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Clinical Practice Guidelines for Psychoeducation in Psychiatric Disorders

General Principles of Psychoeducation
Sujit Sarkhel, O. P. Singh1, Manu Arora2
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, 1Professor of Psychiatry, WBMES and Consultant Psychiatrist, AMRI
Hospitals, Kolkata, West Bengal, 2Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Government Medical College, Jammu and Kashmir, India
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INTRODUCTION of psychoeducation [Table 1]. They suggested that the

relatives of the patients were also to be included in the
In the last few decades, psychoeducation has come up as sessions.
a useful and effective mode of psychotherapy for persons
with mental illness. It has been found to be fruitful in both Barker, in the Social Work Dictionary, defined
clinical and community settings. psychoeducation as the “process of teaching clients
with mental illness and their family members about the
Psychoeducation has its roots in the “Mental nature of the illness, including its etiology, progression,
Hygiene Movement” of the early 20th century and consequences, prognosis, treatment, and alternatives.”
“Deinstitutionalization Movement” of the 1950s and 1960s.
Subsequently, studies on the role of “Expressed Emotions” GOALS OF PSYCHOEDUCATION
in schizophrenia provided further impetus to the growth of
psychoeducation. • To ensure basic knowledge and competence of patients
and their relatives about the illness
Psychoeducation combines the elements of • To provide insight into the illness
cognitive‑behavior therapy, group therapy, and education. • To promote relapse prevention
The basic aim is to provide the patient and families • Engaging in crisis management and suicide
knowledge about various facets of the illness and its prevention.
treatment so that they can work together with mental
health professionals for a better overall outcome. BASIC COMPONENTS OF PSYCHOEDUCATION

WHAT IS PSYCHOEDUCATION? Psychoeducation usually includes certain basic components

of information, which are to be imparted to patients
Anderson et al. used the term for the first time and their family members regarding a particular mental
in 1980 for the family treatment of patients with disorder. The modules may be modified to suit the needs of
schizophrenia. They mentioned four essential elements the patients, family members, clinicians, or vary according
to a particular disorder. Thus, the number and timing of
the sessions may vary along with alterations in the overall
Address for correspondence:   Dr. Sujit Sarkhel, content. However, it is desirable to cover the essential
Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry
7,D L Khan Road, Kolkata - 700 025, West Bengal, India. components, as shown in Table 2.

Received: 12th December, 2019, Accepted: 16th December, 2019, This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of
Publication: 17th January, 2020 the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License,
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How to cite this article: Sarkhel S, Singh OP, Arora M.

Clinical practice guidelines for psychoeducation in psychiatric
disorders general principles of psychoeducation. Indian J
Psychiatry 2020;62:S319-23.

© 2020 Indian Journal of Psychiatry | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow S319

Sarkhel, et al.: Principles of psychoeducation

VARIOUS TYPES OF PSYCHOEDUCATION been shared and discussed. It may be useful to hand over
printed material after each session, which highlights in
According to the target population, psychoeducation can simple language the salient features of the topics discussed
be individual, family, group, or community based. in that particular session.

According to the predominant focus of psychoeducation, FAMILY PSYCHOEDUCATION

it can be compliance/adherence focused, illness focused,
treatment focused, and rehabilitation focused. Family psychoeducation can be carried in the
setting of single families or in a group with more
Active psychoeducation involves the active involvement than one family having similar kinds of illness in
of the therapist with the patient/family during the their patients (multifamily groups). Family‑based
process, leading to interaction and clarification. In passive psychoeducation models can be quite useful in the
psychoeducation, materials are provided to patients/family Indian context as most of the Indian patients stay
members in the form of pamphlets, audio/video material with their families unlike their Western counterparts.
that they are supposed to read and assimilate on their Family‑based psychoeducation models have been found
own. In a busy clinic with limited available time, a clinician to be effective in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
may take resort to passive psychoeducation by distributing Family psychoeducation becomes especially important in
leaflets or educative materials about the illness written in a dealing with severe mental illnesses when in symptomatic
simple language, which the patient and guardians can easily phases, patients lack insight and may be reluctant to take
understand and assimilate. medicines. It is also helpful to make them aware of early
signs of relapse so that they can identify and seek help
GROUP PSYCHOEDUCATION accordingly. The number and frequency of sessions are
variable, though the average number is between 6 and
This usually comprises patients having similar kinds of illness. 12 sessions held at weekly intervals. Follow‑up sessions
Thus, groups may consist of patients with bipolar disorder, may be conducted at monthly intervals following the
schizophrenia, substance abuse, etc. It is not desirable to discharge of the patient.
form a group with members having different kinds of illness.
Groups usually have 4–12 members, with the optimum
number being 8. The number of sessions usually varies
Information model
from 5 to 24, with the optimum number of sessions being
The focus is on providing families knowledge about
determined by research and practice. Often, the availability
psychiatric illness and their management.
of resources in terms of available time and workforce may
lead to modifications in the number of sessions, though the
Skill training model
broad areas to be covered for each disorder remain the same.
The skill training model focusses on developing certain
The sessions usually last 40–60 min and are mostly held at
skills so that the family members can manage the illness
weekly intervals. The optimal time and frequency of sessions more effectively.
help in the better assimilation of the information, which has
Supportive model
Table 1: Essential elements of psychoeducation The supportive model mainly involves taking help of support
1. Briefing the patients about their illness groups for engaging the family members of the patients in
2. Problem-solving training sharing their feelings.
3. Communication training
4. Self-assertiveness training
Comprehensive model
The comprehensive model uses a combination of the
Table 2: Essential components of psychoeducation previous three models.
Common signs and symptoms
Awareness regarding the early signs of relapse/recurrence Zhao et al. in a systematic review of 20 studies concluded
How to cope with the situation
that psychoeducation appears to reduce relapse and
Various treatment options available
When and how to seek treatment promote adherence in severe mental illnesses such
Need for adherence to treatment as per the guidance of treating team as schizophrenia. Most studies have evaluated family
Long-term course and outcome psychoeducation for schizophrenia or schizoaffective
Dos and don’ts for family members while dealing with the patient disorder only. However, the results of several controlled
Clearing myths and misconceptions about the illness and dispelling stigma
studies support the benefits of psychoeducational family

