Q.no 1. The Newton-Raphson Method of Finding Roots of Nonlinear Equations Falls Under The Category of - Methods

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. The Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the
category of _____________ methods

A : Bracketing

B : Open

C : Random

D : Graphical

Q.no 2. Trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrate is a polynomial of

A : 0 but not 1

B : 1 but not 0

C : 0 or 1


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Q.no 3. The method of finding a specific relation y = f(x) for the data to satisfy as accurately as
possible is called the

A : Curve of least fit

B : Curve of best fit

C : Fitting curves

D : Curve of equation

Q.no 4. Interpolation methods are

A : Linear interpolation

B : Piecewise constant interpolation

C : Polynomial interpolation

D : All of the mentioned

Q.no 5. Trapezoidal method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is

A : Even

B : Multiple of 3

C : Any

D : Multiple of 4

Q.no 6. What is the limitation of Gauss-seidal method?

A : It cannot be used for the matrices with non-zero diagonal elements

B : It is more complex than Jacobi’s method

C : It doesn’t guarantees convergence for each and every matrix

D : It is an iterative technique

Q.no 7. at the optimal solution of maximization problem, the optimal profit must equal to the
worth of

A : used resources

B : unused resources

C : none of the above

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D : both a & b

Q.no 8. Which iterative method requires single initial guess root?

A : Bisection method

B : Secant method

C : Method of false position

D : Newton Raphson Method

Q.no 9. The iteration method is a ______ method

A : direct

B : indirect

C : self correcting

D : step by step

Q.no 10. Jacobi iteration method is _____substitution method

A : Indirect

B : Direct

C : Forward

D : Backward

Q.no 11. A partial differential equation requires:

A : Two or more independent variable

B : Exactly one independent variable

C : More than one dependent variable

D : Equal numbers of dependent variable

Q.no 12. Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally __________

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Super-linear

D : Cubic
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Q.no 13. The convergence of which of the following method depends on initial assumed value?

A : False position

B : Gauss Seidel method

C : Newton Raphson method

D : Euler method

Q.no 14. The bisection method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of
a (an) _________ method.

A : open

B : bracketing

C : random

D : graphical

Q.no 15. Absolute error is defined as

A : Present Approximation – Previous Approximation

B : True Value – Approximate Value

C : abs (True Value – Approximate Value)

D : abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation)

Q.no 16. To solve the ordinary differential equation (dy/dx ) - x = y , y(0) = 1 , by Euler’s method,
you need to rewrite the equation as

A : (dy/dx ) - x - y = 0, y(0) = 1

B : (dy/dx ) - y = x , y(0) = 1

C : (dy/dx ) = x/y , y(0) = 1

D : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0) = 1

Q.no 17. If y=ae^bx then what is the value of a' & b' respectively.

A : a'=b , b'=log a

B : a'=b , b'= ln a

C : a'=ln a , b'= b

D : a'= log a , b'= b

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Q.no 18. An LPP have ____________ optimal solution



C : 1 or more than 1

D : 2 or more than 2

Q.no 19. Which method has slow convergence?

A : false poison

B : Secant

C : Newton-Raphson

D : Bisection

Q.no 20. The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

A : Wave equation

B : Heat equation

C : Laplace equation

D : Elasticity equation

Q.no 21. The modified Euler method is based on the average of_________________________

A : straight line

B : ellipse

C : chord

D : points

Q.no 22. The process of constructing a sequence of vectors and obtaining the solution of a system
using specified accuracy is called _________

A : Elimination

B : Reduction

C : Iteration

D : Raphson method

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Q.no 23. Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?

A : The coefficient matrix has no zeros on its main diagonal

B : The rate of convergence is quite slow compared with other methods

C : Iteration involved in Jacobi’s method converges

D : The coefficient matrix has zeroes on its main diagonal

Q.no 24. For partial differential equation, if b² - 4ac < 0 then equation is called

A : Hyperbolic

B : Parabolic

C : Elliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 25. These are essential for solving partial differential equations

A : Algebraic equation

B : Physical principle

C : Mathematical model

D : Boundary condition

Q.no 26. Fourth degree equations are also called _______ equations.

A : quadratic

B : cubic

C : linear

D : bi-quadratic

Q.no 27. In Euler's method: Given initial value problem y'=dy/dx=f(x, y) with y(x0) = y0, then
approximation is given by

A : yn+1=yn+hf(xn-1, yn-1)

B : yn+1=yn+hf(xn-1, yn)

C : yn+1=yn+hf(xn, yn)

D : yn+1=yn+hf(xn, yn-1)

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Q.no 28. Newton-Raphson method is applicable the solution of ______.

A : Both algebraic and transcendental equations

B : Both algebraic and transcendental and also used when the roots are complex

C : Algebraic equations only

D : Transcendental equations only

Q.no 29. Maximum value of z=10x+y subjected to x+y≤4; y ≥2

A : 22

B : 33

C : 44


Q.no 30. Match the following: A.Newton Raphson 1.Integration B. Runge-kutta 2. Root finding
Gauss-seidel 3. Ordinary Diferential Equations D. Simpson's Rule 4. Solution of system of
Linear Equations Codes:ABCD

A : A. 2341

B : B. 3214

C : C. 1423

D : D. 1243

Q.no 31. Which of the following step is not involved in Gauss Elimination Method?

A : Elimination of unknowns

B : Reduction to an upper triangular system

C : Finding unknowns by back substitution

D : Evaluation of cofactors

Q.no 32. In…… method integral within the limits x0 to xn can be converted to -1 to 1 limits.

A : Guass Legendres 2 point Formula

B : Simpson's 3/8 method

C : Trapezoidal method

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D : Simpson's 1/3 method

Q.no 33. The coefficient of a slack variable is _________.




D : -1

Q.no 34. Consider the system of equations x+y=2, 2x+2y=5 This system has

A : one solution

B : No solution

C : infinite solution

D : four solution

Q.no 35. The value of y’/x’ in terms of the angle 0 is given by _____________

A : tanθ

B : secθ

C : cotθ

D : cosecθ

Q.no 36. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] which of following statement is true

A : x is a null vector

B : x is unique

C : x does not exist

D : x has infinitely many values

Q.no 37. Truncation error is caused by approximating

A : irrational numbers

B : fractions

C : rational numbers

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D : exact mathematical procedures

Q.no 38. For decreasing the number of iterations in Newton Raphson method:

A : The value of f’(x) must be increased

B : The value of f’’(x) must be decreased

C : The value of f’(x) must be decreased

D : The value of f’’(x) must be increased

Q.no 39. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y


A : 60

B : 90

C : 180

D : 150

Q.no 40. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y

≥ 0 Can we get multiple optimal solution if corner points of feasible region are (0, 10), (5, 5),
and (0, 20) respectively.

A : Single Optimal Solution

B : Double Optimal Solution

C : Optimal solution doesn't exist

D : Data is insuficient

Q.no 41. The governing equation for temperature distribution w.r.t distance x in the body is given
by (dT/dX) = -2000/(0.01T + 1) , T(0.2) = 500 and using a step size of h=0.04, the value of T(0.24)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 513.33

B : 486.66

C : 333.33

D : -13.33

Q.no 42. A function is defined as f(x) = x^2 – 3. Between the interval [1,2] find the root of the
function by Bisection Method.

A : 1.7334
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B : 1.7364

C : 1.7354

D : 1.7344

Q.no 43. Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss
Elimination method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 44. The root of x^3 - 2x - 5 = 0 correct to three decimal places by using Newton-Raphson
method is

A : 2946

B : 1404

C : 1.7321

D : 0.7011

Q.no 45. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 46. Solve ut = uxx, 0 < x < 5, t ≥ 0, given that u (x, 0) = 20, u (0, t) = 0, u (5, t) = 100.
Compute u1 for the time-step with h = 1

A : 40

B : 20

C : -40

D : 30

Q.no 47. Using Bisection method find the root of 3*X^2 = 5X+2 in the interval [0,3].

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A : 2.25

B : 2.52


D : 2.2

Q.no 48. Fit the curve of the form N=ab^t & estimate N when t=7. (t,N) : (0,32) (1,47) (2,65)

A : 3.099×10^-3

B : 4.088×10^-3

C : 399

D : 30.99

Q.no 49. From following data , calculate value of y. (X,Y) : (45,2.871) (50,2.404) (55,2.083)
(60,1.862) (65,1.712)



C : 0.1

D : 0.2

Q.no 50. It is suspected from theoretical considerations that the rate of flow from a firehouse is
proportional to some power of the nozzle pressure. Assume pressure data is more accurate. You
are linearizing the data. {Flow rate, F (gallons/min) : Pressure, p (psi)} : (96,11) (129,17) (135,20)
(145,25) (168,40) (235,55). The exponent of the power of the nozzle pressure in the regression
model,F=ap^b most nearly is

A : 0.497

B : 0.556

C : 0.578

D : 0.678

Q.no 51. Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh

length =1 find u4.

A : 51833

B : 25.7915

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C : 76.5417

D : 55833

Q.no 52. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

A : 1258

B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

Q.no 53. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 54. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

A : a unique solution

B : no solution

C : an infinite number of solutions

D : zero solution as the only solution

Q.no 55. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

Q.no 56. Given : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0.1) = 1.1 and using a step size of h=0.1, the value of y(0.2)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

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A : 1.32

B : 1.18

C : 1.2

D : 1.22

Q.no 57. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 58. Use the following points to fit the polynomial using Lagrange’s method and find the
value of y at x = 2.7. (x,y): (2.10, 5.14) (2.15, 6.78) (3.10, 10.29) (3.50, 13.58)

A : 7.78

B : 8.95

C : 12.76

D : 15.55

Q.no 59. Solve for value of x and y if 5x - y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 29

A : x = 12, y = 3

B : x = 1, y = 4

C : x = -3, y = 24

D : x = 3, y = 10

Q.no 60. Maximum value of z=2x+y subjected to 5x + y ≤ 100 & x + y ≤ 60

A : 60

B : 70

C : 40

D : 80

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is d

Answer for Question No 5. is c

Answer for Question No 6. is c

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is d

Answer for Question No 9. is c

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is a

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is c

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is c

Answer for Question No 16. is d

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Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is c

Answer for Question No 19. is d

Answer for Question No 20. is c

Answer for Question No 21. is d

Answer for Question No 22. is c

Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is c

Answer for Question No 25. is d

Answer for Question No 26. is d

Answer for Question No 27. is c

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is a

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Answer for Question No 34. is b

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is b

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is c

Answer for Question No 40. is b

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is c

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is a

Answer for Question No 49. is d

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Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is d

Answer for Question No 53. is c

Answer for Question No 54. is c

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is d

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is b

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. Trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrate is a polynomial of

A : 0 but not 1

B : 1 but not 0

C : 0 or 1


Q.no 2. Let h be the finite difference, then forward difference operator is defined by……

A : f(x)=f(x+h)-f(x)

B : f(x)=f(x-h)-f(x)

C : f(x)=f(x*h)

D : f(x)=f(x)

Q.no 3. In an LPP functions to be maximized or minimized are called ___________.

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A : constraints

B : objective function

C : basic solution

D : feasible solution

Q.no 4. The error in the second order Runga Kutta is of the order


B : h^ 2

C : h^ 3

D : h^ 4

Q.no 5. The method of finding a specific relation y = f(x) for the data to satisfy as accurately as
possible is called the

A : Curve of least fit

B : Curve of best fit

C : Fitting curves

D : Curve of equation

Q.no 6. Principal of least square states that......

A : The sum of square of all points from curve is minimum

B : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is minimum

C : The sum of square of all points from curve is maximum

D : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is maximum

Q.no 7. Let h be the finite difference, then forward difference operator is defined by……

A : f(x)=f(x+h)-f(x)

B : f(x)=f(x-h)-f(x)

C : f(x)=f(x*h)

D : f(x)=f(x)

Q.no 8. The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

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A : Wave equation

B : Heat equation

C : Laplace equation

D : Elasticity equation

Q.no 9. Number of iteration depends on the _________

A : Initial value taken to start the iteration

B : Type of linear equations

C : Number of unknowns

D : Approximations to be done

Q.no 10. An LPP have ____________ optimal solution



C : 1 or more than 1

D : 2 or more than 2

Q.no 11. Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally __________

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Super-linear

D : Cubic

Q.no 12. The iteration method is a ______ method

A : direct

B : indirect

C : self correcting

D : step by step

Q.no 13. Find the area of the traverse using Simpson’s rule if d= 12 m and the values of ordinates
are 2.25m, 1.46m, 3.23m, 4.46m.

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A : 116.88 sq. m

B : 161.88 sq. m

C : 611.88 sq. m

D : 169.54 sq. m

Q.no 14. Equation of straight line in fitting curve of the form y=ab^x

A : b'∑X+na'=∑Y , b'∑X^2+a'∑X=∑XY

B : a'∑X+nb'=∑X , a'∑x^2+b'∑x=∑XY

C : a∑X^2+b∑X+nc=∑Y , a∑X^3+b∑X^2+c∑X=∑XY , a∑X^4+b∑X^3+c∑X^2=∑X^2Y

D : b'∑X+na'=∑XY , b'∑X+a'∑X^2=∑Y

Q.no 15. Classify uxx−2uxy+uyy=0

A : Parabolic

B : Hyperbolic

C : Eliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 16. In case of Newton Backward Interpolation Formula which equation is correct to find u

A : u=(x – xn) h

B : uh=x + xn

C : u=x – xn

D : uh=x – xn

Q.no 17. Jacobi iteration method is _____substitution method

A : Indirect

B : Direct

C : Forward

D : Backward

Q.no 18. An equation which expresses a relation between the independent and dependent
variable is called equation.

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A : Differential equation

B : Partial Defferential Equation(PDE)

C : Linear equation

D : Polynomial Equation

Q.no 19. Relative error in x is?

A : δx

B : δx⁄x

C : δx⁄x * 100


Q.no 20. What is the order of the differential equation given by dy/dx+4y=sinx?

A : First Order

B : Third Order

C : Second Order

D : Zeroth Order

Q.no 21. Using the finite difference solve y’ – y = 0 of y(0)=0, y(1)=1, n=2.

A : 0.3333

B : 0.4444

C : 0.5555

D : 0.2222

Q.no 22. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in a solution which is sought to be

improved, then the solution is_____.

A : bounded

B : unbounded

C : basic solution

D : non-basic solution

Q.no 23. Compared to Gauss-Seidel method, Newton-Raphson method takes

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A : Less number of iterations and more time per iteration

B : Less number of iterations and less time per iteration

C : More number of iterations and more time per iteration

D : More number of iterations and less time per iteration

Q.no 24. The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or

symmetric________ definite matrices.

A : Positive

B : Negative

C : Zero

D : Equal

Q.no 25. Fourth degree equations are also called _______ equations.

A : quadratic

B : cubic

C : linear

D : bi-quadratic

Q.no 26. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y

≥ 0 Can we get multiple optimal solution if corner points of feasible region are (0, 10), (5, 5),
and (0, 20) respectively.

A : Single Optimal Solution

B : Double Optimal Solution

C : Optimal solution doesn't exist

D : Data is insuficient

Q.no 27. The Lagrange polynomial that passes through the 3 data points is given by (X,Y) :
(15,24) (18,37) (22,25). f2(x)=L0(x)(24) + L1(x)(37) + L2(x)(25). The value of L1(x) at x=16 is most

A : –0.071430

B : 0.5

C : 0.57143

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D : 4.3333

Q.no 28. Thomas algorithm is a ___________

A : Linear equations solver

B : Quadratic equations solver

C : Discretization method

D : Linear least square system

Q.no 29. The coefficient of a slack variable is _________.




D : -1

Q.no 30. The _______ matrix in the normal equations is symmetric

A : square

B : scalar

C : coefficient

D : upper triangular

Q.no 31. Taylor's series method will be very useful to give some initial starting values for
powerful methods such as____________________

A : Euler Method

B : Modified Euler Method

C : Newton Raphson Method

D : Runge Kutta Method

Q.no 32. In Newton Raphson method if the curve f f(x) is constant then __________

A : f’’(x)=0

B : f(x)=0

C : f’(x)=0

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D : f’(x)=c

Q.no 33. For partial differential equation, if b² - 4ac < 0 then equation is called

A : Hyperbolic

B : Parabolic

C : Elliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 34. Which of the following is not true of the simplex method

A : at each iteration, the objective valve either says the same or improves

B : it indicates an unbounded or infeasible problem

C : it signals optimality

D : it converges in at most m steps, where m is the number of constraints

Q.no 35. The value of integral x^3 dx between the limit 0 to 1 by Trapezoidal rule taking five sub-
intervals is

A : 0.21

B : 0.23

C : 0.24

D : 0.26

Q.no 36. Solve y”+ y=0 with boundary condition y(0)=0, y(1)=0. Find y(0.5), using finite
difference method.

A : 0.13285

B : 0.12285

C : 0.14285

D : 0.15285

Q.no 37. consider the equation Ax=B where A=[-1 2; 2 -1], B=[3 ; 1], then

A : the equation has no solution

B : [0 ; 0] is a solution of the equation

C : there exist a non zero unique solution

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D : the equation has infinitely many solution

Q.no 38. In double integration, if the limits of integration are known then to evaluate it

A : First work out the outer integral and then the inner

B : First work out the inner integral and then the outer

C : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'x' with 'y' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'y'

D : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'y' with 'x' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'x'

Q.no 39. If for a real continuous function f(x), f(a)f(b) < 0, then in the range of [a,b] for f(x) = 0
,there is (are)

A : one root

B : an undeterminable number of roots

C : no root

D : at least one root

Q.no 40. The feasible region of LLP problem is

A : concave

B : convex

C : concave & convex

D : none

Q.no 41. Find the values of x, y, z in the following system of equations by gauss Elimination
Method. 2x + y – 3z = -10 -2y + z = -2 z = 6

A : 38752

B : 38755

C : 38780

D : 38387

Q.no 42. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

A : a unique solution

B : no solution

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C : an infinite number of solutions

D : zero solution as the only solution

Q.no 43. Apply Gauss Elimination method to solve the following equations. 2x – y + 3z = 9, x + y
+ z = 6, x – y + z = 2

A : X = 5, y = 14, z = 5

B : X = -13, y = 4, z = 15

C : X = -13, y = 1, z = -8

D : X = 13, y = 1, z = -8

Q.no 44. Maximum value of z=2x+y subjected to 5x + y ≤ 100 & x + y ≤ 60

A : 60

B : 70

C : 40

D : 80

Q.no 45. A function is defined as f(x) = x^2 – 3. Between the interval [1,2] find the root of the
function by Bisection Method.

A : 1.7334

B : 1.7364

C : 1.7354

D : 1.7344

Q.no 46. Use the following points to fit the polynomial using Lagrange’s method and find the
value of y at x = 2.7. (x,y): (2.10, 5.14) (2.15, 6.78) (3.10, 10.29) (3.50, 13.58)

A : 7.78

B : 8.95

C : 12.76

D : 15.55

Q.no 47. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−3y′(x)+2y(x)=0
when y(0)=2, y(1)= 10.1 find y(0.5)

A : 5.42

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B : 5.52

C : 5.62

D : 5.32

Q.no 48. Minimise Z= 5x - 2y subjected to the constraints: 2x+3y ≥ 1 and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0


B : 2/3

C : -2/3

D : -1/3

Q.no 49. The equation of best fit curve is of the type y=ab^x find the value of a if (2,144) (3,172.8)
(4,207.4) (5,248.8) (6,298.5)

A : y=73.45 (1.2)^x

B : y=50.32 (1.2)^x

C : y=99.66 (1.2)^x

D : y=1.2 (1.2)^x

Q.no 50. Minimise Z = 200 x + 500 y subject to the constraints x + 2y ≥ 10; 3x + 4y ≤24; x ≥ 0, y ≥

A : 2500

B : 3000

C : 2000

D : 2300

Q.no 51. Find the root of xe^(-x) -0.3 = 0 using Bisection Method in the interval [1,5].



C : 3.1

D : 2.5

Q.no 52. Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh

length =1 find u4.

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A : 51833

B : 25.7915

C : 76.5417

D : 55833

Q.no 53. Using Bisection method find the root of cos(x) – x * e^x = 0 with a = 0 and b = 1.

