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B. Human Capital can only be implemented successfully in a developed country (America,

Britain, Japan, etc.

Human capital investment is of prime interest for many countries at varying stages of development.
In recent times, the development of human capital has been the focus of concern towards the
development of a nation. Without adequate investment in developing the human capital which is the
process of increasing knowledge, skills and the capacities of people in the country, the possibility of
the growth of that nation might be minimal. Health and education are both components of human
capital and contributors to economic welfare. Human Capital Index measures which countries are
best in mobilizing the economic and professional potential of its citizens. The index measures how
much capital each country loses through lack of education and health. The Human Capital Index
ranges between 0 and 1 with 1 meaning maximum potential is reached. For example, the data shows
Singapore on the first rank scored 0.88 (% of potential reached), South Korea on the second rank
scored 0.84 (% of potential reached), and others. Most countries which are on the top ranks are
developed countries. A developed country is a sovereign state with high industrial and Human
Development Index compared to other countries. It must also have a technologically advanced
infrastructure, and its economy must be highly developed. It is also referred to as industrialized
country or more developed country. There are several parameters used to determine the level of
economic development of a country and they include Human Development Index, income per capita,
political stability, industrialization, freedom and living standards of the general population, Gross
national Product (GNP), and Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The cost of living in a developed country
is high compared to the less developed country, and this is because the majority of the population is
willing and has the financial ability to afford quality goods and services which are expensive.
Secondly, goods produced by local industries are mostly consumed as opposed to imported products
which might be inferior. The general public has access to clean water and environment, affordable
and quality housing and access to other social and economic amenities in the country like access to
emergency services are fast. A developed country has freedom for its citizens and respects the law.
The freedom to worship, marry, own property, and access to information characterizes a developed
nation. In the less developed countries, there are a lot of restrictions and citizens cannot do
whatever they like freely. And that is why the human capital implemented successfully in developed
country. The human capital can implemented successfully also in less developed countries. The
government has to emphasize the importance of investing in human capital to ensure better
economic growth and to improve competitiveness. Realizing the importance of human resources
investment, the government has to knowledge the need to create regulations that are able to protect
employees and provide decent work, while improving sustainable skills. Education is an economic
good because it is not easily obtainable and thus needs to be apportioned. The focus on education
as a capital good relates to the concept of human capital, which emphasizes that the development of
skills is an important factor in production activities. It is widely accepted that education creates
improved citizens and helps to upgrade the general standard of living in a society. Therefore, positive
social change is likely to be associated with the production of qualitative citizenry. Expanding
education promotes economic growth. Education occupies an important place in most plans for
economic and social development. Whichever, education sector is important in human development
as a supplier of the trained humans. The governments can do a pre-school program, or the

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governments scholarships, or supporting new and existing teacher training institutes to create a
professional accredited cadre of teachers and lots of things to improve. Public health is one of the
greatest things in which a government can invest too. The concept of health takes into account
physical, psychological, and social well-being. As such, according to the World Health Organization, it
is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity and more recently, a resource for everyday living.
Public health aims to improve the quality of life through prevention and treatment of disease,
including mental health. Governmental responsibilities for public health extend beyond voluntary
activities and services to include additional authorities such as quarantine, mandatory immunization
laws, and regulatory authorities. Hunger and malnutrition remain the most devastating problems
facing the majority of the Indonesian, especially for the poor. Despite general improvements in food
availability, health and social services, hunger and malnutrition exist in some form in almost every
district in Indonesia. Health are heading towards becoming a major public problem, requiring
sustained prevention and control of the risk factors involved. To achieve it, awareness and willingness
of public health policy will be neccessary. By treating all of these most less developed countries’s
problems well , the human capital can be implemented successfully.

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