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Correlation of hypoxia PET tracer uptake with hypoxic radioresistance in

cancer cells: PET biomarkers of resistance to stereotactic
radiation therapy?
Kazumi Chia a,⁎, Rowena L. Paul a, Amanda J. Weeks a, Marium Naeem b, Gregory E.D. Mullen a,
David Landau a, Philip J. Blower a
King's College London, School of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, St. Thomas' Hospital, London SE1 7EH, UK
Department of Medical Physics, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London SE1 9RT, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Purpose: The pO2 threshold of an ideal PET hypoxia tracer for radiotherapy planning in cancer would match those
Received 25 January 2022 observed in clinically and biologically relevant processes such as radioresistance and HIF1α expression. To iden-
Received in revised form 24 March 2022 tify such tracers, we directly compared uptake in vitro of hypoxia PET tracers ([18F]FMISO, [64Cu]CuATSM, and an-
Accepted 6 April 2022 alogues [ 64Cu]CuATS, [64Cu]CuATSE, [64Cu]CuCTS, [ 64Cu]CuDTS, [64Cu]CuDTSE, [64Cu]CuDTSM) with levels of
Available online xxxx
radioresistance and HIF1α expression in cultured cancer cells under identical hypoxic conditions ranging from
extreme hypoxia to normoxia. Pimonidazole uptake was also compared as a marker of hypoxia.
Methods: A custom-built hypoxia apparatus enabled all experiments to be performed under identical hypoxic
conditions with constant measurement of pO2 in media using an OxyLab pO2™ probe. HCT116 human colonic
carcinoma and MCF-7 human Caucasian breast adenocarcinoma cells were irradiated using a cobalt teletherapy
unit. Clonogenic assays were used to assess survival. HIF1α expression was determined by western blotting,
tracer uptake by gamma counting and pimonidazole binding by flow cytometry.
Results: Radioresistance, pimonidazole binding and HIF1α expression increased gradually as pO2 decreased between
25 mmHg and 0 mmHg. In contrast, all the PET hypoxia tracers showed a sharp increase in uptake only when pO2
levels fell below 1 mmHg. Above this threshold, tracer uptake was not elevated above that in normoxic cells.
Conclusion: This study highlights an important mismatch in pO2 thresholds between these PET tracers and other
markers of hypoxia: tracer uptake only occurred at oxygen levels that were well below levels that induced
radioresistance, pimonidazole uptake and HIF1α expression. Although their pO2 thresholds do not match the
threshold for resistance to conventionally fractionated radiotherapy (pO2 2.5–10 mmHg), their specificity for
extreme hypoxia (pO2 ≪ 1 mmHg) suggests these PET tracers may be of particular use to predict outcomes in ste-
reotactic radiation therapy where these maximally resistant cells play a key role in determining the biological effect.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

1. Introduction Non-invasive imaging using positron-emission tomography (PET)

has been one of many approaches used in identifying tumor hypoxia
Since 1955 when Thomlinson and Gray described the anatomical [9] but in contrast to other targets for PET imaging where the molecular
basis of tumor hypoxia using histological sections of fresh lung cancer target is easily defined (e.g. αvβ3, prostate-specific membrane antigen,
specimens [1], scores of studies have demonstrated tumor hypoxia to hexokinase, thymidine kinase), hypoxia is not a well-defined entity
be a characteristic feature of many solid tumours [2]. After more than [10–12]. In the body, O2 molecules move along a concentration
50 years of research, we know that tumor hypoxia is a key determinant gradient from the alveolar air in the lungs to the cytosol (Fig. 1) and
not only of cancer prognosis [3,4], but also of response to radiotherapy O2 tensions vary along this concentration gradient [13]. If hypoxia is
[5,6], surgery [7] and chemotherapy [8]. defined as a state of O2 deficiency in tissue, there will be a multitude
of different critical O2 thresholds below which normal physiological
function is disturbed in different ways. In oncology, different critical
O2 thresholds have been demonstrated for a number of anti-cancer
⁎ Corresponding author at: Guy's Cancer Centre, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT, UK. therapies and important cellular functions [14]. In other disease states
E-mail address: (K. Chia). such as ischaemic heart disease and ischaemic brain disease, critical O2
0969-8051/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Please cite this article as: K. Chia, R.L. Paul, A.J. Weeks, et al., Correlation of hypoxia PET tracer uptake with hypoxic radioresistance in cancer cells:
PET biomarkers of resis..., Nuclear Medicine and Biology,
K. Chia, R.L. Paul, A.J. Weeks et al. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 110 (2022) xxx