A : 0.617

B : 0.527

C : 0.517

D : 0.717

Q.no 54. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into the given data. What is the value of y when x=8. (X,Y) :
(1,20) (2,21) (3,22) (4,23) (5,24) (6,25)

A : 45.2

B : 26

C : 28

D : 37

Q.no 55. Solve y′′−y=0 with the boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=1. Find y(1/4)

A : 0.2244

B : 0.2151

C : 0.2355

D : 0.2555

Q.no 56. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

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Q.no 57. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 58. Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary
conditions u (0, y) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤
x ≤ 3. for u1

A : 3.67

B : 4.67

C : 5.67

D : 2.67

Q.no 59. Solve the boundary value problem y′′=xy subject to the condition y(0)+y′(0)=1, y(1)=1,
taking h=1/3, by finite difference method. Find y(0)

A : -0.9991

B : -0.9992

C : -0.9993

D : −0.9880

Q.no 60. It is suspected from theoretical considerations that the rate of flow from a firehouse is
proportional to some power of the nozzle pressure. Assume pressure data is more accurate. You
are linearizing the data. {Flow rate, F (gallons/min) : Pressure, p (psi)} : (96,11) (129,17) (135,20)
(145,25) (168,40) (235,55). The exponent of the power of the nozzle pressure in the regression
model,F=ap^b most nearly is

A : 0.497

B : 0.556

C : 0.578

D : 0.678

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Answer for Question No 1. is c

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is c

Answer for Question No 5. is b

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is c

Answer for Question No 11. is a

Answer for Question No 12. is c

Answer for Question No 13. is b

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is d

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Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is a

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is a

Answer for Question No 25. is d

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is b

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is c

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is c

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Answer for Question No 34. is b

Answer for Question No 35. is d

Answer for Question No 36. is c

Answer for Question No 37. is c

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is d

Answer for Question No 40. is b

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is c

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is b

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is d

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is c

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Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is c

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is b

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is b

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. Integration using trapezoidal rule gives the best result for a single variable function,
which is ________

A : Linear

B : Parabolic

C : Logarithmic

D : Hyperbolic

Q.no 2. What is the order of the differential equation given by dy/dx+4y=sinx?

A : First Order

B : Third Order

C : Second Order

D : Zeroth Order

Q.no 3. Linear Programming Problem is a technique of finding the ____________.

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A : optimal value

B : approximate value

C : initial value

D : infeasible value

Q.no 4. Trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrate is a polynomial of

A : 0 but not 1

B : 1 but not 0

C : 0 or 1


Q.no 5. Trapezoidal method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is

A : Even

B : Multiple of 3

C : Any

D : Multiple of 4

Q.no 6. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable
are _______





Q.no 7. The method of finding a specific relation y = f(x) for the data to satisfy as accurately as
possible is called the

A : Curve of least fit

B : Curve of best fit

C : Fitting curves

D : Curve of equation

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Q.no 8. The aim of elimination steps in Gauss elimination method is to reduce the coefficient
matrix to ____________

A : diagonal

B : identity

C : lower triangular

D : upper triangular

Q.no 9. Interpolation is done by

A : Curve fitting

B : Regression analysis

C : Curve fitting & Regression analysis

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 10. In the case of Newton-Raphson method the error at any stage is proportional to______.

A : the error in the previous stage

B : the square of the error in the previous stage

C : the cubic of the error in the previous stage

D : square root of the error in the previous stage

Q.no 11. According to newtons Cotes formula degree of polynomial is one , such method called

A : Simpson's 1/3 method

B : Simpson's 3/8 method

C : Trapezoidal method

D : Guass Legendres Formula

Q.no 12. Numerical techniques more commonly involve _______

A : Iterative method

B : Direct method

C : Elimination method

D : Reduction method

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Q.no 13. The number of significant digits in the number 1234500




D : 4 or 5 or 6

Q.no 14. As soon as a new value for a variable is found by iteration, it is used immediately in the
following equation, this method is called_______

A : Gauss Jordan

B : Gauss Elimination

C : Gauss seidal

D : Factorization

Q.no 15. The convergence of which of the following method depends on initial assumed value?

A : False position

B : Gauss Seidel method

C : Newton Raphson method

D : Euler method

Q.no 16. Equation of straight line in fitting curve of the form y=ab^x

A : b'∑X+na'=∑Y , b'∑X^2+a'∑X=∑XY

B : a'∑X+nb'=∑X , a'∑x^2+b'∑x=∑XY

C : a∑X^2+b∑X+nc=∑Y , a∑X^3+b∑X^2+c∑X=∑XY , a∑X^4+b∑X^3+c∑X^2=∑X^2Y

D : b'∑X+na'=∑XY , b'∑X+a'∑X^2=∑Y

Q.no 17. when Degree of polynomial of Newtons Cotes formula is three is known as….

A : Trapezoidal method

B : Simpson's 1/3 method

C : Simpson's 3/8 method

D : 2 point Quadreture formula

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Q.no 18. In which of the following methods proper choice of initial value is very important?

A : Newton Raphson Method

B : Bisection Method

C : Iterative Method

D : Regula Falsi Method

Q.no 19. The error in the second order Runga Kutta is of the order


B : h^ 2

C : h^ 3

D : h^ 4

Q.no 20. A feasible solution of an LPP that optimizes then the solution of objective function is
called _________.

A : basic feasible solution

B : optimum solution

C : feasible solution

D : solution

Q.no 21. The simplest method in finding the approximate solutions to the first order equations is

A : Euler's method

B : Modified Euler's Method

C : Runge-Kutta method

D : Taylor's Method

Q.no 22. Newton Raphson method is also called as

A : Method of chords

B : Interval halving method

C : Method of linear interpolation

D : Method of tangents

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Q.no 23. Using the finite difference solve y’ – y = 0 of y(0)=0, y(1)=1, n=2.

A : 0.3333

B : 0.4444

C : 0.5555

D : 0.2222

Q.no 24. The _______ matrix in the normal equations is symmetric

A : square

B : scalar

C : coefficient

D : upper triangular

Q.no 25. Taylor's series method will be very useful to give some initial starting values for
powerful methods such as____________________

A : Euler Method

B : Modified Euler Method

C : Newton Raphson Method

D : Runge Kutta Method

Q.no 26. These are essential for solving partial differential equations

A : Algebraic equation

B : Physical principle

C : Mathematical model

D : Boundary condition

Q.no 27. In Newton Raphson method if the curve f f(x) is constant then __________

A : f’’(x)=0

B : f(x)=0

C : f’(x)=0

D : f’(x)=c

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Q.no 28. Why iterative methods are called as self correcting?

A : Iterations involve repetition

B : Checks occurring during the process ensure that the errors are reduced

C : Any error made at any stage of computation gets automatically corrected in the subsequent steps

D : After each step, validity of the method is checked.

Q.no 29. Using a unit step size, the value of integral (x)*lnx.dx between limit 1 to 2 by trapezoidal
rule is ________

A : 0.68

B : 0.69

C : 0.62

D : 0.7

Q.no 30. Solve y”+ y=0 with boundary condition y(0)=0, y(1)=0. Find y(0.5), using finite
difference method.

A : 0.13285

B : 0.12285

C : 0.14285

D : 0.15285

Q.no 31. From following data calculate line of regression ∑x=89 , ∑y=283 , ∑xy=5071 ,
∑x^2=1611 , ∑y^2=16089 Estimate value of Y when X=25

A : 283

B : 65.629

C : 96.352


Q.no 32. The ± relative error in the density of a metal rod is determined to be ± 0.02. If the
calculated value of the density is 8.6321947..., how should the density be reported?

A : 8.63

B : 8.6

C : 8.632

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Q.no 33. The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or

symmetric________ definite matrices.

A : Positive

B : Negative

C : Zero

D : Equal

Q.no 34. Parabolic equation is also referred as ……………….. Heat equation.

A : 1 Dimensional

B : 3 Dimensional

C : 2 Dimensional

D : 0 Dimensional

Q.no 35. The feasible region of LLP problem is

A : concave

B : convex

C : concave & convex

D : none

Q.no 36. The gauss elimination procedure is one of the several methods to solve

A : Inverse of matrix

B : Determinant matrix

C : Procedure matrix

D : Eliminated matrix

Q.no 37. The modified Euler method is based on the average of_________________________

A : straight line

B : ellipse

C : chord

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D : points

Q.no 38. The Lagrange polynomial that passes through the 3 data points is given by (X,Y) :
(15,24) (18,37) (22,25). f2(x)=L0(x)(24) + L1(x)(37) + L2(x)(25). The value of L1(x) at x=16 is most

A : –0.071430

B : 0.5

C : 0.57143

D : 4.3333

Q.no 39. What is the primary drawback of using direct methods of solution?

A : They yield solution after a certain amount of fixed computation

B : They have large calculations involved

C : They make use of back substitution

D : They do not achieve the desirable accuracy

Q.no 40. Which of the following are not major requirements of a linear programming problem?

A : There must be alternative courses of action among which to decide

B : An objective for the firm must exist

C : The problem must be of the maximization type

D : Resources must be limited

Q.no 41. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

Q.no 42. Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh

length =1 find u4.

A : 51833

B : 25.7915

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C : 76.5417

D : 55833

Q.no 43. Minimize Subject to: Z=12x+16y x+2y≥40 x+y≥30 x≥0;y≥0

A : 360

B : 480

C : 400

D : 520

Q.no 44. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b to the data given below (X,Y) :
(1,0.5) (2,2.5) (3,2.0) (4,4.0) (5,3.5) (6,6) (7,5.5).

A : y= 0.83x+0.07

B : y= 0.43x+0.47

C : y= 1.93x+4.08

D : y= 9.43x+0.12

Q.no 45. Find the values of x, y, z in the following system of equations by gauss Elimination
Method. 2x + y – 3z = -10 -2y + z = -2 z = 6

A : 38752

B : 38755

C : 38780

D : 38387

Q.no 46. Find the root of xe^(-x) -0.3 = 0 using Bisection Method in the interval [1,5].



C : 3.1

D : 2.5

Q.no 47. The equation of best fit curve is of the type y=ab^x find the value of a if (2,144) (3,172.8)
(4,207.4) (5,248.8) (6,298.5)

A : y=73.45 (1.2)^x

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B : y=50.32 (1.2)^x

C : y=99.66 (1.2)^x

D : y=1.2 (1.2)^x

Q.no 48. The definite integral 1/x dx between limit 1 to 3 is evaluated using Trapezoidal rule with
a step size of 1. The correct answer is _______

A : 2.27

B : 1.17

C : 1.18

D : 1.2

Q.no 49. Maximum value of z=10y-3x subjected to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 200

B : 342.5

C : 144

D : 360

Q.no 50. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 51. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 52. Solve y′′−y=0 with the boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=1. Find y(1/4)

A : 0.2244

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B : 0.2151

C : 0.2355

D : 0.2555

Q.no 53. The root of x^3 - 2x - 5 = 0 correct to three decimal places by using Newton-Raphson
method is

A : 2946

B : 1404

C : 1.7321

D : 0.7011

Q.no 54. Minimise Z= 5x - 2y subjected to the constraints: 2x+3y ≥ 1 and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0


B : 2/3

C : -2/3

D : -1/3

Q.no 55. Solve the following equations by Gauss seidal method. [one Iteration] 10a - 2b - c - d = 3,
- 2a + 10b - c - d = 15, - a - b + 10c - 2d = 27, - a - b - 2c = 10d = -9

A : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

B : a = 0.8869, b = 1.9523, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

C : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.9566, d = -0.1368

D : a = 0.986, b = 1.9899, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

Q.no 56. Apply Gauss Elimination method to solve the following equations. 2x – y + 3z = 9, x + y
+ z = 6, x – y + z = 2

A : X = 5, y = 14, z = 5

B : X = -13, y = 4, z = 15

C : X = -13, y = 1, z = -8

D : X = 13, y = 1, z = -8

Q.no 57. Fit a straight line into the following data. (X,Y) : (0,3) (1,6) (2,8) (3,11) (4,13) (5,14)

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A : y=3.52+2.26x

B : y=3.52

C : y=2.26x

D : y=4+3x

Q.no 58. Solve for value of x and y if 5x - y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 29

A : x = 12, y = 3

B : x = 1, y = 4

C : x = -3, y = 24

D : x = 3, y = 10

Q.no 59. Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss
Elimination method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 60. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

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Answer for Question No 1. is d

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is c

Answer for Question No 5. is c

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is b

Answer for Question No 8. is d

Answer for Question No 9. is c

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is c

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is b

Answer for Question No 14. is c

Answer for Question No 15. is c

Answer for Question No 16. is a

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Answer for Question No 17. is c

Answer for Question No 18. is a

Answer for Question No 19. is c

Answer for Question No 20. is b

Answer for Question No 21. is a

Answer for Question No 22. is d

Answer for Question No 23. is b

Answer for Question No 24. is c

Answer for Question No 25. is d

Answer for Question No 26. is d

Answer for Question No 27. is c

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is c

Answer for Question No 31. is b

Answer for Question No 32. is b

Answer for Question No 33. is a

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Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is b

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is b

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is c

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is d

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Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is c

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is b

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. Find the area of the traverse using Simpson’s rule if d= 12 m and the values of ordinates
are 2.25m, 1.46m, 3.23m, 4.46m.

A : 116.88 sq. m

B : 161.88 sq. m

C : 611.88 sq. m

D : 169.54 sq. m

Q.no 2. Absolute error is defined as

A : Present Approximation – Previous Approximation

B : True Value – Approximate Value

C : abs (True Value – Approximate Value)

D : abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation)

Q.no 3. Simpson's 1/3 method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is
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A : Any

B : Even

C : Multiple of 3

D : Multiple of 4

Q.no 4. In double integration, which of the following gives more accurate answer

A : Trapezoidal Rule

B : Simpson's Rule

C : Gauss Quadrature

D : Weddle's Rule

Q.no 5. The Elimination process in Gauss Elimination method is also known as _____________

A : Forward Elimination

B : Backward Elimination

C : Sideways Elimination

D : Crossways Elimination

Q.no 6. In an iterative method, the amount of computation depends on the _________

A : Number of variables

B : Degree of accuracy

C : Rounding of errors

D : Ease of using the operators

Q.no 7. A partial differential equation requires:

A : Two or more independent variable

B : Exactly one independent variable

C : More than one dependent variable

D : Equal numbers of dependent variable

Q.no 8. What is the limitation of Gauss-seidal method?

A : It cannot be used for the matrices with non-zero diagonal elements

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B : It is more complex than Jacobi’s method

C : It doesn’t guarantees convergence for each and every matrix

D : It is an iterative technique

Q.no 9. In the case of Newton-Raphson method the error at any stage is proportional to______.

A : the error in the previous stage

B : the square of the error in the previous stage

C : the cubic of the error in the previous stage

D : square root of the error in the previous stage

Q.no 10. The order of error's the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration with a step size h is


B : h^2

C : h^3

D : h^4

Q.no 11. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.

A : feasible region

B : basic solution

C : non feasible region

D : optimum basic feasible solution

Q.no 12. Relative error in x is?

A : δx

B : δx⁄x

C : δx⁄x * 100


Q.no 13. An LPP have ____________ optimal solution


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C : 1 or more than 1

D : 2 or more than 2

Q.no 14. The order of Newton Raphson Method is _________.





Q.no 15. The error in the second order Runga Kutta is of the order


B : h^ 2

C : h^ 3

D : h^ 4

Q.no 16. A feasible solution of an LPP that optimizes then the solution of objective function is
called _________.

A : basic feasible solution

B : optimum solution

C : feasible solution

D : solution

Q.no 17. The convergence of which of the following method depends on initial assumed value?

A : False position

B : Gauss Seidel method

C : Newton Raphson method

D : Euler method

Q.no 18. An equation which expresses a relation between the independent and dependent
variable is called equation.

A : Differential equation

B : Partial Defferential Equation(PDE)

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C : Linear equation

D : Polynomial Equation

Q.no 19. Linear interpolation is

A : Easy

B : Easy & Precise

C : None of the mentioned

D : Precise

Q.no 20. Equation of straight line in fitting curve of the form y=ab^x

A : b'∑X+na'=∑Y , b'∑X^2+a'∑X=∑XY

B : a'∑X+nb'=∑X , a'∑x^2+b'∑x=∑XY

C : a∑X^2+b∑X+nc=∑Y , a∑X^3+b∑X^2+c∑X=∑XY , a∑X^4+b∑X^3+c∑X^2=∑X^2Y

D : b'∑X+na'=∑XY , b'∑X+a'∑X^2=∑Y

Q.no 21. For partial differential equation, if b² - 4ac < 0 then equation is called

A : Hyperbolic

B : Parabolic

C : Elliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 22. Solve simultaneous equations 13x - 6y = 20, 7x + 4y = 18

A : x = 2, y = 1

B : x = 4, y = 8

C : x = 6, y = 1

D : x = 2, y = 4

Q.no 23. Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?

A : The coefficient matrix has no zeros on its main diagonal

B : The rate of convergence is quite slow compared with other methods

C : Iteration involved in Jacobi’s method converges

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D : The coefficient matrix has zeroes on its main diagonal

Q.no 24. A degenerate solution is one that_________.

A : gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem

B : gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables

C : yields more than one way to achieve the objective

D : makes use of all available resources

Q.no 25. The modified Euler method is based on the average of_________________________

A : straight line

B : ellipse

C : chord

D : points

Q.no 26. Fourth degree equations are also called _______ equations.

A : quadratic

B : cubic

C : linear

D : bi-quadratic

Q.no 27. Truncation error is caused by approximating

A : irrational numbers

B : fractions

C : rational numbers

D : exact mathematical procedures

Q.no 28. Newton-Raphson method is applicable the solution of ______.

A : Both algebraic and transcendental equations

B : Both algebraic and transcendental and also used when the roots are complex

C : Algebraic equations only

D : Transcendental equations only

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Q.no 29. What is the primary drawback of using direct methods of solution?

A : They yield solution after a certain amount of fixed computation

B : They have large calculations involved

C : They make use of back substitution

D : They do not achieve the desirable accuracy

Q.no 30. Find the equation of the lines of regression based on following data: ∑x=15 , ∑y=15
,∑xy=44 ,∑x^2=49

A : 2x-8y-15=0

B : 2x+8y-15=0

C : 2x+8y+15=0

D : 2x-8y+15=0

Q.no 31. Yg= Y0*L0 + Y1*L1 + Y2*L2 +………....+Yn-1*Ln-1 given equation represents ….

A : inverse interpolation

B : Newton’s interpolation

C : Lagrange’s interpolation

D : Hermit interpolation

Q.no 32. The value of y’/x’ in terms of the angle 0 is given by _____________

A : tanθ

B : secθ

C : cotθ

D : cosecθ

Q.no 33. The value of integral x^3 dx between the limit 0 to 1 by Trapezoidal rule taking five sub-
intervals is

A : 0.21

B : 0.23

C : 0.24

D : 0.26

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Q.no 34. Why iterative methods are called as self correcting?

A : Iterations involve repetition

B : Checks occurring during the process ensure that the errors are reduced

C : Any error made at any stage of computation gets automatically corrected in the subsequent steps

D : After each step, validity of the method is checked.

Q.no 35. For an equation like x^2 =0 , a root exists at x = 0. The bisection method cannot be
to solve this equation in spite of the root existing at x = 0 because the function f (x) = x^2

A : is a polynomial

B : has repeated roots at x = 0

C : is always non-negative

D : has a slope equal to zero at x = 0

Q.no 36. Jacobi’s method is also known as

A : Displacement method

B : Simultaneous displacement method

C : Simultaneous method

D : Diagonal method

Q.no 37. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y

≥ 0 Can we get multiple optimal solution if corner points of feasible region are (0, 10), (5, 5),
and (0, 20) respectively.

A : Single Optimal Solution

B : Double Optimal Solution

C : Optimal solution doesn't exist

D : Data is insuficient

Q.no 38. Solving following simultaneous equations, 4x - 5y = 17 and x - 5y = 8, we get

A : x = 3, y = -1

B : x = 2, y = 3

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C : x = 4, y = 1

D : x = 5, y = 4

Q.no 39. Maximum value of z=3x+4y subject to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 60

B : 147.5

C : 144

D : 342.5

Q.no 40. Which produces smoother interpolants?

A : Polynomial interpolation

B : Spline interpolation

C : Polynomial & Spline interpolation

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 41. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−3y′(x)+2y(x)=0
when y(0)=2, y(1)= 10.1 find y(0.5)

A : 5.42

B : 5.52

C : 5.62

D : 5.32

Q.no 42. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 43. Using Bisection method find the root of cos(x) – x * e^x = 0 with a = 0 and b = 1.

A : 0.617

B : 0.527

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C : 0.517

D : 0.717

Q.no 44. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

Q.no 45. The root of x^3 - 2x - 5 = 0 correct to three decimal places by using Newton-Raphson
method is

A : 2946

B : 1404

C : 1.7321

D : 0.7011

Q.no 46. Maximum value of z=2x+y subjected to 5x + y ≤ 100 & x + y ≤ 60

A : 60

B : 70

C : 40

D : 80

Q.no 47. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

Q.no 48. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into a given data: (X,Y) : (5,12) (10,13) (15,14) (20,15) (25,16)

A : y=11

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B : y=0.2x

C : y=11+0.2x

D : y=1.1+0.2x

Q.no 49. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 50. The solution for the following system is 4y+3z=8, 2x-z=2, 3x+2y=5

A : x=0, y=1, z=0.5

B : x=0, y=0.5, z=2

C : x=1, y=0.5, z=2

D : nonexisstent

Q.no 51. Maximum value of z=10y-3x subjected to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 200

B : 342.5

C : 144

D : 360

Q.no 52. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

Q.no 53. A function is defined as f(x) = x^2 – 3. Between the interval [1,2] find the root of the
function by Bisection Method.

