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Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

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Ore mineralogy and trace element (re)distribution at the metamorphosed

Lappberget Zn-Pb-Ag-(Cu-Au) deposit, Garpenberg, Sweden
Glacialle Tiu a, *, Nils Jansson a, Christina Wanhainen a, Yousef Ghorbani b, Lena Lilja c
Division of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE-97187 Luleå, Sweden
Division of Minerals and Metals Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, SE-97187 Luleå, Sweden
Garpenberg Mine, Boliden Mineral AB, SE-77698 Garpenberg, Sweden


Keywords: Qualitative and quantitative mineralogical and textural investigations were undertaken for the different sulfide
Bergslagen minerals in the 1.89 Ga Lappberget deposit, with a focus on sphalerite and pyrite. Three sphalerite types were
Remobilization identified and associated with: (1) main massive sulfide mineralization, (2) Fe-Mn skarn ore, and (3) Ag-rich
fissure veins. Sphalerite-1 contained a relatively higher amount of trace elements (Fe, Co, Ge, Cu, Sn, and Au)
but is lower in Mn/Fe, Ga, and Hg compared to sphalerite-2. Evidence of tectono-metamorphic modification of
LA-ICP-MS sulfides is observed throughout the deposit, such as the formation of growth twins and deformation twins in
sulfides, the development of high-angled triple-point junctions in recrystallized pyrite and sphalerite, and the
formation of ‘ball ore’ or ‘durchbewegung’ textures within mineralized shear zones. The recrystallization of
pyrite and galena may have led to the re-distribution of fluid-mobile elements (As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, and Au), some
of which were deposited in discordant Ag-rich fissure veins peripheral to the main massive sulfide lenses. Trace
element signatures of sulfides in Lappberget are compatible with the other metamorphosed and deformed,
subseafloor volcanogenic carbonate replacement (SVALS)-type deposits in the Bergslagen mining district.

1. Introduction been focused on the stratigraphy, geochemistry and structural frame­

work of the deposit (e.g., Sandecki, 1982; Vivallo, 1985; Allen et al.,
Located approximately 180 km northwest of Stockholm (Fig. 1), the 2003; Berggren, 2005). While more recent studies have added more
Lappberget Zn–Pb–Ag–(Cu–Au) deposit is part of Boliden Mineral AB’s knowledge on magnetite deposits near Lappberget (cf. Jansson and
Garpenberg mine and is Sweden’s oldest still-operating mine. It is Allen, 2013; 2015), our understanding of the distribution and miner­
located in the Bergslagen mining district, which hosts a wide variety of alogy of ore minerals within the Lappberget deposit is still limited.
metamorphosed and deformed, magmatic-hydrothermal, and hydro­ This study aims to characterize the different mineralization types at
thermal mineral deposits (c. 7 000 iron oxide deposits, c. 1 500 base Lappberget based on the ore mineralogy and textures of the main sulfide
metal deposits, and 150 metal deposits of other commodities; Stephens minerals, mainly, sphalerite, pyrite, galena, and chalcopyrite. Quanti­
et al., 2009). Recent research has shown that mining operations at tative analysis of mineral chemistry was undertaken using electron
Garpenberg began as far back as 375 BCE (Bindler et al., 2017), and the probe microanalysis (EPMA) and laser ablation inductively-coupled
mine has since developed into one of the country’s largest base metal plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) for the different sulfides asso­
mines. The mine targets several sulfide deposits distributed along the ciated with the different mineralization styles. The qualitative and
northwestern limb of the Garpenberg syncline (Fig. 2). The ores are quantitative investigations of the sulfide minerals at Lappberget will
commonly located in upright structural domes. The Lappberget deposit help provide a better understanding of the ore formation as well as the
is currently the largest sulfide deposit in the mine with a combined effect of the overprinting metamorphism and deformation. In addition,
mineral resource and ore reserve of 58 Mt at 3.42% Zn, 1.68% Pb, 0.06% the identification of the different ore types and trace element distribu­
Cu, 70 g/t Ag, and 0.41 g/t Au (Högnäs, 2019). It is mined and processed tion in sulfides can be utilized for the geometallurgical assessment of the
to produce four different concentrates: Zn, Pb, Cu, and a gravimetric ore (e.g., Frenzel et al., 2019).
concentrate targeted for Au and Ag. Most studies in Garpenberg have

* Corresponding author at: Luleå University of Technology, Luleå SE-97187, Sweden.

E-mail addresses:, (G. Tiu).
Received 17 August 2020; Received in revised form 30 April 2021; Accepted 8 May 2021
Available online 12 May 2021
0169-1368/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

2. Geological setting volcanogenic carbonate replacement (SVALS)-type deposits and

‘Åmmeberg-type’ or stratiform ash-siltstone hosted (SAS)-type deposits
2.1. Regional geology (Magnusson, 1953; Allen et al., 1996). SVALS-type deposits are associ­
ated with VMS- and skarn-like features and are interpreted to have
The Lappberget Zn–Pb–Ag–(Cu–Au) deposit is hosted within the formed in intra-caldera settings, where rapid burial during major
strongly deformed and metamorphosed Garpenberg supracrustal inlier caldera-forming volcanic events induced a shift from sub-seafloor hy­
(Fig. 2). The inlier is mainly composed of rhyolitic-dacitic metavolcanic drothermal activity to contact-metasomatic regimes with time (Jansson
rocks with minor metabasalts and marble and is bounded by Sveco­ et al., 2011). SAS-type deposits, on the other hand, are interpreted to
karelian metagranitoids (Allen et al., 2003). A northeast-southwest have formed by exhalation of hydrothermal fluids on the seafloor (Allen
trending, doubly plunging upright syncline constitutes the major et al., 1996; Jansson et al., 2018). Examples of SVALS-type deposits in
structure in the area and is referred to as the Garpenberg syncline (Du the Bergslagen region include Garpenberg (Allen et al., 1996), Falun
Rietz, 1968; Allen et al., 2003). Its southeastern limb is cut by the (Kampmann et al., 2017), Stollberg (Allen et al., 1996), and Sala
northeast trending and southeast dipping Stora Jelken reverse shear (Jansson, 2017). SAS-type deposits are represented by the Zinkgruvan
zone (Allen et al., 2003). Mineralization occurs as irregular, strata­ (Allen et al., 1996) and Lovisa (Jansson et al., 2018) deposits.
bound, massive, and disseminated deposits, which occur mostly on the
northwest limb of the Garpenberg syncline. Mineralization formed at c. 2.2. Local geology
1.89 Ga, prior to ductile deformation and metamorphism during the
Svecokarelian orogeny (Jansson et al., 2011). Regional tectonics within The Lappberget Zn-Pb-Ag-(Cu-Au) deposit is situated in an upright
the Bergslagen region shows that ductile deformation associated with structural dome in the northwest limb of the Garpenberg syncline
folding (D1) and low pressure and high temperature metamorphism (M1) (Fig. 2). It is hosted by intensely altered and metamorphosed felsic
occurred at c. 1.87 Ga followed by the emplacement of alkali-calcic volcanic rocks and former limestone that are overlain by less altered
plutonic rocks at c. 1.87–1.84 Ga (Stephens and Jansson, 2020). metasedimentary rocks. The local stratigraphy at Lappberget is com­
Another cycle of ductile deformation involving folding and shearing parable to the nearby Garpenberg Norra deposit as described by Allen
(D2) and metamorphism (M2) occurred at 1.82–1.75 Ga including the et al. (2003). The stratigraphic footwall consists of highly silicified and/
emplacement of alkali-calcic plutonic rocks until 1.78 Ga (Stephens and or micaceous rocks. Jansson (2011) inferred that these rocks are
Jansson, 2020). This is followed by a transition from ductile to brittle equivalent to the massive to bedded metavolcanic rocks of rhyolitic to
deformation characterized by localized shearing and faulting at c. dacitic composition in the stratigraphic footwall at Garpenberg Norra.
1.8–1.7 Ga (Stephens and Jansson, 2020). The metamorphic grade is Overlying this sequence is the main ore host, comprising a unit of skarn
estimated at lower amphibolite facies with a peak metamorphic tem­ and calcitic to dolomitic marble, for which a stromatolitic limestone
perature of 550 ◦ C at pressures below 3.5 kbar (Vivallo, 1985). The alteration precursor has been interpreted (Allen et al., 2003). Strati­
metamorphic overprint has made it uncertain whether calc-silicate graphic hanging wall rocks consist of less altered rhyolitic to basaltic
minerals in the ores are of magmatic-hydrothermal origin or if they volcanic breccia, conglomerates, and sandstones. Subvolcanic dacitic
formed during the metamorphic overprint (cf. minerals like garnet and intrusions intrude the underlying mineralized horizon.
amphibole in metamorphosed VMS deposits, e.g., Hodges and Man­ Mineralization extends from the crest of the structural dome at
ojlovic, 1993). approximately 350 m below the surface and remains open at depth.
Base metal sulfide deposits within the Bergslagen region are mainly Sulfide-rich zones containing massive ores, veins, and breccias are
classified into two end-members: ‘Falun-type’ or subseafloor concentrated on the limbs of the upright structural dome (Fig. 3).

Fig. 1. Geological map of the Bergslagen region showing the location of the Garpenberg area outlined with a black box. Red circles are polymetallic sulfide deposits
and blue circles are Fe oxide deposits registered in the database of the Geological Survey of Sweden (Jansson et al., 2011).

