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CLARIFICATIONS FOR SHRI I. M. NANAVATI MEMORIAL VIRTUAL NATIONAL MOOT COURT COMPETITION, 2020-21. CLARIFICATIONS PERTAINING TO PARTICIPANTS’ QUERIES 1. In light of the clarifications provided it is clear that the writ petition against the government and the challenge to the NGT order are being heard together. However, we would wish to know whether the arguments of the government and the arguments on behalf of the NGO (which filed the case at NGT) will form part of a ‘common respondent memorial. ANS: Yes. 2. On what date the PSA filed an appeal before the Supreme Court a ANS: This question has no consequence. 3. Please clarify that since the date of the hearing of the case according to the Ist Set of Clarifications is in the year 2017, are we allowed to use the Judgments/Laws/Guidelines/Orders/Notifications issued after the year 2017? ANS: It is upon the teams to decide the same.

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