A : 1.7334

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B : 1.7364

C : 1.7354

D : 1.7344

Q.no 54. Fit a straight line into the following data. (X,Y) : (0,3) (1,6) (2,8) (3,11) (4,13) (5,14)

A : y=3.52+2.26x

B : y=3.52

C : y=2.26x

D : y=4+3x

Q.no 55. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

A : 1258

B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

Q.no 56. Solve y′′−y=0 with the boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=1. Find y(1/4)

A : 0.2244

B : 0.2151

C : 0.2355

D : 0.2555

Q.no 57. Using least square method , find the value of Y(22) for (X,Y) : (0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22)

A : 402

B : 45

C : 55.4

D : 60.2

Q.no 58. From following data , calculate value of y. (X,Y) : (45,2.871) (50,2.404) (55,2.083)
(60,1.862) (65,1.712)


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C : 0.1

D : 0.2

Q.no 59. Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y +
10z = -8, 4y – 2z = -2

A : (-2, -1, -1)

B : (-1, -2, -1)

C : (-1, -1, -2)

D : (-1, -1, -1)

Q.no 60. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is b

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is b

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is a

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is c

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is c

Answer for Question No 16. is b

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Answer for Question No 17. is c

Answer for Question No 18. is a

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is c

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is d

Answer for Question No 26. is d

Answer for Question No 27. is d

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is c

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is d

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Answer for Question No 34. is c

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is b

Answer for Question No 37. is b

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is c

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is d

Answer for Question No 42. is b

Answer for Question No 43. is c

Answer for Question No 44. is b

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is a

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Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is d

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is d

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is c

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is c

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. In the case of Newton-Raphson method the error at any stage is proportional to______.

A : the error in the previous stage

B : the square of the error in the previous stage

C : the cubic of the error in the previous stage

D : square root of the error in the previous stage

Q.no 2. The convergence of which of the following method depends on initial assumed value?

A : False position

B : Gauss Seidel method

C : Newton Raphson method

D : Euler method

Q.no 3. Integration using trapezoidal rule gives the best result for a single variable function,
which is ________

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A : Linear

B : Parabolic

C : Logarithmic

D : Hyperbolic

Q.no 4. If the constraint of an LPP has an in equation of less than or equal to type, the variables
to be added are__________.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : decision

Q.no 5. The Bisection method is also known as ___________________

A : Binary Chopping

B : Quaternary Chopping

C : Tri region Chopping

D : Hex region Chopping

Q.no 6. What are the coefficients of the equation obtained during the elimination called?

A : Joints

B : Pivots

C : Calculated coefficients

D : Operative coefficients

Q.no 7. Equation of straight line in fitting curve of the form y=ab^x

A : b'∑X+na'=∑Y , b'∑X^2+a'∑X=∑XY

B : a'∑X+nb'=∑X , a'∑x^2+b'∑x=∑XY

C : a∑X^2+b∑X+nc=∑Y , a∑X^3+b∑X^2+c∑X=∑XY , a∑X^4+b∑X^3+c∑X^2=∑X^2Y

D : b'∑X+na'=∑XY , b'∑X+a'∑X^2=∑Y

Q.no 8. Jacobi iteration method is _____substitution method

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A : Indirect

B : Direct

C : Forward

D : Backward

Q.no 9. The Poisson's equation ∂2u/∂x2+∂2u/∂y2=f(x,y) is a example of ------------------

A : Elliptic PDE

B : Parabolic PDE

C : Hyperbolic PDE

D : Circular PDE

Q.no 10. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.

A : feasible region

B : basic solution

C : non feasible region

D : optimum basic feasible solution

Q.no 11. The modified procedure of complete pivoting is called as ____________

A : Partial

B : Additional

C : Reduced

D : Modified

Q.no 12. Linear interpolation is

A : Easy

B : Easy & Precise

C : None of the mentioned

D : Precise

Q.no 13. The Elimination process in Gauss Elimination method is also known as _____________

A : Forward Elimination
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B : Backward Elimination

C : Sideways Elimination

D : Crossways Elimination

Q.no 14. The aim of elimination steps in Gauss elimination method is to reduce the coefficient
matrix to ____________

A : diagonal

B : identity

C : lower triangular

D : upper triangular

Q.no 15. The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

A : Wave equation

B : Heat equation

C : Laplace equation

D : Elasticity equation

Q.no 16. at the optimal solution of maximization problem, the optimal profit must equal to the
worth of

A : used resources

B : unused resources

C : none of the above

D : both a & b

Q.no 17. In double integration, which of the following gives more accurate answer

A : Trapezoidal Rule

B : Simpson's Rule

C : Gauss Quadrature

D : Weddle's Rule

Q.no 18. Simpson's 1/3 method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is

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A : Any

B : Even

C : Multiple of 3

D : Multiple of 4

Q.no 19. Key element is also known as ___________.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : pivot

Q.no 20. Number of iteration depends on the _________

A : Initial value taken to start the iteration

B : Type of linear equations

C : Number of unknowns

D : Approximations to be done

Q.no 21. Let A be 3x3 matrix with rank 2 then Ax=0

A : only the trivial solution x=0

B : one independent solution

C : two independent solution

D : three independent solution

Q.no 22. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (0, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). If you were going to use quadratic
interpolation to find the value of the velocity at t = 9.14 seconds, what three data points of time
would you choose for interpolation.

A : 0, 15, 18

B : 15, 18, 22

C : 0, 15, 22

D : 0, 18, 24

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Q.no 23. Consider the system of equations x+y=2, 2x+2y=5 This system has

A : one solution

B : No solution

C : infinite solution

D : four solution

Q.no 24. How the transformation of coefficient matrix A to upper triangular matrix is done?

A : Elementary row transformations

B : Elementary column transformations

C : Successive multiplication

D : Successive division

Q.no 25. In double integration, if the limits of integration are known then to evaluate it

A : First work out the outer integral and then the inner

B : First work out the inner integral and then the outer

C : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'x' with 'y' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'y'

D : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'y' with 'x' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'x'

Q.no 26. Using a unit step size, the value of integral (x)*lnx.dx between limit 1 to 2 by trapezoidal
rule is ________

A : 0.68

B : 0.69

C : 0.62

D : 0.7

Q.no 27. In double integration, the domain of integration can be divided into

A : 3 subintervals

B : 4 subintervals

C : 9 subintervals

D : Any number of subintervals

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Q.no 28. For an equation like x^2 =0 , a root exists at x = 0. The bisection method cannot be
to solve this equation in spite of the root existing at x = 0 because the function f (x) = x^2

A : is a polynomial

B : has repeated roots at x = 0

C : is always non-negative

D : has a slope equal to zero at x = 0

Q.no 29. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] which of following statement is true

A : x is a null vector

B : x is unique

C : x does not exist

D : x has infinitely many values

Q.no 30. Parabolic equation is also referred as ……………….. Heat equation.

A : 1 Dimensional

B : 3 Dimensional

C : 2 Dimensional

D : 0 Dimensional

Q.no 31. The Iterative formula for Newton-Raphson method is:

A : Xn+1 = f (Xn)

B : Xn+1 = Xn –[f(x)/f’(x)]

C : Xn+1 = Xn-1 - [f(x)/f’(x)]

D : Xn+1 = Xn - [f’(x)/f(x)]

Q.no 32. Newton-Raphson method is applicable the solution of ______.

A : Both algebraic and transcendental equations

B : Both algebraic and transcendental and also used when the roots are complex

C : Algebraic equations only

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D : Transcendental equations only

Q.no 33. The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or

symmetric________ definite matrices.

A : Positive

B : Negative

C : Zero

D : Equal

Q.no 34. These are essential for solving partial differential equations

A : Algebraic equation

B : Physical principle

C : Mathematical model

D : Boundary condition

Q.no 35. Maximum value of z=3x+4y subject to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 60

B : 147.5

C : 144

D : 342.5

Q.no 36. The process of constructing a sequence of vectors and obtaining the solution of a system
using specified accuracy is called _________

A : Elimination

B : Reduction

C : Iteration

D : Raphson method

Q.no 37. How many types of pivoting are there?




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Q.no 38. Newton forward interpolation formula is used for _________ intervals.

A : open

B : unequal

C : equal

D : closed

Q.no 39. A degenerate solution is one that_________.

A : gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem

B : gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables

C : yields more than one way to achieve the objective

D : makes use of all available resources

Q.no 40. In Newton Raphson method if the curve f(x) is constant then __________

A : f’’(x)=0

B : f(x)=0

C : f’(x)=0

D : f’(x)=c

Q.no 41. The governing equation for temperature distribution w.r.t distance x in the body is given
by (dT/dX) = -2000/(0.01T + 1) , T(0.2) = 500 and using a step size of h=0.04, the value of T(0.24)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 513.33

B : 486.66

C : 333.33

D : -13.33

Q.no 42. Maximum value of z=2x+y subjected to 5x + y ≤ 100 & x + y ≤ 60

A : 60

B : 70

C : 40

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D : 80

Q.no 43. Newton-Raphson method is used to compute a root of the equation x^2 - 13 = 0 with 3.5
as the initial value. The approximation after one iteration is

A : 3.677

B : 3.607

C : 3.575

D : 3.667

Q.no 44. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 45. The equation of best fit curve is of the type y=ab^x find the value of a if (2,144) (3,172.8)
(4,207.4) (5,248.8) (6,298.5)

A : y=73.45 (1.2)^x

B : y=50.32 (1.2)^x

C : y=99.66 (1.2)^x

D : y=1.2 (1.2)^x

Q.no 46. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 47. Solve ut = uxx, 0 < x < 5, t ≥ 0, given that u (x, 0) = 20, u (0, t) = 0, u (5, t) = 100.
Compute u1 for the time-step with h = 1

A : 40

B : 20

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C : -40

D : 30

Q.no 48. Minimise Z= 5x - 2y subjected to the constraints: 2x+3y ≥ 1 and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0


B : 2/3

C : -2/3

D : -1/3

Q.no 49. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−3y′(x)+2y(x)=0
when y(0)=2, y(1)= 10.1 find y(0.5)

A : 5.42

B : 5.52

C : 5.62

D : 5.32

Q.no 50. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 At x=0 and x=3, u=0 (for all value of t) & u=0.3. At t=0, u=x2 for 0
< x < 3. Take increment in x as 1 and t as 0.1, find value of u1

A : 1.1333

B : 1.1222

C : 1.3111

D : 1.3222

Q.no 51. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

Q.no 52. It is suspected from theoretical considerations that the rate of flow from a firehouse is
proportional to some power of the nozzle pressure. Assume pressure data is more accurate. You
are linearizing the data. {Flow rate, F (gallons/min) : Pressure, p (psi)} : (96,11) (129,17) (135,20)
(145,25) (168,40) (235,55). The exponent of the power of the nozzle pressure in the regression
model,F=ap^b most nearly is
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A : 0.497

B : 0.556

C : 0.578

D : 0.678

Q.no 53. Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary
conditions u (0, y) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤
x ≤ 3. for u1

A : 3.67

B : 4.67

C : 5.67

D : 2.67

Q.no 54. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (10, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). A quadratic Lagrange interpolant is
found using three data points, t = 15, 18 and 22. From this information, at what of the times given
in seconds is the velocity of the body 26m/s during the time interval of t=15 to t=22 seconds.

A : 20.173

B : 21.858

C : 21.667

D : 222

Q.no 55. Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y +
10z = -8, 4y – 2z = -2

A : (-2, -1, -1)

B : (-1, -2, -1)

C : (-1, -1, -2)

D : (-1, -1, -1)

Q.no 56. The values of x & f(x), using trapezoidal rule area bounded by the curve, x axis and the
line x =7.47, x = 7.52 is [x,f(x)]: (7.47,1.93) (7.48,1.95) (7.49,1.98) (7.50,2) (7.51,2.03) (7.52,2.06)

A : 0776

B : 0.1096

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C : 0896

D : 0996

Q.no 57. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 58. Using Bisection method find the root of 3*X^2 = 5X+2 in the interval [0,3].

A : 2.25

B : 2.52


D : 2.2

Q.no 59. Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh

length =1 find u4.

A : 51833

B : 25.7915

C : 76.5417

D : 55833

Q.no 60. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into a given data: (X,Y) : (5,12) (10,13) (15,14) (20,15) (25,16)

A : y=11

B : y=0.2x

C : y=11+0.2x

D : y=1.1+0.2x

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is d

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is a

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is d

Answer for Question No 15. is c

Answer for Question No 16. is a

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Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is d

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is d

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is b

Answer for Question No 24. is a

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is d

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is b

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is a

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Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is c

Answer for Question No 37. is a

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is b

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is c

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is b

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is d

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Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is d

Answer for Question No 56. is d

Answer for Question No 57. is c

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is a

Answer for Question No 60. is c

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. The bisection method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of a
(an) _________ method.

A : open

B : bracketing

C : random

D : graphical

Q.no 2. The Bisection method has which of the following convergences?

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Cubic

D : Quaternary

Q.no 3. What type of equation is f(x)=ae^bx

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A : logarithmic

B : exponential

C : power equation

D : polynomial

Q.no 4. The iteration method is a ______ method

A : direct

B : indirect

C : self correcting

D : step by step

Q.no 5. Find the area of the traverse using Simpson’s rule if d= 12 m and the values of ordinates
are 2.25m, 1.46m, 3.23m, 4.46m.

A : 116.88 sq. m

B : 161.88 sq. m

C : 611.88 sq. m

D : 169.54 sq. m

Q.no 6. In an iterative method, the amount of computation depends on the _________

A : Number of variables

B : Degree of accuracy

C : Rounding of errors

D : Ease of using the operators

Q.no 7. Trapezoidal method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is

A : Even

B : Multiple of 3

C : Any

D : Multiple of 4

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Q.no 8. An equation which expresses a relation between the independent and dependent variable
is called equation.

A : Differential equation

B : Partial Defferential Equation(PDE)

C : Linear equation

D : Polynomial Equation

Q.no 9. Trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrate is a polynomial of

A : 0 but not 1

B : 1 but not 0

C : 0 or 1


Q.no 10. Let h be the finite difference, then forward difference operator is defined by……

A : f(x)=f(x+h)-f(x)

B : f(x)=f(x-h)-f(x)

C : f(x)=f(x*h)

D : f(x)=f(x)

Q.no 11. Interpolation methods are

A : Linear interpolation

B : Piecewise constant interpolation

C : Polynomial interpolation

D : All of the mentioned

Q.no 12. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision
variable are _______




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Q.no 13. The Elimination process in Gauss Elimination method is also known as _____________

A : Forward Elimination

B : Backward Elimination

C : Sideways Elimination

D : Crossways Elimination

Q.no 14. The number of significant digits in the number 1234500




D : 4 or 5 or 6

Q.no 15. In double integration, which of the following gives more accurate answer

A : Trapezoidal Rule

B : Simpson's Rule

C : Gauss Quadrature

D : Weddle's Rule

Q.no 16. Absolute error is defined as

A : Present Approximation – Previous Approximation

B : True Value – Approximate Value

C : abs (True Value – Approximate Value)

D : abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation)

Q.no 17. The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

A : Wave equation

B : Heat equation

C : Laplace equation

D : Elasticity equation
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Q.no 18. In case of Newton Backward Interpolation Formula which equation is correct to find u

A : u=(x – xn) h

B : uh=x + xn

C : u=x – xn

D : uh=x – xn

Q.no 19. The modified procedure of complete pivoting is called as ____________

A : Partial

B : Additional

C : Reduced

D : Modified

Q.no 20. Principal of least square states that......

A : The sum of square of all points from curve is minimum

B : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is minimum

C : The sum of square of all points from curve is maximum

D : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is maximum

Q.no 21. A degenerate solution is one that_________.

A : gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem

B : gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables

C : yields more than one way to achieve the objective

D : makes use of all available resources

Q.no 22. The number 0.01850 x 103 has ________ significant digits





Q.no 23. What is the primary drawback of using direct methods of solution?
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A : They yield solution after a certain amount of fixed computation

B : They have large calculations involved

C : They make use of back substitution

D : They do not achieve the desirable accuracy

Q.no 24. Newton-Raphson method is applicable the solution of ______.

A : Both algebraic and transcendental equations

B : Both algebraic and transcendental and also used when the roots are complex

C : Algebraic equations only

D : Transcendental equations only

Q.no 25. Consider the following system of equations 2x1 +x2+x3= 0, x2-x3= 0, x1+x2= 0 This
system has

A : A unique solution

B : No solution

C : Infinite number of solutions

D : Five solutions

Q.no 26. The Newton-Raphson iteration x can be xn+1 = 1/2 [xn + (R/xn)]used to compute the

A : square of R

B : reciprocal of R

C : square root of R

D : logarithm of R

Q.no 27. The process of constructing a sequence of vectors and obtaining the solution of a system
using specified accuracy is called _________

A : Elimination

B : Reduction

C : Iteration

D : Raphson method

Q.no 28. Yg= Y0*L0 + Y1*L1 + Y2*L2 +………....+Yn-1*Ln-1 given equation represents ….

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A : inverse interpolation

B : Newton’s interpolation

C : Lagrange’s interpolation

D : Hermit interpolation

Q.no 29. In double integration, the domain of integration can be divided into

A : 3 subintervals

B : 4 subintervals

C : 9 subintervals

D : Any number of subintervals

Q.no 30. Solving following simultaneous equations, 4x - 5y = 17 and x - 5y = 8, we get

A : x = 3, y = -1

B : x = 2, y = 3

C : x = 4, y = 1

D : x = 5, y = 4

Q.no 31. Which method is best suited when the desired degree of the interpolating polynomial is

A : Vandermonde matrix

B : Lagrange method

C : Newton form

D : Cubic Spline Interpolation

Q.no 32. consider the equation Ax=B where A=[-1 2; 2 -1], B=[3 ; 1], then

A : the equation has no solution

B : [0 ; 0] is a solution of the equation

C : there exist a non zero unique solution

D : the equation has infinitely many solution

Q.no 33. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table,
then the solution is___________.

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A : alternative

B : bounded

C : no solution

D : infeasible

Q.no 34. Maximum value of z=10x+y subjected to x+y≤4; y ≥2

A : 22

B : 33

C : 44


Q.no 35. Compared to Gauss-Seidel method, Newton-Raphson method takes

A : Less number of iterations and more time per iteration

B : Less number of iterations and less time per iteration

C : More number of iterations and more time per iteration

D : More number of iterations and less time per iteration

Q.no 36. The gauss elimination procedure is one of the several methods to solve

A : Inverse of matrix

B : Determinant matrix

C : Procedure matrix

D : Eliminated matrix

Q.no 37. Let A be 3x3 matrix with rank 2 then Ax=0

A : only the trivial solution x=0

B : one independent solution

C : two independent solution

D : three independent solution

Q.no 38. Using the finite difference solve y’ – y = 0 of y(0)=0, y(1)=1, n=2.

A : 0.3333
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B : 0.4444

C : 0.5555

D : 0.2222

Q.no 39. Find the equation of the lines of regression based on following data: ∑x=15 , ∑y=15
,∑xy=44 ,∑x^2=49

A : 2x-8y-15=0

B : 2x+8y-15=0

C : 2x+8y+15=0

D : 2x-8y+15=0

Q.no 40. In double integration, when the region of integration is rectangular in shape then the
limits of integration are

A : Constant

B : Non-constant

C : (0) and (1)

D : (-1) and (1)

Q.no 41. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 42. The equation of best fit curve is of the type y=ab^x find the value of a if (2,144) (3,172.8)
(4,207.4) (5,248.8) (6,298.5)

A : y=73.45 (1.2)^x

B : y=50.32 (1.2)^x

C : y=99.66 (1.2)^x

D : y=1.2 (1.2)^x

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Q.no 43. Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss
Elimination method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 44. Minimise Z = 200 x + 500 y subject to the constraints x + 2y ≥ 10; 3x + 4y ≤24; x ≥ 0, y ≥

A : 2500

B : 3000

C : 2000

D : 2300

Q.no 45. Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y +
10z = -8, 4y – 2z = -2

A : (-2, -1, -1)

B : (-1, -2, -1)

C : (-1, -1, -2)

D : (-1, -1, -1)

Q.no 46. Solve the following equations by Gauss seidal method. [one Iteration] 10a - 2b - c - d = 3,
- 2a + 10b - c - d = 15, - a - b + 10c - 2d = 27, - a - b - 2c = 10d = -9

A : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

B : a = 0.8869, b = 1.9523, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

C : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.9566, d = -0.1368

D : a = 0.986, b = 1.9899, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

Q.no 47. The values of x & f(x), using trapezoidal rule area bounded by the curve, x axis and the
line x =7.47, x = 7.52 is [x,f(x)]: (7.47,1.93) (7.48,1.95) (7.49,1.98) (7.50,2) (7.51,2.03) (7.52,2.06)

A : 0776

B : 0.1096

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C : 0896

D : 0996

Q.no 48. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

Q.no 49. The root of x^3 - 2x - 5 = 0 correct to three decimal places by using Newton-Raphson
method is

A : 2946

B : 1404

C : 1.7321

D : 0.7011

Q.no 50. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

Q.no 51. While solving by Gauss Seidal method, which of the following is the first Iterative
solution system; x – 2y = 1 and x + 4y = 4?

A : (1, 0.75)

B : (0.25,1)

C : (0,0)

D : (1,0.65)

Q.no 52. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into a given data: (X,Y) : (5,12) (10,13) (15,14) (20,15) (25,16)

A : y=11

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B : y=0.2x

C : y=11+0.2x

D : y=1.1+0.2x

Q.no 53. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

A : 1258

B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

Q.no 54. A function is defined as f(x) = x^2 – 3. Between the interval [1,2] find the root of the
function by Bisection Method.