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Sphalerite, galena, and pyrite are the main sulfide minerals at Lapp­ taken at the mineralized section of the Lappberget deposit.
berget, whereas pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite constitute minor
3.2. Mineralogical and textural analysis
3. Methodology
Petrographic investigations were carried out on 150 thin sections
using optical light microscopy (Nikon ECLIPSE E600 POL) and a scan­
3.1. Sample selection
ning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive spec­
trometer (EDS) (Merlin Zeiss Gemini) at Luleå University of Technology.
One hundred and fifty drill core samples of varying lengths were
Sputter coating with carbon was undertaken for all SEM analyses. An
collected to investigate the sulfide occurrence and associations of the
acceleration voltage of 20 keV and emission current of 1.0nA was uti­
different mineralization types present in the deposit. The list of samples
lized for EDS analysis. For modal mineralogy, representative thin-
is attached as supplementary material (Table A). Boliden Mineral AB
section samples were analyzed using QEMSCAN® 650 (FEI with W-
provided the historical drill core assays for Cu, Pb, Zn, Ag and Au from
filament, two EDS, and an electron backscatter detector) at Boliden AB
the sampled intervals. Element-to-mineral conversion (EMC) of
with iMeasure version 5.4 software for data collection and iDiscover 5.4
geochemical assay data was applied to quantify the amount of sulfides
software for data processing. The field scan measurement mode was
present for spatial modelling (Whiten, 2008). Thirty-five samples were
performed at an X-ray resolution of 5 µm using a horizontal field width
utilized for lithology and alteration studies, whereas 115 samples were
of 1500 µm (300 × 300 analysis points per field), with a measurement

Fig. 2. Regional geological map of the Garpenberg area (Allen et al., 2003; Jansson et al., 2011). The Lappberget deposit is marked by a star.

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Fig. 3. (A) Cross-section of the Lappberget ore body and (B) Mineralogical modelling of major minerals based on EMC calculation at Lappberget. Thin grey lines are
logged drill cores.

area of approximately 21.5 mm × 32 mm. using a New Wave Research (NWR193) laser-ablation system coupled to
an iCAP-Q quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
3.3. Electron microprobe analysis (LA-ICP-MS, Thermo Scientific) at Luleå University of Technology.
Calibration of the ICP-MS was performed at the start of every experiment
Mineral chemistry data was derived for twenty-five thin sections at to maximize the sensitivity of the isotopes and minimize the production
the Geological Survey of Finland on a CAMECA SX100 electron micro­ of the molecular oxide species (232Th16O/232Th) and doubly charged
probe equipped with five wavelength-dispersion spectrometers (TAP, 2 ions (140Ce++/140Ce+). The ablated material was transported using
LLIF, PET, and LPET) and one EDS detector. The sulfide analyses were helium (He) as the carrier gas.
determined using an accelerating voltage of 20 kV with a probe current LA-ICP-MS spot analysis was carried out with a spot size of 50 μm, a
and beam diameter of 40nA and 1 µm, respectively. Natural minerals laser repetition rate of 5 Hz, and a laser fluence of ~ 2.5 J/cm2. A total
and metals were used as reference standards. Data for the EPMA spot acquisition time of 85 s was used, including 15 s background measure­
analyses is attached as supplementary material (Table B). ment (laser off), 30 s sample ablation, and 40 s washout time. Multiple
standard analyses were done after every 6 to 12 spot analyses to correct
3.4. Multielement LA-ICP-MS spot analysis and element mapping of for instrument drift.
sulfides The following isotopes were analyzed: 34S, 55Mn, 57Fe, 59Co, 60Ni,
Cu, 66Zn, 69Ga, 72Ge, 75As, 77Se, 107Ag, 111Cd, 115In, 118Sn, 121Sb,
Both LA-ICP-MS spot analysis and element mapping were carried out Au, 202Hg, 205Tl, 208Pb, and 209Bi. The dwell times for the analytes

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

were set individually. Data reduction was done using the IOLITE soft­ reduction in IOLITE was used (Supplementary material Table C). For this
ware package (Paton et al., 2011). Concentration calculation and in­ study, the sphalerite type and mineralization styles were modeled as
strument drift correction were carried out using sulfide reference fixed effects whereas sample was modelled as random effect, following
materials MUL-ZnS-1 (Onuk et al., 2016) for sphalerite, MASS-1 (Wilson the notation:
et al., 2002) for galena, and UQAC-FeS (Savard et al., 2018) for pyrite
log(C) SphaleriteType + Mineralization + (1|Sample) (1)
and chalcopyrite. MASS-1 was utilized to quantify concentrations of Hg
whereas UQAC-FeS was used for Au, since these elements were not wherein C denotes the trace element concentration in sphalerite.
available in the sphalerite standard. Absolute concentrations of Hg must A more detailed explanation of the models and procedures utilized
be considered as approximate due to uncertainties in Hg content of for modelling LME was discussed in van den Boogaart and Tolosana-
MASS-1. Ge concentrations can also not be quantified in full confidence Delgado (2013) and Godefroy-Rodríguez et al. (2020). LME modelling
due to the interference with 56Fe16O. 66Zn was used as the sphalerite was done using Microsoft R client software version 3.5.2 with lme4
internal standard, 208Pb for galena and 57Fe for other sulfides. The (Bates et al., 2015) and piecewiseSEM (Lefcheck, 2016) packages.
concentration of the internal standard elements are based on the average
mineral chemistry data for each sample and sulphide type. Limits of
detection (LOD) were calculated based on Longerich et al. (1996) 3.6. Mineralization styles
LA-ICP-MS element maps were generated using a series of parallel A wide variety of minerals were identified through petrographic
line rasters spaced identical to the spot size (5–20 µm) to ensure com­ analysis of the samples from the Lappberget deposit as summarized in
plete coverage. The laser was run at varying speed depending on the spot Table 1. Footwall disseminated and semi-massive mineralization are
size with a repetition rate of 5 Hz or 10 Hz and laser fluence of ~ 2.5 J/ observed at depth and transitions to a massive sphalerite-galena-pyrite-
cm2. The same set of standards as those used for spot analysis was used chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite-Au electrum mineralization followed by a
to create element maps at the beginning and end of each mapping run. massive sphalerite-pyrite-galena mineralization. Skarn-hosted mineral­
Element maps were processed and generated using the IOLITE software ization occurs at the interface between the silicified volcanic rock and
package. The result of the LA-ICP-MS spot analyses is attached as sup­ dolomitic marble. Magnetite mineralization, carbonate-hosted Ag-rich
plementary material (Table C). sulfide sulfosalt veinlets and Ag-As-Mn fissure mineralization is
concentrated in the upper part of the deposit, within the dolomitic
marble sequence. Representative samples of the different mineralization
3.5. Linear mixed effect model (LME)
styles are shown in Fig. 4.
Linear mixed effect (LME) models were fitted for the trace element
chemistry data of sphalerite to characterize the effect of the different 3.7. Massive sphalerite-pyrite-galena mineralization (MSPG)
mineralization styles and sphalerite types. Prior to modelling, the data
was log transformed to fulfill the statistical requirements for LME The massive Zn-Pb sulfide ore at Lappberget is dominated by
models (van den Boogaart and Tolosana-Delgado, 2013). For elements sphalerite, pyrite, and galena. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite occur as
with below detection limit values, median values provided from the data minor to trace phases, mostly as exsolutions in sphalerite.

Table 1
Mineral abundance of sulfides, sulfosalts, antimonides and oxides in the Lappberget deposit. Mineral estimation is based from the QEMSCAN modal mineralogy and
estimates from thin sections. Mineral formulas are calculated based on the EPMA data. Mineral abbreviations are mostly after Whitney and Evans (2010).
Mineral phase (abbreviation) Mineral Formula MSPG MSGC FwD SKN QDM AgD MSZ

Metal sulfides
Sphalerite (Sp) Zn0.8-1.08Fe0-0.2Mn0-0.1S *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Galena (Gn) PbS ***◦ *** ** ** ** ** ***
Pyrite (Py) FeS2 *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Chalcopyrite (Ccp) CuFeS2 * ** ** * * * *
Pyrrhotite (Po) Fe0.9-1S * ** ** * ** ◦
Arsenopyrite (Apy) Fe1.02-1.03As0.9-1S ◦ ◦ ◦
* * ◦ ◦

Gudmundite (Gdm) FeSb0.9-1S ◦ ◦

Alabandite (Alb) MnSa

Cubanite (Cbn) CuFe2S3 ◦ ◦ ◦

Bournonite (Bour) PbCuSbS3 ◦ ◦

Boulangerite (Boul) Pb5Sb4S11a ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Freibergite (Frb) (Cu4.3-10.6Ag0.1-6.2Zn0-1.1Fe0.1-2Mn0-1.9)(Sb0.2-4.2As0-3.8)S12.2-13.6 ◦ ◦ ◦

* * *
Tetrahedrite (Ttr) ◦
* ◦

Tennantite (Tnt) ◦ ◦ ◦

Silver-Allargentum (Ag,All) Ag0.81-0.98Sb0.01-0.15 ◦

* ◦ ◦

Dyscrasite (Dys) Ag3.1-3.2Sb0.8 ◦ ◦

Acanthite (Ac) Ag2Sa ◦ ◦

Electrum (El) (Au,Ag) 10–87 wt% Ag ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Jordanite (Jor) Pb13.8-13.9(As4.6-5Sb1.1-1.3)S23-23.1 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Stephanite (Stp) Ag5.3-7.4Sb1.4-3.4S0.7-1.1 ◦ ◦ ◦

Pyrargyrite (Pyr) Ag3SbS3a ◦ ◦

Diaphorite (Dia) Pb2Ag3Sb3S8a ◦ ◦

Native antimony (Sb) Sba ◦ ◦

Native arsenic (As) Asa ◦

Magnetite (Mag) Fe3O4a (MnO = 2.20–2.26 wt%) ** ◦

Ilmenite (Ilm) FeTiO3a ◦

Pyrophanite (Pph) MnTiO3a ◦ ◦

*** major mineral phase (>5 area%), ** minor (1–5 area%), * trace (<1 area%), ◦ rare (sporadic trace mineral phase)
based on stoichiometric formula (Anthony and Bideaux, R.A., Bladh, K.W., Nichols, 1990).