2.1. Cell culture

HCT116 human colonic carcinoma and MCF-7 human Caucasian

breast adenocarcinoma cells authenticated by microsatellite genotyping
were obtained directly from the European Collection of Cell Cultures
(Health Protection Agency Cell Culture Collections, Salisbury, UK), cul-
tured (37 °C, 95% air and 5% CO2) as monolayers and used in the

exponential phase of growth. For all experiments, cells were

trypsinised immediately prior to use to form a cell suspension. Both
cell lines were regularly assessed for characteristic morphology and
absence of mycoplasma infection (LookOut® Mycoplasma PCR Detec-
tion Kit, Sigma-Aldrich, Poole, Dorset, UK). Culture media and additives
were obtained from PAA Laboratories (Yeovil, Somerset, UK). HCT116
cells were maintained in McCoy's 5a medium supplemented with 10%
FBS, 2 mM glutamine, 100 units/mL penicillin and 100 μg/mL strepto-
Air Lung Artery Capillary Tissue Cell mycin. MCF-7 cells were maintained in DMEM (low glucose, 1 g/L) sup-
plemented with 10% FBS, 2 mM glutamine, 100 units/mL penicillin and
Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of the pO2 gradient from atmospheric air to the cell.
100 μg/mL streptomycin. An additional 10% FBS was added to the com-
(Based on data from ref. 13).
plete medium used in MCF-7 clonogenic assays. Cell concentration and
viability were determined using a CASY® DT cell counter (Roche Diag-
nostics Ltd., Burgess Hill, West Sussex, UK).
thresholds are different again [15]. Therefore it is unlikely that a single
hypoxia imaging agent will have universal application, even within 2.2. Hypoxia
one clinical speciality such as oncology. The pO2 threshold of an ideal
PET hypoxia tracer for radiotherapy planning in cancer would match Custom-made glass vessels (LEL Glassblowing, March, Cambs., UK)
those observed in clinically and biologically relevant processes such as were designed to contain the hypoxic cell suspension allowing all ex-
radioresistance and HIF1α expression. periments to be carried out using the same set-up (Supplementary
The aims of this study were as follows: 1) For the first time, to deter- Fig. 1a). In all experiments, cells were trypsinised and the 40 mL suspen-
mine the extent to which radiosensitivity and HIF1α expression corre- sion placed into the vessel and equilibrated with the chosen atmosphere
late with hypoxic PET tracer uptake in the same in vitro cell system for 30 min to achieve stable temperature and pO2 (Supplementary Fig.
under controlled conditions; 2) To do so using rigorous, validated, 1b). Certified mixtures of O2 with 5% carbon dioxide and balance
continuous measurement of pO2 in the cell suspension rather than nitrogen were obtained to cover the range of severe and moderate
relying on the oxygen content of the gas cylinder used; 3) To apply hypoxia (BOC Special Products, Guildford, Surrey, UK). The gas mixes
the resulting understanding to better clinical application and supplied were defined in units of percent O2. Assuming atmospheric
interpretation of PET hypoxia tracers, particularly in the field of radio- pressure of 760 mmHg a factor of 7.6 converts the units to mmHg (0%
therapy where newer techniques such as stereotactic radiation therapy = 0 mmHg, 0.1% = 0.76 mmHg, 0.8% = 6.08 mmHg, 1.5% = 11.4
are opening up fresh opportunities for hypoxia targeting/modification mmHg, 2.7% = 20.5 mmHg, 3.5% = 26.6 mmHg, 4.5% = 34.2 mmHg,
strategies [16]. [ 18F]FMISO is the “prototypical” clinical nitroimidazole- 7.3% = 55.5 mmHg and 21% = 159.6 mmHg). Dissolved O2 and
based PET hypoxia tracer and remains the most well-validated [9]. Cop- temperature were monitored throughout all experiments with an
per bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes in which the diimine backbone OxyLab pO2™ O2 probe (Oxford Optronix, Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK)
carries two alkyl groups (among which [64Cu]CuATSM is the prototype) with a built-in thermocouple allowing automatic temperature correc-
are well-validated in vitro as having selective uptake in hypoxic cells tion of pO2 measurements. The probes were individually calibrated by
[17–19], but in vivo, some studies show correlation with hypoxia [18, the manufacturer at 37 °C at six different O2 levels created by bubbling
20] and others do not; analogues with improved pharmacokinetics certified gases (0, 1, 2, 5, 14 and 21%). Due to small statistical
have been evaluated recently [18,21]. Therefore, [ 18F]FMISO, [ 64Cu] fluctuations, readings <0 mmHg were recorded during some
CuATSM and a selection of analogous copper complexes with subtle experiments performed at 0% O2 and are directly recorded as such
changes to the bis(thiosemicarbazone) side chains, known to exhibit se- without correction. To counteract regional O2 depletion in the medium
lective uptake in hypoxic cells but with potentially different hypoxia se- caused by cellular respiration, suspensions were continuously agitated
lectivity and pharmacokinetics, were included in the evaluation. either by a plate shaker (SSM5 set at 1080 rpm) in cell irradiation
studies or a rocker (SSM4 set at 65 oscillations/min) (Stuart, Bibby
2. Materials and methods Scientific Ltd., Stone, Staffordshire, UK) in all other experiments, to aid
O2 diffusion into the medium from the overlying gas. A stable pH of 7.
Production and quality control of copper-64 was performed as de- 5 was maintained in the cell suspension, monitored using Hydrion™
scribed previously and is outlined in Supplemental Data [22]. Synthesis Brilliant pH dip sticks (Sigma-Aldrich).
of copper-64 bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes was performed as pre-
viously described except for the DTSE complex, synthesis of which is de- 2.3. Cell irradiation
scribed in Supplemental Data. Production and quality control of [ 18F]
FMISO was performed as described in Supplemental Data [17,19]. Cells were trypsinised and the suspension (1 × 10 6/mL for HCT116
Threshold oxygen levels for radioresistance, PET radiotracer uptake, and 2 × 105/mL for MCF-7) in 40 mL medium was placed in a custom-
pimonidazole uptake and HIF1α expression were defined as the pO2 built perspex rig attached to a T1000 Cobalt 60 teletherapy unit (Supple-
at which the value of each of the parameters was the mean of the mentary Fig. 1c). The pO2 in the suspension was measured continuously
maximum and minimum plateau levels. This value was determined for 2 min immediately prior to γ-irradiation to ensure stability. The ra-
objectively by fitting (least squares) the data to the sigmoid function diation dose administered in all experiments was 2 Gy as this is a stan-
(unless otherwise indicated) chosen from GraphPad Prism (version 5. dard dose per fraction used clinically, and the time to deliver this dose
03 for Windows; GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA) giving the best fit was approximately 3 min [23]. The syringe used to remove the sample
(measured as R2) and interpolating the resulting equation. immediately following irradiation was pre-flushed with the gas mix

