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Hispanic Heritage Day at the Capitol, September 26th

Opening Ceremony Script

10:30 Woodburn mariachi band exits the building from Room 167-A staging area, via the west door
and proceeds to the front steps and begins playing.

10:45 Color guard assembles on the second floor in front of the house chamber.

10:55 Dignitaries and Master of Ceremonies assemble in the rotunda by the podium (chairs provided
near the podium).

10:58 Woodburn mariachi band ends music on the front steps.

11:00 MC welcomes the crowd and asked for posting of the colors observance.

11:01-11:05 Color guard enters the Rotunda from the second floor, down the House grand staircase and
displays the flags.

11:05 MC introduces The Honorable Senator Jane Cease, the Oregon State Capitol Foundation past
chair and Foundation board member.

11:06-11:09 Senator Cease thanks the crowd for attending the Hispanic Heritage Day at the Capitol and
thanks the organizers; Instituto De Cultura Oregoniana, Oregon State Hispanic Employees
Network, Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs and our many event partners.

11:11 Master of Ceremonies introduces The Honorable Senate President Peter Courtney

11:12-1:17 President Courtney addresses the crowd.

11:18 Master of Ceremonies introduces John Haroldson, Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs

11:19 - 11:22 John Haroldson addresses the crowd.

11:23 MC introduces Janet Soto, Economic and Business Equity Policy Advisor for the Office of
Governor Kate Brown.

11:24-11:28 Ms. Soto will share a few highlights regarding the economic contributions and business
expansions of the Hispanic/Latino communities in Oregon.

11:29 MC introduces the Consul General of Mexico, Armando Ortiz Rocha

11:30-11:32 Consul General of Mexico, Armando Ortiz Rocha addresses the crowd

11:33 MC introduces the representative from the Ecuador Consulate

11:34-11:36 Representatives from the Ecuador Consulates addresses the crowd

11:37 MC again thanks the guest for attending the event and welcomes them into the Capitol to enjoy
the rest of the day.

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