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200 CÂU PART 5

(Tất cả những chủ điểm ngữ pháp hay ra trong đề thi TOEIC)

1. Employee must receive …………from their 7. Mr. Granger introduced a bonus program to
supervisors before taking extended periods of provide ………to the sales staff.
leave (A) motivating (B) motivated
(A) approval (B) approve (C) motivational (D) motivation
(C) approving (D) approvingly
2. ……. on the company’s new infrastructure 8. …….business hours was the only way that the
will be help the day after the public store could increase sales.
announcement of the merger. (A) Extend (B) Extends
(A) Discussed (B) Discuss (C) Extending (D) Extendable
(C) Discusses (D) Discussions
3. Due to the recent economic depression, the 9. Property developers are………to build a
government provided financial assistance to residential area near the power plant.
companies and prevented ………from going (A) hesitated (B) hesitation
bankrupt. (C) hesitant (D) hesitate
(A) theirs (B) them
(C) they (D) themselves
4. The office …..said he would order the supplies 10. ……Kortex Technologies want is to launch
in the morning. their newest software at the trade fair.
(A) manages (B) managerial (A) What (B) In
(C) manager (D) managing (C) There (D) Because
5. Ms. Laudau said it is ………that all 11. The printer model had to be redesigned as
department heads submit their cost estimates by analysts found that the cartridge holders
Friday. were…………
(A) vitally (B) vitalize (A) defects (B) defectively
(C) vital (D) vitality (C) defection (D) defective
6. Ms. Zhang often ……….to Southeast Asia to 12. The high – yielding crop variety has allowed
meet with different clients and visit her farmers to become …..enough to supply both
company’s branch offices. local and international markets.
(A) going (B) goes (A) productive (B) produced
(C) gone (D) to go (C) producing (D) production
13. In an interview with Ecofriend, Dr. Marshall 19. The opening of the new airport terminal was
…..that the government would soon implement delayed ……several problems with the security
an energy recycling campaign. system.
(A) to reveal (B) reveal (A) when (B) because
(C) revealed (D) revelation (C) due to (D) in spite of
14. ……..its monthly production target, Sanders 20. Copperhan Museum will present an ……..of
Corporation decided to build an additional European painters and sculptors in the upcoming
factory. months.
(A) Achieves (B) Achievement (A) exhibiting (B) exhibition
(C) To achieve (D) Achieved (C) exhibited (D) exhibitory
15. ……….for the research and development 21. The shipment of office furniture
position are required to submit at least two letters finally………this afternoon even though the order
of reference. was placed nearly two months ago.
(A) Apply (B) Applicants (A) arriving (B) arrived
(C) Applied (D) Appliable (C) to arrive (D) arrival
16. Karen completed her ……… for the 22. Because the……… could not attend the
advertising campaign last night. investor’s meeting, the chairman decided to
(A) propose (B) proposing postpone it until next week.
(C) proposed (D) proposal (A) representatives (B) representing
(C) represent (D) representational
17. Even though he looked at more than a dozen 23. Mr. Gomez was assigned to check the venue
places, Jordan could not find a space ……. for of the seminar……..Ms. Boyd was requested to
his shop. confirm the attendance of speakers.
(A) suitable (B) suiting (A) in addition to (B) while
(C) suitably (D) suit (C) aside from (D) except
18. Sliver Airlines is heavily …..on stock prices 24. Kaider’s Gym ……..a discounted membership
and foreign investment for capital. fee to people who reside in the same building.
(A) depend (B) dependent (A) offering (B) is offered
(C) dependency (D) depends (C) is offering (D) to offer
25. Experts……. that the regional economy 31. The committee has already made a quick
should improve within the next two year. ……about the location of the new manufacturing
(A) predicting (B) predictable plant.
(C) predictive (D) predict (A) decider (B) decision
(C) decide (D) decisively
26. The three – bedroom apartment on the 12th 32. The bank’s quarterly …..have dropped by 25
floor had been …….for several months before percent since last quarter because of unpaid
the new tenants moved in. mortgage loans.