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Fig. 4. Representative samples of different mineralization styles at the Lappberget deposit. (A) Massive Zn-Pb mineralization (LPB1513-101); (B) Massive Cu-rich
sulfide mineralization (LPB2577-156.9); (C) Footwall disseminated mineralization (LPB3408-302.8); (D) Carbonate-hosted Ag-rich veinlets dominated by galena,
sulfosalts and antimonides (LPB 3065-44.67); (E) Magnetite mineralization (LPB3618-89.4); (F) Skarn-hosted sulfide mineralization cut by talc vein (LPB3564-161);
and (G) Mineralized shear zones showing ‘ball texture’ (LPB3408-270.1).

Mineralization typically occurs as vein networks but also as replacement rock interface, adjacent to the massive sulfide mineralization. The skarn
bodies and breccia infills. The massive ore breccia consists of a medium is mainly composed of amphibole (tremolite-actinolite), manganoan
to coarse-grained sphalerite-galena matrix and wall rock fragments with diopside, and talc. Both tremolite-actinolite and manganoan diopside
diffused boundaries. Annealing textures in pyrite and sphalerite are are coarse-grained and typically occur with interstitial sphalerite and
typically present. galena. In some quartz sulfide veinlets, alteration zoning is observed.
The massive ores are mainly concentrated along with the contact Manganoan diopside occurs proximal to the sulfide veins followed by
between dolomitic marble and highly silicified rock. Two major sulfide- tremolite-actinolite, then calcite, and lastly dolomite. Tremolite
rich zones, to the north and south, are distinguished as the high-grade replacing diopside is observed locally.
ore lenses in the mine. These sulfide-rich zones exhibit an ENE-WSW
trend and dips steeply (c. 80-90◦ ) towards the south (Fig. 3). The 3.11. Magnetite mineralization (MT)
marble and footwall rock interface is characterized by the silicification
of former limestone and an increased abundance of magnesian skarn. Magnetite mineralization ranges from vein, semi-massive to massive
mineralization and occurs stratigraphically above the main massive
3.8. Massive sphalerite-galena-pyrite-chalcopyrite-pyrrhotite ± Au sulfide ore. It is associated with manganoan diopside and actinolite with
mineralization (MSGC) sphalerite, galena, pyrite, and pyrrhotite. The amount of sulfide min­
erals associated with magnetite is significantly less than the amount
This mineralization style displays similar textures as the massive Zn- present in the previously discussed sulfide mineralization.
Pb mineralization but has more chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite and has Different varieties of magnetite mineralization were identified based
higher Au and Ag content. A higher galena:sphalerite and pyrrhotite: on their mineral associations. These are (1) quartz-diopside-actinolite
pyrite ratio is also recorded. The Cu-rich massive sulfide ore generally skarn-hosted magnetite, (2) actinolite-garnet-biotite-associated
occurs at the lower parts of the massive sulfide mineralization adjacent massive magnetite, and (3) dolomitic marble-hosted magnetite. The
to the footwall disseminated to semi-massive mineralization. Sphalerite latter is associated with silver and galena veinlets.
typically contains small blebs of chalcopyrite and/or pyrrhotite as in­
clusions within the grain or along grain boundaries. 3.12. Mineralized shear zones (MSZ)

3.9. Footwall disseminated to semi-massive mineralization (FWD) Northeast-trending shear zones (Jansson, 2011) cut the structural
dome that hosts the mineralization at Lappberget. These shear zones are
Disseminated sulfide mineralization of mainly pyrite and sphalerite associated with talc and chlorite as well as minor biotite and phlogopite.
occurs along all sides of the main massive sulfide mineralization. Some sections of the shear zones, which cuts the massive sulfide
However, high-grade mineralization of this type typically occurs as mineralization, host significant sphalerite-galena-pyrite mineralization.
veins and is mainly located in the footwall, hosted by biotite-quartz- and Mineralogy is similar to the massive ores but exhibit a “ball ore texture”
muscovite-quartz-altered volcanic rocks. This mineralization style is (e.g., Geijer, 1971; Vokes, 1973) or “durchbewegung” structure
characterized by a relatively high content of chalcopyrite and pyrrho­ (Marshall and Gilligan, 1989), characterized by a fine-grained sphal­
tite, occurring as disseminations, veins, or as the groundmass of semi- erite-galena matrix with well-rounded clasts of wall rock and pyrite.
massive sulfides. This mineralization is also associated with higher Schist fragments generally give a more elongated form while vein quartz
gold to sulfide content. Gold typically occurs as Ag-rich electrum. The fragments and pyrite take on extremely rounded forms. A bulging
mica-hosted sulfide mineralization was observed in the deeper parts of recrystallization texture is present in the rounded quartz grains
the Lappberget deposit (below 850 m depth as shown in Fig. 3). (Passchier and Trouw, 2005).

3.10. Skarn-hosted sulfide mineralization (SKN) 3.13. Carbonate-hosted Ag-rich sulfide-sulfosalt veinlets (AgD)

Massive skarns are commonly located at the marble and silicified Argentiferous sulfide-sulfosalt veinlets are generally hosted in

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

manganoan dolomitic marble. The veinlets host a complex sulfide- veins. Fragments of massive sulfide mineralization are commonly
sulfosalt assemblage, with galena, sphalerite, arsenopyrite, gudmun­ incorporated into the veins, showing corrosive and replacement texture.
dite, freibergite, tetrahedrite-tennantite, bournonite, boulangerite and a The late-stage evolution of the vein assemblages is recorded by distinct
variety of Ag-, As-, and Sb-bearing minerals, most commonly allargen­ decomposition textures, which post-date the last pervasive deformation
tum and dyscrasite. These veinlets typically form a sulfide vein with a of the veins. These are (1) symplectitic or myrmekitic intergrowths of
dendritic pattern, wherein sphalerite, pyrite ± pyrrhotite occupy the tetrahedrite and galena replacing bournonite, (2) complex intergrowths
main vein and galena, sulfosalts, and Ag-bearing minerals serve as of dyscrasite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, alabandite, tetrahedrite, chalco­
branches (e.g., Fig. 4D). These veinlets are typically observed along pyrite and/or native antimony replacing an Ag-rich fahlore, and (3) late-
cusps of deformed sulfide veins and cut recrystallized pyrite grains. Rare stage native silver-allargentum-arsenopyrite-alabandite ± Mn-sphal­
veins of coarser-grained galena also occur and are associated with quartz erite fracture fills. The veins containing the third texture type crosscut

Fig. 5. Photomicrographs of different

sphalerite textures. (A) annealed sphalerite
grains showing triple junctions and pyrrho­
tite inclusions along boundaries (LPB1617-
91.02, plain transmitted light), (B) zonal
chalcopyrite disease in sphalerite (LPB1554-
216.17, reflected light), (C) deformation
twins in sphalerite; sample etched with
NaClO (LPB3458-187.52, reflected light), (D)
red sphalerite (sp-1) with chalcopyrite in­
clusions inside a pyrite grain associated with
yellow sphalerite (sp-2) (LPB1425-203.87,
transmitted light), (E) deformation twins in
sphalerite (sp-2) (LPB1425-203.87, trans­
mitted light), (F) sphalerite (sp-2) showing
growth zonation pattern (LPB3065-30.78,
transmitted light), (G) sphalerite (sp-1) with
chalcopyrite as inclusions in garnet associ­
ated with type 2 sphalerite (sp-2) (LPB1103-
187.62, reflected light), (H) SEM image of
sphalerite (sp-3) showing oscillatory zoning
cut by fracture-filling allargentum (white)
and Ag-bearing tetrahedrite (light gray)
(LPB2918-472.34). Abbreviations: all-
allargentum, ccp-chalcopyrite, gn–galena,
grt- garnet, po-pyrrhotite, py-pyrite, sp-
sphalerite, and tth-tetrahedrite.

