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NMS/OSS/SS7 Integration Points

Document History

Revision Date Author(s) Reason for Change

A 25/08/2009 SB Created


Title Date Approved By

Technical Team Lead Simon Bradish
CTO Robbie Ryan
Engineering Manager Ian Smith

Revision A

Table of Contents
1 Preface ................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Scope .....................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Out of Scope ..........................................................................................................................4
1.4 Audience ................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Applicable Documents............................................................................................................4
1.6 Definitions / Acronyms............................................................................................................4

2 Solution Overview ............................................................................................... 6

3 OSS/NMS Considerations................................................................................... 7
3.1 Statistics / Transactions / Event Logs ....................................................................................7
3.1.1 AccuPROFILE Statistics .........................................................................................7
3.1.2 AccuPROFILE Transactions ...................................................................................7
3.1.3 AccuPROFILE Sessions .........................................................................................8
3.1.4 Event and Alarm Logs.............................................................................................9
3.1.5 Pushing Data ..........................................................................................................9
3.1.6 Ulticom Signalware Statistics ................................................................................10
3.1.7 IVR Statistics and Logs .........................................................................................13
3.2 SNMP ...................................................................................................................................13
3.2.1 AccuPROFILE.......................................................................................................13
3.2.2 VoxPilot IVR ..........................................................................................................14
3.2.3 Ulticom Signalware ...............................................................................................14
3.2.4 Oracle....................................................................................................................14
3.3 Backup .................................................................................................................................15
3.3.1 Daily Backup .........................................................................................................15
3.3.2 Weekly backup......................................................................................................16
3.3.3 Recovery ...............................................................................................................16
3.3.4 Supplied Tapes .....................................................................................................16
3.4 Provisioning and Configuration ............................................................................................17
3.4.1 Configuration .........................................................................................................17
3.4.2 SMPP Interface .....................................................................................................17
3.5 User Interfaces .....................................................................................................................17
3.5.1 AccuPROFILE WMI ..............................................................................................17
3.5.2 AccuPROFILE CSAT ............................................................................................18
3.5.3 AccuPROFILE Events and Alarms Viewer ...........................................................19
3.5.4 VoxPilot IVR CMC.................................................................................................19
3.5.5 Ulticom Signalware GUI ........................................................................................20
3.5.6 Ulticom Signalware MML ......................................................................................21
3.5.7 Oracle Enterprise Manager ...................................................................................21

4 SS7 / ISDN Considerations ............................................................................... 24

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4.1 IVR ISDN ..............................................................................................................................24

4.2 SS7 Point Codes ..................................................................................................................24
4.3 SS7 Integration with STP / MSC ..........................................................................................24

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1 Preface

1.1 Purpose
This document is intended to provide a high-level overview of integration points between
SMART’s existing infrastructure and the AccuPROFILE OTA platform.

Information intended to be a guide-line only, and subject to change. The finer points of
integration such as IP Addresses, Point Codes et. al. will not be available until closer to
deployment time.

Such detail would be provided by Accuris Networks in consultation with SMART in our
standard Site Preparation Plan.

1.2 Scope
The aim of this document is to provide a high level overview of AccuPROFILE integration

Key Integration Points are highlighted in BOLD typeface.

1.3 Out of Scope

Detail as would be provided in the SPP, for example actual point codes and IP addresses.

Complete guides, MIBs, and screen-shots of GUI/Web Applications are not included in this
document. All documentation for the platform will be provided to SMART at deployment.

1.4 Audience
The target audience of this document is technical readers who wish to gain a high level
understanding of AccuPROFILE integration points.

Distribution: SMART, Acision, Accuris Networks

1.5 Applicable Documents

[1] SMART OTA RFP – NMS Addendum.

[2] AccuPROFILE Administrators Guide, Rev E.

[3] AccuPROFILE Events and Alarms Guide, Rev A.

[4] AccuPROFILE WMI Guide, Rev A.

[5] OTAPA in SMPP, Developers Guide.

[6] AccuPROFILE CSAT Users Guide, Rev C.

1.6 Definitions / Acronyms

AHLR (Accuris Networks) Activation Home Location Register

A-Key Secret 64-bit pattern stored in the MS and the HLR/AC, used to

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generate/update the SSD and validate SPASM

AM (Convergys) Activation Manager

APM Accuris Networks Profile Manager

ATS ASCII Transport Service (CMF)

CSC Customer Service Centre

CSAT Customer Service Activation Terminal

ESN Electronic Serial Number, 32-bit number assigned by MS manufacturer

uniquely identifying the MS.

