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Jakarta, March 04th, 2022

To : Recruitment – Human Resources & Development

Company : Coinbase (a Crypto trading services core company)

Re. : Application for a Country Director vacancy position

Dear Sir and/or Madam,

Good day.

My name is Jimmy Agung Silitonga. I am interested to apply to your company, Coinbase. On this opportunity, I would like to

apply for a Country Director vacancy based on job advertised at LinkedIn.

My strength for this Country Director job position, FIRST, I'm former Senior Legal Manager of Bitoin Indonesia and I’m familiar in

working with Corporate Legal and Business standard management core for Indonesia crypto business practices. SECOND, I am

familiar with the Licenses that governs by Bappebti and OSS BKPM. And, THIRD, I'm a part time lecturer that teaches Indonesia

Banking Law, ICT Law, Company Law and Manpower Law as subject studies at the Bachelor (Strata Satu/S1) degree level.

At the present since November 2021, I manage my own Law Office, “JAS&Co.” that registered in Indonesia Ministry of Law &

Human Rights with SKT AHU : 0001132.01.18 and I also as PERADI’s Advocate member. In the past job, I was work in PT. Indodax

Nasional Indonesia – Bitcoin Group, I work as Manager of Legal & Compliance (Bitcoin Indonesia, a Group of Crypto – Derivative) and

I am as the ISO Coordinator for the Company’s ISO (namely ISO 9001, 27001 & 20017). In Indodax, I managed for three (3) Divisions

(namely Divisions for : Legal, Compliance and Corporate Secretary) and eighteenth (18) companies (such as : Kredibel, Intrajasa,

Udana, etc) as part of the Indodax group itself that majorly running the business in bitcoin-derivative that under the Government of

Indonesia (GoI) authority that leads by the Bappebti-Kemendag. My jobdesk in Indodax is managing the Corporate Legal aspect such

as Contract Management, M&A activities, and control for company licences (OSS bases) and implement the compliance of the

regulatory standards. As part of the company strategic planning to “Go Public” 2022, so I also manage the Corporate Secretary


I had a work experiences in a several Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) companies (for example : CBN group-Transcosmos

Japan group, IFF United States group, Elabram Systems Malaysia group) and an International Consulting Firm (namely FAIR

Consulting group Japan). Also, I am a part-time Lecturer (online and weekend class) in with teaching class subjects of : Company Law,

ICT Law, Enviromental & Institutional of Law, Civil Court Systems, International Law, Agrarian Law and Criminology.

In education things, I am graduated from Postgraduate Law School (M.H. degree) from University of Gadjah Mada (UGM

Yogyakarta) and a graduate scholar of Master of Science in Energy Security Defense (M.Si. Han in Energy Def degree) from Indonesia

Defense University (IDU or Universitas Pertahanan under Indonesia Ministry of Defense or Kementrian Pertahanan, Bahasa). During

my study in Indonesia Defense University, I had an abroad work-study or as an apprentice (KKLN / Kuliah Kerja Luar Negeri, bahasa)

to Vietnam’s Electricity Energy Company (EVN Hanoi, Vietnam).

For personal references please contact further names as bellows :

1. Ms Elizabeth Rotua Silitonga, S.E. (Sister, Euro Asiatic’s Finance Controller, phone +6281285857474),

2. Ms Irma Suriani Sibuea, S.Kom. (Closed friend, IT Consultant of PT. Proaxia Consulting, phone +6282168302974),
3. Mrs. Melda Rusy Remily (Friend, Comben & HRIS Manager of PT. Transcosmos Indonesia, phone +6281311209961),

4. Mr Ailando Kurniawan L.Tobing, SH (Cousin, Senior Corporate Lawyer of PT. Freeport Indonesia, phone +6221-4216271),

5. Mr DR. Parlagutan Silitonga, S.H, M.B.A. (Uncle, Management Representative STEIN & AKPINDO, phone +62816985217),

6. Mr. David Dayan Silitonga, SE, MM (Cousin, Head of Treasury Bank Neo/Yudha Bakti Tbk, phone +6282114117303),

7. Mr. Josua Sitompul, S.H., M.EE, Ph.D (Friend, Ministry of ICT or Kominfo’s PPNS as ICT-Telco regulatory expert, phone


8. Mr Inspector General (Irjen or Mayjen, Police, POLRI) Daniel Tahi Monang Silitonga, S.IK. (Cousin, Former Dir-Tipideksus

Bareskrim MABES POLRI, phone +62-8176909090),

9. Mr Erik Saropie, S.IP. (Friend, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, phone +6281380745134),

10. Mrs Friskila Damaris Silitonga, S.Kep.N.S., M.PH. (Cousin, Epidemicologist at UN, phone +62-81370333519),

11. Mr Colonel (Air Force, TNI AU) DR. Tatar Bonar Silitonga (Cousin, Head of Quality School Management at IDU, phone


12. Mr Jamaslin James Purba, S.H, M.H. (Friend, Vice President of DPP PERADI / Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia or Indonesian

Advocate Bar Association, phone +62811978778),

13. Mr. Dr. T. Mangaranap Sirait, SH (Lawfirm supervisor, Vice President of DPP PERADI SAI / Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia or

Indonesian Advocate Bar Association, phone +6285322001957),

14. Mr Benhard Sihotang, S.T. (Friend, Chief at West Semper Sub District area of DKI Jakarta Province, phone +6281219248760),

15. Mr Dr. H. Raden Bogie Setia Perwira Nusa, S.H., MH., MSi. (Friend, BNN’s Widyaiswara Coordinator, phone : +6281389365229),

16. Mr. Fierza Pasaribu, MH (Friend, Ministry of ICT & Lecturer of UT, phone +628563322513),

17. Mr Pham DC, B.Bus. (Friend, Lieutenant Vietnamese Army at Vietnam Ministry of Defense, phone +84972626565),

18. Mr Mario Sagala, S.H, M.Si. (Friend, Public Attorney, phone +6282175995455),

19. Mr Dr. Ir. Donny Yusgiantoro, M.B.A. (Lecturer at IDU and Energy Division Head at KADIN Indonesia Chamber of Commerce,

phone +6281617088867), and

20. Mr Prof. Ir. Roy Sembel, M.B.A, Ph.D., (GCG Committee, Professor and Dean of IPMI Business School, phone +6281808899988).

With those capacity above, I feel capable to handle any task that may assign to me and I passionate to learn new things too,

and I hopefully and certainly believe that I am competent to meet challenging tasks and can make a good contribution to your


The enclosed document as an email attachment, that consist of : Curriculum Vitae, Diploma and Certificates, It will provide

you with more details of my background. Please do not hesitate for calling me by phone if you have any queries. Thanks for your

consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,


Jimmy Agung Silitonga

contact : +6285311042662

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