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Dalia Mugrabi

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Functional nutrition + CPEU’s – Summary

1. IFNA Module 1 tracks 1-6 = 42 CPEU’s

2. Healing from within with Dr. Christian Gonzalez Be Well by Kelly Podcast (1 hour)
3. Debunking Food Industry Myths with Dr. Robert Lustig Be Well by Kelly Podcast (1 hour)
4. Supporting natural detoxification with Dr. Vivian Chen (1 hour)
5. Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: Vitamin D Deficiency: Common Symptoms and
Solutions (1 hour)
6. Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: High triglycerides: Root Causes and Natural
Support Strategies (1 hour)
7. Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: Nutrient Timing to Balance Female Hormones
(1 hour)
8. Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: The Truth about Salt and Mineral Deficiencies
(1 hour)
9. Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: Gut Inflammation; Causes, Testing and Support
Strategies (1 hour)

IFNA Track 1
This introductory lecture was given by Kathy Swift, the co-Founder of IFNA. She
described the increase of chronic disease all over the world as well as complex chronic
disorders that are on the rise. She stressed that functional medicine is evidence based as well as
the importance of personalized care. Kathy reviewed the foundations of functional nutrition,
focusing on the radial model which depicts how lifestyle, environment, symptoms, biomarkers,
metabolic pathways all influence a personalized care of action plan. H.A.N.D.S On- a clinical
nutrition assessment tool is what she recommends functional nutrition practitioners use for
assessment. H-history and lifestyle, A-anthropometrics, N-nutrition physical, D-diet and
lifestyle, S-supporting clinical data, On- ongoing nutrition monitoring and evaluating. Kathy also
focused on environmental toxins and how they are detrimental to one’s overall health.

IFNA Track 2
This second introductory lecture was presented by the second co-founder of IFNA, Dr.
Sheila Dean. Dr. Dean focused in root cause analysis using the STAIN acronym which stands for:
Stress, Toxins, Adverse food reactions, Infections and Nutritional imbalances. She explained
how a system imbalance can be contributed to one or more than one of STAIN. Dr. Dean
reviewed STAIN in depth. She also reviewed a complex case study and delineated how they got
to the root cause of the case and how it was resolved.

IFNA Track 3
This lecture, presented by Dr. John Bagnulo, focused on food as medicine and ancestral
and biologically compatible diets. He focused on major changes from how our ancestors ate to
the food we consume today and how it affects our health. Dr. Bagnulo reviewed macro and
micronutrients, how they were consumed in the past and the ratios that they are consumed in
today. He focused a bit on health benefits of dairy, especially A2 casein dairy foods, and how
saturated fat is most biologically compatible fat. He summarized many articles that
demonstrated health benefits of certain foods or specific nutrients. He focused heavily on what
he described as the 3 most nutrient deficiencies that we suffer from today, Vitamin D, vitamin K
and potassium, and how these deficiencies affect our overall health.

IFNA Track 4
This lecture was presented by Dr. Param Dedhia. In this hours long lecture, Dr. Dehdia
reviewed a plethora of conventional labs and functional blood and urine chemistry and what
drives the numbers up or down. He stressed how numbers alone are not diagnostic but they
should point you in, usually clear, directions towards more testing. Topics discussed in depth;
comprehensive metabolic panel, urinalysis, complete blood count, iron panel, thyroid panel,
and lipid panel.

IFNA Track 5
This lecture was presented by Dr. Dana Elia. The focus of this presentation was an
introduction to functional lab testing. Dr Dana started by discussion many different types of
gastrointestinal functional labs that give a good look at digestion and absorption of nutrients,
microbiome diversity, diagnosis of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, and intestinal
permeability. SNP’s and nutrigenetic testing were also reviewed. Dr. Dana also focused on
environmental testing, hormone balance tests as well as inflammation tests among others. At
the end, Dr. Dana focused on how to vet and pick reliable functional laboratories.