IMSI International Mobile Station Identity

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

MDN Mobile Directory Number

MEID Mobile Equipment IDentifier

MIB Management Information Base

MIN Mobile Identification Number

MS Mobile Station

OTAF Over-The-Air Service Provisioning Function

OTAPA Over-The-Air Parameter Administration

OTASP Over-The-Air Service Provisioning

pESN Pseudo ESN, 32-bit number derived from MEID and used in place of ESN.
Pseudo ESN is not unique.

SAPI Server Application Programming Interface

SMPP Short Message Peer to Peer Protocol

SnF Store and Forward

SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol

SOX Enhanced Socket API

SPC Service Programming Code

SS7 Signalling System #7

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2 Solution Overview
The propose AccuPROFILE solution for SMART comprises a total of four (4) DL380 nodes
each running a set of system components.

Accuris Networks apply a default naming convention based on the periodic table to the
nodes in a cluster: germanium, arsenic followed by hydrogen, helium, lithium, etc.

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3 OSS/NMS Considerations

3.1 Statistics / Transactions / Event Logs

3.1.1 AccuPROFILE Statistics

Statistics records are written on a periodic, per process, per machine basis.

Statistics Records are CSV formatted plain-text files containing KPI from the various
AccuPROFILE processes.

The default reporting interval for a record is 30 minutes.

Each record type and content is detailed in the AccuPROFILE Administrators Guide [2].

The default location for the statistics log is:


The current live log is name stats.log0:


When the live log reaches a configurable maximum number of lines it will be time-stamped
and archived.


The default maximum number of lines in a file is 10000. In practice this roughly correlates to
1 days worth of statistics.

The file size for a statistics log using the defaults is 71kb, i.e. 71kb per machine per day.

Integration Point:

To incorporate AccuPROFILE OTA statistics into the OSS/NMS, SMART would need to be
able to retrieve (via FTP or similar suitable protocol) the logs from each of AccuPROFILE
nodes (germanium, arsenic, hydrogen, helium).

SMART would need to load / parse the statistics data as appropriate.

3.1.2 AccuPROFILE Transactions

Transaction records are written on a real-time basis by the SMPP Interface. Every SMPP
interaction is logged to file.

Transaction Records are CSV formatted plain-text files containing details of an SMPP

Each record type and contents are detailed in the AccuPROFILE Administrators Guide [2].

The default location for the transaction logs is:

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The current live log is name trans.log0:


When the live log reaches a configurable maximum number of lines it will be time-stamped
and archived.


The default maximum number of lines in a file is 10000. In practice this roughly correlates to
1 days worth of statistics.

The average file size for a transaction log using the defaults is 176kb.

Given SMART’s BHOU requirements for Phase II (8000BHOU) the volume of transaction
data would equate to approx 17Gb per year.

Transaction logs are aggregated on a single node (germanium).

Integration Point:

To incorporate AccuPROFILE OTA transactions into the OSS/NMS, SMART would need to
be able to retrieve (via FTP or similar suitable protocol) the logs from the germanium
AccuPROFILE nodes.

SMART would need to load / parse the transaction data as appropriate.

3.1.3 AccuPROFILE Sessions

Session records are written on a real-time basis by the Call Manager. Every OTAPA or
OTASP session attempt is logged to file.

Session Records are CSV formatted plain-text files containing details of an OTAPA or
OTASP session.

Each record type and contents are detailed in the AccuPROFILE Administrators Guide [2].

The default location for the session logs is:


Session logs are written on a per day basis.


Session Logs are rotated at midnight by default however the option exists to rotate on a
maximum number of lines basis.

Given SMART’s BHOU requirements for Phase II (8000BHOU) the volume of session data
would equate to 5Gb per year.

Session data is aggregated on a single node (germanium) and also written to the Oracle

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Integration Point:

To incorporate AccuPROFILE OTA session data into the OSS/NMS, SMART would need to
be able to retrieve (via FTP or similar suitable protocol) the logs from the germanium

SMART would need to load / parse the session data as appropriate.

