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Beaver Town
Excel 16
Table of contents
Unit 1. Graduation day… ………………… 4
Unit 2. Holiday in Rome … ……………… 8
Unit 3. Freezing in Russia ………………… 12
Work Out 1 … ……………………………… 16

Unit 4. New York City ……………………… 17

Unit 5. Escape to Africa …………………… 21
Unit 6. Challenge in China… …………… 25
Work Out 2 … ……………………………… 29

Unit 7. Exploring Japan …………………… 30

Unit 8. Adventure in Australia … ……… 34
Work Out 3 … ……………………………… 38

1 Graduation day

Vocabulary Box
Track 1
Listen and repeat.

1 Ceremony 2 Graduation 3 Expectation 4 Recipient

5 Vacation 6 Celebrate 7 Speech 8 Itinerary

9 Commemorate 10 Memory 11 Photographs 12 Awards

13 High school 14 Middle school 15 Travel 16 Farewell

17 Accomplishment 18 Opportunity 19 Fulfillment

Key Phrase
Track 2
Listen, match, and repeat.

1 Who will be giving the... • • a. ...during her vacation.

2 They will plan an... b. a big

• •

3 The students took... c. ...speech at the

• •
graduation ceremony?

4 She plans to travel... d. ...itinerary for their

• •
summer trip.

5 Graduating high • •
e. make many
school... memories.

6 Traveling is a good • • f. ...many photographs.


Graduation day

Let’s Make Sentences

Track 3
Listen and fill in the blanks.

1 Graduation is a moment of and .

2 I am going to travel before going to in the fall.

3 Owen is this year's recipient.

4 The graduation is on June twenty-eighth.

5 Let's take a photograph with our .

Shawn is receiving the award this year because he has many


Listening Activity
Track 4
Listen and circle the correct word.

1 What are you (go to / going on / going to) do after (graduating /

graduation / graduate)?

2 Who is this year's award (recipient / recepient / recepent)?

3 Joanna gives great (speeaches / spiches / speeches).
4 (Vacations / Vakations / Vacathons) are an (opportunitity /
oportunity / opportunity) to make many memories.

5 When is the graduation (cerimony / ceromony / ceremony)?

6 The graduation is a moment to (cerebrate / celebrate /


Let’s Spell
Track 5
Listen and fill in the blanks to create a word.

1 v at 4 gr u t

2 a om is en 5 ee

3 ce r te 6 o rt i y

Let’s Practice
Write about your plans after graduation and share.
You Name: Name:
What are you
going to do after

Be Creative
Track 6
Listen, circle, and draw.

1 Let's take a photograph with our awards / teacher.

2 I'm going to travel / study in the summer after graduation.

Graduation day

Let’s Act
With a partner, talk about what you are going to do after graduation.

What are you going to do I'm going on a family trip to

after graduation? Spain this summer.

Listening Comprehension Track 7

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 The graduation ceremony is on Feb 13th.

2 This year's award winner is Joanna.
3 Shawn is going to France next year.
4 The graduation ceremony is at 7 p.m.
5 Joanna is going to high school after graduation.


2 Holiday in Rome

Vocabulary Box
Track 8
Listen and repeat.

1 Coliseum 2 Stadium 3 Exploration 4 Soccer

5 Empire 6 History 7 Landmark 8 Religion

9 Emperor 10 Tourist 11 Architecture 12 Renaissance

13 Arts 14 Rule 15 Invasion 16 Capital

17 Middle age 18 Museum 19 Fountain 20 Sculpture

Key Phrase
Track 9
Listen, match, and repeat.

1 Rome is... a. The Roman Empire was

• •
ruled by emperors.

Rome has a great b. ...and paintings of the

2 • •
history... Renaissance?

What is your favorite c. It's the Leaning Tower

3 • •
landmark of Italy? of Pisa.

Where can I enjoy the d. architecture and

4 • •
sculptures... arts.

Can you tell me about e. ...the capital city of

5 • •
the Roman history? Italy.

Holiday in Rome

Let’s Make Sentences Track 10

Listen and fill in the blanks.

1 Rome is the city of Italy.

2 What is the in Rome?

3 You can enjoy the and of the Renaissance.

4 The Roman was ruled by .

5 Rome has great in arts.

6 What is your favorite of Italy?

Listening Activity Track 11

Listen and number the words according the order they are mentioned.