A : 1.7334

B : 1.7364

C : 1.7354

D : 1.7344

Q.no 55. Using the finite difference method, find y(0.25) satisfying the differential equation y′′
(x)+y(x)=x subject to the boundary conditions y(0)=0, y(1)=2.

A : 0.5443

B : 0.6443

C : 0.5643

D : 0.6643

Q.no 56. Solve y′′−y=0 with the boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=1. Find y(1/4)

A : 0.2244

B : 0.2151

C : 0.2355

D : 0.2555

Q.no 57. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b to the data given below (X,Y) :
(1,0.5) (2,2.5) (3,2.0) (4,4.0) (5,3.5) (6,6) (7,5.5).

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A : y= 0.83x+0.07

B : y= 0.43x+0.47

C : y= 1.93x+4.08

D : y= 9.43x+0.12

Q.no 58. Solve for value of x and y if 5x - y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 29

A : x = 12, y = 3

B : x = 1, y = 4

C : x = -3, y = 24

D : x = 3, y = 10

Q.no 59. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (10, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). A quadratic Lagrange interpolant is
found using three data points, t = 15, 18 and 22. From this information, at what of the times given
in seconds is the velocity of the body 26m/s during the time interval of t=15 to t=22 seconds.

A : 20.173

B : 21.858

C : 21.667

D : 222

Q.no 60. Solve ut = uxx, 0 < x < 5, t ≥ 0, given that u (x, 0) = 20, u (0, t) = 0, u (5, t) = 100.
Compute u1 for the time-step with h = 1

A : 40

B : 20

C : -40

D : 30

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is c

Answer for Question No 5. is b

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is c

Answer for Question No 8. is a

Answer for Question No 9. is c

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is d

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is c

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Answer for Question No 17. is c

Answer for Question No 18. is d

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is d

Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is a

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is c

Answer for Question No 27. is c

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is d

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is c

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is d

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Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is b

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is a

Answer for Question No 41. is c

Answer for Question No 42. is c

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is d

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is a

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Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is c

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is d

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is b

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. Gauss seidal method is similar to which of the following methods?

A : Iteration method

B : Newton Raphson method

C : Jacobi’s method

D : Regula-Falsi method

Q.no 2. The order of convergence of Newton-Raphson iterative algorithm is

A : First order

B : Second order

C : Third order

D : Fourth order

Q.no 3. A partial differential equation requires:

A : Two or more independent variable

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B : Exactly one independent variable

C : More than one dependent variable

D : Equal numbers of dependent variable

Q.no 4. The method of finding a specific relation y = f(x) for the data to satisfy as accurately as
possible is called the

A : Curve of least fit

B : Curve of best fit

C : Fitting curves

D : Curve of equation

Q.no 5. The modified procedure of complete pivoting is called as ____________

A : Partial

B : Additional

C : Reduced

D : Modified

Q.no 6. Which of the following method is employed for solving the system of linear equations?

A : Runge Kutta

B : Newton Raphson

C : Gauss Seidal

D : Simpson’s Rule

Q.no 7. Which method has slow convergence?

A : false poison

B : Secant

C : Newton-Raphson

D : Bisection

Q.no 8. In an iterative method, the amount of computation depends on the _________

A : Number of variables

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B : Degree of accuracy

C : Rounding of errors

D : Ease of using the operators

Q.no 9. Linear interpolation is

A : Easy

B : Easy & Precise

C : None of the mentioned

D : Precise

Q.no 10. Key element is also known as ___________.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : pivot

Q.no 11. Absolute error is defined as

A : Present Approximation – Previous Approximation

B : True Value – Approximate Value

C : abs (True Value – Approximate Value)

D : abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation)

Q.no 12. The Bisection method has which of the following convergences?

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Cubic

D : Quaternary

Q.no 13. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.

A : feasible region

B : basic solution
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C : non feasible region

D : optimum basic feasible solution

Q.no 14. The iteration method is a ______ method

A : direct

B : indirect

C : self correcting

D : step by step

Q.no 15. y(x+h) = y(x) + h f(x,y) is referred as___________method.

A : Modified Euler

B : Euler

C : Taylor's Series

D : Runge-Kutta

Q.no 16. The order of Newton Raphson Method is _________.





Q.no 17. Classify uxx−2uxy+uyy=0

A : Parabolic

B : Hyperbolic

C : Eliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 18. In case of Newton Backward Interpolation Formula which equation is correct to find u

A : u=(x – xn) h

B : uh=x + xn

C : u=x – xn
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D : uh=x – xn

Q.no 19. Let h be the finite difference, then forward difference operator is defined by……

A : f(x)=f(x+h)-f(x)

B : f(x)=f(x-h)-f(x)

C : f(x)=f(x*h)

D : f(x)=f(x)

Q.no 20. The order of error's the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration with a step size h is


B : h^2

C : h^3

D : h^4

Q.no 21. The ± relative error in the density of a metal rod is determined to be ± 0.02. If the
calculated value of the density is 8.6321947..., how should the density be reported?

A : 8.63

B : 8.6

C : 8.632


Q.no 22. By using Newton’s backward difference table form the following data:
f (30) = 0.5000, f (35) = 0.5736, f (40) = 0.6428, f (45) = 0.7071. What is the value of Δ3yn

A : -0049

B : -1.872

C : -5E-4

D : -0469

Q.no 23. Why iterative methods are called as self correcting?

A : Iterations involve repetition

B : Checks occurring during the process ensure that the errors are reduced

C : Any error made at any stage of computation gets automatically corrected in the subsequent steps

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D : After each step, validity of the method is checked.

Q.no 24. Newton-Raphson method is applicable the solution of ______.

A : Both algebraic and transcendental equations

B : Both algebraic and transcendental and also used when the roots are complex

C : Algebraic equations only

D : Transcendental equations only

Q.no 25. Match the following: A.Newton Raphson 1.Integration B. Runge-kutta 2. Root finding
Gauss-seidel 3. Ordinary Diferential Equations D. Simpson's Rule 4. Solution of system of
Linear Equations Codes:ABCD

A : A. 2341

B : B. 3214

C : C. 1423

D : D. 1243

Q.no 26. Which of the following are not major requirements of a linear programming problem?

A : There must be alternative courses of action among which to decide

B : An objective for the firm must exist

C : The problem must be of the maximization type

D : Resources must be limited

Q.no 27. For an equation like x^2 =0 , a root exists at x = 0. The bisection method cannot be
to solve this equation in spite of the root existing at x = 0 because the function f (x) = x^2

A : is a polynomial

B : has repeated roots at x = 0

C : is always non-negative

D : has a slope equal to zero at x = 0

Q.no 28. For decreasing the number of iterations in Newton Raphson method:

A : The value of f’(x) must be increased

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B : The value of f’’(x) must be decreased

C : The value of f’(x) must be decreased

D : The value of f’’(x) must be increased

Q.no 29. Using Lagrange’s formula , find a unique polynomial P(x) of degree 2 such that P(1)
=1,P(3)=27 , P(4) =64 and evaluate P(1.5)

A : 1.5

B : 0.625


D : -1.5

Q.no 30. For the given distributed data find the value of Δ3y0 is? (X,Y) : (3.60,36.598)
(3.65,38.475) (3.70,40.447) (3.75,42.521)

A : 095

B : 007

C : 1.872

D : 0.123

Q.no 31. The number 0.01850 x 103 has ________ significant digits





Q.no 32. In double integration, the domain of integration can be divided into

A : 3 subintervals

B : 4 subintervals

C : 9 subintervals

D : Any number of subintervals

Q.no 33. The methods of second category are called ____________methods.

A : direct

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B : indirect

C : point wise

D : step by step

Q.no 34. The value of y’/x’ in terms of the angle 0 is given by _____________

A : tanθ

B : secθ

C : cotθ

D : cosecθ

Q.no 35. Which method is best suited when the desired degree of the interpolating polynomial is

A : Vandermonde matrix

B : Lagrange method

C : Newton form

D : Cubic Spline Interpolation

Q.no 36. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table,
then the solution is___________.

A : alternative

B : bounded

C : no solution

D : infeasible

Q.no 37. The _______ matrix in the normal equations is symmetric

A : square

B : scalar

C : coefficient

D : upper triangular

Q.no 38. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y


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A : 60

B : 90

C : 180

D : 150

Q.no 39. Newton forward interpolation formula is used for _________ intervals.

A : open

B : unequal

C : equal

D : closed

Q.no 40. For partial differential equation, if b² - 4ac < 0 then equation is called

A : Hyperbolic

B : Parabolic

C : Elliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 41. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 At x=0 and x=3, u=0 (for all value of t) & u=0.3. At t=0, u=x2 for 0
< x < 3. Take increment in x as 1 and t as 0.1, find value of u1

A : 1.1333

B : 1.1222

C : 1.3111

D : 1.3222

Q.no 42. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

A : a unique solution

B : no solution

C : an infinite number of solutions

D : zero solution as the only solution

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Q.no 43. The next iterative value of the root of X^2− 4 = 0 using the Newton-Raphson method, if
the initial guess is 3, is

A : 1.5

B : 267

C : 2.167


Q.no 44. Maximum value of z=4x+y subjected to x + y ≤ 50 & 3x + y ≤ 90

A : 50

B : 180

C : 110

D : 120

Q.no 45. The governing equation for temperature distribution w.r.t distance x in the body is given
by (dT/dX) = -2000/(0.01T + 1) , T(0.2) = 500 and using a step size of h=0.04, the value of T(0.24)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 513.33

B : 486.66

C : 333.33

D : -13.33

Q.no 46. Maximum value of z=10y-3x subjected to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 200

B : 342.5

C : 144

D : 360

Q.no 47. Given : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0.1) = 1.1 and using a step size of h=0.1, the value of y(0.2)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 1.32

B : 1.18

C : 1.2

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D : 1.22

Q.no 48. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 49. Find the root of xe^(-x) -0.3 = 0 using Bisection Method in the interval [1,5].



C : 3.1

D : 2.5

Q.no 50. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 51. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

Q.no 52. Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary
conditions u (0, y) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤
x ≤ 3. for u1

A : 3.67

B : 4.67

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C : 5.67

D : 2.67

Q.no 53. Fit the curve of the form N=ab^t & estimate N when t=7. (t,N) : (0,32) (1,47) (2,65)

A : 3.099×10^-3

B : 4.088×10^-3

C : 399

D : 30.99

Q.no 54. Minimise Z = 200 x + 500 y subject to the constraints x + 2y ≥ 10; 3x + 4y ≤24; x ≥ 0, y ≥

A : 2500

B : 3000

C : 2000

D : 2300

Q.no 55. Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y +
10z = -8, 4y – 2z = -2

A : (-2, -1, -1)

B : (-1, -2, -1)

C : (-1, -1, -2)

D : (-1, -1, -1)

Q.no 56. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 57. Solve the following equations by Gauss seidal method. [one Iteration] 10a - 2b - c - d = 3,
- 2a + 10b - c - d = 15, - a - b + 10c - 2d = 27, - a - b - 2c = 10d = -9

A : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

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B : a = 0.8869, b = 1.9523, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

C : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.9566, d = -0.1368

D : a = 0.986, b = 1.9899, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

Q.no 58. The values of x & f(x), using trapezoidal rule area bounded by the curve, x axis and the
line x =7.47, x = 7.52 is [x,f(x)]: (7.47,1.93) (7.48,1.95) (7.49,1.98) (7.50,2) (7.51,2.03) (7.52,2.06)

A : 0776

B : 0.1096

C : 0896

D : 0996

Q.no 59. Find the values of x, y, z in the following system of equations by gauss Elimination
Method. 2x + y – 3z = -10 -2y + z = -2 z = 6

A : 38752

B : 38755

C : 38780

D : 38387

Q.no 60. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

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Answer for Question No 1. is c

Answer for Question No 2. is b

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is b

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is c

Answer for Question No 7. is d

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is d

Answer for Question No 11. is c

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is c

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is b

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Answer for Question No 17. is a

Answer for Question No 18. is d

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is b

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is c

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is a

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is c

Answer for Question No 27. is c

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is d

Answer for Question No 33. is c

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Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is c

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is c

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is c

Answer for Question No 43. is c

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is b

Answer for Question No 46. is d

Answer for Question No 47. is d

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is b

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Answer for Question No 50. is c

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is d

Answer for Question No 55. is d

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is a

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. What are the coefficients of the equation obtained during the elimination called?

A : Joints

B : Pivots

C : Calculated coefficients

D : Operative coefficients

Q.no 2. Laplace 2D heat flow method is the…..…….for partial differential equation

A : Boundary value problem

B : Initial value problem

C : Valued Problem

D : Unvalued Problem

Q.no 3. If y=ae^bx then what is the value of a' & b' respectively.

A : a'=b , b'=log a
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B : a'=b , b'= ln a

C : a'=ln a , b'= b

D : a'= log a , b'= b

Q.no 4. What is the limitation of Gauss-seidal method?

A : It cannot be used for the matrices with non-zero diagonal elements

B : It is more complex than Jacobi’s method

C : It doesn’t guarantees convergence for each and every matrix

D : It is an iterative technique

Q.no 5. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable
are _______





Q.no 6. The bisection method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of a
(an) _________ method.

A : open

B : bracketing

C : random

D : graphical

Q.no 7. Trapezoidal method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is

A : Even

B : Multiple of 3

C : Any

D : Multiple of 4

Q.no 8. Absolute error is defined as

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A : Present Approximation – Previous Approximation

B : True Value – Approximate Value

C : abs (True Value – Approximate Value)

D : abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation)

Q.no 9. Which of the following method is employed for solving the system of linear equations?

A : Runge Kutta

B : Newton Raphson

C : Gauss Seidal

D : Simpson’s Rule

Q.no 10. Number of iteration depends on the _________

A : Initial value taken to start the iteration

B : Type of linear equations

C : Number of unknowns

D : Approximations to be done

Q.no 11. at the optimal solution of maximization problem, the optimal profit must equal to the
worth of

A : used resources

B : unused resources

C : none of the above

D : both a & b

Q.no 12. Gauss seidal method is similar to which of the following methods?

A : Iteration method

B : Newton Raphson method

C : Jacobi’s method

D : Regula-Falsi method

Q.no 13. Key element is also known as ___________.

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A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : pivot

Q.no 14. In double integration, which of the following gives more accurate answer

A : Trapezoidal Rule

B : Simpson's Rule

C : Gauss Quadrature

D : Weddle's Rule

Q.no 15. Interpolation methods are

A : Linear interpolation

B : Piecewise constant interpolation

C : Polynomial interpolation

D : All of the mentioned

Q.no 16. Linear interpolation is

A : Easy

B : Easy & Precise

C : None of the mentioned

D : Precise

Q.no 17. The Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the
category of _____________ methods

A : Bracketing

B : Open

C : Random

D : Graphical

Q.no 18. The method of finding a specific relation y = f(x) for the data to satisfy as accurately as
possible is called the

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A : Curve of least fit

B : Curve of best fit

C : Fitting curves

D : Curve of equation

Q.no 19. A second order differential equation can be solved by reducing it to a

lower__________________ equation.

A : ordinary differential

B : partial differential

C : polynomial

D : interpolation

Q.no 20. The aim of elimination steps in Gauss elimination method is to reduce the coefficient
matrix to ____________

A : diagonal

B : identity

C : lower triangular

D : upper triangular

Q.no 21. The _______ matrix in the normal equations is symmetric

A : square

B : scalar

C : coefficient

D : upper triangular

Q.no 22. The Lagrange polynomial that passes through the 3 data points is given by (X,Y) :
(15,24) (18,37) (22,25). f2(x)=L0(x)(24) + L1(x)(37) + L2(x)(25). The value of L1(x) at x=16 is most

A : –0.071430

B : 0.5

C : 0.57143

D : 4.3333

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Q.no 23. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y

≥ 0 Can we get multiple optimal solution if corner points of feasible region are (0, 10), (5, 5),
and (0, 20) respectively.

A : Single Optimal Solution

B : Double Optimal Solution

C : Optimal solution doesn't exist

D : Data is insuficient

Q.no 24. How the transformation of coefficient matrix A to upper triangular matrix is done?

A : Elementary row transformations

B : Elementary column transformations

C : Successive multiplication

D : Successive division

Q.no 25. Interpolation means

A : Adding new data points

B : Only aligning old data points

C : Only removing old data points

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 26. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (0, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). If you were going to use quadratic
interpolation to find the value of the velocity at t = 9.14 seconds, what three data points of time
would you choose for interpolation.

A : 0, 15, 18

B : 15, 18, 22

C : 0, 15, 22

D : 0, 18, 24

Q.no 27. The integral x^2 dx with limit between x1 to x2 with is evaluated analytically as well as
numerically using a single application of trapezoidal rule. If capital I is the exact value of the
integral obtained analytically and J approximate value of obtained using the trapezoidal rule,
which of the following statements is correct about their relationship?

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D : Insufficient data to determine the relationship

Q.no 28. The coefficient of a slack variable is _________.




D : -1

Q.no 29. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable in the
basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current solution is_____.

A : degenerate

B : non-degenerate

C : basic solution

D : non-basic solution

Q.no 30. Find the equation of the lines of regression based on following data: ∑x=15 , ∑y=15
,∑xy=44 ,∑x^2=49

A : 2x-8y-15=0

B : 2x+8y-15=0

C : 2x+8y+15=0

D : 2x-8y+15=0

Q.no 31. Yg= Y0*L0 + Y1*L1 + Y2*L2 +………....+Yn-1*Ln-1 given equation represents ….

A : inverse interpolation

B : Newton’s interpolation

C : Lagrange’s interpolation

D : Hermit interpolation

Q.no 32. In Euler's method: Given initial value problem y'=dy/dx=f(x, y) with y(x0) = y0, then
approximation is given by

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A : yn+1=yn+hf(xn-1, yn-1)

B : yn+1=yn+hf(xn-1, yn)

C : yn+1=yn+hf(xn, yn)

D : yn+1=yn+hf(xn, yn-1)

Q.no 33. Taylor's series method will be very useful to give some initial starting values for
powerful methods such as____________________

A : Euler Method

B : Modified Euler Method

C : Newton Raphson Method

D : Runge Kutta Method

Q.no 34. Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?

A : The coefficient matrix has no zeros on its main diagonal

B : The rate of convergence is quite slow compared with other methods

C : Iteration involved in Jacobi’s method converges

D : The coefficient matrix has zeroes on its main diagonal

Q.no 35. The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or

symmetric________ definite matrices.

A : Positive

B : Negative

C : Zero

D : Equal

Q.no 36. The ± relative error in the density of a metal rod is determined to be ± 0.02. If the
calculated value of the density is 8.6321947..., how should the density be reported?

A : 8.63

B : 8.6

C : 8.632


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Q.no 37. The number 0.01850 x 103 has ________ significant digits





Q.no 38. The methods of second category are called ____________methods.

A : direct

B : indirect

C : point wise

D : step by step

Q.no 39. In double integration, if the limits of integration are known then to evaluate it

A : First work out the outer integral and then the inner

B : First work out the inner integral and then the outer

C : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'x' with 'y' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'y'

D : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'y' with 'x' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'x'

Q.no 40. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] the rank of matrix A is





Q.no 41. Maximum value of z=4x+y subjected to x + y ≤ 50 & 3x + y ≤ 90

A : 50

B : 180

C : 110

D : 120

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Q.no 42. Fit the curve of the form N=ab^t & estimate N when t=7. (t,N) : (0,32) (1,47) (2,65)

A : 3.099×10^-3

B : 4.088×10^-3

C : 399

D : 30.99

Q.no 43. Minimise Z= 5x - 2y subjected to the constraints: 2x+3y ≥ 1 and x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0


B : 2/3

C : -2/3

D : -1/3

Q.no 44. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

Q.no 45. Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y +
10z = -8, 4y – 2z = -2

A : (-2, -1, -1)

B : (-1, -2, -1)

C : (-1, -1, -2)

D : (-1, -1, -1)

Q.no 46. Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh

length =1 find u4.

A : 51833

B : 25.7915

C : 76.5417

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D : 55833

Q.no 47. The equation of best fit curve is of the type y=ab^x find the value of a if (2,144) (3,172.8)
(4,207.4) (5,248.8) (6,298.5)

A : y=73.45 (1.2)^x

B : y=50.32 (1.2)^x

C : y=99.66 (1.2)^x

D : y=1.2 (1.2)^x

Q.no 48. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 49. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b to the data given below (X,Y) :
(1,0.5) (2,2.5) (3,2.0) (4,4.0) (5,3.5) (6,6) (7,5.5).

A : y= 0.83x+0.07

B : y= 0.43x+0.47

C : y= 1.93x+4.08

D : y= 9.43x+0.12

Q.no 50. Using Bisection method find the root of 3*X^2 = 5X+2 in the interval [0,3].

A : 2.25

B : 2.52


D : 2.2

Q.no 51. Apply Gauss Elimination method to solve the following equations. 2x – y + 3z = 9, x + y
+ z = 6, x – y + z = 2

A : X = 5, y = 14, z = 5

B : X = -13, y = 4, z = 15

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C : X = -13, y = 1, z = -8

D : X = 13, y = 1, z = -8

Q.no 52. A function is defined as f(x) = x^2 – 3. Between the interval [1,2] find the root of the
function by Bisection Method.

