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Golden Valley

High School 2121 East Childs Avenue

P.O. Box 2188
Merced, CA 95344
(209) 325-1800
FAX (209) 385-8002

Kevin Swartwood

Associate Principal Associate Principal Associate Principal Associate Principal

Guidance Teaching and Learning Student Services Student Services
Megan Cope Lindsay Parker Tiffany Gossman Matt Bogard

Associate Principal School Athletic Activities

Guidance Psychologist Director Director
Karie Haygood-Floriano Michelle Abella Matt Thissen Laura Fragulia


To Whom It May Concern,

I have known Viviana Ceja for more than 3 years. As her school counselor, I have had the privilege of watching Viviana mature both socially and
academically. Viviana always efforts to do her best in all of her endeavors.

Viviana is popular and well-liked by her peers and teachers. Teachers regard Viviana as polite, intelligent, and hardworking.

Viviana has done well and has maintained a 4.26 GPA through the end of her junior year. She is currently earning straight A’s and is enrolled in at
least 1 honors/AP course. Viviana regularly turns her work in on time and maintains very good attendance.

Despite COVID 19 and the need for distance education for a time, Viviana worked exceptionally hard to ensure she missed nothing from her online
lectures and assessments.

Viviana is college bound and has met or is meeting all essential requirements for university admission consideration.

Viviana has excellent social skills, works well with peers, and effectively communicates with all her teachers. She strives to build positive rapport
with both her peers and all school staff.

I would regard Viviana as a goal-oriented student. She is driven by a healthy desire to succeed. She is intelligent, talented, and focused.

Viviana regards herself as efficient, organized, and dedicated.

Viviana is community service oriented and is working to add to the hours of community service already earned. She has volunteered at a local
homeless shelter for 3 years and provided essential educational support to younger children at her church. She is the current Youth Ministry
Activities Director for her church.

I’m certain Viviana will be an asset to her college.

It is with no reservation that I recommend Viviana for university admissions.

Mr. Trujillo
GVHS Senior Class School Counselor
Class of 2022

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