3.1.4 Event and Alarm Logs

Event and Alarms are written on a real-time basis by the each AccuPROFILE basis. Every
event and alarm is logged to file.

Event and Alarm records comprise a single line of text.

Each type and contents are detailed in the AccuPROFILE Events and Alarms Guide [3].

The default location for the event logs is:


The current live log is name event.log0:


When the live log reaches a configurable maximum number of lines it will be time-stamped
and archived.


The default maximum number of lines in a file is 10000. In practice this roughly correlates to
1 days worth of statistics.

The average file size for a transaction log using the defaults is 176kb.

Transaction logs are aggregated on a single node (germanium).

Integration Point:

To incorporate AccuPROFILE OTA event and alarm logs into the OSS/NMS, SMART would
need to be able to retrieve (via FTP or similar suitable protocol) the logs from the
germanium AccuPROFILE nodes.

SMART would need to load / parse the event data as appropriate.

Note however that alarming is normally handled in the OSS/NMS via SNMP.

3.1.5 Pushing Data

Each of AccuPROFILEs logging servers (events, transactions, session, and statistics) is

capable of pushing data.
i.e. a 3 Party TCP/IP client may connect and receive data in real-time from the concerned

Integration Point:

To avail of push data SMART must connect to the relevant server ports.

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The default ports are:

• Events and Alarms: 11022 (germanium)

• Transactions: 11024 (germanium)

• Sessions: 50011 (germanium)

• Statistics: 11023 (all nodes)

3.1.6 Ulticom Signalware Statistics

Ulticom Signalware generates statistics on a configurable basis.

The default duration for statistics is 30 minutes.

Depending on stack configuration different elements are monitored. For SMART statistics
data for MTP, SCCP and TCAP will be available.

Statistics conform to CCITT Recommendation Q.752.

An MML command is provided to retrieve the various statistics. The command can be
executed via the GUI or on the MML interface.



For MTP the following measures are available:

MTP 30-minute Measurements: yy-dd-mm, hh:mm

Link Name <ident> <ident> <ident> ... <ident>

Port <num2> <num2> <num2> ... <num2>
Link in Service <num3> <num3> <num3> ... <num3>
Alignmt Failures <num4> <num4> <num4> ... <num4>
SUs in Error <num5> <num5> <num5> ... <num5>
NAKs Received <num6> <num6> <num6> ... <num6>
Link Unavailable <num7> <num7> <num7> ... <num7>
Link Failure Dur <num8> <num8> <num8> ... <num8>
Local Busy Dur <num9> <num9> <num9> ... <num9>
SIF+SIO Octets X <num10> <num10> <num10> ... <num10>
Octets ReXmitted <num11> <num11> <num11> ... <num11>
MSUs Transmitted <num12> <num12> <num12> ... <num12>
SIF+SIO Octets R <num13> <num13> <num13> ... <num13>
MSUs Received <num14> <num14> <num14> ... <num14>
Congest Indicats <num15> <num15> <num15> ... <num15>
Congest Duration <num16> <num16> <num16> ... <num16>
MSUs Discarded <num17> <num17> <num17> ... <num17>
Congest MSU Lost <num18> <num18> <num18> ... <num18>
ISUP bytes sent <num19> <num19> <num19> ... <num19>
ISUP bytes rcvd <num20> <num20> <num20> ... <num20>
SCCP bytes sent <num21> <num21> <num21> ... <num21>
SCCP bytes rcvd <num22> <num22> <num22> ... <num22>

Adjacent SP Link Set Unavail Inaccessible Instances MTP Restart

<pc> <num23> <num24> <num25> <num26>
... ... ... ...

Destination SP MSUs Discarded

<pc> <num27>
... ...

Unavailable SP Route Set Unavail

<pc> <num28>
... ...

