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Business intelligence (BI) is a technical infrastructure that collects, stores, and analyses
company data.
It mainly focuses on present activity, like how to improve the present functioning.
BI divides the data and it produces reports and information from that data to help managers
make better decisions.
Software companies produce BI solutions for companies that wish to make better use of
their data.
BI tools and software - spreadsheets, reporting/query software, data visualization software,
data mining tools, and online analytical processing (OLAP).

A dashboard is a visual display of all the data.

Its primary intention is to provide information at-a-glance, such as KPIs.

Dashboards allow the managers to monitor performance, create reports and set estimates
and targets for future work.
A dashboard usually receives information from a linked database. 
It’s configurable, it allows us to choose which data we want to see and whether we want to
include charts or graphs or not to visualise the numbers.
Ex: tableau

Business Analytics is the process by which businesses use statistical methods and

technologies for analysing historical data in order to gain new insight and improve strategic
It focuses on past and future
It uses predictive analysis, data extraction, and quantitative analysis to assess existing
market patterns.
3 types of business analytics
There are three types of analytics that businesses use to drive their decision making;
1.  descriptive analytics, which tell us what has already happened;
2. predictive analytics, which show us what could happen, and finally,
3. prescriptive analytics, which inform us what should happen in the future.

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process combines data from multiple data sources
into a single, consistent data store that is loaded into a data warehouse or any other source.

 data extraction involves gathering and retrieving data from a single source or multiple

Data warehouse a large store of data accumulated from a wide range of sources within a
company and used to guide management decisions.

Data mining a process used to extract usable data from a larger set of any raw data.
A database is an organized collection of structured information, or data, typically stored
electronically in a computer system. 

Meta data is "data that provides information about other data"

Big Data includes huge volume, high velocity, and extensible variety of data
Structured data – here the data is in pre-defined format. It concerns all data which can be
stored in database SQL in a table with rows and columns. They have relational keys and can
easily be mapped into pre-designed fields.
Ex: numbers, dates.
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standardized programming language that's used to
manage relational databases and perform various operations on the data.

Unstructured data is a data which is not organized in a predefined manner.

Ex: rich media, media and entertainment data. Audio video etc

Semi structured data: here the information does not reside in relational database or any
other data table.
Ex: html, email, pdf.

OLTP or Online Transaction Processing is a type of data processing that consists of

executing a number of transactions occurring concurrently
OLAP Online Analytical Processing a category of software that helps in analysing
information from multiple database systems at the same time.

Data governance helps to ensure that data is usable, accessible and protected.
Effective data governance leads to better data analytics, which in turn leads to better
decision making and improved operations support.
It also, helps to avoid data inconsistencies or errors in data, which lead to integrity issues,
poor decision making, and a variety of organizational problems.
Strong data governance strategy: Ensuring that data is used properly
Complying with all regulatory requirements.
Improving data security. 
Creating and enforcing data distribution policies.

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