( ) stadium ( ) sightseeing ( ) empire ( ) architecture

( ) invasion ( ) museum ( ) landmark ( ) emperor

Let’s Practice
Play rock, paper, scissors, and say to the sentence out loud.

Rome is the Can you tell me

capital city of invasion about Roman sculpture
Italy. history?
Where can
I enjoy the
sculptures of the
Rome has What is your
great history in architecture favorite landmark stadium
arts. in Italy?

Let’s Spell
Track 12
Listen and write the words correctly.

1 nasaereiscn →

2 yotsihr→

3 cercos →

4 totisru →

5 nountfai →

6 emrorpe →

7 eotxrpiloan →

Be Creative
Track 13
Listen, circle, and draw.

1 You can enjoy the paintings / sculptures of the

Renaissance era in museums / streets.

2 My favorite landmark of Italy is the Coliseum / Leaning Tower

of Pisa.

Holiday in Rome

Let’s Act
With your partner, act out the different scenes in Rome.

Can you tell me It is a big stadium in Rome.

about the Coliseum?

Listening Comprehension Track 14

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 I went to Rome this spring.

2 Rome has a great history in sports.
3 I saw many sculptures of the Renaissance era.
4 Rome is a small city in Italy.
5 The museum is always filled with tourists.


3 Freezing in Russia

Vocabulary Box
Track 15
Listen and repeat.

1 Soviet Union 2 Ballet 3 Gymnastics 4 Palace

5 Freezing 6 Concert 7 Literature 8 Fur

9 Composer 10 Budget 11 Revolution 12 Russia

13 Eurasia 14 Philosopher 15 Kremlin 16 Government

17 Residence 18 Moscow 19 Classical

Key Phrase
Track 16
Listen, match, and repeat.

1 The Kremlin is the... a. ...many famous ballet

• •

2 Russia used to be... b. ...Russian President's

• •

3 This concert hall has... • • c. ...found in Eurasia.

4 Many classical... d. ...of the freezing

• •

5 We bought fur hats • •

e. ...a part of the Soviet
because... Union.

6 Russia is... f. ...composers lived in

• •

Freezing in Russia

Let’s Make Sentences Track 17

Listen and fill in the blanks.

1 Russia is the country in the world.

2 Moscow is the city of .

3 Many great and were born in Russia.

4 I must see a performance when I go to Russia.

5 Kremlin is the 's .

6 This is the building.

Let’s Practice
Play rock, paper, scissors, and say the sentence out loud.

It's the
START Russian winters
president's Moscow literature
1 are freezing cold.

I must see the

Kremlin when I
go to Russia.

Many famous
Russia is the
START composers
president largest country in philosopher
2 were born in
the world.


Let’s Spell
Track 18
Listen and write the words correctly.

1 nmtenovreg →

2 tenpesrid →

3 pilsooperhh →

4 pomcores →

5 rtulitreae →

6 ccaasslli →

Be Creative
Track 19
Listen, circle, and draw.

1 Many composers / writers were born in Russia.

2 I must go see ballet / gymnastics when I go to Russia.

Freezing in Russia

Let’s Act
With a partner, make up your own story and act it out.

What do you want to I must see the palace

see in Russia? when I go to Russia.



Listening Comprehension Track 20

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 Russia is in Asia.
2 Russia is the biggest country in the world.
3 The tourists will watch an opera at the concert hall.
4 Russia is famous for cream.
5 Kremlin is president's residence.

Mr. Harris Mrs. Harris Flora

Mr. Moss Work Out 1

Mrs. Moss Luc Michelle Alice

Listening Dictation
Track 21
Listen and write each sentence correctly.

Game Time
Roll the dice and make a sentence with the word you land on. First to
get to the finish wins.
Finish Go forward
Lose a Turn Tourist Kremlin Place Opportunity
Start two spaces

Ceremony Memory

Go back
four spaces

Farewell Lose a Turn

Roll Again Government

Architecture Capital Revolution Invasion Roll Again Empire Resources

Let’s Play BINGO!

Choose words from unit 1~3 and write them in the empty boxes below.
When you get a bingo, make sentences using the words.


