Teaching Tips For Teachers Vol. 2

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Tips for Teachers:

Key Elements of Effective Lesson Delivery

March 9, 2017
Volume 2, Issue 2
A Message from Dr. Terri Mozingo,
Chief Academic Officer
We are pleased to share with ACPS 5. Helping Students Move from
educators this third in a series of “Tips the Concrete to the
for Teachers.” These resource Representational and Abstract:
newsletters are designed to highlight Begin by modeling, using
key issues and focus areas in our K-12 tangible demonstrations of key
classrooms. skills or concepts. Then move
students to acquire and
This edition of “Tips for Teachers”
integrate content in increasingly
focuses on what research and recent
independent and generalizable
walk-through data suggest are “best
practices” in lesson design and lesson
implementation. 6. Clear and Engaging Pacing:
Contents Consider the “10-2 Rule,”
Researchers and international experts
ensuring that no more than 10
Message from the CAO 1 like Robert J. Marzano and Carol Anne
minutes of teacher-directed
Tomlinson are clear that certain
The Power of Alignment 1 instruction occurs before
elements in any effective lesson plan
students engage in one-on-one
Effective Lesson Objectives 2 are universal.
or small group interactions.
Essential Questions 2 Also, recent walk-throughs and
7. Revisiting Objective(s) and EQs:
instructional rounds in ACPS
Activating Prior Knowledge 2 Help students to develop schema
elementary, middle, and high school
to organize their thinking and
CRA: Moving Toward Transfer 2 schools reinforce the value of Marzano,
learning by revisiting lesson
Tomlinson, and other researchers’
Effective Lesson Pacing 3 outcomes and big ideas.
recommendations for effective lesson
Metacognition 3 planning and implementation: 8. Focus on Formative Assessment
Feedback and Coaching:
Effective Assessment 3
1. Alignment with Required Throughout the lesson, provide
Student Discourse 4 Standards: Ensure that the lesson is students on-the-spot criterion-
aligned with the curriculum pacing based feedback to help them
Effective Closure 4
sequence and Virginia State monitor and adjust their
Self-Reflection Questionnaire 4 Blueprint Frameworks. learning.
2. Clear Statement of Objective(s): 9. The Importance of Student
Frame the objective with behavioral Discourse and Self-Reflection:
The Power of verbs, performance conditions, and The more active and engaged
Alignment evaluation criteria (BCC). students are, the greater their
levels of learning. Speaking and
3. Use of Essential Questions (EQs):
 “The greater the
Revisit open-ended questions aligned
listening tasks accompanied by
alignment opportunities for self-reflection
with lesson objectives, reinforcing and self-assessment are critical.
between the the big ideas and the “why” and
written and “how” of what students are learning. 10. Meaningful Closure: Lessons
taught lesson, are like great narratives. They
the greater the 4. Activator and “Framing” require a meaningful ending that
level of student Activities: Use warm-ups to engage allows students to reflect on
learning…” students’ interest, activate prior how well they have achieved the
Terri Mozingo, learning, and make connections with lesson objectives—and pose
CAO their prior experience. questions for clarification.
Page 2 of 4 Grade Level News School Newsletter

Writing and Communicating Lesson Objectives

The effective lesson objective clearly should also reflect the highest level of
states for students the specific skill or Bloom’s Taxonomy that students are
concept they are expected to learn, the expected to demonstrate by the
conditions under which they will conclusion of the lesson (e.g.,
confirm their learning, and the application, analysis, synthesis,
evaluation criteria for which they are evaluation, creative self-expression).
English Learner students also benefit from
Objectives should be student friendly in academic language objective(s). These
their language while being challenging objectives identify key words and phrases
in their cognitive complexity. They essential to lesson understanding.
Clearly articulated
objectives and
essential questions are The Power of Essential Questions
important parts of
framing and guiding Great essential questions help frame universal issues and ideas at the heart
student learning. student learning and “unpack” the of lesson and unit design:
compelling “Why?” of the lesson.
1. “Why?” questions help students to
When clearly presented in student- analyze the purpose of what they
friendly language, essential questions are studying.
can help to organize student learning
2. “How?” questions explore key
and provide a framework within which
to hold discrete knowledge and skills.
3. “To what extent?” questions
Great essential questions provoke
explore issues of degree,
student inquiry, debate, and
probability. or likelihood.
investigation. They should revisit the