K. Chia, R.L. Paul, A.J. Weeks et al. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 110 (2022) xxx

used in the experiment and samples were placed on ice for immediate sigmoid form in the data, an exponential function was used to fit the data
plating for the clonogenic assay (see Supplemental Data for details). using GraphPad Prism version 5.03 for Windows (GraphPad Software, San
For each atmosphere, experiments were performed in triplicate and un- Diego, CA): y = [24]exp(−cx) + a, where x = pO2 (controlled variable),
irradiated control samples were taken. The following equation was used y = normalised optical density of western blot (measured variable,
to fit the data: y = (1 + axc) / (1 + bx c), where x = pO2 (mmHg), y = assumed to be proportional to HIF1α expression), and a, b and c are
relative radiosensitivity (defined as and constrained to be unity at pO2 constants optimised (least squares) separately for the data: a represents
= 0), and a, b and c are constants optimised separately for each cell line. value of y when x = 0, b represents the minimum plateau value of y
and was constrained to zero since this is the smallest possible value for
2.4. PET tracer retention x (and this was consistent with the real data). Threshold pO2 was
objectively taken as the value of x when y = (a − b) / 2.
The radiotracer stock was diluted with PBS so that 100 kBq in 100 μL
was added to MCF-7 and HCT116 cell suspensions in 40 mL medium 3. Results
(both cell lines at 1 × 10 6/mL) that had been equilibrated with the cho-
sen atmosphere. Three 200 μL samples were removed with a glass, gas- 3.1. Dissolved oxygen concentration
tight syringe (Hamilton Company, Reno, NV) pre-flushed with the rele-
vant gas mix, at 1, 5, 15, 30, and 60 min and placed on ice in gas-flushed Despite use of the same cell density, cell line, rocker rate, tempera-
crimp-top glass vials (Chromacol, Welwyn Garden City, UK) before ture, growth phase and certified gas mixtures for each corresponding
centrifuging at 400g for 30 s. The supernatants (180 μL) and cell pellets experiment, pO2 readings in the cell suspension often varied between
(including 20 μL residual supernatant) were counted in a gamma coun- experiments (Supplementary Table 1). Despite continuous agitation of
ter (Wallac 1282-001 Compugamma CS, Turku, Finland) using the cell suspension to aid O2 diffusion into the medium from the
Ultroterm software. Percent radioactivity retained in cells, correcting overlying gas, the pO2 measured in the cell suspension was
for the 20 μL of supernatant left with the cell pellet, was calculated as consistently lower than expected from the gas phase composition (as
[cell pellet counts − (supernatant counts / 9)] / (cell pellet counts + su- compared with cell-free medium). The difference was most pronounced
pernatant counts) × 100%. In [ 18F]FMISO experiments, because % uptake when using a gas mix with <1 mmHg O2 where the expected (based on
in cells was very low, additional samples were taken at 120 min and a cell-free measurements) pO2 was threefold higher than the real value
wash step was added using culture medium to remove unbound [ 18F] measured in the cell suspension (Fig. 2). The reason for this is that
FMISO prior to counting. The following sigmoidal equation was used despite agitating the medium with a rocker, limiting the cell
to fit the data: y = a + [24] / (1 + 10 logc-x) where x = pO2 concentration to 1 million per mL, and the use of a large surface area
(controlled variable), y = % radiotracer uptake (measured variable) vessel (78.5 cm 2), gas exchange at the surface of the medium was
and a, b and c are fitted constants, a representing maximum plateau % unable to keep up with the O2 consumption by cells and became
uptake, b representing minimum plateau % tracer uptake, and c limiting, especially at very low O2 levels (<1 mmHg O2). This
representing half maximal uptake (threshold pO2). The optimised reinforced the importance of directly measuring and reporting the pO2
value of c was taken as the objective threshold. of the cell suspension rather than assuming equilibration with the O2
content of the gas mixture to which the cells were exposed (which is
2.5. Pimonidazole binding frequent practice in literature in this field). Cell viability was assessed
under these experimental conditions and was found to be >99%
Pimonidazole (HPI, Inc., Burlington, MA) was added to HCT116 cell (Supplementary Fig. 2).
suspensions (1 × 10 6/mL in 40 mL) that had been equilibrated with
the chosen atmosphere for 30 min to give a final concentration of 200 3.2. PET tracer retention
μM. After 2 h incubation, 2 × 10 5 cells in 200 μL medium were removed,
centrifuged and resuspended in cold PBS, fixed in 70% ethanol and PET tracer uptake, radiosensitivity, HIF1α expression and
stored at −20 °C until they could be processed (by a published method pimonidazole binding data were plotted on identical pO2 axes in order
[22]). Fixed and frozen samples were incubated with fluorescein iso-
thiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated mouse monoclonal IgG1 anti-
Ratio to expected/observed