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interventions for other psychiatric disorders, including 3. Etiologies and triggering factors
bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive‑compulsive 4. Symptoms of mania and hypomania
disorder, substance abuse, and borderline personality 5. Symptoms of depression and mixed episode
disorder. 6. Course and outcome of bipolar disorder.


PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS Almost half of the patients with bipolar disorder discontinue
treatment abruptly and without supervision sometime in
Psychoeducation for schizophrenia their lives. Almost all patients of bipolar disorder think of
Initial discussions should start by encouraging the patients discontinuing medications at some point of time during
to come out with their understanding of the disorder. the course of illness. This occurs quite commonly during
Once this area has been clarified, a common denominator the euthymic phase or in those with comorbid substance
between layman’s knowledge of illness and scientific abuse or personality disorder. The areas that need to be
textbook knowledge of illness is gradually developed. covered while targeting better treatment adherence are as
The basic message should be that schizophrenia is caused follows:
by biological factors in combination with psychological 1. Mood stabilizers
stress. Hence, both medications and psychosocial 2. Antimanic agents
interventions are essential for management. Apart from 3. Antidepressants
the essential components mentioned before, other 4. Serum levels of lithium, carbamazepine, and valproate
information specific to the illness which needs to be 5. Pregnancy and genetic counseling
shared includes 6. Psychopharmacology versus alternative therapies
• Meaning of the term “Schizophrenia” 7. Risks associated with treatment withdrawal.
• Positive and negative symptoms
• Neurobiological origin of symptoms
A detailed discussion about the side effects of the commonly
• Stress‑vulnerability‑coping model
used medications and the ways of handling them is essential
• Various medicines and their side effects
for getting rid of several myths among the patients in
• Psychosocial measures
relation to medications. Fears of becoming “dependent for
• Psychotherapeutic interventions and suicide
life” on these medications or “losing sharpness of mind”
are some of the well‑publicized misconceptions regarding
• Early warning signs and relapse prevention
psychotropics which force patients to discontinue medicines
• Long‑term course and outcome, including remission
abruptly. Such myths must be gradually dispelled by careful
and recovery.
Avoiding substance misuse
The working group on psychoeducation in bipolar disorder More than half of bipolar disorder patients have comorbid
defines psychoeducation as information‑based behavioral substance abuse. Alcohol is the most frequently misused
training aimed at adjusting lifestyle to cope with bipolar drug among bipolar patients. This is associated with more
disorder. The components include increasing the awareness depressive episodes, greater problems with adherence,
of illness, treatment adherence, early detection of relapse, and poor recovery. Sometimes, substance use can trigger a
and avoidance of potential triggers such as illegal drugs and full‑blown affective episode. Psychoeducation must involve
sleep deprivation. knowledge about alcohol and other drugs and their harmful
effects on patients with bipolar disorder.
Illness awareness
Most of the patients of bipolar disorder have poor insight DETECTING EARLY WARNING SIGNS
into their condition. If the patient does not gain insight
into his condition, he would be unlikely to take interest in Detecting early warning signs is a very important step for
the subsequent sessions of psychoeducation. Emphasizing preventing a full‑blown episode. It is very important to
the medical model of the illness helps in reducing stigma emphasize that a hypomanic episode needs to be identified
related to the illness. It is also taught that the illness has a and acted upon very quickly as it may quickly escalate to a
biological origin, though triggering factors may be either manic state. It also needs to be addressed that many patients
biological or psychological. enjoy the initial mood elevation of the hypomanic episode
and hence have a tendency not to report the symptoms to
The issues addressed cover the following areas: family members or psychiatrists. It is also important to give
1. Introduction the patient and family members an emergency plan of what
2. What is Bipolar Disorder? is to be done in case of a relapse.

