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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02
Schools Division of the City of Ilagan
Calamagui 1st, City of Ilagan, Isabela


I. OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to.
 Define what is global warming;
 Identify the cause and effect of global warming;
 Appreciate the importance of the environment and;
 Suggest ways to solve global warming.
A. Topic: Global Warming
B. References: Science Grade 7 Module 4
C. Materials: Laptop, Smart TV, Visual Aids, Pictures, Power point presentation, bond papers
and pencil.
D. Values: Taking care of planet the Earth.



A. Routinary Activities

May I ask Mr/Ms. ____ to kindly lead us a (One student will lead the prayer)
morning prayer.

Good morning class!
Good morning, ma’am!
How are you feeling today?
Great ma’am!
Good to hear that.

Remain standing for a minute of

energizer to be led by Ms. Simon. (Students will do the energizer)

Thank you everyone. Kindly arrange

your chairs and pick - up the scattered
(Students follow the instruction)
litters. If you are done, you may take
your seat.
(Checking of attendance according to their seat
Checking of Attendance: plans)
Before we start, let me check the
attendance first. Make sure that you are
in your proper seats so that you will not
be marked absent.

I’m glad to see that everybody is

present today.

Classroom Management Strategies:

 Offer praise
 Listen Carefully
 Actively participate
 Positivity and rewards
 Clear rules and boundaries
 Use Non – Verbal Communication

B. Recall:

Last meeting, you took your long quiz and

we checked it afterwards. I already
recorded your scores and all I can say is
congratulations for those students who got
a passing score.

I will return your papers now for you to be Yes, ma’am.

able to know if you are one of the students
who passed the quiz.

(Returning of papers)

After you saw your scores, keep your

papers and let us proceed to our new

C. Motivation:

Class, I will group you into 3 groups. The

first row would be the Group no. 1, the
middle row is Group no. 2 and Group 3 Yes, ma’am.
probably the last row.


We are going to unlock words and pictures

that we may encounter in our topic.

I will give puzzled pictures in each group.

All you have to do is to solve the puzzled
pictures that is assigned to your group. None, ma’am.
Do you have any questions?
Are you ready class? Yes, ma’am.

I will give you 5 minutes to do your task.

Timer starts now.

D. Presentation of Topic:
Yes, ma’am.
Are all groups done?

Very good. After performing the game,

what pictures did you formed? Let’s start in
Group 1. The factories that emit vast smokes, ma’am.

Yes, Jessica? what can you say about the


Very good observation! Gian observed

factories that emit vast smokes, Thus, the
picture you formed is about

In group 1 they formed about Ma’am, the picture we formed is deforestation.

Industrialization. How about group 2?

Yes, allan?

You got it right! The picture they formed Trees are being cut, ma’am.
is about deforestation. So, what can you say
about the picture?
Yes earl?

Very good, earl. Yes, the pictures shows

that the trees are being cut.
Ma’am, the picture we formed is landslide.
What about in group 3? What picture did
you formed?
Yes, richwelle?

Excellent! In group 3, the picture they

formed is about landslide.

All your answers are correct. Everyone,

give yourself five claps.

The game you played earlier has something Our lesson for today is all about global warming,
to do with our lesson today. Based on the ma’am.
activity you played earlier, do you have
anything in your mind now what is our
lesson today?

Okay, you guess well. Our lesson for today

is all about global warming.

The pictures you formed earlier are the

cause and effect of a global warming.
Yes, ma’am.

Class, are you all excited to continue our

lesson for today?

E. Lesson Proper:

Before we discuss what really a global

warming is. Let us have an activity first.

I have here a pink flag and a red flag. In the

same group, I will give pink and red flag to
each group.

Here is the instruction. Everyone, listen


Based on the pictures that I will show you;

you will raise your red flag if the pictures
show the effect of a global warming.
However, if the pictures show the cause of a
global warming, you will raise your pink

Is everything clear, class?

Yes, ma’am.

(Pink flag)

Very good, group 2. Why pink flag?

Ma’am, because the picture shows garbage being
Exactly! The picture shows that garbage and
plastics are being burned which is a cause of
a global warming.

Good job! The picture shown is

deforestation. The trees are being cut down.
So, what should be the flag?

Yes, you got it right. Pink flag ma’am.

What can you see in the third picture?

Yes, in third picture you can see a polar bear Ma’am, a bear that is in the ice.
hanging on an ice or a snow. What flag is this?

Bravo! Red flag because it is the effect of a

global warming. Due to the temperature the snows Red flag, ma’am.
are melting, as a result, there are no more snows for
polar bears anymore.

What about the fourth picture? Is it a pink

flag or red flag? And why?

Excellent! You can see in the picture that Pink flag, ma’am because the picture shows
factories emitting vast smoke into the air which factories emitting smoke into the air.
leads to global warming. Hence, it is a pink flag.

(Red flag)
Okay, very good! Drought is also an effect
of a global warming.

What can you observe in this picture, class?

Smokes coming from the cars, ma’am.