(A) vacant (B) vacates (A) profits (B) profitably
(C) vacancies (D) vacancy (C) profited (D) profitable
27. Passengers traveling out of Denver can 33. The advertising team will gather to discuss
expect delays and cancellations of their flights marketing ideas ……their meeting with the
… conditions are severe. clients on Thursday.
(A) when (B) vacates (A) through (B) after
(C) owing to (D) vacancy (C) during (D) prior
28. Mr. Bullock left his telephone number with 34. The multi-million dollar film Fireflies is an
the personnel department so that they could ……..of the Spanish novel by Raul Solis.
contact … arrange an interview with Ms. (A) adapting (B) adaptable
Beam. (C) adaptation (D) adapts
(A) he (B) him
(C) his (D) himself
29. The ……..of production study was that the 35. As a member of the design team,………..will
factory needed new equipment. be in charge of the floral arrangements for next
(A) concluding (B) conclusively month’s trade show.
(C) conclusion (D) concludes (A) your (B) yourself
(C) yours (D) you
30. The owner of the hotel chain expects reduced 36. Coronation Engineering …… a slight
…….. in the hospitality industry because of decrease in building projects for the next two
cutbacks in corporate spending for business quarters.
travel. (A) anticipates (B) anticipation
(A) grow (B) growth (C) anticipating (D) anticipatory
(C) grown (D) grew
37. Lois Rowe has …… that all part – time staff 43. Local citizen are able to actively ……in the
members hand in their time cards on the last literacy program by sponsoring children’s
Friday of each month. education.
(A) request (B) requesting (A) participates (B) participate
(C) requested (D) request (C) participating (D) participation
38. Venti Automotive ………its plant with 44. The event planner has ……..that the head
update machinery, which has helped increase office hold its awards ceremony at the Depland
production rates. Hotel in Berlin.
(A) was equipped (B) equipped (A) was equipped (B) equipped
(C) equipment (D) to equip (C) equipment (D) to equip
39. Ms. Sanders said that the transportation strike 45. The ……offered to employees by the Maxon
is mostly what……. for the heavy traffic Group help to attract experienced and well –
congestion. educated applicants.
(A) account (B) excuses (A) beneficial (B) benefit
(C) mentions (D) explains (C) beneficially (D) benefits
40. Head researcher Hugh Baldwin………staff 46. Although Copeland Finance’s name has
members at a laboratory run by Hamilton & Lee …..following the takeover, control of the
Corporation. company passed to the Geno Group.
(A) supervision (B) supervises (A) retainable (B) retain
(C) supervising (D) supervise (C) retained (D) retains
41. …….several new routes were added going to 47. According to recently published reports, the
City Hall, traffic around the area has significantly new dedication can …….. dramatic weight loss in
decreased. patients.
(A) Since (B) During (A) induce (B) induces
(C) Due to (D) Except for (C) inducing (D) induced
42. Mr. Rogers has received an …… to present 48. Patrons at the Silverstar Cinema are…… from
his research findings at a local university in May. using their mobile phones during any film
(A) invited (B) inviting screening.
(C) invitation (D) invites (A) prohibition (B) prohibits
(C) prohibited (D) prohibiting
49. The receptionist in the lobby told Giorgio 55. The Guardford City Council …….. to attract
that he should ……… a message for Ms. Loren. more industry to the area in hopes that local
(A) leaving (B) leave employment rates will improve.
(C) leaves (D) to leave (A) was attempted (B) to attempt
(C) is attempting (D) having attempted
50. Mr. Lino has ……… a notice about 56. Launched just ten year ago, Vaden air has
tomorrow’s equipment inspection on the staff quickly ……….its competition to become the
bulletin board. leading discount carrier in the region.
(A) posts (B) posting (A) overtakes (B) overtaken
(C) poster (D) posted (C) overtake (D) overtook
51. To make the research process more efficient, 57. Operating hours for Orchard View Mall
the director mentioned the we must ……our are…… until ten in the evening during the
team into smaller groups. holiday shopping season.
