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Created By :
Katrina Jacqueline Lu (XG/18)
Natasha Fredyshia (XG/24)
・゚ ・゚
✧ : *✧ :*Once upon a time, there was a little boy who
lived in Dagastar Village, named Kikomen. People in the
village usually called him "Kiko". Kiko lived with his
grandma who loved him so much and so did he. Kiko
was a brave and cheerful boy but naughty. He was very
well known by all the people in the Dagastar Village
because of his naughtness. He always bothered other
children until they got to cry. Then he left happily
。   。
without any guilty feeling. ⋆ ˚ ⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆ ˚ ⋆

.・゜゜・ One day, Kiko was bored so he decided to

go around his village and suddenly he saw a warning
board saying that the area was dangerous and
prohibitted to enter which showed to the
forest.. ・゜゜・
*+: 。 . 。 。 . 。 :+*After he saw that warning, he became
curious and tried to enter it. But the way that he tried,
the farmer came and directly Kiko hid his body
behind the tree because he knew that people would
scold at him. Then, he felt that today was not the right
time to be curious about the forest, so he went
。 。 。 。
home.*+: . . :+*
゚ ゚
+*:;;:* *:;;:*+ The next day, Kiko still curious and then he
encouraged himself to go to the forest quietly. When he
arrived in the forest, he looked here and there to make sure
that no one saw him enter the forest. After a while, he
looked after the forest. Suddenly he saw a long tail behind
the tree. Kiko was curious and tried to be more closer to the
。 。 。 。
tree. *+: . . :+*

*+: .。 。 。 。
. :+*Then he shocked because it was a monkey
with "pretty human face" and then the monkey with pretty
human face got angry because Kiko had made her
shocked too. Then she tried to beat Kiko, but fortunately
゚ ゚
Kiko could avoid it. +*:;;:* *:;;:*+

"Oh God!!! Who are you?!..." said Kiko with high pitch and
・゚ ・゚
✧ : *✧ :*"Heyyyy, what are you doing here??? This is my territory. I know what you
are coming here for. You want to cut down all of the tree, right?!

GET OUT OF HERE!. Said the monkey with pretty human face.. ・゜゜・
*・゚゚・ 。 。 ゚ ✿
*:. .. .:* :*:✼ "Calm down... Don't be angry first. Everything that you said, it's
not true.... I'm just only an ordinary person who come here with a curious feeling
  ・゚゚・ 。 。 ゚ ✿  
about this forest." said Kiko. * *:. .. .:* :*:✼
: *✧ :*"What things that make you curious?" asked the monkey.✧ : *✧ :* ・゚ ・゚
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛"I just curious about why my people at the
village called this place is a dangerous place and forbit all
the people to enter this place...".・゜゜・

. ・。.・゜✭・"And now, I know the answer, that you are one of the reasons.".・゜゜・
・゚ ・゚
✧ : *✧ :*"Liarr!!! GO AWAY! screamed the
・゚ ・゚
monkey and tried to beat Kiko." ✧ : *✧ :*

。 。 。 。
"*+: . . :+*I... I swear... You can check all of my body and I don't bring
anything that dangerous you here. I just want to be friend and more closer
with you." Said Kiko honestly. ⋆ ˚ ⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆ ˚ ⋆ 。
༶• ┈┈ ┈⛧ ♛"Are you sure want to be friend and more closer with me? Don't you
scared with my different kind from the other monkeys than what I have a human
face with a long tail? Said the monkey with pretty human face curiously.

┈ ┈┈
♛ ⛧ •༶"Yes, I'm sure. It's okay for me, no problem. I think that you are a
rare monkey of various types that exist with that beautiful face of yours."

Said Kiko with a happy smile. +*:;;:* *:;;:*+ ゚
༶• ┈┈⛧┈♛Then Kiko immediately asked her. ༶•┈┈⛧┈♛
"By the way, my name is Kiko, what yours? Said Kiko.

"Name??? What is name?! I think I don't have a name in my life." Said the
monkey with a surprised face.