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dd = day of date requested (report date)

mm = month of requested date (report date)
hh = requested hour (start time)
mm = requested minute (start time)
<pc> = Point Code
<ident> = Link Name
<num1> = total time adjacent SP was inaccessible, in seconds (Q.752 Item 5.2)
<num2> = Port Number
<num3> = total time link was in service (Level 2), in seconds (Item 1.1)
<num4> = number of signaling link alignment failures (Item 1.7)
<num5> = number of SUs in error (Item 1.8)
<num6> = number of negative acknowledgments received (Item 1.9)
<num7> = total time link was unavailable (Level 3), in seconds (Item 2.1)
<num8> = time link was unavailable due to link failure, in seconds (Item 2.7)
<num9> = time link was local busy, in seconds (Item 2.15)
<num10> = number of SIF and SIO octets transmitted (Item 3.1)
<num11> = number of octets retransmitted (Item 3.2)
<num12> = number of MSUs transmitted (Item 3.3)
<num13> = number of SIF and SIO octets received (Item 3.4)
<num14> = number of MSUs received (Item 3.5)
<num15> = total number of link congestion indications (Item 3.6)
<num16> = cumulative time of link congestion, in seconds (Item 3.7)
<num17> = number of MSUs discarded due to link congestion (Item 3.10)
<num18> = number of congestion events resulting in loss of MSUs (Item 3.11)
<num19> = number of ISUP bytes sent
<num20> = number of ISUP bytes received
<num21> = number of SCCP bytes sent
<num22> = number of SCCP bytes received
<num23> = total time link set to SP was unavailable, in seconds (Item 4.2)
<num24> = total time adjacent SP was inaccessible, in seconds (Item 5.2)
<num25> = number of instances adjacent SP was inaccessible (Item 5.1)
<num26> = number of times adjacent SP restarted in the last 30 minutes
<num27> = number of MSUs discarded due to a routing data error (Item 5.5)
<num28> = total time route set to SP was unavailable, in seconds (Item 4.10)

For SCCP the following measures are available:

SCCP Measurements: yy-dd-mm, hh:mm

No translation for this address = <num>

PC Not Available = <num>
Network Congestion = <num>
SSN Not Available = <num>
Unequipped User = <num>
Syntax Error = <num>
Unknown Reason = <num>
Total Messages Sent (class 0) = <num>
Total Messages Sent (class 1) = <num>
Total Messages Sent (class 2) = <num>
Total Messages Received (class 0) = <num>
Total Messages Received (class 1) = <num>
Total Messages Received (class 2) = <num>
Connections Established (class 2) = <num>
Connections Released (class 2) = <num>
Connections Refused (class 2) = <num>
UDTS Messages Received = <num>
Total Messages for Local Subsystems = <num>
Local SCCP Unavailable Duration = <sec>


<num> = number of messages for which the event occurred

<sec> = duration of the event, in seconds

For TCAP the following measures are available, the numbers in parentheses (which do not
appear in the report) refer to measurement items in Tables 13 and 14 of CCITT Q.752. All
TCAP measurements are collected on a per-node basis.

TCAP Measurements: yy-dd-mm, hh:mm

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Total TC messages sent: (13.1)

UNI messages sent = <num>
BEGIN messages sent = <num>
CONTINUE messages sent = <num>
END messages sent = <num>
ABORT messages sent = <num>
Total TC messages received: (13.2)
UNI messages received = <num>
BEGIN messages received = <num>
CONTINUE messages received = <num>
END messages received = <num>
ABORT messages received = <num>
Components sent = <num> (13.3)
Components received = <num> (13.4)
Active TC transactions = <num> (13.6)
Used TC transactions = <num> (13.7)
Protocol error in transaction portion (abort received): (14.1)
Unrecognized message type = <num>
Incorrect transaction portion = <num>
Badly formatted transaction portion = <num>
Unrecognized transaction id = <num>
Resource limitation = <num>
Unrecognized DP id = <num>
Badly struct DP = <num>
Missing DP = <num>
Inconsistent DP = <num>
Abnormal Dialogue = <num>
No common Dialogue Portion = <num>
Protocol error in component portion (reject received): (14.2)
Unrecognized component (general problem) = <num>
Mistyped component (general problem) = <num>
Badly structured component (general problem) = <num>
Unrecognized linked id (invoke problem) = <num>
Unrecognized invoke id (return result problem) = <num>
Unexpected return result (return result problem) = <num>
Unrecognized invoke id (return error problem) = <num>
Unexpected return error (return error problem) = <num>
TC user generated problems (reject received): (14.3)
Duplicate invoke id (invoke problem) = <num>
Unrecognized operation (invoke problem) = <num>
Mistyped parameter (invoke problem) = <num>
Resource limitation (invoke problem) = <num>
Initiating release (invoke problem) = <num>
Unexpected linked response (invoke problem) = <num>
Unexpected linked operation (invoke problem) = <num>
Unrecognized error (return error problem) = <num>
Unexpected error (return error problem) = <num>
Mistyped parameter (return result problem) = <num>
Mistyped parameter (return error problem) = <num>
Protocol error in transaction portion (abort sent): (14.4)
Unrecognized message type = <num>
Incorrect transaction portion = <num>
Badly formatted transaction portion = <num>
Unrecognized transaction id = <num>
Resource limitation = <num>
Unrecognized DP id = <num>
Badly struct DP = <num>
Missing DP = <num>
Inconsistent DP = <num>
Abnormal Dialogue = <num>
No common Dialogue Portion = <num>
Protocol error in component portion (reject sent): (14.5)
Unrecognized component (general problem) = <num>
Mistyped component (general problem) = <num>
Badly structured component (general problem) = <num>
Unrecognized linked id (invoke problem) = <num>
Unrecognized invoke id (return result problem) = <num>
Unexpected return result (return result problem) = <num>
Unrecognized invoke id (return error problem) = <num>
Unexpected return error (return error problem) = <num>
TC user generated problems (reject sent): (14.6)
Duplicate invoke id (invoke problem) = <num>
Unrecognized operation (invoke problem) = <num>