(A) division (B) dividing (A) extend (B) extension
(C) divide (D) divider (C) extends (D) extended
52. Many food critics have ……..the new 58. Passengers ………the new subway line
restaurant and written positive reviews. complained about the constant delays throughout
(A) try (B) tried the first month of service.
(C) tries (D) trying (A) use (B) using
(C) uses (D) will use
53. Mr. Cole is………interviews with all the 59. All accounting staff can ……..the seminars
applicants for the editorial position. next week if they receive approval from their
(A) schedule (B) scheduled supervisors.
(C) schedules (D) scheduling (A) attend (B) attendance
(C) attending (D) attends
54. ……..consumer trends is an important factor 60. The Sports Association of Japan has
in marketing new products successfully. ……..Mika Yoshida for contributions to the
(A) Observe (B) Observing national baseball team.
(C) Observes (D) Observably (A) recognition (B) recognizing
(C) recognizes (D) recognized
61. An acticle reported that large shipping firms 67. Vehicles left unattended at the front entrance
have been diligently……..for ways to minimize of the building will be …… the owner’s
fuel consumption. expense.
(A) search (B) searches (A) removed (B) removal
(C) searchers (D) searching (C) remove (D) removes
62. Mr. Ro has asked …….to apply for a 68. Mr. Tripp’s delayed visit to the company’s
membership card at the front desk. offices in Cologne last month…….due to a
(A) shops (B) shopping scheduling error made by his assistant.
(C) shopper (D) shopped (A) was (B) been
(C) being (D) are
63. Hellen Wheeler’s appointment was not ……, 69. ……..Mr. Dickens allows Ms. Tate to work
as the board of director felt she lacked the from home because of her illness, she comes to
necessary experience. the office once a week.
(A) approved (B) approving (A) Even though (B) Nevertheless
(C) approves (D) approval (C) Therefore (D) Despite
64. Customer demands usually…….how much a 70. Only passengers who have cleared security
company will produce of a particular product. and immigration may ……. the departure area.
(A) influencing (B) influences (A) enters (B) entrance
(C) influence (D) influential (C) enter (D) entering
65. Josie Garder, with her exemplary 71. Guests of the Principe Grand are………from
performance, was …….to marketing director of the hotel to the event venue in complimentary
Marcus and Stacey Industrial Corporation last shuttle buses.
June. (A) transporting (B) transportations
(A) promotion (B) promotes (C) transports (D) transported
(C) promoted (D) promoting
66. The human resource manager will be 72. During the lecture, the professor……several
responsible for taking Ms. Tanaka on a tour of popular marketing strategies used to sell products
the facilities ……..she arrives on Monday. and services across the world.
(A) who (B) when (A) spoke (B) mentioned
(C) despite (D) following (C) talked (D) replied
73. The country club…..its database three 79. The guide announced that the tour of the
months ago with the contact information museum ….. in 10 minutes and is scheduled to
provided on members’ application forms. run for about two hours.
(A) to update (B) is updating (A) has been starting (B) will be starting
(C) updates (D) updated (C) was started (D) being started
74. Public transportation …….massive growth 80. The construction firm recently……..a press
this year because of the recent rise in the cost of conference to provide information on their new
fuel. stadium project.
(A) experiences (B) to experience (A) conducting (B) conducts
(C) is experiencing (D) experiencing (C) conducted (D) will conduct
75. Ms. Kyle ……. high levels of profitability for 81. After the assembly line malfunction was
her company by outsourcing manufacturing and ……., factory workers were told it would be two
distribution of products. hours before they could resume production.
(A) maintains (B) maintaining (A) found (B) finds
(C) to maintain (D) maintain (C) to find (D) find
76. Trot Barrett, who …….a lawyer for 15 years, 82. Due to a drop in popularity, Pizzazz
will be leading a discussion at the conference Beverages ……production of their line of
next week. flavored teas starting next quarter.
(A) is (B) was being (A) was discontinued (B) discontinued
(C) has been (D) to be (C) to discontinue (D) will discontinue
77. Because demand has been so high, Al Burj 83. Remington Air……a small surcharge to their
Department Store will ……its order of Luxor fares next month to help pay for the high cost of
cosmetics by 30 percent. operations.