pimonidazole antibody (HPI, Inc., Burlington, MA) or FITC-conjugated 5

mouse monoclonal IgG1 isotype antibody (Caltag-MedSystems Ltd.,
Buckingham, UK) at room temperature. Flow cytometry of
pO2 in medium

pimonidazole binding was carried out on a FACSCalibur flow

cytometer using BD Cellquest Pro software (BD, Oxford, UK), acquiring
approximately 10,000 events for each analysis. To fit the data, a general- 3
ised (i.e. constraint-free) variant of the sigmoid equation used above for
radiosensitivity data was used: y = (ax c) / (bc + xc) + d where x = pO2
(controlled variable), y = fluorescence intensity (measured variable, 2
assumed to be proportional to pimonidazole uptake) and a, b, c and d
are constants optimised (least squares) for the data. 1
2.6. HIF1α determination
Suspensions of MCF-7 cells (2 × 105 cells in 40 mL) were equilibrated 0 10 20 30 40
with the chosen atmosphere for 1.5 h. Samples were transferred using
chilled pipette tips into chilled centrifuge tubes before pelleting cells by
pO2 in gas mix (mmHg)
centrifugation at 4 °C. Nuclear protein extracts were prepared using NE-
PER® Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction kit (Pierce Biotechnology, Fig. 2. Difference in pO2 between expected level based on gas mix (○) and observed level
in cell free medium (■) and cell containing (HCT116 cells at 1 × 106/mL) medium (Δ) as
Rockford, IL) according to the manufacturer's instructions and stored at measured by OxyLab oxygen sensor. The difference was most pronounced when using a
−80 °C until required. HIF1α protein was determined using western blot- gas mix with <1 mmHg O2 where the expected (based on cell-free measurements) pO2
ting (see Supplemental Data for details). Since there was no indication of was threefold higher than the real value measured in the cell suspension.

K. Chia, R.L. Paul, A.J. Weeks et al. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 110 (2022) xxx

a Radiotracer uptake b Radiosensitivity

80 2.8

Relative Radiosensitivity
[64Cu]CuATSM (HCT116)
% Radiotracer uptake 2.4
60 [64Cu]CuATSM (MCF7)
[ F]FMISO (HCT116)
[18F]FMISO (MCF7) 2.0

20 HCT116

1.2 MCF-7
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Oxygen (mmHg) Oxygen (mmHg)

c Pimonidazole binding d HIF1

Median Fluorescence Intensity

50 0.6

Normalized Densitometry
40 0.5



0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Oxygen (mmHg) Oxygen (mmHg)

Fig. 3. (a) pO2 dependence of tracer uptake after incubation for 30 min ([64Cu]CuATSM) and 120 min ([18F]FMISO) (samples taken in triplicate, mean and SEM shown. Unseen bars are
hidden within data points); (b) the pO2 dependence of cellular radiosensitivity (for each atmosphere, experiments were performed in triplicate and unirradiated control samples were
taken; mean and SEM shown. Unseen bars are hidden within data points); (c) pO2 dependence of pimonidazole binding in HCT116 cells (each data point represents an individual
experiment performed at a specific pO2); (d) pO2 dependence of HIF1α expression in MCF-7 cells (see Fig. 6 for the corresponding western blot “A”). This graph is representative of
two sets of experiments covering the range of pO2 levels. The second western blot and graph can be found in Supplementary Fig. 4. Horizontal axes are identical in (a) to (d) for easy
comparison, which shows that threshold pO2 for onset of PET tracer uptake is much lower than that for radioresistance, pimonidazole uptake or HIF1α expression.