4 New York City

Vocabulary Box
Track 22
Listen and repeat.

1 Metropolis 2 Multicultural 3 Immigrant 4 Hectic

5 Five star 6 Downtown 7 Liberty 8 Broadway

9 State 10 Independence 11 Global 12 Skyscraper

13 Shopping 14 Freedom 15 Capitalism 16 Finance

17 Developed 18 Celebrity 19 Foreign

Key Phrase
Track 23
Listen, match, and repeat.

Many people fought a. ...because of it has

1 • •
for... many immigrants.

2 Let's go downtown... b. ...the country's

• •

3 New York is famous for... • • c. ...the Statue of Liberty.

4 It's a multicultural city... • • d. go shopping.

5 We stayed in a five... e. hotel with a

• •
fantastic view.


Let’s Make Sentences Track 24

Listen, read, and circle the correct word.

Wall Street is district of New York famous for (finance / fineanc /


There are many (skyscraepers / skiscrapers / skyscrapers) in

New York.

3 Many (disigners / designers / desiners) work in New York.

4 New York is (famous / fame / famious) for the Empire State Building.

5 New York is a (multiculturael / multycultural / multicultural) city.

There are many (emigrants / immigrants / immigrantes)

in New York.

Let’s Practice
Play rock, paper, scissors, and say the sentence out loud.

New York is
START Statue of multicultural
skyscraper Shopping
1 Liberty. because of many

We stayed in a
five star hotel.

Many people
I would like to
START fought for
see a musical Finance multicultural
2 the country's
on Broadway.

New York City

Let’s Spell
Track 25
Listen and write the words correctly.

1 sooprtieml →

2 btryile →

3 merfeod →

4 wontdnwo →

5 idpneceneedne →

6 leebtyric →

Be Creative
Track 26
Listen, circle and draw.

1 Let's go downtown and watch a movie / musical.

2 New York is famous for the Statue of Liberty / skyscrapers.


Let’s Act
With your partner, talk about landmarks of New York.

What is New York famous for?

New York is famous for

the Statue of Liberty.

Listening Comprehension Track 27

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 I traveled to New York last year.

2 New York is my favorite city.
3 My favorite was seeing the musical.
4 I saw the Statue of Liberty.
5 I went swimming.


5 Escape to Africa

Vocabulary Box
Track 28
Listen and repeat.

1 Plain 2 Natural 3 Creature 4 Habitat

5 Shortage 6 Majestic 7 Landscape 8 Tribe

9 Grasslands 10 Superstitious 11 Unbelievable 12 Desert

13 Species 14 Temperature 15 Wildlife 16 Nomadic

17 Predator 18 Safari 19 Awe

Key Phrase
Track 29
Listen, match, and repeat.

1 The plains of Africa are • •

a. ...creature he saw on
the natural... the safari.

2 Some nomadic tribes • •

b. ...of water in the
in... desert.

3 There can be a • •
c. ...beautiful with its vast
shortage... grasslands.

4 On the horizon, there... • • d. ...was a majestic view.

5 The African landscape • •

e. ...habitat of many wild
was very... animals.

6 He was in awe with the • •

f. ...Africa are very
strange... superstitious.


Let’s Search
Track 30
Listen, write, and find.

1 n a t u r a l p o i

2 o c r e a t u r e w

3 m j i n s a f a r i

4 a v n f t r e s e d

5 d x i f r j u n g o

6 i h a b i t a t s o

7 c o l k b g r y r a

8 c e p r e d a t o r

Let’s Practice
With your friend, talk about what you are going to do in Africa.

I'm going on a safari.

What are your plans in Africa?

You Name: Name:

What are
your plans
in Africa?

Escape to Africa

Let’s Spell
Track 31
Listen and write the words correctly.

1 mpetrutaree →

2 dtrperao →

3 erbit →

4 orgeaths →

5 laaendcsp →

6 mndcioa→

Be Creative
Track 32
Listen, circle, and draw.

1 Food / Water shortage is a serious problem in Africa.

2 I will never forget the African desert / plains.


Let’s Act
With your partner, talk about what you can see in Africa.

I will never forget the grand

plains in Africa. That sounds amazing.