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

the veins with the first and second textures and occurs as infill along 4.2. Pyrite
micro-veins and cavities in recrystallized pyrite, magnetite, galena, and
dolomitic marble. These late-veins are also associated with fine-grained Four different pyrite morphologies are recorded in Lappberget: (1)
manganiferous silicates (e.g., bannisterite). rounded anhedral pyrite (py-1), (2) inclusion-rich pitted pyrite (py-2),
(3) inclusion-free recrystallized pyrite (py-3) and (4) pyrite aggregates
4. Sulfide occurrence and texture occurring with galena and tetrahedrite (py-4). The first type of pyrite
(py-1) is finer-grained (<100 µm) and occurs as anhedral to subhedral
4.1. Sphalerite individual grains or as inclusions within the younger pyrite generations.
It is, however, difficult to distinguish since it visually resembles py-3 and
Three types of sphalerite are observed in Lappberget. Sphalerite-1 is only revealed through etching with NaClO as shown in Fig. 6. Py-1 is
(sp-1) mainly occurs in MSPG, MSGC, and FWD. It is generally coarse- observed in FWD, MSGC, and AgD but may be present with other
grained and exhibits recrystallization and annealing textures (e.g., mineralization styles. Pitted pyrite (py-2) is generally observed as fine to
Fig. 5A). In some samples, the contact between intergrown sphalerite is coarse anhedral to subhedral crystals or as cores in recrystallized pyrite.
marked by a high-angled triple junction (i.e., some at approximately The pits in py-2 are commonly filled with arsenopyrite, galena, tetra­
120◦ ). Pyrrhotite or chalcopyrite blebs commonly occur near the grain hedrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and silver-bearing minerals. Py-2 is
boundaries. This texture is referred to as ‘chalcopyrite disease’, which observed in all mineralization types.
are typical in metamorphosed sulfide deposits (i.e., below upper Py-3 is characterized by coarse and rounded subhedral grains and is
amphibolite facies) (Barton and Bethke, 1987; Bente and Doering, 1995; ubiquitous in the mineralized areas in Lappberget. Intergrown py-3
Lockington et al., 2014; Govindarao et al., 2018). Chalcopyrite disease grains are marked by a triple junction of approximately 120◦ , indica­
texture is most common in MSGC and FWD. Chalcopyrite disease with tive of a recrystallization and annealing texture. One sample of etched
‘watermelon texture’ is commonly observed in sphalerite (sp-1) adjacent pyrite (py-3) shows a ductile deformation texture. Evidence of brittle
to chalcopyrite grains. Watermelon texture is characterized by the deformation of pyrite (py-3) is shown through fractures ranging from
presence of a Cu-enriched and Fe-depleted interdiffusion rim (rind) in hairline cracks to extensive pulverization (Fig. 7A and 7B). Grain rota­
the sphalerite with rounded chalcopyrite blebs at the boundary through tion and corrosion of pyrite is commonly observed in the mineralized
to the core (seed) (Bente and Doering, 1993, 1995). An example is shear zones. Rounded pyrite grains commonly showed hairline fracture
shown in Fig. 5B. Deformation and annealing twins are prevalent in sp-1 without infills except for later silver-hosting minerals. Chalcopyrite and
(Fig. 5C). Sphalerite-1 also occurs as inclusions in pyrite porphyroblasts pyrrhotite replacement of the third type of pyrite was observed in AgD
(Fig. 5D), quartz, and garnet intergrown with sphalerite-2. veins.
Sphalerite-2 (sp-2) is mostly observed associated with manganoan Py-4 is fine-grained (<10 µm) aggregates of pyrite grains complexly
dolomitic marble and skarn minerals (i.e., MT, AgD, and SKN). Sp-2 also intergrown with galena, tetrahedrite, and other sulfosalts and is
occurs as inclusions in co-(re)crystallizing garnet. Sp-2 rarely contains observed in the late veins (AgD). A younger fine-grained subhedral to
deformation twins (Fig. 5E) and seldom shows millimeter-thick growth euhedral pyrite is also observed in the unmineralized rocks (i.e.,
zonation (Fig. 5F). The latter is only found in coarse-grained sphalerite younger intrusives) in Lappberget, but this will not be discussed in this
grains. Nanometer-sized exsolutions of pyrrhotite were observed in sp-2 paper.
along the twin boundaries in sphalerite. Brittle deformation of sp-1 and
sp-2 in shear zones produced finer-grained rounded sphalerite inter­ 4.3. Galena
grown with galena (Fig. 5G). The sphalerite in MSZ shows abundant
twinning with few grains showing bulging grain boundaries. Late stage Texturally, it is difficult to distinguish different galena generations
carbonate-hosted Ag-rich veins contain well-rounded sphalerite grains due to its ductile behavior. Galena, having a plastic behavior, typically
(sp-3a) and sphalerite grains with nano- to micrometer thick oscillatory forms as an interstitial phase between sphalerite and less commonly
growth zonations (sp-3b) (Fig. 5H). pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite. Grains are generally anhedral and grain
sizes may vary from fine- to coarse-grained. Galena is present as a

Fig. 6. Three generations of pyrite revealed through etching in NaClO and through LA-ICPMS multi-element mapping (LPB1617-277).

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Fig. 7. Photomicrographs of different sulfide

textures. (A) tectonoclastic rotation and
rounding of pyrite in sphalerite-galena ma­
trix (LPB1101-246.03, reflected light, (B)
shearing patterns showing cataclastic texture
in pyrite while sphalerite and galena occur as
infills (LPB1617-157.62, reflected light), (C)
tetrahedrite showing myrmekitic texture
with galena and replacing bournonite
(LPB2536-124, reflected light), (D) tetrahe­
drite replacement of sphalerite (LPB1554-
235, reflected light), (E) late-stage allargen­
tum(Ag0.991Sb0.009)-rich veins associated
with alabandite, sphalerite, and chalcopyrite
cutting a tennantite vein in Mn-bearing
dolomite (LPB1520-145.28, reflected light),
(F) chalcopyrite with cubanite exsolution
lamella (LPB3367-154.65, reflected light),
(G) intergrowths of cubanite, antimony,
sphalerite, pyrrhotite, alabandite, exsolved
from an earlier tetrahedrite (LPB2572-
153.91, reflected light), and (H) coarse flame
texture resulting from low temperature
exsolution of troilite in pyrrhotite, which has
undergone brecciation; sample etched with
NaClO (LPB1103-198.32), reflected light).
Abbreviations: alb-albite, all-allargentum,
apy-arsenopyrite, ccp- chalcopyrite, cub-
cubanite, bour-bournonite, dys- dyscrasite,
gn-galena, po-pyrrhotite, py-pyrite, sp-
sphalerite, Sn-native antimony, tro- troilite
and tth- tetrahedrite.

massive matrix in MSPG and MSGC or as veinlets cutting massive and MSGC. Whereas, type 2 chalcopyrite (ccp-2) is a product from the
sphalerite. Tetrahedrite exsolutions in galena is common in MT and decomposition of earlier Cu-sulfosalts (Fig. 7E). Ccp-2 is generally
SKN, an example of which are shown in Fig. 7D. Jordanite, boulangerite, observed in AgD.
and more rarely bournonite also occur as exsolutions within galena. In Ccp-1 predominately occurs in the lower part of the deposit associ­
AgD veins, galena occurs as a massive matrix to well-rounded sphalerite ated with the presence of more Fe-rich silicates (e.g., biotite). Ccp-1 is
(sp1 and sp-2) and pyrite (py-3) grains. Galena formed by decomposition generally fine-grained (<25 µm) but may occur as coarse (>200 µm)
of Pb-bearing sulfosalts is also observed in these veins. crystals along sulfide veinlets. It may also occur as an interstitial phase
in fractured pyrite. Coarse chalcopyrite grains are anhedral and have
5. Chalcopyrite rounded edges. Chalcopyrite typically occurs as small chalcopyrite blebs
(1–10 µm) in sphalerite (‘chalcopyrite disease’) and mainly occurs in Fe-
Two generations of chalcopyrite were observed. Type 1 chalcopyrite rich sphalerite. Cubanite and pyrrhotite exsolutions were also observed
(ccp-1) is associated with sulfide mineralization and dominant in FWD in chalcopyrite in FWD (Fig. 7F). Ccp-2 is subhedral to euhedral and

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

occurs as fine- to coarse-grained crystals. Ccp-2 is typically intergrown forming irregular grains ranging from a few microns to a millimeter in
with euhedral arsenopyrite, dyscrasite, sphalerite (sp-3), and tetrahe­ size. Myrmekitic intergrowths of chalcopyrite (ccp-2), sphalerite (sp-
drite (ttr-2). It is also observed replacing a former Cu-fahlore (i.e., a 3a), tetrahedrite, alabandite, gudmundite, native antimony, and dys­
former freibergite-tetrahedrite). Reddish brown to bluish white tarn­ crasite within freibergite grains are observed (Fig. 7G). Native silver-
ishing of chalcopyrite is observed in some grains. allargentum associated with alabandite, arsenopyrite ± calcite occurs
as infill in fractured pyrite, magnetite and Cu-Pb sulfosalts.
5.1. Silver-bearing minerals
6. Sulfide chemistry
Based on the volume of the detected and analyzed silver-bearing
grains, the most important silver minerals belong to the dyscrasite 6.1. Sphalerite
(Ag3Sb) group, including allargentum (Ag1-xSbx). After the dyscrasite
group, the tetrahedrite group minerals ((Ag,Cu,Fe)12(Sb,As)4S13) are the The EPMA and LA-ICPMS data from sp-1 and sp-2 is plotted in Fig. 8.
next most abundant hosts for silver, followed by electrum and native Only one sample of sp-3 was analyzed using EPMA due to its rare
silver. Rare silver minerals include acanthite (Ag2S) and pyrargyrite occurrence and small grain size.
(Ag3SbS3). Sp-1 has relatively higher concentrations of Fe, Co, Ge, Cu, Sn, and
Dyscrasite group minerals are typically enclosed by or associated Au but has lower concentrations of Mn, Ga, and Hg compared to sp-2
with freibergite-tetrahedrite. Grain size varies from a micron to hun­ (Table 2). Manganese and Fe shows a positive correlation for sp-1 and
dreds of microns. Freibergite exsolutions typically occur in galena, sp-2, with sp-1 having a lower Mn:Fe ratio (slope = 0.1) compared to sp-

Fig. 8. Binary plots for selected elements for the three sphalerite types from Lappberget based from EPMA (top) and LA-ICPMS (bottom) data. (Upper right)
Photomicrograph of sphalerite sample (LPB1425-203.8, transmitted light).

