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CO2 Site Screening, Selection and Characterization, and Canadas CCS Activities

Dr. Stefan Bachu

Principal Scientist, CO2 Storage Alberta Innovates Technology Futures

RECS 2011 Birmingham, AL June 7, 2011

Associate Editor (Storage)

Site Screening, Selection and Characterization
o CO2 storage assessment scales o Basin and regional scale screening criteria o Local and site-scale screening criteria

Canadas CCS Activities

Operational Stages of CO2 Storage

Site characterization is a continuous, iterative process during all operational stages of a CO2 storage project

CO2 Storage Assessment Scales

Basic Principles 1
Site selection criteria are the criteria by which a site is assessed, evaluated, judged, and, in the case of multiple possible sites, ranked for final selection and qualification Site characterization represents a collection of types of data and information needed to reach the necessary understanding and confidence that the proposed storage site is safe and acceptable Site selection and characterization depend on the scale of the assessment

Assessment Scales and Resolution

Country: high level, minimal data Basin: identify and quantify storage potential Regional: increased level of detail, identify prospects Local: very detailed, pre-engineering site selection Site: engineering level for permitting, design and implementation Note: Depending on the size of a country in relation to its sedimentary basin(s), the order of the top two or three may interchange

Relationship Between Assessment Scale and Level of Detail and Resolution

Primary Characteristics of Geological Media Suitable for CO2 Storage

Capacity: to store the intended CO2 volume Injectivity: to receive the CO2 at the supply rate Containment: to prevent, avoid or minimize CO2 leakage However, if capacity and/or injectivity are insufficient, some measures can be taken (e.g., use multiple and/or horizontal wells, use several storage sites, store less CO2) If containment is defective, then the prospective site is disqualified!

Basic Principles 2
Site characterization is an iterative, non-linear process running through all the operational stages of CO2 storage Monitoring is a key element in site operation, closure and post-closure, likely to be a permitting requirement Storage safety and security is a common thread throughout all the stages of the operational chain and has to be demonstrated when applying for tenure of the storage unit and permit to operate, during operations, and after cessation of injection to complete site abandonment

Basin and/or Regional Scale Screening

Flow of Formation Waters in Sedimentary Basins

Driven by sediment compaction on marine shelves Driven by tectonic compression in orogenic belts Driven by erosional and/or glacial rebound in foreland and intra-cratonic basins Driven by topography in intra-montane, foreland and intra-cratonic basins Driven by hydrocarbon generation and other internal overpressuring processes

Types of Fluid Flow in Sedimentary Basins

Risk of Leakage in Sedimentary Basins

(Hitchon et al., 1999)

Preferred Flow Systems

Deep, regional scale, driven by topography or erosional rebound

Geothermal Regime in Sedimentary Basins

Depends on: Basin type, age and tectonism Proximity to crustal heat sources Basement heat flow Thermal conductivity and heat production of rocks Temperature at the surface

Plate Tectonics and Earths Heat Flow

Preferred Sedimentary Basins

Intra-cratonic, foreland and passive-margin basins

Surface Temperature for Sedimentary Basins

Marine basins: 3-4 oC at the bottom of the sea/ocean Continental (sub) Arctic and (sub) Antarctic basins: -2 oC below the permafrost Continental temperate basins: 4-10 oC depending on latitude and altitude Continental tropical basins: 10-25 oC depending on latitude and altitude

Variation with Depth and Geothermal Regime of Carbon Dioxide Density

Sedimentary Basins by Geothermal Regime

Cold basins: Low surface temperature and/or geothermal gradients - more favorable (higher CO2 density, at shallower depths) Warm basins: High surface temperature and geothermal gradients - less favorable (lower CO2 density, larger depths needed)


Heat Flow in Pacific and North American Plates

Basin Maturity
Defined by fossil-energy potential (oil and gas, coals) and degree of exploration and production Mature: Rich in energy resources, advanced production Immature: Rich in resources, in exploration & early production stage Poor: No or poor in hydrocarbon resources


Industry Maturity and Infrastructure

Developed continental basins: Access roads, pipelines, wells (e.g., Texas, Alberta) Developed marine basins: Drilling and production platforms (e.g., North Sea)

Eliminatory Criteria for Sedimentary Basins

1 2 3 4 5 6 Depth Aquifer-seal pairs Pressure regime Seismicity Faulting and fracturing Hydrogeology

< 1000 m Poor (few, discontinuous) Overpressured High and very high Extensive Shallow, short flow systems <2500 km2 Forbidden