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Regularity of lifestyle Social and professional aspects

Regular habits, including proper sleep habits and structuring of This includes the role of peer group in initiating and
activities, are emphasized. The necessity of 7–9 h of night‑time maintaining substance dependence. The role of friends
sleep is emphasized with avoidance of daytime naps is taught. in promoting relapse prevention and avoiding critical
The role of sleep deprivation in triggering manic episodes is comments is also discussed.
also highlighted. The patients are also taught the necessity of
regular physical exercise. Stress management techniques are Treatment process and recovery
also taught followed by simple problem‑solving skills which The different phases of treatment from detoxification to
may be of use in a day‑to‑day life. relapse prevention are discussed. The role of various drugs
and their side effects is discussed.
DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS Craving and relapse
In this session, the role of craving in causing relapse is
Psychoeducation has become an important step in the discussed. This also includes the role of various triggering
management of anxiety and depressive disorders. After factors and how to avoid them. The methods of controlling
the diagnosis of anxiety and depressive disorder and craving are also discussed.
performing necessary assessments, the mental health
professionals should provide detailed information to the Utilizing free time
patient regarding the symptoms, causes, various treatment The importance of finding alternate sources of pleasure is
options, side effects of medications, need for adherence, discussed along with the need to “decondition” the concept
and overall course and outcome of the disorder. Apart from of substance with “good times” and “enjoyment.”
medications, the role of nonpharmacological measures
such as activity scheduling and regular physical exercise Adaptation to a new life
is emphasized. Passive psychoeducation is very popular in The patient is taught to adopt and gradually accept the new
patients with anxiety disorders. This involves passing on to role of a “substance‑free individual.”
the patients’ various resources such as books, pamphlets,
or videos which explain clearly various aspects of anxiety PSYCHOEDUCATION FOR PERSONALITY
disorders. Unlike active psychoeducation, here the DISORDERS
therapist does not interact actively with the patient while
imparting education about the illness. The primary objective of the psychoeducation program
is to make the patients aware of personality disorders in
PSYCHOEDUCATION FOR SUBSTANCE USE general, and the particular personality disorder with which
DISORDER he has been diagnosed. Initially, a baseline idea regarding
the patient’s knowledge about his own diagnosis is obtained
Group psychoeducation is one of the cornerstones of and what according to him would help him. The concepts
psychosocial management of patients with substance use of personality and personality disorder are discussed.
disorder. Such groups educate patients about substance How personality disorders can cause problems to affected
misuse and its consequences. Such groups usually deal with individuals is highlighted. The particular personality
individuals in precontemplation and contemplation phase disorder which affects the individual is discussed in detail.
of change and help in increasing their motivation to abstain. The patient is also encouraged to point out those features
Typical group psychoeducation for substance abuse must that are present in him from a written checklist consisting of
highlight certain points which are as follows:. various maladaptive personality traits. As psychoeducation
progresses, the attempt is gradually made to make the
Medical complications patient aware of his maladaptive traits. Once the patient
Detailed discussion of physical and psychological develops some insight, detailed psychoeducation of the
complications is carried out. Many times, patients have biological and psychological factors, leading to his current
wrong conceptions about physical illness, for example, they maladaptive traits is carried out. However, in cases with
think that they are alright as long as they do not have obvious severe personality disorders, one has to gradually work
physical symptoms. Such misconceptions are cleared. through the areas where the patient takes recourse to denial.


Various aspects of family problems in patients with alcohol
dependence are discussed. This includes family conflicts Dual diagnosis refers to patients having a psychiatric disorder
and the role of family in maintaining substance‑related along with comorbid substance abuse or dependence.
behavior. How the family can help in promoting relapse About one‑third of patients with serious mental illness has
prevention is also discussed. a comorbid substance use disorder. The dominant models

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of care for these groups of patients include parallel and Financial support and sponsorship
sequential models. In the parallel model, separate specialists Nil.
treat the comorbid disorders separately. In the sequential
model, the primary condition is treated first followed by the Conflicts of interest
comorbid condition. The group psychoeducation model for There are no conflicts of interest.
patients with dual diagnosis relies on an integrated holistic
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