the book "Statistics Fundamental by Katharine Alexis Kormanik", An explanation of
the t-test is implemented in the form of figures and numbers so that it can describe the
theory of the t-test in more detail.
5. In the book "Statistics Fundamental by Katharine Alexis Kormanik", the writer used
tables to explain the null and alternative hypotheses in the theory of the left-tailed test,
right-tailed test, and two-tailed test so that the explanation is more concise and
6. In the book "Statistics Fundamental by Katharine Alexis Kormanik", the theory of the
chapter presented is accompanied by formula and an example of its application so that it
makes it easier for readers to understand how to use the formula in the t-test theory, from
searching for a sample standard deviation to finding the results of rejecting the null

1. In the book "Even You Can Learn Statistics by David M. Levine & David F. Stephan"
there is no detailed explanation of what the t test looks like, starting from the basics such
as definitions and so on.
2. There is no explanation about the symbols in the formulas in the book "Even You Can
Learn Statistics by David M. Levine & David F. Stephan"
3. There is no detailed explanation regarding the purpose of the t-test "Statistics
Fundamental by Katharine Alexis Kormanik”.
4. In the book "Statistics Fundamental by Katharine Alexis Kormanik" does not contain a
summary which can remind and review the reader about the explanation that has been
5. The writer does not provide the footnotes can be useful to explain the use of systematic
symbols that are less familiar with the t-test theory.
6. For sub-explanations, it does not separate chapters using letters or numbers so that the
layout of the margins of the book can be less tidy.


A. Conclusion
From the description above, it can be concluded that the two books explain the t test.
So that this book is very useful for students, lecturers and teachers, especially in learning
English. The benefit after reading this book is huge because we can find out what the t test
is all about.
B. Suggestion
The author suggests that the concept is more accurately included in the sub-chapter "t
test" in order to make it easier for readers to read the contents of the book. In addition, the
author can add interesting pictures or illustrations below the contents of the book to attract
readers from various circles.

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