>1000 m Intermediate, excellent Hydrostatic Very low to moderate Limited to moderate Intermediate, regionalscale flow systems >2500 km2 Allowed

7 8

Areal size Legal accessibility


Desirable Characteristics of Sedimentary Basins

Criterion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Within fold belts Significant diagenesis Geothermal regime Evaporites Hydrocarbon potential Industry maturity Coal seams Coal rank Coal value On/offshore Climate Accessibility Infrastructure CO2 sources <500 km Undesirable Yes Present Warm basin Absent Absent/small Immature Absent, shallow or very deep Lignite/Anthracite Economic Deep offshore Harsh No or difficult Absent/undeveloped Absent Desirable No Absent Cold basin Present Medium/giant Mature Between 400 m and 800 m depth (sub) Bituminous Uneconomic Onshore, shallow Moderate Good Developed Present

Cross Sectional Representation of Sedimentary Basins across North America


Seismicity in Canada

Canadas Sedimentary Basins


Local and Site-Scale Screening Criteria

Basic Principles 3
Sites must pass the basin-scale eliminatory criteria, and should broadly possess basin-scale desirable characteristics In addition, sites must pass and/or meet additional criteria that fall broadly into five categories:
Capacity and injectivity Confinement, i.e., safety, security and environmental acceptability Legal and regulatory restrictions Economic Societal (public acceptance)

The same criteria can be organized into:

Eliminatory criteria: sites are eliminated if they dont meet these criteria Selection criteria: sites are selected if they meet most or the preferred of these criteria, depending on local circumstances


Eliminatory Site Selection Criteria - 1

1. Legally inaccessible (in protected areas) 2. Legally unreachable (right of access cannot be secured) 3. Legally unavailable (e.g., equity interest held by third parties) 4. Physically unavailable (e.g., a hydrocarbon reservoir in production, an aquifer used for geothermal energy or for natural gas storage) 5. Located in high-density population areas flexible 6. Potentially affecting other natural, energy and mineral resources and equity

Eliminatory Site Selection Criteria - 2

7. Within the depth of protected groundwater 8. In hydraulic communication or contact with protected groundwater 9. Located at shallow depth (<750-800 m) - debatable! 10. Lacking at least one major, extensive, competent barrier to upward CO2 migration 11. Located in an area of very high seismicity 12. Located in over-pressured strata 13. Lacking monitoring potential


Site Selection Criteria - 1

For efficacy of storage: 1. Sufficient capacity and injectivity: they are not independent, injectivity may limit capacity! 2. Sufficient thickness 3. Low temperature 4. Favorable pressure and hydrodynamic regime

Site Selection Criteria - 2

For safety and security of storage: 5. Low number of penetrating wells 6. Presence of multi-layered overlying system of aquifers and aquitards (secondary barriers to upward CO2 migration) 7. Potential for attenuation of leaked CO2 near and at surface


Site Selection Criteria - 3

For cost: 8. Accessibility and infrastructure (location, terrain, climate, right of access, avoidance of populated/protected areas) 9. Transportation economics (distance from source, pipelines of shipping facilities, compression and site delivery) 10. Storage economics (site facilities, wells and compression, operational and environmental monitoring)

Additional Site Selection Criteria?

Depth Thickness Porosity Permeability Water salinity These have been suggested in the past, but they are implicit in the criteria of capacity, injectivity, and protection of groundwater and/or mineral resources They still can be used as selection criteria, but they are not completely independent and changes in one may affect another


Critical Site Qualification Criteria

Criterion Eliminatory Condition Poor, faulted, breached, >14 kPa/m Absent Yes Acceptable Condition

1 Sealing 2 Pressure gradients 3 Monitoring potential 4 Affecting groundwater

Multi-layered system < 12 kPa/m Present No

A site must pass all these criteria to be considered for CO2 storage

Essential Site Qualification Criteria

Criterion 1 Seismicity 2 Faulting and fracturing intensity 3 Flow systems Eliminatory Condition High Extensive/high Acceptable Condition Moderate and less Limited to moderate

Short and/or in communication with protected groundwater

Intermediate and regional scale

A site should pass all these criteria to be considered for CO2 storage, but exceptions can be made


Desirable Site Qualification Criteria - 1

Criterion 1 Within fold belts 2 Adverse diagenesis 3 Geothermal regime 4 Temperature 5 Pressure Unfavorable Yes Significant Favorable No Low to moderate