A : 1.7334

B : 1.7364

C : 1.7354

D : 1.7344

Q.no 53. Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss
Elimination method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 54. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−3y′(x)+2y(x)=0
when y(0)=2, y(1)= 10.1 find y(0.5)

A : 5.42

B : 5.52

C : 5.62

D : 5.32

Q.no 55. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

Q.no 56. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

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A : a unique solution

B : no solution

C : an infinite number of solutions

D : zero solution as the only solution

Q.no 57. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

Q.no 58. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 At x=0 and x=3, u=0 (for all value of t) & u=0.3. At t=0, u=x2 for 0
< x < 3. Take increment in x as 1 and t as 0.1, find value of u1

A : 1.1333

B : 1.1222

C : 1.3111

D : 1.3222

Q.no 59. Newton-Raphson method is used to compute a root of the equation x^2 - 13 = 0 with 3.5
as the initial value. The approximation after one iteration is

A : 3.677

B : 3.607

C : 3.575

D : 3.667

Q.no 60. It is suspected from theoretical considerations that the rate of flow from a firehouse is
proportional to some power of the nozzle pressure. Assume pressure data is more accurate. You
are linearizing the data. {Flow rate, F (gallons/min) : Pressure, p (psi)} : (96,11) (129,17) (135,20)
(145,25) (168,40) (235,55). The exponent of the power of the nozzle pressure in the regression
model,F=ap^b most nearly is

A : 0.497

B : 0.556

C : 0.578
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D : 0.678

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is c

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is c

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is c

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is a

Answer for Question No 12. is c

Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is d

Answer for Question No 16. is a

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Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is d

Answer for Question No 21. is c

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is b

Answer for Question No 24. is a

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is a

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is b

Answer for Question No 31. is c

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is d

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Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is b

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is c

Answer for Question No 40. is d

Answer for Question No 41. is d

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is c

Answer for Question No 44. is b

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is a

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Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is d

Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is d

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is c

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. A second order differential equation can be solved by reducing it to a

lower__________________ equation.

A : ordinary differential

B : partial differential

C : polynomial

D : interpolation

Q.no 2. Relative error in x is?

A : δx

B : δx⁄x

C : δx⁄x * 100


Q.no 3. Laplace 2D heat flow method is the…..…….for partial differential equation

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A : Boundary value problem

B : Initial value problem

C : Valued Problem

D : Unvalued Problem

Q.no 4. Numerical techniques more commonly involve _______

A : Iterative method

B : Direct method

C : Elimination method

D : Reduction method

Q.no 5. Equation of straight line in fitting curve of the form y=ab^x

A : b'∑X+na'=∑Y , b'∑X^2+a'∑X=∑XY

B : a'∑X+nb'=∑X , a'∑x^2+b'∑x=∑XY

C : a∑X^2+b∑X+nc=∑Y , a∑X^3+b∑X^2+c∑X=∑XY , a∑X^4+b∑X^3+c∑X^2=∑X^2Y

D : b'∑X+na'=∑XY , b'∑X+a'∑X^2=∑Y

Q.no 6. Simpson's 3/8 method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is

A : Any

B : Even

C : Multiple of 3

D : Multiple of 4

Q.no 7. The Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the
category of _____________ methods

A : Bracketing

B : Open

C : Random

D : Graphical

Q.no 8. If y=ae^bx then what is the value of a' & b' respectively.

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A : a'=b , b'=log a

B : a'=b , b'= ln a

C : a'=ln a , b'= b

D : a'= log a , b'= b

Q.no 9. at the optimal solution of maximization problem, the optimal profit must equal to the
worth of

A : used resources

B : unused resources

C : none of the above

D : both a & b

Q.no 10. The aim of elimination steps in Gauss elimination method is to reduce the coefficient
matrix to ____________

A : diagonal

B : identity

C : lower triangular

D : upper triangular

Q.no 11. As soon as a new value for a variable is found by iteration, it is used immediately in the
following equation, this method is called_______

A : Gauss Jordan

B : Gauss Elimination

C : Gauss seidal

D : Factorization

Q.no 12. The Elimination process in Gauss Elimination method is also known as _____________

A : Forward Elimination

B : Backward Elimination

C : Sideways Elimination

D : Crossways Elimination

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Q.no 13. The differential equation dy/dx + x^2 y = 2x + 3, y(0) = 5 is

A : liniear

B : nonlinear

C : liniear with fixed consant

D : indeterminable to be linear or nonlinear

Q.no 14. A partial differential equation requires:

A : Two or more independent variable

B : Exactly one independent variable

C : More than one dependent variable

D : Equal numbers of dependent variable

Q.no 15. In case of Newton Backward Interpolation Formula which equation is correct to find u

A : u=(x – xn) h

B : uh=x + xn

C : u=x – xn

D : uh=x – xn

Q.no 16. A feasible solution of an LPP that optimizes then the solution of objective function is
called _________.

A : basic feasible solution

B : optimum solution

C : feasible solution

D : solution

Q.no 17. The Bisection method is also known as ___________________

A : Binary Chopping

B : Quaternary Chopping

C : Tri region Chopping

D : Hex region Chopping

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Q.no 18. Gauss seidal method is similar to which of the following methods?

A : Iteration method

B : Newton Raphson method

C : Jacobi’s method

D : Regula-Falsi method

Q.no 19. What type of equation is f(x)=ae^bx

A : logarithmic

B : exponential

C : power equation

D : polynomial

Q.no 20. In the case of Newton-Raphson method the error at any stage is proportional to______.

A : the error in the previous stage

B : the square of the error in the previous stage

C : the cubic of the error in the previous stage

D : square root of the error in the previous stage

Q.no 21. Which of the following is not true of the simplex method

A : at each iteration, the objective valve either says the same or improves

B : it indicates an unbounded or infeasible problem

C : it signals optimality

D : it converges in at most m steps, where m is the number of constraints

Q.no 22. Maximum value of z=3x+4y subject to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 60

B : 147.5

C : 144

D : 342.5

Q.no 23. Truncation error is caused by approximating

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A : irrational numbers

B : fractions

C : rational numbers

D : exact mathematical procedures

Q.no 24. Consider the system of equations x+y=2, 2x+2y=5 This system has

A : one solution

B : No solution

C : infinite solution

D : four solution

Q.no 25. Which produces smoother interpolants?

A : Polynomial interpolation

B : Spline interpolation

C : Polynomial & Spline interpolation

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 26. The coefficient of a slack variable is _________.




D : -1

Q.no 27. Jacobi’s method is also known as

A : Displacement method

B : Simultaneous displacement method

C : Simultaneous method

D : Diagonal method

Q.no 28. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table,
then the solution is___________.

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A : alternative

B : bounded

C : no solution

D : infeasible

Q.no 29. For partial differential equation, if b² - 4ac < 0 then equation is called

A : Hyperbolic

B : Parabolic

C : Elliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 30. For decreasing the number of iterations in Newton Raphson method:

A : The value of f’(x) must be increased

B : The value of f’’(x) must be decreased

C : The value of f’(x) must be decreased

D : The value of f’’(x) must be increased

Q.no 31. Which of the following step is not involved in Gauss Elimination Method?

A : Elimination of unknowns

B : Reduction to an upper triangular system

C : Finding unknowns by back substitution

D : Evaluation of cofactors

Q.no 32. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] the rank of matrix A is





Q.no 33. In double integration, when the region of integration is rectangular in shape then the
limits of integration are

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A : Constant

B : Non-constant

C : (0) and (1)

D : (-1) and (1)

Q.no 34. Solve simultaneous equations 13x - 6y = 20, 7x + 4y = 18

A : x = 2, y = 1

B : x = 4, y = 8

C : x = 6, y = 1

D : x = 2, y = 4

Q.no 35. By using Newton’s backward difference table form the following data:
f (30) = 0.5000, f (35) = 0.5736, f (40) = 0.6428, f (45) = 0.7071. What is the value of Δ3yn

A : -0049

B : -1.872

C : -5E-4

D : -0469

Q.no 36. The number 0.01850 x 103 has ________ significant digits





Q.no 37. Interpolation means

A : Adding new data points

B : Only aligning old data points

C : Only removing old data points

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 38. In double integration, if we integrate w.r.t. 'x' first and then w.r.t. 'y' we get

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A : Less accurate answer

B : More accurate answer

C : Same answer

D : Different answers

Q.no 39. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y

≥ 0 Can we get multiple optimal solution if corner points of feasible region are (0, 10), (5, 5),
and (0, 20) respectively.

A : Single Optimal Solution

B : Double Optimal Solution

C : Optimal solution doesn't exist

D : Data is insuficient

Q.no 40. The Gauss-Seidel method is applicable to strictly diagonally dominant or

symmetric________ definite matrices.

A : Positive

B : Negative

C : Zero

D : Equal

Q.no 41. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 42. Given : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0.1) = 1.1 and using a step size of h=0.1, the value of y(0.2)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 1.32

B : 1.18

C : 1.2

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D : 1.22

Q.no 43. Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh

length =1 find u4.

A : 51833

B : 25.7915

C : 76.5417

D : 55833

Q.no 44. Using the finite difference method, find y(0.25) satisfying the differential equation y′′
(x)+y(x)=x subject to the boundary conditions y(0)=0, y(1)=2.

A : 0.5443

B : 0.6443

C : 0.5643

D : 0.6643

Q.no 45. Solve y′′−y=0 with the boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=1. Find y(1/4)

A : 0.2244

B : 0.2151

C : 0.2355

D : 0.2555

Q.no 46. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 47. From following data , calculate value of y. (X,Y) : (45,2.871) (50,2.404) (55,2.083)
(60,1.862) (65,1.712)



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C : 0.1

D : 0.2

Q.no 48. The equation of best fit curve is of the type y=ab^x find the value of a if (2,144) (3,172.8)
(4,207.4) (5,248.8) (6,298.5)

A : y=73.45 (1.2)^x

B : y=50.32 (1.2)^x

C : y=99.66 (1.2)^x

D : y=1.2 (1.2)^x

Q.no 49. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

Q.no 50. Maximum value of z=2x+y subjected to 5x + y ≤ 100 & x + y ≤ 60

A : 60

B : 70

C : 40

D : 80

Q.no 51. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

Q.no 52. Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary
conditions u (0, y) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤
x ≤ 3. for u1

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A : 3.67

B : 4.67

C : 5.67

D : 2.67

Q.no 53. The next iterative value of the root of X^2− 4 = 0 using the Newton-Raphson method, if
the initial guess is 3, is

A : 1.5

B : 267

C : 2.167


Q.no 54. The root of x^3 - 2x - 5 = 0 correct to three decimal places by using Newton-Raphson
method is

A : 2946

B : 1404

C : 1.7321

D : 0.7011

Q.no 55. Newton-Raphson method is used to compute a root of the equation x^2 - 13 = 0 with 3.5
as the initial value. The approximation after one iteration is

A : 3.677

B : 3.607

C : 3.575

D : 3.667

Q.no 56. Minimize Subject to: Z=12x+16y x+2y≥40 x+y≥30 x≥0;y≥0

A : 360

B : 480

C : 400

D : 520

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Q.no 57. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 58. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 59. A function is defined as f(x) = x^2 – 3. Between the interval [1,2] find the root of the
function by Bisection Method.

A : 1.7334

B : 1.7364

C : 1.7354

D : 1.7344

Q.no 60. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

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Answer for Question No 1. is a

Answer for Question No 2. is b

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is c

Answer for Question No 7. is b

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is d

Answer for Question No 11. is c

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is d

Answer for Question No 16. is b

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Answer for Question No 17. is a

Answer for Question No 18. is c

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is b

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is c

Answer for Question No 23. is d

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is b

Answer for Question No 28. is d

Answer for Question No 29. is c

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is d

Answer for Question No 33. is a

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Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is a

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is a

Answer for Question No 41. is c

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is a

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is b

Answer for Question No 46. is c

Answer for Question No 47. is d

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is a

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Answer for Question No 50. is b

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is c

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is b

Answer for Question No 56. is c

Answer for Question No 57. is b

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

A : Wave equation

B : Heat equation

C : Laplace equation

D : Elasticity equation

Q.no 2. The linear function to be maximized or minimized is called _____________.

A : injective function

B : surjective function

C : bijective function

D : optimal function

Q.no 3. Key element is also known as ___________.

A : slack
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B : surplus

C : artificial

D : pivot

Q.no 4. The bisection method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of a
(an) _________ method.

A : open

B : bracketing

C : random

D : graphical

Q.no 5. The method of finding a specific relation y = f(x) for the data to satisfy as accurately as
possible is called the

A : Curve of least fit

B : Curve of best fit

C : Fitting curves

D : Curve of equation

Q.no 6. The order of Newton Raphson Method is _________.





Q.no 7. Interpolation methods are

A : Linear interpolation

B : Piecewise constant interpolation

C : Polynomial interpolation

D : All of the mentioned

Q.no 8. Linear Programming Problem is a technique of finding the ____________.

A : optimal value

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B : approximate value

C : initial value

D : infeasible value

Q.no 9. Linear interpolation is

A : Easy

B : Easy & Precise

C : None of the mentioned

D : Precise

Q.no 10. A partial differential equation requires:

A : Two or more independent variable

B : Exactly one independent variable

C : More than one dependent variable

D : Equal numbers of dependent variable

Q.no 11. y(x+h) = y(x) + h f(x,y) is referred as___________method.

A : Modified Euler

B : Euler

C : Taylor's Series

D : Runge-Kutta

Q.no 12. The aim of elimination steps in Gauss elimination method is to reduce the coefficient
matrix to ____________

A : diagonal

B : identity

C : lower triangular

D : upper triangular

Q.no 13. Number of iteration depends on the _________

A : Initial value taken to start the iteration

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B : Type of linear equations

C : Number of unknowns

D : Approximations to be done

Q.no 14. In the case of Newton-Raphson method the error at any stage is proportional to______.

A : the error in the previous stage

B : the square of the error in the previous stage

C : the cubic of the error in the previous stage

D : square root of the error in the previous stage

Q.no 15. In an iterative method, the amount of computation depends on the _________

A : Number of variables

B : Degree of accuracy

C : Rounding of errors

D : Ease of using the operators

Q.no 16. Equation of straight line in fitting curve of the form y=ab^x

A : b'∑X+na'=∑Y , b'∑X^2+a'∑X=∑XY

B : a'∑X+nb'=∑X , a'∑x^2+b'∑x=∑XY

C : a∑X^2+b∑X+nc=∑Y , a∑X^3+b∑X^2+c∑X=∑XY , a∑X^4+b∑X^3+c∑X^2=∑X^2Y

D : b'∑X+na'=∑XY , b'∑X+a'∑X^2=∑Y

Q.no 17. To solve the ordinary differential equation (dy/dx ) - x = y , y(0) = 1 , by Euler’s method,
you need to rewrite the equation as

A : (dy/dx ) - x - y = 0, y(0) = 1

B : (dy/dx ) - y = x , y(0) = 1

C : (dy/dx ) = x/y , y(0) = 1

D : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0) = 1

Q.no 18. The Newton-Raphson method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the
category of _____________ methods

A : Bracketing

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B : Open

C : Random

D : Graphical

Q.no 19. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision
variable are _______





Q.no 20. Trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrate is a polynomial of

A : 0 but not 1

B : 1 but not 0

C : 0 or 1


Q.no 21. A degenerate solution is one that_________.

A : gives an optimum solution to the Linear Programming Problem

B : gives zero value to one or more of the basic variables

C : yields more than one way to achieve the objective

D : makes use of all available resources

Q.no 22. For decreasing the number of iterations in Newton Raphson method:

A : The value of f’(x) must be increased

B : The value of f’’(x) must be decreased

C : The value of f’(x) must be decreased

D : The value of f’’(x) must be increased

Q.no 23. Which produces smoother interpolants?

A : Polynomial interpolation

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B : Spline interpolation

C : Polynomial & Spline interpolation

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 24. For the given distributed data find the value of Δ3y0 is? (X,Y) : (3.60,36.598)
(3.65,38.475) (3.70,40.447) (3.75,42.521)

A : 095

B : 007

C : 1.872

D : 0.123

Q.no 25. The Iterative formula for Newton-Raphson method is:

A : Xn+1 = f (Xn)

B : Xn+1 = Xn –[f(x)/f’(x)]

C : Xn+1 = Xn-1 - [f(x)/f’(x)]

D : Xn+1 = Xn - [f’(x)/f(x)]

Q.no 26. The value of y’/x’ in terms of the angle 0 is given by _____________

A : tanθ

B : secθ

C : cotθ

D : cosecθ

Q.no 27. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] the rank of matrix A is





Q.no 28. Consider the following system of equations 2x1 +x2+x3= 0, x2-x3= 0, x1+x2= 0 This
system has

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A : A unique solution

B : No solution

C : Infinite number of solutions

D : Five solutions

Q.no 29. In double integration, when the region of integration is rectangular in shape then the
limits of integration are

A : Constant

B : Non-constant

C : (0) and (1)

D : (-1) and (1)

Q.no 30. These are essential for solving partial differential equations

A : Algebraic equation

B : Physical principle

C : Mathematical model

D : Boundary condition

Q.no 31. The gauss elimination procedure is one of the several methods to solve

A : Inverse of matrix

B : Determinant matrix

C : Procedure matrix

D : Eliminated matrix

Q.no 32. Thomas algorithm is a ___________

A : Linear equations solver

B : Quadratic equations solver

C : Discretization method

D : Linear least square system

Q.no 33. Find the equation of the lines of regression based on following data: ∑x=15 , ∑y=15
,∑xy=44 ,∑x^2=49

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A : 2x-8y-15=0

B : 2x+8y-15=0

C : 2x+8y+15=0

D : 2x-8y+15=0

Q.no 34. Which of the following is not true of the simplex method

A : at each iteration, the objective valve either says the same or improves

B : it indicates an unbounded or infeasible problem

C : it signals optimality

D : it converges in at most m steps, where m is the number of constraints

Q.no 35. Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?

A : The coefficient matrix has no zeros on its main diagonal

B : The rate of convergence is quite slow compared with other methods

C : Iteration involved in Jacobi’s method converges

D : The coefficient matrix has zeroes on its main diagonal

Q.no 36. In…… method integral within the limits x0 to xn can be converted to -1 to 1 limits.

A : Guass Legendres 2 point Formula

B : Simpson's 3/8 method

C : Trapezoidal method

D : Simpson's 1/3 method

Q.no 37. Let A be 3x3 matrix with rank 2 then Ax=0

A : only the trivial solution x=0

B : one independent solution

C : two independent solution

D : three independent solution

Q.no 38. Using Lagrange’s formula , find a unique polynomial P(x) of degree 2 such that P(1)
=1,P(3)=27 , P(4) =64 and evaluate P(1.5)

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A : 1.5

B : 0.625


D : -1.5

Q.no 39. The rate of convergence in gauss seidel method is ______ that of gauss jacobi method

A : once

B : twice

C : thrice

D : reciprocal

Q.no 40. consider the equation Ax=B where A=[-1 2; 2 -1], B=[3 ; 1], then

A : the equation has no solution

B : [0 ; 0] is a solution of the equation

C : there exist a non zero unique solution

D : the equation has infinitely many solution

Q.no 41. Solve for value of x and y if 5x - y = 5 and 3x + 2y = 29

A : x = 12, y = 3

B : x = 1, y = 4

C : x = -3, y = 24

D : x = 3, y = 10

Q.no 42. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 43. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

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A : 1258

B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

Q.no 44. Given : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0.1) = 1.1 and using a step size of h=0.1, the value of y(0.2)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 1.32

B : 1.18

C : 1.2

D : 1.22

Q.no 45. Using least square method , find the value of Y(22) for (X,Y) : (0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22)

A : 402

B : 45

C : 55.4

D : 60.2

Q.no 46. It is suspected from theoretical considerations that the rate of flow from a firehouse is
proportional to some power of the nozzle pressure. Assume pressure data is more accurate. You
are linearizing the data. {Flow rate, F (gallons/min) : Pressure, p (psi)} : (96,11) (129,17) (135,20)
(145,25) (168,40) (235,55). The exponent of the power of the nozzle pressure in the regression
model,F=ap^b most nearly is

A : 0.497

B : 0.556

C : 0.578

D : 0.678

Q.no 47. Fit a straight line into the following data. (X,Y) : (0,3) (1,6) (2,8) (3,11) (4,13) (5,14)

A : y=3.52+2.26x

B : y=3.52

C : y=2.26x

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D : y=4+3x

Q.no 48. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into a given data: (X,Y) : (5,12) (10,13) (15,14) (20,15) (25,16)

A : y=11

B : y=0.2x

C : y=11+0.2x

D : y=1.1+0.2x

Q.no 49. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 using explicit finite difference scheme at t=0, u= sinπx (0 < x <1) at
x=0 & x=1 , u= 0 for all values of t. take increment for t is 0.002 (0 to 0.006) and for x as 0.2 (0 to
1). Find u1 value

A : 0.6657

B : 0.5766

C : 0.7766

D : 0.5577

Q.no 50. Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y +
10z = -8, 4y – 2z = -2

A : (-2, -1, -1)

B : (-1, -2, -1)

C : (-1, -1, -2)

D : (-1, -1, -1)

Q.no 51. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

Q.no 52. Solve the boundary value problem y′′=xy subject to the condition y(0)+y′(0)=1, y(1)=1,
taking h=1/3, by finite difference method. Find y(0)

A : -0.9991

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B : -0.9992

C : -0.9993

D : −0.9880

Q.no 53. Solve ut = uxx, 0 < x < 5, t ≥ 0, given that u (x, 0) = 20, u (0, t) = 0, u (5, t) = 100.
Compute u1 for the time-step with h = 1

A : 40

B : 20

C : -40

D : 30

Q.no 54. The definite integral 1/x dx between limit 1 to 3 is evaluated using Trapezoidal rule with
a step size of 1. The correct answer is _______

A : 2.27

B : 1.17

C : 1.18

D : 1.2

Q.no 55. Solve the following equations by Gauss seidal method. [one Iteration] 10a - 2b - c - d = 3,
- 2a + 10b - c - d = 15, - a - b + 10c - 2d = 27, - a - b - 2c = 10d = -9

A : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

B : a = 0.8869, b = 1.9523, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

C : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.9566, d = -0.1368

D : a = 0.986, b = 1.9899, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

Q.no 56. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

A : a unique solution

B : no solution

C : an infinite number of solutions

D : zero solution as the only solution

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Q.no 57. Use the following points to fit the polynomial using Lagrange’s method and find the
value of y at x = 2.7. (x,y): (2.10, 5.14) (2.15, 6.78) (3.10, 10.29) (3.50, 13.58)

A : 7.78

B : 8.95

C : 12.76

D : 15.55

Q.no 58. The values of x & f(x), using trapezoidal rule area bounded by the curve, x axis and the
line x =7.47, x = 7.52 is [x,f(x)]: (7.47,1.93) (7.48,1.95) (7.49,1.98) (7.50,2) (7.51,2.03) (7.52,2.06)

A : 0776

B : 0.1096

C : 0896

D : 0996

Q.no 59. From following data , calculate value of y. (X,Y) : (45,2.871) (50,2.404) (55,2.083)
(60,1.862) (65,1.712)



C : 0.1

D : 0.2

Q.no 60. Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary
conditions u (0, y) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤
x ≤ 3. for u1

A : 3.67

B : 4.67

C : 5.67

D : 2.67

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Answer for Question No 1. is c

Answer for Question No 2. is d

Answer for Question No 3. is d

Answer for Question No 4. is b

Answer for Question No 5. is b

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is d

Answer for Question No 8. is a

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is d

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is a

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Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is c

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is b

Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is d

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is d

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is b

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Answer for Question No 34. is b

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is d

Answer for Question No 42. is c

Answer for Question No 43. is d

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is c

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is b

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Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is a

Answer for Question No 52. is d

Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is b

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is c

Answer for Question No 57. is a

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. y(x+h) = y(x) + h f(x,y) is referred as___________method.

