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As the youngest daughter who grew up in a family from a business background, I was often
overwhelmed with feelings of being overshadowed. Because they are older than me, of course my
sisters had more time to do things that were rewarding and fruitful. Moreover, my older sisters have
become quite successful especially entrepreneur’s world. Despite feeling underestimated at a point, it
doesn’t diminish my drive to achieve my dream. My ambition is to pursue a university degree that
integrates the program that I am interested in, which is economics and data analysis.

Therefore, I made the best possible use of my high school years by branching out from being part of the
school cup ticketing committee and the yearbook team to trying academically stimulating activities that I
haven’t before. I participated in several Mathematics competitions that centered on informatics and
problem-solving including CHIPS by Universitas Parahyangan in 2020 and Cayley and Fermat by the
University of Waterloo. I took part in Case-a-Thons related to socio-entrepreneurship and experienced
tackling issues of the world from an enterprisal perspective. In recognition of a desire to contribute to
society, I also spent 100 hours volunteering in 11th grade and did work for NGOs dedicated to the SDGs
and mental health.

Business matters naturally grows in me through my parents’ background. Instead, the new skills and
experience I have encourage me to study finance. I think economics is the right thing because it suits my
interests and doesn't deviate too much from my family background. I believe that pursuing a double
degree in Economics and Data Analytics at SMU will equip me to challenge standard economic theories
alongside the progression of trends over time, as well as reward me with competency and intellectual
knowledge that will put me at an advantage in the industry.

Growing up in an entrepreneur-background family inadvertently sparked enthusiasm in business

matters. Since I was young, my environment has been filled with people who were fixated on touching
their audience through communications as entrepreneurship has lots communication activities such as
project offers, presentations, and lobbying with business partners. My father used this communication
strategy to propagate entrepreneurship to me which eventually got me interested. On the other hand, I
have a passion in the world of data analysis because I gained a lot of experience about it in school.
Therefore, instinctively my ambition appeared to pursue a university degree that integrates the program
that I am interested in, which is Economics and my passion of Data Analytics. I chose economics because
I think economics suits my interests and doesn't deviate too much from my family background.

Since the age of 12, my father has played many roles regarding my desires and interests in business
world matters. My father’s story as someone who not make any ways to high school yet still managed to
support his family through entrepreneurship emboldened me to be like him. In addition, his ability to
address various problems and shortcomings motivate me a lot.

Despite attending a national school, I was lucky to have Mandarin Course all week long. Besides learning
Chinese and romanized words, I also got a very valuable introduction and insight into Asian and Chinese
culture. Through insight about Chinese culture, I was extremely captivated by how they led one of the
world's largest economies and leading business environments. I have passed a great amount of
stumbling blocks while pursuing my mandarin to a higher level. However, I believe that this language can
shape a bright future for me, owing to the fact that China has great opportunities to expand and grow
myself for a prosperous future.

Since I was in 16 years old, I have a thought that I have to do my best. I made the best possible use of my
high school years by being involved in activities which was my potential and passionate. These include
being part of the school sports cup ticketing committee and the yearbook team especially in the event
division. I also participated in academically stimulating activities such as several Mathematics
competitions that centered on informatics and problem-solving including CHIPS by Parahyangan
University in 2020 and Cayley and Fermat by the University of Waterloo. My appreciation toward
mathematics has led me to take advanced mathematics as one of my advanced subjects. In terms of my
planning of degree to take, statistical materials is one of the most important skills that I have studied
because it helps to solve problems in a quicker way using analytical methods. I took part in Case-a-Thons
related to socio-entrepreneurship and learnt how to solve issues through an entrepreneurial lens.

Despite the busy schedules, I still wanted to make room for my passions. This includes performing arts
and cheerleading – my team and I were able to take first place at the 2020 Regional Cheerleading
Competition for High School Routine (an esteemed competition by the FSCI, the Indonesian
cheerleading federation). That moment of euphoria while winning has taught me a lot of important
values of teamwork which in the end made me choose to do more activities that have aspects of team
working development. I kept thinking about the types of activities that had the aspect of team working.
Then I found an activity that can fulfill it, namely social activities such as volunteering. The more I find
out, the more interested I become to do things that contribute to society as well as to develop my team
working skills. In recognition of a desire to contribute to society, I spent 100 hours volunteering in 11th
grade and did work for NGOs dedicated to the SDGs and mental health. Involvement with SDG and
mental health issues during volunteering activities made me have sensitivity and ability to analyze the
environment. It really sharpened my instincts and analytical skills which further strengthened my
interest in the world of analysts.

My inclination to lean towards business began as something natural, having two parents that came from
the background and an eagerness to support them. However, as I picked up new skills and experiences, I
realized that my incentive to delve into the world of finance stemmed first and foremost from my own
interest. I think economics is the right thing because it suits my interests and doesn't deviate too much
from the business world which is the basis of my family. Also, economics is one of the important keys for
business matters. I am confident that studying Data Science at Chinese University of Hong Kong-
Shenzhen, will equip me to challenge standard economic theories alongside the progression of trends
over time, as well as provide me with the competency and intellectual knowledge that I need for the
future when I hope to begin leading the future financial aspects for my parents’ company and for my
future self to develop my own firm to help others develop their businesses. 

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