Its Me Excel 13 Listening and Speaking Book

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Beaver Town
Excel 13
Table of contents
Unit 1. School jobs ………………………… 4
Unit 2. Occupations … …………………… 8
Unit 3. What’s your job? … ……………… 12
Work Out 1 … ……………………………… 16

Unit 4. Behind the scenes … …………… 17

Unit 5. The fashion industry … ………… 21
Unit 6. At the hospital … ………………… 25
Work Out 2 … ……………………………… 29

Unit 7. Government jobs ………………… 30

Unit 8. A rural life … ……………………… 34
Work Out 3 … ……………………………… 38

1 School jobs

Vocabulary Box
Track 1
Listen and repeat.

1 Principal 2 Vice-principal 3 Secretary 4 Classroom

5 Prepared 6 Janitor 7 Librarian 8 Staff room

9 Laboratory 10 Gymnasium 11 Cafeteria 12 Recess

13 School nurse 14 Auditorium 15 Semester 16 Talent show

17 Science fair

Key Phrase
Track 2
Listen and match.

Which floor is the

1 • • a. You are right.
gymnasium on?

I'm looking for the b. No, I haven't

2 • •
principal. prepared anything!

Is he your English c. Yes, he is my

3 • •
teacher? English teacher.

Are you prepared for the

4 • • d. It's on the first floor.
science fair?

You should go see the e. He's in the staff

5 • •
school nurse. room.

School jobs

Let’s Make Sentences

Track 3
Listen, fill in the blanks, and match.

I'm looking for the

1 •
. •

2 Is she the ? • •

The janitor is in the

3 • •

I can't wait until the •

4 •

I'm looking for the •

5 •

Let’s Practice
Write the questions and answers.

Do you know where

the principal is?

He is in the auditorium.

You Name:
School nurse

Let’s Spell
Track 4
Listen and unscramble the letters.

1 nitrjao →

2 alprnciip →

3 msignyaum →

4 btolarayor →

5 sohtleantw →

6 lbririana →

7 factraiee →

Be Creative
Track 5
Listen, write and draw.

1 The is in the library.

2 You don't look well. You should go see the .

3 The janitor is in the emptying the garbage.

1 2 3

School jobs

Let’s Act
With your partner, talk about your school.

He is in the principal's office.

Do you know where the principal is?

Listening Comprehension Track 6

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 There is a science fair tomorrow night.

2 There is a talent show tonight.
3 The talent show is at the auditorium.
4 The science fair is at the auditorium.
5 The auditorium is on the second floor.


2 Occupations

Vocabulary Box
Track 7
Listen and repeat.

1 Occupation 2 Profession 3 Barber 4 Police officer

5 Surgeon 6 Dentist 7 Psychologist 8 Architect

9 Judge 10 Lawyer 11 Chef 12 Retire

13 Sailor 14 Journalist 15 Reporter 16 Musician

17 Director

Key Phrase
Track 8
Listen and match.

My father's occupation
1 • • a. a professor.

I want to be a police
2 • • b. ...dream job?

3 My mother... • • c. ...a chef.

4 My uncle recently... • • d. the future.

5 What is your... e. ...retired from his

• •


Let’s Make Sentences

Track 9
Listen, write, and match.

1 • •

2 • •

3 • •

4 • •

5 • •

Let’s Practice
Ask questions and write answers.

What does your father do? My father is a .

My mother is a . What does your mother do?


Dream job

Father's job

Mother's job

Let’s Spell
Track 10
Listen and unscramble the letters.

1 gonerus →

2 roilas →

3 sjuroantil →

4 frosserop →

5 hittecarc →

6 ccotniouap →

Be Creative
Track 11
Listen, write, and draw.

1 Benny wants to become a .

2 Flora .

3 Shawn .

1 2 3


Let’s Act
With a partner, act out jobs and try to guess what they are.

Can you act it out?

I am a police.

Listening Comprehension Track 12

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 Benny wants to be a movie director.

2 Benny wants to be like his sister.
3 Benny's dad is a movie director.
4 Benny's sister wants to be a chef.
5 We don't know Benny's mother's job.


3 What’s your job?

Vocabulary Box
Track 13
Listen and repeat.

1 Successful 2 Goal 3 Reason 4 Business

5 Certain 6 Award-winning 7 Decision 8 Believe

9 Diagnose 10 Clinic 11 Pursue 12 Career

13 Protect 14 Compose 15 Treat 16 Office

17 Satisfied

Key Phrase
Track 14
Listen and match.