to easily compare the different O2 thresholds. Hypoxia-specific reten- plateaued past the 15 min time point (hence the subsequent uptake
tion of [ 64Cu]CuATSM was seen in both cell lines with similar maximal measurements at all pO2 levels were curtailed at 60 min) but [ 18F]
percentage retention levels (Fig. 3a). [ 18F]FMISO also showed hypoxia- FMISO retention was much lower, increased more slowly and
selective retention but with a much lower maximal percentage reten- continued to plateau beyond 120 min (Fig. 4). Supplementary Fig. 3
tion level in HCT116 cells than in MCF-7 cells (Fig. 3a). Fig. 4 shows shows [ 64Cu]CuATSM and [ 18F]FMISO retention curves for different
[ 64Cu]CuATSM and [ 18F]FMISO retention curves over time for HCT116 pO2 levels and at all time points. The uptake data were also plotted
and MCF-7 cells under anoxic conditions. [ 64Cu]CuATSM retention with pO2 values on a log scale in order to better estimate the half-
maximal values, which occurred at very low pO2 levels not easily
represented on a linear scale. While the bis(thiosemicarbazone)
complexes showed wide variation in % uptake in cells (as expected
since they were designed to have a range of lipophilicity values in
Radiotracer uptake
order to control pharmacokinetics), all of them, as well as [ 18F]FMISO,
80 [64Cu]CuATSM (HCT116) showed a sharp increase in uptake only when pO2 levels fell below
% Radiotracer uptake

[64Cu]CuATSM (MCF-7) 1 mmHg (Fig. 5). The pO2 levels producing a half-maximal cellular
60 [18F]FMISO (HCT116)
[ 64Cu]CuATSM retention at 30 min were approximately 0.60 mmHg
(HCT116) and 0.75 mmHg (MCF-7). The pO2 values for half-maximal
[18F]FMISO (MCF-7)
40 [ 18F]FMISO binding at 120 min were approximately 0.03 mmHg (MCF-
7) and 0.02 mmHg (HCT116) (Fig. 5). The additional copper tracers
(complexes of ATS, CTS, ATSE, DTS, DTSM, and DTSE), were assessed in
the HCT116 cell line only and all showed similar hypoxia-selective re-
tention with half-maximal retention values in the range 0.1–1.
0 1 mmHg (Fig. 5, Supplementary Table 2). The steepness of the uptake
0 30 60 90 120
curves near the threshold pO2 value meant that few data points could
Time (min)
be collected in this region (as is generally the case with steep sigmoid
curves), limiting the precision with which the thresholds could be
Fig. 4. Percent [64Cu]CuATSM and [18F]FMISO uptake in HCT116 and MCF-7 cells under
measured. Nevertheless, no calculated threshold values exceeded 1.
anoxic conditions at 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120 min, showing slower uptake kinetics for [18F]
FMISO (samples taken in triplicate, mean and SEM shown. Unseen bars are hidden 1 mmHg and none of the tracers gave % uptake levels significantly
within data points). higher than baseline normoxic levels until pO2 fell below 1 mmHg.

K. Chia, R.L. Paul, A.J. Weeks et al. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 110 (2022) xxx

HCT116 cells [64Cu]CuCTS maximal response of HIF1α in MCF-7 cells was in the range 10–13
80 [64Cu]CuATS mmHg (Supplementary Table 2).
% Radiotracer uptake