G. Tiu et al.
Table 2
Summary statistics for trace element concentrations (ppm) in sphalerite.
Sphalerite/Mineralization Type Element Mn Fe Co Cu Ga Ge As Ag Cd In Sn Sb Au Hg Tl Pb Bi
(No. of Analysis) Median LDL 0.46 15.82 0.06 1.66 0.19 0.72 0.56 0.02 1.09 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.004 0.156 0.003 0.02 0.01

sp-1 Min 855 50,787 <0.06 4.20 <0.19 <0.72 <0.56 0.38 644 <0.01 <0.05 <0.04 <0.004 4.18 <0.003 0.04 <0.011
n = 90 Max 15,813 98,443 14.82 2587* 12.96 5.45 3.76 90.53 2841 10.68 2.27 169* 0.21 37.93 5.89 527* 1.92
Median 5179 66,512 0.60 16.46 3.15 2.84 1.16 4.18 1403 0.14 0.11 1.83 0.03 10.40 0.02 2.21 0.01
ADL (%) 100 100 69 100 94 93 51 100 100 91 92 98 86 100 69 100 21
sp-2 Min 757 6694 <0.06 <1.66 <0.19 <0.72 <0.56 <0.02 692 0.02 0.04 <0.04 <0.004 11.12 <0.003 0.05 <0.01
n = 54 Max 40,966 103,950 4.58 859* 11.96 3.11 57.68 79.13 2767 9.81 1.39 110* 0.09 74.58 1.83 205* 0.08
Median 5439 27,291 0.55 13.56 5.86 1.50 1.08 3.29 1481 0.11 0.09 0.84 0.02 20.53 0.02 1.70 0.01
ADL (%) 100 100 50 98 63 65 61 100 100 100 85 96 54 100 70 100 24
FWD Min 1475 60,245 <0.06 4.20 <0.19 <0.72 <0.56 0.38 644 0.13 <0.05 0.14 <0.004 5.05 <0.003 0.24 <0.01
n = 29 Max 10,086 83,105 14.82 2304* 7.82 4.58 3.76 90.53 2749 1.89 0.72 10.54 0.11 25.95 0.14 11.49 0.01
Median 4813 72,273 3.95 7.49 1.75 2.41 1.48 1.86 1434 0.44 0.14 0.80 0.04 9.83 0.02 0.82 0.01
ADL (%) 100 100 76 100 83 97 72 100 100 100 93 100 79 100 34 100 7
MSGC Min 855 50,787 <0.06 19.18 2.18 1.73 <0.56 5.52 1455 0.70 0.40 12.23 0.04 4.18 0.01 5.33 <0.01
n = 11 Max 2509 60,190 5.27 201.74 3.17 3.76 2.43 69.49 1894 1.78 2.27 119* 0.10 10.32 0.19 232* 1.92
Median 2271 56,800 2.49 34.02 2.49 3.43 2.14 13.08 1663 0.77 0.66 31.34 0.07 8.72 0.02 13.48 0.01
ADL (%) 100 100 100 100 100 100 55 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 45

MSPG Min 3024 51,088 <0.06 8.16 2.89 1.91 <0.56 1.72 1379 0.03 0.05 0.05 <0.004 5.66 <0.003 0.19 <0.01
n = 11 Max 6498 68,308 0.65 95.35 12.96 4.32 1.14 29.88 2841 0.07 0.24 39.59 0.03 18.55 0.67 12.59 0.02
Median 3837 62,796 0.57 16.19 3.38 3.32 0.84 6.08 1558 0.03 0.09 2.68 0.01 14.67 0.02 2.36 0.01
ADL (%) 100 100 45 100 100 100 45 100 100 100 100 100 91 100 73 100 18
MSZ Min 3963 55,426 <0.06 9.11 4.40 <0.72 <0.56 1.13 1017 <0.01 <0.05 0.40 <0.004 6.08 <0.003 0.53 <0.01
n = 14 Max 9643 63,152 0.54 256.51 9.80 4.04 1.33 78.50 1309 0.15 1.40 169* 0.21 14.16 5.89 454* 0.12
Median 8937 58,773 0.19 15.66 5.37 3.58 0.89 4.26 1195 0.13 0.09 1.29 0.02 10.27 0.01 3.54 0.02
ADL (%) 100 100 93 100 100 93 14 100 100 43 86 100 93 100 93 100 36
SKN Min 3104 14,178 <0.06 <1.66 <0.19 <0.72 <0.56 0.84 847 0.02 <0.05 <0.04 <0.004 5.86 <0.003 0.04 <0.001
n = 35 Max 40,966 103,950 2.70 782* 12.02 3.11 57.68 79.13 1828 1.00 1.39 110* 0.05 74.58 0.45 22.70 <0.001
Median 16,390 62,470 0.35 13.98 6.60 2.29 1.17 2.39 1348 0.05 0.08 0.61 0.01 29.50 0.02 0.84 <0.001
ADL (%) 100 100 57 97 80 66 66 100 100 100 91 89 51 100 83 100 0
MT Min 1336 6694 <0.06 4.70 <0.19 <0.72 <0.56 2.14 692 0.01 <0.05 0.19 <0.004 10.17 <0.003 0.88 <0.001
n = 22 Max 12,378 88,623 3.96 2587* 1.13 5.45 29.50 37.41 2670 1.97 0.11 41.12 0.06 25.62 1.83 527* 0.08
Median 3075 25,461 3.43 9.66 0.86 1.38 0.84 9.22 1090 0.11 0.08 3.63 0.03 16.08 0.08 2.90 0.01
ADL (%) 100 100 41 100 41 82 64 100 100 100 86 100 68 100 82 100 50
AgD Min 757 7100 <0.06 6.70 4.40 <0.72 <0.56 0.50 1209 0.06 <0.05 0.05 <0.004 9.05 <0.003 0.12 <0.001
n = 22 Max 7347 73,331 9.42 28.73 10.89 4.38 1.14 8.44 2767 10.68 0.38 4.80 0.09 18.20 0.07 205* 0.05

Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Median 1765 32,043 2.98 17.06 6.65 1.60 0.63 2.67 1501 4.43 0.10 0.71 0.03 13.25 0.01 1.27 0.00
ADL (%) 100 100 41 100 100 68 36 100 100 100 77 100 73 100 50 100 32

LDL = Lower detection limit, ADL (%) = Percentage of analyses above the lower detection limit, *=presence of inclusion only partially removed.
G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

2 (slope = 0.4). Replacement of Cd for Zn is not substantially affected by (29.5 ppm) in sphalerite. Arsenic content is lowest for MSZ and AgD.
the differences in Mn:Fe ratio. Cadmium and Zn are positively correlated Linear mixed effect modelling of the trace element chemistry for
whereas Cd and Mn are negatively correlated in sp-2. A positive linear sphalerite (Table 3) indicates that the sphalerite types have a statisti­
correlation between Ge and Fe is observed in sp-2 but this trend is less cally significant effect (p < 0.1) on the concentration of Fe, Co, Ga, Ge,
distinct in sp-1, however, this may also be due to the interferences be­ Cd, Au, Hg and Mn/Fe in sphalerite. The effect of mineralization style on
tween Ge and Fe isotopes. A negative correlation between Co and Mn is the other hand, is only statistically significant for elements Mn, Ni and
observed in sp-1 but less distinct for sp-2. The presence of ‘chalcopyrite Tl. The Ni and Tl values for the analyzed sphalerite are mostly below or
disease’ in some sp-1 grains produced an interdiffusion rim, which is near detection limits. Based on the LME modelling, the effects of the
depleted in Fe, Zn, Mn, and Hg, but enriched in Cu and Sn as shown in mineralization styles on sphalerite chemistry are less significant.
the LA-ICP-MS maps and depth profile in Fig. 10. Sphalerite with chal­ Random effects (e.g., sample) account for a significant portion of the
copyrite inclusions, mainly in FWD, shows a positive trend between Sb total variance for all modelled elements.
and Sn. Silver in sphalerite can occur both as solid-solution and micro-
inclusions. Variation in color in sphalerite is observed to not only be 6.2. Pyrite
attributed in Fe content (i.e., darker with increasing Fe) but may also be
affected by the presence of Mn and Cd (Togari, 2005). The sp-3 sample is Py-1 is distinctly Co-rich (median = 694.2 ppm, range =
highly manganese-rich (Zn0.93Mn0.04Fe0.01S). A semi-quantitative anal­ 108.4–1510.5 ppm) and has high Co/Ni ratio (median = 178.3)
ysis using SEM-EDS of the fine oscillatory growth zonations for sp-3 in (Table 4). LA-ICP-MS depth profile of py-1 (Fig. 11) shows an even
Fig. 5H shows irregular fluctuations in the Mn and Zn composition, distribution of Co, Ni, and As suggesting that these elements are lattice-
ranging from 0.1 to 46.3 wt% Mn. bound. Py-1 is only analysed in FWD, AgD and MSGC. Analyzed py-2
Trace element chemistry of analyzed sphalerite for the different grains contain several micro-inclusions, resulting in an anomalously
mineralization styles is less distinct and is generally overlapping as high amount of Cu, Zn, As, Ag, Pb, and Sb (e.g., Fig. 6). Arsenic, although
summarized in Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 9. Trace element chemistry of it may occur as inclusions, is mostly observed to have an even distri­
sphalerite from FWD, MSGC, MSPG, and MSZ, which only contains bution (e.g., Fig. 11). Arsenic in py-2 has a median concentration of 423
analyzed grains from sp-1, has a narrow distribution (Fig. 9) as ppm. Most of the pyrite, assumed to be of the recrystallized type (py-3),
compared to the other mineralization styles. MT, SKN and AGD contains shows an even and relatively low distribution of trace elements (Mn, Co,
both sp-1 and sp-2 analysis. The trace element signature for sp-1 is re­ Ag, Sb, Au, and Pb). Arsenic in py-3 varies from below detection limits to
flected in the four mineralization styles, having generally lower Mn/Fe as high as 2288.4 ppm, depending on the presence of cobalt- or arsenic-
and Hg but higher Ge and Fe (Fig. 8 and Fig. 9). Chalcopyrite-rich rich core. Lowest Co content is observed in the FWD samples.
mineralization styles, FWD and MSGC, registers high median Au, In Only three pyrite grains were analysed for py-4 due to its small grain
and Sn. Galena-rich MSGC registers the highest median Ag (13.1 ppm), size. Py-4 has an anomalously high arsenic content (8.5–9.8 wt%), high
Au (0.1 ppm) and Sb (31.3 ppm) content. Lowest median Ga content is distribution of trace elements, mainly Sb, Cu, Pb, Zn, Tl, Ag, and Au, and
associated with MT (0.9 ppm). Sphalerite hosted in manganiferous skarn low Ni and Co content. Although the LA-ICP-MS depth profile shows an
(SKN) contains the highest median content for Mn (1.6 wt%) and Hg even distribution for Sb, Ag, Cu, Zn, and Pb (Fig. 11), it is possible that

Fig. 9. Tukey box plots for selected elements based from LA-ICPMS data for sphalerite from different mineralization styles.

