EC Obj Mid 2 Cse, Eee 2019

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(Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTUH)
IB.Tech. I Sem., II Mid-Term (R18) Examinations, December – 2019
Branch & Section: EEE, CSE (A&B) Date of Exam:
Subject:ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Session & Timings:
Name: ______________________________ Hall Ticket No.______________________
Answer All Questions. All Questions Carry Equal Marks. Time: 20 Min. Marks: 10.
I .Choose the correct alternative

1 In electrochemical corrosion ( )

a) Anode undergoes oxidation b) Cathode undergoes oxidation c) Both d) None

2 Pitting corrosion is due to ( )

a) Acidity b) Stress in the metal c) Breaking of the oxide layer of the metal d) All of these

3 One of the common sacrificial anodic metal is ( )

A) Mg B) TI C) Cu D) Zn

4 Optically active stereoisomers that are not mirror images are called_______________ ( )

a) Enantiomers b) Mesomers c) Tautomers d) Diastereomers

5 SN1 mechanism for the hydrolysis of an alkyl halide involves the formation of intermediate. ( )

a) Carbocation b) Free radical c) Carbanion d) None of these.

6 Range of infrared region____________ ( )

a) 667-50cm-1 b) 12500- 4000 cm-1 c) 4000-667 cm-1 d) None of these

7 Atomic spectroscopy deals with interaction of the electromagnetic radiation with _____ ( )

a) Molecules b) Atoms c) Both d) None of these

8 Which of the following is not selection rule for electronic spectroscopy? ( )

a) Overlapping b) Spin c) Symmetry d)None of these

9 The mode of excitation of molecule in IR spectroscopy is ( )

a) Electronic b) Magnetic c) Vibrational d) Optical

10 IR radiation source is ( )

a) Nichrome wire b) Nernst glower c) Both d) None of these

Fill in the blanks

11.Oxidation corrosion in absence of moisture is __________

12.Below the water line having relatively less access to oxygen acts as ________

13. Equimolar mixture of enatiomers is called as__________.

14. ________________conformationof n-butane is its most stable conformation.

15. A molecule that cannot be superimposed on its mirror image is called________

16. A molecule can absorb IR radiation only when its absorption causes change in _________

17. The difference between the resonance frequency of the observed proton and reference is called_________

18. The extent of conjugation in polymers can be estimated by using ____________ spectroscopy.

19. _____________ is used to monitor the treatment of tumors.

20. The spectroscopy corresponds to transition between electronic energy levels is

known as __________.

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