Activating Prior Knowledge and Engagement

“Teachers should ask The beginning of a great lesson should can also activate prior learning and
themselves: What engage student interest. A brief demonstrate their readiness for learning
assumptions about “activator” activity (lasting no more new content.
learning underlie my than five minutes) should “hook”
The “activator” task can also provide
choices? Can I explain students’ desire to learn lesson content.
the teacher with clear formative
the learning goals I
Through an engaging and experience- assessment data about what students
have for my
based activator task, students can know—or may be lacking—about
students? Do I explain
explore the purpose of the lesson. They requisite lesson skills and content.
to students the kinds
of thinking and
intellectual skills my Modeling, Shaping, Internalizing: The “CRA” Effect
activities require?
Am I confident that I An effective lesson ensures that students Another way of describing this process
am maximizing the move from initial acquisition of new involves the “CRA” model.
development of long- knowledge and skills toward growing
term skills and Essentially, teachers are encouraged to
levels of independent use and transfer.
knowledge in each plan for three interrelated phases of
and every student? ” Essentially, learning involves: (1) an student learning and progress: (1)
initial modeling by the teacher of key Concrete: using tangible examples and
Doug Reeves, Where lesson skills and/or content; (2) shaping modeling to introduce new learning; (2)
Great Teaching Begins activities that allow students to practice Representational: creating symbolic or
and rehearse using the new knowledge; visual syntheses, moving students to
and (3) gradual “internalizing” by increased understanding; and (3) Abstract:
students of vocabulary, concepts, and ensuring that students can apply knowledge
skills at a level of transfer. with growing levels of transfer and
School Newsletter Grade Level News Page 3 of 4

Effective Pacing of Learning Activities

The pacing of a lesson is an essential than ten minutes of teacher-directed or
building block to promote student teacher-presented content before they
engagement and motivation. are given a chance to discuss,
interpret, debate, or apply it.
As students move from modeling to
shaping and internalizing (i.e., the CRA Pacing should follow a logical sequence
Model described previously), they that is clear to all students. It should
should be at the center of the lesson. also emphasize opportunities for Effective lessons place
students to reflect on and respond to the learner at the
An important and solidly research-based
lesson essential questions. Throughout center of the learning
strategy is to follow the “ten-two”
the lesson, students should revisit the process. Teacher talk
rule: Students should receive no more
objective(s) and self-assess.
and teacher-directed
behavior are less
Metacognition: Engaging Students in Self-Regulation evident than active
student discourse, self-
All students benefit from opportunities Metacognition involves student reflection, and small-
to activate and apply what researchers opportunities to reflect on and evaluate group interaction.
call their “Executive Function” skills. such issues as the following:
Executive Function involves students’ 1. What am I learning?
capacity for self-regulation and self- 2. Why am I learning it?
management. According to brain 3. For what evaluation criteria am I
research, learners benefit from direct responsible?
and intentional opportunities to set 4. What questions do I have that can
goals, establish a schedule, and use help me improve my learning?
evaluation criteria to monitor their own 5. How can I adjust my learning to
progress. achieve my learning goals?