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Fig. 10. An example of a sphalerite grain (sp-1) showing the typical ‘chalcopyrite disease’ (watermelon texture) with line data and maps from LA-ICPMS analysis of
Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cd and Hg (LPB1554-216.7).

Table 3
Summary of linear mixed effects model results for the sphalerite.
p (Sphalerite Type) P (Mineralization) R2 (fixed effects) R2 (sample) R2 (model) Total Variance

Mn 0.28 0.03 0.09 0.86 0.95 0.15

Fe 1.27E-16 0.19 0.28 0.64 0.92 0.07
Co 1.51E-03 0.77 0.05 0.85 0.91 1.16
Ni 0.15 0.02 0.18 0.51 0.69 0.35
Cu 0.91 0.60 0.01 0.34 0.35 0.43
Ga 2.13E-04 0.77 0.06 0.88 0.94 0.40
Ge 6.62E-04 0.31 0.17 0.66 0.83 0.17
As 0.60 0.14 0.08 0.63 0.71 0.26
Se 0.41 0.58 0.05 0.21 0.26 0.31
Ag 0.83 0.32 0.02 0.47 0.49 0.30
Cd 0.09 0.09 0.06 0.78 0.84 0.02
In 0.51 0.77 0.00 0.99 0.99 0.72
Sn 0.74 0.63 0.01 0.79 0.80 0.16
Sb 0.72 0.44 0.01 0.51 0.52 0.94
Au 0.05 0.34 0.11 0.59 0.70 0.42
Hg 1.24E-05 0.15 0.13 0.82 0.95 0.07
Tl 0.81 0.01 0.16 0.24 0.40 0.92
Pb 0.75 0.73 0.00 0.40 0.40 1.42
Bi 0.59 0.56 0.01 0.30 0.31 0.37
Mn/Fe 2.35E-14 0.05 0.28 0.68 0.97 0.13

the results from LA-ICP-MS analysis is contaminated with the associated (median = 842.1 ppm) and Sb (median = 893.6 ppm) with varying
tetrahedrite and galena (as micro-inclusions), as these elements cannot concentrations of Cd, Sn, Sb, Tl, Bi, and more rarely As in the crystal
be easily incorporated in the pyrite crystal lattice (Huston et al., 1995). lattice. In comparison with other major sulfides (i.e., sphalerite, pyrite,
Analyzed gold content for py-4 has a median value of 24.4 ppm. The pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite), galena is the preferred host for Ag, Sb, Tl,
analyzed py-4 grains are all from a SKN sample, however, py-4 (<50 µm) and Bi. A strong linear correlation and 1:1 M ratio is observed between
has also been observed in dolomitic marble-hosted veins. silver and antimony, suggestive of a coupled substitution (Amcoff, 1984;
George et al., 2015). High Zn, Ga, and Hg content in galena is associated
6.3. Galena with sphalerite micro-inclusions.
Galena associated with Ag- and Sb-bearing minerals reports a lower
Galena does not show a major deviation from its ideal stoichiometry. Ag and Sb content (e.g. MSGC and MSZ, Table 5). The highest Sn content
Trace element chemistry analysis shows significant amounts of Ag in galena is observed in FWD and MSGC samples, whereas lowest Sn

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

values are registered in samples from the SKN.







6.4. Chalcopyrite

Based on EPMA data, chalcopyrite does not show a major deviation


from its ideal stoichiometry. Due to size limitation, only chalcopyrite





grains from FWD were analyzed. Cubanite exsolution in chalcopyrite has


relatively higher Ag but less Sn content as compared to its host chal­
copyrite. Elevated zinc and manganese content in chalcopyrite is due to






the presence of sphalerite micro-inclusions. Observed reddish brown to




bluish white tarnishing on chalcopyrite is identified in the LA-ICP-MS
depth profiles as silver diffusion on the chalcopyrite surface. Despite



the strong association with the presence of chalcopyrite and high gold







values in the logged drill cores, no significant gold content is present in
the analyzed chalcopyrite grains (Table 6).




6.5. Silver-bearing minerals







The chemical composition of tetrahedrite-freibergite in Lappberget




varies significantly (Cu4.3-10.6Ag0.1-6.2Zn0-1.1Fe0.1-2Mn0-1.9)(Sb0.2-4.2As0-





3.8)S12.2-13.6. Analyzed grains of tetrahedrite-freibergite contain from 0.9


to 33.8 wt% Ag whereas Cu concentration varies from 13.7 to 42.7 wt%

LDL = Lower detection limit, ADL (%) = Percentage of analyses above the lower detection limit, *=presence of inclusion only partially removed

(Supplementary material Table B). The atomic substitution of silver and








copper in tetrahedrite-freibergite minerals is linear (1:1) as shown in


Fig. 12. Based on calculated modal mineralogy from analyzed samples,

freibergite-tetrahedrite with >20% Ag is more common. Generally, the





tetrahedrite group minerals are antimony-rich but less commonly








approach the arsenic end-member, tennantite. Silver in tetrahedrite has

a strong positive correlation with Cd, whereas a negative correlation is
observed between Cd and Cu. Cadmium occupies the same position as





Cu in the IVM1 site in the tetrahedrite group unit cell (Pattrick and Hall,





1983; Johnson et al., 1988). Presence of arsenic (>0.5 wt% As) in

tetrahedrite drastically decreases its silver and zinc content, which
conforms to the incompatibility between As and Ag, and As and Zn in the







(Cu,Ag)10(Fe,Zn)2(Sb,As)4S13 fahlore structure (Ebel and Sack, 1989;




Sack, 2017). One sample with a secondary tetrahedrite (ttr-2) shows

high Zn and As content, which is either through contamination with a


nearby sphalerite grain or formed from a different fahlore structure.







Tetrahedrite associated with the latest stage of mineralization (i.e., with





sp-3b) shows a chemical zonation with varying silver and antimony

content. LA-ICP-MS analysis of analyzed tennantite grains from AgD

contains mercury ranging from 75 to 109.8 ppm and manganese ranging




from 1590 to 1720 ppm. Silver diffusion in the surface of tennantite was







also observed.
Limited analysis was conducted for other silver-bearing minerals due

to small grain sizes. Based on the EPMA data, silver-allargentum phases

Summary statistics for trace element concentrations (ppm) in pyrite.









have a wide compositional variation (Ag0.81-0.98Sb0.01-0.15) with Sb


concentration from 0.8 to 17.1 wt%. The antimony content of dyscrasite

ranges from 21.1 to 23.35 wt%. The majority of electrum in Lappberget


is Ag-rich based on analysis using SEM-EDS and QEMSCAN (Tiu et al.,







2021). Electrum in FWD associated with presence of chalcopyrite and



pyrrhotite contains generally higher Ag:Au wt.% ratio (c.7:3) but can go
as high as 2:8 whereas majority of electrum found within the magnetite








mineralization (MT) has Ag:Au wt.% ratio of 9:1.







7. Discussion
Median LDL

ADL (%)

ADL (%)

ADL (%)

ADL (%)

7.1. Metamorphism, deformation and trace element (re)distribution











The conditions attained during the Svecokarelian metamorphism

and deformation in Garpenberg were mainly in low pressure amphibo­
(No. of Analysis)

lite facies (Vivallo, 1984). Polyphase metamorphism and deformation

events in Lappberget have resulted in growth and deformation twins in
Pyrite Type

sulfides, the development of high-angled triple-point junctions in

n = 14

n = 18
Table 4



recrystallized pyrite and sphalerite, and the formation of ‘ball ore’ or





‘durchbewegung’ textures within mineralized shear zones. Re-

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Fig. 11. Representative single-spot LA-ICPMS spectra for different pyrite generations in Lappberget: (py-1) Co-enriched pyrite (LPB3408-278.2), (py-2) inclusion-
rich pitted pyrite (LPB3564-143.46), (py-3) inclusion-free recrystallized pyrite (LPB3367-154.64) and (py-4) pyrite aggregates occurring with galena and tetrahe­
drite (LPB1554-216.17).