A : Modified Euler

B : Euler

C : Taylor's Series

D : Runge-Kutta

Q.no 2. The Bisection method has which of the following convergences?

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Cubic

D : Quaternary

Q.no 3. In case of Newton Backward Interpolation Formula which equation is correct to find u

A : u=(x – xn) h
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B : uh=x + xn

C : u=x – xn

D : uh=x – xn

Q.no 4. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.

A : feasible region

B : basic solution

C : non feasible region

D : optimum basic feasible solution

Q.no 5. Jacobi iteration method is _____substitution method

A : Indirect

B : Direct

C : Forward

D : Backward

Q.no 6. Which iterative method requires single initial guess root?

A : Bisection method

B : Secant method

C : Method of false position

D : Newton Raphson Method

Q.no 7. Integration using trapezoidal rule gives the best result for a single variable function,
which is ________

A : Linear

B : Parabolic

C : Logarithmic

D : Hyperbolic

Q.no 8. In an LPP functions to be maximized or minimized are called ___________.

A : constraints

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B : objective function

C : basic solution

D : feasible solution

Q.no 9. Classify uxx−2uxy+uyy=0

A : Parabolic

B : Hyperbolic

C : Eliptic

D : Circular

Q.no 10. What are the coefficients of the equation obtained during the elimination called?

A : Joints

B : Pivots

C : Calculated coefficients

D : Operative coefficients

Q.no 11. Interpolation is done by

A : Curve fitting

B : Regression analysis

C : Curve fitting & Regression analysis

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 12. Numerical techniques more commonly involve _______

A : Iterative method

B : Direct method

C : Elimination method

D : Reduction method

Q.no 13. Which method has slow convergence?

A : false poison

B : Secant
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C : Newton-Raphson

D : Bisection

Q.no 14. Principal of least square states that......

A : The sum of square of all points from curve is minimum

B : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is minimum

C : The sum of square of all points from curve is maximum

D : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is maximum

Q.no 15. Maximization of f(x) is equivalent to minimization of

A : f(x)

B : 1/f(x)

C : 1/-f(x)

D : -f(x)

Q.no 16. A second order differential equation can be solved by reducing it to a

lower__________________ equation.

A : ordinary differential

B : partial differential

C : polynomial

D : interpolation

Q.no 17. In an iterative method, the amount of computation depends on the _________

A : Number of variables

B : Degree of accuracy

C : Rounding of errors

D : Ease of using the operators

Q.no 18. Thomas algorithm can be used to solve __________

A : any matrix

B : all square matrices

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C : only penta-diagonal matrices

D : only tri-diagonal matrices

Q.no 19. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision
variable are _______





Q.no 20. A partial differential equation requires:

A : Two or more independent variable

B : Exactly one independent variable

C : More than one dependent variable

D : Equal numbers of dependent variable

Q.no 21. Which produces smoother interpolants?

A : Polynomial interpolation

B : Spline interpolation

C : Polynomial & Spline interpolation

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 22. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in a solution which is sought to be

improved, then the solution is_____.

A : bounded

B : unbounded

C : basic solution

D : non-basic solution

Q.no 23. The integral x^2 dx with limit between x1 to x2 with is evaluated analytically as well as
numerically using a single application of trapezoidal rule. If capital I is the exact value of the
integral obtained analytically and J approximate value of obtained using the trapezoidal rule,
which of the following statements is correct about their relationship?

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D : Insufficient data to determine the relationship

Q.no 24. If an artificial variable is present in the basic variable column of optimal simplex table,
then the solution is___________.

A : alternative

B : bounded

C : no solution

D : infeasible

Q.no 25. How the transformation of coefficient matrix A to upper triangular matrix is done?

A : Elementary row transformations

B : Elementary column transformations

C : Successive multiplication

D : Successive division

Q.no 26. Using the finite difference solve y’ – y = 0 of y(0)=0, y(1)=1, n=2.

A : 0.3333

B : 0.4444

C : 0.5555

D : 0.2222

Q.no 27. The Iterative formula for Newton-Raphson method is:

A : Xn+1 = f (Xn)

B : Xn+1 = Xn –[f(x)/f’(x)]

C : Xn+1 = Xn-1 - [f(x)/f’(x)]

D : Xn+1 = Xn - [f’(x)/f(x)]

Q.no 28. In double integration, if the limits of integration are known then to evaluate it

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A : First work out the outer integral and then the inner

B : First work out the inner integral and then the outer

C : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'x' with 'y' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'y'

D : First work out the integral w.r.t. 'y' with 'x' as a constant and then integrate w.r.t. 'x'

Q.no 29. Jacobi’s method is also known as

A : Displacement method

B : Simultaneous displacement method

C : Simultaneous method

D : Diagonal method

Q.no 30. Interpolation means

A : Adding new data points

B : Only aligning old data points

C : Only removing old data points

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 31. Maximum value of z=10x+y subjected to x+y≤4; y ≥2

A : 22

B : 33

C : 44


Q.no 32. Newton-Raphson method is applicable the solution of ______.

A : Both algebraic and transcendental equations

B : Both algebraic and transcendental and also used when the roots are complex

C : Algebraic equations only

D : Transcendental equations only

Q.no 33. Yg= Y0*L0 + Y1*L1 + Y2*L2 +………....+Yn-1*Ln-1 given equation represents ….

A : inverse interpolation
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B : Newton’s interpolation

C : Lagrange’s interpolation

D : Hermit interpolation

Q.no 34. Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?

A : The coefficient matrix has no zeros on its main diagonal

B : The rate of convergence is quite slow compared with other methods

C : Iteration involved in Jacobi’s method converges

D : The coefficient matrix has zeroes on its main diagonal

Q.no 35. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (0, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). If you were going to use quadratic
interpolation to find the value of the velocity at t = 9.14 seconds, what three data points of time
would you choose for interpolation.

A : 0, 15, 18

B : 15, 18, 22

C : 0, 15, 22

D : 0, 18, 24

Q.no 36. What is the primary drawback of using direct methods of solution?

A : They yield solution after a certain amount of fixed computation

B : They have large calculations involved

C : They make use of back substitution

D : They do not achieve the desirable accuracy

Q.no 37. In double integration, if we integrate w.r.t. 'x' first and then w.r.t. 'y' we get

A : Less accurate answer

B : More accurate answer

C : Same answer

D : Different answers

Q.no 38. The simplest method in finding the approximate solutions to the first order equations is

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A : Euler's method

B : Modified Euler's Method

C : Runge-Kutta method

D : Taylor's Method

Q.no 39. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] the rank of matrix A is





Q.no 40. If for a real continuous function f(x), f(a)f(b) < 0, then in the range of [a,b] for f(x) = 0
,there is (are)

A : one root

B : an undeterminable number of roots

C : no root

D : at least one root

Q.no 41. Newton-Raphson method is used to compute a root of the equation x^2 - 13 = 0 with 3.5
as the initial value. The approximation after one iteration is

A : 3.677

B : 3.607

C : 3.575

D : 3.667

Q.no 42. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

A : 1258

B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

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Q.no 43. Maximum value of z=4x+y subjected to x + y ≤ 50 & 3x + y ≤ 90

A : 50

B : 180

C : 110

D : 120

Q.no 44. The definite integral 1/x dx between limit 1 to 3 is evaluated using Trapezoidal rule with
a step size of 1. The correct answer is _______

A : 2.27

B : 1.17

C : 1.18

D : 1.2

Q.no 45. Fit a straight line into the following data. (X,Y) : (0,3) (1,6) (2,8) (3,11) (4,13) (5,14)

A : y=3.52+2.26x

B : y=3.52

C : y=2.26x

D : y=4+3x

Q.no 46. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 At x=0 and x=3, u=0 (for all value of t) & u=0.3. At t=0, u=x2 for 0
< x < 3. Take increment in x as 1 and t as 0.1, find value of u1

A : 1.1333

B : 1.1222

C : 1.3111

D : 1.3222

Q.no 47. Using Bisection method find the root of 3*X^2 = 5X+2 in the interval [0,3].

A : 2.25

B : 2.52


D : 2.2

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Q.no 48. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 using explicit finite difference scheme at t=0, u= sinπx (0 < x <1) at
x=0 & x=1 , u= 0 for all values of t. take increment for t is 0.002 (0 to 0.006) and for x as 0.2 (0 to
1). Find u1 value

A : 0.6657

B : 0.5766

C : 0.7766

D : 0.5577

Q.no 49. Use the following points to fit the polynomial using Lagrange’s method and find the
value of y at x = 2.7. (x,y): (2.10, 5.14) (2.15, 6.78) (3.10, 10.29) (3.50, 13.58)

A : 7.78

B : 8.95

C : 12.76

D : 15.55

Q.no 50. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 51. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 52. The governing equation for temperature distribution w.r.t distance x in the body is given
by (dT/dX) = -2000/(0.01T + 1) , T(0.2) = 500 and using a step size of h=0.04, the value of T(0.24)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 513.33

B : 486.66

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C : 333.33

D : -13.33

Q.no 53. Using least square method , find the value of Y(22) for (X,Y) : (0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22)

A : 402

B : 45

C : 55.4

D : 60.2

Q.no 54. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into the given data. What is the value of y when x=8. (X,Y) :
(1,20) (2,21) (3,22) (4,23) (5,24) (6,25)

A : 45.2

B : 26

C : 28

D : 37

Q.no 55. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

Q.no 56. Minimize Subject to: Z=12x+16y x+2y≥40 x+y≥30 x≥0;y≥0

A : 360

B : 480

C : 400

D : 520

Q.no 57. The next iterative value of the root of X^2− 4 = 0 using the Newton-Raphson method, if
the initial guess is 3, is

A : 1.5

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B : 267

C : 2.167


Q.no 58. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

Q.no 59. Using Bisection method find the root of cos(x) – x * e^x = 0 with a = 0 and b = 1.

A : 0.617

B : 0.527

C : 0.517

D : 0.717

Q.no 60. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b to the data given below (X,Y) :
(1,0.5) (2,2.5) (3,2.0) (4,4.0) (5,3.5) (6,6) (7,5.5).

A : y= 0.83x+0.07

B : y= 0.43x+0.47

C : y= 1.93x+4.08

D : y= 9.43x+0.12

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is d

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is b

Answer for Question No 6. is d

Answer for Question No 7. is d

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is b

Answer for Question No 11. is c

Answer for Question No 12. is a

Answer for Question No 13. is d

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is d

Answer for Question No 16. is a

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Answer for Question No 17. is b

Answer for Question No 18. is d

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is c

Answer for Question No 22. is b

Answer for Question No 23. is a

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is b

Answer for Question No 27. is b

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is a

Answer for Question No 33. is c

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Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is a

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is c

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is d

Answer for Question No 40. is d

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is d

Answer for Question No 44. is b

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is a

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Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is c

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is c

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is c

Answer for Question No 57. is c

Answer for Question No 58. is b

Answer for Question No 59. is c

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. The Poisson's equation ∂2u/∂x2+∂2u/∂y2=f(x,y) is a example of ------------------

A : Elliptic PDE

B : Parabolic PDE

C : Hyperbolic PDE

D : Circular PDE

Q.no 2. The modified procedure of complete pivoting is called as ____________

A : Partial

B : Additional

C : Reduced

D : Modified

Q.no 3. If y=ae^bx then what is the value of a' & b' respectively.

A : a'=b , b'=log a
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B : a'=b , b'= ln a

C : a'=ln a , b'= b

D : a'= log a , b'= b

Q.no 4. As soon as a new value for a variable is found by iteration, it is used immediately in the
following equation, this method is called_______

A : Gauss Jordan

B : Gauss Elimination

C : Gauss seidal

D : Factorization

Q.no 5. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.

A : feasible region

B : basic solution

C : non feasible region

D : optimum basic feasible solution

Q.no 6. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable
are _______





Q.no 7. Which of the following statements applies to the bisection method used for finding roots
of functions?

A : Converges within a few iterations

B : Guaranteed to work for all continuous functions

C : Is faster than the Newton-Raphson method

D : Requires that there be no error in determining the sign of the function

Q.no 8. Absolute error is defined as

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A : Present Approximation – Previous Approximation

B : True Value – Approximate Value

C : abs (True Value – Approximate Value)

D : abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation)

Q.no 9. The order of Newton Raphson Method is _________.





Q.no 10. The Bisection method has which of the following convergences?

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Cubic

D : Quaternary

Q.no 11. A feasible solution of an LPP that optimizes then the solution of objective function is
called _________.

A : basic feasible solution

B : optimum solution

C : feasible solution

D : solution

Q.no 12. The method of finding a specific relation y = f(x) for the data to satisfy as accurately as
possible is called the

A : Curve of least fit

B : Curve of best fit

C : Fitting curves

D : Curve of equation

Q.no 13. Let h be the finite difference, then forward difference operator is defined by……

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A : f(x)=f(x+h)-f(x)

B : f(x)=f(x-h)-f(x)

C : f(x)=f(x*h)

D : f(x)=f(x)

Q.no 14. Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally __________

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Super-linear

D : Cubic

Q.no 15. In an LPP functions to be maximized or minimized are called ___________.

A : constraints

B : objective function

C : basic solution

D : feasible solution

Q.no 16. The error in the second order Runga Kutta is of the order


B : h^ 2

C : h^ 3

D : h^ 4

Q.no 17. Integration using trapezoidal rule gives the best result for a single variable function,
which is ________

A : Linear

B : Parabolic

C : Logarithmic

D : Hyperbolic

Q.no 18. Find the area of the traverse using Simpson’s rule if d= 12 m and the values of ordinates
are 2.25m, 1.46m, 3.23m, 4.46m.

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A : 116.88 sq. m

B : 161.88 sq. m

C : 611.88 sq. m

D : 169.54 sq. m

Q.no 19. Which iterative method requires single initial guess root?

A : Bisection method

B : Secant method

C : Method of false position

D : Newton Raphson Method

Q.no 20. An LPP have ____________ optimal solution



C : 1 or more than 1

D : 2 or more than 2

Q.no 21. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] which of following statement is true

A : x is a null vector

B : x is unique

C : x does not exist

D : x has infinitely many values

Q.no 22. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y


A : 60

B : 90

C : 180

D : 150

Q.no 23. In Newton Raphson method if the curve f(x) is constant then __________

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A : f’’(x)=0

B : f(x)=0

C : f’(x)=0

D : f’(x)=c

Q.no 24. If there is no non-negative replacement ratio in a solution which is sought to be

improved, then the solution is_____.

A : bounded

B : unbounded

C : basic solution

D : non-basic solution

Q.no 25. In double integration, when the region of integration is rectangular in shape then the
limits of integration are

A : Constant

B : Non-constant

C : (0) and (1)

D : (-1) and (1)

Q.no 26. Using Lagrange’s formula , find a unique polynomial P(x) of degree 2 such that P(1)
=1,P(3)=27 , P(4) =64 and evaluate P(1.5)

A : 1.5

B : 0.625


D : -1.5

Q.no 27. What is the primary drawback of using direct methods of solution?

A : They yield solution after a certain amount of fixed computation

B : They have large calculations involved

C : They make use of back substitution

D : They do not achieve the desirable accuracy

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Q.no 28. An artificial variable leaves the basis means, there is no chance for the _____variable to
enter once again.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : dual

Q.no 29. The value of y’/x’ in terms of the angle 0 is given by _____________

A : tanθ

B : secθ

C : cotθ

D : cosecθ

Q.no 30. The modified Euler method is based on the average of_________________________

A : straight line

B : ellipse

C : chord

D : points

Q.no 31. Which of the following is an assumption of Jacobi’s method?

A : The coefficient matrix has no zeros on its main diagonal

B : The rate of convergence is quite slow compared with other methods

C : Iteration involved in Jacobi’s method converges

D : The coefficient matrix has zeroes on its main diagonal

Q.no 32. Yg= Y0*L0 + Y1*L1 + Y2*L2 +………....+Yn-1*Ln-1 given equation represents ….

A : inverse interpolation

B : Newton’s interpolation

C : Lagrange’s interpolation

D : Hermit interpolation

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Q.no 33. How many types of pivoting are there?





Q.no 34. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (0, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). If you were going to use quadratic
interpolation to find the value of the velocity at t = 9.14 seconds, what three data points of time
would you choose for interpolation.

A : 0, 15, 18

B : 15, 18, 22

C : 0, 15, 22

D : 0, 18, 24

Q.no 35. Which of the following method is most accurate for numerical integration ?

A : Simpson's rule

B : Trapezoidal rule

C : Weddle formula

D : Gauss's Quadrature formula.

Q.no 36. The order of error's the Simpson's 1/3 rule for numerical integration with a step size h


B : h^2

C : h^3

D : h^4

Q.no 37. The Lagrange polynomial that passes through the 3 data points is given by (X,Y) :
(15,24) (18,37) (22,25). f2(x)=L0(x)(24) + L1(x)(37) + L2(x)(25). The value of L1(x) at x=16 is most

A : –0.071430

B : 0.5

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C : 0.57143

D : 4.3333

Q.no 38. Consider the following system of equations 2x1 +x2+x3= 0, x2-x3= 0, x1+x2= 0 This
system has

A : A unique solution

B : No solution

C : Infinite number of solutions

D : Five solutions

Q.no 39. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y

≥ 0 Can we get multiple optimal solution if corner points of feasible region are (0, 10), (5, 5),
and (0, 20) respectively.

A : Single Optimal Solution

B : Double Optimal Solution

C : Optimal solution doesn't exist

D : Data is insuficient

Q.no 40. The integral x^2 dx with limit between x1 to x2 with is evaluated analytically as well as
numerically using a single application of trapezoidal rule. If capital I is the exact value of the
integral obtained analytically and J approximate value of obtained using the trapezoidal rule,
which of the following statements is correct about their relationship?




D : Insufficient data to determine the relationship

Q.no 41. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 using explicit finite difference scheme at t=0, u= sinπx (0 < x <1) at
x=0 & x=1 , u= 0 for all values of t. take increment for t is 0.002 (0 to 0.006) and for x as 0.2 (0 to
1). Find u1 value

A : 0.6657

B : 0.5766

C : 0.7766

D : 0.5577
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Q.no 42. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

A : 1258

B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

Q.no 43. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 44. Maximum value of z=4x+y subjected to x + y ≤ 50 & 3x + y ≤ 90

A : 50

B : 180

C : 110

D : 120

Q.no 45. Solve the boundary value problem y′′=xy subject to the condition y(0)+y′(0)=1, y(1)=1,
taking h=1/3, by finite difference method. Find y(0)

A : -0.9991

B : -0.9992

C : -0.9993

D : −0.9880

Q.no 46. Minimize Subject to: Z=12x+16y x+2y≥40 x+y≥30 x≥0;y≥0

A : 360

B : 480

C : 400

D : 520

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Q.no 47. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

A : a unique solution

B : no solution

C : an infinite number of solutions

D : zero solution as the only solution

Q.no 48. Using Bisection method find the root of cos(x) – x * e^x = 0 with a = 0 and b = 1.