(A) increase (B) increases (A) will apply (B) applying
(C) increased (D) increasing (C) applies (D) had applied
78. Ms. Finnigan ……. A letter to the editor of 84. Because of mechanical problems, the
the journal after she found and error in an article. elevators in Zeitgeist Hotel…….shut down until
(A) writing (B) writes this coming Friday.
(C) wrote (D) had written (A) has been (B) will be
(C) being (D) was
85. Paperclip Stationery was chosen as the new 91. Before they took their morning break, the
office supplier, as its delivery services event organizer ………attendees about the change
better…..the company’s needs. of speaker for the afternoon session.
(A) suit (B) suits (A) notify (B) is notifying
(C) suiting (D) suitable (C) had notified (D) notifies
86. Representatives from more than 40 92. The personnel director ………new employees
nations……in Tokyo last week to discuss on using the company’s Intranet system since his
solutions to the current global financial crisis. first year in the department.
(A) convened (B) convening (A) has instructed (B) will instruct
(C) convenes (D) to convene (C) instruct (D) is instructing
87. Mr. Calisto is eager to apply his knowledge 93. Giovanni would like to …….the manager to
of the food business and help Delicioso get permission to order the new software.
Corporation to become more……… (A) meeting (B) meet
(A) success (B) successfully (C) met (D) meets
(C) succeeded (D) successful
88. Usage of cellular phones …….not permitted 94. Priscilla and her team members ………a lot of
on the aircraft during takeoff and landing. useful information about new sales trends when
(A) are (B) is they attended the trade fair.
(C) will be (D) been (A) will gather (B) to gather
(C) gather (D) gathered
89. After Mr. Totti ……..the new design for the 95. The technician will visit our office for
resort’s brochure, he requested several changes. installation of the new equipment when
(A) saw (B) sees it……..delivered.
(C) seen (D) seeing (A) will be (B) is
(C) was (D) had been
90. During the meeting with the board Mr. 96. The delegates from Holland ……meeting with
Althorp announced that the company ……the Mr. Taylor in the conference room tomorrow
building project ahead of schedule. morning at 10
(A) finishing (B) finishes (A) was (B) have been
(C) finished (D) finish (C) is (D) will be
97. When Mr. Mckay returned from his business 103. Ms. Seiko …….a member of Eastern
trip, he noticed that several documents……from Vineyard’s board of directors since the company
his office. opened 30 years ago.
(A) had disappeared (B) will be disappeared (A) was (B) is
(C) will disappear (D) are disappearing (C) will be (D) has been
98. Due to studio rules and regulations, recording 104. Tintinit Electronics …….their revenue goals
devices …..not allowed on the premises. after studying sales figures at the end of each
(A) are (B) is quarter.
(C) will be (D) have been (A) revising (B) revises
(C) is revised (D) to revise
99. Analysts believe the public’s fear of future 105. Because of the adverse effects of widespread
economic crises………a decrease in consumer pollution, many governments around the world
spending over the year. are now …….strict waste management systems.
(A) were causing (B) has caused (A) implementing (B) implementation
(C) causing (D) is caused (C) implemented (D) implemental
100. At the launch of her new book last Saturday, 106. The exterior of Lancaster Hall, damaged by
author Linda Owens …….briefly about her a hurricane that struck the city earlier this year,
upcoming trip to India. ……restored by a group of engineers and artisans
(A) will speak (B) speaking (A) are (B) being
(C) spoke (D) speaks (C) was (D) were
101. Collingwood Textiles ……. a large loss 107. The lease contract for Cartwight Finance’s
several years ago because of the merging of its new office space…… courier yesterday
two biggest competitors morning.
(A) suffering (B) suffers (A) arrives (B) arriving
(C) suffered (D) suffer (C) will arrive (D) arrived
102. Many corporate leaders …… construct 108. … special effects technology for films
manufacturing factories in Latin America to have helped decrease costs of movie production
elevate employment rates. (A) Advancing (B) To advance
(A) to advise (B) advising (C) Advanced (D) Advances
(C) advises (D) are advised
109. Portney Corporation’s kitchen appliances 115. Mr. Patel……….a program of events
are …….in Taiwan and then shipped to the scheduled for new employees starting the training
United States for packaging. next week.