60 [64Cu]CuATSM (MCF7)
4. Discussion
40 To our knowledge, this is the first study to compare directly the pO2
dependence of radiotracer retention with that of cellular
20 [64Cu]CuDTSE
radiosensitivity, pimonidazole binding and HIF1α expression under
identical controlled conditions. It confirms previous reports that
significant hypoxia-selective cellular retention of [ 18F]FMISO and
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102
Oxygen (mmHg) [ 64Cu]CuATSM (and its analogues) occurs in vitro, but it also shows
that these tracers are only able to identify maximally hypoxic cells and
Fig. 5. Percentage uptake of hypoxia tracers plotted against directly measured dissolved O2 not cells that are at intermediate levels of hypoxia. We also highlight
levels using a log scale at 120 and 30 min time points [18F]FMISO and 64Cu-labeled bis an important mismatch between these PET tracers and other markers
(thiosemicarbazones) respectively. Data were derived from HCT116 cells unless of hypoxia: tracer uptake only occurred at oxygen levels that were one
otherwise stated (samples taken in triplicate, mean and SEM shown. Unseen bars are
or two orders of magnitude below levels that induced pimonidazole up-
hidden within data points).
take, HIF1α expression and radioresistance. In these respects, the PET
tracer evaluated do not meet the criteria of an ideal PET hypoxia tracer
3.3. Radiosensitivity for radiotherapy planning in cancer, which should have a pO2
threshold for increased uptake that matches those observed in
Relative radiosensitivity, defined as (1 − surviving fraction) / (1 − clinically and biologically relevant processes such as radioresistance
surviving fraction at 0 mmHg O2), of both cell lines showed very little and HIF1α expression.
decline as pO2 fell from 140 to 25 mmHg, but decreased rapidly Despite differences in absolute % uptake and rate of uptake between
between 25 and 0 mmHg (Fig. 3b). The maximum increase in relative tracers and between cell lines (attributable to different lipophilicity and
radiosensitivity (RR) due to increasing pO2 was 2.5 for HCT116 cells cell permeability of the tracers and possibly different intracellular re-
and 1.9 for MCF7 cells (the RR under anoxic conditions is defined as 1. ducing agents and their concentrations in the different cell lines), all
0). The pO2 for half-maximal radiation sensitivity was around 7 mmHg the PET tracers in both cell lines examined shared a similar pattern of
for both cell lines (Supplementary Table 2). Supplementary Table 3 uptake in response to decreasing pO2 in the medium: a steep sigmoid
lists the relative radiosensitivity data for both cell lines. curve, making them essentially binary, with a “switch” between high
and low uptake (Fig. 5). The extreme steepness of the sigmoid curves
3.4. Pimonidazole binding permitted only limited sampling around the inflexion of the curves
which made accurate determination of half-maximal values difficult
Pimonidazole adduct formation in HCT116 cells increased sharply as and necessarily approximate. However, the sigmoid curves provided
pO2 dropped below 25 mmHg, reaching a plateau below 10 mmHg O2 unambiguous qualitative indication of low pO2 thresholds (Fig. 5 and
(Fig. 3c). The pO2 producing half-maximal pimonidazole binding was Supplementary Table 2). [ 64Cu]CuCTS also showed a higher pO2
17 mmHg (Supplementary Table 2). Cell samples from pimonidazole threshold than other bisthiosemicarbazone complex analogues in the
binding experiments using MCF-7 cells could not be analysed due to se- isolated perfused rat heart model [18,21]. In contrast to PET tracer up-
vere clumping of cells despite the use of a cell detachment solution and a take, the response curves for radiosensitivity, pimonidazole binding
cell strainer. and HIF1α expression showed much higher half-maximal pO2 values
(7–17 mmHg) and dramatically less steep slopes (Fig. 3).
3.5. HIF1α protein expression The threshold values in the present work are comparable to those re-
ported by us previously but significantly lower (more extremely hyp-
In total,18 individual hypoxia experiments were carried out at vari- oxic) than some previously reported by others. The threshold pO2 of 0.
ous different pO2 levels. The nuclear HIF1α extracts were analysed on 02 and 0.03 mmHg for [ 18F]FMISO in HCT116 and MCF-7 cells respec-
two separate western blots. As the two blots were not exposed at the tively is lower than previously published values of 720–2300 ppm (0.
same time, the data were kept separate and two individual graphs 55–1.75 mmHg) in V-79, EMT6 (UW), RIF-1, and CaOs-1 cells [25]. Sim-
were generated. Levels of nuclear HIF1α protein increased markedly ilarly, our finding of 0.6 mmHg for [64Cu]CuATSM in HCT116 cells and 0.
as pO2 dropped below 50 mmHg, reaching a maximum at an O2 75 mmHg in MCF-7 cells is lower than the 2500 ppm (1.9 mmHg) re-
sensor reading of −0.1and 0.2 mmHg for blots A (Figs. 3d and 6) and ported by Lewis et al. in EMT6 cells [20]. [ 18F]FMISO demonstrated
B (Supplementary Fig. 4a and b) respectively. The pO2 for half- greater maximal percentage retention level in HCT116 cells than in
MCF-7 cells, a finding similar to that of Rasey et al. where a 10-fold dif-
Oxygen (mmHg)
ference was seen between EMT6 and V79 cells [25]. It is to be expected
that the different cell lines used give rise to different threshold pO2
6 .1 7 5 4 .2 .7 .4 .4 values, but more important may be the different experimental
15 -0 0.1 3.8 8.2 17 22 31 51 methods, in particular those for pO2 measurement. The previously
HIF1 published [ 18F]FMISO data referred to above were acquired by gassing
of cell monolayers in a very thin (100 μm) layer of overlying liquid.
This technique reduces the equilibration time between gas and liquid
to 6 s but does not involve direct monitoring of the pO2 in the liquid
overlying the cells [26,27], therefore the O2 concentrations reported
must be regarded as less reliable. The [ 64Cu]CuATSM data from Lewis
TBP et al. were obtained by plotting tracer retention against O2 content of
the gas rather than pO2 measured in the cell suspension [20]. Our
preliminary measurements (Fig. 2) confirmed that when cells were
Fig. 6. Western blot “A” analysis of HIF1α protein levels as a function of pO2 in MCF-7 cells present, oxygen consumption led to significantly lower pO2 in the cell
(see Fig. 3d for graphical representation of the data). suspension than that predicted from the gas phase composition based