Table 5
Summary statistics for trace element concentrations (ppm) in galena.
Mineralization Element Mn Cu Zn As Ag Cd Sn Sb Tl Bi

(No. of Analysis) Median LDL 1.19 3.62 9.72 1.38 0.07 2.39 0.14 0.08 0.01 0.02
FWD FWD:Minimum <1.19 <3.62 <9.72 <1.38 733.80 2.54 4.53 1061.43 2.73 2.17
n=8 FWD:Maximum 3.97 <3.62 <9.72 3.34 1055.59 14.78 9.40 1217.36 28.54 8.64
FWD:Median 1.94 <3.62 <9.72 2.75 894.96 7.23 6.55 1145.71 5.09 3.86
FWD:ADL 75 0 0 50 100 100 100 100 100 100
MSGC MSGC:Minimum <1.19 <3.62 7.26 2.10 502.81 3.11 7.81 743.93 1.86 N/A
n=2 MSGC:Maximum 2.84 <3.62 14.37 2.36 646.80 4.98 8.36 1115.94 2.25 N/A
MSGC:Median 2.84 <3.62 10.81 2.23 574.81 4.05 8.09 929.94 2.06 N/A
FWD:ADL 50 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0
MSZ MSZ:Minimum <1.19 <3.62 8.74 <1.38 413.22 <2.39 3.65 430.35 11.26 0.84
n=3 MSZ:Maximum <1.19 <3.62 8.74 <1.38 884.74 <2.39 4.50 1100.68 27.36 1.31
MSZ:Median <1.19 <3.62 8.74 <1.38 591.50 <2.39 4.29 749.61 20.65 0.90
FWD:ADL 0 0 33 0 100 0 100 100 100 100
SKN SKN:Minimum 2.10 6.33 <9.72 7.09 936.74 3.48 0.22 1235.38 25.13 0.86
n=2 SKN:Maximum 2.17 9.49 <9.72 7.80 1207.60 5.40 0.29 1323.96 26.54 0.91
SKN:Median 2.13 7.91 <9.72 7.44 1072.17 4.44 0.25 1279.67 25.84 0.89
FWD:ADL 100 100 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

LDL = Lower detection limit, ADL (%) = Percentage of analyses above the lower detection limit, N/A = Not analyzed.

Table 6
Trace element concentrations (ppm) of analyzed chalcopyrite grains.
Sample Mn Co Cu Zn Ag In Sn Sb Au Hg Pb Bi

LPB1634-692.4–1 31.49 <0.93 333,763 362.71 37.25 <0.41 52.76 2.95 0.22 <0.72 4.47 <0.06
LPB1634-692.4–2 34.42 <0.74 338,390 264.06 23.72 <0.44 52.92 0.55 <0.03 <0.79 0.89 <0.03

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

Fig. 12. Plotted EPMA data of tetrahedrite group minerals showing different element trends.

distribution of fluid-mobile elements (As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, and Au) may occur at moderate temperatures (Ramdohr, 1969; Clark and Kelly, 1973;
have occurred during the recrystallization of earlier sulfides (e.g., Hus­ Siemes and Borges, 1979; Cook et al., 1993; Cugerone et al., 2020).
ton et al., 1995; Kampmann et al., 2018). Such post-ore modifications Recrystallization of sphalerite and chalcopyrite may have also led to the
would become juxtaposed on any original, pre-metamorphic zonation in expulsion of Fe, Zn, Mn, and Hg in the interdiffusion rim of the sphal­
the deposit, potentially considerably obscuring the latter. Against this erite, which is replaced by Cu and Sn (Fig. 10). However, this phe­
background, the processes and timing involved in forming the currently nomenon was only observed locally between grains.
observed ore textures at Lappberget will be discussed in the following
sub-sections, followed by an attempt to identify remnant pre- 7.1.2. Deformation and remobilization
metamorphic features. The sulfide ore was subjected to intense remobilization and ductile
deformation during the folding event that produced the dome structure
7.1.1. Recrystallization in Lappberget. Ore bodies are now elongated vertical lenses parallel or
Etching of pyrite and sphalerite mostly reveal little, if any, internal subparallel to schistosity (Sandecki, 1982) and have a sub-vertical
growth zonation, suggesting that any original pre-metamorphic growth stretching lineation (Allen et al., 2003). Deformation twins are
features have been obliterated during regional metamorphic recrystal­ observed in sp-1 and sp-2 (Fig. 5). Silver in the Lappberget deposit may
lization. The pyrite generation py-3 occur as metamorphic rims around have been remobilized from the massive sulfide mineralization through
py-2 but also form homogeneous grains with no textural evidence of the retrograde reactions involving sulfosalt phases formed through exsolu­
precursor. Assuming that all py-3 is formed by the recrystallization of tion from a high temperature galena phase (α-galena). The strong Ag and
earlier pyrite, the chemical difference between these pyrite types sug­ Pb correlation, high Ag:Pb wt. % ratio (1:240), and approximately 1:1
gest that the process of recrystallization must have led to the depletion of bulk Ag/(Sb + Bi) molar ratio of the Lappberget ore suggest that sig­
Co, Ni, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, and Au. Arsenic, a metastable element in the nificant quantities, if not all, of silver in Lappberget can be accounted for
pyrite structure, is expelled during the metamorphic growth or recrys­ as an original component of α-galena (Amcoff, 1976; Chutas et al.,
tallization (Huston et al., 1995) and can be incorporated in later sulfo­ 2008). Silver and Sb could have been incorporated in the galena crystal
salts and/or arsenopyrite. lattice through coupled substitution for two Pb atoms at 240–390 ◦ C
Recrystallization of sp-1 grains occurs at high angle boundaries, (Amcoff, 1976; Sack and Goodell, 2002; Sack and Ebel, 2006; Chutas
some showing triple-grain junctions commonly lined by small chalco­ et al., 2008). Galena in Lappberget still contains a significant amount of
pyrite and pyrrhotite grains. Sp-1 generally has a homogeneous trace Ag (median = 852 ppm) and Sb (median = 1102 ppm).
element distribution (i.e., no zonation observed). This is indicative of The significant amount of trace elements (As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, Au, Mn
static recrystallization and re-equilibration (Gilligan and Marshall, and Tl) in arsenian pyrite (py-4) can also be a product of remobilization
1987; Bente and Doering, 1993; Passchier and Trouw, 2005; Lockington expelled by earlier sulfides (e.g., galena and pyrite) or replacement of a
et al., 2014; Govindarao et al., 2018). Due to the multiple phases of former Fe-rich sulfosalt. The fine-grained intergrowth occurrence of py-
metamorphism and deformation, it was not possible to clearly distin­ 4 with gudmundite, chalcopyrite and galena supports the latter
guish between the pre-deformation and recrystallization (annealing) hypothesis.
twins. Growth twins (both pre-deformation and recrystallization twins)
are prevalent in sp-1 and less commonly in sp-2. Sphalerite recrystalli­ 7.1.3. The ductile–brittle transition
zation and re-equilibration with other sulfide minerals are reported to The transition from ductile to brittle deformation led to the

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

formation of localized shear zones and generated ‘ball ore’ textures in In terms of ore mineral composition, trace element concentrations of
MSZ, which occurred during the post-F2 deformation. Bulging grain early sphalerite (sp-1) from Lappberget is comparable to the SVALS-type
boundaries in some sphalerite is indicative of dynamic recrystallization deposits at Falun (Kampmann et al., 2018) and Kaveltorp (Cook et al.,
(<200 ◦ C; Cugerone et al., 2020). The brittle deformation of the more 2009) but distinct from SAS-type deposits at similar or higher meta­
competent minerals (mainly pyrite, silicates, and carbonates) was either morphic grade (Fig. 13). For example, the low cobalt concentrations of
achieved via cataclastic deformation or by hydrofracturing (Craig and sphalerite (<100 ppm) from Lappberget is similar to other SVALS-type
Vaughan, 1994). Cataclasis of pyrite and pyrrhotite occurred at a tem­ deposits, in contrast to the SAS-type deposits Zinkgruvan and Market­
perature below 130 ◦ C (i.e., based on the presence of troilite exsolutions orp in Bergslagen, where Co concentrations > 100 ppm have been re­
in pyrrhotite; Hall and Yund, 1968). Effective remobilization of sphal­ ported in sphalerite (Axelsson and Rodushkin, 2001; Cook et al., 2009).
erite, galena, and chalcopyrite ceased before the brittle deformation of Jansson and Liu (2020) related such differences in the deposit types to
pyrite due to the rare presence of infillings in pyrite fractures. fundamentally different ore-forming fluids and their capacity in trans­
The Ag-rich veins do not exhibit evidence of ductile deformation and porting Co in solution. It was shown that the oxidized, saline brines
hence most likely formed after the transition from ductile deformation, implied for SAS-type deposits are by far more capable of leaching and
when the dolomite host began to deform in a brittle manner. The for­ transporting Co in solution than the reducing, acidic fluids implied for
mation is most likely significantly later than the features described SVALS-type deposits. They furthermore concluded that in SVALS-type
above given the regional geological evolution in Bergslagen. However, deposits, Co is more likely to become sequestered in pyrite than in
the suite of elements contained in the Ag-rich veins mirror those that are sphalerite, since pyrite is a good host for cobalt due to the compatible
inferred to have been lost during recrystallization of early galena (e.g., electronic spin states between Co2+ and Fe2+ (Bajwah et al., 1987). The
Sb, Ag) and pyrite (Co, Ni, As, Cu, Zn, Pb, Ag, and Au). Hence, the metals sphalerite LA-ICP-MS data from Lappberget are directly consistent with
contained in these veins were most likely ultimately sourced from the this model; with analyzed pyrite co–(re)crystallizing with sphalerite
nearby sulfide lenses via remobilization. generally having a higher cobalt content than in the sphalerite. Thus, the
low Co content in sphalerite from Lappberget is most likely an inherited
7.2. Implications to ore formation primary feature.
Based on the style of alteration and ore mineralogy at SVALS-type
Previous studies have concluded that primary ore textures associated deposits, Jansson et al. (2013) and Kampmann et al. (2017) have
with the initial ore formation were obscured by at least two overprinting inferred that SVALS-type deposits formed from relatively hot (>250 ◦ C),
metamorphic and deformation events (Sandecki, 1982; Vivallo, 1984; moderately acidic, reducing hydrothermal fluids, similar to typical
Allen et al., 2003; Jansson, 2011). This study suggests that some textural volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit. At Lappberget, evidence consis­
and chemical signatures of the early stages of ore formation may still be tent with this model includes (1) the presence of high Au/Ag ratio in
preserved. At the deposit scale, the metal zonation from Cu and Au-rich electrum in FWD (Shikazono and Shimizu, 1987; Guisbiers et al., 2016),
disseminated/stringer mineralization in the footwall rocks (FWD) to (2) the high Co concentration and high Co/Ni ratio of py-1 (Bralia et al.,
more Zn-Pb-rich massive sulfide mineralization (MSPG) along the con­ 1979; Bajwah et al., 1987; Large et al., 2014), (3) the relatively high Sn
tact to the overlying marble is similar to that in other SVALS-type de­ content in galena (Kampmann et al., 2018), and (4) the relatively high
posits in Bergslagen. (e.g., the Falun deposit; Kampmann et al., 2018). concentrations of Fe, Sn, Co, In and low Ga in sphalerite (Barton and
Hence, this is most likely a primary feature of this deposit type. At a Toulmin, 1966; Scott and Barnes, 1971; Scott and Kissin, 1973; Huston
much finer scale, features such as e.g., porous pyrite (py-2) with micro- et al., 1995; Frenzel et al., 2016). However, it should be noted that the
inclusions of other sulfides (mainly sphalerite and galena) may be sulfides in the Lappberget deposit have been affected by metamorphism
textural relics of early mineralization styles. and their mineral chemistry may not reflect the primary formation