1 Are you satisfied... a. ...when you grow

• •

2 I am an... b. ...for becoming a

• •

3 What is your reason... c. ...become

• •

You need to work hard d. ...award-winning

4 • •
to... writer.

5 What is your goal... • • e. ...with your career?

What’s your job?

Let’s Make Sentences

Track 15
Listen and write the words in the correct order.

protect / job / to / My / people / is


a reporter / What / reason / becoming / your / is / for / ?


I / to / buildings / like / design


am / I / director / an / movie / award-winning


you / satisfied / Are / your / job / with / ?


Let’s Practice
Ask your partner about their dream job. Share with each other.

What is your dream job? I like to interview

I want to become
a reporter.

You Name: Name:

Job title

What do you do?

What is your reason?


Let’s Spell
Track 16
Listen, unscramble, and match the correct word.

1 naeosr • • reason

2 eosmocp • • successful

3 tvieojbce • • diagnose

4 sonegadi • • compose

5 ceusfuslcs • • objective

6 iisnodec • • decision

Be Creative
Track 17
Listen, write and draw.

My job is to cook delicious My job is to serve and protect

food. I am a . people. I am a .

What’s your job?

Let’s Act
Tell your partner to choose a job and try to guess his job by asking
questions related to his job. Ask him why he chose that job.

What is your reason for

becoming a chef?

I like to serve people

great food.

Listening Comprehension Track 18

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 I am a terrible writer.
2 My job is to print books.
3 I like to write stories.
4 I don't like to read books.
5 Few people read my books.

Mr. Harris Mrs. Harris Flora

Mr. Moss Work Out 1

Mrs. Moss Luc Michelle Alice

Listening Dictation
Track 19
Listen and write each sentence correctly.

Game Time
Roll the dice and make a sentence with the word you land on. First to
get to the finish wins.
Finish Go back Go forward
Believe Occupation Journalist Gymnasium
Start four spaces two spaces

Principal Lose a Turn

Goal Profession

Teacher Librarian

Roll Again Punish

Lose a Turn Judge Satisfied Recess Roll Again Architech Cafeteria

Let’s Play BINGO!

Choose words from unit 1~3 and write them in the empty boxes below.
When you get a bingo, make sentences using the words.


4 Behind the scenes

Vocabulary Box
Track 20
Listen and repeat.

1 Cameraman 2 Editor 3 Technician 4 Producer

5 News station 6 Script 7 Writer 8 Audience

9 Weather reporter 10 Casting 11 Perform 12 Manager

13 Costume designer 14 Singer 15 Actor 16 Actress

17 Broadcasting station

Key Phrase
Track 21
Listen and match.

1 I visited the news station. a. What does he

• •

I saw the famous weather b. the

2 • •
reporter... broadcasting station.

3 Writers have to prepare... c. That must have

• •
been fun.

My cousin is a good d. ...scripts for the

4 • •
performer. reporter.

She is an entertainer e. ...she has many

5 • •
because... talents.


Let’s Make Sentences

Track 22
Listen and circle the correct word.

1 I'll be a weather reporter / director someday.

2 I visited the broadcasting station / news station.

3 My cousin is a successful director / writer.

4 I enjoy editing / performing for the TV show.

5 I saw a famous reporter / singer yesterday.

6 My cousin is a great performer / writer.

Let’s Practice Yes, I do. I love reading

Ask your friends what they want to be. the news.

Do you want to be
an anchor?

You Name: Name:

Costume designer
Behind the scenes

Let’s Spell
Track 23
Listen and fill in blanks.

1 ud nc

2 p f rm

3 ca e m n

4 s um d s gn r

5 c pt

6 t c n an

Be Creative
Track 24
Listen, write, and draw the job being described.

What does he do?

He is a director.
He enjoys making movies.


Let’s Act
With a partner, talk about what you want to be in the future and why.

I enjoy performing in
front of an audience.

Listening Comprehension Track 25

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 My mom is a great singer.

2 My sister enjoys singing alone.
3 My sister has many talents.
4 I never visited the broadcasting station before.
5 My mom enjoys performing in front of people.


5 The fashion industry

Vocabulary Box
Track 26
Listen and repeat.