(A) assembling (B) assembles (A) post (B) has posted
(C) assembled (D) assemble (C) posting (D) to post
110. Frequently, the executive secretary …….to 116. The corporation’s general assembly will
comment of specific issues while the director is be……….on February 28 at the Auckland Vista
away. Convention Center.
(A) have asked (B) asking (A) holding (B) held
(C) asks (D) is asked (C) holds (D) hold
111. Generix’s newest line of televisions ……… 117. Recent studies of consumer spending
generate huge profits for the company. ……that the sale of luxury automobiles is in
(A) will expect (B) expecting decline
(C) is expected (D) expected (A) holding (B) held
(C) holds (D) hold
112. Devereux Department Store …….for their 118. The CEO of Trixie’s Fashion Boutique
high - quality products and exceptional customer is…….. to announce the opening of a new branch
service. in Amsterdam.
(A) is known (B) knowing (A) pleasing (B) pleases
(C) knew (D) has known (C) pleased (D) pleasant
113. Monthly …… for Jose Mendez’s auto repair 119. Guests to the corporate dinner can…….their
shop have been slipping due to the high cost of choice a steak, salmon, or a vegetarian dish.
rent. (A) has (B) to have
(A) profit (B) profits (C) having (D) have
(C) profitable (D) profitably
114. The factory safety regulations were……. by 120. Comprehensive……..are necessary for all
Mr. Keller following the facility’s failure to pass assembly line workers before they begin a
inspection. production project.
(A) revision (B) revising (A) instructed (B) instruction
(C) revised (D) revises (C) instructive (D) instructs
121. Because of the citywide transportation 127. Smart System programs are intended
strike, staff will be…… leave the office two to…….. technical assistance to smaller company.
hours early. (A) offers (B) offering
(A) allowance (B) allowing (C) have offered (D) offer
(C) allows (D) allowed
122. Attendees to the electrical engineering 128. …….sending an e-mail to the customer
convention were ……on the recent advances in service department to complain about a delayed
robotic technology. delivery, Ms. Cordero went directly to the shop
(A) updates (B) updating (A) Despite (B) Unless
(C) updated (D) update (C) If (D) Instead of
123. Colleton Technologies’ new mobile phones 129. After the conference ……due to the lack of a
are…….in event hall B at the convention center. public response, the director decided to advertise
(A) exhibit (B) exhibiting it more heavily
(C) being exhibited (D) exhibition (A) to postpone (B) postponed
(C) is postponing (D) was postponed
124. Increase in the cost of labor…….. many 130. Willmington Product’s clothing division
employers to reduce expenditures by cutting their ……. independently from the rest of the
workforce. company, with a separate headquarters based in
(A) driving (B) are driven Paris.
(C) have driven (D) were driven (A) operational (B) operate
(C) operating (D) operates
125. The building lease contract ……….the cost 131. Continental Research ………. numerous
of utilities, maintenence , and parking facilities. studies in the field of environmental constructions
(A) is included (B) to include and development each year.
(C) will be included (D) includes (A) to perform (B) was performed
(C) is performed (D) performs
126. Everyone …….that the CEO would inform 138. The special edition of Sue Melon’s novel
staff of the opening of a new overseas branch at will ……. exclusively at Page – Turner
the conference. Bookstores.
(A) anticipated (B) anticipating (A) have sold (B) selling
(C) was anticipated (D) to anticipate (C) be sold (D) have been selling
132. Visitors to the Westin House Gallery 139. If hotel reservations had been made sooner, it
are…….from taking photographs of any part of …….possible to accommodate all the participants
the collection. at one hotel.
(A) prohibited (B) prohibiting (A) is going to be (B) have been
(C) prohibition (D) prohibit (C) will be (D) would have been
133. Lorelie Montgomey is ……..the automated 140. Lanie will be ………for distributing flyers
equipment in the Seattle plant in an effort to and free samples during the trade fair, while
increase efficiency. Sylvia manages the booth.
