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HI dear audience, judge, parents, teachers, ect… I don’t know if you even remember me, I was the

winner of the pecha-kucha competition last year, I hope you are all going well, today I will show the
importance of the words, exactly the role of public speaking in increasing that skill, yes bc we can say
that it’s a kind of skill, I will give you my opinion in 4 points.

word are really essential, it’s the way the humans communicate, so we have to use it correctly bc
sometimes one word can be better than 100 words, let’s take an example...

there was that really good student who was here for an interview, to be recruited, he say i have
many skills i study in this pretty university and i do that, i got this ect.. the interviewer answered ok I
will see that, the next just say one word “take” and he gives him 100$, even the interviewer
answered with just a few words “you are taken”, ye with this example we can see the importance of
mone..i mean words when there are suitable ye .

anyway , the next point is the role of public speaking, When you are a good public speaker, you will
be more comfortable in interviews, be better able to sway others in your favor, and convince your
boss to give you a promotion. Even for you its good Public speakers motivate their listeners to make
a change. It could be to stop or start something, try something new, or reach their goals. Example, u
remember that time when he asked you to explain to him something and u couldn’t do it not bc u
don’t know it but bc u can’t find the word to say it , if u understand what I mean, if that happened I
will give u the right solution “public speaking” garented value .

ok so the third point, there is no third point and just love this number that's why i use it

the fourth and the most important point, there is no third point and u think that there are a fourth
one, shame of you.

so conclusion u can see the values of the puplic speaking competetion who can help a lot in the futur

so, good bye everyone i hope that i impressed u,and even if I don't win I would have gained

experience, no I'm joking im her to win this competition, ba-bay

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