Listening Comprehension Track 33

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 Joanna is going to Africa.

2 Joanna is going to go on a safari.
3 Joanna is going to explore African desert.
4 Joanna was in awe at all the different creatures living on
the plains of Africa.

5 Joanna finds the plains boring.


6 Challenge in China

Vocabulary Box
Track 34
Listen and repeat.

1 Man-made 2 BC 3 AD 4 Challenging

5 Remarkable 6 History 7 Structure 8 Population

9 Great Wall 10 Dynasty 11 Beijing 12 Shanghai

13 Dragon 14 Majority 15 Growth 16 Symbolic

17 Chopsticks 18 Factory 19 Manufacture

Key Phrase
Track 35
Listen, match, and repeat.

1 The Great Wall of China • •

a. ...population live in
is a... China.

2 A majority of the • •
b. ...remarkable man-
world's... made structure.

3 The dragon is a • •
c. ...manufacture a
symbolic... variety of things.

4 China has a long... d. to use

• •

5 Most Chinese people • •

e. ...history that goes
know... back to 2000 BC.

6 There are many • •

f. ...creature in Chinese
factories in China that... history.


Let’s Search
Track 36
Listen, write and find the words.

1 d r a g o n x v j y

2 n e b e i j i n g t

3 c h o p s t i c k s

4 h i s t o r y h w a

5 p o p u l a t i o n

6 s g t f a c t o r y

7 n k m a n m a d e d

8 k s h a n g h a i l

Let’s Practice
Play rock, paper, scissors, and say the sentence out loud.

Have you ever

START My uncle lives
dynasty been to the Great chopsticks
1 in Shanghai.

Chinese believe
the color red
brings them
good fortune.

START Shanghai is a Have you ever

fortune population
2 port city. been to Beijing?

Challenge in China

Let’s Spell
Track 37
Listen and write the words correctly.

1 mblsyozie →

2 ngoard →

3 natsdyy →

4 coyrtaf →

5 styroih →

6 jitroyma →

Be Creative
Track 38
Listen, circle, and draw.

1 I have been to the Great Wall / Shanghai.

2 There are many people / factories in China.


Let’s Act
With a partner, talk about what you can see in China.

Have you ever been Yes, I have.

to Shanghai?


the Great Wall

the dragon

Listening Comprehension Track 39

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 I went to Shanghai this summer.

2 There were few people.
3 The majority of the world's population is in China.
4 I learned how to use the chopsticks. It is very easy.
5 Chinese believe the color red and yellow bring them
good fortune.

Mr. Harris Mrs. Harris Flora

Mr. Moss Work Out 2

Mrs. Moss Luc Michelle Alice

Listening Dictation
Track 40
Listen and write each sentence correctly.

Game Time
Roll the dice and make a sentence with the word you land on. First to
get to the finish wins.
Finish Go back
Global Desert Safari Wildlife Lose a Turn
Start four spaces

Liberty Hectic

Habitat Magnificent

Dynasty Roll Again

Go forward
two spaces

Dragon Roll Again Plain Factory Downtown Awe Lose a Turn

Let’s Play BINGO!

Choose words from unit 4~6 and write them in the empty boxes below.
When you get a bingo, make sentences using the words.


7 Exploring Japan

Vocabulary Box
Track 41
Listen and repeat.

1 Cherry blossom 2 Sumo wrestling 3 Elderly 4 Bowed

5 Recommend 6 Judo 7 Temple 8 Sushi

9 Hot spring 10 Traditional 11 Kimono 12 Comic book

13 Shrine 14 Tokyo 15 Island 16 Costume

17 Raw 18 Kyoto 19 Bloom

Key Phrase
Track 42
Listen, match, and repeat.

1 Sushi is a Japanese • • a. ...Japanese costume.


2 The Kimono is a • • b. ...made from raw fish.


3 The cherry blossoms • • c. ...the national sport.

are in full...

4 I recommend that you • • d. ...bloom during spring.

visit a...

5 Judo is a very... e. ...popular sport in

• •

6 Sumo wrestling is... • • f. ...temple with a shrine.

Exploring Japan

Let’s Search
Track 43
Listen, write and find.

q i r u s u s h i g

d s b t h j k g b u
e l d e r l y x l g
e a n m i t o g o j
j n a p n m t e o u

m d d l e b o w m d

8 m e g e t o k y o o

Let’s Practice
Write about what you want to do if you travel to Japan. Share with your

When I go to Japan,
I want to try...

