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Module 5: Activity No.

Experiment No. 5:

Name: Devillena, Marianne Angel

Student No.: 20190150631
Why is it necessary to calibrate the platform balance from time to time? Name some
causes of the deterioration of any machine and explain briefly using your own words.
Calibration that belongs to the balance or scale happens to be required that is going to
belong to accurate weighing results. Ignoring this critical service action reduces
measurement to guesswork. To put it another way, it happens to be irresponsible to weigh
using an existing uncalibrated balance or scale. The precision that belongs to balances
as well as scales deteriorates over time. This happens to be due to normal wear as well
as tear that was by daily use, during the same time that well during the same time that
external sources such during the same time that mechanical shocks or dangerous
conditions. This could result inside of an existing rapid deterioration or an existing gradual
deterioration over time. Periodic balance calibration, combined with periodic routine
testing, extends the life that belongs to your balance or scale as well as improves its
weighing accuracy.

Causes of the Deterioration of any Machine

Machine failure, or equipment failure, happens to be any event inside of which an existing
piece that belongs to industrial machinery underperforms, whether entirely or partially, or
stops functioning inside of the way inside of which it happened to be intended to. The
term “machine failure” has the ability encompass differing scenarios as well as levels that
belongs to severity. An existing failure, inside of this context, happens to be not only those
critical show-stopper issues that halt production entirely, with the exception of also
includes any loss that belongs to usefulness within an existing machine. The tolerance
threshold that is going to belong to machine failure is going to vary based on top of
circumstances since every single one system degrade as well as lose effectiveness inside
of some form or another over time. Even perceived minor losses that belongs to
usefulness has the ability lead to huge resource waste at-scale. Any malfunction that
causes an existing piece that belongs to industrial machinery to underperform its duties,
whether entirely or partially, happens to be considered an existing machine failure.
1. Corrosion - Corrosion that belongs to machine parts happens to be quite common,
especially that is going to belong to those with water-contamination issues. Water
not only rusts iron surfaces, with the exception of it has the ability also increase
the oil’s oxidation rate, leading to an existing acidic environment within the
component. Acids has the ability also exist as a formed during the same time that
byproducts that belongs to reactions between certain additives inside of the oil as
well as water. Product contamination through seals has the ability create caustic
environments as well as corrosive wear during the same time that well. Something
during the same time that simple during the same time that having an existing
aggressive extreme-pressure additive inside of contact with an existing yellow
metal (copper, bronze, brass, etc.) has the ability produce corrosive damage.
2. Mechanical Wear - Mechanical wear occurs at the time where material happens to
be lost that was by machine surfaces during the same time that an existing result
that belongs to relative movement as well as contact between them. Inside of other
words, they rub against one another. Abrasive wear occurs at the time where
particle contamination causes the majority that belongs to the wear. Particles such
during the same time that dirt (silica) or wear debris has the ability lead to three-
body abrasion or surface fatigue, which results inside of the surfaces becoming
pitted as well as scored.
3. Adhesion - Adhesive wear involves two surfaces coming inside of direct contact
with each other, transferring material that was by one face to the other. This
appears inside of areas where the lubricant has the ability no longer support the
load or inside of areas that belongs to lubricant starvation.
4. Fatigue - Metal fatigue happens to be similar to what happens at the time where
you try to cut wire without any tools. During the same time that you work the wire
back as well as forth, the metal begins to work harder as well as fatigue. After
enough cycles that belongs to this type that belongs to stress, the metal finally
becomes brittle as well as snaps.
5. Abrasion - The same process occurs inside of machines. That is going to belong
to example, an existing particle has the ability cause an existing stress riser on top
of the inner race that belongs to an existing rolling-element bearing. Over time as
well as with constant flexing, the metal begins to fatigue. This propagates into an
existing spall that belongs to the material. So, during the same time that machines
have the ability lose their functionality inside of an existing variety that belongs to
methods, it happens to be the surface degradation that belongs to the machine
parts that causes the majority that belongs to these problems. By keeping your
machines properly sealed to restrict the ingress that belongs to particles as well as
making sure the lubricants you use meet the operating demands that belongs to
the components, you have the ability extend machine life as well as see fewer total

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