"Hahaha....well...let me tell you. Name is a designation or label that

people give to someone." Said Kiko wisely.

"Well... I think I will give you a name for I call or label you later.
Let me think..." Said Kiko by thinking hard.

*+: .。 。 。.。:+*Then he immediately continued.*:..。o○ ○o。..:*

"Oh yeahh, I know. Your name is Cici." Said Kiko.

"Cici? Okay, I love that name..." Said the monkey with pretty human face."

"Yeah, beautiful name, isn't it. Just like your face. Equally beautiful between
the name and the face." Said Kiko with a laughing smile.
After hearing those words, she couldn't help but smile happily 🤗.

"Okay, I have to go home now. Later my grandma get angry with me if I go
home late. Let's meet again tomorrow, I will come here. Bye bye Ci..." Said
Kiko with waving hand while walking towards home.
"Bye bye Kiko, see you tomorrow." Said Cici with a smile.
And the next day, Kiko went to the forest to meet
Cici. They played together from morning until
night and they became more closer everyday
and the became "Best Friend". Day to day, week
to week and they had known each other for
about 2 months. They like to help each other and
shared some stories about their different lifes.

And come the day where Kiko's character showed

up who always liked to bother people and now
Kiko had a different wat to bother Cici. He lied to

"Ciciiii...!!! At my village have a party so there are so

many food in there such as meat, banana, and others."
Said Kiko.
"Is it true? Wowwww, let's go now." Said Cici.
"Let's gooo..." Said Kiko.

After they arrived, Kiko was laughing and Cici got confused
why Kiko was laughing.

"Where is the party?" Asked Cici.

"Hahaahaaaha... so funny... I lied to you." Said Kiko.
"You're so mean... such a liar. I'll go... Bye!!" Said Cici and
directly went to the forest.

Cici went back to the forest and so did Kiko.

Then, the next day, Kiko still tried to lie to Cici because he wasn't satisfied yet.

"Ciciiiii!!! Bad things happen. There is someone who want to

enter this place, your territory and they want to cut down
all of the tree to build a building." Screamed Kiko.
"Whattt!! I will beat them untill die, if they dare to cut down
and break my home." Surprised Cici.
"Oke... let's go. Before it's too late." Said Kiko.
And again, Kiko laughed loudly and made Cici angry for the second times.

"Are you lying again?" Said Cici.

"Haahahahaahha.... calm down Cici... I was
joking, you are so funny." Said Kiko.
"Oh My God! You can still laughing? That's not
funny!! Hey! Remember! When you are telling a lie
to other people, they will never trust what you
have said anymore!!! Even you tell the truth. I
won't trust you anymore.""

"Ahahahaa... Oke... I'm sorry, Ci. This the last, hahahahahha... I can't stop
laughing." Said Kiko.
"I don't care!!! Go away!!! I don't want to see your face. I hate you!!!" Said Cici
with a high note.
"Hahahahaa... don't be angry, see you..." Said Kiko and still laughing.

And suddenly the next day, there were

thousand of people came to Dagastar Village
to destroy all the villager's house because
they want to empty the land to sell it. After
that, all the villager woke up and tried to save
their house but it was useless. Looking their
villagers were suffer, Kiko felt scared and
don't know what to do and then he thought
that why didn't he ask Cici to help him and his

Then, Kiko went to the forest and asked Cici to help him against the people
who tried to destroy his village but Cici didn't want to hear what Kiko said.
Kiko repeatly asked Cici to help him but Cici still ignored it.

Then, Kiko gave up and went back to his

village and he can only see what had
happenned and also felt regret because, if
he never lied to Cici, Cici must be here and
helped him. And now he promised himself
not to tell a lie anymore even though it was a
This book tells the story of a child who told lies too often,
even though he was just joking, then when he told the
truth, no one believed him. So, the moral message or
message that can be obtained from the narrative text
above about "The Pretty Monkey" is never to lie, even if
it's just for fun. If you lie too often, in the end when you
tell the truth, no one will believe you.

Created By :
Katrina Jacqueline Lu (XG/18)
Natasha Fredyshia (XG/24)

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