1 Fashionable 2 Designer 3 Runway 4 Charismatic

5 Fashion show 6 Strike 7 Outfit 8 Artistic

9 Photographer 10 Stage 11 Photo-shoot 12 Industry

13 Fabric 14 Accessories 15 Display 16 Pose

17 Cosmetics

Key Phrase
Track 27
Listen and match.

1 Did you go to last... a. ...accessories on

• •

My aunt is a designer so
2 • • b. be a designer.
she knows...

3 I want to buy those... • • c. ...down the runway.

4 I saw models walking... d. ...week's fashion

• •

You need artistic e. ...a lot about fabric

5 • •
talents... and clothes.


Let’s Make Sentences

Track 28
Listen and circle the correct word.

1 Michelle could be a designer / photographer because she is fashionable.

2 I want to buy the model / outfit on display.
3 You need charisma / talent to be a model / fashionable.
4 At the last week's fashion show, I saw models / designers striking poses
in front of the runway / photographer.

5 My mom knows a lot about cosmetic / fabric. She is a designer.

6 I want to buy a new outlet / outfit. Let's go to the mall.

Let’s Practice
Look at the picture. What can you see? Make a list.







Let’s Spell
Track 29
Listen and fill in blanks.

1 o m t s 2 a es r es

3 e n 4 l th

5 P tog p
The fashion industry

Listening Activity
Track 30
Listen and write in the correct order.

enjoy / drawing / clothes / I


knows / My / about / mom / fabrics / a lot


I / models / taking / for / the / poses / photo-shoot / saw


could / She / be / because / studied / a designer / she / fashion


want / on / I / buy / display / to / accessories / the


talents / need / be / You / a / fashion / to / designer


Be Creative
Track 31
Listen, circle and draw.

I want to buy those outfits / I saw models / designers at the

accessories on display. fashion show last week.


Let’s Act
Describe how your partner can work in the fashion industry.

Penny could be a model. Right. Because she likes to

wear colorful clothes.

Listening Comprehension Track 32

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 I will buy some accessories.

2 The accessories are expensive.
3 I need new clothes for spring.
4 I went to the mall for shopping.
5 I found something I want to buy.


6 At the hospital

Vocabulary Box
Track 33
Listen and repeat.

1 Surgeon 2 Nurse 3 Pharmacist 4 Doctor

5 Sick 6 Medicine 7 Treatment 8 Hospitalized

9 Disease 10 Vaccination 11 Hospital 12 Patient

13 Examine 14 Pharmacy 15 Pain 16 Symptoms

17 Appointment

Key Phrase
Track 34
Listen and match.

I will make an
1 • • a. ...some medicine?

My grandfather has been b. ...for an examination

2 • •
hospitalized... and treatment.

My sister studied a lot c. ...become a

3 • •
to... pharmacist.

4 Do you want... d. ...for a visit to see a

• •

5 Can you take... e. to the

• •


Let’s Make Sentences

Track 35
Listen and choose the correct answer.

1 You see a family doctor.

(a) should (b) will (c) may

2 I have a today.
(a) headache (b) toothache (c) stomachache

3 My grandfather is hospitalized for .

(a) treat (b) treatment (c) treatement

4 How do you ?
(a) feeling (b) phil (c) feel

5 You need to be at the hospital.

(a) exam (b) examined (c) examinated

Let’s Practice
Ask and write.
What are your symptoms?
I have a headache.

You should see a


You Name: Name:


Who should you see?

At the hospital

Let’s Spell
Track 36
Listen and fill in blanks.

1 m d n

2 o t l

Weego Hospital
3 t t

4 p rm s

5 h d e

Be Creative Track 37

Listen and draw what happened to Doris when she was sick.


Let’s Act
Role play with your partner. Take turns being the patient and the
I don't feel so well.
What symptoms do you have?
I have a headache.

Let me prescribe you some medicine.

Listening Comprehension Track 38

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 Joanna is healthy.
2 Joanna has medicine.
3 Joanna has a stomachache.
4 Dr. Anderson has medicine.
5 Joanna will go to the hospital.

Mr. Harris Mrs. Harris Flora

Mr. Moss Work Out 2

Mrs. Moss Luc Michelle Alice

Listening Dictation
Track 39
Listen and write each sentence correctly.