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Mistyped parameter (invoke problem) = <num>

Resource limitation (invoke problem) = <num>
Initiating release (invoke problem) = <num>
Unexpected linked response (invoke problem) = <num>
Unexpected linked operation (invoke problem) = <num>
Unrecognized error (return error problem) = <num>
Unexpected error (return error problem) = <num>
Mistyped parameter (return result problem) = <num>
Mistyped parameter (return error problem) = <num>
Billing ID based routing (message received): (14.7)
Total TC messages routed based on Billing_ID = <num>


<num> = number of messages for which the event occurred

Note all statistics are available via SNMP get as mentioned later.

Integration Point:

To incorporate Ulticom Signalware statistics into the OSS/NMS, SMART would need to be
able to retrieve (via SNMP) the statistics measurements from the hydrogen and helium
AccuPROFILE nodes.

3.1.7 IVR Statistics and Logs

The IVR generates a basic statistics set including the following:

• number of calls in progress

• maximum number of concurrent calls since process restart

• weekly call distribution statistics (number of calls and average call-duration)

These are viewable in the Web (CMC) console and retrievable via SNMP.

All calls to the IVR are logged in a CDR available as a plain-text CSV format or pushed over
an XML/HTTP interface.

The ISUP or ISDN Media Gateway connected to the IVR also generates a set of statistics
based on period, including (but not limited to):

• number of ISDN/ISUP calls inward in the period;

• statistics on ISDN/ISUP calls terminated in the period.

Integration Point:

To incorporate IVR statistics into the OSS/NMS, SMART would need to be able to retrieve
(via SNMP) the statistics measurements from the germanium and arsenic AccuPROFILE

CDRs may be retrieved (FTP or similar suitable protocol) from the germanium and
arsenic AccuPROFILE nodes.

3.2 SNMP
3.2.1 AccuPROFILE

AccuPROFILE supports SNMP v1/v2c traps.

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Traps can be aggregated and as such sent from a single node in the AccuPROFILE cluster
to suit SMART’s requirement.

A full guide and MIB will be provided with the installation.

Integration Point:

AccuPROFILE MIB must be loaded into SMART’s SNMP Console (NMS).

SNMP Traps can be issued to one or more destination IP addresses.

SNMP Traps are issued to port 162 on each configured IP address.

3.2.2 VoxPilot IVR

Voxpilot IVR supports SNMP v2c/v3 get/set operations.

Additionally the IVR can issue traps to a designated IP Address.

A full configuration guide and MIB(s) will be provided with the installation.

Each node contains an independent SNMP agent to handle SNMP operations.

Integration Point:

VoxPilot IVR MIB must be loaded into SMART’s SNMP Console (NMS).

SNMP Traps can be issued to one or more destination IP addresses.

SNMP Traps are issued to port 162 on each configured IP address.

To make use of the VoxPilot SNMP get/set functionality SMART will need to interface with
the VoxPilot / Emanate SNMP agent(s).

2 agents will run in the proposed cluster on AccuPROFILE nodes germanium and

By default the agents will handle requests on port 161.

3.2.3 Ulticom Signalware

Ulticom supports SNMP v2c/v3 get/set operations.