A : 0.617

B : 0.527

C : 0.517

D : 0.717

Q.no 49. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−3y′(x)+2y(x)=0
when y(0)=2, y(1)= 10.1 find y(0.5)

A : 5.42

B : 5.52

C : 5.62

D : 5.32

Q.no 50. Solve y′′−y=0 with the boundary condition y(0)=0 and y(1)=1. Find y(1/4)

A : 0.2244

B : 0.2151

C : 0.2355

D : 0.2555

Q.no 51. Solve the given system of equation by Gauss Elimination method. 3x + 4y – z = -6, -2y +
10z = -8, 4y – 2z = -2

A : (-2, -1, -1)

B : (-1, -2, -1)

C : (-1, -1, -2)

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D : (-1, -1, -1)

Q.no 52. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 53. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (10, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). A quadratic Lagrange interpolant is
found using three data points, t = 15, 18 and 22. From this information, at what of the times given
in seconds is the velocity of the body 26m/s during the time interval of t=15 to t=22 seconds.

A : 20.173

B : 21.858

C : 21.667

D : 222

Q.no 54. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into a given data: (X,Y) : (5,12) (10,13) (15,14) (20,15) (25,16)

A : y=11

B : y=0.2x

C : y=11+0.2x

D : y=1.1+0.2x

Q.no 55. The governing equation for temperature distribution w.r.t distance x in the body is given
by (dT/dX) = -2000/(0.01T + 1) , T(0.2) = 500 and using a step size of h=0.04, the value of T(0.24)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 513.33

B : 486.66

C : 333.33

D : -13.33

Q.no 56. Solve by crank Nicolson’s implicit method, ut = uxx, 0<x<1,t>0 with u(x,0)=100(x-x2),
u(0,t)=0, u(1,t)=0. Compute u for one time step with h=0.25

A : 8.82, 14.29
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B : 9.82, 14.29

C : 9.82, 12.29

D : 8.82, 12.29

Q.no 57. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 58. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 59. From following data , calculate value of y. (X,Y) : (45,2.871) (50,2.404) (55,2.083)
(60,1.862) (65,1.712)



C : 0.1

D : 0.2

Q.no 60. Using a three steps the definite value of integral x dx between the limit −1 to +1 by
trapezoidal rule is ________

A : 1.1189

B : 2.1189

C : 1.3452

D : 2.3891

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Answer for Question No 1. is a

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is b

Answer for Question No 4. is c

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is b

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is b

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is c

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Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is d

Answer for Question No 20. is c

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is c

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is b

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is a

Answer for Question No 27. is a

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is a

Answer for Question No 30. is d

Answer for Question No 31. is a

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is a

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Answer for Question No 34. is a

Answer for Question No 35. is d

Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is b

Answer for Question No 38. is c

Answer for Question No 39. is b

Answer for Question No 40. is a

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is c

Answer for Question No 44. is d

Answer for Question No 45. is d

Answer for Question No 46. is c

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is c

Answer for Question No 49. is d

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Answer for Question No 50. is b

Answer for Question No 51. is d

Answer for Question No 52. is b

Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is c

Answer for Question No 55. is b

Answer for Question No 56. is b

Answer for Question No 57. is c

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. A second order differential equation can be solved by reducing it to a

lower__________________ equation.

A : ordinary differential

B : partial differential

C : polynomial

D : interpolation

Q.no 2. y(x+h) = y(x) + h f(x,y) is referred as___________method.

A : Modified Euler

B : Euler

C : Taylor's Series

D : Runge-Kutta

Q.no 3. The iteration method is a ______ method

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A : direct

B : indirect

C : self correcting

D : step by step

Q.no 4. A feasible solution of an LPP that optimizes then the solution of objective function is
called _________.

A : basic feasible solution

B : optimum solution

C : feasible solution

D : solution

Q.no 5. when Degree of polynomial of Newtons Cotes formula is three is known as….

A : Trapezoidal method

B : Simpson's 1/3 method

C : Simpson's 3/8 method

D : 2 point Quadreture formula

Q.no 6. Laplace 2D heat flow method is the…..…….for partial differential equation

A : Boundary value problem

B : Initial value problem

C : Valued Problem

D : Unvalued Problem

Q.no 7. What is the order of the differential equation given by dy/dx+4y=sinx?

A : First Order

B : Third Order

C : Second Order

D : Zeroth Order

Q.no 8. Solution of a Linear Programming Problem when permitted to be infinitely large is called

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A : unbounded

B : bounded

C : optimum solution

D : no solution

Q.no 9. In case of Newton Backward Interpolation Formula which equation is correct to find u

A : u=(x – xn) h

B : uh=x + xn

C : u=x – xn

D : uh=x – xn

Q.no 10. In which of the following methods proper choice of initial value is very important?

A : Newton Raphson Method

B : Bisection Method

C : Iterative Method

D : Regula Falsi Method

Q.no 11. The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

A : Wave equation

B : Heat equation

C : Laplace equation

D : Elasticity equation

Q.no 12. Absolute error is defined as

A : Present Approximation – Previous Approximation

B : True Value – Approximate Value

C : abs (True Value – Approximate Value)

D : abs (Present Approximation – Previous Approximation)

Q.no 13. In the case of Newton-Raphson method the error at any stage is proportional to______.

A : the error in the previous stage

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B : the square of the error in the previous stage

C : the cubic of the error in the previous stage

D : square root of the error in the previous stage

Q.no 14. Maximization of f(x) is equivalent to minimization of

A : f(x)

B : 1/f(x)

C : 1/-f(x)

D : -f(x)

Q.no 15. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.

A : feasible region

B : basic solution

C : non feasible region

D : optimum basic feasible solution

Q.no 16. Which of the following statements applies to the bisection method used for finding roots
of functions?

A : Converges within a few iterations

B : Guaranteed to work for all continuous functions

C : Is faster than the Newton-Raphson method

D : Requires that there be no error in determining the sign of the function

Q.no 17. Key element is also known as ___________.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : pivot

Q.no 18. at the optimal solution of maximization problem, the optimal profit must equal to the
worth of

A : used resources

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B : unused resources

C : none of the above

D : both a & b

Q.no 19. The bisection method of finding roots of nonlinear equations falls under the category of
a (an) _________ method.

A : open

B : bracketing

C : random

D : graphical

Q.no 20. Relative error in x is?

A : δx

B : δx⁄x

C : δx⁄x * 100


Q.no 21. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable in the
basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current solution is_____.

A : degenerate

B : non-degenerate

C : basic solution

D : non-basic solution

Q.no 22. Consider the following system of equations 2x1 +x2+x3= 0, x2-x3= 0, x1+x2= 0 This
system has

A : A unique solution

B : No solution

C : Infinite number of solutions

D : Five solutions

Q.no 23. By using Newton’s backward difference table form the following data:
f (30) = 0.5000, f (35) = 0.5736, f (40) = 0.6428, f (45) = 0.7071. What is the value of Δ3yn

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A : -0049

B : -1.872

C : -5E-4

D : -0469

Q.no 24. If for a real continuous function f(x), f(a)f(b) < 0, then in the range of [a,b] for f(x) = 0
,there is (are)

A : one root

B : an undeterminable number of roots

C : no root

D : at least one root

Q.no 25. Compared to Gauss-Seidel method, Newton-Raphson method takes

A : Less number of iterations and more time per iteration

B : Less number of iterations and less time per iteration

C : More number of iterations and more time per iteration

D : More number of iterations and less time per iteration

Q.no 26. The modified Euler method is based on the average of_________________________

A : straight line

B : ellipse

C : chord

D : points

Q.no 27. Which method is best suited when the desired degree of the interpolating polynomial is

A : Vandermonde matrix

B : Lagrange method

C : Newton form

D : Cubic Spline Interpolation

Q.no 28. In Newton Raphson method if the curve f(x) is constant then __________

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A : f’’(x)=0

B : f(x)=0

C : f’(x)=0

D : f’(x)=c

Q.no 29. Which of the following statements applies to the bisection method used for finding
roots of functions?

A : No one of following

B : Guaranteed to work for all continuous functions

C : Is faster than the Newton-Raphson method

D : Requires that there be no error in determining the sign of the function

Q.no 30. Maximum value of z=3x+4y subject to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 60

B : 147.5

C : 144

D : 342.5

Q.no 31. From following data calculate line of regression ∑x=89 , ∑y=283 , ∑xy=5071 ,
∑x^2=1611 , ∑y^2=16089 Estimate value of Y when X=25

A : 283

B : 65.629

C : 96.352


Q.no 32. For partial differential equation, if b² - 4ac < 0 then equation is called

A : Hyperbolic

B : Parabolic

C : Elliptic

D : Circular

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Q.no 33. Find the equation of the lines of regression based on following data: ∑x=15 , ∑y=15
,∑xy=44 ,∑x^2=49

A : 2x-8y-15=0

B : 2x+8y-15=0

C : 2x+8y+15=0

D : 2x-8y+15=0

Q.no 34. For the given distributed data find the value of Δ3y0 is? (X,Y) : (3.60,36.598)
(3.65,38.475) (3.70,40.447) (3.75,42.521)

A : 095

B : 007

C : 1.872

D : 0.123

Q.no 35. In double integration, if we integrate w.r.t. 'x' first and then w.r.t. 'y' we get

A : Less accurate answer

B : More accurate answer

C : Same answer

D : Different answers

Q.no 36. In…… method integral within the limits x0 to xn can be converted to -1 to 1 limits.

A : Guass Legendres 2 point Formula

B : Simpson's 3/8 method

C : Trapezoidal method

D : Simpson's 1/3 method

Q.no 37. The rate of convergence in gauss seidel method is ______ that of gauss jacobi method

A : once

B : twice

C : thrice

D : reciprocal

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Q.no 38. Newton-Raphson method is applicable the solution of ______.

A : Both algebraic and transcendental equations

B : Both algebraic and transcendental and also used when the roots are complex

C : Algebraic equations only

D : Transcendental equations only

Q.no 39. Truncation error is caused by approximating

A : irrational numbers

B : fractions

C : rational numbers

D : exact mathematical procedures

Q.no 40. The methods of second category are called ____________methods.

A : direct

B : indirect

C : point wise

D : step by step

Q.no 41. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b to the data given below (X,Y) :
(1,0.5) (2,2.5) (3,2.0) (4,4.0) (5,3.5) (6,6) (7,5.5).

A : y= 0.83x+0.07

B : y= 0.43x+0.47

C : y= 1.93x+4.08

D : y= 9.43x+0.12

Q.no 42. Using Bisection method find the root of cos(x) – x * e^x = 0 with a = 0 and b = 1.

A : 0.617

B : 0.527

C : 0.517

D : 0.717

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Q.no 43. Solve by crank Nicolson’s implicit method, ut = uxx, 0<x<1,t>0 with u(x,0)=100(x-x2),
u(0,t)=0, u(1,t)=0. Compute u for one time step with h=0.25

A : 8.82, 14.29

B : 9.82, 14.29

C : 9.82, 12.29

D : 8.82, 12.29

Q.no 44. Solve∇2u=8x2y2over the squarex=−2,x=2,y=−2,y=2withu=0on the boundary and mesh

length =1 find u4.

A : 51833

B : 25.7915

C : 76.5417

D : 55833

Q.no 45. The root of x^3 - 2x - 5 = 0 correct to three decimal places by using Newton-Raphson
method is

A : 2946

B : 1404

C : 1.7321

D : 0.7011

Q.no 46. Using Bisection method find the root of 3*X^2 = 5X+2 in the interval [0,3].

A : 2.25

B : 2.52


D : 2.2

Q.no 47. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

A : a unique solution

B : no solution

C : an infinite number of solutions

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D : zero solution as the only solution

Q.no 48. Find the root of xe^(-x) -0.3 = 0 using Bisection Method in the interval [1,5].



C : 3.1

D : 2.5

Q.no 49. The definite integral 1/x dx between limit 1 to 3 is evaluated using Trapezoidal rule with
a step size of 1. The correct answer is _______

A : 2.27

B : 1.17

C : 1.18

D : 1.2

Q.no 50. Minimise Z = 200 x + 500 y subject to the constraints x + 2y ≥ 10; 3x + 4y ≤24; x ≥ 0, y ≥

A : 2500

B : 3000

C : 2000

D : 2300

Q.no 51. The next iterative value of the root of X^2− 4 = 0 using the Newton-Raphson method, if
the initial guess is 3, is

A : 1.5

B : 267

C : 2.167


Q.no 52. From following data , calculate value of y. (X,Y) : (45,2.871) (50,2.404) (55,2.083)
(60,1.862) (65,1.712)



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C : 0.1

D : 0.2

Q.no 53. Maximum value of z=4x+y subjected to x + y ≤ 50 & 3x + y ≤ 90

A : 50

B : 180

C : 110

D : 120

Q.no 54. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 At x=0 and x=3, u=0 (for all value of t) & u=0.3. At t=0, u=x2 for 0
< x < 3. Take increment in x as 1 and t as 0.1, find value of u1

A : 1.1333

B : 1.1222

C : 1.3111

D : 1.3222

Q.no 55. A function is defined as f(x) = x^2 – 3. Between the interval [1,2] find the root of the
function by Bisection Method.

A : 1.7334

B : 1.7364

C : 1.7354

D : 1.7344

Q.no 56. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−y(x)=2, when
y(0)=0, y(1)=1,taking h=1/4 find y(0.25)

A : 0451

B : 00451

C : 0.4501

D : 04051

Q.no 57. Apply Gauss Elimination method to solve the following equations. 2x – y + 3z = 9, x + y
+ z = 6, x – y + z = 2

A : X = 5, y = 14, z = 5

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B : X = -13, y = 4, z = 15

C : X = -13, y = 1, z = -8

D : X = 13, y = 1, z = -8

Q.no 58. The following system of equation has: x – y – z = 4, 2x – 2y – 2z = 8, 5x – 5y – 5z = 20

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 59. The values of x & f(x), using trapezoidal rule area bounded by the curve, x axis and the
line x =7.47, x = 7.52 is [x,f(x)]: (7.47,1.93) (7.48,1.95) (7.49,1.98) (7.50,2) (7.51,2.03) (7.52,2.06)

A : 0776

B : 0.1096

C : 0896

D : 0996

Q.no 60. Fit the curve of the form N=ab^t & estimate N when t=7. (t,N) : (0,32) (1,47) (2,65)

A : 3.099×10^-3

B : 4.088×10^-3

C : 399

D : 30.99

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Answer for Question No 1. is a

Answer for Question No 2. is b

Answer for Question No 3. is c

Answer for Question No 4. is b

Answer for Question No 5. is c

Answer for Question No 6. is a

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is a

Answer for Question No 9. is d

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is c

Answer for Question No 12. is c

Answer for Question No 13. is b

Answer for Question No 14. is d

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is b

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Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is a

Answer for Question No 19. is b

Answer for Question No 20. is b

Answer for Question No 21. is a

Answer for Question No 22. is c

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is a

Answer for Question No 26. is d

Answer for Question No 27. is c

Answer for Question No 28. is c

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is c

Answer for Question No 31. is b

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is b

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Answer for Question No 34. is b

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is a

Answer for Question No 37. is b

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is d

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is a

Answer for Question No 42. is c

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is a

Answer for Question No 47. is c

Answer for Question No 48. is b

Answer for Question No 49. is b

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Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is c

Answer for Question No 52. is d

Answer for Question No 53. is d

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is d

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is b

Answer for Question No 58. is c

Answer for Question No 59. is d

Answer for Question No 60. is a

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. Jacobi iteration method is _____substitution method

A : Indirect

B : Direct

C : Forward

D : Backward

Q.no 2. The modified procedure of complete pivoting is called as ____________

A : Partial

B : Additional

C : Reduced

D : Modified

Q.no 3. Trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrate is a polynomial of

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A : 0 but not 1

B : 1 but not 0

C : 0 or 1


Q.no 4. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision variable
are _______





Q.no 5. Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally __________

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Super-linear

D : Cubic

Q.no 6. In double integration, which of the following gives more accurate answer

A : Trapezoidal Rule

B : Simpson's Rule

C : Gauss Quadrature

D : Weddle's Rule

Q.no 7. The order of error's the trapezoidal rule for numerical integration with a step size h is


B : h^2

C : h^3

D : h^4

Q.no 8. A feasible solution of an LPP that optimizes then the solution of objective function is
called _________.

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A : basic feasible solution

B : optimum solution

C : feasible solution

D : solution

Q.no 9. Principal of least square states that......

A : The sum of square of all points from curve is minimum

B : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is minimum

C : The sum of square of all points from curve is maximum

D : The sum of square of root of all points from curve is maximum

Q.no 10. Let h be the finite difference, then forward difference operator is defined by……

A : f(x)=f(x+h)-f(x)

B : f(x)=f(x-h)-f(x)

C : f(x)=f(x*h)

D : f(x)=f(x)

Q.no 11. An LPP have ____________ optimal solution



C : 1 or more than 1

D : 2 or more than 2

Q.no 12. To solve the ordinary differential equation (dy/dx ) - x = y , y(0) = 1 , by Euler’s method,
you need to rewrite the equation as

A : (dy/dx ) - x - y = 0, y(0) = 1

B : (dy/dx ) - y = x , y(0) = 1

C : (dy/dx ) = x/y , y(0) = 1

D : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0) = 1

Q.no 13. The area bounded by all the given constraints is called _____________.

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A : feasible region

B : basic solution

C : non feasible region

D : optimum basic feasible solution

Q.no 14. The Bisection method has which of the following convergences?

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Cubic

D : Quaternary

Q.no 15. What type of equation is f(x)=ae^bx

A : logarithmic

B : exponential

C : power equation

D : polynomial

Q.no 16. Equation of straight line in fitting curve of the form y=ab^x

A : b'∑X+na'=∑Y , b'∑X^2+a'∑X=∑XY

B : a'∑X+nb'=∑X , a'∑x^2+b'∑x=∑XY

C : a∑X^2+b∑X+nc=∑Y , a∑X^3+b∑X^2+c∑X=∑XY , a∑X^4+b∑X^3+c∑X^2=∑X^2Y

D : b'∑X+na'=∑XY , b'∑X+a'∑X^2=∑Y

Q.no 17. Interpolation methods are

A : Linear interpolation

B : Piecewise constant interpolation

C : Polynomial interpolation

D : All of the mentioned

Q.no 18. The Elimination process in Gauss Elimination method is also known as _____________

A : Forward Elimination
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B : Backward Elimination

C : Sideways Elimination

D : Crossways Elimination

Q.no 19. In which of the following methods proper choice of initial value is very important?

A : Bisection method

B : False position

C : Newton-Raphson

D : Bairsto method

Q.no 20. The Bisection method is also known as ___________________

A : Binary Chopping

B : Quaternary Chopping

C : Tri region Chopping

D : Hex region Chopping

Q.no 21. Fourth degree equations are also called _______ equations.

A : quadratic

B : cubic

C : linear

D : bi-quadratic

Q.no 22. The following data of the velocity of a body is given as a function of time. {Time (s),
Velocity (m/s)}: (0, 22) (15, 24) (18, 37) (22, 25) (24,123). If you were going to use quadratic
interpolation to find the value of the velocity at t = 9.14 seconds, what three data points of time
would you choose for interpolation.

A : 0, 15, 18

B : 15, 18, 22

C : 0, 15, 22

D : 0, 18, 24

Q.no 23. Which produces smoother interpolants?

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A : Polynomial interpolation

B : Spline interpolation

C : Polynomial & Spline interpolation

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 24. Interpolation means

A : Adding new data points

B : Only aligning old data points

C : Only removing old data points

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 25. Truncation error is caused by approximating

A : irrational numbers

B : fractions

C : rational numbers

D : exact mathematical procedures

Q.no 26. An artificial variable leaves the basis means, there is no chance for the _____variable to
enter once again.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : dual

Q.no 27. Match the following: A.Newton Raphson 1.Integration B. Runge-kutta 2. Root finding
Gauss-seidel 3. Ordinary Diferential Equations D. Simpson's Rule 4. Solution of system of
Linear Equations Codes:ABCD

A : A. 2341

B : B. 3214

C : C. 1423

D : D. 1243

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Q.no 28. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable in the
basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current solution is_____.

A : degenerate

B : non-degenerate

C : basic solution

D : non-basic solution

Q.no 29. Using a unit step size, the value of integral (x)*lnx.dx between limit 1 to 2 by trapezoidal
rule is ________

A : 0.68

B : 0.69

C : 0.62

D : 0.7

Q.no 30. Which of the following method is most accurate for numerical integration ?

A : Simpson's rule

B : Trapezoidal rule

C : Weddle formula

D : Gauss's Quadrature formula.