IFNA Track 6
This lecture was presented by Kelly Morrow where she discussed dietary supplements.
First, she focused on government regulations of manufacturing dietary supplements. She then
focused on dietary supplement labels and claims that are allowed and not allowed to be
displayed on supplements. Kelly reviewed vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements.
Supplementation in specific populations was also discussed, pregnancy, aging and longevity and
8 Remaining Hours

1 hour: Healing from within with Dr. Christian Gonzalez Be Well by Kelly Podcast
- Dr. Christin Gonzalez is a naturopathic Doctor who specializes in oncology. In this
podcast Dr. Gonzalez focused on environmental factors that can impact one’s
susceptibility to cancer and other chronic diseases. He gave tips and suggestions on how
to detox one’s environment.

1 hour: Debunking Food Industry Myths with Dr. Robert Lustig Be Well by Kelly Podcast
- Dr. Lustig discusses the mechanism that fructose metabolism leads to non-alcoholic
fatty liver disease. He also discussed hormone’s role, specifically leptin, in preventing
weight loss on certain population. Dr. Lustig explained in detail his mantra when it
comes to choosing what you eat, feed the gut and protect the liver.

1 hour: Supporting natural detoxification with Dr. Vivian Chen

- In this webinar Dr. Chen discussed environmental toxins and how they disrupt our
endocrine system and health. She reviewed the mechanisms of detox organs, and safe
ways to detox and support detox organs without the risk of adverse reactions.

1 hour: Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: Vitamin D Deficiency: Common Symptoms and
- In this podcast Dr. Jockers reviews vitamin D metabolism and biochemistry. He outlined
all body symptoms that heavily depend on vitamin d to work optimally. Dr. Jockers
reviewed functional optimal ranges and functional labs to see actual vitamin D status.
Dr. Jockers also discussed ways to increase vitamin D (food and sunlight) and which
populations are more at risk for deficiency including pregnant women and people with
very dark skin color.

1 hour: Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: High triglycerides: Root Causes and Natural
Support Strategies
- In this podcast, Dr. Jockers discusses root causes to high triglycerides, normal and
abnormal lab values of triglycerides, specifically focusing on triglycerides ratio with HDL.
He spoke about what causes high triglycerides, vitamin D deficiency, insulin resistance,
excessive carbohydrate intake etc. Improving stress, sleep, insulin sensitivity, exercise
and sunlight exposure can all have positive effects on reducing elevated triglycerides.

1 hour: Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: Nutrient Timing to Balance Female Hormones
- In this podcast, Dr. Jockers interviews Dr. Mindy Pelz on how to balance hormones
during one’s menstrual cycle. She discussed which types foods are beneficial at each
stage of one’s menstrual cycle. She discussed how utilizing the DUCH test to track
hormones can help you identify dysregulated hormone responses and which lifestyle
changes (diet, exercise, environmental endocrine disrupters) you can make to regulate
hormone balance.

1 hour: Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: The Truth about Salt and Mineral Deficiencies
- In this podcast, Dr. Jockers Interviews Dr. James DiNicolantonio, author of the Salt Fix,
on his research regarding salt and other minerals and how much we need for optimal
health. He discussed healthier salt options besides for table salt that is not heavily
processed such Celtic salt, Himalayan salt, Australian salt flats which are abundant in
other minerals like magnesium and iodine, with varying ratios depending on the salt. Dr.
James DiNicolantonio discussed different types of magnesium and the specific benefits
of each one. Dr. James DiNicolantonio also discussed optimal levels of zinc, iodine,
selenium and manganese.

1 hour: Dr. Jockers Functional Nutrition Podcast: Gut Inflammation; Causes, Testing and
Support Strategies
- In this podcast Dr. Jockers discusses how to keep the integrity of the gut lining. He goes
in depth on the topic of bile acids and factors that contribute to low and high stomach
acid. Dr. Jockers reviewed clinical as well as at home tests you can use to measure the
effectiveness of stomach acid. Dr. Jockers discussed the vagus nerve and its role in
stomach acid secretion as well as its many other roles related to digestion. He suggests
different supplements to support gut health and reduce inflammation.

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