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Research Methodology

Research Design

The study will have a quantitative approach considering that the

researchers will be dealing with statistical or numerical analysis of data that

will be collected through surveys and questionnaires which is more beneficial

for the researchers to achieve comprehensive results. The study opted to

use correlational analysis considering how gaming affects the performance of

the respondents. This correlational study consists of two groups of Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students, one group of

students consists of online gamers, while the other group are non-gamers.

The study requires 30 respondents which will be divided into two groups:

students who play online games and students who do not play online games.

The data gathered will be used to assess the relationship between online

gaming and the academic performance of the students.

Research Environment

Figure 1. Vicinity Map of Science and Technology Education Center, Basak,

Lapu-Lapu City

This correlation study was conducted at Science and Technology

Education Center, Basak, Lapu-Lapu City, a one of the top rated place listed

as School in Lapu-Lapu City, in the school year 2021-2022 based on the

STEM Students in Science and Technology Education Center - Senior High

School (STEC-SHS) about online gaming that impair their academic

Sampling Procedure and Sample

The respondents in this study were the Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Science and Technology

Education Center (STEC), both those who play and those who do not play

online games, singled out through simple random sampling. With the

assistance of using simple random sampling, the researchers will compare

the grades of students who play online games to those who do not. A

random sample of 15 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) students who play and do not play online games will be chosen by

the researchers. The researchers will stipulate a number between 1 to 75 for

each student in the school database, and 30 individuals will be chosen at

random using a random number generator. The researchers will also initiate

this through the permission of the school head, teachers, and the Science,

Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) students of Science and

Technology Education Center (STEC).

Research Instrument

This correlational study will employ the observation method with a

validated questionnaire. The 30 research participants whom will be divided

into two groups, gamers and non-gamers, will be given the subject-related
instrument, questionnaire, through online. The survey will be conducted

using Google Forms as the online form tool. The researchers choose Google

Forms as the online form tool in consideration of the participants. The

purpose of this questionnaire is to collect the necessary data for the

observation method, comparing and contrasting the grades of gamer and

non-gamer participants.

Data Gathering Procedure

The authorization of those in positions of authority and experts in this

field of study is required for the researchers to achieve the study's main

purpose. This authorization will be through the principal of Science and

Technology Education Center (STEC) together with the practical research

adviser to gain permission for fulfilling the necessary steps that will be taken

to proceed with the research. 

With permission granted, the content and expert validation of the

research tools will be carried out. The researchers will then ask the possible

respondents and ask for permission to access their grades. The researchers

will also ask the participants’ adviser and subject teachers to access their

grades after gaining the permission from the respondents. Upon obtaining

their grades, the researchers will compare the grades of the students who

are playing online games and those who do not play online games.
Data Analysis

The type of quantitative data analysis test to be used in this study will be the

T-test wherein the researchers aim to determine the significant means of the

two groups, gamer and non-gamer students. Through this type of data

analysis, the researchers will be able to determine whether online gaming

affects a student’s academic performance. Specifically, the independent T-

test was used in order for the researchers to compare the two groups

whether there is statistical evidence that either of the two groups are

significantly better in terms of academic performance.

Ethical Considerations

In conducting the research on STEM Students in Science and

Technology Education Center - Senior High School (STEC-SHS), the

researchers will strictly adhere to all guidelines and regulations. The

researchers will be required to file all required documents and forms –

Transmittal letter, Informed consent, and Parent’s consent to the research

adviser and the School Principal. This will require requesting permission from

each subject teacher, adviser, and the School Head to access the

responders' grades. The willingness of the research respondents to

participate in the study will be methodically evaluated. Data gathered and

personal information will be kept strictly confidential, and the respondents of

the study will be voluntary. The researchers ensure that there will be no
plagiarism, copying, or piracy in this study report. All the information and

analysis will rigorously adhere to its integrity, originality, and validity. 

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