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1.1 Abstract

1.2 Acknowledgement

1.3 Executive summary


2.1 Analysis of roles,tasks and responsibilities in relation to element of my degree program

2.2 How can these be adopted to enhance performance parameters within the company


Description and analysis of the company

3.1 Historical development

3.2 Mission statement and declared objectives

3.3 Financial performance

3.4 Communication and information systems

3.5 Management styles in relation to the performance of the organization


4.1 Analysis of operations of the company.

4.2 Identification and analysis of any difference between theory studied and operational practices perceived.


5.1 Description and analysis of the performance criteria and targets set for the industrial attachment program

5.2 Evaluation of internal and external supervision

5.3 Critical assessment of the experimental learning from the industrial attachment
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5.4 Recommendations
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1.2 Acknowledgement

I hereby thank God first who made this work related learning a success that is from the moment I
applied till today when am writing my report.l would also want to thank the whole family of
Kushinga Phikelela polytechnic for their warm hands and love they showed me.Worth mentioning
is my mentor Mr Mariyano whom 1 value and respect in the sense that he did a lot to me that is
guidance,tutoring,knowledge and skills through out the period of my attachment.He played the
bigger role in my attachment this is because when 1 came at first 1 didn’t know anything deep
about Information Systems 1 only knew the theory which was very difficult to apply practically
without any assistance .1 would also want to extend my gratitude to my colleagues whom 1
worked with, we helped each other solving problems and at the end of the day we would have
learned something from each other.My colleagues are Mr Siamukulule,Mr Mupisa and Mr
Mugodzeri they were also attaches but from other universities that is Zimbabwe Open
University,Midlands State University and Africa university respectively.

Lastly 1 would like to thank my family for their full support that is morally,spiritually and
financially which made all of this possible. I would like to thank any other individual who helped
me in anyway ,may God bless them all.


Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic is located in Marondera under Mashonaland East province.This

institution was established in 1981 under the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education. It was
opened by President Canaan Banana.Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic is an institution that falls
under the Department of Tertiary Educational programs.Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic currently
has enrolled one thousand eight hundred students and one hundred and twelve staff members. The
academic department has fifty eight lecturers and the Administration department which includes
the non teaching staff has a total of fifty seven employees.
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This report is all about how the student took part at Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic as an attache
that is the work done, tasks .responsibilities,challenges faced and how we overcome thermit will be
focusing critically on the evaluation of the company’s operations and their own performance .It
will also go deeper as it will review skills acquired on the industrial attachment and how 1 took
part in the process of everyday business in relation to my area of my degree program.

2.1 Analysis of roles ,tasks and responsibilities in relation to element of my degree


Information system has been defined in terms of two perspectives: one relating to its function; the
other relating to its structure. From a functional perspective; an information system is a
technologically implemented medium for the purpose of recording, storing, and disseminating
linguistic expressions as well as for the supporting of inference making. From a structural
perspective; an information system consists of a collection of people, processes, data, models,
technology and partly formalized language, forming a cohesive structure which serves some
organizational purpose or function. The functional definition has its merits in focusing on what
actual users - from a conceptual point of view- do with the information system while using it. They
communicate with experts to solve a particular problem. The structural definition makes clear that
IS are socio-technical systems, i.e., systems consisting of humans, behavior rules, and conceptual
and technical artifacts. An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated
components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support decision
making and control in an organization. In addition to supporting decision making, coordination,
and control, information systems may also help managers and workers analyze problems, visualize
complex subjects, and create new products. Three activities in an information system produce the
information that organizations need to make decisions, control operations, analyze problems, and
create new products or services.This will clear out that everything 1 have been learning pursuing
my degree was theory to what 1 am now doing at the work related learning as practical considering
all qualities being involved.
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As per my degree in Information Systems we have been learning many aspects which all apply in
work related learning but for example 1 will give emphasis on computer architecture.Computer
architecture which is a set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization, and
implementation of computer systems .This is now relating in my work related learning whereby 1
am given tasks to support computer users in the institution. This can include installing new
software, repairing hardware problems, installing new hardware, troubleshooting problems and
training employees how to use new software programs.Whenever troubleshooting a computer,it
might be hardware or software you should have the basis of computer architecture.Now the thing is
am applying computer architecture practically while back at the university we learn it
theoretically.Computer architecture goes deeper as it brings out specification describing how
hardware and software technologies interact to create a computer platform or system. When we
think of the word architecture, we think of building a house or a building. Keeping that same
principle in mind, computer architecture involves building a computer and all that goes into a
computer system. Computer architecture consists of three main categories.

System design - This includes all the hardware parts, such as CPU, data processors,
multiprocessors, memory controllers and direct memory access. This part is the actual computer

Instruction set architecture - The includes the CPU’s functions and capabilities, the CPU’s
programming language, data formats, processor register types and instructions used by computer
programmers. This part is the software that makes it run, such as Windows or r similar programs.

Micro architecture - This defines the data processing and storage element or data paths and how
they should be implemented into the instruction set architecture. These might include DVD storage
devices or similar devices.

There is a great relation to what am learning at Great Zimbabwe University and to what is in the
industry,so I see it very effective to have the work related learning whereby all knowledge which is
theoretic is now being practised practically.

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