A full configuration guide and MIB(s) will be provided with the installation.

Each node contains an independent SNMP agent to handle SNMP operations.

Integration Point:

Ulticom Signalware MIB(s) must be loaded into SMART’s SNMP Console (NMS).

To make use of the Ulticom SNMP get/set functionality SMART will need to interface with the
Ulticom SNMP agent(s).

2 agents will run in the proposed cluster on AccuPROFILE nodes hydrogen and helium.

By default the agents will handle requests on port 2251.

3.2.4 Oracle

Oracle for AccuPROFILE is supplied with Oracle Enterprise Manager.

SNMP support is provided by Oracle’s Master Agent.

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The Master Agent aggregates SNMP traps from managed Oracle nodes and forwards them
to a configured IP address.

Additionally the Master Agent can perform SNMP get functionality.

A full configuration guide and MIB(s) will be provided with the installation.

Integration Point:

Oracle MIB(s) must be loaded into SMART’s SNMP Console (NMS).

Traps must be configured to be sent to the SMART SNMP Console (NMS).

To make use of the Oracle SNMP get functionality SMART will need to interface with the
Oracle SNMP master agent(s).

1 agent will run in the proposed cluster.

By default the agents will handle requests on port 1161.

3.3 Backup
AccuPROFILE includes a backup-to-tape solution.

Our default backup policy comprises a daily and weekly backup script.

Integration point:

Tapes would need to be monitored and changed by SMART personnel.

3.3.1 Daily Backup

The daily backup is a script executed as a ‘cron’ job by the operating system.

Each node creates an image of the following data:

• AccuPROFILE Configuration (~ 300kb)

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• IVR Configuration (including VoiceXML application scripts)

• Ulticom SS7 Configuration (~1kb per checkpoint)

The data is transferred to a co-ordinating node for backup to tape.

Integration point:

Daily script execution to be agreed with SMART.

3.3.2 Weekly backup

The weekly backup is a script executed as a ‘cron’ job by the operating system.

Each node creates an image of the following data:

• AccuPROFILE binaries and scripts (~ 800Mb)

• AccuPROFILE configuration (~ 300kb)

• AccuPROFILE database contents (site-dependent)

• Ulticom configuration (~1kb per checkpoint)

• IVR configuration (including VoiceXML application scripts)

• Session Logs (site-dependent)

• Event / Alarm Logs (site-dependent)

• Transaction logs (site-dependent)

• Statistics logs (site-dependent)

The data is transferred to a co-ordinating node for backup to tape.

Integration point:

Weekly script execution to be agreed with SMART.

3.3.3 Recovery

Current recovery options allow:

• Selective recovery of files and folders

• In the event of total failure:

o Full system recovery consists of re-installation of Linux OS.

o Followed by a recovery for the latest tape backup.

3.3.4 Supplied Tapes

A default of 10 tapes will be supplied. This has capacity to store up to ten weeks of backup
on rotation.

i.e. 1 tape per week, with an additional on-node archive of one week’s backup.

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3.4 Provisioning and Configuration

3.4.1 Configuration

The majority of AccuPROFILE configuration is stored in flat text files on a per machine basis.

Configuration tends to be relatively static on commissioning.

Periodic changes are required to the TRN to MSC mapping and other elements.

Detailed information on configuration files and system administration is provided in the

AccuPROFILE Administration Guide [2].

Configuration can take place over a remote LAN connection (usually SSH) to each node in
the cluster or via a serial console connection in the event of LAN failure.

Logins over this connection are secured by the operating system, additional security such as
private key authentication can be implemented if required.

Integration Point:

SMART must enable connectivity from the SMART LAN to the AccuPROFILE nodes for
configuration and maintenance as is appropriate to SMART’s networking set-up.

3.4.2 SMPP Interface

To allow OTAPA session and Activation Handset provisioning AccuPROFILE provides an

SMPP interface.

The SMPP Server complies with SMPP 3.3 and 3.4.

Connections are accepted on port 2775 by default.

Each SMPP Bind must be authenticated against the bind configuration for the SMPP Server.

The content/format of SMPP triggers accepted by the platform is given by the OTAPA in
SMPP document [5].

Accuris Networks supply a scriptable stand-alone SMPP client (prltool) by default.