G 35 C/km and/or high G < 35 C/km and low Ts Ts < 35 C < 7.5 MPa 35 C 7.5 MPa

A site should meet as many as possible of these criteria; if too few are being met, then maybe it should be rejected

Desirable Site Qualification Criteria - 2

Criterion 6 Thickness 7 Porosity 8 Permeability 9 Caprock thickness 10 Well density Unfavorable < 20 m < 10% < 20 mD < 10 m High Favorable 20 m 10% 20 mD 10 m Low to moderate


Site Characterization Objectives - 1

1. 3-D structure of the sedimentary succession from the storage unit to ground surface 2. Geology of the sedimentary succession from the storage unit to ground surface 3. Rock properties 4. Mineralogical, chemical and mechanical characteristics of all system components 5. Hydrogeology and geothermics

Broad Site Characterization - 2

7. Planar discontinuities such as faults and fractures 8. Fault and fracture characteristics 9. In-situ conditions of P, T and stress 10. Fluid compositions and PVT behaviour 11. Linear features such as wells 12. Reservoir and wells history


Concluding Remarks Regarding Site Selection

CO2 storage sites should be selected based on the safety and security of storage, their capacity and injectivity, ability to meet regulatory requirements including monitoring, accessibility and economics Any assessment of CO2 storage capacity should carefully consider the processes involved, their spatial and temporal scales, the resolution of the assessment, and the available data and their quality Sites should be properly characterized to meet regulatory and stakeholders requirements, particularly in regard to safety and security of storage

References Regarding Site Selection

1. Screening and ranking of sedimentary basins for sequestration of CO2 in geological media in response to climate change. Bachu. S., Environmental Geology, v. 44, no. 3, p. 277-289, doi: 10.1007/s00254-003-0762-9 2. Screening and selection criteria, and characterisation for CO2 geological storage. Bachu, S. In: Developments and Innovation in Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Capture and Storage Technology, Vol. 2 (M. Maroto-Valer, ed.), Woodhead Energy Series No. 16, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., p. 27-56, 2010.


References Regarding Storage Capacity Estimation

1.CO2 storage capacity estimation: Methodology and gaps. Bachu, S., J. Bradshaw, D. Bonijoly, R. Burruss, S. Holloway, N.P. Christensen and OM. Mathiassen. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, v. 1, no. 4, p. 430-443, doi: 10.1016/S1750-5836(07)00086-2, 2007. 2.U.S. DOE methodology for the development of geologic storage potential for carbon dioxide at the national and regional scale. Angela Goodman, Alexandra Hakala, Grant Bromhal, Dawn Deel, Traci Rodosta, Scott Frailey, Mitchell Small, Doug Allen, Vyacheslav Romanov, Jim Fazio, Nicolas Huerta, Dustin McIntyre, Barbara Kutchko and George Guthrie. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, v. 5, doi: 10.1016/j.ijggc. 2011.03.010.

CCS Activities In Canada


Canadas Conditions
Canadas economy is a resource-based economy located in a cold climate, hence the need for energy for resource production, power generation and heating, and with large distances between population centers, hence the need for energy for transportation Energy production is a critical component of Canadas economy Canada is ranked 9th in the world in terms of its greenhouse gas emissions, however with only ~ 1.6% of world emissions compared with ~25% and ~23% respectively for #1 and #2: China and US Canadas emissions grew since 1990 by >35% Canadas economy is similar only to those of Australia and Norway, but, unlike them, is closely linked with the economy of the US, hence the solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions has to be unique to Canadas conditions

Fossil Fuels Remain Key in Canada s Energy Portfolio

Energy Usage (2008) Energy Exports (2008)
38% net exports

Hydro & nuclear electricity

Crude oil

Natural gas

62% domestic use


Canadas Specific Conditions

Asymmetry in:
- - - - - Jurisdictions Population distribution Geology Industrial Base Greenhouse gas emissions profile

Asymmetrical solution to reducing CO2 emissions

Canadas Sedimentary Basins


223 88 66 62

305 0.5

Canadas CO2 Emissions

0.4 2 1.6 207 24 21 168 91 85 48 2 2 9 6


2004 GHG Emissions 2020 GHG Emissions




Distribution of Large Stationary CO2 Sources in Canada


Canadas Sedimentary Basins Targeted for CCS

CCS activities are focused in: Alberta Saskatchewan NE British Columbia Nova Scotia