K. Chia, R.L. Paul, A.J. Weeks et al. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 110 (2022) xxx

on cell-free measurements (particularly at the low end of the pO2 of nuclear HIF1α protein rapidly increased below pO2 of ~20 mmHg,
range). Therefore it is not unexpected that our measured threshold reaching a maximum at a pO2 sensor reading of −0.1 mmHg. The pO2
values of pO2 for [ 64Cu]CuATSM, and indeed all the other tracers, are for the half-maximal response of HIF1α was 10–13 mmHg, similar to
lower and probably more realistic than many reported in literature values of 1.5–2% (11.4–15.2 mmHg) reported by Jiang et al. using HeLa
that were not directly measured. cells [37]. Similar to the mismatch between PET tracers and
Pimonidazole immunohistochemistry is often used to characterise pimonidazole measurement discussed above, the mismatch between
tissue hypoxia from an immunohistochemical perspective and as a the pO2 dependency of HIF1α and the hypoxia PET tracers examined
“gold–standard” hypoxia marker against which to validate PET hypoxia in this study suggest that the PET tracers may be unsuitable as surrogate
tracer accumulation [27–31]. The binding characteristic of pimonidazole markers of hypoxia-dependent HIF1α activation. Due to their very low
has been described by some as almost binary, showing strong binding at pO2 threshold, a negative [ 18F]FMISO or [ 64Cu]CuATSM PET scan
≤10 mmHg O2 but none above 10 mmHg [32]. However, others have would fail to rule out HIF1α over-expression in a tumor, an important
demonstrated measureable pimonidazole binding at much higher component of HIF1α directed trials.
levels of O2 than 10 mmHg [33]. In this study, we found that The shape of the radiosensitivity response curve (Fig. 3b) is consis-
pimonidazole binding increased sharply below ~25 mmHg O2, with a tent with previous in vitro studies showing that the relative sensitivity
half-maximal binding threshold of 17 mmHg which is much higher of cells to killing by radiation starts to fall at pO2 below 25 mmHg and
than that of all the PET tracers used in this study. that cells with pO2 < 0.5 mmHg represent the most radioresistant
At first glance, this mismatch is surprising, especially since, in the population [38]. In the clinic, tumours present with varying degrees of
case of [ 18F]FMISO, the mechanism of intracellular trapping is purport- hypoxia and studies using Eppendorf polarographic needle electrodes
edly the same as that of pimonidazole, as both are nitroimidazole deriv- have been used to plot the distribution of pO2 directly measured in
atives. However, the difference in the half-maximal binding threshold tumours (Fig. 7) [39]. These studies also recorded clinical outcomes
may lie in the much lower concentration of the PET tracer (by at least following courses of conventionally fractionated (2 Gy per fraction
a million-fold) compared to pimonidazole in the experiments. The administered daily over 6–7 weeks) or hyperfractionated radiotherapy
widely accepted mechanism of hypoxia selectivity of both the (1.25 Gy per fraction administered twice daily over 5.5–6 weeks) and
nitroimidazole and copper bis(thiosemicarbazone) derivatives is that showed that hypoxic tumours were strongly linked with worse patient
after entry into the cell, intracellular reduction converts the probe into outcomes [4,5,40]. The pO2 thresholds associated with poorer clinical
an intermediate that can either undergo further reaction which leads outcomes in these studies were in the range 2.5–10 mmHg. Thus, in
to trapping, or can be re-oxidised by molecular oxygen allowing escape the context of conventionally fractionated radiotherapy regimens, an
from the cell; hypoxia favours the former pathway. According to our hy- ideal PET tracer would exhibit a pO2-dependent uptake with a threshold
pothesis, at the PET tracer concentration, even very low levels of molec- in the range 2.5–10 mmHg, whereas the pO2 thresholds for all the PET
ular oxygen would be sufficient to reoxidise the probe and allow its re- tracers evaluated in this work (0.02–1.10 mmHg) fall one or two order
lease, whereas at the higher concentrations required for immunohisto- of magnitude below these ideal values; their cellular retention is signif-
chemical detection of pimonidazole binding, much higher levels of mo- icantly increased only in extreme hypoxia. This mismatch may weaken
lecular oxygen would be required to reoxidise a significant fraction of the sought-after correlation between PET tracer retention and resistance
the probe molecules. Consequently, the threshold pO2 for trapping of to conventionally fractionated radiotherapy, and could lead to the incor-
the pimonidazole is much higher than that for the PET tracers, and the rect classification of tumor regions as “normoxic” despite being moder-
slope of the response curve at this threshold is much less steep, despite ately hypoxic and hence relatively radioresistant and amenable to hyp-
their similar trapping mechanisms. If this behaviour is extrapolated to oxia modification therapies.
the in vivo context, tumor regions with intermediate hypoxia (e.g. Although many clinical radiotherapy treatments are delivered using
2–20 mmHg), harbouring few extremely hypoxic cells, would show small individual doses (1.25–3 Gy) administered daily over many weeks
very little [ 18F]FMISO or [ 64Cu]CuATSM retention but significant [23], technical advances in image guidance and treatment delivery
pimonidazole binding. Moreover, in some studies using pimonidazole methods have led in recent years to the rapid development of
in vivo as a comparator for PET tracers, the pimonidazole is injected
with or before the PET tracer; under such circumstances the PET tracer
distribution is likely to be quite different from that in the absence of 20 Threshold of radioresistance: Stereotactic radiation therapy
pimonidazole (i.e. the manner in which PET tracers would normally be
Threshold of [64Cu]CuATSM/[18F]FMISO uptake
used clinically). Indeed, while some studies show a spatial correlation
between PET tracer uptake and pimonidazole staining, many others do
not [27–31]. This rationale may explain the findings of a pre-clinical re- Threshold of radioresistance: conventionally
port of an in vivo study involving [18F]EF5, another nitroimidazole derived fractionationated radiation therapy
Frequency (%)

hypoxia PET tracer, which showed that the [18F]EF5 was taken up in oxy-
genated tumor regions when administered concurrently with unlabelled 10
EF5 at immunohistochemistry doses (30 mg/kg), but not when adminis-
tered at tracer level without unlabelled EF5 [34]. We suggest, therefore,
that because of the orders-of magnitude concentration difference be-
tween the contexts of PET imaging and immunohistochemical hypoxia
measurement, the two methods provide different information and non-
concordance does not imply that either is incorrect. Moreover, caution is
required in the design of clinical and preclinical in vivo experiments in 0
which one is used as a control or gold standard against which to compare 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
the other. Median pO2 (mmHg)