(A) programmed (B) program (A) responsible (B) responsibility
(C) programming (D) programs (C) responsibly (D) response
134. If the executives’ annual bonuses had been 141. Had Ms. Gail handed in her proposal on
decreased, the company ……from their financial time, her director …….to delay the board meeting
crisis last year. until Tuesday.
(A) would have recovered (A) did not have
(B) will recover (B) would not be had
(C) has recovered (C) would not have had
(D) will be recovering (D) was having
135. All visitors to Canada…… fill out 142. Had the shipment …….before the deadline,
customs forms before proceeding through the sale might have started as scheduled.
immigration. (A) delivering (B) was delivered
(A) requiring (B) are required (C) been delivered (D) delivered
(C) requires (D) have required
136. The board of directors have finally ……a 143. …….Byron Industries broadcast the
decision about where to relocate the company’s television commercial, they may broaden their
new headquarters. market share.
(A) reached (B) reach (A) Will (B) Can
(C) to reach (D) been reaching (C) Might (D) Should
137. If Ms. Gozalez had not taken the position at 144. Had Mr. Dalton complained about this
Norse Manufacturing, the job would …….by Mr. purchase, Coleman Supplies ……the item or
Ericson. offered store credit.
(A) assuming (A) will exchange
(B) have been assumed (B) had exchanged
(C) had assumed (C) would have exchange
(D) be assuming (D) exchanging
145. Chapman Associates is expected……a bid 150. Jigsaw Furnishing is well………for their
for the construction of the new football field in stylish and comfortable office furniture.
New York City. (A) known (B) know
(A) has submitted (B) is submitting (C) knowing (D) knows
(C) will submit (D) to submit
146. Business at Melanzane Italian restaurant 151. Mr. Otto …….to thank the public relations
……to improve once the advertising campaign is department for organizing the charity event.
launched. (A) has liked (B) like
(A) will begin (B) beginning (C) would like (D) is liking
(C) has begun (D) began
147. The company asked the applicants for the 152. Ms. Ingram managed ……..with Mr.
service assistant position to……..a Manners about the project before she left for the
preemployment medical examination. conference last week.
(A) undergoing (B) underwent (A) speaks (B) had spoken
(C) undergoes (D) undergo (C) to speak (D) speaking
148. Mr. Roy has ordered all the 153. Those enrolled in the two – year program
staff…….together this week to come up with have a chance ……..several different areas of
some creative promotional ideas. finance.
(A) worked (B) works (A) study (B) studies
(C) to work (D) will work (C) studied (D) to study
149. Proof of employment, along with 154.The design team is working overtime this
confirmation of existing home ownership, will be weekend in order to ………their proposal by
……….for application of a mortgage loan. Monday morning.
(A) required (B) to require (A) finishing (B) finishes
(C) requires (D) require (C) finished (D) finish
155. Renowned journalist Anne Line was invited 162. Please make sure that the packages …….sent
……a speech at the Newsroom Conference in to the trade fair in Berlin are ready by Friday.
Minnesota. (A) to be (B) wase
(A) delivery (B) delivers (C) are (D) has been
(C) has delivered (D) to deliver
156.Customer is needed of faster delivery should 163.Ms. Chanel helped Mr. Drechsel …….the
use the company’s Web site……….place an delegates into the auditorium.
order. (A) escort (B) is escorting
(A) for (B) to (C) escorts (D) was escorted
(C) that (D) so
157. The building technician ………a gas leak in 164. ……..the launch of its newest sports car,
the offices on the fifth floor. Alto Automotives will be hosting a party at the
(A) detected (B) detecting Regal Hotel.
(C) detective (D) detect (A) Is celebrating (B) To celebrate
(C) Celebration (D) Celebrates
158. The part of the contract concerning payment 165. Assembly line workers are advised…….with
options has been ……by foreign clients. all the factory’s regulations for their own safety.
