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Product Category 4th Generation Nano PGR

Sprayable Liquid / SL
Formulation Type Water Soluble Crystal / WSC

Application Foliar / Drip

Feature JA-63™ is the latest discovery of the maxEEma scientists, which is a high energy, broad –
spectrum and breakthrough YIELD ENHANCING SYSTEM.
Active ingredient Jasmonate (JA)
Mode of action • JA-63™ increases the activity of hyperoxide enzyme and nitrate reductase and
C/N metabolism of the plant.
• JA-63™ improve Carbon and Nitrogen metabolism.
• Study found that JA-63™ leads to increased growth of axons and dendrites.
• Researchers also found that extracts of the shrub had activity that was similar to
GABA, which could explain why JA-63™ is effective in reducing stress in plant.

Recommendation Soluble Liquid / SL : 10 mL / acre ; two applications

Water Soluble Crystal / WSC : 10 g / acre , two applications

SL & WSC are suitable for DRIP IRRIGATION also.

Main crops Crops ranging from cereals, pulses & legumes, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables, fodder, fiber,
flowers, green house, forestry etc. to non-crop spectrum of lawns, indoor plants, golf turf,
Main customer  It boosts up entire plant system to for maximum gene expression to get 100% yield
benefits potential.
 INCREASE the content of chlorophyll , protein, nucleic acid in plant, thus,
ACCELARATE photosynthesis
 PREVENTS premature aging of crop by maintaining proper nourishment of the

maxEEma Biotech Private Limited

Ahmedabad, INDIA

e-mail : I Phone: +91 79 65129410 I

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