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Written Lesson Plan

You will follow the 8 +1 step lesson plan format to create a lesson on the topic/grade level of your choosing. Your lesson plan should be based on
the Ohio Music Standards and the Ohio Standards for the Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

8 + 1 Step Lesson Plan Template

Your Name: Daniel Brandon

Date: 9 - 13 - 21
Grade Level/Type: First or second grade
Subject: teaching steady beat / rhythm

Learning Goals:

Standard(s): teach the class beat plus rhythm and have the class demonstrate what has been taught

Objectives: thoroughly and logically explain and demonstrate steady beat / melodic rhythm

Anticipatory Set (approximate time):

To teach the difference between steady beat and rhythm.

Begin by performing/ demonstrate song

Direct Instruction (approximate time):

Explain lesson plan objective and teach new song and have the class stop the beat first then rhythm

Guided Practice (approximate time):

Help correct if needed. Have half of the class clap rhythm while the other half of the class stomps out the steady beat.
Closure (approximate time):
This time switch and have each half of the class do the opposite of what they did either stomp or clap.

Put it all together and sing the song as a class while demonstrating rhythm/steady beat

Independent Practice (approximate time):


Required Materials and Equipment:

Piano + dry erase board

Assessment and Follow-Up:

Check understanding of lesson (ask questions).

Adaptations for Diverse Learners (MUED 381 Students must use this portion for Lesson Plans 2-5)
Gifted (GATE):
English Learners (EL):
Students with Disabilities (SPED):

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