(A) misinterprets (B) misinterpreted (A) compliance (B) to comply
(C) misinterpreting (D) misinterpret (C) complying (D) complies
159. To ……….their oversees guests, San 166. mr. Dubois has been able to…….his
Sebastian Resort offers a variety of international extensive knowledge of accounting systems to the
menus. firm’s business situation.
(A) accommodate (B) accommodation (A) applying (B) applicant
(C) accommodating (D) accommodates (C) apply (D) applicable
160. The restaurant asks customers………their 167. The bank……an enormous amount of
business cards into a box locates on the service income from its branches in California.
counter. (A) generating (B) generates
(A) is dropping (B) drop (C) was generated (D) generate
(C) to drop (D) dropped
161. Attendees to the air travel hospitality 168. It is necessary …..all visitors to sign in at the
workshop can……for all the events listed on the security office before entering the research and
schedule. development department.
(A) registration (B) registering (A) for (B) to
(C) register (D) registers (C) but (D) that
169. After Mr. Cooper retires next month, the 175. The office manager had all staff……… the
company’s vice president, Lisa Bain, will be seminar to familiarize themselves with the new
chosen………him as CEO of the corporation. accounting software.
(A) success (B) to succeed (A) attending (B) attend
(C) successor (D) successful (C) attends (D) attended
170. Mr. Dowing went to the store to……seven 176. Ms. Bailey wants to ……. her office hours in
of the conference tables on display in the order to spend more time with her children.
showroom. (A) adjustment (B) adjusting
(A) purchases (B) purchasing (C) adjust (D) adjusts
(C) will purchase (D) purchase
171. Annual budget reports are ……to all 177. Guests are strongly advised to ……. An eye
investors at the beginning of each fiscal year. on their valuables throughout their stay at the
(A) distribute (B) distributing theme park.
(C) distributes (D) distributed (A) will keep (B) keep
(C) keeps (D) keeping
172. We recently ……your e-mail about 178. Sol Paradiso Spa is pleased …….the grand
problems with the heating system in the opening of its new gymnasium.
downtown office. (A) announce (B) announcing
(A) are receiving (B) receive (C) to announce (D) will announce
(C) have received (D) receiving
173. Alabama Garment Factory regularly 179. The item you are requesting a refund for
inspects its sewing machines and other needs to ……on your return form.
equipment to ……..production delays. (A) indicating (B) indicate
(A) avoiding (B) avoids (C) have indicated (D) be indicated
(C) avoid (D) avoided
174. The purpose of the community’s online 180. Ms. Cartwright saw Mr. Chao……..for the
forum is to encourage people …….their right to airport from his hotel this morning.
freely express opinions about various issues. (A) to leave (B) leaves
(A) exercising (B) exercises (C) leaving (D) will leave
(C) to exercise (D) have exercised
181. Experts predict that fuel prices continue 187. Mr. Tucker wants to have a press conference
…….until the next financial quarter. with the reporters after they finish …….the
(A) had risen (B) rises government officials.
(C) rise (D) rising (A) interviewing (B) interviews
(C) interviewer (D) interviewed
182. The new manager thanked all the staff for 188. …… the meeting on time Marlene
……her to the office and making her feel like Kapiniak had to be at the address by 8:30 this
part of the team. morning.
(A) welcomes (B) welcomed (A) Will arrive (B) Arrive
(C) welcoming (D) welcome (C) Arrived (D) To arrive
183. Although it has not yet been confirmed, the 189. Waldorf Appliances is dedicated to
actress is likely………at the premiere of her …..accidents in all their manufacturing plants and
newest film. warehouses.
(A) appearance (B) will appear (A) preventable (B) preventing
(C) appears (D) to appear (C) prevention (D) prevents
184. Conrad Baines has …….at the Munich 190. Ms. Scarlet does not like ……….during
office since the beginning of last year. storms or winter conditions.
(A) works (B) working (A) drive (B) drives
(C) worked (D) work (C) drove (D) driving
185. Andrea Possenti was able to double his 191. The suggestion by some political analysts to
money by …….in the web site design company. privatize electric utilities to prevent a major
(A) investing (B) to invest power crisis is …….by the government.