Q.no 31. If for a real continuous function f(x), f(a)f(b) < 0, then in the range of [a,b] for f(x) = 0
,there is (are)

A : one root

B : an undeterminable number of roots

C : no root

D : at least one root

Q.no 32. Why iterative methods are called as self correcting?

A : Iterations involve repetition

B : Checks occurring during the process ensure that the errors are reduced

C : Any error made at any stage of computation gets automatically corrected in the subsequent steps

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D : After each step, validity of the method is checked.

Q.no 33. Which of the following is not true of the simplex method

A : at each iteration, the objective valve either says the same or improves

B : it indicates an unbounded or infeasible problem

C : it signals optimality

D : it converges in at most m steps, where m is the number of constraints

Q.no 34. The number 0.01850 x 103 has ________ significant digits





Q.no 35. For an equation like x^2 =0 , a root exists at x = 0. The bisection method cannot be
to solve this equation in spite of the root existing at x = 0 because the function f (x) = x^2

A : is a polynomial

B : has repeated roots at x = 0

C : is always non-negative

D : has a slope equal to zero at x = 0

Q.no 36. What is the percentage decrease in an interval containing root after iteration is applied
by Bisection Method?

A : 0.2

B : 0.3

C : 0.4

D : 0.5

Q.no 37. These are essential for solving partial differential equations

A : Algebraic equation

B : Physical principle

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C : Mathematical model

D : Boundary condition

Q.no 38. Solving following simultaneous equations, 4x - 5y = 17 and x - 5y = 8, we get

A : x = 3, y = -1

B : x = 2, y = 3

C : x = 4, y = 1

D : x = 5, y = 4

Q.no 39. The simplest method in finding the approximate solutions to the first order equations is

A : Euler's method

B : Modified Euler's Method

C : Runge-Kutta method

D : Taylor's Method

Q.no 40. Which method is best suited when the desired degree of the interpolating polynomial is

A : Vandermonde matrix

B : Lagrange method

C : Newton form

D : Cubic Spline Interpolation

Q.no 41. Maximum value of z=10y-3x subjected to 4x + 2y ≤ 80 & 2x + 5y ≤ 180

A : 200

B : 342.5

C : 144

D : 360

Q.no 42. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

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C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 43. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 44. Consider the system of equations x—y+ z=2, 3x—y+2z= —6, 3x+y+ z= —18 This system

A : a unique solution

B : no solution

C : an infinite number of solutions

D : zero solution as the only solution

Q.no 45. Minimize Subject to: Z=12x+16y x+2y≥40 x+y≥30 x≥0;y≥0

A : 360

B : 480

C : 400

D : 520

Q.no 46. Maximum value of z=4x+y subjected to x + y ≤ 50 & 3x + y ≤ 90

A : 50

B : 180

C : 110

D : 120

Q.no 47. Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary
conditions u (0, y) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤
x ≤ 3. for u1

A : 3.67

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B : 4.67

C : 5.67

D : 2.67

Q.no 48. Fit the curve of the form N=ab^t & estimate N when t=7. (t,N) : (0,32) (1,47) (2,65)

A : 3.099×10^-3

B : 4.088×10^-3

C : 399

D : 30.99

Q.no 49. Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss
Elimination method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

Q.no 50. Using the finite difference method, find y(0.25) satisfying the differential equation y′′
(x)+y(x)=x subject to the boundary conditions y(0)=0, y(1)=2.

A : 0.5443

B : 0.6443

C : 0.5643

D : 0.6643

Q.no 51. The governing equation for temperature distribution w.r.t distance x in the body is given
by (dT/dX) = -2000/(0.01T + 1) , T(0.2) = 500 and using a step size of h=0.04, the value of T(0.24)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 513.33

B : 486.66

C : 333.33

D : -13.33

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Q.no 52. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b to the data given below (X,Y) :
(1,0.5) (2,2.5) (3,2.0) (4,4.0) (5,3.5) (6,6) (7,5.5).

A : y= 0.83x+0.07

B : y= 0.43x+0.47

C : y= 1.93x+4.08

D : y= 9.43x+0.12

Q.no 53. Solve the following equations by Gauss seidal method. [one Iteration] 10a - 2b - c - d = 3,
- 2a + 10b - c - d = 15, - a - b + 10c - 2d = 27, - a - b - 2c = 10d = -9

A : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

B : a = 0.8869, b = 1.9523, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

C : a = 0.3, b = 1.56, c = 2.9566, d = -0.1368

D : a = 0.986, b = 1.9899, c = 2.886, d = -0.1368

Q.no 54. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

A : 1258

B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

Q.no 55. It is suspected from theoretical considerations that the rate of flow from a firehouse is
proportional to some power of the nozzle pressure. Assume pressure data is more accurate. You
are linearizing the data. {Flow rate, F (gallons/min) : Pressure, p (psi)} : (96,11) (129,17) (135,20)
(145,25) (168,40) (235,55). The exponent of the power of the nozzle pressure in the regression
model,F=ap^b most nearly is

A : 0.497

B : 0.556

C : 0.578

D : 0.678

Q.no 56. Use the following points to fit the polynomial using Lagrange’s method and find the
value of y at x = 2.7. (x,y): (2.10, 5.14) (2.15, 6.78) (3.10, 10.29) (3.50, 13.58)

A : 7.78

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B : 8.95

C : 12.76

D : 15.55

Q.no 57. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 58. Solve the boundary value problem y′′=xy subject to the condition y(0)+y′(0)=1, y(1)=1,
taking h=1/3, by finite difference method. Find y(0)

A : -0.9991

B : -0.9992

C : -0.9993

D : −0.9880

Q.no 59. Use least square regression to fit a straight line y=ax+b, find the value of a is for (X,Y) :
(0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22) (8,20) (12,30) (20,30)

A : 155

B : 12.444

C : 17.564

D : 19.714

Q.no 60. The values of x & f(x), using trapezoidal rule area bounded by the curve, x axis and the
line x =7.47, x = 7.52 is [x,f(x)]: (7.47,1.93) (7.48,1.95) (7.49,1.98) (7.50,2) (7.51,2.03) (7.52,2.06)

A : 0776

B : 0.1096

C : 0896

D : 0996

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is a

Answer for Question No 3. is c

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is a

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is b

Answer for Question No 8. is b

Answer for Question No 9. is a

Answer for Question No 10. is a

Answer for Question No 11. is c

Answer for Question No 12. is d

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is a

Answer for Question No 15. is b

Answer for Question No 16. is a

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Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is a

Answer for Question No 19. is c

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is d

Answer for Question No 22. is a

Answer for Question No 23. is c

Answer for Question No 24. is a

Answer for Question No 25. is d

Answer for Question No 26. is c

Answer for Question No 27. is a

Answer for Question No 28. is a

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is d

Answer for Question No 31. is d

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is b

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Answer for Question No 34. is d

Answer for Question No 35. is c

Answer for Question No 36. is d

Answer for Question No 37. is d

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is c

Answer for Question No 41. is d

Answer for Question No 42. is a

Answer for Question No 43. is b

Answer for Question No 44. is c

Answer for Question No 45. is c

Answer for Question No 46. is d

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is a

Answer for Question No 49. is b

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Answer for Question No 50. is a

Answer for Question No 51. is b

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is a

Answer for Question No 54. is d

Answer for Question No 55. is a

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is c

Answer for Question No 58. is d

Answer for Question No 59. is b

Answer for Question No 60. is d

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Seat No -
Total number of questions : 60


Time : 1hr
Max Marks : 50

1) All questions are Multiple Choice Questions having single correct option.

2) Attempt any 50 questions out of 60.

3) Use of calculator is allowed.

4) Each question carries 1 Mark.

5) Specially abled students are allowed 20 minutes extra for examination.

6) Do not use pencils to darken answer.

7) Use only black/blue ball point pen to darken the appropriate circle.

8) No change will be allowed once the answer is marked on OMR Sheet.

9) Rough work shall not be done on OMR sheet or on question paper.

10) Darken ONLY ONE CIRCLE for each answer.

Q.no 1. The number of significant digits in the number 1234500




D : 4 or 5 or 6

Q.no 2. The partial differential equation uxx + uyy = 0 is called

A : Wave equation

B : Heat equation

C : Laplace equation

D : Elasticity equation

Q.no 3. A partial differential equation requires:

A : Two or more independent variable

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B : Exactly one independent variable

C : More than one dependent variable

D : Equal numbers of dependent variable

Q.no 4. The modified procedure of complete pivoting is called as ____________

A : Partial

B : Additional

C : Reduced

D : Modified

Q.no 5. Trapezoidal rule for integration gives exact result when the integrate is a polynomial of

A : 0 but not 1

B : 1 but not 0

C : 0 or 1


Q.no 6. Simpson's 1/3 method calculate area under the curve is divided into n number of strips,
then is number of interval is

A : Any

B : Even

C : Multiple of 3

D : Multiple of 4

Q.no 7. If the constraint of an LPP has an in equation of less than or equal to type, the variables
to be added are__________.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : decision

Q.no 8. The iteration method is a ______ method

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A : direct

B : indirect

C : self correcting

D : step by step

Q.no 9. In double integration, which of the following gives more accurate answer

A : Trapezoidal Rule

B : Simpson's Rule

C : Gauss Quadrature

D : Weddle's Rule

Q.no 10. What is the limitation of Gauss-seidal method?

A : It cannot be used for the matrices with non-zero diagonal elements

B : It is more complex than Jacobi’s method

C : It doesn’t guarantees convergence for each and every matrix

D : It is an iterative technique

Q.no 11. y(x+h) = y(x) + h f(x,y) is referred as___________method.

A : Modified Euler

B : Euler

C : Taylor's Series

D : Runge-Kutta

Q.no 12. The order of convergence of Newton-Raphson iterative algorithm is

A : First order

B : Second order

C : Third order

D : Fourth order

Q.no 13. Graphical method of linear programming is useful when the number of decision
variable are _______

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Q.no 14. The order of Newton Raphson Method is _________.





Q.no 15. Linear interpolation is

A : Easy

B : Easy & Precise

C : None of the mentioned

D : Precise

Q.no 16. Rate of convergence of the Newton-Raphson method is generally __________

A : Linear

B : Quadratic

C : Super-linear

D : Cubic

Q.no 17. Key element is also known as ___________.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : pivot

Q.no 18. Jacobi iteration method is _____substitution method

A : Indirect
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B : Direct

C : Forward

D : Backward

Q.no 19. Solution of a Linear Programming Problem when permitted to be infinitely large is
called _________.

A : unbounded

B : bounded

C : optimum solution

D : no solution

Q.no 20. In which of the following methods proper choice of initial value is very important?

A : Newton Raphson Method

B : Bisection Method

C : Iterative Method

D : Regula Falsi Method

Q.no 21. Jacobi’s method is also known as

A : Displacement method

B : Simultaneous displacement method

C : Simultaneous method

D : Diagonal method

Q.no 22. The methods of second category are called ____________methods.

A : direct

B : indirect

C : point wise

D : step by step

Q.no 23. Which of the following method is most accurate for numerical integration ?

A : Simpson's rule

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B : Trapezoidal rule

C : Weddle formula

D : Gauss's Quadrature formula.

Q.no 24. The order of error's the Simpson's 1/3 rule for numerical integration with a step size h


B : h^2

C : h^3

D : h^4

Q.no 25. Which produces smoother interpolants?

A : Polynomial interpolation

B : Spline interpolation

C : Polynomial & Spline interpolation

D : None of the mentioned

Q.no 26. Truncation error is caused by approximating

A : irrational numbers

B : fractions

C : rational numbers

D : exact mathematical procedures

Q.no 27. A system of linear simultaneous equation is given as Ax=B where A=[1 0 1 0; 0 1 0 1; 1 1
0 1; 0 0 0 1] and B=[0; 0; 0; 1] the rank of matrix A is





Q.no 28. The modified Euler method is based on the average of_________________________

A : straight line

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B : ellipse

C : chord

D : points

Q.no 29. Maximise Z = 3x + 9y subject to the constraints: x + 3y ≤ 60, x + y ≥ 10, x ≤ y & x ≥ 0, y

≥ 0 Can we get multiple optimal solution if corner points of feasible region are (0, 10), (5, 5),
and (0, 20) respectively.

A : Single Optimal Solution

B : Double Optimal Solution

C : Optimal solution doesn't exist

D : Data is insuficient

Q.no 30. Maximum value of z=10x+y subjected to x+y≤4; y ≥2

A : 22

B : 33

C : 44


Q.no 31. For an equation like x^2 =0 , a root exists at x = 0. The bisection method cannot be
to solve this equation in spite of the root existing at x = 0 because the function f (x) = x^2

A : is a polynomial

B : has repeated roots at x = 0

C : is always non-negative

D : has a slope equal to zero at x = 0

Q.no 32. Newton forward interpolation formula is used for _________ intervals.

A : open

B : unequal

C : equal

D : closed

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Q.no 33. Choose correct hierarchy for reduce set of simultaneous equation in upper triangular
form i. Make all elements in first column below first row to zero
ii. Similarly make all elements in second column below second row to zero
iii. Write given set of equations in matrix form
iv. Using same procedure make all elements below the diagonal elements to zero

A : iii, i, ii, iv

B : i, iv, ii, iii

C : i, ii, iii, iv

D : iv, ii, iii, i

Q.no 34. An artificial variable leaves the basis means, there is no chance for the _____variable to
enter once again.

A : slack

B : surplus

C : artificial

D : dual

Q.no 35. The number 0.01850 x 103 has ________ significant digits





Q.no 36. Which of the following are not major requirements of a linear programming problem?

A : There must be alternative courses of action among which to decide

B : An objective for the firm must exist

C : The problem must be of the maximization type

D : Resources must be limited

Q.no 37. Consider the system of equations x+y=2, 2x+2y=5 This system has

A : one solution

B : No solution

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C : infinite solution

D : four solution

Q.no 38. The gauss elimination procedure is one of the several methods to solve

A : Inverse of matrix

B : Determinant matrix

C : Procedure matrix

D : Eliminated matrix

Q.no 39. How the transformation of coefficient matrix A to upper triangular matrix is done?

A : Elementary row transformations

B : Elementary column transformations

C : Successive multiplication

D : Successive division

Q.no 40. At any iteration of the usual simplex method, if there is at least one basic variable in the
basis at zero level and all the index numbers are non-negative, the current solution is_____.

A : degenerate

B : non-degenerate

C : basic solution

D : non-basic solution

Q.no 41. Solve x^2-2 = 0 by Newton Raphson technique.If initial guess is x0= 1.0, subsequent
estimate of x (i.e. x1) will be

A : 1.414

B : 1.5


D : 1.62

Q.no 42. A set of values of x and f(x) are given below using Lagrange’s interpolation formula find
f(9). (X,Y=f(x)) : (5,150) (7,392) (11,1452) (13,2366) (17,52010)

A : 1258

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B : 420

C : 1029

D : 810

Q.no 43. Fit the curve of the form N=ab^t & estimate N when t=7. (t,N) : (0,32) (1,47) (2,65)

A : 3.099×10^-3

B : 4.088×10^-3

C : 399

D : 30.99

Q.no 44. Find the values of x, y, z in the following system of equations by gauss Elimination
Method. 2x + y – 3z = -10 -2y + z = -2 z = 6

A : 38752

B : 38755

C : 38780

D : 38387

Q.no 45. Solve ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2=0,|x|<1,|y|<1with h=1/2and u(x,±1)=x2,u(±1,y)=y2. Find u1.

A : 0.9

B : 0.8

C : 0.6

D : 0.7

Q.no 46. Solve ut = uxx, 0 < x < 5, t ≥ 0, given that u (x, 0) = 20, u (0, t) = 0, u (5, t) = 100.
Compute u1 for the time-step with h = 1

A : 40

B : 20

C : -40

D : 30

Q.no 47. Fit a straight line y=a+bx into the given data. What is the value of y when x=8. (X,Y) :
(1,20) (2,21) (3,22) (4,23) (5,24) (6,25)

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A : 45.2

B : 26

C : 28

D : 37

Q.no 48. Use the following points to fit the polynomial using Lagrange’s method and find the
value of y at x = 2.7. (x,y): (2.10, 5.14) (2.15, 6.78) (3.10, 10.29) (3.50, 13.58)

A : 7.78

B : 8.95

C : 12.76

D : 15.55

Q.no 49. From following data , calculate value of y. (X,Y) : (45,2.871) (50,2.404) (55,2.083)
(60,1.862) (65,1.712)



C : 0.1

D : 0.2

Q.no 50. Given : (dy/dx ) = x + y , y(0.1) = 1.1 and using a step size of h=0.1, the value of y(0.2)
using Euler’s method is most nearly

A : 1.32

B : 1.18

C : 1.2

D : 1.22

Q.no 51. Maximum value of z=4x+y subjected to x + y ≤ 50 & 3x + y ≤ 90

A : 50

B : 180

C : 110

D : 120

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Q.no 52. It is suspected from theoretical considerations that the rate of flow from a firehouse is
proportional to some power of the nozzle pressure. Assume pressure data is more accurate. You
are linearizing the data. {Flow rate, F (gallons/min) : Pressure, p (psi)} : (96,11) (129,17) (135,20)
(145,25) (168,40) (235,55). The exponent of the power of the nozzle pressure in the regression
model,F=ap^b most nearly is

A : 0.497

B : 0.556

C : 0.578

D : 0.678

Q.no 53. The definite integral 1/x dx between limit 1 to 3 is evaluated using Trapezoidal rule with
a step size of 1. The correct answer is _______

A : 2.27

B : 1.17

C : 1.18

D : 1.2

Q.no 54. Solve the Laplace equation ∇2u = 0 over the square region, satisfying the boundary
conditions u (0, y) = 0, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (3, y) = 9 + y, 0 ≤ y ≤ 3, u (x, 0) = 3x, 0 ≤ x ≤ 3, u (x, 3) = 4x, 0 ≤
x ≤ 3. for u1

A : 3.67

B : 4.67

C : 5.67

D : 2.67

Q.no 55. Using least square method , find the value of Y(22) for (X,Y) : (0,10) (2,12) (4,18) (6,22)

A : 402

B : 45

C : 55.4

D : 60.2

Q.no 56. Given ∂u/∂t=∂2u/∂x2 At x=0 and x=3, u=0 (for all value of t) & u=0.3. At t=0, u=x2 for 0
< x < 3. Take increment in x as 1 and t as 0.1, find value of u1

A : 1.1333

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B : 1.1222

C : 1.3111

D : 1.3222

Q.no 57. Solve by finite difference method, the boundary value problem y′′(x)−3y′(x)+2y(x)=0
when y(0)=2, y(1)= 10.1 find y(0.5)

A : 5.42

B : 5.52

C : 5.62

D : 5.32

Q.no 58. While solving by Gauss Seidal method, which of the following is the first Iterative
solution system; x – 2y = 1 and x + 4y = 4?

A : (1, 0.75)

B : (0.25,1)

C : (0,0)

D : (1,0.65)

Q.no 59. The equation f(x) is given as x^3+4x+1=0. Considering the initial approximation at x=1
then the value of x1 is given as _______________

A : 1.67

B : 1.87

C : 1.86

D : 1.85

Q.no 60. Solve this system of equations and comment on the nature of the solution using Gauss
Elimination method. x + y + z = 0, -x – y + 3z = 3, -x – y – z = 2

A : Unique Solution

B : No solution

C : Infinitely many Solutions

D : Finite solutions

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Answer for Question No 1. is b

Answer for Question No 2. is c

Answer for Question No 3. is a

Answer for Question No 4. is a

Answer for Question No 5. is c

Answer for Question No 6. is b

Answer for Question No 7. is a

Answer for Question No 8. is c

Answer for Question No 9. is b

Answer for Question No 10. is c

Answer for Question No 11. is b

Answer for Question No 12. is b

Answer for Question No 13. is a

Answer for Question No 14. is b

Answer for Question No 15. is a

Answer for Question No 16. is a

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Answer for Question No 17. is d

Answer for Question No 18. is b

Answer for Question No 19. is a

Answer for Question No 20. is a

Answer for Question No 21. is b

Answer for Question No 22. is c

Answer for Question No 23. is d

Answer for Question No 24. is d

Answer for Question No 25. is c

Answer for Question No 26. is d

Answer for Question No 27. is d

Answer for Question No 28. is d

Answer for Question No 29. is b

Answer for Question No 30. is a

Answer for Question No 31. is c

Answer for Question No 32. is c

Answer for Question No 33. is a

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Answer for Question No 34. is c

Answer for Question No 35. is d

Answer for Question No 36. is c

Answer for Question No 37. is b

Answer for Question No 38. is a

Answer for Question No 39. is a

Answer for Question No 40. is a

Answer for Question No 41. is b

Answer for Question No 42. is d

Answer for Question No 43. is a

Answer for Question No 44. is a

Answer for Question No 45. is a

Answer for Question No 46. is b

Answer for Question No 47. is a

Answer for Question No 48. is a

Answer for Question No 49. is d

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Answer for Question No 50. is d

Answer for Question No 51. is d

Answer for Question No 52. is a

Answer for Question No 53. is b

Answer for Question No 54. is a

Answer for Question No 55. is c

Answer for Question No 56. is a

Answer for Question No 57. is d

Answer for Question No 58. is a

Answer for Question No 59. is c

Answer for Question No 60. is b

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