Diagnostic, Formative, and Summative Assessment

It has been said that great teaching is—at its heart— Formative assessment should underlie all parts of an
great assessment. The effective instructor is effectively delivered lesson. Its purpose is to improve
continually scanning the room to look for signs of learning and student achievement. This on-the-spot
student understanding—and to identify areas where one and criterion-based feedback is carried out during the
or more students may be struggling. lesson—and should be collaborative and fluid.
According to Connie Moss and Susan Brookhart in their When formative assessment is done well, teachers and
best-selling Advancing Formative Assessment in students can use the evidence they gather (both
Every Classroom: A Guide for Instructional Leaders formally and informally) to make adjustments for
(ASCD, 2009), effective assessment addresses the continuous improvement.
following elements:
1. Shared learning targets and criteria for success In a nutshell, students should continually be asked to
2. Feedback that “feeds forward” reflect on the following questions:
3. Student goal getting 1. Where am I going?
4. Student self-assessment 2. Where am I now?
5. Strategic teacher questioning 3. What strategies can help me get to where I need
6. Student engagement in asking effective questions to go?

Summative assessment measures students’

In effective lesson design, the teacher is continually
culminating levels of proficiency. When it is effective,
diagnosing students’ prior learning and areas in which
it encourages students to demonstrate understanding
they may lack background knowledge. Re-teaching
and transfer via a rich range of performance-based
should occur to address these gaps.
assessment tasks as well as project-based learning.
Student Discourse: Dignifying the Voice of the Learner
Research in the field of neuroscience is Informal student discourse strategies can
very clear about the power of student be as simple as a two-minute think-pair-
Department of discourse: The more students engage in share activity. However, students should
Curriculum and discussing and interpreting what they also have the chance to engage in more
Instruction are learning, the greater their level of complex discourse tasks such as:
1340 Braddock Place understanding and retention. 1. Socratic Seminars
4th Floor 2. Debates
Alexandria, VA 22314 As suggested previously, an effective
3. Panel Discussions
classroom honors the voice of the
Phone: 4. Oral Performance (e.g., Reader’s
learner. Students should be continually
(703) 619-8020 Theatre, Literature Circles)
debriefing on what they are learning
5. Multi-Media Presentations
Fax: and reflecting on its value, purpose, and
6. Other Forms of Discussion and
(703) 619-8984 meaning to them and their world.
Inquiry (e.g., Simulations)

Closure: Recapping and Revisiting the Learning Every Student

An effective lesson should end with a small group of partners): What have Succeeds
meaningful and structured closure we learned today? Why was it
activity. Students benefit from such important? What questions do we
concluding activities as the following: have?
1. A chance to discuss and debrief on a4. Synthesis Activities: How does what
lesson essential question we learned today relate to our prior
2. Opportunities to self-assess relative work? What worked in today’s
to lesson objective(s) lesson? What can we do to enhance
3. Interactive debriefings (e.g., a our follow-up learning?

A Self-Reflection Questionnaire: How Effective Are My Lessons?

1. My lesson is clearly aligned with Virginia Standards of Learning and ACPS curriculum pacing.
2. I clearly state my objective(s) with higher-level behavioral verbs, conditions for performance, and
evaluation criteria for which students are responsible.
3. I use one or more essential questions to help students understand and explore the big ideas, themes,
and generalizations underlying the content we are studying.
4. My lesson always begins with an engaging “activator” to help students retrieve prior knowledge and
understand what they are learning—and why they are learning it.
5. I design my lessons to help students move from the concrete to the representational and abstract.
They move from initial modeling toward shaping and growing levels of transfer.
6. The pacing of my lesson is intentional and engaging for students. I follow the “10-2” rule by ensuring
that no more than 10 minutes of teacher-directed instruction occurs before students have time for
self-reflection, discussion, and application.
7. Throughout the lesson, I revisit with my students our objectives(s) and essential question(s). These
become conceptual organizers to help students see connections, patterns, and meanings.
8. Throughout my lesson, I use formal and informal formative assessment tasks to give my students
criterion-based, on-the-spot feedback to help them adjust their learning to achieve learning goals.
9. Student discourse is at the heart of my lesson. The voice of my students is evident throughout my
lesson. They debrief and share insights about what they are learning—and why they are learning it.
10. All my lessons have some form of meaningful closure. I ensure that my students synthesize what they
have learned—and give me feedback about their questions and areas of need.

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