(C) invested (D) invest (A) will consider (B) considers
(C) considering (D) being considered
186. Attendees of the workshop spent a lot of 192. The personnel director ……new employees
time……the cooking demonstrations for a become knowledgeable about the office’s
variety of dishes. management and administrative structures.
(A) observation (B) observed (A) helps (B) helping
(C) observe (D) observing (C) help (D) to help
193. The city government expressed its gratitude 199. The security department is in the process of
for the dedication shown by doctors at Masfield …. a new set of regulations and safety guidelines.
Hospital by ……..a new hospital wing. (A) establishment (B) establishes
(A) finance (B) financing (C) established (D) establishing
(C) financial (D) finances.
194. To avoid the expected weekend holiday 200. Ms. Novak wants her team to use the
traffic congestion, staff at Renfrew Bank scheduled research time to…….ideas for the
suggested ……. earlier on Friday night. summer marketing campaign.
(A) have closed (B) closed (A) share (B) shared
(C) closes (D) closing (C) shares (D) sharing
195. The new Presentation system ……by the 201. The national government will address a
convention center’s audio visual staff. shortage of energy supplies in the country by
(A) had installed (B) will install ……..the new unclear plant.
(C) was installed (D) is installing (A) development (B) developing
(C) develops (D) developed
196. The international clinic in Jakarta has 202. The senior executives …….for the
several job…….for certified dental assistants conference in Rome at the end of the weekend.
(A) opened (B) openness (A) leaving (B) left
(C) openings (D) open (C) will leave (D) to leave
197. Apart from …..subway and street maps, 203. Even though their cosmetics are best sellers,
Trans-Map’s new navigation system also informs the consultant recommended ………the
drivers of the current traffic conditions. company’s current line.
(A) displays (B) displayed (A) enhanced (B) enhancing
(C) to display (D) displaying (C) enhances (D) to enhance
198……..a building permit for the construction 204. ……….the software program’s newest
of the library was a difficult task that tool a lot of functions was not easy for the instructor, and the
paperwork. attendees found his instructions quite
(A) Obtaining (B) Obtain complicated.
(C) Obtained (D) Obtains (A) Demonstrates (B) Demonstrative
(C) Demonstrating (D) Demonstrate
205. Ms. Compton enjoys ………articles about 211. The flight attendant asked the passenger to
international investment opportunities. take his…… the airplane was preparing to
(A) read (B) reading land.
(C) reads (D) reader (A) seat (B) seating
(C) seats (D) seated
206. The art director said that the graphics team 212. Mr. Heaton always has difficulty
could postpone……..their design ideas until ……..contracts with his foreign clients because of
Tuesday. the language barrier.
(A) submitting (B) to submit (A) negotiation (B) negotiates
(C) submit (D) submissive (C) negotiating (D) negotiable
207. A Government directive for crop growers to 213. George Hummel usually …….with members
halt the exportation of grains will be …….. to of his department once a week to discuss schedule
control the prices of domestic produce. changes.
(A) implementation (B) implements (A) meeting (B) meet
(C) implement (D) implemented (C) meets (D) have met
208. Mortens Public Relations is in charge of 214. ……..lost data from a computer after a
…….Desilva’s latest collections of women’s system crash is one of the company technician’s
accessories. most difficult tasks.
(A) promotion (B) promotes (A) Recovery (B) Recovering
(C) promoting (D) promoted (C) Recover (D) Recovers
209. With………the features on its latest mobile 215. ……..the quality of air, Jambo Industries
phone, Avida Technologies was able to capture a planted trees on their factory grounds
significant share of the market. (A) Improvement (B) to improve
(A) improve (B) improving (C) Will improve (D) Improved
(C) improves (D) improved
210. ………sales levels for new products 216. Westland Hotel has chosen to build a
requires a lot of study and research. convention center was a way of ……more
(A) Estimate (B) Estimating business clients.
(C) Estimated (D) Estimates (A) attracting (B) attraction
(C) attractive (D) attractively

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