HIF1α is the key transcription factor in the cellular adaptation to a

hypoxic microenvironment and increased expression of the protein Fig. 7. Chart showing frequency of different median pO2 readings measured in human
has been strongly associated with tumorigenesis, poor patient outcomes tumours compared with threshold pO2 levels for radioresistance in stereotactic radiation
therapy, radioresistance in conventional fractionated radiotherapy and PET tracer
and treatment resistance [35]. Novel strategies are currently being de- uptake. The latter is a close match for radioresistance in stereotactic radiation therapy
veloped to target this crucial survival pathway that has been detected but not conventional fractionated radiotherapy. Data are based on individual patients
in a wide range of solid tumours [35,36]. In this study, the expression and were pooled from across nine separate studies (pO2 data adapted from reference 39).

K. Chia, R.L. Paul, A.J. Weeks et al. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 110 (2022) xxx

stereotactic radiation therapy (SRT) techniques which involve large Funding

doses of radiation (8–30 Gy) per fraction delivered in 1–5 sessions
[41]. SRT treatments are commonly referred to as stereotactic ablative This work was supported by the Centre of Excellence in Medical En-
radiotherapy (SABR), stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) or stereo- gineering funded by the Wellcome Trust and EPSRC (WT088641/Z/09/Z,
tactic radiosurgery (SRS) when treating the brain. In constrast to con- WT 203148/Z/16/Z), the KCL-UCL Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Cen-
ventionally fractionated radiotherapy, SRT delivers a larger biological ef- tre funded by Cancer Research UK & EPSRC, in association with the MRC
fective dose of radiation by using small margins and ensuring steep dose and the Department of Health (England), EPSRC Programme Grant [EP/
drop-off outside the tumor, minimising dose to surrounding normal tis- S032789/1, “MITHRAS”], a Wellcome Trust Multi-User Equipment Grant
sues [42]. It is known from in vivo assays using single, high doses of ra- (WT212885/Z/18/Z) and the National Institute for Health Research
diation (10–30 Gy) that the biological effect at these doses is deter- (NIHR) Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre award to Guy's &
mined by the maximally resistant cells in the tumor (pO2 < 0.5 St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with King's College
mmHg), originally termed the “radiobiological hypoxic fraction” [43]. London and King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. K.C. received
This pO2 threshold for SRT, unlike the threshold for conventionally frac- a Cancer Research UK Clinical Training Fellowship and A.J.W. was sup-
tionated radiotherapy, closely matches the pO2 thresholds for all the PET ported by a grant from the Guy's and St. Thomas' Charity (Grant to
tracers evaluated in this work (0.02–1.10 mmHg) which suggests that P.J.B.). The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily
these tracers may be more useful in identifying clinically relevant hyp- those of the NHS, the NIHR or the DoH.
oxia in tumours treated with this radiotherapy technique than with con-
ventional fractionation. Furthermore, hypoxia may be of more impor- Declaration of competing interest
tance to SRT than to conventionally fractionated radiotherapy due to
the absence of reoxygenation with single fraction treatments [16]. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial in-
Early preclinical studies have shown that fractionating radiotherapy terests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
mitigates hypoxic radioresistance by allowing reoxygenation of hypoxic the work reported in this paper.
tumor cells in between treatments, thereby increasing their susceptibil-
ity to radiation damage [44]. Tumours suitable for treatment with SRT Acknowledgments
have been shown to harbour hypoxic regions [45,46] and both preclini-
cal and clinical studies have started looking at hypoxia modification We thank posthumously Kath Martin for synthesis and characteriza-
strategies in conjunction with SRT [47,48]; PET hypoxia tracers could tion of new bisthiosemicarbazones and copper complexes. We thank
be used to assess such strategies in this context. Dr. Judith P. Banath (British Columbia Cancer Research Centre) for the
anti-pimonidazole staining protocol and Dr. Jim Ballinger for helpful
5. Conclusion comments on the manuscript.

The in vitro approach taken in this work cannot fully predict the be- Appendix A. Supplementary data
haviour of PET hypoxia tracers in vivo because it does not take into ac-
count pharmacokinetic properties such as hepatobiliary or urinary Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
clearance, interaction with blood proteins etc. which are critical to the org/10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2022.04.004.
delivery of the tracers to their target tissues and clearance from non-
target tissues. However, by adopting the in vitro approach we have References
been able to achieve a level of control and measurement of pO2 that is
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