Game Time
Roll the dice and make a sentence with the word you land on. First to
get to the finish wins.
Finish Go back
Sugeon Outfit Hospital Manager Lose a Turn
Start four spaces

Runway Reporter

Fabric Producer

Audience Roll Again

Go back
four spaces

Accessories Roll Again Pharmacist Industry Patient Display Lose a Turn

Let’s Play BINGO!

Choose words from unit 4~6 and write them in the empty boxes below.
When you get a bingo, make sentences using the words.


7 Government jobs

Vocabulary Box
Track 40
Listen and repeat.

1 President 2 Election 3 Vice-president 4 Law

5 Democracy 6 Prosecutor 7 White House 8 Capital city

9 City hall 10 Leadership 11 Government 12 Treasurer

13 Council 14 Debate 15 Mayor 16 Vote

17 Administration

Key Phrase
Track 41
Listen and match.

1 A president is the... a. ...was held in the city

• •

2 We visited the... b. The judge looked

• •

I saw a judge in the

3 • • c. hall last week.

4 The council meeting... d. ...head of the

• •

5 I wish to become a... e. ...prosecutor someday

• •
and work in court.

Government jobs

Let’s Make Sentences

Track 42
Listen and circle the correct word.

1 He is the president / mayor.

2 We visited the City Hall / court last week.

3 I saw a judge / lawyer in the court.

4 We had an election for our school president / vice-president.

5 I wish to become a prosecutor / judge someday and work in court.

6 My mother works for the administration / government.

Let’s Practice
Ask and write.

When I grow up, I wish to

be the president and work
in the White House.

What about your friends?

You Name: Name: Name:






Let’s Spell
Track 43
Listen and fill in blanks.

1 e ec

2 o nm n

3 le er

4 p e ut

5 d b e

6 ad st ti

Be Creative
Track 44
Listen and draw.

Have you ever seen an election?

Can you draw the things you

see in an election?

Government jobs

Let’s Act
Describe the different government jobs.

Listening Comprehension Track 45

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 I saw the election yesterday.

2 Mr. Nice did not win the election.
3 I did not vote.
4 Mr. Nice is our city's new leader.
5 Mr. Nice is an electrician.


8 A rural life

Vocabulary Box
Track 46
Listen and repeat.

1 Agriculture 2 Rural 3 Fisherman 4 Farmer

5 Crops 6 Livestock 7 Captain 8 Harvest

9 Field 10 Seedling 11 Veterinarian 12 Soil

13 Breeding 14 Import 15 Export 16 Customer

17 Tractor

Key Phrase
Track 47
Listen and match.

This summer, I went to

1 • • a. ...sold to customers.

2 His father is a... b. ...crops during

• •

c. ...grandmother's
3 People harvest... • • house in the rural

The harvested crops will d. ...captain of a fishing

4 • •
be... boat.

My grandmother grows e. ...and potatoes in

5 • •
corns, wheat... her field.

A rural life

Let’s Make Sentences

Track 48
Listen, write, and match.

1 •

2 •

3 •

4 •

5 •

6 • •

Let’s Practice
Ask and write.

Do you know anyone who

lives in the rural area?

You Name: Name:

Do you know
anyone who lives
in the rural area?
What do they do

Let’s Spell
Track 49
Listen and fill in blanks.

1 i st k

2 b e d g 3 f sh n

4 g c t

5 v t a an

6 ha t

Be Creative
Track 50
Listen and draw.

A rural life

Let’s Act
With a partner, talk about your experience of visiting the countryside.

Where did you go last I went to my grandparents'

thanksgiving? house in the countryside.

Listening Comprehension Track 51

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 This fall, I visited my grandparents' house.

2 My grandparents live in the rural area.
3 My grandparents grow potatoes, corns and
strawberries in their field.

4 My grandparents were very busy.

5 My grandparents grow potatoes in their field.

Mr. Harris Mrs. Harris Flora

Mr. Moss Work Out 3

Mrs. Moss Luc Michelle Alice

Listening Dictation
Track 52
Listen and write each sentence correctly.

Game Time
Roll the dice and make a sentence with the word you land on. First to
get to the finish wins.
Finish Go back
Lose a Turn Export Debate Prosecutor Field
Start four spaces

Rural Roll Again

Go back
four spaces

White house Government

Election Vote

Veterinarian President Roll Again Breeding Crops Administration Lose a Turn

Let’s Play BINGO!

Choose words from unit 7~8 and write them in the empty boxes below.
When you get a bingo, make sentences using the words.


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