You Name: Name:

I want to

I want to
try ...


Let’s Spell
Track 44
Listen and write the words correctly.

1 mmnroeecd →

2 aioaindttrl →

3 mnkoio →

4 csmtueo →

5 mletep →

6 lyledre →

Be Creative
Track 45
Listen, circle and draw.

1 I have / haven't tried sushi because I like / don't like raw fish.

2 I'm going to Japan in the spring / winter.

Exploring Japan

Let’s Act
With your partner, talk about your experience in Japan.

No, but I'd love to try. I also

Have you ever tried sushi?
want to visit the Tokyo Tower.

Tokyo Tower


Me too! judo Sumo


Listening Comprehension Track 46

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 Owen and Gordon are both going to Japan.

2 Gordon likes sushi.
3 Owen hasn't tried sushi yet but he wants to try it.
4 Joanna is going to Japan next spring.
5 Owen is visiting the hot springs.

Adventure in
8 Australia
Vocabulary Box
Track 47
Listen and repeat.

1 Oceania 2 Attraction 3 Australia 4 Handle

5 Aquarium 6 Dingoes 7 Native 8 Sydney

9 Continent 10 Souvenir 11 Kangaroo 12 Hemisphere

13 Memory 14 Lifetime 15 Opera House 16 Koala

17 Landmark 18 Postcard 19 Canberra

Key Phrase
Track 48
Listen, match, and repeat.

1 Oceania is a continent... a. ...memories on this

• •

2 Dingoes and kangaroos • •

b. the southern
are... hemisphere.

3 We made many • •
c. a famous
lifetime... landmark.

4 You are not allowed... d. ...animals native to

• •

5 The Sydney Opera • •

e. handle the
House... animals.

6 Make sure you buy • •

f. ...souvenirs for your
some... friends.

Adventure in Australia

Let’s Search
Track 49
Listen, write, and find the words.

1 l i f e t i m e m e

2 k a n g a r o o g h

3 o a s f n a t i v e

4 a b s y d n e y n s

5 l a i t m a t o v g

6 a t t r a c t i o n

7 g a t y r o m e m m

8 u c a n b e r r a g

Let’s Practice
Play rock, paper, scissors, and say the sentence out loud.

Did you see
START is in the
belonging kangaroo kangaroos in
1 Southern


The koalas I have to buy

continent were hemisphere souvenirs for my
adorable. friends.


Let’s Spell
Track 50
Listen and write the words correctly.

1 ttecnnnoi →

2 emphhisree →

3 snovueir →

4 mmroey →

5 ltiemife →

6 rlapicto →

Be Creative
Track 51
Listen, circle, and draw.

1 I saw koalas / kangaroos in Australia. They were adorable /


2 I have to buy souvenirs for my family / friends.

Adventure in Australia

Let’s Act
Read the conversation below. What kind of souvenirs would you buy?

I have to buy souvenirs Me too. I saw a gift shop

for my friends. over there. Let's go.

Listening Comprehension Track 52

Listen to the story, write T for true and F for false. Draw the story.

1 We are in the northern hemisphere.

2 I bought souvenirs for my friends.
3 I have to buy souvenirs for my parents.
4 I made a lot of memories on the trip.
5 I am taking a ship home tomorrow.

Mr. Harris Mrs. Harris Flora

Mr. Moss Work Out 3

Mrs. Moss Luc Michelle Alice

Listening Dictation
Track 53
Listen and write each sentence correctly.

Game Time
Roll the dice and make a sentence with the word you land on. First to
get to the finish wins.
Finish Cherry Go back Go forward
Lose a Turn Aquarium Hemisphere
Start blossom four spaces two spaces

Temple Roll Again

Kimono Souvenir

Continent Shrine

Sushi Roll Again

Earthquake Traditional Roll Again Capital Opera Attraction Lose a Turn

Let’s Play BINGO!

Choose words from unit 7~8 and write them in the empty boxes below.
When you get a bingo, make sentences using the words.


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