Canadas Approach
Federal focus on legislation for reduction of GHG emissions without affecting economic recovery and development Canadas resources Provincial and federal focus on large-scale, integrated demonstration projects that will prove the technology Basic research provided by universities under Carbon Management Canada (CMC) Network Provincial focus on development of legislative and regulatory framework for CO2 storage National effort led by the federal government (Geological Survey of Canada) to map and inventory the CO2 storage capacity in the sedimentary basins that will be the focus of CCS activities in the short-tomedium term, as part of the Atlas of CO2 Storage Capacity in North America (coordinated effort with US and Mexico)


Canadas Federal Government

Awarded CAD 140M in 2009 to 7 CCS projects in western Canada Awarded CAD 240M to SaskPower to for CO2 capture at Unit #3 of its Boundary Dam coal-fired power plant Awarded CAD 5M to CCS Nova Scotia for identification of a CO2 storage site in Nova Scotia and develop front end engineering design (FEED) for CO2 capture and storage from one of the 5 power plants of Nova Scotia Power New 5-years, CAD 1B Clean Energy Fund announced in 2010 for: large scale CCS demonstration projects (650M), R&D, including CCS (150M) and alternative energy (200M) Currently developing regulations for new coal-fired power plants and for plants reaching the end of their economic life to meet GHG emission intensity performance standards equivalent to those of high-efficiency natural-gas power generation

Albertas Government Legislative Actions

Legislated in 2007 reduction in 2020 of GHG emission intensity ratio to GDP by 50%, with an immediate reduction of 12%, through: Actual emission reduction Purchase of Alberta accredited offsets Payment of $15/t CO2 into Technology Fund By 2050 CO2 emissions should be 50% of those in a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario, of which 70% would be by application of CCS (~140 Mt/yr) Passed CO2 Capture and Storage Statutes Amendment Act by which:
The pore space is owned by the Crown Designated the Energy Resources Conservation Board as the regulatory agency for CO2 storage Stated that the Province will assume long-term liability of stored CO2 Established that CO2 storage sites must be at least 1 km deep

Established a Regulatory Framework Assessment process to review regulations as they pertain to CCS


Albertas Government Project Support

Established a Climate Change and Emission Management Fund into which industry pays CAD 15/t CO2 emitted over target, to be used for technology development and diffusion (the fund stood last year at > CAD170M and projects have been funded this year) Established a CAD 2B fund for supporting four CCS projects in the province that will inject at least 1 Mt CO2/year each by 2015:

Shells Quest: CO2 storage in a deep saline aquifer TransAltas Pioneer: capture from a coal-fired power plant and storage in EOR and deep saline aquifer Enhance Energys Trunkline: capture from fertilizer plant, transportation by 280 km pipeline and storage in EOR Swan Hills Synfuels: coal underground gasification, CO2 capture and storage in EOR

British Columbias Government Initiatives

Established a Carbon tax on gasoline of 1 c/L Is supporting Spectras Fort Nelson CCS project (CSLF recognized) that will capture CO2 from a gas plant and store between 1.2 and 2 Mt CO2/year in a deep saline aquifer Is reviewing its legal and regulatory framework to facilitate CCS projects


Saskatchewans Government Initiatives

Supports through royalty rebates the Weyburn-Midale EOR project Supports, with the federal and Alberta governments, the IEA-GHG Weyburn-Midale Monitoring and Verification project Provides support to SaskPower for retrofitting its Unit #3 at the Boundary Dam coal-fired power plant in southeast Saskatchewan for capture of 1 Mt CO2/year and storage in EOR Is amending its Oil and Gas Conservation Act to accommodate CCS development

Other Projects Partially Supported by the Federal Government

Huskys project in Saskatchewan for CO2 capture from a heavy oil upgrader and a bioethanol plant and storage in heavy oil reservoirs Aquistore project in Saskatchewan for CO2 storage in a deep saline aquifer


Current CCS Projects in Western Canada

Concluding Remarks Regarding Canadas CCS Activities

Governments in Canada are focusing on the deployment of integrated large-scale demonstration projects and developing the proper legal and regulatory framework for CCS implementation Currently there are between 7 CCS projects in western Canada in various phases of planning and implementation, likely to be operational by 2015 and injecting upwards of 10 M tCO2/year If a storage site is found, Nova Scotia will be another province in Canada where CCS will be deployed CCS may be applicable on a small scale on other provinces, but the main impact will be in the western provinces



Dr. Stefan Bachu

Alberta Innovates Technology Futures


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