Integration Point

To send OTAPA triggers and provision Activation handsets in the system SMART must
implement an SMPP client in compliance with the OTAPA in SMPP document [5].

Alternately / Additionally SMART can script (CGI, shell, or otherwise) the prltool to
provide the same functionality.

3.5 User Interfaces


AccuPROFILE WMI is a web-based application providing limited monitoring and

management of the AccuPROFILE platform.

The WMI can be installed remotely from AccuPROFILE or on an AccuPROFILE node. For
SMART we propose deploying WMI on the AccuPROFILE germanium node.

Access to the WMI is password protected and a number of users and role based groups can
be configured.

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The WMI is fully documented in the AccuPROFILE WMI Administrators Guide [4].

Integration Point:

All machines targeted for WMI usage must have:

• Compatible internet browser (IE6+, FF2+, Chrome).

• TCP/IP access to germanium.


AccuPROFILE’s CSAT application provides a fully featured application for the CSC

Access to the GUI is password protected and a number of configurable users can exists.

The GUI is Java based and runs on JRE v1.5 or above.

The CSAT application is fully documented in the AccuPROFILE CSAT Users Guide [6].

Integration Point:

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All machines targeted for CSAT installation will require

• JRE v1.5 installed.

• TCP/IP access to germanium and arsenic.

3.5.3 AccuPROFILE Events and Alarms Viewer

AccuPROFILE’s Events and Alarms application provides an application for real-time

monitoring of all events and alarms.

The GUI is Java based and runs on JRE v1.5 or above.

The Event Viewer application is fully documented in the AccuPROFILE Events and Alarms
Guide [3].

Integration Point:

All machines targeted for GUI installation will require

• JRE v1.5 installed.

• TCP/IP access to germanium and arsenic.

3.5.4 VoxPilot IVR CMC

The VoxPilot IVR Centralised Management Console is a web-based application and provides
the following functions:

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• Alarm notification and management.

• Process control, monitoring, and automatic restart.

• VoiceXML application configuration.

• Call detail record access and statistics.

• Resource allocation and pooling.

• Application log search engine and viewer

Integration Point:

All machines targeted for CMC usage must have:

• Compatible internet browser (IE6+, FF2+, Chrome).

• TCP/IP access to germanium.

3.5.5 Ulticom Signalware GUI

The Ulticom Signalware GUI is a fully featured application for the administration and
monitoring of the Ulticom Signalware SS7 Stack.

Access to the GUI is password protected.

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The GUI is Java based and runs on JRE v1.5 or above.

The application allows full MML interaction with the Ulticom stack and real-time event

Integration Point:

All machines targeted for GUI installation will require

• JRE v1.5 installed.

• TCP/IP access to hydrogen and helium.

3.5.6 Ulticom Signalware MML

The Ulticom Signalware MML system is a command line interface (CLI) for provisioning, and
configuration of the Ulticom Stack.

Access to Ulticom MML is allowed to privileged users on the hydrogen and helium nodes.
(In practice omniusr and root).

Integration Point:

SMART must enable connectivity from the SMART LAN to the AccuPROFILE nodes for
Signalware MML usage as is appropriate to SMART’s networking set-up.

3.5.7 Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager console is a web-based interface to the Oracle system.

From the Console, you can perform the following tasks:

• Administer, diagnose, and tune multiple databases.

• Schedule tasks on multiple systems at varying time intervals.

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• Monitor database conditions throughout the network.

• Share tasks with other administrators.

• Group related targets together to facilitate administration tasks.

• Create, schedule, and publish HTML reports to quickly view and analyze information

• Administer targets from any location via a Web browser.

• Launch integrated Oracle and third-party tools.

• Customize the display of an Enterprise Manager administrator.

Integration Point:

All machines targeted for Enterprise Manager usage must have:

• Compatible internet browser (IE6+, FF2+, Chrome).

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• TCP/IP access to germanium and arsenic.

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4 SS7 / ISDN Considerations


Each PRI card as per the BOQ will need to be connected to the ISDN network.

The MSC(s) must be configured to transfer calls to short-codes as per SMART’s

requirements to the IVR.

4.2 SS7 Point Codes

AccuPROFILE requires 2 point codes for Active/Active connections to each STP.

4.3 SS7 Integration with STP / MSC

For activation call-flows routing Activation or Dummy MIN’s to AccuPROFILE’s Point Code(s)
is required.

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