Fig. 13. Sphalerite chemistry data for Mn/Fe and Co from other base metal deposits within the Bergslagen region.

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

conditions. Both Falun (Kampmann et al., 2017) and Lappberget have higher Mn content in sp-2 could reflect a greater availability of Mn to be
undergone similar tectono-metamorphic modfications, i.e., low P and partitioned into sphalerite during metamorphism, from the associated
lower amphibolite-facies conditions. Fe + Mn-rich carbonate and skarn minerals.
Building on the SVALS-type models in Allen et al. (1996, 2003), Manganese-enriched minerals are common in distal Zn-Pb skarn
Jansson and Allen (2015), and Kampmann et al. (2018), pyrite, pyr­ deposits (Einaudi and Burt, 1982; Abrecht, 1985; Meinert, 1987) and are
rhotite, chalcopyrite ± cubanite, and possibly gold may have formed a characteristic feature for infiltration metasomatism. The transition
contemporaneously during the early (syn-volcanic) ascent of the hy­ from subseafloor hydrothermal activity forming sp-1 to contact meta­
drothermal fluid, when a decrease in temperature prompted the depo­ somatic regime is also consistent with genetic models for other SVALS-
sition of minor sphalerite and α-galena. Upon interaction of the fluid type deposits (Jansson et al., 2011; Kampmann et al., 2017). Mineral­
with the overlying marble unit, pH neutralization occurred and pro­ izing fluids (of hydrothermal or metamorphic origin) may have caused
moted the formation of the main massive sulfide lenses. In detail, this led the remobilization of Mn from pre-existing Mn-rich carbonates (Meinert
to the increased precipitation of sphalerite, pyrite (py-2) and galena. et al., 2005; Palinkaš et al., 2013) and incorporated this Mn directly into
The timing of skarn mineral formation at Lappberget is difficult to sp-2.
fully constraint due to the complex regional metamorphic overprint. One important constraint on a skarn model for Lappberget is that
Magnetite-rich Fe-(Mn) skarn is commonly associated with massive although magmatism occurred within the Bergslagen region until 1.75
sulfides in many other sulfide deposits in Bergslagen such as Ryllshyttan Ga, radiometric dating by Jansson and Allen (2011) and Stephens et al.
(Jansson and Allen, 2015), Hällefors (Wagner et al., 2005), Kaveltorp (2009) showed that there are no known magmatic rocks younger than
(Grip, 1978), Lovisa (Jansson et al., 2018), and Zinkgruvan (Jansson 1.89 Ga in the vicinity of Lappberget (Fig. 1). Hence, given that in­
et al., 2017). As summarized in Stephens and Jansson (2020), a range of trusions were involved in forming the skarns associated with sp-2, this
genetic models are applicable for the origin of these skarns, ranging from would imply that the evolution from sp-1 to sp-2 deposition reflect a
purely regional metamorphic reactions between carbonates and silicates transition from early sub-seafloor carbonate replacement to contact
in syngenetic deposits to intrusion-related metasomatism. Jansson and metasomatism already at around 1.89 Ga as was inferred by Jansson and
Allen (2015) and Kampmann et al. (2017) concluded that skarns in the Allen (2015). This would also imply that some mineralogical evidence of
Garpenberg and Falun areas are formed by burial and metasomatism this transition has been retained despite the later metamorphic
succeeding earlier subseafloor hydrothermal activity. A contact meta­ overprint.
somatic origin has been demonstrated for magnetite-rich massive skarns In the event that sp-2 formation occurred later in conjunction with
adjacent to the intrusive contacts of early granitoids and felsic sub­ regional metamorphism, magmatic-hydrothermal fluids are difficult to
volcanic intrusions in the Garpenberg region (Jansson and Allen, 2013; invoke as opposed to metamorphic fluids. It cannot be ruled out that sp-
2015). However, it is not clear if the skarns at Lappberget formed via the 2 could have formed entirely via fluid-assisted metamorphic remobili­
same mechanism or during regional metamorphic reactions between zation of earlier sp-1 and that the higher Fe- and Mn-content reflect local
carbonates and silicates belonging to an earlier alteration system (see element partitioning with Fe- and Mn-rich carbonates and silicates in the
Allen et al., 2003 or Jansson, 2011 for further discussion). marble host to this mineralization type. Clinopyroxene replacement of
sp-2 as well as sp-2 inclusions in garnets suggest that sp-2 began forming
7.3. Sphalerite-2, a product of metasomatism or metamorphism? prior to or during the formation of skarn minerals. This is somewhat
atypical of metasomatic skarn systems, where garnet and clinopyroxene
The distinct composition, texture, and mineral association of sp-2 commonly predate base metal sulfides (e.g., Meinert et al., 2005), but
compared to sp-1 suggests that very different conditions were this should be expected in deposits where calc-silicates formed during a
involved in their formation. Based on the textural evidence (e.g., in­ later metamorphic overprint (cf. Jansson, 2011).
clusions), sp-2 is relatively younger than sp-1. However, the exact timing The absence of a clear cross-cutting relationship between sp-1 and
of sp-2 formation is difficult to constrain, similar to the Fe-Mn skarns sp-2 precludes fully resolving whether these two sphalerite types reflect
that are associated with it. The high Mn:Fe ratio of sp-2 is not common in polygenetic mineralization at c. 1.89 Ga and/or if sp-2 is a product of a
Bergslagen based on the published sphalerite analysis (Cook et al., 2009; metamorphic remobilization. Future studies may be able to better
Kritikos, 2016; Kampmann et al., 2018). The only known exceptions are resolve this by integrating the detailed textural and compositional
from the Kaveltorp deposit (Cook et al., 2009) and the Limtjärn Fe oxide analysis of this study with other methods, such as radiometric dating and
skarn deposit (Kritikos, 2016) (Fig. 13). fluid inclusion studies. High variance associated with random effects
It has been shown that the content of lattice-bound Fe and Mn in suggests that additional trace element chemistry data for sphalerite in
sphalerite increases with increasing temperature and decreasing sulfur Lappberget, especially for sp-2, can help better constraint the element
fugacity (Scott and Kissin, 1973; Sombuthawee et al., 1978; Lusk et al., distribution for the different sphalerite types within the deposit.
1993; Keith et al., 2014) and that these elements are readily incorpo­
rated or expelled into sphalerite during recrystallization (Ramdohr, 8. Conclusion
1969; Lockington et al., 2014). However, a study on metamorphosed
sphalerite from greenshchist to granulite facies by Lockington et al. Due to the overprinting tectono-metamorphic events, it is chal­
(2014) revealed no systematic correlation between metamorphic grade lenging to unequivocally infer the original conditions and timing of
and Fe and Mn content, i.e., sphalerite composition varied within a formation between the different sulfides characterized in this study.
deposit subjected to the same metamorphic conditions. Nevertheless, this study have shown that textural and chemical variation
Lockington et al. (2014) concluded that the concentrations of lattice- for different sulfides can be observed within the ore body. This hetero­
bound elements (Fe, Mn, Cd, In, and Hg) are strongly influenced by the geneity is caused both by the original ore forming conditions and the
relative abundance of these elements in the pre-metamorphic sphalerite, tectono-metamorphic modifications. The main findings in this study are
as well as the element partitioning between co-existing minerals in summarized below:
mineral assemblages (Lockington et al., 2014). The strong association of
sp-2 with the Fe-Mn skarn minerals as compared to sp-1 suggests that the (1) The trace element signatures of sphalerite and pyrite is consistent
initial composition of sp-2 and its associated assemblage may have been with other metamorphosed SVALS-type deposits in Bergslagen.
formed under very different initial physicochemical conditions Although Lappberget have undergone tectono-metamorphic
compared to the footwall mineralization (FWD) and massive sulfide modifications, a gross metal zonation is retained at least on a
mineralization associated with sp-1 (e.g., MSPG). Alternatively, since in deposit scale similar to other SVALS-type deposits, like Falun.
particular Mn-rich minerals are altogether uncommon in FWD, the

G. Tiu et al. Ore Geology Reviews 135 (2021) 104223

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