Exactly! These cars and other vehicle are

emitting smokes like carbon dioxide that goes into
the atmosphere. What flag should be raised? Ma’am, pink flag.

Correct! Now give yourself a clap.

Based on the activity being tackled, let me

ask you, what is a global warming? Anyone who
has an idea?

Yes, Richwelle?
Global warming is the increasing average
temperature of the planet.

Precisely! A global warming is the long-

term heating of Earth's climate system observed due
to human activities.

Basically, global warming is cause by

humans. In the activity we did earlier, you
observed that the cause are all human activities. On
that activity, it increases heat-trapping greenhouse
gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere.

Understand class? Yes, ma’am.

I have here a two important concept. The

first one is the greenhouse gases and the second is
the climate change.
Ma’am, greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide,
Do you have any idea what are these two
methane, ozone and water vapor.
concepts? What are the greenhouse gases?

What a bright idea! Greenhouse gases are

carbon dioxide, methane, ozone and water vapor.
These gases are present in the Earth’s atmosphere
that absorbs and holding heat which causes earth’s
temperature to rise.

On the other hand, climate change is a long-

term change in the average weather patterns that
have come to define Earth's local, regional and
global climates. 

As temperature increases around the world,

weather patterns and seasons will change. This
changes in climate have already having troubling
effect. What is this troubling effect? Give me an
Higher temperature, ma’am.
Yes, Jessica?
Ma’am, glaciers and snows are melting that leads to
Correct! Another idea? sea level to rise.

Excellent! What else? Continues rain and floods ma’am.

Exactly! Yes, richwelle? Ma’am, changes in forest and wetlands.

Anymore idea? Increase in drought, ma’am.

Bravo! These effects are being shown in our Yes, ma’am.

activity earlier. Did you remember?

Very good! Do you have more questions?

None, ma’am.

F. Application:

For 5 minutes. Let the students trace their

left hand in one whole sheet of bond paper,
then ask them to write a brief description in
each finger on what are their little ways to
reduce or minimize the effects of global

(Have the students paste their work on the

board and pick 3 students to share their
answers in front of the class.)

IV. Generalization:

To sum up our lesson, what is Global Ma’am, Global warming is the increasing average
warming again? temperature of the planet.

Definitely, and what are the greenhouse

gases that is present in our atmosphere? Greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane,
ozone and water vapor, ma’am.

Correct! What are the effects of a global

warming? Ma’am, drought.
Yes, Jessica?
Good. Another idea? Severe storms and typhoons, ma’am.

Exactly! What else?

Yes, gian?
Ma’am, snows or glaciers are melting.
Very good! Glaciers are melting that leads
to rising sea levels.

In your home, what are your little ways to

minimize the effect of global warming? Turn off lights or any other appliances when not in
use, ma’am.
Precisely! Simply turning off your lights,
your television or computer when you’re
not using them will save you a thousand of
pounds of carbon dioxide a year.
Ma’am, start planting trees in your backyard.
Another answer?

Good idea! Planting trees is really

important because a single tree can absorb
one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.

Any more idea?

Drive less, take a walk or bike more often, ma’am.
Excellent! I’m glad that you all understand
our lesson today.


Saving our earth and its environment becomes

highly important as it provide us food and water to
sustain life. Our well-being solely depends on this
planet it gives food and water to all living things to
it is our responsibility to take care of it.

V. Evaluation:

Since you already know what the concept

of this lesson, I want to assure if all of you
understand what we tackled about earlier.
Prepare ¼ sheet of paper and try to answer
these following questions.

Directions: Choose the correct answer.

Multiple choice 1. A

1. It is the term used to describe a gradual

increase in the average temperature of
the earth’s atmosphere.
a. Global warming
b. Climate change
c. Greenhouse effect
2. The following are cause of a global 2. B
warming EXEPT one.
a. Deforestation
b. Planting trees
c. Industrialization
d. Using too much transportation 3. D
3. What are the effects of a global
a. Droughts
b. Changes in weather patterns
c. More severe storms; hurricanes and
d. All of the above 4. C
4. Which of the following contribute to
global warming?
a. Burning of fossil fuels
b. Deforestation
5. C
c. Planting trees in wider areas
5. One way of minimizing the effect of
global warming is using energy
efficiently like turning off lights when
not in use. Should everyone be
encouraged to do these at home? Why
or why not?
a. Yes, because energy cost is getting
too high
b. No, because using energy
efficiently at home is not enough
minimize global warming.
c. Yes, because all of us should work
together and be responsible in
minimizing the effect of global

For number 6-10. List down

possible solutions to minimize the
effects of global warming.

IV. Assignment:

For your assignment, in an Oslo paper,

create a campaign poster on Global
Warming Awareness.

Do you have more questions my dear

students? None, ma’am.

Good bye class, see you next meeting.

Good bye, ma’am.

Submitted by: Mistica Joy T. Maminta

Student Teacher
Submitted to: Mark Bryan Baua
Cooperating Teacher

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